The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts PDF
The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts PDF
The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts PDF
Clavijo: Embassy to Tamerlane 1403-1406. - Frankfurt am Main 1994. 375 pp. (The
Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 1)
[di Varthema, Ludovico:] The Travels of Ludovico di Varthema in Egypt, Syria, Arabia
Deserta and Arabia Felix, in Persia, India, and Ethopia, A.D. 1503 to 1508. Transl.
John Winter Jones and Ed. George P. Badger. London 1853. 474 pp., 1 map. Repr.
1994 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 2). ISBN 3-8298-2002-X.
Petermann, Heinrich: Reisen im Orient. 2. Ausgabe. I-II. Leipzig 1865. 426 + 480 pp., 1
map Repr. 1994 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 9-10). Set of 2 vols.
ISBN 3-8298-2007-0.
Niebuhr, Carsten: Beschreibung von Arabien. Aus eigenen Beobachtungen und im Lande
selbst gesammelten Nachrichten. Copenhagen 1772. 485 pp., 25 plates, 1 map. Repr.
1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 14). ISBN 3-8298-2009-7.
du Mans, Raphaël: Estat de la Perse en 1660. Publié par Charles Schefer. Parts I-II. Paris
1890. 382 + 215 pp. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 16-17).
Set of 2 vols. ISBN 3-8298-2011-9.
von Hammer, Josef: Constantinopolis und der Bosporos, örtlich und geschichtlich
beschrieben. Erster Band. Parts I-II. Zweyter Band. Parts I-II. Budapest 1822. 368 + 377
+ 318 + 307 pp., 2 maps. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 18-
21). Set of 4 vols. ISBN 3-8298-2012-7.
Sachau, Eduard: Reise in Syrien und Mesopotamien. Leipzig 1883. 494 pp., 22 photos;
18 figs.; 2 maps. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 22). ISBN
Sachau, Eduard: Am Euphrat und Tigris. Reisenotizen aus dem Winter 1897-1898.
Leipzig 1900. 175 pp., 32 photos, 5 maps. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign
Travel Accounts. 23). ISBN 3-8298-2014-3.
Lubenau, Reinhard: Beschreibung der Reisen des R. Lubenau. Hrsg. W. Sahm. Teil I-II.
Königsberg 1914-1930. 340 + 357 pp. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel
Accounts. 24-25). Set of 2 vols. ISBN 3-8298-2015-1.
Sinclair, William F.: The Travels of Pedro Teixeira. With his "Kings of Harmuz" and
Extracts from his "Kings of Persia". London 1902. 404 pp. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic
World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 26). ISBN 3-8298-2016-X.
Rycaut, Paul: The Present State of the Ottoman Empire. London 1668. 238 pp. Repr.
1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 27). ISBN 3-8298-2017-8.
Wittman, William: Travels in Turkey, Asia-Minor, Syria, and across the Desert into
Egypt during the Years 1799, 1800, and 1801 in Company with the Turkish Army, and
the British Military Mission. London 1803. Parts I-II. 340 pp., 18 plates + 283 pp., 3
plates, 1 map. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 29-30). Set of
2 vols. ISBN 3-8298-2019-4.
von Kremer Alfred: Aegypten. Forschungen über Land und Volk während eines
zehnjährigen Aufenthalts. Teil I-II. Leipzig 1863. 294 + 347 pp., 1 map. Repr. 1995 (The
Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 32-33). Set of 2 vols. ISBN 3-8298-2021-6.
Mordtmann, Andreas David: Anatolien. Skizzen und Reisebriefe aus Kleinasien (1850-
1859). Eingel. und mit Anmerkungen vers. von Franz Babinger. Parts I-II. Hannover
1925. 326 + 315 pp. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 34-35).
Set of 2 vols. ISBN 3-8298-2022-4.
von Wrede, Adolph: Reise in Hadhramaut, Beled Beny 'Yssà und Beled el Hadschar.
Hrsg. Heinrich Freiherr von Maltzan. Braunschweig 1870. 389 pp., 1 plate, 1 map. Repr.
1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 36). ISBN 3-8298-2023-2.
Burckhardt, John Lewis: Travels in Nubia. Second Edition. Parts I-II. London 1822. 260
pp., 1 map + 355 pp., 1 map. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts.
