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Robert J. Zwitser
Contributions to Latent Variable Modeling in Educational Measurement Robert J. Zwitser
c 2015, Robert J. Zwitser. All rights reserved
geboren te Hasselt
Overige leden: Dr. L.A. van der Ark Universiteit van Amsterdam
Prof. dr. D. Borsboom Universiteit van Amsterdam
Prof. dr. C.A.W. Glas Universiteit Twente
Prof. dr. H. Kelderman Vrije Universiteit
Prof. dr. S. Kreiner University of Copenhagen
Prof. dr. F.J. Oort Universiteit van Amsterdam
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Latent variable models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 This thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.1 CML Inference with MST Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.2 The Nonparametric Rasch Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3.3 DIF in International Surveys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Note about notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Bibliography 97
Summary 107
Samenvatting 109
Dankwoord 113
Chapter 1
There are different views on what a construct is. The first is based on the so-
called market basket approach (Mislevy, 1998), where the construct is defined
by a (large) set of items. For instance, if one wants to measure the ability
to interpret graphs at Grade 6 level, the construct interpreting graphs can
be defined with a large collection of tasks covering all relevant aspects at the
intended level. This should include tasks representing the diversity in types of
graphs as well as the diversity in complexity of the figures. If the construct is
2 introduction
defined by a large set of items, then it makes sense to define the final score as a
summary statistic on the total set of items, e.g., an estimate of the percentage
of tasks that is mastered.
Another view is to consider a construct as a latent variable (Lord &
Novick, 1968). Since the work of Spearman (1904) and the development of
factor analysis, psychologists mostly think of a psychological construct (e.g.,
intelligence, depression, or introversion) as a trait that cannot directly be
observed, but that exists as a common cause that explains the covariance
between observed variables. The relationship between observed variables and
the latent trait is formalized in the item response theory (IRT, Lord, 1980).
In IRT, the latent trait is operationalized as a parameter in a latent variable
model. These models describe the statistical relationship between
observations on single tasks and the latent variable, usually denoted by θ.
This latent variable approach also became popular in educational testing.
The construct is then viewed as a latent variable, and scoring with respect to
the construct implies statistical inference about a student’s ‘θ-value’.
exp(θ − bi )
P (Xi = 1|θ) = ,
1 + exp(θ − bi )
for all θ, and for all K items. The main benefit of these nonparametric models
is that they put in general less restrictions on the data, and are therefore more
likely to fit the data. A counterpart, however, is that some of the well-known
applications of parametric models, such as inference from incomplete data, are
In this thesis, I will describe three studies related to the use of unidimensional
monotone latent variable models in educational measurement. I will briefly
introduce them in the next three sections.
the routing test. In the second stage, students with a score lower than or
equal to c on the routing test take a more easy module, whereas students
with a score higher than c on the routing test take a more difficult module.
MST is an example of adaptive testing (Van der Linden & Glas, 2010), which
means that the difficulty level of the test is adapted to the ability level of the
student. In order to know which items are easy and which items are difficult,
items used in an adaptive tests are usually pretested in a linear, non adaptive,
pretest. In such a pretest, item characteristics are determined. Thereafter, the
characteristics are assumed to be the same during the adaptive administration.
A consequence is that the final score also depends on this assumption about
the item characteristics. Therefore, especially in high-stakes testing where test
results can have important consequences for the test taker, it is important to
check these assumptions after the adaptive administration. This implies that
we want to estimate, or at least validate, the parameters of the model from the
adaptive test data. In this chapter, I focus on the estimation of item parameters
in MST designs.
It is generally known that item and person parameters cannot consistently
be estimated simultaneously (Neyman & Scott, 1948). For that reason, the
estimation procedure is usually performed in two steps. First, the item
parameters are estimated with a conditional likelihood (Andersen, 1973a) or
marginal likelihood (Bock & Aitkin, 1981) method. This step is called
calibration. In the section step, the person parameters are estimated,
conditional on the item parameters. For MST designs, it was already
described how item parameters can be estimated with the marginal likelihood
method (Glas, 1988; Glas, Wainer, & Bradlow, 2000). And it has been
claimed that for MST designs the conditional likelihood method can not be
used (Glas, 1988; Eggen & Verhelst, 2011; Kubinger, Steinfeld, Reif, &
Yanagida, 2012). In this chapter, I will illustrate that also in MST designs
item parameters can be estimated with the conditional likelihood method, a
method that in some cases is preferable over the marginal likelihood method.
This chapter is therefore not directly about the estimation of θ, but about the
calibration step that precedes the final scoring. With the item parameters
and the data obtained from the MST, the usual methods can be used to
obtain the final θ estimates.
chapter 1 5
The research projects that are described in the next three chapters are based
on collaboration with some colleagues. Therefore, I write we instead of I.
Furthermore, notation is sometimes not consistent between chapters. However,
within chapters we have striven to be consistent and to introduce all notation.
Chapter 2
In this paper it is demonstrated how statistical inference from multistage test
designs can be made based on the conditional likelihood. Special attention is given
to parameter estimation, as well as the evaluation of model fit. Two reasons are
provided why the fit of simple measurement models is expected to be better in
adaptive designs, compared to linear designs: more parameters are available for the
same number of observations; and undesirable response behavior, like slipping and
guessing, might be avoided owing to a better match between item difficulty and
examinee proficiency. The results are illustrated with simulated data, as well as
with real data.
This chapter has been accepted for publication as: Zwitser, R.J. & Maris, G. (in press).
Conditional Statistical Inference with Multistage Testing Designs. Psychometrika.
8 cml inference with mst designs
(Glas, 2000). This implies that, for accountability reasons, one should want to
(re)calibrate the adaptive test after test administration.
In this paper, we go into the topic of statistical inference from adaptive test
designs, especially multistage testing (MST) designs (Lord, 1971b; Zenisky,
Hambleton, & Luecht, 2010). These designs have several practical advantages,
as ”the design strikes a balance among adaptability, practicality, measurement
accuracy, and control over test forms” (Zenisky et al., 2010). In MST designs,
items are administered in block/modules with multiple items. The modules
that are administered to an examinee depends on their responses to earlier
modules. An example of an MST design is given in Figure 2.1. In the first
stage, all examinees take the first module.1 This module is often called the
routing test. In the second stage, examinees with a score lower than or equal
to c on the routing test take module 2, whereas examinees with a score higher
than c on the routing test take module 3. Every unique sequence of modules
is called a booklet.
stage 1 stage 2
[1] [2]
X X X [3]
booklet 1 X+ ≤ c
booklet 2 X+ > c
In the past, only a few studies have focused on the calibration of items in an
MST design. Those were based on Bayesian inference (Wainer, Bradlow, & Du,
2000) or marginal maximum likelihood (MML) inference (Glas, 1988; Glas et
al., 2000). In this paper, we consider statistical inference from the conditional
maximum likelihood (CML) perspective (Andersen, 1973a). A benefit of this
method is that, in contrast to MML, no assumptions are needed about the
distribution of ability in the population, and it is not necessary to draw a
1 We use a superscript [m] to denote random variables and parameters that relate to the
mth module. Multiple modules, e.g., module 1 and 2, are denoted by the superscript [1,2].
10 cml inference with mst designs
random sample from the population. However, it has been suggested that the
CML method cannot be applied with MST (Glas, 1988; Eggen & Verhelst, 2011;
Kubinger et al., 2012). The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that
this conclusion was not correct. This will be shown in Section 2.1. In order
to demonstrate the practical value of this technical conclusion, we elaborate
on the relationship between model fit and adaptive test designs. In Section
2.2, we first show in more detail that the fit of the same measurement model
is expected to be better for adaptive designs in comparison to linear designs.
Then, second, we propose how the model fit can be evaluated. In Section 2.3,
we give some illustrations to elucidate our results. Throughout the paper, we
use the MST design in Figure 2.1 for illustrative purposes. The extent to which
our results for this simple MST design generalize to more complex designs is
discussed in Section 2.4.
Throughout the paper, we use the Rasch model (Rasch, 1960) in our derivations
and examples. Let X be a matrix with item responses of K examinees on N
items. The model is defined as follows:
Y exp[(θp − bi )xpi ]
P (X = x|θ, b) = , (2.1)
p=1 i=1
1 + exp(θp − bi )
and X
X+i = Xpi sufficient for bi .
Q [m] [m]
[m] exp(−xi bi )
Pb[m] (x[m] |x+ ) = i
, m = 1, 2, 3,
γx[m] (b[m] )
[m] [m]
γs (b[m] ) = exp(−xi bi ),
x:x+ =s i
which equals zero if s is smaller than zero or larger than the number of elements
in b[m] .
The various elementary symmetric functions are related to each other in
the following way:
γx+ (b) = γi (b[1] )γj (b[2] )γk (b[3] ).
That is, the if refers to conditioning and deleting to integrating out. In the
following, it is to be implicitly understood that conditional distributions are
equal to zero if the conditioning event does not occur in the realization of the
random variable.
chapter 2 13
Pb[1,2] (x[1,2] |θ, X+ ≤ c)
[1,2] [1] [1,2] [1]
=Pb[1,2] (x[1,2] |x+ , X+ ≤ c)Pb[1,2] (x+ |θ, X+ ≤ c).
That is, the score X+ is sufficient for θ, and hence the conditional probability
[1,2] [1]
Pb[1,2] (x[1,2] |x+ , X+ ≤ c) can be used for making inferences about b[1,2] .
First, we consider the distribution of X[1] and X[2] conditionally on X+ ,
which is known to be independent of θ:
Q [1] [1] Q [2] [2]
[1,2] [1,2] i exp(−xi bi ) j exp(−xj bj )
Pb[1,2] (x |x+ ) = [1,2] )
γx [1,2] (b
γx[1,2] (b )= γj (b[1] )γx[1,2] −j (b[2] ).
