2012 Effects of RT in Head and Neck
2012 Effects of RT in Head and Neck
2012 Effects of RT in Head and Neck
Neuroradiology / Neuroradiologie
The purpose of this article is to illustrate the cross-sectional imaging appearance of postradiation changes and complications of radio-
therapy in the head and neck. Radiotherapy is an important treatment modality for head and neck cancer, and is often used in conjunction
with chemotherapy. Recognition of the varied effects of radiotherapy to the head and neck region is essential to correctly interpret post-
treatment imaging and may help prevent further complication.
Le present article vise a illustrer l’aspect des complications de la radiotherapie de la t^ete et du cou et les changements observes apres une
irradiation sur les examens d’imagerie medicale. La radiotherapie est une importante methode de traitement du cancer de la t^ete et du cou,
souvent utilisee parallelement a la chimiotherapie. Il est essentiel de reconna^ıtre les divers effets de la radiotherapie de la t^ete et du cou pour
interpreter correctement les examens d’imagerie realises apres le traitement et potentiellement contribuer a prevenir d’autres complications.
Ó 2012 Canadian Association of Radiologists. All rights reserved.
Key Words: Post radiotherapy change; Head and neck malignancy; Iatrogenic complication
0846-5371/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Canadian Association of Radiologists. All rights reserved.
120 A. Bharatha et al. / Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 63 (2012) 119e128
Figure 1. (AeC) Diffuse soft tissue oedema after radiation for human papillomavirus-related left tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma. The patient received
a radical course of chemoradiation therapy. Axial (A, B) and sagittal reconstructed contrast-enhanced images (C) show diffuse skin thickening and subcu-
taneous stranding (arrow in C). There is thickening of the epiglottis (arrow in A), oedema within the pre-epiglottic fat (thick arrow in B) and oedema in the
retropharyngeal space (arrowhead in B).
T1-weighted images; axial and coronal T2 fat-saturated (FS) posttreatment change from tumour recurrence. PET-CT is
images; and postcontrast axial and coronal T1 FS imaging. becoming increasingly established in the postradiation
There has been continued progress in the application of follow up of head and neck cancer, with negative studies
physiological imaging, such as diffusion-weighted imaging having a very high negative predictive value for recurrence
[1], CT perfusion [2], MR perfusion and/or permeability, [4]. However, a detailed discussion of these functional
and molecular imaging methods such as positron emission methods is beyond the scope of this article.
tomography (PET) to the study of head and neck pathology It should be noted that to properly interpret posttreat-
[3]; these methods show great promise in differentiating ment studies, it is essential for the radiologist to be aware
Figure 2. (A, B) Confluent mucositis at the end of 70 Gy radiotherapy for a T4N2c left tonsil squamous cell carcinoma. (A) Contrast-enhanced axial computed
tomographic image, showing diffusely thickened and enhancing oropharyngeal mucosa (arrows). (B) T1W magnetic resonance image, showing the original
lesion as a focal mass centred along the left lateral oropharyngeal wall and left tonsillar bed (arrow).
Effects of radiotherapy in the head and neck / Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 63 (2012) 119e128 121
Figure 3. Soft-tissue ulceration. Contrast-enhanced axial computed tomographic image (A), showing linear soft-tissue ulceration at the right tongue base (black
arrows) 6 months after radical radiotherapy for right tongue base squamous cell carcinoma. (B) The original enhancing tumour mass (white arrow) is shown.
Figure 4. (A, B) Radiation-induced pharyngeal stenosis 4 months after postoperative chemoradiation for a T2N2B hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
The patient had a laryngohypopharyngectomy and bilateral neck dissection with forearm flap reconstruction. Contrast-enhanced sagittal computed tomographic
reformat (A), showing extensive surgical change with narrowing of the neopharynx (thin arrow) and a tracheostomy (thick arrow). Fluoroscopic swallowing
study (B), showing tight stenosis (short arrow) of the neopharynx.
122 A. Bharatha et al. / Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 63 (2012) 119e128
Mucosal Changes
Figure 7. (A, B) Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) of the left mandible (arrow) with pathologic fracture. Axial (A) and coronal reformatted (B) computed tomographic
images, showing a region of patchy lucency within the left mandibular body that contains a sequestrum. The patient was initially treated 10 years ago for a floor
of the mouth squamous cell carcinoma (SCCa), with primary excision and bilateral neck dissections. Four years earlier, he was treated with radiotherapy for
a second primary SCCa in the left tonsil. He developed sensitivity within his left mandibular teeth approximately 6 months after radiotherapy, with progressive
ORN over the past 3.5 years.
