Jamesbury 4000
Jamesbury 4000
Jamesbury 4000
2 3
2 ISO bonnet pad for
standardized mounting of
1 1 actuators and accessories.
For 2" (DN 50) full bore and 2-1/2" (DN 65) standard port, refer to page 6.
All constructions marked comply with MSS SP-25.
For 1/2" – 2" (DN 15 – 50) Standard Port and 1/2" – 1-1/2" (DN 15 – 40) Full Port Series 4000
• Self aligning
• Engineered for optimum
stem seal performance
1/2" – 2" (DN 15-50) Standard Port, 2-1/2" (DN 65) Standard Port,
1/2" – 1-1/2" (DN 15-40) Full Port Valves 2" (DN 50) Full Port Valves
Temperature ˚C Temperature ˚C
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Carbon steel
Carbon steel body rating for
175 body rating for ASME B16.34
1/2" – 1" (1/2" – 3/4") Class 400.
2400 ASME B16.34
DN 15 – 25 (15 – 20)
Class 800.
2200 1100
1-1/4" – 2" (1" – 1-1/2") 150
X DN 32 – 50 (25 – 40)
Maximum Differential Pressure, bar
1000 70
Maximum Differential Pressure, psi
1600 800
100 50
1400 700
1200 600
Z Saturated
1000 500 temperature Steam
M limit for M
800 400 carbon steel
600 limit for
Saturated 300
carbon Steam
400 steel 200
U R T 10
200 20 U T
100 B
0 0
-60 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 -60 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
-20 -20
Temperature ˚F Temperature ˚F
Metal-Seated Valves
Temperature ˚C
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Maximum Differential Pressure, psi
1/2" – 2" (DN 15 – 50) STANDARD PORT 2-1/2" (DN 65) STANDARD PORT
1/2" – 1-1/2" (DN 15 – 40) FULL PORT VALVES 2" (DN 50) FULL PORT VALVES
4 Holes øL on a H
øM Bolt Circle
4 Holes øL on a øM 17
Bolt Circle
52 52 54 ØR
S 21
12 19 16 6 S
16 4 20 25
19 8
20 18 25 29 X T 1
4 G
8 J 26 F
G 6 31
T F 5
2 ØE
3 22 B
3 B
13 13 Y
13 13
Approximate Dimensions - mm
Valve Screwed End & Butt Weld Common Dimensions Approx.
Size Socket Weld Valves Valves Weight
DN A B A B D E F G H J L M R S T X Y kg
Standard Port
15 66 33 71 36 52 13 27 41 127 60 M5 36 8 5 33 – 10 0.9
20 76 38 85 43 57 18 31 45 127 64 M5 36 8 5 36 – 13 1.2
25 94 47 99 50 66 22 42 66 165 84 M5 42 13 8 51 – 13 2.2
32 107 54 116 58 72 25 45 69 165 87 M5 42 13 8 54 – 13 2.9
40 116 58 137 69 85 32 53 84 203 108 M6 50 16 9 65 – 13 4.4
50 130 65 150 75 93 38 57 89 203 113 M6 50 16 9 69 – 16 5.8
65 164 82 – – 114 51 89 127 356 – 1/2-13 76 22 16 111 137 16 11.6
Full Port
15 66 33 71 36 52 13 27 41 127 60 M5 36 8 5 33 – 10 0.9
20 94 47 99 50 66 22 42 66 165 84 M5 42 13 8 51 – 13 2.4
25 107 54 116 58 72 25 45 69 165 87 M5 42 13 8 54 – 13 3.1
32 116 58 137 69 85 32 53 84 203 108 M6 50 16 9 65 – 13 4.7
40 130 65 150 75 93 38 57 89 203 113 M6 50 16 9 69 – 13 6.2
50 157 78 157 78 114 51 89 127 356 – 1/2-13 76 22 16 111 137 16 11.5
Non Fire-Tite 2" (DN 50) Full Port and 2-1/2" (DN 65) Standard Port Valves
Body Material
Part No. Part Name
Carbon Steel (22) 316 Stainless Steel (36)
1 Body Carbon steel ASTM A216 Type WCB 316 Stainless steel ASTM A351 Type CF8M
2 Body Cap Carbon steel ASTM A216 Type WCB 316L Stainless steel ASTM A351 Type CF3M
3 Ball 316 Stainless steel
4 Stem 316 Stainless steel or 17-4 PH Stainless steel (PEEK-seated valves)
