Myz Artefatos
Myz Artefatos
Myz Artefatos
Artifacts are the most valuable things the PCs can below. If you want to root the artifact more firmly
find. These rare functional items from the Old Age in the environment, you can draw the card without
can give them power over other mutants, bring showing it and describe the surroundings, before
knowledge to the People, and even show the way handing the card over. A third option is that you
to Eden. simply choose which artifact a PC finds.
The text on all of the Artifact Cards in the Mu- The title on the Artifact Card (or the entry on
tant: Year Zero Card Deck is repeated here, and the table) tells you what the artifact is, while the rest
some of the more intricate artifacts are described of the text describes the item without mentioning
in more detail. its name. When a PC gets an Artifact Card, have the
How PCs can find and understand how to use player first read the description without revealing
artifacts is explained in Chapter 8. the headline. It’s fun for the other players to guess
what the artifact is before it is revealed. That the
HANDLING ARTIFACTS players realize what an artifact is doesn’t mean that
You as GM decide when and where a PC may find the PCs do.
an artifact. When the PCs explore a new sector in
the Zone a Stalker can use the Find the Path skill to
find artifacts, but remember that you are not bound
by this roll. You can also let the PCs find artifacts in
other places, like in a settlement or carried by an NPC.
If you don’t have access to the Mutant: Year
Use artifacts as a reward for exploration, but Zero Card Deck, you can roll D666 on this
also to create drama and tension within and around table instead of drawing a card to randomly
the group of PCs. Artifacts are powerful and valu- determine what artifact a PC finds.
able things – whoever finds an artifact will gain D666 Artifact
influence over others, but also risks becoming a 111–114 Air Mattress
target for NPCs or other PCs.
115–122 Antidepressants
123–126 Assault Rifle
Normally, you let the player who finds an artifact 131–134 Automobile
draw an Artifact Card or roll on the artifact table
GAmemaster’s Section
14 243–246
255–262 Dress Any mutant who finds an artifact is supposed to
263–266 Energy Pills hand it over to the Dawn Vault, for the good of the
311–314 Flashlight People (page 113). These days, far from all mutants
315–322 Flare Gun
follow that rule, but the general principle is still
there and helps the development of the Ark – each
323–326 Gas Mask
artifact handed in gives a bonus to the Ark’s DEV
331–334 Generator
level. Use this to place PCs in moral dilemmas –
335–342 Guitar should they help themselves or act for the common
343–346 Hand Grenade good?
351–354 Hockey Helmet
355–362 Hunting Rifle K KAIR MATTRESS
This motor-driven carriage is s rust-ridden wreck,
but it can be repaired. With a successful Jury-Rig K KBATTERY
roll, a Gearhead can get it running again. The en- A heavy lump of metal that the Old Ones used to
gine can run on gasoline or on booze (one dose per connect to machines to make them work. There still
Zone sector traveled). seems to be some power in it…
Effect: The car can carry five mutants, increases Effect: Used to power other artifacts that require
the movement rate in combat and cuts the electrical power. Can be recharged with a
time it takes to explore a sector in the Zone Generator (the artifact or the project).
by half. It can also be used to escape from DEV Requirement: Technology 10
threats or to ram enemies. How vehicles work DEV Bonus: Technology +D6
is fully explained on page 94. Gear Bonus: +3.
Armor Rating: 3. Resilience: 1. K KBICYCLE
This rust-infested old vehicle from the Old Age is
simple yet ingenious in its design. It has two thin
wheels, a handlebar and pedals. The rubber tires
are thick and rugged – perfect for navigating the
FIXING THE DECK Zone terrain.
Even if you let the players draw random Effect: The bicycle can carry one mutant, in-
Artifact Cards, you can remove cards that creases the movement rate in combat and
you don’t want the players to find from cuts the time it takes to explore a sector in
the deck. In particular, you might initially
want to remove the three artifacts that tie
into the game’s metaplot: the Cassette
the Zone by half. It can also be used to es-
cape from threats. How vehicles work is fully
explained on page 94. Gear Bonus: +2. Resil-
Player, the Video Camera and the ID Card. ience: 1.