+ +
Second, we consider the probability that X+ is lower than or equal to c
conditionally on X+ :
j=0 γj (b[1] )γx[1,2] −j (b[2] )
[1] [1,2] +
Pb[1,2] (X+ ≤ c|x+ ) = Pn[1,2] .
j=0 γj (b[1] )γ [1,2]
x+ −j
(b[2] )
Hence, we obtain
Q [1] [1] Q [2] [2]
[1,2] [1] [1,2] i exp(−xi bi ) j exp(−xj bj )
Pb[1,2] (x |X+ ≤ c, x+ ) = Pc [1] [2]
. (2.3)
j=0 γj (b )γx[1,2] −j (b ) +
[1,2] [1]
We next consider the distribution of X+ conditionally on θ and X+ ≤ c.
[1] [2]
Since the joint distribution of X+ and X+ conditionally on θ has the following
[1] [2]
γx[1] (b[1] )γx[2] (b[2] ) exp([x+ + x+ ]θ)
[1] [2] + +
Pb[1,2] (x+ , x+ |θ) =P ,
0≤j+k≤n[1,2] γj (b[1] )γk (b[2] ) exp([j + k]θ)
14 cml inference with mst designs
we obtain
[1,2] [1]
[1,2] [1] Pb[1,2] (x+ , X+ ≤ c|θ)
Pb[1,2] (x+ |θ, X+ ≤ c) = [1]
Pb[1,2] (X+ ≤ c|θ)
[1] [1,2]
(b[2] ) exp(x+ θ)
j≤c γj (b )γx[1,2]
+ −j
=P [1] [2]
0≤j+k≤n[1,2] γj (b )γk (b ) exp([j + k]θ)
Finally, we can write the probability for a single examinee in MST who
receives a score lower than or equal to c on module 1:
Pb[1,2] (x[1,2] |θ, X+ ≤ c)
[1,2] [1] [1,2] [1]
=Pb[1,2] (x[1,2] |x+ , X+ ≤ c)Pb[1,2] (x+ |θ, X+ ≤ c)
Q [1] [1] Q [2] [2] [1,2]
i exp(−xi bi ) j exp(−xj bj ) exp(x+ θ)
= P [1] [2]
. (2.4)
0≤j+k≤n[1,2] γj (b )γk (b ) exp([j + k]θ)
Obviously, a similar result holds for an examinee who receives a score higher
than c on module 1 and hence takes module 3. With the results from this
section, we can safely use CML inference, using (2.3) as the conditional
instead of the correct probability in (2.4) as the basis for statistical inferences.
It has been observed that if we use the conditional likelihood corresponding
to the distribution in (2.5) as the basis for estimating the item parameters,
we get bias in the estimators (Eggen & Verhelst, 2011). In Section 2.3.1, we
illustrate this phenomenon. If we compare the probability in (2.4) with that
chapter 2 15
in (2.5), we see that the only difference is in the range of the sum in the
denominators. This reflects that in (2.4) we take into account that values of
X+ larger than c cannot occur, whereas in (2.5) this is not taken into account.
The second way to deal with an MST design is to separately estimate the
parameters in each step of the design (Glas, 1989). This means that inferences
with respect to X[m] are based on the probability of X[m] conditionally on
[m] [m]
X+ = x+ . This procedure leads to unbiased estimates. However, since the
parameters are not identifiable, we need to impose a separate restriction for
[1] [2]
each stage in the design (e.g., b1 = 0 and b1 = 0). As a consequence, it is
not possible to place the items from different stages in the design on the same
scale. More important, it is not possible to use all available information to
obtain a unique estimate of the ability of the examinee.
Third, we consider the use of MML inference. In the previous section, we
derived the probability function of the data conditionally on the design. For
MML inference, we could use the corresponding marginal (w.r.t. θ) probability
conditionally on the design (X+ ≤ c):
Pb[1,2] ,λ (x[1,2] |X+ ≤ c)
[1] [1]
= Pb[1,2] (x[1,2] |θ, X+ ≤ c)fb[1] ,λ (θ|X+ ≤ c)dθ,
Pb[1,2,3] (X[1] = x[1] , Xobs = xobs |θ) =Pb[2] (X[2] = xobs |θ)Pb[1] (X[1] = x[1] |θ)
Pb[1] (X+ ≤ c|X[1] = x[1] )+
Pb[3] (X[3] = xobs |θ)Pb[1] (X[1] = x[1] |θ)
Pb[1] (X+ > c|X[1] = x[1] ). (2.6)
16 cml inference with mst designs
γj (b[1] )γx[1,2] −j (b[2] ) exp(x+ θ)
[1,2] [1] j≤c +
Pb[1,2] (x+ |θ, X+ ≤ c) = P .
0≤j+k≤n[1,2] γj (b[1] )γk (b[2] ) exp([j + k]θ)
chapter 2 17
parameters, for instance, by fixing σ to zero. With this fixation, we obtain the
following probabilities:
P (X1 = 0, X2 = 0) = P00 = ;
[1 + exp(−b1 )][1 + exp(−b2 )]
exp(−b2 )
P (X1 = 0, X2 = 1) = P01 = ;
[1 + exp(−b1 )][1 + exp(−b2 )]
exp(−b1 )
P (X1 = 1, X3 = 0) = P10 = ;
[1 + exp(−b1 )][1 + exp(−b3 )]
exp(−b1 − b3 )
P (X1 = 1, X3 = 1) = P11 = .
[1 + exp(−b1 )][1 + exp(−b3 )]
Two things are worth to be noticed. First, we can see the model is saturated.
Second, since σ was fixed to zero, the model results in person parameters
that are all equal, which is remarkable in a measurement context. This taken
together demonstrates nicely that the Rasch model is not suitable for statistical
inference from a CAT. It could easily be shown the same conclusion holds for
extensions to N items.
For MST designs, we easily find that the Rasch model is less restrictive
compared to linear designs. Consider, for instance, a test of four items per
examinee. In a linear design, we obtain fifteen probabilities and five parameters.
However, for the MST design with two stages with and two items within each
stage, we have six items (seven parameters) to model fifteen observation. Since
model restrictiveness is a ratio of the number of possible observations and
the number of parameters we see that the same model can be more or less
restrictive, depending on the administration design.
chapter 2 19
as well as by maximizing L(t) (b), which is the likelihood for the subset of data
for which holds that X+ = t. This conclusion has led to the following likelihood
ratio test (LRT): In the general model, item parameters were estimated for
all score groups separately, while in the special model, only one set of item
parameters was estimated for all score groups together. For a complete design
with N items, Andersen (1973b) considered
X −1
Z=2 log[L(t) (b̂(t) )] − 2 log[L(b̂)] (2.8)
as the test statistic, in which b̂(t) are the estimates that are based on the subset
of data with examinees that have a total score equal to t.
Let us denote Kt as the number of examinees with sum score t. It is shown
that if Kt → ∞ for t = 1, · · ·, N − 1, then Z tends to a limiting χ2 -distribution
with (N − 1)(N − 2) degrees of freedom, i.e., the difference between the number
of parameters in the general model and the specific model.
This LRT can also be applied with incomplete designs. Then (2.8)
generalizes to
g −1
Z=2 log[L(gt) (b̂(gt) )] − 2 log[L(b̂)], (2.9)
g t=1
where Ng denotes the number of items in booklet g, L(gt) (b̂(gt) ) denotes the
likelihood corresponding to the subset of data with examinees that took booklet
g and obtained a total score t, and b̂(gt) denotes the estimates based on this
subset of data. This statistic can also be applied with an MST design. In that
case, the sum over t has to be adjusted for the scores that can be obtained. We
20 cml inference with mst designs
scale identification
scale identification
Score Groups In (2.8) and (2.9) the estimation of b(t) is based on the data
with sum score t. Here, t is a single value. In cases with many items, the number
of parameters under the general model becomes huge. Consequently, in some
score groups, there may be little statistical information available about some
parameters, e.g., information about easy items in the highest score groups.
22 cml inference with mst designs
The LRT may then become conservative, since the convergence to the χ2 -
distribution is not reached with many parameters and too little observations.
To increase the power, the procedure can also be based on W sets of sum scores
instead of single values t. Then
Z=2 log[L(Sv ) (b̂(Sv ) )] − 2 log[L(b̂)],
in which T is the set of possible sum scores t, v denotes the vth score group,
and Sv ⊂ T such that {S1 , S2 , · · ·, Sv , · · ·, SW } = T .
b̂(Sv ) → N (b(Sv ) , Σ(Sv ) ),
and, under the null hypothesis that the Rasch model holds,
∀v b(Sv ) = b. (2.10)
P (Xi |θ)
P (Xi |θ)
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
θ θ
Figure 2.4: Parameter estimates under the Rasch model in three score groups.
as in the middle (dashed arrow) and the higher score group (dotted arrow).
However, if an item has an ICC with a lower asymptote (see Figure 2.4b),
then the estimates of the lower and the middle score groups will be different,
while the estimates of the middle and the high score groups are expected to
be almost the same.
2.3 Examples
2.3.1 Simulation
Test and population characteristics
The first three examples are based on simulated data. We considered a test
of 50 items that was divided into three modules. The first module (i.e., the
routing test) consisted of 10 items with difficulty parameters drawn from a
uniform distribution over the interval from -1 to 1. The second and third
module both consisted of 20 items with difficulty parameters drawn from a
uniform distribution over the interval from -2 to -1 and the interval from 0
to 2, respectively. The person parameters were drawn from a mixture of two
normal distributions: with probability 2/3, they were drawn from a normal
distribution with expectation -1.5 and standard deviation equal to 0.5; with
probability 1/3 they were drawn from a normal distribution with expectation
1 and standard deviation equal to 1. When the test was administered in an
MST design, the cut-off score, c, for the routing test was 5.
