A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Liraglutide For Adolescents With Obesity
A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Liraglutide For Adolescents With Obesity
A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Liraglutide For Adolescents With Obesity
Original Article
Obesity is a chronic disease with limited treatment options in pediatric patients. From the Department of Pediatrics and
Liraglutide may be useful for weight management in adolescents with obesity. Center for Pediatric Obesity Medicine,
University of Minnesota Medical School,
Minneapolis (A.S.K.); Novo Nordisk,
METHODS Søborg, Denmark (P.A.); Pediatric Endo-
In this randomized, double-blind trial, which consisted of a 56-week treatment crinology, Hospital Ángeles Puebla, Pueb-
period and a 26-week follow-up period, we enrolled adolescents (12 to <18 years la City, Mexico (M.B.-P.); the Department
of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Endo-
of age) with obesity and a poor response to lifestyle therapy alone. Participants crinology, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel,
were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive either liraglutide (3.0 mg) or placebo sub- Brussels (I.G.); Novo Nordisk, Plainsboro,
cutaneously once daily, in addition to lifestyle therapy. The primary end point was NJ (P.M.H.); the Division of Pediatrics,
Department of Clinical Science Interven-
the change from baseline in the body-mass index (BMI; the weight in kilograms tion and Technology, Karolinska Institu-
divided by the square of the height in meters) standard-deviation score at week 56. tet, Stockholm (C.M.); the Division of
Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes,
RESULTS Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedi-
A total of 125 participants were assigned to the liraglutide group and 126 to the cal Sciences, University at Buffalo, Buf-
falo, NY (L.D.M.); Novo Nordisk, Benga-
placebo group. Liraglutide was superior to placebo with regard to the change from luru, India (N.P.); and the Center for
baseline in the BMI standard-deviation score at week 56 (estimated difference, Pediatric Research in Obesity and Me-
−0.22; 95% confidence interval [CI], −0.37 to −0.08; P = 0.002). A reduction in BMI tabolism, Division of Pediatric Endocri-
nology, Metabolism, and Diabetes Melli-
of at least 5% was observed in 51 of 113 participants in the liraglutide group and tus, University of Pittsburgh Medical
in 20 of 105 participants in the placebo group (estimated percentage, 43.3% vs. Center Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh,
18.7%), and a reduction in BMI of at least 10% was observed in 33 and 9, respec- University of Pittsburgh School of Medi-
cine, Pittsburgh (S.A.). Address reprint
tively (estimated percentage, 26.1% vs. 8.1%). A greater reduction was observed requests to Dr. Kelly at the Center for Pe-
with liraglutide than with placebo for BMI (estimated difference, −4.64 percentage diatric Obesity Medicine, University of
points) and for body weight (estimated difference, −4.50 kg [for absolute change] Minnesota, 717 Delaware St. SE, Rm. 370E,
Minneapolis, MN 55414, or at kelly105@
and −5.01 percentage points [for relative change]). After discontinuation, a greater umn.edu.
increase in the BMI standard-deviation score was observed with liraglutide than
*A complete list of the NN8022-4180
with placebo (estimated difference, 0.15; 95% CI, 0.07 to 0.23). More participants trial investigators is provided in the
in the liraglutide group than in the placebo group had gastrointestinal adverse Supplementary Appendix, available at
events (81 of 125 [64.8%] vs. 46 of 126 [36.5%]) and adverse events that led to NEJM.org.
discontinuation of the trial treatment (13 [10.4%] vs. 0). Few participants in either This article was published on March 31,
group had serious adverse events (3 [2.4%] vs. 5 [4.0%]). One suicide, which oc- 2020, at NEJM.org.
curred in the liraglutide group, was assessed by the investigator as unlikely to be DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1916038
related to the trial treatment. Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.
In adolescents with obesity, the use of liraglutide (3.0 mg) plus lifestyle therapy led
to a significantly greater reduction in the BMI standard-deviation score than placebo
plus lifestyle therapy. (Funded by Novo Nordisk; NN8022-4180 ClinicalTrials.gov
number, NCT02918279.)
