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Introduction To HR:: Human Resource Management (HRM), A Relatively New Term

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Introduction to HR:

Human Resource Management (HRM), a relatively new term,

that emerged during the 1930s. Many people used to refer it
before by its traditional titles, such as Personnel Administration or
Personnel Management. But now, the trend is changing. It is now
termed as Human Resource Management (HRM). Human
Resource Management is a management function that helps an
organization select, recruit, train and develops.


Human Resource Management is defined as the people who staff

and manage organization. It comprises of the functions and
principles that are applied to retaining, training, developing, and
compensating the employees in organization. It is also applicable
to non-business organizations, such as education, healthcare etc.
Human Resource Management is defined as the set of activities,
programs, and functions that are designed to maximize both
organizational as well as employee effectiveness

Scope of HRM without a doubt is vast. All the activities of

employee, from the time of his entry into an organization until he
leaves, come under the horizon of HRM.
The divisions included in HRM are Recruitment, Payroll,
Performance Management, Training and Development, Retention,
Industrial Relation, etc. Out of all these divisions, one such
important division is training and development.

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT is a subsystem of an

organization. It ensures that randomness is reduced and learning
or behavioral change takes place in structured format.


Traditional Approach – Most of the organizations before never
used to believe in training. They were holding the traditional view
that managers are born and not made. There were also some
views that training is a very costly affair and not worth.
Organizations used to believe more in executive pinching. But
now the scenario seems to be changing.

The modern approach of training and development is that

Indian Organizations have realized the importance of corporate
training. Training is now considered as more of retention tool than
a cost. The training system in Indian Industry has been changed
to create a smarter workforce and yield the best results


The principal objective of training and development division is to

make sure the availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an
organization. In addition to that, there are four other objectives:
Individual, Organizational, Functional, and Societal.

Individual Objectives – help employees in achieving their

personal goals, which in turn, enhances the individual contribution
to an organization.

Organizational Objectives – assist the organization with its

primary objective by bringing individual effectiveness.

Functional Objectives – maintain the department’s contribution

at a level suitable to the organization’s needs.

Societal Objectives – ensure that an organization is ethically

and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of the
Introduction Of Training

It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge,

sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and
behaviours to enhance the performance of employees.

Training is activity leading to skilled behavior.

• It’s not what you want in life, but it’s knowing how to reach it

• It’s not where you want to go, but it’s knowing how to get

• It’s not how high you want to rise, but it’s knowing how to
take off
• It may not be quite the outcome you were aiming for, but it
will be an outcome

• It’s not what you dream of doing, but it’s having the
knowledge to do it

• It's not a set of goals, but it’s more like a vision

• It’s not the goal you set, but it’s what you need to achieve it
Training is about knowing where you stand (no matter how good
or bad the current situation looks) at present, and where you will
be after some point of time.

Training is about the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities

(KSA) through professional development.

Importance Of Training and Development

• Optimum Utilization of Human Resources – Training and
Development helps in optimizing the utilization of human
resource that further helps the employee to achieve the
organizational goals as well as their individual goals.
• Development of Human Resources – Training and
Development helps to provide an opportunity and broad
structure for the development of human resources’ technical
and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the
employees in attaining personal growth.

• Development of skills of employees – Training and

Development helps in increasing the job knowledge and
skills of employees at each level. It helps to expand the
horizons of
human intellect and an overall personality of the employees.

 Productivity – Training and Development helps in increasing

the productivity of the employees that helps the organization
further to achieve its long-term goal.

 Team spirit – Training and Development helps in inculcating

the sense of team work, team spirit, and inter-team
collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within the

 Organization Culture – Training and Development helps to

develop and improve the organizational health culture and
effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture within the

 Organization Climate – Training and Development helps

building the positive perception and feeling about the
organization. The employees get these feelings from leaders,
subordinates, and peers.

 Quality – Training and Development helps in improving upon

the quality of work and work-life.

 Healthy work environment – Training and Development

helps in creating the healthy working environment. It helps to
build good employee, relationship so that individual goals aligns
with organizational goal.

 Health and Safety – Training and Development helps in

improving the health and safety of the organization thus
preventing obsolescence.

 Morale – Training and Development helps in improving the

morale of the work force.

 Image – Training and Development helps in creating a better

corporate image.

 Profitability – Training and Development leads to improved

profitability and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation.

