Frogs vs. Toads: Caecilians
Frogs vs. Toads: Caecilians
Frogs vs. Toads: Caecilians
bulging eyes and slimy skin. They live all over the world and are among the most
diverse animals in the world, with more than 6,000 species.
Frogs substantially outnumber the two other groups of amphibians — salamanders and
caecilians. According to the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) online
reference site, Amphibian Species of the World, which is updated in real time, as of late
April 2015, there are 6,482 species in the Anura order (frogs and toads), 691 species in
the Caudata order (salamanders and newts) and 204 species in the Gymnophiona order
(caecilians). Caecilians look like large worms or slick snakes, according to the San
Diego Zoo. They have no arms or legs, and live underground in a network of tunnels.
Frogs and toads do have specific traits that define them, however, according to the
Maryland Zoo. For example, frogs are mostly aquatic; most toads live on land (but near
water). Frogs have teeth; toads do not. Toads of both sexes have a rudimentary ovary
called a bidder's organ. Frogs are also typically longer than toads.
Frogs need to be around areas with a water source to reproduce, but other than that,
they are found on every continent except Antarctica and in almost every environment.
The poison dart frog lives in the tropical forests of Central and South America. Northern
leopard frogs live in the northern areas of North America in marshes and grasslands.
The green-eyed tree frog lives in the moss-covered rain forests of Queensland,
Australia, according to National Geographic. The desert rain frog lives exclusively in
Namibia and South Africa, along the coast in sand dunes.
Frogs will often eat any living thing that will fit into their mouths. This includes bugs,
spiders, worms, slugs, larvae and even small fish. To catch prey, their sticky tongues
will dart from their mouths and pull the prey into the frog's mouth. This movement is so
fast often the prey doesn't have a chance to escape. A frog's tongue can snap back into
its mouth within 15/100ths of a second.
Frogs and toads help keep the world's insect population under control, according to the
San Diego Zoo. Their appetite for bugs is usually quite helpful, but sometimes it can
lead to disaster. For example, in 1935, cane toads from Puerto Rico were introduced to
Australia to kill sugarcane beetles. However, the cane toads, which can grow as large
as a dinner plate, preferred to eat native frogs, small marsupials and snakes. The
original 102 toads set out across the continent and have mushroomed in number to
more than 1.5 billion, according to a 2010 Live Science article. Today, cane toads have
conquered more than 386,000 square miles (1 million square kilometers) of Australia.
This is equivalent to an area slightly larger than the states of Texas and Oklahoma
Frogs are social creatures that live in groups. A group of frogs is called army, colony or
a knot. Groups of young frogs will even swim together in schools, much like fish.
During mating season, the male frogs in a group will croak quite loudly. Frogs croak to
attract females. When the female finds a male croak she likes, the male will grab her
and she will release eggs for him to fertilize.