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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e
besity is a chronic and progres- countries (Belgium, Mexico, Russia, Sweden, and
sive disease1-3 that affects approximately the United States). The trial had a 12-week run-
107.7 million children and adolescents in period, a 56-week treatment period (including
worldwide4 and is associated with multiple coex- dose escalation over a period of 4 to 8 weeks),
isting conditions and complications.5 More than and a 26-week follow-up period without treatment
70% of persons who have obesity before puberty (Fig. S1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available
will also have obesity as adults, which under- with the full text of this article at NEJM.org). The
scores the need for effective and durable inter- trial protocol with the statistical analysis plan is
ventions with adequate safety profiles early in available at NEJM.org. The trial was designed and
life.5-7 In pediatric patients, first-line treatment for overseen by representatives of the trial sponsor
obesity is typically lifestyle therapy, which often (Novo Nordisk) with input from selected site in-
yields poor responses.5,8,9 vestigators. The site investigators gathered the
Orlistat and phentermine are the only Food data, and the sponsor performed the data analy-
and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved phar- ses. All the authors had full access to the data,
macotherapies for the treatment of obesity in directed and supervised the data analyses, inter-
pediatric patients, and they can be used only in preted the data, and vouch for the accuracy and
persons 12 years of age or older and in persons completeness of the data and the fidelity of the
older than 16 years of age, respectively.10 The trial to the protocol. The first author wrote the
European Medicines Agency (EMA) has not ap- first draft of the manuscript with assistance from
proved any pharmacotherapeutic agents for obe- an independent medical writer funded by the
sity in pediatric patients.11 Bariatric surgery is sponsor. The manuscript was subsequently revised
offered to adolescents only when they have se- and approved by all the authors, who agreed to
vere obesity, and it is performed infrequently.12,13 submit the manuscript for publication.
Thus, pharmacologic treatment options that can The trial was conducted in accordance with
be used as adjuncts to lifestyle therapy in adoles- Good Clinical Practice guidelines and the prin-
cents with obesity are of interest. ciples of the Declaration of Helsinki.19 An inde-
Liraglutide, a glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) pendent ethics committee or institutional review
analogue, increases the postprandial insulin level board at each site approved the trial protocol and
in a glucose-dependent manner, reduces glucagon any subsequent amendments. Safety of the par-
secretion, delays gastric emptying, and induces ticipants and evaluation of the benefit–risk bal-
weight loss through reductions in appetite and ance were overseen by an independent external
energy intake.14,15 Liraglutide (3.0 mg) has been data monitoring committee. Written informed
approved by the FDA and the EMA as an adjunct consent was obtained from all parents or legally
to lifestyle therapy for weight management in acceptable representatives; informed assent was
adults with obesity or overweight who have at obtained from all participants before the initia-
least one weight-related coexisting condition.16,17 tion of any trial-related procedures.
In a previous study that involved adults with obe-
sity or overweight who had either hypertension Participants
or dyslipidemia, liraglutide (3.0 mg) resulted in Pubertal adolescents (12 to <18 years of age)
clinically meaningful weight loss and improve- were eligible for inclusion in the trial if they met
ments in cardiometabolic markers and health- the following criteria: obesity, defined as a body-
related quality of life.18 The present trial evaluated
mass index (BMI; the weight in kilograms di-
the efficacy and safety of subcutaneous liraglutide
vided by the square of the height in meters) that
(3.0 mg) as an adjunct to lifestyle therapy for corresponded to an adult value of 30 or more, in
weight management in adolescents with obesity. accordance with international cutoff points,20 and
was in the 95th or higher percentile for age and
sex5; stable body weight, defined as a self-reported
Me thods
weight change of less than 5 kg during the 90 days
Trial Oversight before screening; and a poor response to lifestyle
We conducted this randomized, double-blind, pla- therapy alone, based on the judgment of the site
cebo-controlled, phase 3 trial from September 29, investigator and documented in the participant’s
2016, through August 8, 2019, at 32 sites in five medical records. Adolescents with type 2 diabetes
were eligible, but adolescents with type 1 diabetes tient Health Questionnaire–9), which were com-
were excluded. Complete lists of inclusion, ex- pleted at the time of screening and at every visit
clusion, and randomization criteria are provided from randomization to the end of the trial. Safety
in the Supplementary Appendix. was monitored from screening to week 82. A com-
plete list of end points is provided in the protocol.
