A New Model For Joint Shear Failure of Reinforced Concrete Interior Beam-To-Column Joint
A New Model For Joint Shear Failure of Reinforced Concrete Interior Beam-To-Column Joint
A New Model For Joint Shear Failure of Reinforced Concrete Interior Beam-To-Column Joint
XLV (1998)
Hitoshi SHIOHARA *
The primary objective of this study is to point out an irrationality in the joint shear failure
model, which is adopted in the most current design codes of reinforced concrete beam-to-col-
umn joint. To examine this issue, tests of twenty reinforced concrete interior beam-to-column-
joint failed in joint shear are reexamined. The data indicated that joint shear stress had
increased in the most specimens, even after apparent joint shear failure starts, while beam
moment decreases due to decrease of flexural resistance which is caused by reduction of dis-
tance between stress resultants in beam at column face. The cause of the deterioration of story
shear is identified to be a degrading of moment resistance of joint, originated from a finite
upper limit of anchorage capacity of beam reinforcements through the joint core. So a new
mathematical model for joint shear failure is introduced to reflect this fact. The behavior of the
model is investigated and a new approach for the design of beam-to-column joint in seismic
zone is proposed based on the prediction of the model.
4. 1 Test Program
4. 2 Story Shear
4.3 Nonlinear Constitutive Model for Steel
4. 4 Stress in Flexure Reinforcement at Column Face and Joint Shear
4. 5 Joint Shear Stress
4. 6 Shift of the Location of Stress Resultants
4. 7 Change of Stress in Compressive Reinforcement
4. 8 Observed Failure Mode
4. 9 Components of Joint Shear Deformation
* Associate Professor
Department of Architecture, School of Engineering
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Beam-to-column joint is an important part for an earthquake resistant design of reinforced con-
crete moment resisting frames. Beam-to-column joints should have sufficient stiffness and
strength to resist and sustain the load induced from adjacent beams and columns. High strength
steel bars or large diameter bars are sometimes preferred in the structural design of a building
which has smaller sectional size of structural member, as a result, the stress level in beam-col-
umn joint is increased. A full care to the increased joint stress is important in the design, other-
wise, it may cause problems such as (1) lower strength than calculated based on the flexural
strength of beams or columns and (2) reduction of stiffness due to premature failure of joint
shear panel accompanied with diagonal cracks and local crushing of concrete. Those kind of
failure are called a joint shear failure and need attention for the structural integrity of members
jointed as rigid and strong as they are assumed in a structural analysis. To call attention to that
problem, increasing number of building codes have provisions for the joint shear failure
recently. Despite of the importance of the issue, no unified theory available for the provision
have not been established.
The first part of this paper deals with the irrationality in the models on joint shear failure
adopted in the most current design codes. The models are unanimously based on a hypothesis
that a joint shear failure occurs when joint shear force input reaches the shear capacity of the
joint, whereas it has not been confirmed by tests. Thus tests of twenty reinforced concrete
beam-to-column joint failed in joint shear are reexamined. The purpose of the rest of this paper
is to develop a new model to explain the mechanism of joint failure which will replace the
existing model, in particular applicable to an interior beam-to-column joint.
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In 1969, Hanson et. al. reported a test of beam-to-column joints and they gave a quantitative
definition of joint shear and suggested that it is needed to prevent joint shear failure by setting
a limit corresponding to the stress level at which joint shear failure occurs1). The committee
ACI-ASCE 352 published a proposal of beam-to-column joint design, incorporating the provi-
sions which limit joint shear stress2) in 1976. Meinheit and Jirsa reported a series of joint tests
designed to fail in joint shear so as to evaluate the joint shear capacity3). Based on these early
developments, recent concrete codes, such as US 4) NZ 5) and Japan6) adopt the design provi-
sion supplying limit value to joint shear stress. In these years a significant number of tests of
beam-to-column joint have been carried out. The reliability of this design concept seems to be
supported by those tests.
However, there still remains much ambiguity and no unified model or theory of the joint failure
has not been established. Joint shear failure model of the ACI318-954), NZ31015) and AIJ
guideline6) are different each other. In the AIJ guideline, the joint shear failure is explained as
failure of diagonal concrete compressive strut of joint panel, whereas, NZS 3101 considers that
tensile shear failure of truss mechanism is suitable for joint shear failure. Those models in the
codes are usually only qualitative ones. In addition to that, the limit value of joint shear stress
are empirical one.
The definition of joint shear Vj in Eq. (1) was introduced by Hanson et. al.,1) and it is widely
accepted. The joint shear Vj in Eq. (1) means a internal force acting on the free body cut at the
horizontal line at the mid height of the joint core as shown in Fig. 1. Physical meanings is very
clear for this definition. The contribution of steel and concrete are taken into account sepa-
rately. This paper adopted this definition the primary one for joint shear. Strain gage reading is
necessary to monitor tensile force T and T’. Sometimes, inelastic constitutive model of steel is
also necessary when strain in reinforcing steel goes beyond linearly elastic range.
where, Cs’ : compressive force in steel bar, Cc’: compressive force in concrete, T, T' : tensile
force in steel, Σ at , Σ at’: total sectional area of beam longitudinal reinforcement for positive
moment and negative moment respectively, fs , fs’ : tensile stress in beam longitudinal rein-
forcement, and Vc: column shear force. (see Fig. 1) This definition is not adequate to measure
absolute value of T or T’ with high accuracy because the stress in parallel reinforcing bar usu-
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ally does not coincide and it causes error if only the strain of one bar are monitored. To mea-
sure the total force in the section, it is necessary to put strain gages on all longitudinal
reinforcement. But it is an unrealistic instrumentation plan for an ordinary test.