When the players have all three, they can DEV Requirement: Technology 10
find the location of Eden. The Diary also DEV Bonus: Technology +D6
provides some information about Eden,
but doesn’t help to reveal its location. K KBINOCULARS
Read more about this in Chapter 16. A strange metal object made of two connected tubes
If you don’t have access to the Arti- with pieces of glass inside each. If you look through
fact Cards and want to keep certain arti- the tubes, everything around you looks much big-
facts off-limits, we recommend that you ger. Useful for watching enemies at a distance.
simply decide what artifacts the PCs find.
GAmemaster’s Section
Effect: Gear Bonus +3 to the Scout and Find the from the Old Age and receive radio signals, if
Path skills. Light item. anyone is still transmitting…
DEV Requirement: Technology 10 DEV Requirement: Technology 20
DEV Bonus: Technology +D6 DEV Bonus: Technology +D6, Culture +D6
Comment: This artifact can help the PCs find
K KBOW & ARROW Eden. Read more in Chapter 16.
The People can create bows, but not like this one.
It is constructed in some type of ancient material,
and packs a massive punch.
Effect: Gear Bonus +2 to the Shoot skill. Weapon
damage 1, Long range. Needs arrows.
DEV Requirement: —
DEV Bonus: Technology +1, Warfare +1
A strange, oblong vehicle made of dented metal. It
has two seats and two plastic paddles tucked away
Effect: The canoe can carry up to four mutants
over water and can be used to explore coastal K KCHAINSAW
sectors of the Zone. It can be used to escape This rattling monster of a contraption can be
from threats on water, and gives a +2 Gear wielded as a melee weapon to horrible effect. But
Bonus to the Move skill in such situations. starting the engine takes a full turn and requires a
Resilience: 1. dose of gasoline or booze.
DEV Requirement: — Effect: Wielded as a weapon, the chainsaw gives
DEV Bonus: Technology +1 you a +2 Gear Bonus and has weapon damage
3. Heavy item.
K KCASSETTE PLAYER (METAPLOT) DEV Requirement: Technology 10
A cracked and yellowed plastic contraption with DEV Bonus: Technology +D6
buttons and knobs and a lid along one side. Inside,
there is a piece of plastic with two holes in it. On K KCOMIC BOOK
top of the device a thin metal rod is mounted. A booklet made of brittle old paper from the Old
Effect: Requires a Battery or Generator (the arti- Age. You can hardly turn the yellowed pages with-
fact or the project) to work. Can play music out tearing them apart. They show images of mus-
cular men and women in tights, fighting each other.
The fashion sense during the Old Age was clearly
very odd.
Effect: None. Tiny item.
DEV Requirement: —
SCRAP DEV Bonus: Culture +D6
There are a lot of things from the Old Age
lying around in the Zone that aren’t use- K KCOMPASS
ful artifacts. Such items are called scrap. A piece of plastic with a dial on it. A needle spins
You can let the PCs find scrap anywhere. and points in the same direction no matter how you
Make up something appropriate for the turn. The Old Ones used this device to find their
location, or let the players roll on the way in the wilderness.
scrap table at the end of the book.
HOW MANY ARTIFACTS? protects you against gases and gives you
Don’t let the PCs find too many artifacts Protection Rating 3 against the Rot.
too soon. Artifacts should be rare and val- DEV Requirement: Technology 20
uable. As a general rule, don’t let the PCs DEV Bonus: Technology +D6
find more than one or two artifacts per
session, in total. You can let some NPCs K KDRESS
have artifacts, but that should also be a A large and wide piece of clothing in thin, ancient
rare occurrence – NPCs’ artifacts have a cloth that still glitters despite decades of dirt and
tendency to end up in the hands of the dust. The cloth hardly covers your upper body at
PCs. And if the PCs still would come a all, but hangs around your legs and makes it hard
across a large amount of artifacts – re- to walk. Very impractical – but pretty.
member that others will try to get their Effect: Gear Bonus +2 to Manipulate. Does not
hands on them… count as an item when you wear it.