39-40). Set of 2 vols. ISBN 3-8298-2026-7.
Burckhardt, John Lewis: Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. Parts I-II. London 1822.
346 pp., 2 maps + 365 pp. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts.
41-42). Set of 2 vols. ISBN 3-8298-2027-5.
Burckhardt, John Lewis: Notes on the Bedouins and Wahábys collected during his travels
in the East. London 1830. 459 pp., 1 map. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign
Travel Accounts. 44). ISBN 3-8298-2029-1.
[de Thévenot, Jean:] The Travels of Monsieur de Thevenot into the Levant. Part I:
Turkey. Part II: Persia. Part III: The East-Indies. London 1687. 332 + 330 pp. Repr. 1995
(The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 45-46). Set of 2 vols. ISBN 3-8298-
[Badía y Leblich, Domingo:] Travels of Ali Bey in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt,
Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, between the Years 1803 and 1807. London 1816. 387 pp., 44
plates, 2 maps + 391 pp., 39 plates, 2 maps. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign
Travel Accounts. 47-48). Set of 2 vols. ISBN 3-8298-2031-3.
Wellsted, James R.: Travels in Arabia. Vol. I: Oman and Nakab El Hajar. Vol. II: Sinai;
Survey of the Gulf of Akabah; Coasts of Arabia and Nubia. London 1838. 470 pp., 1 map
+, 490 pp., 2 plates. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 49-50).
Set of 2 vols. ISBN 3-8298-2032-1.
Wellsted, James R.: Travels to the City of the Caliphs, along the Shores of the Persian
Gulf and the Mediterranean. I-II. London 1840. 430 + 364 pp., 1 map. Repr. 1995 (The
Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 51-52). Set of 2 vols. ISBN 3-8298-2033-X.
de Barros, João: Die Asia. Übertragung von E. Feust. Erster Band, erste Hälfte. Nürnberg
1844. 210 pp. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 53). ISBN 3-
Rauwolf, Leonhard: Aigentliche Beschreibung der Raisz inn die Morgenländer. Lauingen
1583. 564 pp. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 54). ISBN 3-
[Krafft, Hans Ulrich:] Ein deutscher Kaufmann des sechszehnten Jahrhunderts. H.U.
Krafft's Denkwürdigkeiten bearbeitet von Adolf Cohn. Göttingen 1862. 542 pp. Repr.
1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 55). ISBN 3-8298-2036-4.
Herbert, Thomas: Travels in Persia 1627-1629. Abridged and edited by Sir William
Foster. London 1928. 396 pp., 13 plates; 2 maps. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in
Foreign Travel Accounts. 57). ISBN 3-8298-2038-0.
Shaw, Thomas: Travels or Observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the
Levant. Parts I-II. Oxford 1738. 348 + 203 pp., 2 maps. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World
in Foreign Travel Accounts. 58-59). Set of 2 vols. ISBN 3-8298-2039-9.
Adler, Marcus Nathan: The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela. Critical Text, Translation
and Commentary. London 1907. 209 pp. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign
Travel Accounts. 60). ISBN 3-8298-2040-2.
Burton, Richard F.: Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to el-Medinah and Meccah. I. el-
Misr. II. El-Medinah. III. Meccah. London 1855. 408 + 442 + 464 pp., 10 plates, 3 plans,
1 map. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 61-63). Set of 3 vols.
ISBN 3-8298-2041-0.
Palgrave, William Gifford: Narrative of a Year's Journey through Central and Eastern
Arabia (1862-1863). London, Cambridge 1865. 486 + 406 pp., 1 map. Repr. 1995 (The
Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 64-65). ISBN 3-8298-2042-9.
Doughty, Charles M.: Travels in Arabia Deserta. Parts I-II. Cambridge 1888. 324 + 327 +
348 + 367 pp., 1 plate, 1 map. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel
Accounts. 66-69). Set of 4 volumes. ISBN 3-8298-2043-7.
Hirsch, Leo: Reisen in Süd-Arabien, Mahra-Land und Hadramût. Leiden 1897. 352 pp., 1
map. Repr. 1995 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 70). ISBN 3-8298-
Bretschneider, Emil: Mediaeval Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources. London 1888.
350 + 366 pp., 2 maps. Repr. 1996 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 71-
72). Set of 2 vols. ISBN 3-8298-2045-3.