C s' T
C c' Vj Joint Shear
beam Vj = T + T' – Vc
T' Cs
Because of the difficulty in evaluating the absolute value of T and T’ with reliability in an
actual test, joint shear reported in literatures are usually calculated with assumption of a con-
stant value of jb; the length of moment lever arm at the column face. As the moment of beam at
column face Mb is the product of T; tensile force in tensile reinforcement, and jb (no axial force
in beam is assumed), Eq. (1) is rewritten as Eq. (2)
The estimated joint shear obtained by Eq. (2) is suitable for statistical evaluation of test results
from a literature survey. But it is not suitable for discussing the joint shear failure model,
because the Vj obtained from Eq. (2) is not real joint shear but is just an index for induced force
level. So the joint shear by Eq. (2) is called hereafter pseudo joint shear to identify the differ-
ence from that by Eq. (1). The most significant problem in using Eq. (2) is that the value of jb
changes during a test, due to the non-linearity of stress-strain relation of material and of bond-
slip relation. It is obvious that in particular high compressive stress in concrete and poor bond
condition give smaller values for jb. Thus the Eq. (1) is adopted to get a true joint shear force in
this study. The magnitude of forces is evaluated based on the strain history measured by strain
gauges attached on the surface of the longitudinal steel bars. In this paper, the change of joint
shear force is focused, while the absolute value for joint shear stress is not focused.
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Test results reported in two references 7,8) are reexamined using data not reported in the refer-
ence. The whole test program are briefly summarized.
4. 1 Test Program
The specimens reported in the reference7) by the author are listed in Table 1. They are nine R/
C 1/2.5 scale interior beam-to-column joint subassemblages. In this series, nine specimens
from the eleven specimens were chosen because specimens with transverse beam (J-3) and
specimen with slab (J-9) were excluded. The beams were 240 mm wide and 300 mm deep,
while their columns had a 300 mm square cross section in common. The major variables of the
tests were (a) amount of longitudinal reinforcing bar, (b) yield strength of the reinforcing bars,
and (c) concrete compressive strength. The concrete strengths were from 39.2 MPa to 81.2
MPa, while tensile yield strength of reinforcing bars were 370 MPa to 1,456 MPa. The bond
index varied from 3.0 to 6.9.
Specimen J-1 J-2 J-4 J-5 J-6 J-7 J-8 J-10 J-11
Beam Top 9-D13 8-U13 10-D13 9-D13 9-D13 7-D13 9-D19 9-D13 9-D19
Bars Bot. 7-D13 8-U13 10-D13 7-D13 7-D13 5-D13 7-D19 7-D13 7-D19
ρt (%) Top 1.92 1.66 2.16 1.92 1.89 1.43 4.27 1.89 4.27
Bot. 1.44 1.66 2.16 1.44 1.43 0.98 3.24 1.43 3.24
vpu (MPa) 14.2 15.3 14.5 16.3 15.1 12.0 17.1 10.8 12.7
Ru (%) 2.7 2.8 3.1 3.0 2.9 3.0 1.8 1.9 2.0
Failure mode BJ J BJ BJ BJ BJ BJ J J
Note ρt : tensile reiforcement ratio, fy : yield point strength, σB : concrete compressive strength, µ: bond
index = (fy/ σ B )(dB/Dc ) (fy and σB in MPa), dB : nominal diamiter of beam bar, Dc : column depth, vpu :
maximum joint shear obtained from definition of Eq. (2). Ru : story drift at maximum story shear, BJ :
joint shear failure after beam flexural yield, J: joint shear failure without beam flexulal yield.
Table 2 lists the eleven specimens tested by Teraoka8). The size of the beam and column sec-
tion is the same with that of the specimens in the reference7). The major variables of the tests
were (a) concrete strength including the effect of light weight concrete, and (b) the amount of
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joint hoop. The range of the concrete strength was from 30.5 MPa to 46.7 MPa. The amount
of joint hoop was varied from 0.6% to 1.8%.
Specimen No.1 No2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 No.8 No.9 No.10 No.11 No.12
ρh(%) 1.2 1.8 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.2 1.2 1.8 0.6 1.2 0.6 1.2
µ 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.0 5.0 4.8 4.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 5.2 5.2
4.5 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.3
vpu (MPa) 10.5 10.1 11.1 12.3 12.4 12.8 13.1 13.2 9.4 9.2 10.3 10.6
Ru (%) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Failure mode J J J J J BJ BJ BJ J J J J
Note ρt : tensile reiforcement ratio, fy : yield point strength, ρh: joint hoop reinforcement ratio, σ B :
concrete compressive strength of joint,in which LC and SF mean light weight concrete and steel fibre con-
crete respectively, µ: bond index = (fy/ σ B )(dB/Dc ) ( fy and σB in MPa), dB : nominal diamiter of beam bar,
Dc : column depth, vpu : maximum joint shear obtained from definition of Eq. (2). Ru : story drift at
maximum story shear, BJ : joint shear failure after beam flexural yield, J: joint shear failure without beam
flexulal yield.