 Training and Development aids in organizational development

i.e. Organization gets more effective decision making and
problem solving. It helps in understanding and carrying out
organisational policies

 Training and Development helps in developing leadership

skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that
successful workers and managers usually display.
Importance Of Training Objectives
Training objectives are one of the most important parts of
training program. While some people think of training objective as
a waste of valuable time. The counterargument here is that
resources are always limited and the training objectives actually
lead the design of training. It provides the clear guidelines and
develops the training program in less time because objectives
focus specifically on needs. It helps in adhering to a plan.

Training objective tell the trainee that what is expected out of

him at the end of the training program. Training objectives are of
great significance from a number of stakeholder perspectives,
1. Trainer
2. Trainee
3. Designer
4. Evaluator

Training and Human Resource Management

The HR functioning is changing with time and with this change,
the relationship between the training function and other
management activity is also changing. The training and
development activities are now equally important with that of
other HR functions. Gone are the days, when training was
considered to be futile, waste of time, resources, and money.
Now a days, training is an investment because the departments
such as, marketing & sales, HR, production, finance, etc depends
on training for its survival. If training is not considered as a
priority or not seen as a vital part in the organization, then it is
difficult to accept that such a company has effectively carried
out HRM. Training actually provides the opportunity to raise the
profile development activities in the organization.

To increase the commitment level of employees and

growth in quality movement (concepts of HRM), senior
management team is now increasing the role of training.
Such concepts of HRM require careful planning as well as
greater emphasis on employee development and long
term education. Training is now the important tool of
Human Resource Management to control the attrition rate
because it helps in motivating employees, achieving their
professional and personal goals, increasing the level of
job satisfaction, etc. As a result training is given on a
variety of skill development and covers a multitude of

Role of HRD Professionals in Training

This is the era of cut-throat competition and with this
changing scenario of business; the role of HR professionals
in training has been widened. HR role now is:

1. Active involvement in employee education

2. Rewards for improvement in performance
3. Rewards to be associated with self esteem and self worth
4. Providing pre-employment market oriented skill development
education and post employment support for advanced education
and training
5. Flexible access i.e. anytime, anywhere training.
Training is a sub-system of the organization because the
departments such as, marketing & sales, HR, production,
finance, etc depends on training for its survival. Training is a
transforming process that requires some input and in turn it
produces output in the form of knowledge, skills, and attitudes


A System is a combination of things or parts that must work

together to perform a particular function. An organization is a
system and training is a sub system of the organization.

The System Approach views training as a sub system of an

organization. System Approach can be used to examine broad
issues like objectives, functions, and aim. It establishes a logical
relationship between the sequential stages in the process of
training need analysis (TNA), formulating, delivering, and

There are 4 necessary inputs i.e. technology, man,

material, time required in every system to produce
products or services. And every system must have some
output from these inputs in order to survive. The output
can be tangible or intangible depending upon the
organization’s requirement. A system approach to training
is planned creation of training program. This approach
uses step-by-step procedures to solve the problems.
Under systematic approach, training is undertaken on
planned basis. Out of this planned effort, one such basic
model of five steps is system model that is explained

Organization are working in open environment i.e. there

are some internal and external forces, that poses threats
and opportunities, therefore, trainers need to be aware of
these forces which may impact on the content, form, and
conduct of the training efforts. The internal forces are the
various demands of the organization for a better learning
environment; need to be up to date with the latest

The three model of training are:

1. System Model

2. Instructional System Development Model

3. Transitional model
Systematic Model Training
the system model consists of five phases and should be
repeated on a regular basis to make further improvements. The
training should achieve the purpose of helping employee to
perform their work to required standards. The steps involved in
System Model of training are as follows:

1. Analyze and identify the training needs i.e. to analyze the

department, job, employees requirement, who needs training,
what do they need to learn, estimating training cost, etc The
next step is to develop a performance measure on the basis of
which actual performance would be evaluated.
2. Design and provide training to meet identified needs. This
step requires developing objectives of training, identifying the
learning steps, sequencing and structuring the contents.

3. Develop- This phase requires listing the activities in the

training program that will assist the participants to learn,
selecting delivery method, examining the training
material, validating information to be imparted to make
sure it accomplishes all the goals & objectives.

4. Implementing is the hardest part of the system because

one wrong step can lead to the failure of whole training

5. Evaluating each phase so as to make sure it has achieved

its aim in terms of subsequent work performance. Making
necessary amendments to any of the previous stage in
order to remedy or improve failure practices.
Transitional Model
Transitional model focuses on the organization as a whole.
The outer loop describes the vision, mission and values of the
organization on the basis of which training model i.e. inner loop
is executed.