Trial Procedures and End Points
During the 12-week run-in period, all participants Statistical Analysis
received lifestyle therapy, defined as counseling We hypothesized that liraglutide would show
about healthy nutrition and physical activity for superiority to placebo with regard to weight re-
weight loss (further information is provided in duction in adolescents. For the primary end point
the Supplementary Appendix). Participants who of the change from baseline in the BMI standard-
fulfilled the randomization criteria were ran- deviation score at week 56, we calculated that a
domly assigned, in a 1:1 ratio, to receive liraglutide sample of 228 participants would provide the
(3.0 mg) or volume-matched placebo administered trial with 90% power to show a significant treat-
subcutaneously once daily for 56 weeks, followed ment effect, with a standard deviation in the li-
by 26 weeks of follow-up without treatment. raglutide group of 0.35 and an estimated treat-
Treatment was initiated at a dose of 0.6 mg ment difference (i.e., difference between the
daily for 1 week, and then the dose was in- liraglutide group and the placebo group) of −0.26.
creased weekly until the maximum tolerated Primary and secondary efficacy end points were
dose or the 3.0-mg dose (highest dose allowed) analyzed according to the intention-to-treat prin-
was reached (Fig. S1). Randomization was strat- ciple, with analyses including all participants who
ified according to pubertal status (Tanner stage had undergone randomization with imputations
2 or 3 vs. Tanner stage 4 or 5) and glycemic for participants who were lost to follow-up. All
status (normoglycemia vs. prediabetes or type 2 missing data were handled with the multiple-
diabetes) and was performed with the use of an imputation method under the assumption that
interactive Web response system, in permuted participants who were withdrawn from the trial
blocks, with block sizes of 4. Lifestyle therapy responded as though they had been treated with
continued from the start of the trial to week 82. placebo for the entire trial. For weight-related
The primary end point was the change from end points, an additional analysis was per-
baseline in the BMI standard-deviation score at formed with the use of a mixed model for re-
week 56. The BMI standard-deviation score is a peated measurements to estimate the treatment
measure of the number of standard deviations effect if all participants had adhered to the as-
from the population mean BMI, matched for age signed treatment throughout the trial. The pri-
and sex. Key secondary efficacy end points in- mary and continuous secondary efficacy end
cluded the change in the BMI standard-deviation points were assessed with an analysis-of-covari-
score from week 56 to week 82, the percentage ance model. The categorical secondary efficacy
of participants who had a reduction in BMI of at end points were evaluated with a logistic-regres-
least 5% and of at least 10% at week 56, and the sion model. Safety end points were analyzed in
change from baseline in BMI, body weight, waist the safety population, which included all the
circumference, waist:hip ratio, glucose metabo- participants who had undergone randomization
lism, blood pressure, and quality of life (as- and had been exposed to at least one dose of the
sessed with the Impact of Weight on Quality of randomly assigned treatment, as described in
Life–Kids questionnaire) at week 56. the Supplementary Appendix. The statistical anal-
Key safety end points included adverse events ysis plan did not include a provision of correc-
that were reported during the treatment period tion for multiplicity. Results are reported as
(from week 0 to week 56), hypoglycemic epi- point estimates and 95% confidence intervals.
sodes, and the change from baseline in bone age, The widths of the confidence intervals have not
Tanner stage, height standard-deviation score, been adjusted for multiplicity, so the intervals
hormone levels, and heart rate at week 56 and should not be used to infer definitive treatment
week 82. Mental health was repeatedly assessed effects. Additional details regarding the statisti-
with the use of validated questionnaires (the Co- cal analysis are provided in the Supplementary
lumbia–Suicide Severity Rating Scale and the Pa- Appendix.