In the both series of tests, the upper and lower columns were supported by pin joints. The beam
ends were loaded so as to keep same deflection in opposite direction. The specimens were sub-
jected to reversed cyclic load with increasing amplitude and were loaded to failure. The speci-
mens were loaded at the beam ends by displacement control. In order to monitor the strain of
longitudinal reinforcing bars, strain gages were attached on the surface of the bars. Observed
failure mode were joint shear failure (J or BJ). Some of their failure occurred before beam
yields in flexure (J).
4. 2 Story Shear
The envelope curves of the relation of story drift and story shear are plotted for the in Fig. 2
and Fig. 3. In all the specimens, the degradation of story shear started when the story drift was
larger than 2 to 3%.
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300 J-4
δ / h : story drift angle
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
story drift angle (%)
No. 1
250 No. 2
Vc story shear force ,kN
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
150 δ No. 6
Vc No. 7
No. 8
100 No. 9
h No. 10
50 No. 11
δ / h : story drift angle No. 12
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
story drift angle (%)
A nonlinear constitutive model for cyclic loading were used to evaluate the stress from the
strain of the longitudinal reinforcing steel in beams. Ramberg-Osgood curve was incorporated
to the model with linearly elastic stage and yield plateau. Test results of the tensile test of rein-
forcing steel under monotonically increasing load were used to model the skeleton curve. Typ-
ical hysteresis curve predicted by the model is shown in Fig. 4.
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-200 J-6
Ramberg-Osgood Curve
-5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
steel tensile strain observed (%)
Fig. 4 : Example of stress-strain relation predicted using Ramberg-Osgood model
The steel stress in tensile reinforcement of a beam in the first layer at the column face are plot-
ted against story drift for the specimen J-2, J-7 and J-10 in Fig. 5. Although the story shear
decrease due to cyclic load in these three specimens as shown in Fig. 2, the tensile stress
increased at load peaks.
1000 1000 1000
J-2 J-7 yield J-10
steel tensile stress (MPa)
Fig. 5 : Typical relation of story drift vs. tensile stress in first layer tensile reinforcing steel
Joint shear Vj was calculated using Eq. (1) in the following section, assuming the stress in all
bars including bars without strain gages are identical. All the specimen have the strain gages in
first layer reinforcing bars, while only the specimens from J-6 to J-11 have strain gages for sec-
ond layer reinforcing bars. The strain in the second layer bar for the specimens J-1 to J-5 are
calculated from other strain reading using the Bernouli's assumption that plain section remains
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Joint shear force are calculated using this steel stress. The result for two specimens were shown
in Fig. 6. As expected from Fig. 3, the joint shear increased as story drift increased, whereas
joint shear calculated by Eq. (2) plotted with dotted line show strength degradation. The value
by Eq. (2) were calculated from beam moment with assumed distance of stress resultants as 7/
8 of the effective depth. The joint shear evaluated by Eq. (1) is smaller than that evaluated by
Eq. (2) when story drift is small. When the story drift exceeds 2%, the value evaluated by Eq.
(1) become larger than that evaluated by Eq. (2).
1000 1500
J-7 J-10
Joint shear (kN)
0 0
Eq. (1) -1000 Eq. (1)
Eq. (2) Eq. (2)
-1000 -1500
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Story drift angle (%)
Fig. 6 : Comparison of typical relations of story shear vs. joint shear in first layer tensile
reinforcing steel using different definition of joint shear
Joint shear stress of twenty specimens were evaluated by Eq. (1) and were plotted against story
drift angle in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. Joint shear stress is calculated considering the effective joint
sectional area defined as a product of column depth and effective joint width adopted in AIJ
guideline7). Joint shear stress are normalized with square root of concrete compressive
strength. It shows constant joint shear were kept except that of specimen J-11, No. 8 and No.
11. If compressive failure of diagonal strut occur, joint shear should reach maximum first, then
joint failure start with decrease of joint shear. But joint shear increased for several specimen
such as J-2, J-5, J-8 No.1, No.2 and No.6. In the most specimens, joint shear degradation was
not observed while the appearance during the tests showed apparent joint shear failure. There-
fore, it is concluded that the joint shear failure and the degradation of story shear are not the
result of the degradation of joint shear stress. Obviously, this evidence contradicts to the
hypothesis that the joint failure occurred when joint shear reached its joint shear capacity as it
is assumed in AIJ guideline5) or NZ codes6). Priestley recently suggested a joint shear failure
model9) as shown in Fig. 9, where joint shear strength decreases due to weakening of diagonal
compressive strut as increasing of story drift. This model is intended to explain the joint shear
failure after beam flexural yield. But the Priestley's model9) contradicts to the data observed.
