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ETHICS - Course Development Plan 1

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Course Development Plan


Table of Contents

 To demonstrate strategic planning, organization, and execution behind content
creation and distribution of Ethics subject.
 To visualize the structure of the goals, and the course objectives in this
 To create what type of assessment intended in each topic and how to deliver
the content in an effective manner.

Part I: General Course Information

Part II: Course Level Objectives and Related Assessments

Part III: Course Schedule or Topical Outline

Part IV: Content Delivery Details

Part V: Interaction Plan

Part I: General Course Information

Subject Title ETHICS

G1: To emphasize the context and principles of ethical behavior in
Subject modern society at the level of individual, society, and in
Goals interaction with the environment and other shared resources.
G2: To demonstrate moral decisions using dominant moral
frameworks and applying a seven-step moral reasoning model
to analyze and solve moral dilemmas.
G3: To develop understanding and critical reflection on the ethical
moral judgment concerning the profession.

Part II: Course Objectives and Related Assessments

Course Objective (CO) Related Assessment(s)

How do you intend to assess the
“By the end of this course, students should be achievement of the objective at left?
able to…” (one CO per row) Indicate ALL assessment types that
may be connected to each CO at left.
Formative and Summative (Written
Work, Performance Task, Quarter
CO1 Differentiate moral and non-Moral problems.  Group/individual activity
 Seatwork/Quiz
 Graded Recitation
 Reflection
CO2 Describe what a moral experience is as it  Group/individual activity
happens in different levels of human  Seatwork/Quiz
existence.  Graded Recitation
 Reflection
CO3 Explain the influences of Filipino culture on  Group/individual activity
the way students look at moral experiences  Seatwork/Quiz
and solve moral dilemmas  Graded Recitation
 Essay
CO4 Describe the elements of moral development  Assignment
and moral experiences  Group/individual activity
 Graded recitation
CO5 Use ethical frameworks or principles to  Group/individual activity
analyze moral experiences  Oral Presentation
 Role Play
 Assignment
CO6 Create sound ethical moral judgments based  Assignment
on principles to analyze moral experiences  Group/individual activity
 Oral Presentation
CO7 Develop sensitivity to the common good  Assignment
 Group/individual activity
 Oral Presentation
CO8 Understand and internalize the principles  Group/individual activity
of ethical behavior in modern society at  Seatwork/Quiz
the level of person, society, and in  Oral Presentation
interaction with the environment and  Essay
other shared resources.

Part III: Topical Outline/Course Schedule

Topic Name Associated CO’s

Basic Concepts of Ethics Differentiate moral and non-Moral problems.

What are dilemmas? Describe what a moral experience is as it
happens in different levels of human
Culture in moral behavior
Describe the elements of moral development
The Stages of Moral Development
and moral experiences
Explain the influences of Filipino culture on
The Filipino Way & The Universal Values the way students look at moral experiences
and solve moral dilemmas
Use ethical frameworks or principles to
Feelings and moral decision-making analyze moral experiences

Create sound ethical moral judgments based

The Ethical requirement of reason and
on principles to analyze moral experiences

Understand and internalize the principles of

ethical behavior in modern society at the
The Difference between Reason and Will level of person, society, and in interaction
with the environment and other shared
Frameworks and Principles behind our Moral
Develop sensitivity to the common good
Disposition Frameworks
Understand and internalize the principles of
The Challenges of Pluralism and ethical behavior in modern society at the
Fundamentalism: The Search for Universal level of person, society, and in interaction
Values with the environment and other shared

Part IV: Content Delivery

Course Delivery Mode  Asynchronous Online
 Synchronous Online
Primary Sources of Content  Textbook
 Online Lecture Note
 Journal Article
Primary Forms of Delivery  Presentations: PPT, Keynote
 Images: Diagrams, infographics,
maps, equations

Part V: Interaction Plan

 Teacher and students are equally active. This type of

interaction happens when an instructor delivers information
and act as the Facilitator of learning. It provides feedback or
simply encourages or guides the learner. It also takes place
when a learner asks the instructor questions or
communicates with him or her regarding the course.
 Students are very active, teacher only receptive. This type
of interaction happens between two learners or among a
Learner-Learner group of learners studying the same course. This can
happen with or without the instructor. It allows student
collaboration and information sharing.
 Students are very active in their own way. This type
interaction takes place when students themselves obtain
information directly from learning materials. It happens
whenever they interact with the text or are deeply
engrossed with the content. Once the students access
learning materials such as multimedia, ppt, lectures and
handouts, they should be able to consume it their own
 Use Modular instruction as an alternative instructional
Students without design that uses developed instructional materials which
are based on the needs of the students. Students
any digital device at engaged themselves in learning concepts presented in the
home module. They developed a sense of responsibility in
accomplishing the tasks provided in the module.
 Use Modular instruction as an alternative instructional
Students without design that uses developed instructional materials which
are based on the needs of the students. Students
Internet connectivity engaged themselves in learning concepts presented in the
at home module. They developed a sense of responsibility in
accomplishing the tasks provided in the module.

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