Vision – focuses on the milestones that the organization would

like to achieve after the defined point of time. A vision statement
tells that where the organization sees itself few years down the
line. A vision may include setting a role mode, or bringing some
internal transformation, or may be promising to meet some
other deadlines.

Mission – explain the reason of organizational existence. It

identifies the position in the community. The reason of
developing a mission statement is to motivate, inspire, and
inform the employees regarding the organization. The
mission statement tells about the identity that how the
organization would like to be viewed by the customers,
employees, and all other stakeholders.

Values – is the translation of vision and mission into

communicable ideals. It reflects the deeply held values of
the organization and is independent of current industry
environment. For example, values may include social
responsibility, excellent customer service, etc.
The mission, vision, and values precede the objective in
the inner loop. This model considers the organization as a
whole. The objective is formulated keeping these three
things in mind and then the training model is further
Instructional System Development Model(ISD)Model
Instructional System Development model or ISD training model
was made to answer the training problems. This model is
widely used now-a-days in the organization because it is
concerned with the training need on the job performance.
Training objectives are defined on the basis of job
responsibilities and job description and on the basis of the
defined objectives individual progress is measured. This
model also helps in determining and developing the
favorable strategies, sequencing the content, and
delivering media for the types of training objectives to be

The Instructional System Development model comprises of

five stages:

1. ANALYSIS – This phase consist of training need

assessment, job analysis, and target audience analysis.
2. PLANNING – This phase consist of setting goal of the
learning outcome, instructional objectives that measures
behavior of a participant after the training, types of
training material, media selection, methods of evaluating
the trainee, trainer and the training program, strategies
to impart knowledge i.e. selection of content, sequencing
of content, etc.
3. DEVELOPMENT – This phase translates design decisions
into training material. It consists of developing course
material for the trainer including handouts, workbooks,
visual aids, demonstration props, etc, course material for
the trainee including handouts of summary.

4. EXECUTION – This phase focuses on logistical

arrangements, such as arranging speakers, equipments,
benches, podium, food facilities, cooling, lighting, parking,
and other training accessories.

5. EVALUATION – The purpose of this phase is to make sure

that the training program has achieved its aim in terms of
subsequent work performance. This phase consists of
identifying strengths and weaknesses and making
necessary amendments to any of the previous stage in
order to remedy or improve failure practices.

The ISD model is a continuous process that lasts

throughout the training program. It also highlights that
feedback is an important phase throughout the entire
training program. In this model, the output of one phase is
an input to the next phase.

Case Study of Nestle: Training and

Nestlé is today the world’s leading food company, with a 135-year history and
operations in virtually every country in the world. Nestlé’s principal assets are not
office buildings, factories, or even brands. Rather, it is the fact that they are a
global organization comprised of many nationalities, religions, and ethnic
backgrounds all working together in one single unifying corporate culture.
Culture at Nestlé and Human Resources Policy
Nestlé culture unifies people on all continents. The most important parts of
Nestlé’s business strategy and culture are the development of human capacity in
each country where they operate. Learning is an integral part of Nestlé’s culture.
This is firmly stated in The Nestlé Human Resources Policy, a totally new policy
that encompasses the guidelines that constitute a sound basis for efficient and
effective human resource management. People development is the driving force of
the policy, which includes clear principles on non-discrimination, the right of
collective bargaining as well as the strict prohibition of any form of harassment.
The policy deals with recruitment, remuneration and training and development and
emphasizes individual responsibility, strong leadership and a commitment to life-
long learning as required characteristics for Nestlé managers.