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2.0 ρt = 4.0 % J-4
ρt : tensile reiforcement ratio δ / h : story drift angle
fc' : concrete compressive strength in MPa
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Story drift angle (%)
Fig. 7 : Relation of story shear vs. joint shear evaluated with Eq. (1) at load peaks7)
No. 1
joint shear stress / (fc')1/2
2.5 No. 2
No. 3
2.0 No. 4
No. 5
No. 6
1.5 No. 7
No. 8
1.0 No. 9
No. 10
0.5 No. 11
No. 12
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
story drift angle (%)
Fig. 8 : Relation of story shear vs. joint shear evaluated with Eq. (1) at load peaks8)
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It is noted that the joint shear stress of those with ordinary strength steel longitudinal bars with
high volume (ρt = 4%) showed high joint shear stress, while the joint shear stress of specimens
with low volume (ρt = 1.4 – 2.0%) apparently have lower joint shear stress. This fact suggests
that attained joint shear level are function of amount of longitudinal steel as well as concrete
compressive strength. On the contrary to that, amount of joint hoop seems to be have less effect
on the attained joint shear as shown in Fig. 8, in which specimens with different amount of
joint hoop are included.
In order to show that the story shear degradation at large story drift is attributed to the move-
ment of the location of the stress resultants at beam section, Fig. 10 shows the transition of the
distance of normal stress resultants jb at load peaks. They were calculated using the relation
that the beam moment is product of force in longitudinal reinforcement and jb. The distance
normalized with effective depth of beam is shown. In all the specimen, the jb. decreased as
story drift increased. Hence, the decrease of story shear is caused by the degradation of
moment resistance, which occurred due to the reduction of the distance of stress resultants.
1.2 J-1
distance of stress resultants
1.0 J-4
/ effective depth
0.8 J-7
0.6 J-10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Story drift angle (%)
Fig. 10 : Transition of the length jb (moment lever arm length) in beam at critical section
calculated from observed moment and stress in reinforcing steel
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Ma > Mb
Cs Cs
Cc jbb Cc
Ma Mb T
jba > jbb
(a) good bond (b) poor bond
Decrease of distance between locations of stress resultants were partly because the location of
compressive stress resultants shifted to the center of beam. It is attributed the expansion of con-
crete compressive zone for flexural resistance. But the most significant reason is the change of
stress in compressive reinforcement from compression to tension. These changes are activated
by the anchorage softening; yield or degradation of anchorage capacity, of beam reinforcement
through the joint core as well as volume expansion in horizontal direction due to crack opening
of joint panel. The sequence of beam moment reduction due to poor anchorage is depicted in
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Fig. 11. The observed distribution of tensile stress along the longitudinal bar through joint core
are plotted for the specimens J-7, J-10 and J-11 in Fig. 12.
2% 0
-200 3%
J-7 J-10
-400 -200
800 600 yield
yield 2%
600 400 3% 3%
200 200
-200 J-10
-400 -200
beam column beam beam column beam
ain gauge location strain gauge location
story drift = 3%
300 3%
tensile steel stress (MPa)
3% J-11
yield 3%
100 3%
beam column beam
strain gauge location
As shown in Fig. 12, the compressive reinforcement have tensile stress. It is noted that the ten-
sile stress in steel bars in the second layer is much larger than that of the first layer. Therefore,
it is presumed that one of the fundamental cause of the degradation of story shear is the upper
limit of anchorage capacity, not the joint shear capacity degradation.
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In order to show that the specimens used in this study are not unusual ones, the typical crack
pattern after tests are shown in Photo 1 and 2. Joint failure with a diagonal cracks and crushing
concrete are observed. As shown in Fig. 6, in these specimens, no joint shear degradation was
observed in terms of joint shear defined in Eq. (1).
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Figure 13 compares the two components; contribution of diagonal compression and tension to
the total shear deformation of joint panel. They were measured by a set of displacement trans-
ducers, diagonally located on the surface of the specimen. The compressive component is
smaller than 20% of total shear distortion of the joint panel. In addition to that, no sudden
increase of compressive displacement was observed. In other word, the shrinkage of diagonal
concrete strut is not evident. On the other hand, most of the shear deformation comes from the
diagonal tensile component. These test results contradict the model of Japanese design
guideline6) which assumes joint shear failure occur due to compressive failure of diagonal
compressive strut.
3 4 s io
-4% story drift
2 pr
3 m
-4% story drift
1 2 ∆d2
0 ∆d1
-3 a2 + b2
J-7 J-10 γ = (∆d 1 + ∆d2 )
-2 2ab
-4 -2 0 2 -2 0 2 4
γ : average joint shear strain (%)
Fig. 13 : Contributions of tensile and compressive components of joint shear deformation
The previous section demonstrated that the joint shear deformation apparently increases
despite the diagonal concrete strut showes no evidence of compressive failure. The two facts
seem to contradict unless a new model is introduced to reconcile the contradictory facts. In the
new model, joint shear will be transferred by diagonal strut like the traditional strut model,
because existence of diagonal strut is supported by tests and analyses. However, cause of joint
shear deformation should not be crush of diagonal strut due to compressive force in strut.
One example of model which satisfy the above condition is shown in Fig. 14. The shear defor-
mation of joint comes from rotational movement of four rigid segments. Thus shear deforma-
tion concentrates at the boundaries which consists of diagonal cracks and flexural cracks,
which had been already formed by shear or flexural stress in previous cyclic loading as
depicted in Fig. 14. Usually beam column joint have such cracks except some special case
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such as a beam-to-column joint with debonded beam bars. In the model, the rigid segments
rotates around contact points, the movement of which will be detected by an instrumentation as
joint shear deformation during tests. In reality, the rigid segments are not perfectly rigid. Thus
the contact point of the segments is a finite size.
shear crack
flexural crack
at beam end
Fig. 14 : Joint failure mechanics and force flow among adjacent members
The joint shear deformation will occure in conjunction with expansion of joint panel.