Liraglutide Placebo
Characteristic (N = 125) (N = 126)
Female sex — no. (%) 71 (56.8) 78 (61.9)
Age — yr 14.6±1.6 14.5±1.6
Race or ethnic group — no. (%)†
White 105 (84.0) 115 (91.3)
Black 14 (11.2) 6 (4.8)
Asian 2 (1.6) 0
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 1 (0.8)
Other 4 (3.2) 4 (3.2)
Hispanic ethnic group — no. (%)† 32 (25.6) 24 (19.0)
Tanner stage — no. (%)‡
2 6 (4.8) 8 (6.3)
3 16 (12.8) 13 (10.3)
4 38 (30.4) 40 (31.7)
5 65 (52.0) 65 (51.6)
Height — m 1.7±0.1 1.7±0.1
Body weight — kg 99.3±19.7 102.2±21.6
BMI§ 35.3±5.1 35.8±5.7
BMI standard-deviation score¶ 3.14±0.65 3.20±0.77
BMI as percentage of the 95th percentile — % 137.7±18.0 139.6±21.4
Waist circumference — cm 104.87±12.67 106.99±13.57
Waist:hip ratio 0.908±0.079 0.915±0.080
Glycated hemoglobin — % 5.3±0.4 5.3±0.4
Fasting plasma glucose — mg/dl 94.1±7.6 94.5±11.1
Dysglycemia — no. (%)‖ 32 (25.6) 33 (26.2)
Blood pressure — mm Hg
Systolic 116±10 117±12
Diastolic 72±8 73±8
Cholesterol — mg/dl
Total 156.4±27.0 154.9±29.6
High-density lipoprotein 43.8±10.0 43.8±10.3
Low-density lipoprotein 88.6±24.0 86.6±25.2
Triglycerides — mg/dl 121.0±59.4 124.5±62.5
Free fatty acids — mg/dl 13.1±5.4 14.3±5.5
Total score on IWQOL–Kids questionnaire** 84.5±12.4 82.4±14.5
* Plus–minus values are observed means ±SD. For variables that were not measured at baseline, data obtained at
screening are shown. Data for glycated hemoglobin and fasting plasma glucose were obtained at screening, and data
for low-density–lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides were obtained at week 0. To convert values for cholesterol to
millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.02586; for fasting plasma glucose, multiply by 0.05551; for triglycerides, multiply by
0.01129; and for free fatty acids, multiply by 0.0355. Percentages may not total 100 because of rounding.
† Race and ethnic group were reported by the participant.
‡ For each participant, the overall Tanner stage was the maximum Tanner stage, which was calculated by combining
the results for all categorical questions at the visit. Tanner stage 2 indicates early pubertal development, and stage 5
full maturity.
§ Body-mass index (BMI) is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.
¶ The BMI standard-deviation score is a measure of the number of standard deviations from the population mean BMI.
‖ Dysglycemia is defined as type 2 diabetes or prediabetes with a fasting plasma glucose level of at least 100 mg per
deciliter (≥5.6 mmol per liter), a glycated hemoglobin level of at least 5.7%, or both.
** Scores on the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life–Kids (IWQOL–Kids) questionnaire range from 0 to 100, with a
score of 100 indicating the best possible quality of life.