Chau Ju-Kua: His Work on the Chinese and Arab Trade in the twelfth and thirteenth
Centuries entitled Chu-fan-chï. Transl. from the Chinese and annotated by Friedrich Hirth
and W. W. Rockhill. St. Petersburg 1911. 374 pp., 1 map. Repr. 1996 (The Islamic World
in Foreign Travel Accounts. 73). ISBN 3-8298-2046-1.
Chinese Sources on Islamic Countries. Collected and Reprinted. Ed. F. Sezgin. 488 pp.
1996 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 74). ISBN 3-8298-2047-X.
E. Bretschneider: On the knowledge possessed by the ancient Chinese of the Arabs and
Arabian colonies ... (1871)
A. Gueluy: Description de la Chine occidentale par un voyageur. Traduit du chinois.
G. Devéria: Itinéraires de pèlerins chinois se rendant à la Mecque. (1883)
F. Hirth: Die Länder des Islâm nach chinesischen Quellen. (1894)
F. Hirth: Chao Ju-kua, a new source of mediaeval geography. (1896)
G. Phillips: Mahuan's account of Cochin, Calicut, and Aden. (1896)
W.W. Rockhill: Notes on the relations and trade of China with the Eastern Archipelago ...
H.A.R. Gibb: Chinese records of the Arabs in Central Asia. (1921-23)
W. Fuchs: Huei-ch'ao's Pilgerreise durch Nordwest-Indien und Zentral-Asien um 726.
W. Eberhard: Türkistan seyahatnamesi 1218. (1944)
Mughal India according to European Travel Accounts. Texts and Studies. Selected and
Reprinted. Ed. F. Sezgin.
Vol. I. 322 pp. 1997 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 75). ISBN 3-8298-
J.T. Wheeler: Tavernier's Travels in India. (1890)
J.J. Modi: Notes of Anquetil du Perron (1755-61) on King Akbar and Dastur Meherji
Rânâ. (1900-03)
J.J. Modi: Anquetil du Perron of Paris - India as seen by him (1755-60). (1915-17)
J.J. Modi: Anquetil du Perron of Paris and Dastur Darab of Surat. (1915-17)
H. Hosten: Father A. Monserrate's Description of Delhi (1581) ... (1911/15)
H. Hosten: Father A. Monserrate's Account of Akbar (26th Nov. 1582). (1912/17)
H. Hosten: Father A. Monserrate, S.J. on Salsete, Chorão, Divar and the Molucas (1579).
H. Hosten: Three Letters of Fr. Joseph de Castro, S.J., and the Last Year of Jahângîr.
H. Hosten: The Jesuits at Agra in 1635-1637. (1938)
H. Beveridge: Notes on Father Monserrate's Mongolicae Legationis Commentarius.
Vol. II. 300 pp. 1997 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 76). ISBN 3-8298-
F. Felix: On the Persian Farmans granted to the Jesuits by the Moghul Emperors ...
M.L. Dames: The Portuguese and Turks in the Indian Ocean in the Sixteenth Century.
E.D. Ross: The Portuguese in India and Arabia between 1507 and 1517. (1921)
E.D. Ross: The Portuguese in India and Arabia, 1517-1538. (1922)
J. Southwood: Thomas Stevens, S.J., the first Englishman in India. (1923-25)
H. Hosten: Fray Seb. Manrique's description of Agra [1640-41]. (1918)
L. Lockhart: De Voulton's Noticia. (1926-28)
H.G. Rawlinson: Jean de Thévenot's account of Surat. (1927)
Th. Morison: Un Français à la cour du Grand Mogol. (1927)
M.A.H. Fitzler: Die Maldiven im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. (1935-36)
J.-N. Sarkar: The Delhi Empire a Century after Bernier. (1937)
Y. Krishan: European travellers in Mughal India: An Appreciation. (1947)
A. Camps: An unpublished letter of Father Christoval de Vega S.J. (1956)
A. Camps: Franciscan missions to the Mogul Court. (1959)
S.N. Sen: Joseph Tieffenthaler and his Geography of Hindustan. (1962)
Vol. III. 354 pp. 1997 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 77). ISBN 3-
H.G. Keene: Note on Manrique's Mission and the Catholics in the Time of Sháh Jahán.
