Gec 220 Partial Derivation
Gec 220 Partial Derivation
Gec 220 Partial Derivation
df lim f lim f x x f x
dx x 0 x x 0 x
and this is a measure of the rate of change of the value of the function f (x) with respect
to its variable x .
For a function of several variables, it is also useful to know how the function changes
when one, some or all of the variables change. To achieve this we define the partial
derivative of a function.
Likewise, the partial derivative, , of f ( x, y) with respect to y is its derivative with
respect to y treating the value of x as being constant, so that:
Although, partial derivatives have been introduced here in the context of function of
two variables, the concept may be readily extended to obtain the partial derivatives of
a function of as many variables as we please.
Finding partial derivatives is no more difficult than finding derivatives of functions of
one variable, with the constant multiplication, sum, product and quotient rules having
counterparts for partial derivatives.
Example 2:
For function of two variables, there are four different second-order partial derivatives.
f f 2 f
The partial derivative with respect to x of is , usually abbreviated as
x x x x 2
or f xx . Similarly, taking two successful partial derivatives with respect to y gives us
f 2 f
f yy .
y y y 2
For mixed second-order partial derivative, one derivative is taken with respect to
each variable. If the first partial derivative is taken with respect to x , we have
y x
2 f
, abbreviated as or f x y f xy . If the first partial derivative is taken with respect
f 2 f
to y , we have , abbreviated as , or f y x f yx .
x y xy
Example 3
Theorem 1
If f xy ( x, y) and f yx ( x, y) are continuous on an open set containing (a, b) , then
f xy (a, b) f yx (a, b) .
Third -, fourth -, or even higher-order partial derivative can be taken. Theorem 1 can
be extended to show that as long as the partial derivative are all continuous in an open
set, the order ( arrangement) of differentiation of higher derivative does not matter.
3 f
With higher-order partial derivative, notation such as becomes quite awkward
and so, f xyx is usually used instead.
f f f
u du dx dy dz
x y z
f f f
x y z
x y z
The differential of a function of several variables is often called a total differential,
emphasizing that it shows the variation of the function with respect to small changes in
all independent variables.
Example 5’s:
For a function of single variable, sometimes f is defined as a function of x , not by
giving the value of y explicitly in terms of x , but by giving an equation in x and y .
Such an equation may not determine y uniquely in terms of x , but in the situations we
commonly meet, the equation determines one or more distinct functions.
y 16 x 2 and y 16 x 2
6 x 36 x 2 45 5 x 2 128
or y
3x 4 40 x 2 and y
3x 4 40 x 2
When an equation in x and y determines y as a function of x (or as one of several
functions of x ), but when we do not have a direct explicit formula of y in terms of x
we say that y is defined implicitly as a function of x by the equation.
Now, we desire to obtain a general formula for obtaining the differentials of implicit
function. Consider the implicit function of two variables. The relation f ( x, y, z ) may
define any one of the variables as an implicit function of the other two. Let z be the
dependent variable. Then
z z
dz dx dy -------------------------------------------- (1)
x y
f f f
df dx dy dz 0 ------------------------------------------- (2)
x y z
f f z f f z
dx dy 0 ----------------------------------------- (3)
x z x y z y
Inasmuch as x and y are independent and equation (3) must hold for all values of dx
and dy , it follows that the coefficient (in parentheses) of dx and dy must individually
be zero. If 0 , this condition gives
z dx Fx
- =
x df Fz
z dy Fy
Similarly, = - =
y df Fz
Note that, much like implicit differentiation with two variables, implicit differentiation
with three variables yields expression for the derivatives that depend on all three
lim an 1
That is, if x <
n an
lim an
Denoting by r, we see that the series is absolutely convergent for
n an 1
r < x < r and divergent for x < r and x > r . The limit r is called the radius of
convergent of the series.
Then the series is convergent if l < 1 and divergent if l > 1 . If l 1 , we are not able to
decide, using this test, whether the series converges or diverges.
The primary reason for studying series is that we can use them to represent functions.
This opens up all kinds of possibilities for us, from approximating the values of
transcendental functions to calculating derivatives and integrals of such functions, to
studying differential equations.
Power series may be added, multiplied and divided within their common domains of
convergence (provided the denominator is nonzero within the common domain) to give
power series that are convergent, and the properties are often exploited to express a
given power series in terms of standard series band to obtain power series expansion of
complicated functions.
Four elementary power series that are of wide spread use are:
(a) Geometric series
1 x x 2 x 3 .................... (1) n x n ........................
1 x
1 x 1
(b) The binomial Series
r r r r n
(1 x) r 1 x x 2 x 3 .......... x ...........
1 2 1 n
r r (r 1)......................(r n 1)
n 1 2 3......................n
is the binomial coefficient.
r is any real number. When r is a positive integer, say N, the series terminates at the
term x N . When r is not a positive integer the series does not terminate.
Setting r -1 gives
1 (1) (1) 2 2 (1)(2)(3) 3
(1 x) 1 1 x x x .......
1 x 1 1 2 1 2 3
which simplifies to the geometric series
1 x x 2 x 3 .............