0.00 0
−0.05 −1
−0.10 −2
−0.15 −3
−0.20 −4
−0.25 −5
Liraglutide Liraglutide
−0.30 −6
−0.35 −7
0 1 8 16 25 30 42 51 56 70 82 0 1 8 16 25 30 42 51 56 70 82
Weeks since Randomization Weeks since Randomization
No. of Participants No. of Participants
Placebo 126 125 123 116 116 105 101 105 97 102 Placebo 126 125 123 116 116 105 101 105 97 102
Liraglutide 125 123 119 118 119 110 107 113 106 112 Liraglutide 125 123 119 118 119 110 107 113 106 112
C Relative Change in BMI at Wk 56 in Liraglutide Group D Relative Change in BMI at Wk 56 in Placebo Group
20 Participants with ≥5% reduction 20 Participants with ≥5% reduction
15 in BMI from baseline, 43.3% 15 in BMI from baseline, 18.7%
10 10
5 5
0 0
−5 −5
−10 −10
−15 Participants with ≥10% reduction −15 Participants with ≥10% reduction
−20 in BMI from baseline, 26.1% −20 in BMI from baseline, 8.1%
−25 −25
−30 −30
−35 −35
−40 −40
Participants Participants
4 4
3 Placebo 3 Placebo
2 2
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
−2 −2
−3 Liraglutide −3 Liraglutide
−4 −4
−5 −5
0 1 8 16 25 30 42 51 56 70 82 0 1 8 16 25 30 42 51 56 70 82
Weeks since Randomization Weeks since Randomization
No. of Participants No. of Participants
Placebo 126 125 123 116 116 105 101 105 97 102 Placebo 126 125 123 116 116 105 101 105 97 102
Liraglutide 125 123 119 118 119 110 107 113 106 112 Liraglutide 125 123 119 118 119 110 107 113 106 112
5 participants receiving placebo (six events) dur- Events related to psychiatric disorders oc-
ing the 56-week treatment period (Table 3 and curred in 13 participants (10.4%) in the liraglu-
Table S4). During the 26-week follow-up peri- tide group and in 18 participants (14.3%) in the
od, additional serious adverse events occurred placebo group during the treatment period (Ta-
in 1 participant who had received liraglutide (one ble S6). There were no clinically relevant differ-
event) and 4 participants who had received pla- ences between treatment groups with respect to
cebo (five events) (Table S5). There was no clus- results on mental health questionnaires (Fig. S14).
tering of serious adverse events. However, 1 participant in the liraglutide group
Figure 1 (facing page). Efficacy and Weight-Related End Diabetes Association–International Society for
Points. Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes classifications
Panel A shows the observed absolute change from (Table S9).
baseline in the standard-deviation score for the body- There were no apparent differences between
mass index (BMI; the weight in kilograms divided by treatment groups in growth or pubertal develop-
the square of the height in meters) over time; the ob-
ment (Tables S10 and S11). The change in the
served mean (±SD) absolute change was −0.25±0.51 in
the liraglutide group (113 participants) and −0.02±0.54 mean bone age at week 56 was similar in the lira-
in the placebo group (105 participants) at week 56 and glutide group and the placebo group (1.40 years
was −0.06±0.53 in the liraglutide group (112 partici- and 1.37 years, respectively). Adverse events re-
pants) and 0.07±0.66 in the placebo group (102 partici- ported during the run-in period and the entire
pants) at week 82. Panel B shows the observed relative
trial period (from week 0 to week 82) are shown in
change from baseline in BMI over time. Panels C and D
show waterfall plots of the observed relative change Tables S12 and S13.
from baseline in BMI at week 56 in the liraglutide group
(113 participants) and the placebo group (105 partici-
pants), respectively. The percentages of participants
with a reduction from baseline in BMI of at least 5%
In this trial involving adolescents with obesity,
and of at least 10% were estimated with the use of a lo-
gistic-regression multiple-imputation approach. Panel E the use of liraglutide (3.0 mg or the maximum
shows the observed absolute change from baseline in tolerated dose) plus lifestyle therapy led to a sig-
body weight over time; the observed mean absolute nificantly greater reduction in the BMI standard-
change was −2.7±9.1 kg in the liraglutide group (113 deviation score (primary end point) than placebo
participants) and 2.1±10.2 kg in the placebo group (105
plus lifestyle therapy. It is well established that a
participants) at week 56 and was 1.7±10.1 kg in the lira-
glutide group (112 participants) and 4.4±11.7 kg in the weight loss of 3 to 5% significantly improves
placebo group (102 participants) at week 82. Panel F some health-related outcomes in adults. Although
shows the observed relative change from baseline in evidence in children is limited, a change in the
body weight over time; the observed mean relative BMI standard-deviation score of at least 0.20 has
change was −3.2±9.4% in the liraglutide group (113 par-
been suggested to be clinically meaningful.8,9,21
ticipants) and 2.2±9.5% in the placebo group (105 par-
ticipants) at week 56 and was 1.5±10.5% in the liraglu- The estimated treatment difference in the mean
tide group (112 participants) and 4.6±11.5% in the reduction in the BMI standard-deviation score
placebo group (102 participants) at week 82. In Panels that we observed in our trial of liraglutide
A, B, E, and F, the shaded area indicates the 26-week (–0.22) was greater than differences observed in
follow-up period, and I bars indicate the standard error.
trials of lifestyle therapy conducted by the U.S.