Comparison of methods
In the first example, 10,000 examinees were sampled and the test was
administered in an MST design. The item parameters were estimated
according to three methods: first, according to the correct conditional
likelihood as in (2.3); second, according to an ordinary CML method that
takes into account the incomplete design, but not the multistage aspects of
the design; and third, the MML method, in which the person parameters are
assumed to be normally distributed. The scales of the different methods were
equated by fixing the first item parameter at zero.
The average bias, standard errors (SE), and root mean squared error
(RMSE) are per method and per module displayed Table 2.1. Both ordinary
CML and MML inference lead to serious bias in the estimated parameters.
The standard errors were nearly the same between the three methods.
Therefore, finally, the RMSEs of the proposed CML method are much lower
than the RMSEs of the ordinary CML and MML methods.
chapter 2 25
Table 2.1: Average bias, standard error (SE), and root mean squared error (RMSE)
of the item parameters per module.
Goodness of fit
In a second simulation study, we demonstrated the model fit procedure that is
described in Section 2.2. The simulation consisted of 1,000 trials. In each trial,
three different cases were simulated.
• Case 2: a complete design with all 50 items, except for the easiest item
in module 3. The excluded item was replaced by an item according to
the 3-parameter logistic model (3PLM, Birnbaum, 1968) which is defined
as follows:
exp[ai (θp − bi )xpi ]
P (X = x|θ, a, b, c) = ci + (1 − ci ) ,
p=1 i=1
1 + exp[ai (θp − bi )]
where, compared to the Rasch model, ai and ci are additional parameters
for item i. This 3PLM item has the same item difficulty (i.e., the b-
parameter) as the excluded item. However, instead of a = 1 and c = 0,
which would make (2.11) equal to (2.1), we now have for this item a =
1.2 and c = 0.25. The slope (i.e., the a-parameter) was slightly changed,
so that the ICC is more parallel to the other ICCs.
P (Xi |θ)
P (Xi |θ)
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
θ θ
Figure 2.5: (a) The ICCs of the 50 Rasch items for case 1. (b) The ICCs of the 49
Rasch items (gray), and the ICC of the 3PLM item (bold black) for case 2 and 3.
The ICCs of case 1 to 3 are displayed in Figure 2.5. Data were generated
for a sample of 10,000 examinees and the item parameters of the Rasch model
were estimated for each case. For the three cases above, an LRT as well as
item fit tests were performed in each trial based on five score groups in each
booklet. The score groups were constructed such that within each booklet the
examinees were equally distributed over the different score groups. The number
of degrees of freedom in cases 1 and 3 is
2 (number of booklets) ×
5 (number of score groups per booklet) ×
29 (number of estimated parameters per score group) −
49 (number of estimated parameters in the specific model)
= 241,
chapter 2 27
Table 2.2: Results Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for testing the p-values of the LRTs
against a uniform distribution.
Case D− p-value
Case 1 0.016 0.774
Case 2 0.968 <0.001
Case 3 0.048 0.100
and in case 2
Likelihood Ratio Test If the model fits, then the p-values of the LRTs and
the item fit tests are expected to be uniformly distributed over replications of
the simulation. This hypothesis was checked for each case with a Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test. The results are shown in Table 2.2. It can be seen that the Rasch
model fits in cases 1 and 3, but not in case 2.
Item Fit Test The distribution of the p-values of the item fit statistics is
displayed graphically by QQ-plots in Figure 2.6. The item fit tests clearly
mark the misfitting item in case 2. Notice that, as explained in Section 2.2.3,
the item fit test in case 2 shows an effect between the lower score groups (i.e,
between group 1 and 2, between group 2 and 3, and between group 3 and 4),
while the p-values of the item fit tests between score groups 4 and 5 are nearly
uniformly distributed.
The relative efficiency of an MST design is demonstrated graphically by the
information functions in Figure 2.7. Here, the information of three different
cases is given: All 50 items administered in a complete design, the average
information over 100 random samples of 30 of the 50 items administered in a
28 cml inference with mst designs
complete design, and the MST design described before. In the MST design,
the total test information is
[1] [1]
I(θ) = I [1,2] (θ)P (X+ ≤ c|θ) + I [1,3] (θ)P (X+ > c|θ).
Here, I [1,2] (θ) denotes the Fisher information function for modules 1 and 2.
The distribution of θ is also shown in Figure 2.7. It can be seen that, for
most of the examinees in this population, the MST with 30 items is much more
efficient than the linear test with 30 randomly selected items. In addition, for
many examinees, the information based on the MST is not much less than the
information based on all 50 items.
The examples in this section illustrate the two factors by which model fit
could be improved with MST designs. First, the difference in restrictiveness
of the same model in different administration designs, and second, the
avoidance of guessing owing to a better match between item difficulty and
examinee proficiency.
In the first example, nine items were randomly selected from the set of 120
math items. The items were sorted based on the proportion correct in the
original data set. Then they were assigned to two designs:
• a MST design with the three most easy items in module 2, the three most
difficult items in module 3, and the remaining three items in module 1;
• a linear test design with six items, namely the first two of each module.
The sampling of items was repeated in 1,000 trials. In each trial, parameters
of both designs were estimated and the TAD for both designs was registered.
The mean TAD over the 1,000 trials was 11,317 for the linear design, while it
was 9,432 for the MST design.
In the second example, nine particular items were selected. The item
characteristics of these items in the original test, based on the OPLM model
30 cml inference with mst designs
(Verhelst & Glas, 1995), are displayed in Table 2.3. The focus in this example
is not on the variation in b-parameters, but on the variation in a-parameters.
With these nine selected items, two administration designs are simulated:
1. a linear test with item 30, 66, 79, 85, 110, and 118
items with a complete design and an MST design. In both cases, all items seem
to fit the Rasch model reasonably well (see Figure 2.8a and Figure 2.8b).
Then we added the 3PLM item to the Rasch items and again analyzed the
complete design and the MST design. It can be seen from Figure 2.8c that
the 3PLM item shows typical misfit in the complete design. The item fit test
was based on three score groups. There is a substantial difference between
the parameter estimates of the lower and the middle score group, while there
seems to be a little difference between the estimates of the middle and the
higher score groups. If the 3PLM item is administered in the third module of
an MST design, the fit improves substantially (see Figure 2.8d).
2.4 Discussion
In this paper, we have shown that the CML method is applicable with data
from an MST. We have demonstrated how item parameters can be estimated
for the Rasch model, and how model fit can be investigated for the total test,
as well as for individual items.
It is known that CML estimators are less efficient than MML estimators.
When the requirements of the MML method are fulfilled, then the MML
method may be preferable above the CML method. However, in practice, for
instance in education, the distribution of person parameters may be skewed
or multi-modal owing to all kinds of selection procedures. It was shown in an
example that, when the population distribution is misspecified, the item
parameters can become seriously biased. For that reason, in cases where not
so much is known about the population distribution, the use of the CML
method may be preferable.
In this paper, we have used the Rasch model in our examples. Although
the Rasch model is known as a restrictive model, we have emphasized that the
Rasch model is less restrictive in adaptive designs compared to linear designs.
However, if more complicated models are needed, then it should be clear that
the method can easily be generalized to other exponential family models, e.g.,
the OPLM (Verhelst & Glas, 1995) and the partial credit model for polytomous
items (Masters, 1982).
Our presumption was that adaptive designs are more robust against
undesirable behavior like guessing and slipping. This has been illustrated by
32 cml inference with mst designs
the simulation in Section 2.3.1. The fit for case 1 and the lack of fit for case 2
were as expected. However, notice that the Rasch model also fits for case 3.
In that case, one of the items is a 3PLM item, but this item was only
administered to examinees with a high score on the routing test, i.e.,
examinees with a high proficiency level. In general, it could be said that
changing the measurement model into a more complicated model is not the
only intervention possible in cases of misfit. Instead, the data generating
design could be changed. The example with real data in Section 2.3.2 did
show that this could also be done afterward. This means that a distinction
could be made between multistage administration and multistage analysis.
Data obtained from a linear test design can be turned into an MST design for
the purpose of calibration. However, this raises the question how to estimate
person parameters in this approach. Should they be based on all item
responses, or only the multistage part with which the item parameters were
estimated? The answer to this question is left for future research.
The design can also be generalized to more modules and more stages, as
long as the likelihood on the design contains statistical information about the
item parameters. It should however be kept in mind that estimation error
with respect to the person parameters can be factorized into two components:
the estimation error of the person parameters conditional on the fixed item
parameters, and the estimation error of the item parameters. The latter part
is mostly ignored, which is defensible when it is very small compared to the
former part. However, when stages are added, while keeping the total number
of items per examinee fixed, more information about the item parameters is
kept in the design, and therefore less information is left for item parameter
estimation. A consequence is that the estimation error with respect to the the
item parameters will increase. When many stages are added, it is even possible
that the increase of estimation error of the item parameters is larger than the
decrease of estimation error of the person parameters conditional on the fixed
item parameters. An ultimate case is a CAT, in which all information about
the item parameters is kept in the design and where no statistical information
is left for the estimation of item parameters. This implies that adding more
and more stages does not necessarily lead to more efficiency. Instead, there
exists an optimal design with respect to the efficiency of the estimation of the
person parameters. Finding the solution with respect to this optimum is left
chapter 2 33
Rasch items
Uniform Distribution
(a) Case 1
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 2.6: QQ-plots of the p-values of the item fit tests against the quantiles of a
uniform distribution.
chapter 2 35
50 items
30 items (multistage)
30 items (random out of 50)
density theta
f (θ)
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Figure 2.7: Person information I(θ) in a complete design with 50 items, an MST
design with 30 items, and a complete design with 30 items, given the density f (θ).