Training Programs at Nestlé

The willingness to learn is therefore an essential condition to be employed by
Nestlé. First and foremost, training is done on-the-job. Guiding and coaching is
part of the responsibility of each manager and is crucial to make each one progress
in his/her position. Formal training programs are generally purpose-oriented and
designed to improve relevant skills and competencies. Therefore they are proposed
in the framework of individual development programs and not as a reward.
Literacy Training
Most of Nestlé’s people development programs assume a good basic education on
the part of employees. However, in a number of countries, we have decided to
offer employees the opportunity to upgrade their essential literacy skills. A number
of Nestlé companies have therefore set up special programs for those who, for one
reason or another, missed a large part of their elementary schooling.
These programs are especially important as they introduce increasingly
sophisticated production techniques into each country where they operate. As the
level of technology in Nestlé factories has steadily risen, the need for training has
increased at all levels. Much of this is on-the-job training to develop the specific
skills to operate more advanced equipment. But it’s not only new technical abilities
that are required. It’s sometimes new working practices. For example, more
flexibility and more independence among work teams are sometimes needed if
equipment is to operate at maximum efficiency. “Sometimes we have debates in
class and we are afraid to stand up. But our facilitators tell us to stand up because
one day we might be in the parliament!” (Maria Modiba, Production line worker,
Babelegi factory, Nestlé South Africa).
Nestlé Apprenticeship Program
Apprenticeship programs have been an essential part of Nestlé training where the
young trainees spent three days a week at work and two at school. Positive results
observed but some of these soon ran into a problem. At the end of training, many
students were hired away by other companies which provided no training of their
own. “My two elder brothers worked here before me. Like them, for me the Nestlé
Apprenticeship Program in Nigeria will not be the end of my training but it will
provide me with the right base for further advancement. We should have more
apprentices here as we are trained so well!” (John Edobor Eghoghon, Apprentice
Mechanic, Agbara Factory, Nestlé Nigeria) “It’s not only a matter of learning
bakery; we also learn about microbiology, finance, budgeting, costs, sales, how to
treat the customer, and so on. That is the reason I think that this is really
something that is going to give meaning to my life. It will be very useful for
everything.” (Jair Andrés Santa, Apprentice Baker, La Rosa Factory
Dosquebradas, Nestlé Columbia).
Local Training
Two-thirds of all Nestlé employees work in factories, most of which organize
continuous training to meet their specific needs. In addition, a number of Nestlé
operating companies run their own residential training centers. The result is that
local training is the largest component of Nestlé’s people development activities
worldwide and a substantial majority of the company’s 240000 employees receive
training every year. Ensuring appropriate and continuous training is an official part
of every manager’s responsibilities and, in many cases; the manager is personally
involved in the teaching. For this reason, part of the training structure in every
company is focused on developing managers’ own coaching skills. Additional
courses are held outside the factory when required, generally in connection with
the operation of new technology.
The variety of programs is very extensive. They start with continuation training for
ex-apprentices who have the potential to become supervisors or section leaders,
and continue through several levels of technical, electrical and maintenance
engineering as well as IT management. The degree to which factories develop
“home-grown” specialists varies considerably, reflecting the availability of trained
people on the job market in each country. On-the-job training is also a key element
of career development in commercial and administrative positions. Here too, most
courses are delivered in-house by Nestlé trainers but, as the level rises,
collaboration with external institutes increases. “As part of the Young Managers’
Training Program I was sent to a different part of the country and began by selling
small portions of our Maggi bouillon cubes to the street stalls, the ‘sari sari’
stores, in my country. Even though most of my main key accounts are now
supermarkets, this early exposure were an invaluable learning experience and will
help me all my life.” (Diane Jennifer Zabala, Key Account Specialist, Sales, Nestle
Philippines). “Through its education and training program, Nestlé manifests its
belief that people are the most important asset. In my case, I was fortunate to
participate in Nestlé’s Young Managers Program at the start of my Nestlé career,
in 1967. This foundation has sustained me all these years up to my present position
of CEO of one of the top 12 Nestlé companies in the world.” (Juan Santos, CEO,
Nestlé Philippines)
Virtually every national Nestlé company organizes management-training courses
for new employees with High school or university qualifications. But their
approaches vary considerably. In Japan, for example, they consist of a series of
short courses typically lasting three days each. Subjects include human assessment
skills, leadership and strategy as well as courses for new supervisors and new key
staff. In Mexico, Nestlé set up a national training center in 1965. In addition to
those following regular training programs, some 100 people follow programs for
young managers there every year. These are based on a series of modules that
allows tailored courses to be offered to each participant. Nestlé Pakistan runs 12-
month programs for management trainees in sales and marketing, finance and
human resources, as well as in milk collection and agricultural services. These
involve periods of fieldwork, not only to develop a broad range of skills but also to
introduce new employees to company organization and systems. The scope of local
training is expanding. The growing familiarity with information technology has
enabled “distance learning” to become a valuable resource, and many Nestlé
companies have appointed corporate training assistants in this area. It has the great
advantage of allowing students to select courses that meet their individual needs
and do the work at their own pace, at convenient times. In Singapore, to quote just
one example, staff is given financial help to take evening courses in job-related
subjects. Fees and expenses are reimbursed for successfully following courses
leading to a trade certificate, a high school diploma, university entrance
qualifications, and a bachelor’s degree.
International Training
Nestlé’s success in growing local companies in each country has been highly
influenced by the functioning of its international Training Centre, located near our
company’s corporate headquarters in Switzerland. For over 30 years, the Rive-
Reine International Training Centre has brought together managers from around
the world to learn from senior Nestlé managers and from each other.Country
managers decide who attends which course, although there is central screening for
qualifications, and classes are carefully composed to include people with a range of
geographic and functional backgrounds. Typically a class contains 15–20
nationalities. The Centre delivers some 70 courses, attended by about 1700
managers each year from over 80 countries. All course leaders are Nestlé managers
with many years of experience in a range of countries. Only 25% of the teaching is
done by outside professionals, as the primary faculty is the Nestlé senior
management. The programs can be broadly divided into two groups:
Management courses: these account for about 66% of all courses at Rive-Reine.
The participants have typically been with the company for four to five years. The
intention is to develop a real appreciation of Nestlé values and business
approaches. These courses focus on internal activities.
Executive courses: these classes often contain people who have attended a
management course five to ten years earlier. The focus is on developing the ability
to represent Nestlé externally and to work with outsiders. It emphasizes industry
analysis, often asking: “What would you do if you were a competitor?”
Nestlé’s overarching principle is that each employee should have the opportunity
to develop to the maximum of his or her potential. Nestlé do this because they
believe it pays off in the long run in their business results, and that sustainable
long-term relationships with highly competent people and with the communities
where they operate enhance their ability to make consistent profits. It is important
to give people the opportunities for life-long learning as at Nestle that all
employees are called upon to upgrade their skills in a fast-changing world. By
offering opportunities to develop, they not only enrich themselves as a company,
they also make themselves individually more autonomous, confident, and, in turn,
more employable and open to new positions within the company. Enhancing this
virtuous circle is the ultimate goal of their training efforts at many different levels
through the thousands of training programs they run each year.