Preventive Services Task Force (–0.17)8 and in an
overview of six Cochrane reviews (–0.13).9
committed suicide approximately 340 days af- The primary analysis in our trial was per-
ter the initiation of treatment, and 2 participants formed according to the intention-to-treat prin-
(1 per treatment group) reported a suicide at- ciple, which is used to estimate the treatment
tempt during the 26-week follow-up period (Ta- effect regardless of discontinuation of the trial
bles S7 and S8). The site investigators and spon- treatment and provides a perspective of the treat-
sor deemed these three events as unlikely to be ment effect in the entire population.22 An analysis
related to the trial treatment. The data monitor- performed with the use of a mixed model for re-
ing committee reviewed suicide-related events peated measurements yielded an estimated treat-
during the trial and recommended that the trial ment difference of –0.26 for the reduction in the
continue in accordance with the protocol. BMI standard-deviation score; this approach pro-
One participant in the placebo group had vided a different perspective, since it estimated
acute cholecystitis and cholelithiasis during the the treatment effect if all participants had ad-
treatment period. One participant in the liraglu- hered to the assigned treatment throughout the
tide group had a single episode of pancreatitis, trial, thereby providing information on the an-
which was moderate in severity, and recovered ticipated effect of the medication.22
without treatment. More hypoglycemic episodes The primary efficacy end point of the change
occurred with liraglutide than with placebo (26 vs. in the BMI standard-deviation score was required
18). No instance of hypoglycemia in either group by the EMA and deemed acceptable by the FDA.23
was deemed severe according to the American Limitations of applying this measure in a pedi-
Table 2. Estimated Mean Change from Baseline in Primary and Supportive Secondary Efficacy End Points at Week 56.*
Liraglutide Placebo
(N = 125) (N = 126)
BMI standard-deviation score
Absolute change −0.23±0.05 −0.00±0.05 −0.22 (−0.37 to −0.08)
Relative change — % −8.32±1.68 −0.68±1.74 −7.64 (−12.41 to −2.87)
Absolute change −1.39±0.31 0.19±0.33 −1.58 (−2.47 to −0.69)
Relative change — % −4.29±0.88 0.35±0.91 −4.64 (−7.14 to −2.14)
BMI as percentage of the 95th percentile — −5.47±1.22 0.77±1.27 −6.24 (−9.70 to −2.79)
percentage points
Body weight
Absolute change — kg −2.26±0.94 2.25±0.98 −4.50 (−7.17 to −1.84)
Relative change — % −2.65±0.93 2.37±0.95 −5.01 (−7.63 to −2.39)
Waist circumference — cm −4.35±0.85 −1.42±0.88 −2.93 (−5.24 to −0.63)
Waist:hip ratio −0.02±0.005 −0.02±0.005 0.00 (−0.02 to 0.01)
Glycated hemoglobin — percentage points −0.10±0.03 −0.03±0.03 −0.06 (−0.14 to 0.01)
Fasting plasma glucose — mg/dl −1.98±0.85 −0.16±0.86 −1.82 (−4.14 to 0.51)
Blood pressure — mm Hg
Systolic −1.21±0.90 0.84±0.90 −2.05 (−4.53 to 0.43)
Diastolic 0.77±0.69 −0.46±0.69 1.24 (−0.66 to 3.14)
Heart rate — beats/min 1.87±0.91 −0.14±0.95 2.01 (−0.50 to 4.52)
Total 1.00±0.01 0.99±0.01 1.01 (0.97 to 1.04)
High-density lipoprotein 1.04±0.02 1.01±0.02 1.02 (0.97 to 1.07)
Low-density lipoprotein 1.00±0.02 1.00 ±0.02 1.00 (0.94 to 1.05)
Non–high-density lipoprotein 0.98±0.02 0.98±0.02 1.00 (0.95 to 1.05)
Very-low-density lipoprotein 0.92±0.04 0.93±0.04 0.98 (0.89 to 1.08)
Triglycerides† 0.92±0.04 0.93±0.04 0.98 (0.89 to 1.08)
Free fatty acids† 0.97±0.04 0.97±0.04 1.00 (0.90 to 1.10)
Fasting insulin† 1.03±0.06 1.14±0.06 0.91 (0.77 to 1.06)
Fasting C-peptide† 0.97±0.04 1.01±0.04 0.96 (0.86 to 1.06)
β-cell function on HOMA† 1.11±0.05 1.14±0.05 0.97 (0.85 to 1.12)
Insulin resistance on HOMA† 1.01±0.06 1.11±0.06 0.91 (0.77 to 1.08)
High-sensitivity C-reactive protein† 0.81±0.08 0.93±0.08 0.87 (0.70 to 1.09)
Total score on IWQOL–Kids questionnaire 7.88±1.04 6.57±1.06 1.31 (−1.57 to 4.20)
* Plus–minus values are estimated means ±SE with corresponding estimated treatment differences, except where noted.