Because the joint expansion is accompanied by joint shear deformation, axial force in column
and the transverse reinforcement in joint are effective for decreasing the joint shear deforma-
tion. Total story drift consists of joint shear deformation (Fig. 15(a)) and beam (Fig. 15(b))
deformation. If sufficient amount of hoops are provided, the opening of the diagonal cracks is
restrained, which keeps the joint stiffness high, and the percentage of beam deformation occu-
pying in the total story drift increase, because the springs for two deformation modes are cou-
pled in serial. In this case, the failure mode of joint becomes beam yielding.
center of rotation
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Because a beam-to-column joint resists moment as well as joint shear, two mechanism of joint
failure should be identified, i.e. (1) failure of moment resisting system and (2) failure of shear
resisting system. As discussed in previous section, most of the joint shear failure of beam-col-
umn joint were failure of moment resisting system. So The model shown in Fig. 14 are simpli-
fied to be suitable for mathematical model where it assumes simple 45 degree cracks, which
divide the joint panel into four triangular segments. By using this model, the moment resisting
system of beam-to-column joint is investigated. In order to resist to the relative movements at
the boundary of the segments, internal stress arises in longitudinal steel, joint hoops and con-
crete to resist the rotation of the segments. The location and distribution of boundary stress in
concrete is assumed as shown in Fig. 16 with consideration of compatibility of displacement
and strain due to rotation of the segments. The whole structural system including beam and
column, and applied external forces on the beam-to-column subassembly is defined in Fig. 17.
5. 2 Assumptions
a) beam depth and column depth is identical and it is the unit of length use in this analysis.
b) longitudinal reinforcements resist only to the axial force and no dowel force occur.
d) only normal stress is transmitted across the concrete cracks and distribution of the nor-
mal stress is assumed as a rectangular stress block, where the concrete stress is equal to
the concrete compressive strength ν f ′ c considering strength reduction factor ν and con-
crete compressive strength f ′ c .
e) equilibrium of external force and internal force are considered, whereas, the compatibil-
ity of deformation is not necessarily satisfied.
f) location and magnitude of the external forces acted on the beam-column-connection sub-
structure is symmetric in both vertical and horizontal direction.
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column C2
column C2
T2 45°
A' T T1 B' C
4 T4 T3 T3 C1
T2 T1 C2
C1 C2
O O O C1
T5 T5 C2 C1
T1 O O
T3 T3 T4 T2 C2 45°
leftC T D
T1 T2 4 right left C right
beam beam
beam beam 1C
C' D'
column 2C
Vc section
j 1
Vb=αVc Lc/2
NB beam
j 1 Lc/2
section Vc
LB/2 Nc LB/2
The parameter to describe the problem, geometry and the dimensions, the external force, and
the boundary stresses need to be defined. In this paper, the following notations are used, j: dis-
tance between tensile reinforcement and compressive reinforcement on the cross section of
beam and column to depth of beam, t : thickness of beam-to-column joint panel, Nc : column
axial force divided by t ν f ′ c , t ν f ′ c : the product of joint sectional area, and effective concrete
compressive strength, Nb: beam axial force divided by t ν f ′ c , Lb : the length of beam Lc : the
length of column and α : Lc /Lb.
Unknown variables describing the set of the internal forces are also introduced. The tensile
forces T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 (positive in tension) in reinforcement are shown in Fig. 16(a), where,
tensile force T5 in distributed hoop in height direction assumed to concentrate at the mid
height. The compressive force C1, C2 (positive in compression) in concrete are shown in Fig.
16(b). They are considering the x and y component of forces acting perpendicular to the seg-
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ment boundary. Column shear Vc is identical to story shear and Beam shear is Vb. All the
forces considered in this paper are normalized by t ν f ′ c . By this unit convention, the width of
compressive zone is coincident with the magnitude of the concrete forces.
5. 3 Equilibrium in Segments
To define equilibrium of forces acting on one rigid body in two-dimension, three equations are
necessary, taking into consideration three degrees of freedom of the rigid body. In this system
shown in Fig. 16, twelve equations are necessary because it consist of four rigid bodies. How-
ever, considering the symmetric condition, number of required equations becomes six. In
addition to that, in this system the column shear Vc and the beam shear Vb is dependent. There-
fore the independent equations to represent the equilibrium is estimated to be five. They are as
The equilibrium of x and y directional forces on the right beam are expressed as,
– T 1 – T 2 – T 5 + C1 + C2 – N b = 0 (3)
T 3 – T 4 + C2 – C1 – αV c = 0 (4)
respectively. The equilibrium of moment with respect to the center point O on the right beam is
– - α V c + −1 j ( T 3 – T 4 ) + −1 j ( T 1 – T 2 ) + C 2 ( 1 – C 2 ) – C 1 C 1 = 0 (5)
2 2 2
T 1 – T 2 + C2 – C1 – V c = 0 (6)
T 3 + T 4 – C1 – C2 + N c = 0 (7)
respectively. The simultaneous equations of second order from Eq. (3) to Eq. (7) give solution
to five unknown variables, provided other variables are confirmed.