It has been shown that the tissue apparent diffusion coefficient imaged on head and neck imaging studies (Figure 6). The
(ADC) values of irradiated parotid glands are higher than diverse spectrum of imaging changes caused by radiation
preradiotherapy levels, and the normal biphasic ADC response injury to the lungs has been covered thoroughly elsewhere
to salivary stimulation (initial drop in ADC followed by and is not the focus of this article [12].
gradual increase) is lost in the irradiated glands, which
correlated with salivary function by using scintigraphy [10]. Radiation Changes in Bone
Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR (MR perfusion) of the
parotids in radiotherapy patients with symptomatic xerostomia The most common osseous abnormality seen in irradiated
displayed decreased perfusion parameters and higher time to bone is radiation-induced fatty replacement of marrow [6].
peak and peak enhancement of the irradiated glands, indicating These changes are asymptomatic and manifest as increased
gradual and prolonged accumulation and delayed washout of marrow signal on T1-weighted images. These changes can be
contrast [11]. Pituitary gland dysfunction can occur after skull- seen at doses as low as 800 cGy [13].
base radiotherapy. Imaging is usually normal in these cases [9]. At higher doses (usually >6000 cGy), radiation injury to
bone in skeletally mature patients can produce changes that have
Radiation Injury to Lungs been termed radiation osteitis, osteoradionecrosis, and radiation
necrosis. Radiation injury impairs osteoblast function and
The lung apices are often covered in radiation treatment results in decreased matrix production and resorption of bone
for head and neck malignancy, and are also often partially matrix. There is progressive endothelial cell death, thrombosis
of small vessels, and fibrosis of periosteum and marrow spaces.
On radiographic examination, initial imaging may be normal or
may show osteopenia, which is generally seen in the first year.
Next, there is a reparative response with bone deposition on
unresorbed trabeculae. This results in a mottled appearance with
areas of patchy lucency and sclerosis and coarsening of
trabeculae. These findings can resemble Paget disease, however,
without bony expansion [14].
Over time, there can be progressive necrosis and devel-
opment of bony sequestration. On CT, a mottled appearance
is typical, with patchy lucency and sclerosis, and cortical
irregularity (Figures 7 and 8). On MR, the affected bone
demonstrates mixed signal with irregular enhancement.
Pathologic fractures can be seen. The differential diagnosis
Figure 8. Left external auditory canal (EAC) osteoradionecrosis 4 years after
includes osteomyelitis, which can have a similar appearance
70 Gy chemoradiation for a T2N3M0 poorly differentiated nasopharyngeal
carcinoma. Coronal reformatted computed tomography, showing bony but which can often be distinguished clinically. The absence
erosion along the floor of the left EAC (arrows) with only mild soft-tissue of a soft-tissue mass separate from the bony abnormality can
thickening. help to distinguish osteonecrosis from tumour.
124 A. Bharatha et al. / Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 63 (2012) 119e128
Figure 9. (A, B) Cartilaginous necrosis after a total of 120 Gy to larynx from 2 separate treatments of recurrent laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCCa),
initially a T2N0 right glottic SCCa. Axial computed tomographic images through the thyroid (A) and cricoids (B) cartilages, showing mottled permeative
Figure 10. Axial (A) and sagittal (B) T2-weighted magnetic resonance images, showing right temporal lobe radiation injury (arrows) 6 years after treatment of
a T3N0 undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma, receiving approximately 70 Gy to the nasopharynx. Minor changes on left.
Effects of radiotherapy in the head and neck / Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 63 (2012) 119e128 125
Figure 11. (A, B) Bilateral temporal lobe radiation necrosis over 10 years after radiation therapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Axial fluid-attenuated inversion
recovery (A) and postcontrast T1 (B) images, showing signal alteration and enhancement in both temporal lobes, greater on the right. Findings had been stable
on multiple prior examinations.
skull base. In patients with nasopharyngeal cancer who had often a diagnostic challenge, in the setting of head and neck cancer
skull-base radiation and developed radiation injury to brain, (typically nasopharyngeal cancer), the location, bilaterality, and
involvement is bilateral in approximately two-thirds [9]. imaging appearance of temporal lobe radiation injury is often
Temporal lobe radiation injury usually occurs after high-dose characteristic. The brain is frequently normal before treatment,
(>5000 cGy) therapy, at a median interval of 5 years. On and direct invasion and hematogenous metastases to brain are rare.