Confidence intervals have not been adjusted for multiplicity and should not be used to infer definitive treatment effects.
Statistical analyses were performed with the use of analysis of covariance for continuous end points and logistic regres-
sion for categorical end points. End points were analyzed according to the intention-to-treat principle. HOMA denotes
homeostatic model assessment.
† Plus–minus values are geometric mean ratios ±CV (coefficient of variation) relative to baseline with corresponding esti-
mated treatment ratios. Because these values are ratios, units are not provided.
Liraglutide Placebo
Event (N = 125) (N = 126) P Value
* Adverse events and serious adverse events that occurred from week 0 through week 56 among adolescents in the safety population are
included in the table and presented with their preferred terms. Events were included if the date of onset was between the first day the trial
drug was administered and 14 days after the last day the trial drug was administered, at the follow-up visit, or at the last trial visit.
† The P value was calculated with a negative binomial model. The number of events was analyzed with a negative binomial model with log-
link function and the logarithm of the exposure time (1000 years) for which an adverse event is considered to be reported during the treat-
ment period as an offset. The model included treatment, sex, region, baseline glycemic category, stratification factor for Tanner stage, and
interaction between baseline glycemic category and stratification factor for Tanner stage as fixed effects.
‡ The following serious adverse events were reported in one participant each: postprocedural hemorrhage, myositis, and completed suicide in
the liraglutide group; and appendicitis, pneumonia, acute cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, and thrombophlebitis in the placebo group.
§ The P value was calculated by means of Fisher’s exact test on the basis of the number of participants.
¶ The P value was calculated by means of Pearson’s chi-square test on the basis of the number of participants.
atric population with severe obesity have been agement programs in the United States and to
described previously.24,25 BMI standard-deviation orlistat, it appears that liraglutide compared favor-
scores can vary substantially from empirical ably in terms of BMI reduction.8,26 In addition, the
estimates in the context of severe obesity.24,25 estimated treatment difference of –5.01 percent-
Therefore, we obtained other relevant BMI-related age points for change in body weight observed in
metrics, all of which showed greater reductions our trial was similar to the treatment effect ob-
with liraglutide than with placebo. When we ap- served in the corresponding trial of liraglutide in
ply these metrics to gauge the degree of efficacy adults (estimated treatment difference, –5.4 per-
of liraglutide in relation to pediatric weight-man- centage points), despite differences in the weight-
loss trajectory.18 In line with observations from Overall, the safety profile of liraglutide was
placebo-controlled trials of liraglutide (3.0 mg) consistent with reports from a phase 1 trial in-
in adults, weight regain was seen in the 26-week volving adolescents33 and phase 3 trials involving
follow-up period, reinforcing the concept that adults.18,27,34 The most commonly reported ad-
obesity is a chronic disease that requires contin- verse events were gastrointestinal events, includ-
ued treatment.2,18,27 Some studies indicate that ing nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, and more of
even temporary weight loss may have long-term these events were reported with liraglutide than
benefits,28 but the extent to which this applies in with placebo. Gastrointestinal events are a known
adolescents and the extent to which long-term class effect of GLP-1 receptor agonists,35 and
adherence to pharmacotherapy can be expected they mostly occurred during dose escalation and
are unknown. then became less frequent. However, there was a
Adherence was relatively high in our trial clear imbalance between groups in the frequen-
(>80%), as compared with many previous trials cy of adverse events that led to discontinuation
involving adolescents with obesity (approximate- of the trial treatment (occurring in 13 partici-
ly 70%).9,29 However, the proportion of samples pants who were treated with liraglutide and none
obtained for pharmacokinetic analysis that had who were treated with placebo), which was pri-
liraglutide concentrations below the lower limit marily due to gastrointestinal side effects, a find-
of quantification increased toward the end of the ing that suggests liraglutide may not be suitable
treatment period (7 of 112 samples at week 8 vs. for all patients. Liraglutide had no apparent ef-
29 of 98 samples at week 56) (Fig. S3), a finding fect on growth and development during the trial.
