Tugas Bisnis Internasional Financial Forces
Tugas Bisnis Internasional Financial Forces
Tugas Bisnis Internasional Financial Forces
Disusun oleh :
Ni Made Ayu Mulyani 1815744013 (01)
Agustina Putri Lisnowati 1815744023 (03)
2. Foreign Exchange
Foreign exchange is a currency that is recognized, used and also accepted as a means of payment
in international trade. The widely used foreign exchange is usually the currency of a country that
has a significant role or control in the economic system throughout the world. In the entire world
itself, the most widely used foreign exchange is the Dollar.
Foreign exchange is part of a country's foreign exchange. The foreign exchange itself is any
wealth that is owned by a country residing abroad whose form can be in the form of goods,
services, or even currencies that are used as a means of cross-country trade transactions. Foreign
exchange of a country in the form of this currency is what we often refer to as the foreign
Dollar As a Main Currency
An indication of the tendency to use US $ as the main foreign currency payment instrument:
• is a foreign exchange reserve of many countries
• is a vehicle currency that is used for international trade or investment
• Is a currency used for intervention (intervention currency) of a country in intervening in the
foreign exchange market, by buying US $ to strengthen its currency.
• As a security aspect (safe haven) concerning the US dollar the political concept is very
influential compared to most other countries to have a communist government undergoing a
revolution or military coup
3. Exchange Rates
• Spot Exchange (spot rate) is the exchange rate between two currencies for immediate trading
with a delivery period of two active business days.
• Forward Exchange (forward rate) The exchange rate is today's price for a commitment by one
party to hand over or take from another party, an agreed amount of a currency, at a future date
that has been determined.
• Cross Exchange (cross rate) direct exchange rates that occur between non-US $ currencies; It is
usually determined by comparing the exchange rate of US $ from other currencies.
Exchange Rate for June 19 and June 16, 2006
6. International Banking
This can be seen in the WTO. One of the requirements for WTO membership is that member
countries must open their banking systems to foreigners.
7. Household Savings
Household savings are important because they allow capital creation for new investments. When
people save, banks and other lenders have more money for loans. Savings as a percentage of net
income after tax is a good measure of the level of savings in a country.
Debt Solution
• Short-term Solutions
How to deal with short-term debt problems involves rescheduling debt payments to countries
that cannot afford to pay the due date. But renegotiation has become increasingly difficult, BIS,
commercial banks, and central banks are reluctant to disburse even more loans because IMF
resources are limited
• Long-term Solution
Debt re-negotiation accompanied by a strict austerity plan program is part of the first stage of the
world's efforts to solve the debt problem, this stage causes a deterioration in living standards and
limits economic growth and exports. will not succeed.