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History of Number Theory

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History of number theory.

 Most areas of mathematics go from inception to

maturity within at most a century. But in number theory there are questions
that were formulated more than 2000 years ago (such as whether any odd
perfect numbers exist) that have still not been answered. Of the principles
that have been established in number theory, a great many were first
revealed by explicit experiments. From its inception in classical ×,
through its development in the 1600s to 1800s, number theory was largely
separate from other fields of mathematics. But starting at the end of the
1800s, increasing connections were found to other areas of both continuous
and discrete mathematics. And through these connections, sophisticated
proofs of such results as Fermat’s Last Theorem - open for 350 years - have
been constructed. Long considered a rather esoteric branch of mathematics,
number theory has in recent years grown in practical importance through its
use in areas such as coding theory, cryptography and statistical mechanics.
Properties of numbers and certain elementary aspects of number theory have
also always played a central role in amateur and recreational mathematics.
And as this chapter indicates, number theory can also be used to provide
many examples of the basic phenomena discussed in this book.


The early Greek mathematicians (before 500 BCE) knew only the (positive)
integers and their quotients (rational numbers). Numbers were both an area
of academic study and a source of mysticism. The discovery of irrational
numbers, those that could not be written as quotients of integers, was a
major psychological and intellectual blow. Even after this traumatic event,
the Greek mathematicians continued to place the integers in an exalted
role. Plato says, "Arithmetic" [the study of numbers] "has a very great and
elevating effect, compelling the mind to reason about abstract number."

Until recently, Number Theory continued to hold the same pride of place as
the most beautiful, most "pure," and least applicable of the fields of
mathematics. As both art and intellectual training, it has been part of
education and research for thousands of years. The early 20th century
mathematician G. H. Hardy took great pride in the belief that number theory
was the height of both beauty and uselessness.

Cryptology, the study of encoding messages that could be read only by the
intended recipient, is as old as warfare and political intrigue. The
obvious and historical methods relied on a two-way key. The writer of the
message used the key to encode it, and the recipient used the same key to
decode it. Some keys were harder than others to guess, or "crack," but all
keys had the disadvantage that they must somehow be communicated between
sender and recipient. On the way, they could be stolen.

In the 1970s, a different system of cryptography was invented. In this

system, there are two different keys, one to encode, or encrypt, and the
other to decode, or decrypt. The encryption key can be public; only the
decryption key need be kept private, and only one party needs to have it.
This is the kind of system currently in widest use. It was about this time
that the internet began to gain importance, and it has become one of the
largest users of encryption. It turns out that Number Theory, specifically
the branch involving prime numbers, is the major tool in making these
encryptions systems work. Number Theory is not so useless after all.

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