36 cml inference with mst designs
Rasch items Rasch items
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(c) Rasch & 3PLM - Complete design (d) Rasch & 3PLM - MST design
Figure 2.8: QQ-plots of the p-values of the item fit tests from the Entrance Test
example against the quantiles of a uniform distribution.
Chapter 3
When a simple sum or number correct score is used to evaluate the ability of individual
testees, then, from an accountability perspective, the inferences based on the sum
score should be the same as inferences based on the complete response pattern. This
requirement is fulfilled if the sum score is a sufficient statistic for the parameter of
a unidimensional model. However, the models for which this does hold, are known
as being restrictive. It is shown that the less restrictive (non)parametric models
could result in an ordering of persons that is different compared to an ordering based
on the sum score. To arrive at a fair evaluation of ability with a simple number
correct score, ordinal sufficiency is defined as a minimum condition for scoring. The
Monotone Homogeneity Model, together with the property of ordinal sufficiency of
the sum score, is introduced as the nonparametric Rasch Model (npRM). A basic
outline for testable hypotheses about ordinal sufficiency, as well as illustrations with
real data, are provided.
This chapter has been conditionally accepted for publication as: Zwitser, R.J. & Maris, G.
(submitted). Ordering Individuals with Sum Scores: the Introduction of the Nonparametric
Rasch Model. Psychometrika.
38 the nonparametric rasch model
3.1 Introduction
model that enables the ordering of individuals based on the sum score, we define
the minimal condition in section 3.3: ordinal sufficiency. With this property we
can introduce the nonparametric Rasch Model. In section 3.4 we derive some
testable implications of ordinal sufficiency. This is illustrated with an example
based on real data.
All IRT models considered in this paper are unidimensional monotone latent
variable models for dichotomous responses, i.e., they all assume at least
Unidimensionality (UD), Local Independence (LI) and Monotonicity (M).
The score on item i is denoted by Xi : Xi = 1 for a correct response and
Xi = 0 otherwise. Let the random vector X = [X1 , X2 , · · ·, Xp ] be the total
score pattern on a test with p items and let x denote a realization of X. The
person parameter, sometimes refered to as ability parameter or latent trait, is
denoted by θ.
exp(θ − δi )
P (Xi = 1|θ) = P (xi |θ) = ,
1 + exp(θ − δi )
exp[αi (θ − δi )]
P (xi |θ) = ,
1 + exp[αi (θ − δi )]
Sufficiency implies that all statistical information in the data X about the
parameter θ is kept by the statistic H(x). It has already been mentioned that
in the RM the sum score X
Xi = X+
in the 2PLM, if the weights are known. Therefore, we can easily demonstrate
that in a case where the 2PLM fits the data well, inferences based on θ could
be different compared to inferences based on X+ .
In section 3.3.2 we will also consider the Normal Ogive Model (NOM, Lord
& Novick, 1968),
P (xi |θ) = √ exp dt = Φ(θ − δi ).
−∞ 2π 2
for all s, and a > b. The property in (3.2) is called stochastic ordering of the
latent trait by X+ (SOL; Hemker, Sijtsma, Molenaar, & Junker, 1997), also
chapter 3 41
denoted by1
(Θ|X+ = a) ≥ (Θ|X+ = b), if a > b,
which equals
E(g(Θ)|X+ = a) ≥ E(g(Θ)|X+ = b)
for all a > b, and all bounded increasing functions g (Ross, 1996, prop. 9.1.2.).
This implies that all statistics for central tendency of Θ, e.g., the median, mode,
or mean, are ordered by X+ .
The SOL property has been used as justification for ordering individuals
with the sum score (see, e.g., Mokken, 1971, and Meijer et al., 1990). However,
for making ordinal inferences about individuals (e.g., passing or failing an exam)
this property might not be sufficient. Consider, for instance, a test with three
items that satisfy the assumptions of the MHM. The first item is a Guttman
item (Guttman, 1950), whereas the last two items have a constant probability
of success, e.g., P (xi |θ) = 0.5. Next, consider two persons. The first person
answers the second and third item correct, while the second person only answers
the first item correct. According to the SOL property, we would conclude that
Recall that the models considered in this paper are all unidimensional models.
This implies all available information in the data about individual differences
can be summarized with only one score per subject. The accountability issue
mentioned above can be rephrased into the question whether the ordering based
on the sum score is the same as the ordering based on the complete response
pattern. This example demonstrates that the answer to this question is no for
1 In general,
X ≥ Y denotes P (X > a) ≥ P (Y > a) for all a,
X > Y denotes P (X > a) > P (Y > a) for all a,
X = Y denotes P (X > a) = P (Y > a) for all a.
42 the nonparametric rasch model
the MHM.
So far, the only model that satisfies this condition is the RM. However,
the RM is known as a restrictive model, which leads to the wish for less
restrictive nonparametric alternatives (Meijer et al., 1990). This alternative
will be considered at the end of the next section.
3.3 Sufficiency
(Θ|X = x2 ) < (Θ|X = x1 )
(Θ|X = x2 ) = (Θ|X = x1 ).
chapter 3 43
Proof. (if)
∀x : P (Θ ≤ θ|X = x)
∀x : E[P (Θ|X = x)|X = x] = 1/2,
we obtain that
or explicitly
∞ θ
P (x1 |θ∗ )f (θ∗ ) P (x2 |θ)f (θ) ∗
dθ dθ
−∞ −∞ P (x1 ) P (x2 )
Z ∞Z θ
P (x2 |θ∗ )f (θ∗ ) P (x1 |θ)f (θ) ∗
> dθ dθ,
−∞ −∞ P (x2 ) P (x1 )
and hence
Z ∞ Z θ
[P (x1 |θ∗ )P (x2 |θ) − P (x2 |θ∗ )P (x1 |θ)]f (θ∗ )f (θ)dθ∗ dθ > 0. (3.3)
−∞ −∞
Notice that Lemma 2 holds for all Θ, which denotes the random variable
(uppercase). This implies that (3.3) does hold for every prior f (θ). Therefore,
∀θ∗ < θ : P (x1 |θ∗ )P (x2 |θ) > P (x2 |θ∗ )P (x1 |θ),
H(x) = E(g(Θ)|X = x)
P (x1 )
P (x1 |θ) = P (x2 |θ)
P (x2 )
such that
P (x2 |θ)
P (X = x2 |H(X) = H(x2 ), θ) = P
x1 :H(x1 )=H(x2 ) P (x1 |θ)
P (x2 |θ)
=P P (x1 )
x1 :H(x1 )=H(x2 ) P (x2 ) P (x2 |θ)
P (x2 )
=P ,
x1 :H(x1 )=H(x2 ) P (x1 )
which does not depend on θ, and therefore completes the first part of the proof.
For the second part, let x1 and x2 be such that (Θ|X = x2 ) > (Θ|X = x1 ).
Then, obviously, H(x2 ) > H(x1 ). Since (Θ|X = x) = (Θ|H(X) = H(x)) we
obtain that (Θ|H(X) = H(x2 )) > (Θ|H(X) = H(x1 )), and the conclusion
follows from Lemma 2.
With these lemmas we can now describe under which conditions a sufficient
statistic does exist.
Theorem 1.
∃H : X⊥
⊥ Θ|H(X)
chapter 3 45
if and only if
(Θ|X = x2 ) < (Θ|X = x1 ),
(Θ|X = x2 ) = (Θ|X = x1 ).
(Θ|X = x2 ) = (Θ|X = x1 ), if H(x2 ) = H(x1 ). (3.5)
The core of this paper is the following: if the purpose of a test is to order
subjects, then (3.4) is the only property of interest: if we order subjects based
on an observed score, then their posterior distributions of Θ should be
stochastically ordered in the same direction. Therefore, we call the condition
in (3.4) ordinal sufficiency (OS).
(Θ|X = x2 ) > (Θ|X = x1 ), for some x2 and x1 , for which H(x2 ) = H(x1 ).
In the next section, we consider for some specific IRT models whether the
sum score is ordinal sufficient for θ.
46 the nonparametric rasch model
The δi parameters indicate that the first 5 items are difficult and that the last
4 items are easy.
Consider the following two answer patterns:
• x1 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0];
• x2 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1].
The posterior distributions of Θ for these two answer patterns are displayed
in Figure 3.1. From this counter example it can be seen that these posterior
distributions are not stochastically ordered.
2PL Model Consider two response vectors x1 and x2 . These vectors can,
after applying the same permutation of indices to both, be expressed as
x1 = y ∪ (1 − z),
x2 = y ∪ z,
F(θ|X = x)
Figure 3.1: Posterior distributions of θ for two response patterns under the NOM.
zg αg (θ2 − θ1 ) > (1 − zg )αg (θ2 − θ1 ), θ2 > θ1
g g
X X n
αg > αg , z+ > . (3.7)
g:z=1 g:z=0
48 the nonparametric rasch model
α = [α1 , α2 , ..., αp ]
α0 ∪ α∗ = α,
α0 ∩ α∗ = ∅,
dim(α0 ) > dim(α∗ ).
