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To Seismology Exercise 1: X X y y

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Introduction to seismology Exercise 1

1) Assume two monochromatic plane waves propagating in x-direction: a) P.wave

ux=Axsin(kx-wt) and b) S-wave uy=Aysin(kx-wt). Calculate in both cases the elements of
stress and strain tensors. Assume that it is possible to observe the vertical component of
the curl. The rotation rate around a vertical component is given as the time derivative of
the curl applied to the displacement field. How is the rotation rate related to the
transverse acceleration (S-wave)? Would the P-wave contribute to the curl?

2) Express the vp/vs ratio as a function of Poisson’s ratio defined as: σ= .
2(λ + μ )
Calculate the vp/vs ratio for σ=0.3.

3) The 2003 Hokkaido earthquake (M8.1) lead to a maximum horizontal displacement of

1.5cm for Love waves of approximately 25 seconds period. Estimate the maximum
dynamic strain induced by the passing wavefield for a horizontal phase velocity of 5km/s.

4) (From Shearer: Seismology). The university of California is running an observatory that is

measuring deformations:

a) at 5km depth the seismic velocities are vp=6km/s, vs=3.5km/s and the density is
2700kg/m3. Calculate the values of the Lamé parameters in Pascal.
b) After the Landers earthquake 1992 (M7.3) the following deformations were
measured 80km to the north of the observatory: e11=-0.26x10-6, e12=-0.69x10-6,
e22=0.92x10-6. Indices 1 and 2 correspond to East and North, resp. Calculate –
assuming that these values are also true at depth – the changes in stress at 5km
depth with the results from (a). Treat this is a 2D problem and neglect stress in
vertical direction.
c) Calculate the dominant stress directions (horizontal as azimuth over North).
d) The yearly deformation rates were measured as: e11=0.101x10-6, e12=0.005x10-6,
e22=-0.02x10-6. Assume that this deformation continues for 1000 years. Calculate
the stress change at 5km depth (without hydrostatic stress).
e) A farmer owns 1km2 near the observatory. How much land does he win or loose
every year? How much land did he win or loose with the Landers earthquake?

5) A volcano with approximate dimensions 5x5x5km (not accounting for topography)

deforms in z-direction only. The change in volume is 0.001%. What is the vertical

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