The new model and its equations of equilibrium are applied to the test results to check the reli-
ability of model. Test data were used for T1 T2 and T5, the unknown valuables T3 and T4, the
concrete stress C1 and C2, and Column Shear Vc were calculated by solving the set of equa-
tions. The value for tensile stress T5 is assumed to be equal to the total tensile strength of hoop,
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Journal of the School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Vol. XLV (1998)
based on the description of strain in hoops in the reference7). Fig. 18 show the calculated forces
acting on the right beam segment, as well as comparison with the stress in column steel and
column shear observed in the test. To get the solutions for the simultaneous equation, Maple V;
a software package for symbolic mathematical tool, and its solve function is used.
No. 1 No. 2 No. 6
(0.227) (0.227) (0.204)
(0.079) (0.114)
T5 (0.071)
(0.093) (0.075) (0.045)
No. 01 No. 02 No. 06
0.207(0.034) 0.193(0.069)
In specimen No. 1, calculated values for column shear Vc shows good correlation, while the
forces T4 and T5 in column rebars do not show good correlation. It is partly because, the col-
umn section have multi layered longitudinal bars, which is different from the model, where
only one layer of steel is assumed. In the specimen No.2 and No.6, predicted Vc underestimate
the test value in particular in the case where, tensile force in compressive bars is very large
In the Fig. 19, the calculated column shear Vc are plotted against the test result. In this calcula-
tion, the force in joint hoops T5 is assumed zero due to lack of the data of strain history for
hoops, while the stress in the hoops increase according to the joint shear deformation. As the
result of the neglects, the calculated shear Vc is smaller than test results in all the specimens.
The degradation of story shear after the maximum column attained at about 2% of story drift is
show good correlation, except at very large story drift such as 6% or more. The unreliable mea-
surement of strain history may be attributed to the discrepancy.
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Journal of the School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Vol. XLV (1998)
0 0 0
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
300 300 300
No. 07 No. 08 No. 09
250 250 250
200 200 200
150 150 150
100 100 100
50 50 50
0 0 0
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
300 300 300
No. 10 No. 11 No. 12
250 250 250
200 200 200
150 150 150
100 100 100
50 50 50
0 0 0
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
Story drift , rad
Fig. 19 : Comparison of analysis and
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6. 1 Parameters
A parametric study was carried out using the model discussed in the previous section. The
varying parameters include (a) the size of beam and (b) ratio of column length to beam length.
Table 3 lists the parameters.
The value of j; distance of stress resultant in beam is assumed to be 80% of column depth for
all the cases. The case 2 represents the connection, where the size of beam is 20% larger than
case 1. By comparing the case 1 and case 2, the effect of section size could be evaluated. The
case 3 represents the connection with longer column. By comparing the case 1 and case 3, the
effect of column shear could be examined. In this parametric study, Vc T3 T4 C1 and C2 are
chosen as an unknown variables, whereas, the T1 T2 and T5 is given.
By solving the equations from Eq.(3) to Eq.(7), the story shear Vc is calculated. as shown in
Fig. 18. The primary valuable govern the story shear Vc is T1 + 0.5(Nb + T5), and the differ-
ence of T2 and T1, i. e. T1−T2. The value of T1−T2 is regarded as the anchorage resistance of
beam bar through joint. Because the obtained solution Vc does not contain the term of column
axial force Nc, Nc has no effect of Vc. On the other hand, the beam axial force Nc and joint
hoops tensile force T5 is equivalent to the effect of T1.
In all the cases shown in Fig. 18, in condition T1− T2 is fixed, the increase of T1 lead to increase
the moment resistance of joint and the excessive increase of T1 cause decrease of Vc. It is
because, the increase of C1 and C2 causes reduction of moment lever arm length in the moment
resistant mechanism.
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Journal of the School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Vol. XLV (1998)
T2 T1
T5 + Nb T5 + N b
T1 - T2
Story shear (column shear) Vc
Case 1 Vc Case 1
LB = 10 0.10 LB = 10
0.08 0.5
LC = 5 0.08 LC = 5
0 0.3 +N
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (T 5
0.2 0.2
+ 0.5
T1 + 0.5 (T5 + Nb) 0.1 0.1 T1
(a) control condition (Case1)
T1 - T2
Column shear
Story shear (column shear) Vc
Case 2 Vc Case 2
0.1 LB = 8.33 0.5 0.12 LB = 8.33
LC = 4.17 0.10 LC = 4.17
0.08 0.4 0.08
0.3 0.04
0.04 0.02
0.02 0.2 0.5 0.6
0.4 0.5
0.4 b)
0 0.3 +N
Case 3
LB =10 LB =10
T1 - T2
LC =20 0.020 LC =20
0.015 0.5
0.01 0.005
0.005 0.5 0.6
0.2 0.5
0.4 +N
0 0.3 (T 5
Fig. 20 : Example solution for story shear Vc calculated by the new model
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Journal of the School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Vol. XLV (1998)
Maximum column shear exist for each (T1−T2) value. It means that provided the amount of the
beam tensile reinforcement is too large, story shear will attain maximum load before the beam
rebar yield. Thus the peak value is interpreted as a capacity of the moment resistance of joint.
The peak values are larger if the anchorage (T1−T2) resistance is larger. This model clearly
explain that the maximum moment resistant capacity of joint really exists, and the moment
resisting capacity depends on the anchorage capacity of beam bar through joint. It is also noted
that this model does not assume any compressive failure of diagonal concrete strut.
