Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions: Instructions For Authors
Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions: Instructions For Authors
Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions: Instructions For Authors
The Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions (JANE) focuses on the religions of the Ancient Near East:
Egypt, Mesopotamia, Syria-Palestine, and Anatolia, as well as adjacent areas under their cultural
influence, from prehistory through the beginning of the common era. JANE defines Ancient Near Eastern
civilization broadly as including not only the Biblical, Hellenistic and Roman world but also the impact
of Near Eastern religions on the western Mediterranean. JANE is the only peer-refereed journal
specifically and exclusively addressing this range of topics, and is intended to provide an international
scholarly forum for studies on all aspects of ancient religions. JANE welcomes submissions that introduce
new evidence, revise old understandings, and advance debates on ancient Near Eastern ideas and
practices of the otherworldly.
Online Submission
The Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions uses Editorial Manager, a web based submission and peer
review tracking system. All manuscripts should therefore be submitted online at
First-time users of EM need to register first. Go to the website and click on the "Register Now" link in the
login menu. Enter the information requested. During registration, you can fill in your username and
password. If you should forget your Username and Password, click on the "send login details" link in the
login section, and enter your e-mail address exactly as you entered it when you registered. Your access
codes will then be e-mailed to you. When submitting via the website, you will be guided stepwise
through the creation and uploading of the various files.
A revised document is uploaded the same way as the initial submission. The system automatically
generates an electronic (PDF) proof, which is then used for reviewing purposes. All correspondence,
including the editor’s request for revision and final decision, is sent by e-mail.
Please make sure to consult the Instructions to Authors prior to submission to ensure your submission is
formatted correctly.
the reviewers are, and that reviewers do not know the names of the author(s). When you submit your
article via Editorial Manager, you will be asked to submit a separate title page that includes the full title
of the manuscript, the names and complete contact details of all authors, the abstract, keywords, and
any acknowledgement texts. This page will not be accessible to the referees. All other files (manuscript,
figures, tables, etc.) should not contain any information concerning author names, institutions, etc. The
names of these files and the document properties should also be anonymized.
Contact Address
For any questions concerning the journal, please contact Professor Abraham Winitzer (Notre Dame), e-
mail: For questions concerning Editorial Manager, authors can contact the Brill EM
Support Department at:
Submission Requirements
Because the journal is intended for an unusually diverse scholarly audience, articles must make clear
what issue in the study of religion is at stake. We welcome highly specialized articles but they must
explain where the article’s arguments fit into a larger picture, and end with some assessment of what has
been learned. The introduction and conclusion should be intelligible to scholars who are not specialists
in the subject under investigation.
Manuscripts will be accepted in English. Spelling (British or American) should be consistent throughout.
An author's priority should be consistency; transliteration of words and proper names in Greek, Arabic,
Hebrew, etc., should be consistent throughout. In general, please consult The Chicago Manual of Style,
16th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2010; also available online at for guidance.
Special Characters
Ideally all diacritics should be in Unicode. For writers unfamiliar with Unicode, all characters that do not
appear in the standard Roman alphabet (i.e., accented letters, diacritical marks) should be very plainly
Transliteration of Hebrew
Manuscript Structure
Wide margins of at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) are to be left on all edges of the page. All parts (abstract, body,
footnotes, etc.) must be double-spaced and numbered consecutively.
The first page of the manuscript should carry the full title of the article and the name and affiliation of
the author, followed by the Abstract.
The remaining manuscript should be arranged in the following sequence:
Main article (with footnotes), bibliography or reading list (if any), appendices (if any), figure captions (if
any), tables (if any), and figures.
Acknowledgements should be addressed as a non-numbered footnote which will appear before the first
Abstracts should not exceed 150 words in English and include a concise description of the article’s
hypothesis, methods, main sources, and results.
Authors should provide keywords.
1 Introduction
The text.
Notes should be numbered consecutively throughout the text and follow any punctuation marks, such as
a period or comma, within the text. References should be included within the notes (but any Reading
List or Bibliography can be presented as the final section of the paper). Take care as to ensure that each
footnote reference appears in the appropriate position in the text.
Please italicize matter that is intended to be italicized.
Direct quotations of fewer than twenty-five words should be enclosed in double quotation marks (“ ”)
and run on in the text. Double quotation marks should also be used for titles of articles from journals
and reference works. Single quotation marks (‘ ’) are used to enclose words and phrases within double
quotation marks.
Block Quotations
Larger sections of quoted text (i.e. anything over twenty-five) should be set off from other text by adding
a blank line above and below the section and indenting the entire quotation 1.5 inches from the left.
These larger sections, or block quotations, are not enclosed in quotation marks.
Upon acceptance, a PDF of the article proofs will be sent to the each author/ the designated author by e-
mail to check carefully for factual and typographic errors. Authors are responsible for checking these
proofs and are strongly urged to make use of the Comment & Markup toolbar to note their corrections
directly on the proofs. At this stage in the production process only minor corrections are allowed.
Authors’ alterations in excess of 10% of the original composition cost will be charged to authors. Proofs
should be returned within one week of receipt.
A PDF file of the article will be supplied free of charge by the publisher to authors for personal use. Brill
is a RoMEO yellow publisher. The Author retains the right to self-archive the submitted (pre-peer-review)
version of the article at any time. The submitted version of an article is the author's version that has not
been peer-reviewed, nor had any value added to it by Brill (such as formatting or copy editing). The
Author retains the right to self-archive the accepted (peer-reviewed) version after an embargo period of
12 months. The accepted version means the version which has been accepted for publication and
contains all revisions made after peer reviewing and copy editing, but has not yet been typeset in the
publisher’s lay-out. The publisher’s lay-out must not be used in any repository or on any
website (
Consent to Publish
Transfer of Copyright
By submitting a manuscript, the author agrees that the copyright for the article is transferred to the
publisher if and when the article is accepted for publication. For that purpose the author needs to sign
the Consent to Publish which will be sent with the first proofs of the manuscript.
Open Access
Should the author wish to publish the article in Open Access he/she can choose the Brill Open option.
This allows for non-exclusive Open Access publication under a Creative Commons license in exchange
for an Article Publication Charge (APC), upon signing a special Brill Open Consent to Publish Form.
More information on Brill Open can be found on