Rigid Pavement Joint Design - 2020 - QRDC
Rigid Pavement Joint Design - 2020 - QRDC
Rigid Pavement Joint Design - 2020 - QRDC
175 micron
Effective modulus Plastic Sheet
of subgrade
reaction of
Effective modulus
CBR of Thickness of Dry combined
of DLC, MPa/m Poisson's Ratio of Radius of relative
compacted 8 Lean Concrete 100 250 foundation of 220 0.15 0.876
subgrade, % (Table 4/ IRC Concrete, Mu stiffness, m
subbase, mm subgrade +
granular sub-base
and DLC sub-
base , MPa/m 37
Load Transfer DLC
Effective modulus Efficiency 0
Max. day-time
of subgrade PQC : 28-day 28-day Flexural Factor for TDC
Effective CBR of Temperature
reaction of Comprehensive strength of analysis, Beta
compacted 8 50 Differential in slab, 19 40 4.4 0.66 Drainage Layer 15
subgrade, % foundation, strength of cement cement concrete, = 0.66 for
C (for bottom-up 0
MPa/m (Table 2/ concrete, MPa MPa dowel Joints,
cracking) 0.90 for joints
IRC 58:2015)
without dowels 15
GSB as Separation Layer
Effective modulus
Temperature 500mm of Sungrade with
Thickness of of Untreated Elastic Modulus of Trial Thickness of min. CBR >8%
Differential in slab, Unit weight of
Granular Subbase, 150 Subbase, MPa/m 70 6 Concrete, Ec 30000 25 Concrete Slab, h, 0.370
C (for top-down Concrete, kN/m3
mm (Table 3/ IRC (MPa) m
cracking) = day-
time diff/2 + 5
Frequency (%) Frequency (%) BUC _ TDC_ Frequency (%) BUC _ TDC_
Mid-Point of BUC _ TDC_ Mid-Point of Mid-Point of
Load Group Frequency (%) (If no Survey Load Group Frequency (%) (If no Survey Expected Expected Load Group Frequency (%) (If no Survey Expected Expected
Load Group Expected Expected Load Group Load Group
(kN) (From Survey) Data (kN) (From Survey) Data Repetitions Repetitions (kN) (From Survey) Data Repetitions Repetitions
(kN) Repetitions (ni) Repetitions (ni) (kN) (kN)
available)# available)# (ni) (ni) available)# (ni) (ni)
185-195 190 0.0 5.0 49876 40640 380 - 400 390 0.0 2.5 41564 33867 530-560 545 0.0 2.5 24938 20320
175-185 180 0.0 5.0 49876 40640 360 - 380 370 0.0 2.5 41564 33867 500-530 515 0.0 2.5 24938 20320
165-175 170 2.0 5.0 49876 40640 340 - 360 350 0.0 5.0 83127 67733 470-500 485 0.0 2.5 24938 20320
155-165 160 3.0 5.0 49876 40640 320 - 340 330 0.0 5.0 83127 67733 440-470 455 0.0 5.0 49876 40640
145-155 150 10.0 5.0 49876 40640 300 - 320 310 0.0 5.0 83127 67733 410-440 425 0.0 5.0 49876 40640
135-145 140 12.0 5.0 49876 40640 280 - 300 290 1.0 5.0 83127 67733 380-410 395 1.0 5.0 49876 40640
125-135 130 10.0 10.0 99753 81280 260 - 280 270 6.0 5.0 83127 67733 350-380 365 4.0 10.0 99753 81280
115-125 120 20.0 15.0 149629 121920 240 - 260 250 10.0 10.0 166255 135467 320-350 335 5.0 10.0 99753 81280
105-115 110 16.0 20.0 199506 162560 220 - 240 230 28.0 15.0 249382 203200 290-320 305 26.0 15.0 149629 121920
95-105 100 10.0 20.0 199506 162560 200 - 220 210 25.0 15.0 249382 203200 260-290 275 30.0 15.0 149629 121920
85-95 90 7.0 5.0 49876 40640 180 - 200 190 18.0 25.0 415637 338667 230-260 245 16.0 25.0 249382 203200
< 85 80 10.0 0.0 0 0 < 180 170 12.0 5.0 83127 67733 < 230 215 18.0 2.5 24938 20320
# Author Recommendation to include Overlaod Case too
Mid-Point of BUC _ Allowable Mid-Point of BUC _ Allowable Fatigue Mid-Point of BUC _ Allowable Fatigue
Flex Stress Stress Ratio Fatigue Flex Stress Stress Ratio Flex Stress Stress Ratio
Load Group Expected Repetitions Load Group Expected Repetitions Damage Load Group Expected Repetitions Damage