5 Seat Xtreme seats, PTFE, PEEK, UHMW PE, as specified
6 Body Seal Spiral wound 316 Stainless steel graphite/PTFE, EPT (UHMWPE seated valves)
8 Stem Seal PTFE, TFM (Xtreme-Seated Valves), UHMW PE (UHMW PE-seated valves)
12 Indicator Stop 316 Stainless steel
16 Stem Nut Carbon steel Stainless steel
17 Handle Ductile Iron
19 Shakeproof Washer Carbon steel
21 Compression Ring 316 Stainless steel
22 Identification Tag Stainless steel
24 Stem Bearing Filled PTFE (Xtreme and PTFE seats) same as seat material for PEEK and UHMW PE Seats
25 Hex Cap Screw** ASTM A193 Gr. B7, B7M, A320 Gr. L7M ASTM A193 Gr. B7, B8, A453 Gr. 660
52 Body Bolt/Tie Rod** ASTM A193 Gr. B7, B7M, A320 Gr. L7M ASTM A193 Gr. B7, B8, A453 Gr. 660
53 Hex Nut** ASTM A194 Gr. 2H, 2M, 7M ASTM A194 Gr. 2H, 2M, A453 Gr. 660
54 Weld End Tag Paper
** A193 Gr. B7 Body Fasteners unless otherwise specified.
Xtreme (X) and TFM (Z) Seated Standard-Port Valves Metal (D) Seated Standard-Port Valves
(Full-port sizes in parentheses) (Full-port sizes in parentheses)
Maximum Differential Pressure - bar Maximum Differential Pressure - bar
25 50 75 100 125 5 10 15 20 25
90 25
2-1/2" (2") / DN 65 (DN 50)
80 25
70 N
(D 15
") 8
60 1/
2 10
1" (3/4") & 1-1/4" (1") / DN 25 (DN 20) & DN 32 (DN 25)
2" 75 6
1/2" & 3/4" (1/2") / DN 15 & DN 20 (DN 15) 6
N 32)
40 N4 0 (D
") / D 50 3 4
" (1-1/4
30 3
(DN 2 2
(1") / DN 32
20 1-1/4"
25 2
N 20)
DN 25 (D
1" (3/4") /
10 3/4" / DN 20
40 40)
0 (DN 50
30 ") / DN 5
2" (1-1/2
N 32
DN 40 (D
/4") / 25)
" (1-1 2 (DN 20
1-1/2 " ) / DN 3
" (1
1-1/4 N 20
10 D N 25 (D
9 /4" )
8 1" (3 10
6 0)
/ (DN 2
5 (3/4" )
4 5
3 15 (D N 15)
/2 ") / DN
1/2" (1
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Maximum Differential Pressure - psi
PEEK (L) Seated Standard-Port Valves Delrin (R) Seated Standard-Port Valves
(Full-port sizes in parentheses) (Full-port sizes in parentheses)
2-1/2" (2") 100 2-1/2" (2") 40)
DN 65 (DN 50) 0( DN
200 80 DN 65 (DN 50)
1/2") /2") 100
Recommended Actuator Torque - FT•LBS
50 (DN 40)
40 (DN 40) 50
40 2" (1-1/2") / DN 50
2" (1-1/2") / DN 50 (DN 32)
30 30 1/ 2" (1 -1 /4") / DN 40
40 (DN 32)
1-1/2" (1-1/4") / DN 25)
20 20 32 (DN
") / DN
1-1/4" (1
(DN 25) 20 20
1-1/4" (1") / DN 32
20) 0)
1" (3/4") / DN 25 (DN 10 D N 25 (DN 2
9 9 1" (3/4") /
8 3/4" / (DN 20) 10 8
3/4 / (DN 20)
" 10
7 ) 7
DN 15 (DN 15 6
6 1/2" (1/2") / )
5 DN 15 (DN 15
5 1/2" (1/2") /
4 5 4 5
3 3
2 2
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Maximum Differential Pressure - psi Maximum Differential Pressure - psi
Metso offers a full line of integrally designed actuators for For further information on actuators for Series 4000 valves,
automated systems and for easier control of inaccessible see the following:
or remote valves. Pneumatic actuators that include double-
Type Bulletin
acting and spring-return piston, vane, and rack and pinion
Quadra-Powr® QPX Spring Diaphragm Actuators A110-4
units, spring-diaphragm types, and electric actuators are
Valv-Powr® VPVL Rack and Pinion Actuators A111-5
available for all valves. Electric actuators are available
V-Series Electric Actuators A200-1
with both watertight and hazardous location enclosures.
