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Machine Learning Process Lifecycle: Talat@amii - Ca Luke@amii - Ca Shazan@amii - Ca Sankalp@amii - Ca

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Machine Learning Process Lifecycle

Talat Iqbal, Luke Kumar, Shazan Jabbar, Sankalp Prabhakar

University of Alberta, Applied Scientists, Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute
talat@amii.ca​, ​luke@amii.ca​, ​shazan@amii.ca​, ​sankalp@amii.ca

Machine Learning has been gaining a lot of popularity due to its usefulness and its
ability to learn from the data. Unlike regular software development, where the
development lifecycle of a software has been well studied, the machine learning
solution development is a fairly new and less understood process. Developing a
machine learning solution is usually exploratory, and closely tied with the problem that it
addresses and the associated data.

What is MLPL ?
MLPL stands for ‘Machine Learning Process Lifecycle’ and is a framework that captures
the iterative process of developing a Machine Learning solution for a specific problem.
Defining and understanding the business domain and the data related to that problem
plays a key role in coming up with a good ML solution. As previously mentioned, ML
solution development itself is very much an exploratory and experimental process
where different learning algorithms and methods are tried before arriving at a satisfiable
solution. And almost always, back and forth passes between different stages of this
whole process from understanding the problem to coming up with an ML solution is
required to meet the business expectations. MLPL tries to capture this dynamic
workflow between different stages and the sequence in which these stages are carried

Where does MLPL fit ?

When business organizations develop new software systems or introduce new features
to existing systems, they go through two major phases: 1) Business analysis - making
assessments and business decisions regarding the value and feasibility of a new
software product or feature; and 2) Product development - develop the solution, usually
following one of the existing software development methodologies, and put it in the
production. However, when an organization thinks about adopting machine learning to
complement their current software products or services and to address a fresh business
problem, there is an additional exploration phase between the business analysis and
the product development phases. This exploration phase is usually ad-hoc and to
streamline this process, we propose an iterative methodology called Machine Learning
Process Lifecycle.

Machine Learning Process Lifecycle is an iterative methodology to execute this Machine

Learning exploration task. This is an attempt to generalize the process so that it is
flexible and modular enough to be applied to different problems in different domains and
at the same time have enough modules to arrive at a solution.

What does an ML Exploration Process entail ?

In an ideal scenario, the organization would want to know what are the different
answers that I can get before introducing the ML solution into a system. Although all
questions cannot be answered, there are a few questions that this exploration process
should be able to answer. The ML solution might not always be the best solution and
sometimes, traditional methods that you were using to solve the exact problem might be
a better fit but at least you will be able to answer the following questions.
1. Can Machine Learning address my business problem?
2. Is there a supporting data ?
3. Can algorithms take advantage of the data ?
4. What is the value added by introducing Machine Learning ?
5. What is the technical feasibility of arriving at a solution with Machine Learning ?

At the end of this exploration, if one is able to answer the above questions, then the
exploration process is in the right direction.

What MLPL does not capture ?

When the organization thinks about Machine Learning, the very first thing that an
organization does is to perform some sort of business analysis. This involves,
identifying business workflows, business problems, resource assessment, identifying
tasks and decision points which an ML solution would fit right in and bring business
value. This part of the overall adaptation of ML into a business process is something
that MLPL doesn’t capture. Furthermore, there is another phase that happens after the
exploration is done, where one goes into the phase of developing the solution as a
tangible component into your product or service, deploying it into production and
maintaining it. This phase is also not captured on MLPL. MLPL only deals with the
exploration phase where different methods are tried to arrive at a proof-of-concept
solution which can be later adapted to develop a fully-fledged productionable

Why do we need MLPL?

We have seen an overview of what MLPL captures and what it does not. But why do we
need a process to capture an exploration task that is usually deemed ad-hoc. There are
a few important reasons of why we need MLPL.

Risk Mitigation​: The MLPL standardize the stages of an ML project and defines
standard modules for each of those stages, thereby minimizing the risk of missing out
on important ML practices. A good to have check-list is always handy to identify if some
of the modules have been implemented or at least not-missed.

Standardization: Standardizing the workflow across teams through an end-to-end

framework enables the users to easily build and operate machine learning systems
while being consistent and allows the inter-team tasks to be carried out smoothly.

Tracking: This probably might be one of the most important motivations to introduce
MLPL into your ML exploration workflow. MLPL allows you to track the different stages
and the modules inside each of the stages. This being an exploration task, there are a
lot of throwaways in different stages that will never be used in the final ML solution but
have been invested in. These throwaways are required to be tracked to document the
resources that has been spent on them and to know the lessons learnt for any future

Reproducibility: Having a standardized process allows us to build pipelines for

creating and managing experiments that can be compared and reproduced for future.