1 x
(2) (2) 3 2 (2)(3)(4) 3
(1 x) 2 1 x x x .................
1 1 2 1 2 3
which simplifies to the arithmetic-geometric series
1 2 x 3x 2 4 x 3 .................
(1 x) 2
So the geometric series may be thought of as a special case of the binomial series.
n x n(n - 1) x
n(n - 1)(n - 2) x
1 ......................
1n 1 2 n 1 2 3 n
lim 1- 1
1 - 1 (1 - 2
n X 3 ......................
e 1 X X
n 1 1 2 1 2 3
x x 2 x3
1 ...........
1! 2! 3!
n 1
x2 x3 x4 n x
ln(1 x) x .............. (1) .............. (-1< x <1)
2 3 4 n 1
using Maclaurin series obtain the four elementary power series above.
Suppose that the power series a x
n 0
has radius of convergence r 0 . This means
that the series converges absolutely to some function f on the interval (r , r ) . We have
f (x) = a
n 0
n x n a0 a1 x a 2 x 2 a3 x 3 a 4 x 4 .............. for each (r , r )
f ( x) an nx n 1 a1 2a2 x 3a3 x 2 4a4 x 3 ...... , again for each x (-r, r) .
n 0
Likewise, we get
f ( x) a n n(n 1) x n2 2a 2 3 2a3 x 4 3a 4 x 2 ...... and
n 0
f ( x) a n n(n 1)(n 2) x n3 3 2a3 4 3 2a 4 x ......
n 0
Notice that if we substitute x 0 in each of the above derivatives all the terms of the
series drop out, except one. We get
f (0) a0 ,
f (0) a1 ,
f (0)
f (0) 2a2 = 2!a2 a2
f (0)
f (0) 3 2a3 = 3!a3 a3
f n (0)
an for n 0,1,2,3,........
Thus, we found that if a x
n 0
is a convergence power series with radius of
convergence r 0 , then the series converges to some function f that we can write as
f n (0) n f (0) 2
f (x) = an x , =
n 0
n 0 n!
x = f (0) f (0) x
x ....... for x (-r, r)
Instead of starting with a series, suppose that you start with an infinitely differentiable
function, f (i.e. f can be differentiated infinitely often). Then we can construct the
f n (0) n
n0 n!
But we can do the same thing near any number a . Instead of expressing the
approximating polynomial in terms of powers of x , it will be convenient to write it in
terms of x a . To find the formula for these polynomials, we will imitate for a what
we did at 0. That is for the power series
f (x) = a ( x a)
n 0
= a0 a1 ( x a) a2 ( x a) 2 a3 ( x a)3 a4 ( x a) 4 ........
f (a) an ( x a) n a0 = 0! at xa
n 0
f (a) = a n( x a )
n 0
n 1
= a1 = 1! a1 at xa
f (a) = an n(n 1)( x a) n 2 = 2a2 = 2! a2 at xa
n 0
f (a) = a n(n 1)(n 2)( x a)
n 0
n 3
= 3 2a3 = 3!a3 at xa
f n (a) n!an
f n (a)
an , for n 0,1,2,........
Hence, in general if the function f has derivatives through order n at a , then the nth-
order Taylor polynomial of f at a is defined as
f (a) f n (a)
pn ( x; a) f (a) f (a)( x a) ( x a) 2 ......... ( x a) n
2! n!
A Taylor polynomial for f at a is a partial sum of the Taylor series generally defined
f n ( a ) x a f (a)
f n (a)
n 0 n!
f (a) f (a)( x a)
( x a) 2 .........
( x a) n ..... .
This series is called the Taylor series at x a associated with the function f (x) when
a 0 , the series is also called Maclaurin series associated with f (x)
Let f be a function and let Pn ( x; a) be the associated nth order Taylor polynomial at
Rn ( x; a) = f (x) - Pn ( x; a)
approximate f (x)
interval that includes the numbers a and x . Let Pn ( x; a) be the n th Taylor polynomial
f n 1(Cn )
Rn ( x; a) = ( x a) n 1
(n 1)!
techniques is used to solve such optimization problems, including some based on the
use of calculus, which we shall consider here.
A basic idea is that the optimal value of a differentiable function f (x) (that is, its
maximum or minimum value) generally occurs where its derivative is zero; that is,
where f (x) = 0.
As can be seen from figure 1, this is a necessary condition since at a maximum or
minimum value of the function its graph has a horizontal tangent. Figure 1 does,
however, show that these extremal values are generally only local maximum or
minimum values, corresponding to turning points on the graph. Hence, in seeking the
extremal values of a function it is also necessary to check the end points, (if any) of the
domain of the function.
Having determined the critical or stationary point where f (x) = 0, we need to be
able to determine their character or nature; that is , whether they correspond to a local
minimum, a local maximum or a point of inflection of the function f (x) . We can do
this by examining values of f (x) close to and on either side of the critical point. We
see that from figure 2.