pathologic examination, there is oedema, demyelination, Nevertheless, functional techniques such as MR spectroscopy,
reactive gliosis followed by cavitation and necrosis. The perfusion, and PET imaging may have value in distinguishing
most common imaging finding is white matter T2-signal radiation necrosis from tumour and infection. MR spectroscopy
hyperintensity, which corresponds to myelin rarefaction, may show reduction in N-acetyl-aspartate and choline, a lactate
gliosis, and oedema, particularly when accompanied by mass peak may be present, and a 2.4-ppm peak, which may represent
effect (Figure 10). Grey matter lesions also occur but are less succinate, may be present. PET imaging tends to show higher
marked [16]. Frank radiation necrosis is characterized by metabolic activity in recurrent tumours, but overlap exists [9,17].
heterogeneous white matter changes, foci of low T2 signal Radiation-induced optic neuropathy is a rare but devas-
and/or hemorrhage, cystic areas, and enhancement (Figure 11). tating complication. It is thought to be a result of radiation
The imaging changes tend to remain static or progress slowly. necrosis of the anterior visual pathway. It generally results in
Steroid treatment is used to reduce oedema. acute, profound, irreversible vision loss 12e18 months after
In contrast to treated brain malignancies, in which dis- radiotherapy. Cumulative doses higher than 5000 cGy or
tinguishing between radiation necrosis and recurrent tumour is single doses higher than 1000 cGy are usually needed. The
Figure 12. Radiation-induced optic neuropathy. Coronal T2 (A) and T1 postcontrast (B) images, showing subtle signal change, enlargement, and focal
enhancement along the left optic nerve (arrows). The patient was 4 years postradiotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the left forehead. No other signs of
disease recurrence and the findings regressed slightly on follow up.
126 A. Bharatha et al. / Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 63 (2012) 119e128
Figure 13. (A, B) Axial gradient-recalled echo T2-weighted images, showing foci of susceptibility artifact (arrows in A, B) compatible with cavernous
most characteristic finding is enhancement of the optic nerve neoplasm, in the adult head and neck literature, the two most
(Figure 12). T1 and T2 signal is often normal, although commonly reported radiation-induced neoplasms are sarcomas
occasionally swelling and oedema will be seen in the acute and squamous cell carcinomas. For a diagnosis of radiation-
phase. In the chronic phase, optic atrophy takes place. induced neoplasm to be made, the neoplasm must be within
Radiation-induced lower cranial nerve injury is uncommon. the radiation field, must differ in histology from the treated
The mechanism is not well defined. Compression caused by primary, must occur with higher prevalence in radiation therapy
fibrosis surrounding the carotid sheath has been implicated.
Another complication of radiotherapy is the development
of vascular lesions, which have been described as telangi-
ectasias and cavernous malformations. Their development
seems to be more common in pediatric patients but can be
seen in adults. These may represent the sequela of attempted
recruitment of collateral vessels because of radiation-induced
small-vessel occlusion, and subclinical hemorrhage. Often,
these lesions have the typical appearance of cavernomas with
blooming on gradient and susceptibility weighted images
(Figure 13). They are frequently asymptomatic [13].
Large Vessel Disease
Figure 15. (A, B) Radiation-induced carotid pseudoaneurysm and blowout. T3N0 Supraglottic squamous cell carcinoma initially treated with radical radio-
therapy (65 Gy in 35 fractions) followed by total laryngectomy 6 months later for local recurrence (clear margins, nodes negative). (A) Sagittal enhanced
computed tomographic (CT) image performed 1 year after radiotherapy, showing subtle irregularity of the common carotid artery compatible with early
radiation vasculopathy and/or pseudoaneurysm. (B) Follow-up sagittal enhanced CT image, showing enlargement of pseudoaneurysm. The patient subsequently
died from complications of carotid blowout. At autopsy, there was no evidence of tumour recurrence.
Figure 16. Coronal (A) and sagittal (B) T2 fat-saturated images of the neck in a Cantonese woman with a radiation-induced left neck low-grade fibrosarcoma
(arrows), 12 years after radiotherapy for a right nasopharyngeal carcinoma with metastatic neck lymphadenopathy (T2N2).
128 A. Bharatha et al. / Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 63 (2012) 119e128
Figure 17. Axial computed tomography (A) and coronal T2 fat-saturated (B) of a radiation-induced chondroblastic osteosarcoma of the right posterior
maxillary alveolus (arrows). Note aggressive periosteal reaction in (A). The mass developed 17 years after cranial radiotherapy for acute lymphoblastic
leukaemia at age 2 (18 Gy in 10 fractions).
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