Indiabix Computer Fundamental Section 1-6
Indiabix Computer Fundamental Section 1-6
Indiabix Computer Fundamental Section 1-6
[B]. Digitizer
[C]. Mouse
Answer: Option B
Language processor
24. What is meant by a dedicated computer?
[E]. None of the above [A]. Which is used by one person only
Answer: Option D
20. Binary numbers need more places for counting Which is assigned one and only one
because: task
0's and 1's can be added in front of [C]. Which uses on kind of software
Which is meant for application
[B]. 0's and 1's have to be properly placed [D].
software only
[C]. They are always big numbers [E]. None of the above
[D]. Binary base is small Answer: Option B
[B]. Dijkstra
[B]. 1907
[C]. 1911
[D]. 1914
The wider it is, the greater the [D]. All of the above
computer's processing speed
[E]. None of the above
The wider it is, the slower the Answer: Option C
computer's processing speed 35. Fifth generation computers are likely to
The data bus isn't important to the
[E]. [A]. artificial intelligence
processing speed of a computer
Answer: Option C [B]. heuristic behaviour
31. How many types of storage loops exist in
magnetic bubble memory? [C]. advanced parallel processing
[A]. 8
[D]. All of the above
[B]. 4
[E]. None of the above
[C]. 16 Answer: Option D
36. A computer system consisting of its
[D]. 2 processor, memory and I/O devices accepts
data, processes it and produces the output
[E]. None of the above results. Can you tell in which component is
Answer: Option D the raw data fed?
32. The function of CPU is [A]. Mass Memory
[A]. to provide a hard copy
[B]. Main memory
to read, interpret and process the
[B]. [C]. Logic unit
information and instruction
[B]. buffer
[C]. register
[D]. core
Answer: Option B
5. Which kind of devices allows the user to add
Computer fundamentals sec-5 components and capabilities to a computer
1. What was the total number of UNIVAC-I sold system?
eventually and by which company?
[A]. System boards
30, British Tabulating Machine Co.
(BTM) [B]. Storage devices
[D]. Metallic
[C]. accumulator