By comparison of the solution for the case 1 the case 2 and the case 3, it is recognized that
story shear capacity is also the function of member depth d, and distance between inflection
point in column. Twenty percent increase of the depth lead to the approximately 20% increase
of story shear capacity. (Fig. 20(b)) and four times longer distance between inflection point in
column lead to about one fourth of story shear capacity (Fig. 20(c)).
As stated in the previous sections, investigated test data of the joint shear stress defined by Eq.
(1) showed that joint shear did not decrease in the most specimen, while moment resistance of
joints degraded. However the most reported joint shear stress is not by Eq(1), but is pseudo
joint shear stress calculated by Eq. (2). By using the same notation used for Eq. (3) to (7), Eq.
(2) is modified to equivalent Eq. (8), in which, the relation of column shear Vc and joint shear
Vj is defined.
2α( LB – 1 )
- – 1 V c
V j = -------------------------- (8)
jL B
Figure 21 shows the pseudo joint shear Vj calculated for the model in Table 3. In this calucula-
tion the value for J is assmued to be 0.8. As recognized in Eq. (8), the pseudo joint shear is
proportional to the column shear Vc. Therefore, the calculated joint shear shows similar ten-
dency as story shear shown in Fig. 20.
It is observed in these three cases, that the maximum joint shear range from 0.3 to 0.4 in com-
mon. Hence the predicted capacities in terms of pseudo shear stress is close to each other,
despite the structural parameters is different in these three cases.
Amount of joint hoops is considered not to have significant effect to increase the joint shear
capacity. So the amount of hoops is not taken into account in estimating the joint shear capac-
ity in AIJ guideline6). The prediction of the new model support this fact as shown in Fig. 20.
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Journal of the School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Vol. XLV (1998)
T2 T1
T5 + Nb T5 + Nb
Pseudo joint shear
joint shear stress defined in Eq. (3)
T1 - T 2
Case 1
Case 1
LB = 10 0.5
0.4 LB = 10
LC = 5
0.5 0.4 LC = 5
0.3 0.4 0.3
0.2 0.3 0.1
0.1 0.6
0.2 0.5 0.6
0.4 0.5
0 0.4 b)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
0.3 0.3 +N
0.2 ( T5
+ 0.5
T1 + 0.5 (T5 + Nb) 0.1 0.1 T1
(a) control condition (Case 1)
joint shear stress defined in Eq. (3)
Case 2 Vj
LB = 8.33 0.5 Case 2
0.4 LB = 8.33
LC = 4.17
0.5 0.4 LC = 4.17
0.3 0.4 0.3
0.2 0.1
0.1 0.2 0.6
0.5 0.6
0.4 0.5
0 0.4
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.3 +N
0.2 T5
0.2 .5(
T1 + 0.5 (T5 + Nb) 0.1 0.1 +0
(b) Effect of depth (Case 2)
Case 3 Vj Case 3
0.4 LB = 10 0.5 LB = 10
LC = 20 LC = 20
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.3
0.1 0
0.2 0.6
0.4 0.5
0 0.4 N b)
Fig. 21 : Example solution for pseudo joint shear calculated by the new model
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Although the existing design methods5, 6, 7) set limit value for the induced joint shear stress so
as to prevent joint shear failure, this method have been effective empirically. It is partly
because by the limiting the joint shear stress, the amount of beam reinforcement is restricted as
well as the ratio of diamiter of the bar is restricted. As a result bond stress is usually kept lower
as a side effect. Thus, the anchorage capacity is sufficient. This is one reason because the
design provisions in current codes seem to work properly despite of their irrational model for
joint shear failure.
But another issue could be identified on the model considering compressive failure of diagonal
strut explaining the joint shear failure. There is few test reported in references that the column
did not sustain constant axial load after the joint failure. The exceptions is only one specimen
reported by Kimura in 1997, where a exterior joint panel was crushed under combination of
joint shear and extremely high axial force level in column with approximately 60% of concrete
compressive strength, in which resistance to the axial load diminished. Maybe this specimen
was exceptional case, in which diagonal strut in joint actually crushed. Because the diagonal
strut formed in joint panel is a on the path of axial force in beam column joint, strut compres-
sive failure should cause the loss of axial force resistance. Therefore, in the most cases,
observed joint shear failure is not associated with strut compressive failure, but the expansion
of diagonal cracks.
It is concluded from the discussion above that the design based on the limiting of joint shear
capacity is effective if it is applied to beam-to-column joint with conventional reinforcing
detail, while it have no rational basis. If the design is applied to special reinforcing detail or
special configuration of joint, such as prestress concrete beam-to-column joint, the current
design may be conservative for one joint, while it is dangerous for another joint. Therefore it is
recommend to reexamine the test of joint shear failure based on the real stress in the longitudi-
nal reinforcement to develope more rational model for joint shear failure.