Scalability: A standard workflow will also allow us to manage multiple experiments

Governance: Well defined stages and modules for each of these stages will help in
better audits to assess if the ML systems are designed appropriately and operating

Communication: A standard guideline helps in setting the expectations and effectively

facilitate communication between teams about the workflow of the projects.


There are 4 stages in the exploration task.

1. Business Understanding and Problem Discovery (BUPD) ​- This stage

identifies a business problem by understanding the business requirements and
defines a machine learning problem that would help in addressing the business
problem. For example, the business problem is to make existing customer
consume more content on my streaming methods. One possible way is to
recommend them with smart choices about what to consume next.
2. Data Acquisition and Understanding (DAU) - The second stage would be to
explore the data is available and identifying the abilities and restrictions with the
data to use it for machine learning. This would involve an in-depth analysis of the
data and its potential.
3. Machine Learning Modelling and Evaluation (MLME) - The third stage is the
stage where the magical machine learning algorithms come into the process. A
lot of the time, organizations start with this stage assuming this is the only portion
of the process that needs to be done to arrive at a solution, but at some point
they must go back to the previous two stages as both these stages are critical
before thinking about what machine learning algorithm(s) to use and their
4. Delivery and Acceptance (D&A) - This is the final stage where we validate if the
machine learning problem is addressing the initial business problem. This stage
is not encountered frequently since, especially if there is good communication
among all the stakeholders and a clarity in defining the problem. An ideal project
should arrive at this only once, but given how quickly a project evolves for
various reasons, there is a possibility that this stage might have to be revisited
many times.

Business Understanding and Problem Discovery

Few key aspects to be taken care of during this stage are:

● Objectives​: Identify business objectives that machine learning techniques can

● Problem Definition: Discover the machine learning problem that would help
solve the business problem. Sometimes, there is one exact problem to address
one machine learning problem and sometimes and bunch of machine learning
problems together address the business problem.
● Data sources: Identify existing data resources. In the real world, the data
typically comes from different sources and has been combined from these
sources. Identifying what are the different data sources will help in better
narrowing down the data that can be useful. Data sources can be proprietary
in-house data, publicly available data or the data that can be bought from third
● Current practices: Identify what business process or practices are in place that
are addressing the business problem in the current setting. The business
problem could be completely a new one or it could be an existing one.
● Development Environment: Define development and collaborative environment
(code/data repos, programming languages, etc.).

● Communication​: Agree on methods of communication and the frequency of

● Milestones​: Define milestones, timelines and deliverables. Sometimes it’s not
feasible to arrive at definite milestones, given this is an exploration task. But
thinking in that direction will help in more structural approach.
● Resources: Identify the resources that will be required. The resources can be
time, money, data engineers / analysts/ scientists or computational resources.
● Stakeholders​: Identify internal/external stakeholders and their roles. There are
usually multiple stakeholders who should be a part of this process continuously.
Management team that decided that ML approach should be tried, a technical
team that is actively exploring the solution, teams that would own the different
stages of exploration and third parties associated with the development and
deployment of the final solution. All the teams involved in each of the stages of
MLPL should be on the same page.
● Constraints​: Identify the constraints that are acceptable for the problem. Do we
need machine learning solutions that are interpretable? Is there any part of data
that should be removed due to privacy concerns?

By the end of this stage, we would have identified and defined our goals and other
aspects that will help us understand the problem better and dive deeper into
subsequent stages of MLPL. Any form of tools, worksheets that can be helpful can be
used at this stage.

Data Acquisition and Understanding

● Acquisition​: Acquiring the data is an important task. After all, the whole concept
of using machine learning is because of data. At this point, we should be in a
situation to have identified the data sources and gathered the data. Once the
data sources have been identified, we would want to combine the data sources
that help answer the questions defined in the objectives and then consolidate the
raw data. In some cases, combining the data sources might not be trivial and
requires in-depth domain knowledge and expertise to find out how to align the
data and combine them into one data source.
● Cleaning​: In the real world, the data is usually corrupt due to various reasons.
Inaccurate readings from sensors, inconsistencies across various readings and
invalid data are some of the data issues that you might find in data. A thorough
analysis on how to fix these values with the help of a domain and data expert
should be carried out.
● Processing​: Data that is read is still not consumable by the machine learning
process. Data pre-processing might involve various techniques such as
normalization, standardization or scaling of the data.
● Pipeline​: Set up a process to score new data or refresh the data regularly as part
of an ongoing learning process
● Exploratory Data Analysis: Engage in exploratory data analysis to gain
understanding about the data. Understanding the data is very important and
could lead to better design and selection of machine learning process. Also, it
gives an in-depth understanding of what could be useful information for further

● Feature Engineering: Feature Engineering is a continuous process and would

occur in various stages of a machine learning process. In the Data
Understanding phase, feature engineering might be to identify the features that
are irrelevant and do not add any information. For example, in high dimensional
data, are there any signals whose variance is close to 0?
● Data Split: The data should be split in such a way that there is a portion of data
called ‘training data’. Training data is used for training the QuAM and there is a
separate portion of data called ‘test data’ to evaluate how good the QuAM is.