It can be seen that (3.8) holds if, for p even, the sum of the smallest p2 + 1
is odd, then the sum of the smallest p2 + 12 elements of α has be larger than
The MHM model together with IIO, is known as the Double Monotonicity
Model (DMM, Mokken, 1971; see also Sijtsma & Molenaar, 2002). The second
assumption is monotone traceline ratio (MTR, Post, 1992):
P (xi |θ)
is a non-decreasing function of θ, for all i < j.
P (xj |θ)
In order to show that both the addition of IIO and MTR to the MHM do not
result in a model with an ordinal sufficient sum score, we, once again, consider
an example of a three-item test. The item response functions (IRFs) are as
chapter 3 49
P (Xi = 1|θ)
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Figure 3.2: IRFs for the three items in (3.9): P (x1 |θ) (solid), P (x2 |θ) (dashed), and
P (x3 |θ) (dotted).
P (x1 |θ) =
exp(θ) + 1
exp(θ) + 1.2
P (x2 |θ) = (3.9)
exp(θ) + 2
exp(θ) + 1
P (x3 |θ) =
exp(θ) + 1.2
F(θ|X = x)
Figure 3.3: Posterior distributions of θ for two response patterns under the DMM
and MTR.
as well as MTR:
P (x1 |θ)
increasing in θ;
P (x2 |θ)
P (x1 |θ)
increasing in θ;
P (x3 |θ)
P (x2 |θ)
increasing in θ.
P (x3 |θ)
• x1 = [1, 0, 0];
• x2 = [0, 1, 1].
This can easily be demonstrated with two score patterns that differ on only
one item (e.g. in a case of 3 items [1,1,0] and [0,1,0]). The likelihood ratio of
these two score patterns is
P (x1 |θ)
1 − P (x1 |θ)
110 100
111 101 010 000
011 001
Figure 3.4: Partial likelihood ratio order for a three-item test under the MHM.
110 100
111 101 S 010 000
011 001
Figure 3.5: Partial likelihood ratio order for a three-item test under the npRM.
posterior distributions of θ, but all patterns that are displayed in Figure 3.5
should meet this condition. For instance, it must hold that
The question whether this ordering does hold or not, could be verified with a
statistical test. This test will be introduced in the next section.
Lemma 4. OS of the sum score for a set of items implies OS of the sum score
for any subset of items.
f (θ|X = x1 )
f (θ|X = x2 )
is increasing in θ, then
f (θ|x1 )
f (θ|x2 )
[i] [i]
is also increasing in θ if x+1 > x+2 .
Since we assume local independence,
[i] [i]
f (θ|x1 ) P (xi1 |θ)f (θ|x1 ) P (xi2 |x2 )
= [i] [i]
f (θ|x2 ) P (xi2 |θ)f (θ|x2 ) P (xi1 |x1 )
[i] [i]
Let x1 and x2 be such that x+1 > x+2 . Following from local independence, we
are free to assume xi1 = xi2 = xi . Then, we find using the above relation that
f (θ|x1 ) f (θ|x1 )
∝ .
f (θ|x2 ) f (θ|x2 )
Since the right hand side is increasing in θ if x+1 > x+2 , and x+k = x+k + xi ,
the result follows.
Proof. Any pair of response patterns x1 and x2 for which x+1 > x+2 can, after
applying the same permutation of indices to both, be expressed as
x1 = y∪z
x2 = y ∪ (1 − z)
f (θ|z) f (θ|x1 )
∝ .
f (θ|1 − z) f (θ|x2 )
The second case is when y = ∅. Then any pair of response patterns x1 and x2
with x+1 > x+2 and with an even number of items, can, after applying the
same permutation of indices to both, be expressed as
x1 = (xi = 1) ∪ z
x2 = (xi = 0) ∪ (1 − z)
From these lemmas it follows that if (3.4) holds for X, it also has to hold
for all subsets of X.
Let I denote the set of all p item indices, i.e., I = {1, 2, 3, · · ·, i, · · ·, p}, let S
denote a subset of item indices, i.e., S ⊂ I, let S denote the vector of responses
on the items in S, and let X+ denote the sum score of the items of X that are
not in subset S. Following from local independence,
[S] [S]
P (X+ |s) = P (X+ |θ)f (θ|s)dθ.
It is already mentioned that under the MHM, θ has monotone likelihood ratio
(MLR) in X+ (Grayson, 1988; Huynh, 1994). A well-known property of the
MLR is that also the reverse is true, i.e. X+ has monotone likelihood ratio in
chapter 3 55
[S] [S]
(X+ |s2 ) > (X+ |s1 ),
(Θ|s2 ) > (Θ|s1 ).
This leads to the following analogy for testing ordinal sufficiency: the null
hypothesis (H0 ) is that H(X) is ordinal sufficient for θ. If H0 is true, then
[S] [S]
∀s1 , s2 : (X+ |s2 )>(X+ |s1 ), if H(s2 ) > H(s1 ).
3.4.1 Example
This procedure will briefly be demonstrated with an example. The examples are
based on data from the Dutch Entrance Test (in Dutch: Entreetoets), which
consists of multiple parts that are administered annually to 125,000 grade 5
pupils. One of the parts is a test with 120 math items. To gain insight into
the item characteristics, we first analyzed a sample of 30,000 examinees2 with
the One-Parameter Logistic Model (OPLM, Verhelst & Glas, 1995; Verhelst et
al., 1993). The OPLM with integer αi parameters did not fit the data well,
R1c = 5,956, df = 357, p < 0.001, however, the item parameter estimates can
be informative for the selection of subsets of items for this illustration. The
parameters of a selection of six items are displayed in Table 3.1.
The smallest subsets that can be tested on ordinal sufficiency are subsets
of three items. According to the rule in Section 3.3.2 the subset that contains
2 A sample had to be drawn because of limitations of the OPLM software package w.r.t.
Table 3.1: Estimated OPLM parameters of six items from the example data set.
item αi δi
1 2 0.275
2 4 -0.156
3 3 -0.296
6 2 -0.460
8 4 0.104
10 5 -0.029
item 1, 2, and 3 has an ordinal sufficient sum score. This is confirmed by the
[S] [S]
empirical cumulative distributions (ecds) of (X+ |[0, 0, 1]) and (X+ |[1, 1, 0])
in Figure 3.6a. In contrast, the subset with item 1, 6, and 10 does not have
an ordinal sufficient sum score. Figure 3.6b displays the ecds of (X+ |[0, 0, 1])
[S] [S]
and (X+ |[1, 1, 0]). A third example are the ecds of (X+ |[0, 0, 1]) and
(X+ |[1, 1, 0]), based on the subset with item 1, 6 and 8. According to the
[S] [S]
αi -parameters, the (X+ |[0, 0, 1]) and (X+ |[1, 1, 0]) are not expected to be
stochastically ordered. This expectation is confirmed by Figure 3.6c.
These three cases can also be tested with the one-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov
(KS) test (Conover, 1999a). The corresponding hypotheses are
[S] [S]
H0 : (X+ |[0, 0, 1]) ≤ (X+ |[1, 1, 0]);
[S] [S]
HA : (X+ |[0, 0, 1]) > (X+ |[1, 1, 0])
3.5 Discussion
In the present study, the minimal conditions for ordinal inferences about
individuals are considered. It was shown that common nonparametric models,
which are known for their ordering properties (i.e., SOL), are not fully
satisfactory for the purpose of measurement at the level of individuals. The
3 This function computes the classical KS-test for continuous distributions, and therefore
does not allow for ties. However, alternative analyses with the ks.boot function from the
Matching package (Sekhon, 2011), a function that allows for ties, show similar results.
chapter 3 57
reason was that the ordering based on the sum score is not always in
accordance with the ordering based on the complete response pattern. In
order to guarantee this accordance, OS has been defined as a minimal
condition for fair scoring of individuals.
This aspect of fairness should be distinguished from measurement error and
the asymptotic behavior of a statistic. It could be that the ordinal inferences
change if the test administration is extended or repeated. However, these
changes are then based on additional information. OS refers to inferences
based on all available information.
OS is a property that can hold for any scoring rule, but this study only
focused on the sum score. It has been shown that OS of the sum score need
not hold for the NOM, but that it does for the RM as well as for 2PLMs with
a relatively homogeneous set of discrimination parameters. The latter case
implies that ignoring the weights in the scoring rule need not have an effect on
ordinal inferences.
In Section 3.3.2, it was shown that the MHM, as well as the extensions
with IIO or/and MTR, does not imply OS of the sum score. However, this
does not mean that these models are useless. The property that the latent
trait is stochastically ordered by the sum score is, for instance, very useful in
survey applications. It implies that the means (or other statistics of central
tendency) of the posterior distributions of θ are ordered in accordance with the
sum score. This says that people with a higher sum score have on average a
larger ability compared to people with a lower sum score, and therefore groups
of people can be ordered based on the sum score.
The introduction of OS and the npRM leaves some topics for further
research. The first is about model fit. It was shown in section 3.4 that OS has
testable implications. However, the proposed procedure contains many
pairwise subtests. For instance, for a test with ten items, 29,002 subtests (!)
have to be performed on the same data. Maybe, the procedure could be
reduced to those subtests that provide the most information about the
null-hypothesis that the sum score is ordinal sufficient. This topic needs
further study.
The second is how to equate two tests that both have an ordinal sufficient
score. In order words, how do these score distributions relate to each other?
The final comment is about deriving other OS test statistics. Ordinal
58 the nonparametric rasch model
sufficiency is a property that can hold for any scoring rule. And for any
scoring rule provided, the test described above can be used in order to
determine whether that scoring rule is ordinal sufficient or not. However, this
approach can also be used in the reverse direction, i.e., it can be used in order
to find the scoring rule that is ordinal sufficient for a particular test. For
monotone latent variable models, there always exists an ordinal sufficient
statistic for the latent trait. For instance, the statistic that assigns the value 0
to those who made all items incorrect, the value 1 to those who made some
items incorrect and some items correct, and the value 2 to those who made all
items correct. This example is practically of limited value, however, it
demonstrates that one can look for a statistic that assigns examinees to
categories, such that the ordering between categories is ordinal sufficient.