DEV Requirement: Culture 10
DEV Bonus: Culture +D6
DEV Requirement: Culture 20 A heavy pistol with a cartridge in the barrel. This
DEV Bonus: Culture +D6 weapon cannot be loaded with normal bullets.
Effect: The gun fires a brightly burning flare into
K KDIVING GEAR the air, which can be seen several sectors
A full-body suit in a rubbery material from the Old away. You can use the flare gun as an artifact
Age. The strange suit comes with shoes like the too. Gear Bonus +2, weapon damage 2, short
feet of a frog, a plastic facemask and a rusted metal range.
cylinder with tubes and gauges. DEV Requirement: Technology 10
Effect: Heavy item. It gives you Gear Bonus +3 DEV Bonus: Technology +D6
to using the Move skill underwater. It also
GAmemaster’s Section
K KGAS MASK Effect: Light item. You throw the grenade using
This crusty old black rubber mask covers your en- the Shoot skill. It has no Gear Bonus and the
tire face and has a big filter in front of your mouth. range is Short. If the attack succeeds, the gre-
The mask is worn and scratched, but still works. nade lands within Near range of the target, if
Effect: Light item. Protects you against gases and not it lands within Short range. The explosion
gives you Protection rating 3 against the Rot. has Blast Power 9 and weapon damage 2.
DEV Requirement: Technology 10 DEV Requirement: Technology 20
DEV Bonus: Technology +D6 DEV Bonus: Technology +D6, Warfare +D6
An ancient piece of headgear made of blue plastic.
It’s a little cracked and worn, but still provides solid
protection for your head.
Effect: Protection Rating 3 against damage.
DEV Requirement: —
DEV Bonus: Technology +1
This long firearm is worn and scratched, but its
great firepower and range will make sure you are
feared in the Zone.
K KGENERATOR Effect: Gear Bonus +2 to Shoot. Weapon damage
A heavy, rusty old machine that seems completely 2, Long range. Has a clip, which means that
worthless at first glance. But a Gearhead knows that you don’t need to reload after every shot.
this contraption is worth its weight in gold. If you DEV Requirement: Technology 10
fill it up with fuel it can generate electrical power. DEV Bonus: Technology +D6, Warfare +1
Effect: Heavy item. Requires one dose of booze
per day. Can power other artifacts or projects.
DEV Requirement: Technology 20
DEV Bonus: Technology +D6
A strange and brittle wooden contraption with
strings stretched across a hole in the middle.
Against all odds it has survived the Apocalypse
with hardly a scratch, and if you pull on the strings,
beautiful sounds are heard.
Effect: If you learn to play the guitar, you’ll be
popular around the campfire. Provides +3 K KID CARD (METAPLOT)
Gear Bonus to Manipulate, but only in situa- A worn and dirty card made of ancient yellowed
tions where you get a chance to play. plastic. “ID Card Type VII” it says on one side, and
DEV Requirement: Culture 20 on other side, hardly legible “Eden Security”.
DEV Bonus: Culture +D6 Effect: Tiny item. Cards like this were used in the
Old Age to open doors to locked rooms. The
K KHAND GRENADE question is – what door does this card open?
A rusty metal lump that explodes with a deafening DEV Requirement: Technology 20
bang if you pull the pin out. Handle with caution! DEV Bonus: Technology +D6
A rusted but intact metal jerrycan filled with fuel,
which stinks and is very flammable. The fuel can
power up ancient vehicles again – or be used as a
Effect: The fuel can be used to fill up the tanks
of old vehicles (page 94). If used as a weapon,
you light a fuse stuffed into the nozzle and
then throw the can with the Force skill. No
Gear Bonus, Short range. If the attack suc-
ceeds, the can lands within Near range of
the target, if not it lands at Short range. The
explosion has Blast Power 6.