● Algorithm Selection: Algorithm Selection is a process of narrowing down a suite

of algorithms that would suit the problem and data. With many algorithms across
various domains in machine learning, narrowing down helps us to focus on
certain selected algorithms and working with them to arrive at a solution.
● Feature engineering: This part of feature engineering focuses on preparing the
dataset to be compatible with the machine learning algorithm. Data
transformation, dimensionality reduction, handling of outliers, handling of
categorical variables are some examples of feature engineering techniques.
● QuAM/Model Training: ​Once an algorithm has been selected and data prepared
for the algorithm, we need to build the QuAM. A QuAM is the combination of an
algorithm and data. In the machine learning world, a QuAM is also referred to as
a model. The training part includes using the training data to generalise the
QuAM. Hyperparameter tuning involves identifying the best parameters suited for
the algorithm and finding the optimal model.

● Evaluation​: Identifying the evaluation criteria is an important task. How we

define the success criteria and the tolerance of making mistakes will determine
what the success criteria will look like. If identifying the matching values is the
only criteria, then accuracy is a good enough measure. If there is a cost
associated with identifying false positive or false negatives, then other measures
such as precision and recall can be used. These will be discussed further in this
● Refinement​: Refine the model by identifying the best parameters for each of the
algorithms on which you have trained the QuAM. This step is called
hyper-parameter tuning.

Delivery and Acceptance:

This is the stage where we confirm if the machine learning problem is addressing the
business problem. Having a conversation with the client is very important to understand
if the business problem is addressed. From the delivery perspective, an ML solution is
to be delivered to the client. The solution could be in one or all three of the forms below.

1. Prototype: Source code of the prototype is provided along with readme and
dependency files on how to use the prototype. The prototype need not
necessarily be a production level code but should be clean enough with
comments and relatively stable so that the engineering teams can take it and use
it to build a product around it.
2. Documentation: A good documentation always accompanies a prototype. Some
of the technical details should be listed and explained.
3. Project Report: This is a complete list of methodologies used and decisions
taken along the lifetime of the project and the reason behind those decisions.
This gives a high level idea of what was achieved in the project.

● Knowledge Transfer: Identify in-house training required for understanding ML

solution and present it to the client. This is the appropriate time to clarify all the
questions that would arise regarding the ML solution and a feedback checkpoint
with the business prior to incorporating the ML solution into full operation.
● Handoff: Turn over all materials to client, so that the client could take it from
here and execute it.

ML Exploration - Expectation vs Reality

Whenever we do a project, irrespective of the domain or field, all the stakeholders

involved would want their projects to tread smoothly and with little obstacles. But this is
usually not the case. Specially, if your project is an exploration task, then definitely we
should expect a lot of such obstacles.

What we expect is shown above but what typically happens is shown in the below
picture. The picture shows how frequently that we would have to apply the brakes on
what we do and go back to one of the previous stages or modules in the same stage.
This switch to a different stage/module is what we call as a lifecycle switch. A lifecycle
switch forces you to revisit some of the modules that you have already done, because
remember, it's all about the original business problem. If any changes happen midway,
there is a high chance that the other components already visited before might change.
One example shown below is that, while doing the EDA, it was identified that the data
for only one season was available while trying to develop a universal model for the
whole year. In such a case, we would have to acquire more data but there is a
possibility that the addition of more has changed a lot of properties of the data. How we
compute the missing values, the assumptions we made earlier for data processing and
cleaning would also change. Therefore, it is required that we move sequentially without
skipping some of the modules.
Reasons for a Life-cycle Switch

● Business objectives change

● Problem defined does not address the business goals
● Data does not address the ML problem
● Data is insufficient
● ML exploration goes in the wrong direction
● ML exploration doesn’t give sufficiently good results

Final words

We introduced MLPL, our framework to execute an iterative process when developing

machine learning solutions. We discussed different stages of the MLPL that one should
go through and introduced sub-components/modules to pay attention to in each of the
stages before arriving at a final ML solution. As explained previously, development of an
ML solution to a business problem is an iterative and exploratory process and requires a
few back-and-forth hops between different stages of the MLPL. This understanding will
be key to set the right expectations among the stakeholders involved in the project and
to execute a successful ML project in your organization.

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