This also demonstrates that OS is as condition a good deal weaker than
sufficiency. Whereas most IRT models do not allow for a sufficient statistic,
they all admit of (at least one) OS statistic.
chapter 3 59
x+2 = y+ + z+ ,
x+1 = y+ + (n − z+ ).
In cases where
x+2 > x+1 ,
we obtain
z+ > (n − z+ ),
z+ > .
Now we consider the posterior distribution
f (θ2 |X = x2 ) f (θ1 |X = x2 )
> ,
f (θ2 |X = x1 ) f (θ1 |X = x1 )
f (θ2 |X = x2 ) f (θ1 |X = x2 )
log > log .
f (θ2 |X = x1 ) f (θ1 |X = x1 )
chapter 3 61
X P (zg |θ2 ) X P (zg |θ1 )
(2zg − 1) log > (2zg − 1) log
g 1 − P (zg |θ2 ) g 1 − P (zg |θ1 )
X P (zg |θ2 ) X P (zg |θ1 )
(2zg − 1) log − (2zg − 1) log > 0
g 1 − P (zg |θ2 ) g 1 − P (zg |θ1 )
X P (zg |θ2 ) P (zg |θ1 )
(2zg − 1) log − log > 0
g 1 − P (zg |θ2 ) 1 − P (zg |θ1 )
P (zg |θ2 )
X 1−P (zg |θ2 )
(2zg − 1) log
P (zg |θ ) > 0
g 1
1−P (zg |θ1 )
P (zg |θ2 ) P (z |θ )
g 2
X 1−P (zg |θ2 ) X 1−P (zg |θ2 )
P (zg |θ ) >
zg log (1 − zg ) log
P (zg |θ ) ,
g 1 g 1
1−P (zg |θ1 ) 1−P (zg |θ1 )
θ2 > θ1 , z+ > .
62 the nonparametric rasch model
F (X+ |S)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
X+ |S
001 001
110 110
F (X+ |S)
F (X+ |S)
(b) (c)
[S] [S]
Figure 3.6: The ecds of (X+ |[0, 0, 1]) and (X+ |[1, 1, 0]). S contains: item 1, 2, and
3 (a); 1, 6, and 10 (b); 1, 6, and 8 (c).
Chapter 4
This paper discusses the issue of differential item functioning (DIF) in international
surveys. DIF is likely to occur in international surveys. What is needed is a
statistical approach that takes DIF into account, while at the same time allowing
for meaningful comparisons between countries. Some existing approaches are
discussed and an alternative is provided. The core of this alternative approach is to
define the construct as a large set of items, and to report in terms of summary
statistics. Since the data are incomplete, measurement models are used to complete
the incomplete data. For that purpose different models can be used across countries.
The method is illustrated with PISA’s reading literacy data. The results indicate
that this approach fits the data better than the current PISA methodology,
however, the league tables are nearly the same. The implications for monitoring
changes over time are discussed.
This chapter has been submitted for publication as: Zwitser, R.J., Glaser, S. & Maris, G.
(submitted). Monitoring Countries in a Changing World. A New Look at DIF in
International Surveys.
64 dif in international surveys
4.1 Introduction
1 In fact, PISA consists of participating economies. However, since most economies are
countries, and since we think that the term countries is easier for the reader, we use the term
countries instead of economies.
66 dif in international surveys
implies that DIF is currently not taken into account in the psychometric
model. It has been demonstrated that the procedure described above does not
succeed in removing all DIF in PISA (Kreiner, 2011; Kreiner & Christensen,
2013; Oliveri & Von Davier, 2011; Oliveri & Von Davier, 2014; Oliveri &
Ercikan, 2011). In order to improve the model fit and to study the effect of
DIF on PISA’s final scores and rankings, different alternative methods have
been proposed. These alternatives are discussed in the following two sections.
The Netherlands. In that case, country specific parameters are needed in the
model. In this example, we choose to estimate separate PCMs on the data
of Poland and The Netherlands, respectively. What we obtain are two sets
of parameters that are not on the same scale. How to equate these scales?
Many answers to this question have been considered (see, for instance, Kolen
& Brennan, 2004, chapter 6). However, to illustrate the in principle arbitrary
aspect of scaling with DIF, we just consider the following three options.
The first option is to fix the means of both sets of item parameters at the
same value, e.g., at zero. This mean-mean method (Loyd & Hoover, 1980)
was also applied by Oliveri & Von Davier (2011; 2014). The corresponding
scatterplot with item parameters2 is depicted in Figure 4.1a. Observe that
the dots are not on an approximately straight line, which indicates that there
is DIF between these two countries. The cumulative distribution of person
parameters is displayed in Figure 4.1b. The θ-distributions are approximately
F(θ|X = x)
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
Anker Poland
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
Anker Poland
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
The second and third option are based on equating with an anchor set of
items. In the presence of DIF, the choice of an anchor is problematic. There
can be clusters of items, such that within a cluster the relative difficulties are
invariant across populations (Bechger, Maris, & Verstralen, 2010; Bechger &
Maris, 2014). An example of such clusters is shown in Figures 4.1c en 4.1e. The
items depicted with black and grey circles, respectively, could be seen as two
of such clusters. It is not uncommon in psychometrics to take one cluster as
anchor and consider these items as the items without DIF. The remaining items
are then considered to be the DIF items. In this example we have two clusters,
but taking one or the other as anchor (denoted as options 2 and 3), or fixing the
mean of the item parameters (option 1) is statistically equivalent. These three
options have exactly the same likelihood, and are only a re-parameterization
of each other. This implies that there is no empirical evidence to prefer one
option over the other. Observe, however, that the relative difference between
person parameter distributions is different across these three options. The θ-
distributions related to options 2 and 3 are depicted in Figures 4.1d and 4.1f,
respectively. With option 2 the distribution of Poland is stochastically larger
than the distribution of The Netherlands, while the reverse is true with option 3.
Since the ordering of the person parameter distribution of person parameters
depends on an arbitrary decision about the scaling method, we argue that
person parameters are in this case not a suitable basis for comparing countries.
that the answer depends on the type of DIF. If there is an external source
that has a temporary effect on the scores, and the magnitude of the effect
can empirically be estimated, then it makes sense to adjust test scores. For
instance, wind assistance in a 100 meter sprint exists independent of the ability
of the athlete, and benefit of wind assistance can be modeled explicitly (see
e.g., Linthorne, 2014). Since it could have happened that the same athlete
would have ran the race without wind, the adjusted sprint time is a meaningful
measure. In a testing context, however, the sources of DIF are in most cases
unclear (Sandilands, Oliveri, Zumbo, & Ercikan, 2013; American Educational
Research Association et al., 1999). Sources that are reported in a survey context
(e.g., language, cultural, or gender differences) are in a fixed way related to the
subpopulation. They are fixed in the sense that it could not have happened
that the same student was a girl instead of a boy, or that he was English
speaking instead of French speaking. Therefore, we think that DIF-based score
adjustments like ‘if this student was a member of another subpopulation’ have
a limited meaning in a survey context.
4.2 Method
The main idea is straightforward: define the construct as a large set of items,
collect the data in an incomplete design, use measurement models to complete
the incomplete data, and report in terms of summary statistics. The following
sections describe this procedure in more detail.
4.2.3 Comparability
One of the main applications of surveys is to compare performance across
participating countries. This implies the comparison of subsets of X. Let us
denote the subsets corresponding to countries a and b as Xa and Xb . Under
the conditions described above, xa and xb are unbiased estimates of Xa and
Xb , respectively, and are therefore comparable between countries.
Consequently, the same holds for functions applied to X. If one is interested
in the function f of X (e.g., the sum score over items), then f (xa ) and f (xb )
are unbiased estimates of f (Xa ) and f (Xb ). Notice that this only holds if the
same function f is applied to both xa and xb . With two different functions,
e.g., f1 (xa ) and f2 (xb ), the comparability property is lost.
which compared to (4.1) also contains integer ai -parameters that are considered
as being known before. These are also called discrimination indices.
For both the PCM and the OPLM, the b-parameters are estimated with
the conditional likelihood method (Andersen, 1973a). An important question
related to the OPLM is how to obtain these ai -parameters. Observe that items
with the same value for the ai -parameter do form a Rasch subscale. Therefore,
an OPLM can also be considered as a collection of Rasch subscales. One
way to estimate this model, is to 1) find the different Rasch subscales, and 2)
investigate how these are related to each other, e.g., find the different ai -values
(see Bolsinova, Maris, and Hoijtink (2012) for recent developments with respect
to this approach). For this paper, the ai -parameters are estimated with the
OPCAT procedure in the OPLM program (Verhelst et al., 1993). Since this is
also an estimation procedure, the sample is split randomly into two subsamples.
The first subsample, which is chosen to be approximately twice as large as the
second, is used for estimating the ai -parameters. The second subsample is
used for estimating the bi -parameters of the OPLM, while considering the ai -
parameters as known, and for evaluating the model fit. This estimation is
performed with the OPLM program (Verhelst et al., 1993).