*1) Your Organisation considers training as a part of organizational strategy. Do you agree with
this statement?
14224557 1

Strongly agree


Somewhat agree


*2) How many training programmes will you attend in a year?

14224558 1

Less than 10



More than 40

*3) To whom the training is given more in your organisation?

14224559 1

Senior staff

Junior staff

New staff

Based on requirement

*4) What are all the important barriers to Training and Development in your organisation?
14224560 1



Lack of interest by the staff

Non-availability of skilled trainer

*5) What mode of training method is normally used in your organisation?

14224562 1

Job rotation

External training


Programmed instruction

*6) Enough practice is given for us during training session? Do you agree with this statement?
14224563 1

Strongly agree


Somewhat agree


*7) The training sessions conducted in your organisation is useful. Do you agree with this
14224565 1

Strongly agree


Somewhat agree


*8) Employees are given appraisal in order to motivate them to attend the training. Do u agree
with this statement?
14224566 1

Strongly agree


Somewhat agree


*9) How long will it take to implement the trained process?

14224567 1

Less than 1 month

1-2 months

2-4 months

More than 4 months


*10) What type of training is being imparted for new recruitments in your organisation?
14224569 1

Technical training

Management training

Presentation skill

Other (Please Specify)


*11) How well the workplace of the training is physically organized?

14224570 1






*12) What Training and Development do you need to make your career aspirations to come
14224571 1
Leadership training

External Degree Study

Formal meeting procedures

Other (Please Specify)


*13) What are the conditions that have to be improved during the training sessions?
14224572 1

Re-design the job

Remove interference

Re-organize the work place

Upgrade the information of the material given during training


*14) What are the skills that the trainer should possess to make the training effective?
14224573 1

Should possess only Technical skills

People skills or Soft skills are more important than Technical skills

Generalist makes better Personnel managers that Specialist

Fond of talking to people


*15) Reason for shortage of skilled man power at workplace are:

14224574 1

Lack of planning

Lack of support from senior staff

Lack of proper guidance and training at workplace

Lack of quality education at primary and secondary level


*16) To perform other jobs in your organisation, what training or experience would you
14224575 1

Safety awareness

Negotiation skills

Machine operations

Occupational health


*17) What are the general complaints about the training session?
14224577 1
Take away precious time of employees

Too many gaps between the sessions

Training sessions are unplanned

Boring and not useful


*18) The time duration given for the training period is?
14224578 1


To be extended

To be shortened



*19) Comment on the degree to which the training objective are met during the training
14224584 1

All the objectives are met

Some objectives are met

Met according to the need

None of the objectives are met


*20) Have you ever come across any problem during the training session conducted in your
14224586 1



If yes, what is the problem, what are the relevant steps taken to solve those problem

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