The new model for a moment resisting capacity of beam-to-column joint leads to a new
approach for the design for joint shear failure. To prevent the joint failure of beam-to-column
joint designed for weak beam-strong column philosophy, it is effective to increase the moment
capacity of joint relative to the induced moment at beam ends which yield in flexure. However,
in conventional reinforcement detail, increasing of longitudinal reinforcement in joint core
inevitably also increase the beam moment capacity because the longitudinal reinforcement for
joint and beam is common. The method to overcome the problem is to arrange aditional longi-
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tudinal bar only in joint panel and joint hoops to make joint moment capacity larger than that
of beams using reinforcing detail as shown in Fig. 21(a). By the additional reinforcement in the
joint, joint deformation depicted by Fig. 15(a) will be significantly diminished, while the beam
deformation in Fig. 15(b) will be increased. However no experimental works on this kind of
special reinforcement in beam-to-column joint have not been reported before. By this counter-
measure, failure mode of joint is presumed to be changed to more favorable ductile failure
mode by preventing the plastic deformation concentrated in joint shear panel. So the change of
failure mode will be easily achieved, not by limiting the joint shear.
diagonal cracks
causing joint deformation
increase the area of beam additional spiral
column bar only in joint column
beam beam
It sometimes causes joint shear failure after beam yield and it is well known fact. To prevent
the deterioration of the moment capacity of the joint, some special mechanical anchorage
device or spiral will be effective as shown in Fig. 21(b).
The joint shear input of twenty interior beam-to-column joint, which showed failure mode of
joint shear, subjected to cyclic loading simulating earthquake load are investigated. It is con-
cluded as follows;
1. In the specimens failed in joint shear in the tests, joint shear force did not degrade for the
most specimens, although the story shear degraded due to cyclic load.
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2. The cause of the degradation of story shear was attributed to the finite upper limit of
anchorage capacity of beam longitudinal reinforcement through the joint. It makes the
tensile stress in compressive reinforcement shift to tension. The lost compressive resis-
tance of the compressive force also causes the location of stress resultant of compression
shift to the mid-height of the section. As a result, the moment resistance of beam
3. For a significant number of joint shear failure specimens, joint shear failures may not be
a compressive failure of diagonal concrete strut as assumed in some current design code.
It is rather the joint shear failure occurred due to expansion of diagonal cracks. In other
word, the direct relation between joint shear input and joint shear deformation does not
exist in those specimens.
4. Quite a large number of experiments on joint shear failure have been accumulated, while
the joint shear data based on the stress in the longitudinal reinforcement are scarce. More
investigation of test data is urged to derive more reliable general conclusion.
5. The hypothesis of joint shear failure which assumes that the joint shear failure is the
result of diagonal compressive failure of joint panel does not have rational basis as far as
the test observed test data concerns.
Based on the examination of test, the necessity of a mathematical model which accounts the
mechanism of moment resistance of joint panel was emphasized. To explain the behavior of
joint failure, a new model was proposed, which consists of divided segments by diagonal
cracks in joint shear panel. They rotates due to bending moment from beams and columns. The
equilibrium of internal stress in steel and concrete at the boundary and external forces acting
on beam ends and column ends is taken into account to predict the moment resisting capacity
of joint shear panel. It is concluded from the analysis using the model.
6. The reliability of the model and its assumptions were verified. The prediction of model
showed good correlation with the effects of parameters including the concrete compres-
sive strength, amount of beam reinforcement, and amount of joint hoop.
7. The prediction of behavior of the new model for the moment resisting capacity of beam-
to-column joint leads to a new approach to prevent from joint shear failure. To modify
the joint failure into more ductile beam yield failure mode, it is effective to increase the
moment capacity of joint, relative to the induced moment at beam ends yield in flexure,
but joint shear resisting capacity.
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Journal of the School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Vol. XLV (1998)
Dr. M. Teraoka, senior researcher of Fujita Corp. is greatly acknowledged for his offering of
detailed test data including strain history obtained in his research project. Mr. F. Kusuhara and
Mr. S. Kishikawa, graduate students, School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, are sin-
cerely appreciated for their work on test data reduction and drawing some of the figures used in
this paper.
3. Meinheit, Donald F. and James O. Jirsa : Shear Strength of R/C Beam-Column Connec-
tions, Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. ST11, Nov. 1981, pp.
4. ACI 318-95: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary,
ACI, Farmington Hills, Michigan, pp. 367.
6. Architectural Institute of Japan : AIJ Structural Design Guidelines for Reinforced Con-
crete Buildings, Tokyo, 1994, 168 pp..
7. Oka, Koji and Hitoshi Shiohara : Tests of high-strength concrete interior beam-to-column
joint subassemblages, Proceedings of the Tenth World Conference on Earthquake Engi-
neering, Balcelona, 1992, pp. 3211-3217.
8. Masaru Teraoka, A study on seismic design of R/C beam-to-column joint in high rise
frame structure, Research Report of Fujita Institute of Technology, Extra Issue No. 5,
1997, (in Japanese)
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Journal of the School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Vol. XLV (1998)
10. Kashiwazaki, T., T. Nagai and H. Noguchi : Parametric Study on the Shear Strength of R/
C Interior Beam-Column Joints using Finite Element Method, Transactions of Japan
Concrete Institute, Vol. 18, 1996, pp. 275-282.
11. Hideki Kimura, Taku Kawai, Masayuki Iwata and Tokio Watai, Experimental study on
behavior of R/C External Beam-to-Column Joint under high axial load, Proceedings of
AIJ Annual Convention, Vol. C-2, September 1997, pp. 389-390 (in Japanese)
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