J. Gerson da Cunha: An historical and archaeological sketch of the island of Angediva.
J. Beames: Notes on Akbar's Súbahs, with reference to the Aín-i Akbarí. (1896)
E.D. Maclagan: The Jesuit Missions to the Emperor Akbar ... (1896)
H. Beveridge: Observations on General Maclagan's paper on the Jesuit Missions to the
Emperor Akbar ... (1904/07)
E.D. Maclagan: The earliest English visitors to the Punjab, 1585-1627. (1911-12)
E.D. Maclagan: The Travels of Fray Sebastian Manrique in the Panjab, 1641. (1911-12)
H. Beveridge: Colonel Tod's newsletters of the Delhi court. (1908)
R.C. Temple: Documents relating to the first English commercial mission to Patna, 1620-
1621. (1914)
H.G. Rawlinson: Some notes on William Hawkins, (1607-1612). (1917)
Anonymous: Four letters by Austin of Bordeaux. (1918)
Vol. IV. 362 pp. 1997 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 78). ISBN 3-
8298-2051-8. € 40,90 / 60,84
[Frater] Felix: Jesuit Missions in Lahore. (1918)
J.W. Dühr and H. Hosten (Transl.): Daniel Moginié, a forgotten Swiss adventurer in
Hindustan, (1738-1749). (1920)
H. Hosten: The Annual Relation of Father Fernão Guerreiro, S.J., for 1607-1608. (1918)
H. Hosten: Father A. Monserrate, S.J., and Capt. F. Wilford. (1922)
H. Hosten: Fr. N. Pimenta's Annual Letter on Mogor (Goa, Dec. 21, 1599). (1927/29)
H. Hosten: Fr. N. Pimenta, S.J., on Mogor (Goa, 1 Dec., 1600). (1927/29)
H. Hosten: Fr. N. Pimenta's Annual of Margão, Dec. 1, 1601. (1927/29)
J. A. D'Silva: The Rebellion of Prince Khusru according to Jesuit Sources. (1927)
[D. Kuenen-Wicksteed and J.P. Vogel:] Embassy of Mr. Johan Josua Ketelaar ... to the
Great Moguls ... (1929)
H. Heras: Three Catholic padres at the court of Ali Adil Shah I. (1928)
B.A. Saletore: "Carnâte". (1929)
H. Das: Sir William Norris at Masulipatam. (1927-28)
H. Das: Sources for an Account of the Embassy of Sir William Norris, Bt., to Aurangzeb.
H. Das: Sir William Norris and the Jesuits. (1929)
H. Das: The Mission of George Weldon and Abraham Navarro to the Court of
Aurangzeb. (1929)
S.A. Khan: A new account of Mughal India. (1927)
C.E.A.W. O[ldham]: A unique plan of the battle of Buxar found in a copy of Rennell's
Bengal Atlas. (1935)
Vol. V. 376 pp. 1997 (The Islamic World in Foreign Travel Accounts. 79). ISBN 3-8298-
M.S. Commissariat: Studies in the History of Gujarat. I. The Gujarat Sultans and the
Portuguese - the last Phase. (1933)
M.S. Commissariat: Studies in the History of Gujarat. III. M. Jean de Thevenot's Travels
in Gujarat in 1666. (1934)
Anonymous: The Indian Journal of William Daniell (1789). (1934-35)
B.G. Tamaskan: Malik Ambar and the Portuguese. (1945-46)
V.C. Joshi: East India Company and the Mughal Authorities during Jahangir's Reign.
G.M. Moraes: Astronomical Missions to the Court of Jaipur 1730-1743. (1951-52)
G.M. Moraes: Surat in 1663 as described by Fr. Manuel Godinho. (1951-52)
T.I. Poonen: The unsuccessful expeditions of Rijcklof van Goens and Adriaan van der
Meyden to the Malabar Coast (1660-1661). (1954-55/56)
P.M. Joshi: Muhammad Âdil Shâh (1627-1656) and the Portuguese. (1955/56)
P.M. Joshi: Johan van Twist's Mission to Bijapur, 1637. (1956/57)
H. Hosten: Eulogy of Father Jerome Xavier, S.J., a Missionary in Mogor (1549-1617).
A. Santos: Un sobrino de Javier en la corte del Gran Mogol. (1953)
Set of 5 vols. ISBN 3-8298-2053-4.