DEV Requirement: Technology 10
DEV Bonus: Technology +1
In a crumbling sheath lies a long, thin sword. It
feels good in your hand and the blade is still sharp
– very sharp.
Effect: Gear Bonus +3 to the Fight skill. Weapon
damage 2.
DEV Requirement: —
DEV Bonus: Culture +D6
This heavy vest already has some holes in it, but
still gives you great protection from bullets and
others attacks.
Effect: Armor Rating 6 against damage from
external attacks.
DEV Requirement: Technology 10
DEV Bonus: Technology +D6
GAmemaster’s Section
DEV Bonus: Culture +D6
This brittle and torn map shows what the Zone K KPERFUME BOTTLE
looked like in the Old Age. It is very valuable to a A small, thick glass bottle with a clear liquid inside.
Stalker to navigate among the ruins, but can also When you press the button on top, a small spray of
bring valuable knowledge to the People. liquid comes out. You have never smelled anything
Effect: Gear Bonus +3 to Find the Path. Tiny item. this good before.
DEV Requirement: Culture 10 Effect: Gear Bonus +2 to the Manipulate skill.
DEV Bonus: Culture +D6 Tiny item.
DEV Requirement: Culture 10
K KMOTOR BOAT DEV Bonus: Culture +D6
A dinghy in cracked and dirty plastic. It still seems
to float. It has an outboard motor, but to make it K KPROTECTIVE SUIT
run again a Gearhead needs to make a Jury-Rig A coverall made of a thick yellow fabric. It’s worn
roll. The motor can run on gasoline or booze (one and dirty but actually seems intact.
dose per sector traveled in the Zone). Effect: Protection Rating 6 against the Rot (page
Effect: The boat can carry up to seven mutants, 126).
increases the movement speed in combat DEV Requirement: Technology 10
and cuts the time it takes to explore a coastal DEV Bonus: Technology +D6
Zone sector by half. It can also be used to
escape from threats or to ram enemies at sea. K KREGEN
How vehicles work is fully explained on page A short orange plastic rod with a button at one end
94. Gear Bonus: +3. Resilience: 2. and a sharp needle at the other. The text along the
DEV Requirement: Technology 20 side is worn away, but still legible, spelling the word
DEV Bonus: Technology +D6 REGEN.
Effect: The clear liquid in this autoinjector is the
K KPAINKILLERS legendary drug REGEN. On injection you im-
These little pills quickly numb the pain from your mediately heal all permanent trauma that you
wounds and bruises. have suffered (page 70). You keep all of your
Effect: On eating these pills, you immediately mutations. The autoinjector only contains
heal all damage points that you have suffered. one dose. Tiny item.
They have no effect against critical injuries. DEV Requirement: Technology 30
There are only enough pills left for D6 doses. DEV Bonus: —
When you have consumed them all, you must
discard this artifact. Tiny item.
A sawed-off firearm with two heavy barrels. At close
range it is a fearsome weapon that inspires awe in
every mutant in the Ark.
Effect: Light item. Gear Bonus +3 to the Shoot
skill. Weapon damage 3, Short range. Can be
fired twice before it needs to be reloaded.
K KSCOOTER DEV Requirement: Technology 10
Two wheels, an engine and a rusted handle – the DEV Bonus: Technology +D6, Warfare +1
perfect Zone vehicle. To make the scooter opera-
tional a Gearhead must first make a roll for the K KSMOKE GRENADE
Jury-Rig skill. The engine can run on gasoline or With a hissing noise, this old metal tube spews
on booze (one dose per two Zone sectors traveled). out black smoke that blocks vision. You can use
Effect: The scooter can carry two mutants, in- this effect to escape from a fight that is going
creases the movement speed in combat and against you.
cuts the time it takes to explore a sector in Effect: You can use the smoke grenade to escape
the Zone by half. It can also be used to es- from conflict (page 81) instead of using the
cape from threats or to ram enemies. How Move skill. You can even roll first and use the
vehicles work is fully explained on page 94. grenade if the roll fails.