ADC-Series Electric Actuators A201-1
Bonnet Extensions Round Handles H
SE-096, 097 & 098
Series 4000 ball valves have
4" (102 mm) bonnet extensions optional round handles available. A
are available for applications that To order handles separately, specify
require insulated pipe, which are the part number shown in the Centerline of Valve
particularly useful for automated accessories table below.
products. Bonnet extensions can
also be used to prevent
Oval handles
interference between actuators
with slide-lock
and companion pipelines and 4" (102 mm)
equipment. They are ideal for units Optional oval handle saves space A
that require locking lever or and may be padlocked to retain
locking oval handle capability. the valve in the open or closed
position. Centerline of Valve
Stem Extensions
SE-093, 094 & 095 Stainless steel linkages for
Jamesbury ISO Actuators
A standard 4" (102 mm) stem
extension is offered for Series 4000 • Self aligning
valves (1/2" – 2") for improved 4" (102 mm) • Engineered for optimum stem
accessibility, particularly when seal performance
used in insulated pipelines. Stem Cavity Fillers
extension kits can be ordered
Cavity fillers are available in 4000
factory-mounted or shipped
series valves. The fillers are PTFE
separately for field mounting.
material when ordered with a TT
seat and seal code and Xtreme
material when ordered with a XT
seat and seal code. Cavity fillers
are used in processes where cross
contamination is a concern. Food
processing, pharma-chemicals,
cosmetics, paints, solvents, finishes
and dyes are typical applications
where fillers are employed.
Series 4000 valves are available in types that meet the following ISO 7-1 Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are
industry specifications. made on the threads -- Part 1: Dimensions,
tolerances and designation
Specification Description MSS SP-25 Standard Marking System for Valves
ASME B1.20.1 Pipe Threads MSS SP-55 Quality Standard for Steel Fittings for Valves
ASME B16.11 Steel Fitting Socket Welding & Thread MSS SP-72 Ball Valves with Flanged or Buttweld End
ASME B16.25 Buttwelding Ends NACE MR0103 Materials Resistant to Sulfide Stress Cracking
ASME B16.34 Valves-Flanged and Buttwelding Ends in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments
ASME B31.1 Power Piping ISO 5211 Industrial Valves – Part-turn actuator attachment
ASME B31.3 Chemical Plant & Petroleum Refining Piping
ASME B31.4 Liquid Petroleum Piping Flow Data
API 598 Valve Inspection & Testing
API 607 Fire Test for Soft-seated Valves (Div. of Refining) The table below provides flow coefficients, Cv, of Series
API 608 Metal Ball Valves - Flanged, Threaded and 4000 valves. The Cv values represent the flow of water at
Welding End +60˚F through the valve in U.S. gallons per minute at a
BS 21 Specification for pipe threads for tubes and pressure drop of 1 psi.
fittings where pressure-tight joints are made on
Valve Size Standard port Full port
the threads (metric dimensions) Cv* Cv*
Inches DN
DIN 2999-1 Pipe threads for tubes and fittings; parallel 1/2 15 13 13
internal thread and taper external thread; 3/4 20 33 40
tread dimensions 1 25 44 65
ISO 17292 Metal Ball Valves for petroleum, 1-1/4 32 46 90
petrochemical and allied industries 1-1/2 40 95 135
2 50 111 251
Valve Body Ratings 2-1/2 65 216 —
These are the maximum working pressure ratings of the *Cv =1.167 Kv.
valve body only. The seat ratings on page 4 determine the Maximum Leakage Rates
practical pressure limitation in actual service. Working All series 4000 valves are factory tested with air. Polymeric
pressure rating is at -20˚F to +100˚F (-29˚C to +38˚C). seated valves are verified to be bubble tight using 100 psi
air. Metal seats are also tested with air to ensure that leakage
does not exceed the rates shown below.
