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Ad Cemtex M: High Performance Expanding & Plasticizing Admixture

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ad cemtex M formerly “Admix CEMTEX M” ADMIXURES FOR CONCRETE

High performance expanding & plasticizing admixture

ad cemtex M is an admixture for cementitious grout ad cemtex M is packed in 3 kg bag, ready to be mixed
when an expansion is required. ad cemtex M is highly with 50 kg bag of cement.
recommended for use in bedding, cable grouting, filling
cracks, jointing, duct grouting, and void filling. ad STORAGE
cemtex M produces controlled expansion in cement grouts 12 months after manufacturing date in original and non-open
and maintains high water retention. ad cemtex M also packaging , under cover, in dry condition, away from humidity,
allows reduction of water content which increases compressive protected from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight.
strength of the grout. Weberad cemtex M may be used in
conjunction with certain other sodamco-weber additives,
prior trials are required.
The product contains very fine powder which, when mixed
with water, release alkalis that could be harmful to the skin. It
PROPERTIES is preferable that the application be done in a ventilated
• Expanding effect area, and to wear protective gear for hands, eyes and
• Suitable for mortar and concrete respiratory system and to avoid breathing of the dust.
• Water reducer which improves grout strength Splashes on the skin should be washed away by cleaning
• Ready to be mixed with 50 kg cement bag thoroughly with soap and water. In case of contact with
• Plasticizing effect for a free flowing grout eyes, wash thoroughly with clean water and seek medical
• Does not contain metallic iron: no risk of corrosion or attention. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting and seek
deterioration due to rust expansion in the grout medical attention. The product is non-flammable.

Composition Specific additives. While the company guarantees its products against defective
Appearance Off white powder. materials, the use and application of these products are
Chloride content NIL made without guarantee since the conditions of their application
Expansion 1% to 5%, depending are beyond its control. It is recommended to verify with the
on type of cement company that the product is suitable for the intended use,
and that this Data Sheet version is the latest one. The company
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE may modify it without prior notice. Technical characteristics
When used in cement grout are listed for guidance only. For more information, please
Prepare a homogenous mixture with 50 kg cement + 15 to 17 contact the company’s office in your location.
liters of potable water + 3 kg ad cemtex M. Mix well for
few minutes until the admixture has been completely NOTE
dispersed. The grout should be poured within 20 minutes of The information included on this Technical Data Sheet is the
mixing. sole property of SODAMCO Holding. The unauthorized disclosure,
The cavity to be filled must be clean, sound, dust free, and use, dissemination or copying (either whole or partial) of this
free from oil. Injection equipment can be used for cement data sheet or any information it contains, is prohibited and
grouting. subject to legal pursuit.
The work area should be protected from direct sunshine or
high wind. PG: 37

When used in concrete

3 kg of ad cemtex M should be added for each batch of
ready-mix concrete containing 50 kg portland cement. Mix
well for an additional 4 minutes to achieve complete dispersion
of the admixture.
The concrete should be placed immediately.
The work area should be protected from direct sunshine or
high wind.

1/1 Technical data sheet . Edition: 10.17-A www.sodamco-weber.com

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