Gear Bonus: +2. Resilience: 1. DEV Requirement: Technology 10
DEV Bonus: Technology +1, Warfare +1
A red can with white, squiggly text on it. The brown
drink inside it is bubbly and very refreshing to tired
Zone wanderers. The Old Ones’ drinks were really
something else.
Effect: When you drink this, you immediately
heal three points of damage. Once you have
opened your can, you must discard this arti-
fact. Light item.
DEV Requirement: Technology 10
DEV Bonus: —
GAmemaster’s Section
These tiny white pills look unimposing, but if you A set of clothes with a black jacket, pants and a shirt.
eat them they will immediately sharpen your senses On the front of the shirt, a wrinkled strip of cloth
and make you very alert. You might not sleep for hangs. These ancient clothes will impress everyone
a few days though. around you.
Effect: When eating these pills, you immediately Effect: Gear Bonus +2 to Manipulate. Does not
heal all confusion points that you have suf- count as an item when you wear it.
fered. There are only enough pills left for D6 DEV Requirement: Culture 10
doses. When you have consumed them all, DEV Bonus: Culture +D6
you must discard this artifact. Tiny item.
DEV Requirement: Technology 20 K KUMBRELLA
DEV Bonus: — With a simple motion you can unfold this contrap-
tion to create a protective dome of cloth and metal
K KSUNGLASSES – useful against the Rot and the acid rain in the Zone.
A pair of glasses with darkened lenses. The glass is Effect: Protection Rating 3 against the Rot (page
scratched but intact and covers your eyes – a useful 126).
edge in tough negotiations. DEV Requirement: Technology 10
Effect: Gear Bonus to the Manipulate and Intimi- DEV Bonus: Technology +D6
date skills. Tiny item.
DEV Bonus: Culture + 1 A fist-sized device with a tube at one end. Along the
side, there are several buttons and a small screen
that can be folded out. This contraption needs a
Generator or a Battery to work (artifact or project).
Effect: This device can record moving images
and sound. Perhaps something is already
recorded on it?
DEV Requirement: Technology 30
DEV Bonus: Technology +D6
Comment: This artifact can help the PCs find the
way to Eden. Read more in Chapter 16.
A heavy metal tool from the Old Age, rusted but
worth its weight in gold for Gearheads. Useful for
bludgeoning other mutants too.
Effect: Gear Bonus +3 to the Jury-Rig skill and +2 are included in the Artifact Cards. These and others
to the Fight skill. Weapon damage 1. can be found in the tables below.
DEV Requirement: Technology 10
DEV Bonus: Technology +D6 Bonus: The number of Gear Dice that a weapon
gives to the Shoot or Fight skill, and a vehicle gives
to the Move or the Fight skill (when ramming an
OTHER ARTIFACTS enemy, see page 95). Some vehicles cannot be used
There are 50 artifacts in this book. Considering that to ram – these are marked with an asterisk (*).
the PCs shouldn’t find more than one or two arti-
facts per session, these 50 should suffice for quite a Resilience: The number of points of damage that
number of sessions. More artifacts will be published needs to be inflicted on a vehicle before its Gear
in future expansions, and you are of course free to Bonus is reduced one step.
make up more yourself – just be careful not to make
them too powerful. Armor: The Armor Rating that the vehicle provides
to all passengers in the vehicle.
Weapons and vehicles are two types of artifacts that Occupants: The number of people who can fit into
are especially sought after in the dawnworld. Some or onto the vehicle, including the driver.
Bicycle +2* — 1 1
Scooter +2 — 1 2
Motorcycle +3 — 1 2
Buggy +2 2 2 3
Automobile +3 3 2 5
Bus +2 3 5 40
Truck +2 6 5 4
Steam Car (page 111) +1 3 3 10
Canoe +2* — 1 4
Motorboat +3 1 2 7
Scrap Ship (page 109) +1* 6 20 50
Steam Train (page 112) +1* 3 15 50