MPa (SR) Damage (ni/Ni) MPa (SR) MPa (SR)
(kN) Repetitions (ni) (Ni) (kN) Repetitions (ni) (Ni) (ni/Ni) (kN) Repetitions (ni) (Ni) (ni/Ni)
190 49876 2.32 0.52 273556 0.18 390 41564 1.64 0.37 Infinity 0.00 545 24938 2.43 0.55 125203 0.20
180 49876 2.25 0.51 499665 0.10 370 41564 1.60 0.36 Infinity 0.00 515 24938 2.35 0.53 220669 0.11
170 49876 2.19 0.49 1046390 0.05 350 83127 1.56 0.35 Infinity 0.00 485 24938 2.27 0.51 438220 0.06
160 49876 2.12 0.48 2724021 0.02 330 83127 1.52 0.34 Infinity 0.00 455 49876 2.19 0.49 1045398 0.05
150 49876 2.05 0.46 10597957 0.00 310 83127 1.48 0.33 Infinity 0.00 425 49876 2.10 0.48 3429666 0.01
140 49876 1.98 0.45 Infinity 0.00 290 83127 1.43 0.32 Infinity 0.00 395 49876 2.02 0.46 22603375 0.00
130 99753 1.91 0.43 Infinity 0.00 270 83127 1.39 0.31 Infinity 0.00 365 99753 1.94 0.44 Infinity 0.00
120 149629 1.84 0.42 Infinity 0.00 250 166255 1.35 0.31 Infinity 0.00 335 99753 1.86 0.42 Infinity 0.00
110 199506 1.77 0.40 Infinity 0.00 230 249382 1.31 0.30 Infinity 0.00 305 149629 1.77 0.40 Infinity 0.00
100 199506 1.70 0.38 Infinity 0.00 210 249382 1.27 0.29 Infinity 0.00 275 149629 1.69 0.38 Infinity 0.00
90 49876 1.64 0.37 Infinity 0.00 190 415637 1.23 0.28 Infinity 0.00 245 249382 1.61 0.36 Infinity 0.00
80 0 1.57 0.35 Infinity 0.00 170 83127 1.18 0.27 Infinity 0.00 215 24938 1.52 0.34 Infinity 0.00
Total BUC 0.35 0.00 0.43
190 40640 1.17 0.27 Infinity 0.00 390 33867 1.19 0.27 Infinity 0.00 545 20320 1.14 0.26 Infinity 0.00
180 40640 1.14 0.26 Infinity 0.00 370 33867 1.16 0.26 Infinity 0.00 515 20320 1.11 0.25 Infinity 0.00
170 40640 1.11 0.25 Infinity 0.00 350 67733 1.13 0.25 Infinity 0.00 485 20320 1.08 0.24 Infinity 0.00
160 40640 1.08 0.24 Infinity 0.00 330 67733 1.10 0.25 Infinity 0.00 455 40640 1.05 0.24 Infinity 0.00
150 40640 1.05 0.24 Infinity 0.00 310 67733 1.06 0.24 Infinity 0.00 425 40640 1.02 0.23 Infinity 0.00
140 40640 1.02 0.23 Infinity 0.00 290 67733 1.03 0.23 Infinity 0.00 395 40640 0.99 0.22 Infinity 0.00
130 81280 0.98 0.22 Infinity 0.00 270 67733 1.00 0.23 Infinity 0.00 365 81280 0.95 0.22 Infinity 0.00
120 121920 0.95 0.22 Infinity 0.00 250 135467 0.97 0.22 Infinity 0.00 335 81280 0.92 0.21 Infinity 0.00
110 162560 0.92 0.21 Infinity 0.00 230 203200 0.94 0.21 Infinity 0.00 305 121920 0.89 0.20 Infinity 0.00
100 162560 0.89 0.20 Infinity 0.00 210 203200 0.90 0.20 Infinity 0.00 275 121920 0.86 0.19 Infinity 0.00
90 40640 0.86 0.19 Infinity 0.00 190 338667 0.87 0.20 Infinity 0.00 245 203200 0.83 0.19 Infinity 0.00
80 0 0.83 0.19 Infinity 0.00 170 67733 0.84 0.19 Infinity 0.00 215 20320 0.80 0.18 Infinity 0.00
Total BUC 0.00 0.00 0.00
Skematic Drawing
4.5 m
3.5 m
Load Transfer % at Terminal Stage 0 (30% for Tied Shoulder, otherwize, ZERO)
Wheel Load for Dowel Design 95 KN
% of Load Transfer through the Dovel Bar 50 ( 50 for 100% Joint Efficiency)
Load to be transferred, P 47.5 KN (Load shared by the dowels within l distance)
Pt = 17.48
150 200 200 200 76 (Symbolic Sketch only )
y2 y3
1 y0 Dowel Bar No. Ordinate
1 y0 1.000
2 y1 0.772
3 y2 0.543
4 y3 0.315
5 y4 0.087
6 y5 0.000
7 y6 0.000
Sum 2.717
Pt 17.48 (Maximu Force on Bar 1)
Dia. of Dowel
Bar 38
Dia. of Dowel
Bar 38
155 155
105 105
Increase length by 100mm for Loss of Bond due to painting and another 50mm for tolerance in placement
Provided Length of Bar 650 mm
Skematic Drawing
Dia. of Tie
Bar 12 650