If the value of f (x) , the slope of the tangent, changes from positive to negative
as we pass from left to right through a stationary point then the later correspond
to a local maximum
If the value of f (x) changes from negative to positive as we pass from left to
right through a stationary point then the later correspond to a local minimum.
If f (x) does not change sign as we pass through a stationary point then the
later corresponds to a point of inflection.
Summarizing, we have
The function f (x) has a local maximum at x a provided f (a) 0 and
f (a) 0
The function f (x) has a local minimum at x a provided f (a) 0 and
f (a) 0
The idea here is the same as it was in function of single variable. That is, if
f (a, b) f ( x, y) for all ( x, y) “near” (a, b) , we call f (a, b) a local maximum.
Much as with function of one variable, it turns out that local extrema can occur
where the first (partial) derivatives are zero or do not exist. However, having zero
first partial derivatives at a point does not by itself guarantee a local extremum.
The point (a, b) is a critical point of the function f ( x, y) if (a, b) is in the domain
f f f f
of f and either ( a, b) = (a, b) =0 or one or both of and do not exist
x y x y
at (a, b) .
If (a, b) is a local extremum (local maximum or local minimum), then (a, b) must
be a critical point of f . Although local extrema can only occur at critical points,
every critical point need not correspond to a local extremum.
Suppose that f ( x, y) has a local maximum at (a, b) . Holding y constant at y b ,
notice that the function g ( x) f ( x, b) has a local maximum at x a . This implies
either g (a) 0 or g (a) doesn’t exist. Note that g (a) = (a, b) . Likewise,
holding x constant at x a , observe that the function h( y) f (a, y) has a local
maximum at y b . It follows that h(b) 0 or h(b) doesn’t exist. Note that h(b)
f f
= (a, b) . Combining these two observations, we have that each of (a, b) and
y x
(a, b) equals zero or doesn’t exist. We can then conclude that (a, b) must be a
critical point of f . A nearly identical argument shows that if f ( x, y) has a local
minimum at (a, b) then (a, b) must be a critical point of f .
When looking for local extrema, you must first find all critical points to determine
if it is the location of a local maximum, local minimum or neither, since local
extrema can only occur at critical points. To determine the nature of the critical
point of function of several variables, we use a generalisation of the second
derivative test for function of a single variable.
D a, b f xx a, b f yy a, b f xy a, b .
(i) If D a, b 0 and f xx a, b 0 or f yy a, b 0 , then f has a local
minimum at a, b .
maximum at a, b
When a function along some path through a, b has a maximum value while along
other paths through the same point has a minimum value. Such a point is called
saddle point.
The point P a, b, f a, b is a saddle point of Z f x, y if a, b is a critical
which f x, y f a, b .
Note that to have D a, b 0 , we must have both f xx a, b 0 and f yy a, b 0
or both f xx a, b 0 and f yy a, b 0 .
Suppose that f x, y is continuous on the closed and bounded region R C R 2 .
Then f has both an absolute (global) maximum and an absolute (global) minimum
on R . Further the absolute extrema must occur at either a critical point in R or on
the boundary of R
Now, we shall explain what is meant by a bounded and closed set of points in the
xy -plane. A set of points (i.e, a collection of points) is said to be bounded if it is
entirely contained within some square in the plane. For example, the set of all points
one pleases to Q . For example, the set S of points x, y such that 0 x 1 and
0 y 1 is not closed, whereas the set of points ** such that ** is closed. Again
In this particular example it is easy to eliminate one of the two variables x and y .
f x, y f x 2 x 2 31 2 x
14 x2 12 x 3
we can now apply the techniques used for functions of one variable to obtain the
extremum value. Differentiating gives:
f x 28x 12 and f 28
minimum, at x 3 7 , y 1 7 .
In example above we were fortunate in being able to use the constraint equation to
eliminate one of the variables. In practise, however, it is often difficult, or even
impossible to do this, and we have to retain all the original variables.
stationary points.
This method of solution is a more versatile technique called the method of
Langrange multiplier, in which the introduction of a third variable (multiplier)
enables one to solve constrained optimization problems without first solving the
constraint equation for one of the variables.
More specifically, the method of Langrange multiplier uses the fact that any relative
extremum of the function f x, y subject to the constraint g x, y k must occur
F x, y f x, y g x, y k
where is a new variable called Langrange multiplier. To find the critical point
of F , compute the partial derivatives:
Fx f x g x Fy f y g y F g k
Fx f x g x 0 or fx gx
Fy f y g y 0 or fy gy
F g k 0 or g k
Although a rigorous explanation of the proof of Lagrange multiplier is beyond the
scope of this course, there is a rather simple geometric argument that is quite
convincing. This argument depends on the fact that for the level curve F x, y C
, the slope at each point (using implicit function of several variable method) x, y
is given by
dy F
dx Fy
the highest level curve of f that intersects the constraint curve g x, y k . This
critical intersection will occur at a point where the constraint curve is tangent to a
level curve; that is where the slope of the constraint curve g x, y k is equal to
or equivalently,
fx f
gx gy
The third Lagrange equation g x, y k is simply a statement of the fact that the