When the item parameters are estimated, then the next step is to estimate
person parameters. In order to do so, five plausible values (PV) are drawn from
the posterior distribution of the person parameters, conditional on the data and
the estimated item parameters. The sample from this posterior distribution
74 dif in international surveys
can be drawn with a Gibbs sampler, in which the mean and the variance of
the prior normal distribution are also estimated. A general description of this
method can be obtained from the ESLC Technical Report (Council of Europe,
2012). Detailed discussions about the estimation algorithm (Marsman, Maris,
Bechger, & Glas, 2013a), and about the advantages of using PV (Marsman,
Maris, Bechger, & Glas, 2013b) are elsewhere available.
in each score group, using the observed frequency of scores in the score group.
4.3 Data
after the exclusions described above. The fourth column denotes the number
of students that took reading items.
Since the construct is defined in a set of items, and not all reading items
are administered in each country (OECD, 2009a, Tabel 12.5), only the subset
of 20 items was taken that was administered in each country. These are the
same items as those that were taken by Kreiner and Christensen (see Kreiner
& Christensen, 2013, Table 3).
This section describes the method with three of illustrations. The first two
examples are based on data set 1. In the first example (Section 4.4.1) the fit of
chapter 4 77
P (Xi = 1)
P (Xi = 1)
5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
Figure 4.2: Pi|x+ (dots), and πi|x+ (line) under the PCM for both countries and both
PISA 2006.
78 dif in international surveys
Table 4.3: Estimated a-parameters of the OPLM for both countries and both cycles.
country and each cycle is split into two subsamples (see section 4.2.5). The
corresponding sample sizes are displayed in column 3 and 4 of Table 4.2. The
integer discrimination parameters are obtained based on subsample 1. These
estimated values are displayed in Table 4.3. The OPLM is estimated with
subsample 2. Although the model fit test is significant, R1c (99) = 255.411,
p < 0.0001, the ratio between the fit statistic and the number of degrees of
freedom (approx. 255/99) indicates that the fit of this model is substantially
better than the fit of the PCM (approx. 2,233/231). This improvement in fit
can also be seen in the item fit plot of item 17 and 25 (see Figure 4.3).
P (Xi = 1)
P (Xi = 1)
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 4.3: Pi|x+ (dots), and πi|x+ (line) under the OPLM for both countries and
both cycles.
The expected proportions for Canada 2006 are estimated based on the item
parameters that are obtained from the OPLM for Mexico 2006, while the
observed proportions are obtained from the data of Canada 2006. It can be
seen that for the students in Canada in 2006 item 17 is relatively more easy,
and item 21 has a larger discriminative power, compared to students in
P (Xi = 1)
P (Xi = 1)
40 60 80 100 40 60 80 100
Figure 4.4: πi|x+ (line) and Pi|x+ (dots), where πi|x+ is based on parameters obtained
from Mexico 2006, and where Pi|x+ is based on the data of Canada 2006.
1, · · · 10,11, · · · 18,19, · · · 28
Group 1 missing
Subsample 1
Group 2 missing
Group 1 missing
Subsample 2
Group 2 missing
are displayed in Figure 4.7. From there it can be seen that for the PCMs only
two countries have an R1c /df smaller than 2, while for the OPLMs all R1c /df
are smaller than 2. For this example, we took the OPLM for each country.
Then, for each student, five plausible values were drawn, and these were
transformed to the plausible scores metric. Since five of the items are partial
credit items with three categories, the scale reaches from 0 to 25. Finally,
standard errors were computed according to the regular procedure with student
and replicate weights (see OECD, 2009b), Chapter 2-4).
The original PISA scores (OECD, 2007) and the average plausible scores
per country are depicted in Figure 4.8. The correlation between the two is
0.991. There are differences in ranks, but these are small. To illustrate the
significance of the differences, the 95% confidence levels of the ranks are
simulated as follows. For each country, a score was sampled from a normal
distribution with mean equal to the country’s mean score, and standard
deviation equal to the standard error of the country’s mean estimate. With
these sampled scores, the rank of the countries is determined. Next, this
82 dif in international surveys
Cumulative distribution
0 10 20 30
Total score
(a) Example 1
Canada Canada
Cumulative distribution
Cumulative distribution
Mexico Mexico
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
R1c/df OPLM
2 4 6 8 10
R1c/df PCM
Figure 4.7: R1c /df-ratios of the PCMs and OPLMs estimated per country.
items instead of 28 items, and because the plausible scores contain an additional
source of uncertainty. Besides the uncertainty caused by sampling students,
and the estimation error of the parameters based on the observed data, the
plausible scores also contain measurement error in the sampled responses for
the missing data. This latter source of uncertainty, however, is relatively small
compared to the first two.
The most remarkable observation is that besides one country all other
intervals do overlap. Only for Macao-China the rank based on the plausible
scores on the 20 items is significantly higher compared to the PISA ranking.
This overlap illustrates that taking (non-)uniform DIF into account does not
affect the rank order of countries significantly.
4.5 Discussion
The aim of this paper was to provide a statistical method for educational
surveys that takes DIF into account, but at the same time provides final scores
that are comparable between countries. The results make clear that the model
fit improves substantially if country specific item parameters are included in
the method. The final league table, however, is nearly the same as the PISA
league table that is based on an international calibration. This illustrates that
84 dif in international surveys
10 12 14 16 18
Plausible score
PISA score
Figure 4.8: Mean scores per country based on the PISA’s Reading Literacy data from
2006. On the x-axis the original PISA scores, on the y-axis the plausible scores on
the subset of 20 items.
2. The need for analytic techniques that work simultaneously for more than
50 countries;
7. The need to support the construction of scales that retain their meaning
over time.
We think that our approach fits the first six requirements. The seventh, we
return to later on.
In this paper, we took the sum score as a summary statistic of X, but also
another statistic could have been chosen. If we define the construct as a large set
of items, then, as explained in Section 4.2.3 the data are comparable, and so are
all kinds of summary statistics. Which summary statistics should be taken is a
question that policy makers should answer. Statistical techniques can provide
suggestions about statistics that could display interesting information, however,
86 dif in international surveys
outcome, and if they succeed, then they actively create DIF between countries
and within countries over time.
But not only item properties are changing over time. More general, the
world around us is (rapidly) changing. Imagine, for instance, that a construct
like IT literacy would have been part of the PISA survey5 . Some items that
would have been suitable in 2000, would definitely not have been suitable
anymore in 2012. This implies that the content of the construct changes over
time and that, in order to measure whether the skills and knowledge of
15-year-old students are sufficient for real life, the set of items should also
change over (a longer period of) time. But are observed scores comparable
over time if the item set changes? We think they are. Compare this case, for
instance, with stock market indices like the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Because the Dow Jones Industrial Average has to reflect at each time point
the current state of the market, the content on which the index is based
changes over time (Dieterich, 2013). In the same way, if the consortium of
participating countries agrees at each time point that the current set items
covers the construct of interest at that particular time point, then comparison
in terms observed scores are meaningful, because at each time point they
reflect the construct of interest. For example, a conclusion could then be of
the following structure: ‘country A scores 60% of the items of 2006 correct,
while they score 70% of the 2009 items correct’. Turning back to Adams’s
seventh requirement that an alternative method needs to support the
construction of scales that retain their meaning over time, it could be
concluded that the approach suggested in this paper also fits this requirement.
To conclude, if surveys have impact on policy decisions, then it is likely that
item properties change over time. Moreover, the surveys could serve policy
makers to change the world around us. They can compare the results of the
surveys with their own benchmarks, and choose to adjust their policy. And if
they succeed, survey outcomes should detect this. Therefore, surveys are part
of a dynamic system, and what we need is methodology that does justice to
these dynamics, rather than methodology that is rooted in an inherently static
view on an educational system. In the this paper, we started with providing
another look at DIF in international surveys. However, our approach to focus at
5 Around 2000, it has been discussed whether this construct should be part of the PISA
88 dif in international surveys
Table 4.4: Results Reading Literacy per country: N1 = total sample size, N2 =
sample that took reading items, UR = upper rank, LR = lower rank.