that suggests decreasing adherence to the medi- Suicide-related events were reported in 3 partici-
cation. pants in the two groups, highlighting that ado-
In contrast to trials involving adults and to an lescents are a vulnerable group that should be
observational trial involving adolescents, our monitored carefully. The participant who com-
trial showed no substantial differences between pleted suicide, who was in the liraglutide group,
the liraglutide group and the placebo group in had a history of attention deficit–hyperactivity
cardiometabolic markers or results on quality- disorder; the 2 participants who attempted sui-
of-life assessments.18,27,30 These results could be cide during the 26-week follow-up period had
due to the fact that most participants had base- received a diagnosis of depression.36,37
line variables within the normal range or could Although the sample in this trial involving
reflect the limited sample size, which was se- adolescents was smaller than samples in similar
lected on the basis of power calculations rele- phase 3 trials involving adults,18 strengths of our
vant to the BMI standard-deviation score. How- trial included the randomized and placebo-con-
ever, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force trolled trial design, the multinational and diverse
determined that comprehensive intensive lifestyle population, and the relatively high retention rate,
therapy, which consisted of 26 to 51 contact as compared with rates previously reported in
hours over a year, led to a greater reduction in trials evaluating obesity in pediatric patients.8,9
the mean BMI standard-deviation score than the Limitations included the lack of measurements
control regimen (difference, –0.17), with no associ- of body composition and of other potentially
ated improvements in cardiometabolic markers.8 relevant cardiometabolic variables, as well as the
In contrast, in a 26-week randomized, controlled limited power to detect significant differences
trial, weekly exenatide led to a modestly greater with regard to secondary outcomes of cardio-
reduction in the BMI standard-deviation score metabolic markers and results on quality-of-life
(difference, –0.09) and greater improvements in assessments.
glucose and cholesterol levels than placebo.31 As In adolescents with obesity, the use of liraglu-
in our trial, a heterogenous treatment response tide (3.0 mg) as an adjunct to lifestyle therapy led
was observed in terms of change in BMI. Such to a greater reduction in the BMI standard-devia-
findings highlight the need, in the future, to char- tion score than placebo. The higher frequency of
acterize predictors of treatment response to iden- gastrointestinal adverse events observed with lira-
tify patients who would benefit the most from glutide suggests that this treatment may not be
treatment.32 suitable for all patients.
Supported by Novo Nordisk. Medical editorial assistance, We thank the participants and the site personnel who as-
provided by Sara Shaw, Ph.D., of Articulate Science, was funded sisted with the trial; the data monitoring committee; Anne So-
by Novo Nordisk. phie Hoff Hagelskjær, M.Sc. (Novo Nordisk), for assistance with
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the safety data; Kristin Cecilie Carlsson Petri (Novo Nordisk)
the full text of this article at NEJM.org. for assistance with the pharmacokinetic data; and Manigandan
A data sharing statement provided by the authors is available Easwaran and Lars Endahl (both of Novo Nordisk) for assistance
with the full text of this article at NEJM.org. with the statistical analyses.
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