Leakage Rate - scfm at
Valve Size - inches Differential Pressure
Standard Version - Body Rating Standard Port Full Port 100 psi 200 psi 300 psi
1/2 1/2 5.0 7.0 8.6
Working Pressure - 3/4 — 7.0 9.9 12.1
Valve Size* Body Material: Carbon Steel and
316 Stainless Steel 1-2 3/4 – 1-1/2 9.0 12.7 15.5
Inches DN psi bar — 2 11.0 14.0 17.0
1/2 – 1 15 – 25 Leakage Rate - m3/hr
2500 172 Valve Size - DN
(1/2 – 3/4) (15 – 20) Differential Pressure
1-1/4 – 2 32 – 50 Standard Port Full Port 7 bar 14 bar 20 bar
2250 155
(1 – 1-1/2) (25 – 40)
15 15 8.5 11.9 14.6
2-1/2 65
1000 69 20 — 11.9 16.8 20.6
(2) (50)
25 – 50 20 – 40 15.3 21.6 26.3
*Full-port sizes in parentheses
— 50 18.7 23.8 28.8
ASME Class 800 1/2" – 2" (DN 15 – 50) Standard Port ASME Class 400 2-1/2" (DN 65) Standard Port
Temperature 1/2" – 1-1/2" (DN 15 – 40) Full Port 2" (DN 50) Full Port
Carbon Steel Stainless Steel Carbon Steel Stainless Steel
˚C bar bar bar bar
-29 to +38 136 132 68.3 66.2
100 124 113 61.9 56.2
150 120 103 60.3 51.2
200 117 95 58.5 47.6
250 112 89 55.7 44.4
Body Fasteners
4 Special Service 9
– (no entry if standard) Bolts or Tie Rods Nuts
N NACE MR0103 w/exposed body fasteners 1 ASTM A193 Gr. B7 ASTM A194 Gr. 2H
O Oxygen 2 ASTM A194 Gr. 8, 8C, 8F, 8M,
ASTM A193 Gr. B8 or B8M2
Q Cavity Filler (Xtreme w/ XT, PTFE w/ TT) 8MN, 8N, 8P, or 8T
V High vacuum 51
ASTM A193 Gr. B7M ASTM A194 Gr. 2HM
VC High vacuum certified 71 ASTM A320 Gr. L7M ASTM A194 Gr. 7M
C Chlorine 81 ASTM A453 Gr. 660 ASTM A453 Gr. 660
TG Top Ground * For 1/2" – 2" (DN 15 – 50) standard port and 1/2" – 1-1/2" (DN 15 – 40)
STGR Top and Bottom Ground full bore valves
LA Standard Emission Pak® w/o Leakoff Connection ** For 2" (DN 50) full bore and 2-1/2" (DN 65) standard port only.
LL Standard Emission Pak® with Leakoff Connection 1 Exposed bolting options for NACE MR0103 service.
2 Requires high strength stem.
3 Valves larger than 1" (DN 25) are CE marked.
4 Not a self-relieving seat design.
5 Seats fully rated to CL800 pressure up to 100°F.
TFM is a registered trademark of Dyneon Co.
Delrin is a registered trademark of DuPont Co.
Subject to change without prior notice.
NOTE: As the use of the valve is application specific, a
Metso Flow Control Inc. number of factors should be taken into account when
Europe, Vanha Porvoontie 229, P.O. Box 304, FI-01301 Vantaa, Finland. selecting a valve for a given application. Therefore, some
Tel. +358 20 483 150. Fax +358 20 483 151 of the applications in which the valves are used are
North America, 44 Bowditch Drive, P.O. Box 8044, Shrewsbury, MA 01545, USA. outside the scope of this document. If you have any
Tel. +1 508 852 0200. Fax +1 508 852 8172 questions concerning the use, application or
South America, Av. Independéncia, 2500- Iporanga, 18087-101, Sorocaba-São Paulo Brazil. compatibility of the valve with the intended service,
Tel. +55 15 2102 9700. Fax +55 15 2102 9748/49 contact Metso Automation for more information.
Asia Pacific, Haw Par Centre #06-01, 180 Clemenceau Avenue, Singapore 239922.
Tel. +65 6511 1011. Fax +65 6250 0830
China, 11/F, China Youth Plaza, No.19 North Rd of East 3rd Ring Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, China.
Tel. +86 10 6566 6600. Fax +86 10 6566 2583.
Middle East, Roundabout 8, Unit AB-07, P.O. Box 17175, Jebel Ali Freezone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Tel. +971 4 883 6974. Fax +971 4 883 6836