PISA 2006 Plausible scores
Code Country N1 N2 Score SE UR LR Score SE UR LR
KOR Korea 5171 2791 556 3.8 1 1 17.62 0.17 1 1
FIN Finland 4710 2533 547 2.1 2 2 16.65 0.13 2 3
HKG Hong Kong-China 4566 2465 536 2.4 3 3 16.74 0.16 2 3
CAN Canada 22505 12129 527 2.4 4 5 15.69 0.12 4 5
NZL New Zealand 4798 2559 521 3.0 4 6 15.41 0.17 4 6
IRL Ireland 4572 2467 517 3.5 5 8 15.24 0.18 5 8
AUS Australia 14081 7556 513 2.1 6 9 14.87 0.12 6 11
POL Poland 5540 2975 508 2.8 7 11 14.88 0.14 6 12
SWE Sweden 4420 2371 507 3.4 7 12 14.82 0.17 6 13
NLD Netherlands 4863 2664 507 2.9 7 12 14.59 0.19 7 17
BEL Belgium 8834 4846 501 3.0 9 16 14.27 0.18 11 21
EST Estonia 4861 2631 501 2.9 9 16 14.50 0.16 9 17
CHE Switzerland 12167 6579 499 3.1 10 19 14.54 0.16 8 17
JPN Japan 5923 3196 498 3.6 10 20 14.22 0.18 12 22
TAP Chinese Taipei 8801 4740 496 3.4 11 21 14.51 0.19 8 18
GBR United Kingdom 13044 7045 495 2.3 13 21 13.86 0.12 18 26
DEU Germany 4875 2704 495 4.4 11 23 13.86 0.26 15 28
DNK Denmark 4515 2430 494 3.2 12 22 14.04 0.16 15 24
SVN Slovenia 6589 3634 494 1.0 15 20 14.35 0.13 11 19
MAC Macao-China 4746 2560 492 1.1 17 22 14.64 0.14 8 15
AUT Austria 4922 2646 490 4.1 14 25 13.93 0.19 16 26
FRA France 4673 2530 488 4.1 16 27 13.98 0.21 14 26
ISL Iceland 3756 2009 484 1.9 22 27 13.95 0.12 17 24
NOR Norway 4664 2507 484 3.2 21 28 13.56 0.16 22 29
CZE Czech Republic 5927 3246 483 4.2 21 29 13.58 0.24 19 31
HUN Hungary 4483 2401 482 3.3 22 29 13.61 0.18 20 29
LVA Latvia 4699 2561 479 3.7 23 30 13.71 0.20 18 29
LUX Luxembourg 4559 2446 479 1.3 25 29 13.42 0.12 25 30
HRV Croatia 5203 2774 477 2.8 25 30 13.27 0.13 26 32
PRT Portugal 5093 2785 472 3.6 27 33 13.03 0.19 28 34
LTU Lithuania 4728 2544 470 3.0 29 33 13.03 0.16 29 34
ITA Italy 21671 11636 469 2.4 30 33 13.25 0.12 27 32
SVK Slovak Republic 4724 2550 466 3.1 30 35 12.90 0.18 29 35
ESP Spain 19512 10516 461 2.2 33 35 12.50 0.12 34 36
GRC Greece 4847 2609 460 4.0 32 35 12.85 0.20 30 35
TUR Turkey 4922 2656 447 4.2 36 38 12.44 0.23 33 37
CHL Chile 5141 2783 442 5.0 36 39 11.95 0.24 36 39
RUS Russian Federation 5734 3076 440 4.3 36 39 11.82 0.23 37 39
ISR Israel 4392 2362 439 4.6 36 39 11.78 0.21 37 39
THA Thailand 6153 3342 417 2.6 40 41 10.00 0.13 41 43
URY Uruguay 4671 2523 413 3.4 40 43 10.64 0.18 40 40
MEX Mexico 30383 16433 410 3.1 40 43 9.97 0.15 41 43
BGR Bulgaria 4418 2374 402 6.9 41 49 9.75 0.31 41 47
SRB Serbia 4771 2565 401 3.5 43 47 9.35 0.16 43 48
JOR Jordan 6433 3494 401 3.3 43 47 9.21 0.14 44 49
ROU Romania 5102 2733 396 4.7 43 50 8.83 0.29 45 52
IDN Indonesia 10485 5649 393 5.9 43 51 8.76 0.27 46 52
BRA Brazil 8981 4890 393 3.7 45 50 9.23 0.15 44 49
MNE Montenegro 4436 2369 392 1.2 46 50 8.63 0.11 49 52
COL Colombia 4179 2259 385 5.1 47 52 9.52 0.21 42 47
TUN Tunisia 4534 2422 380 4.0 49 52 8.77 0.20 47 52
ARG Argentina 4068 2207 374 7.2 50 52 8.97 0.29 44 52
AZE Azerbaijan 5184 2784 353 3.1 53 53 6.34 0.13 53 53
QAT Qatar 6061 3281 312 1.2 54 54 5.62 0.10 54 54
KGZ Kyrgyzstan 5313 2870 285 3.5 55 55 4.60 0.13 55 55
90 dif in international surveys
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55
In the previous three chapters, I have described the results of three research
projects related to the use of latent variable models in educational testing.
Each chapter ended with some topics for discussion. In this section, I will
briefly discuss the topics of this thesis from a more personal perspective. I will
do this chapter by chapter.
92 discussion
With a typical linear test (i.e., the same S for all students) administered to a
large enough number of students, the second term in (5.2) is negligible, at the
expense of the first term being potentially inflated. In contrast, in CAT the
first term is minimized, at the expense of the second term being inflated.
This brings me to the following position: optimal inferences from
high-stakes adaptive testing data implies a balance between the estimation
error of person and item parameters. In that sense, MST could be more
efficient compared CAT. I consider the minimization of (5.2) one of the main
outstanding questions for CAT research.
chapter 5 93
In Chapter 3, I have discussed the use of the sum score for ordering individual
test takers. This was quite a formal discussion with the purpose to distinguish
between the stochastic ordering of the latent trait (SOL) property (Hemker et
al., 1997) that enables inferences about groups of students, and the sufficiency
property that enables inferences about individual students. The representation
of sufficiency in terms of the stochastic ordering of posterior distributions of
θ provided the baseline for the nonparametric alternative for the Rasch model
(npRM): if the purpose is to order individuals, then we have to investigate
whether the ordering of sum scores corresponds with the stochastic ordering
of the posterior distributions of the person parameters. The only difference
between this npRM and the parametric Rasch model (RM, Rasch, 1960) is
that it is not required that equal sum scores imply stochastically equal posterior
This representation of sufficiency, brings me to the following issue in high-
stakes testing: based on which evidence can we classify students into ordered
groups, and when do we have to decide that we cannot make a distinction
between students?
In cases where the RM fits we feel comfortable to order based on the sum
score, because all available statistical informations is kept by the sum score. If
the RM does not fit, one can consider the less restrictive npRM, however, the
difference between both models is only about cases with equal sum scores. In
case of unequal sum scores, both models are equally restrictive. If the RM is
seen as restrictive, then the same could be said about the npRM. But on which
argument can we classify individual students if the npRM also does not fit?
I will mention three options, and discuss them in the context of high-stakes
The first is to leave the requirement of ordinal sufficiency of the sum score.
Then we arrive at the monotone homogeneity model (Mokken, 1971). If we do
this, and we use the sum score as final statistic, we decide to classify students
into groups based on a summary statistic, while other available information
does not support this classification. I think that this is questionable. If we
classify in high-stakes conditions, then I think that this classification should
not be contradicted by other available test data. The second option is to use
a parametric model with more parameters, e.g., the Two-Parameter Logistic
94 discussion
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References published chapters
Zwitser, R.J. & Maris, G. (in press). Conditional Statistical Inference with
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Interest of co-authors:
106 references published chapters
Summary of ‘Contributions to Latent
Variable Modeling in Educational
108 summary
110 samenvatting
vraag wat een optimale adaptieve toets is voor high-stakes toetsing. Daarbij
wordt beargumenteerd dat dit niet een computer adaptieve toets (CAT) met
een oneindig grote en gekalibreerde vragenbank is. In plaats daarvan kan een
multistage toets tot efficiëntere resultaten leiden. De tweede gaat over wat te
doen als de somscore niet ordinal sufficient is voor de persoonsparameter. Er
wordt beargumenteerd dat in het geval van high-stakes toetsing men wellicht
een ruwere statistiek dan de somscore moet zoeken die wel ordinal sufficient is.
De derde is een uitwijding over de positieve aspecten van DIF.
112 samenvatting
Dit proefschrift heb ik mogen schrijven in de tijd dat ik in dienst was bij Cito.
Graag bedank ik Cito voor alle geboden faciliteiten. Een aantal mensen heeft
de achterliggende jaren een bijzondere bijdrage geleverd. Ik wil hen hierbij
persoonlijk bedanken.
Gunter, ik heb jouw begeleiding enorm gewaardeerd. Door jouw creativiteit,
toegankelijkheid, beschikbaarheid, eigenwijsheid en heldere stijl van uitleggen
heb ik de achterliggende vijf jaar ontzettend veel geleerd. Bedankt voor al je
toewijding en vertrouwen.
Anton, bedankt voor mijn plek bij POK, voor je lessen in pragmatisch
en tactisch handelen, en voor je aanmoediging om hoofdstuk 4 helemaal te
herschrijven. Uiteindelijk is dit hoofdstuk er een stuk beter van geworden.
Bas, bedankt voor je betrokkenheid in brede zin. Al tijdens mijn
afstudeerstage was je als kamergenoot nieuwsgierig naar mijn bezigheden. En
in een later stadium, toen het stageonderzoek ontwikkelde tot hoofdstuk 3
van dit proefschrift, was je genuanceerde feedback op het iets te
ongenuanceerde manuscript een welkome aanvulling.
Timo, bedankt voor de vele momenten waarop je beschikbaar was voor
vragen en voor je feedback op verscheidene delen van het manuscript.
Han, bedankt voor je begeleiding in de laatste maanden. Mede door jouw
betrokkenheid is het gelukt in een drukke tijd tot een afronding te komen.
Saskia, Matthieu en Maarten, bewoners van de ‘prijzenkast’, bedankt voor
de vele gesprekken, koffiemomentjes, flauwe grappen en morele steun. Ik koester
vele mooie herinneringen aan B5.46. Ook dank ik de overige collega’s van Cito,
en in het bijzonder die van POK, voor de fijne tijd, de goede sfeer en de
voortdurende bereidheid om even mee te denken.
Michiel en Matthieu, bedankt voor jullie vriendschap en betrokkenheid in
114 dankwoord
de afgelopen jaren. Ik vind het fijn dat jullie mijn paranimfen zijn.
Pa en ma, van kinds af aan hebben jullie mijn nieuwsgierigheid positief
benaderd. Mijn studietijd heeft wat omzwervingen gekend, maar ook daarin
heb ik de mogelijkheid gekregen om mijn weg te vinden. Ik ben blij met dit
proefschrift als resultaat. Bedankt voor al jullie aanmoedigingen.
Janet en Thijmen, ik ben blij dat jullie werk en wetenschap zo kunnen
relativeren. Bedankt voor alles wat jullie mij geven.
Robert Zwitser
December 2014
Modeling in Educational Measurement
Contributions to Latent Variable
Robert J. Zwitser
Contributions to Latent Variable Modeling in Educational Measurement Robert J. Zwitser