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The Training Experiences Task Performed /specific Tasks Assigned

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Task Performed /Specific Tasks Assigned

I’m Jonathan G. De Guzman, course of Bachelor of Science in Hospitality
Management at the Cavite State University- Naic Campus. A second year of our education, the
course requires an On-The-Job Training gaining a knowledge of my course that I have been
studying for, To gain more experience and knowledge about the course that I’ve chosen. An OJT
that needs to finish immediately by spending 300 hours to complete and to receive a certificate
that you have finished the training. With the help of my Grandfather, Christ De Guzman a
security manager in a three star hotel, St. Giles Hotel, Makati led us to conduct my OJT, and
with my five classmates. Right after the Interview, Mr. Don Lester Tuazon the Human Resource
Manager oriented us about the Department that we’ll be assigned into. My classmate got
separated and divide us into two groups for each department to assigned, and I got assigned to
the Department of Food and Beverage with my classmate Paolo Leysico, John Kyle Peralta. And
the other three was assigned in the Front Desk, Where they’re the bellman. Then we have met
the Food and Beverage coordinator, Ms. Jeferlyn Entertas. Guiding us how the Department
works. Through the Bar, Kitchen, Bouquet area, Pool on the top floor and Banquet Areas. And
they even oriented us about the uniform that we will be using through the Training.
On the first day, I was assigned at Station 1 near the smoking Area. The table
setting was easy, It was Sir Jeff who taught me and my other classmates to set the table right and
clean for the guest to use. And they even taught us how to greet the guest properly. It is required
to attend the training daily, The Retaurant opening at 6:00 in the morning and we must get there
before the opening. waking up early was the only option we need to make it through time. It was
Mrs. Kaye P. Ventura, our supervisor at the Department. And She's a former student of CVSU-
Naic Campus.
Several weeks have passed, the Station shifting still occurring for us, my
classmates but mostly I’m always get assigned to Mise and Place, At the kitchen where you can
dry the dishes using dry clean cloth. My friends are fast learners so they’re teaching me how to
dry the dishes faster. Working in this stations requires speed and careful It may be cause accident
when its slippery. I also accidentally drop two plates and one water goblet on different weeks.
The Steward, Sir Maya thought me how to lift the dishes out in the Station 1 and Station 2
without getting an accident lifting those dishes was kinda dangerous. So they let me lift whatever
I can, Until I can lift a lots of dishes in one lifting.
Every afternoon we got a free time to have our lunch in the 7th floor. There they
got a cafeteria, serving a free lunch for every staff of the hotel. Taking rest there was efficient
and kinda relaxing the other staff are friendly. One day Sir. Peco, The Food and Beverage
manager told us and my Food and Beverage Department classmates to explore the whole banquet
areas with the one the regulars there, Sir. JC guiding us how every banquet works and how they
function properly.
Whenever we got a free time Mrs. Kaye always giving us a SKILLS TRAINING
PROGRAM to improve and be more independent and not to ask more questions and to avoid
confusion anymore every part of the table to part of the whole department she taught us
everything we need on the department work. Sometimes we ended up having over time.

Observed Strengths and Weaknesses of the Training Area

I think one of the strength of the St. Giles Hotel’s Food and Beverage Department is
there excellently skilled, well-experienced, and professional employees. With these type of
employees and staff, the hotel is able to execute high-end and world class services. The staffs can
also manage the department and the restaurant with their capability to accomplish their specific
duties in the highest form of quality.
On the other hand, one of the weakness that I have observe is their lack of employees.
Even though the staffs are well trained and experience it can still be a problem if they lack with
manpower in some areas. Without an adequate number of manpower, both the employees and the
industry will be affected. Other staffs may handle work more than the average amount of task to
be given per employee, resulting to more tiring work and out of hand overtimes.
The On-The-Job Training definitely benefitted me in the area of acquiring skills,
experience and knowledge with the course that I have chosen. Along the way, I also faced
challenges that I correspondingly see as a part of my training.
Before the OJT, the first challenge that I have experience is looking for a place to stay in
the duration of my training. We had a hard time finding a place that is near the hotel that fits for
our budget, we spent half of the day walking around unfamiliar areas and find none. The next
day we manage to find a boarding house that is 6 km away from the hotel, that is when I faced
my second challenge during the OJT.
During the training, given that our boarding house is far from the Hotel, we have to wake
up as early as 4am to prepare and commute to the hotel. That is where all of us is struggling
since we have to wake up very early and our time to rest is not enough. We are expected to arrive
at 5:45am for the briefing but there are some circumstances that we are late and cannot attend the
briefing. I also have experience difficulties when I was at the mis en place when most of the
items in the dining area must be restock and there is still lots of guest for the breakfast. But the
most challenging experience is when I was assigned alone to bring back all the equipment,
dishes, and glasses used in the function at the presidential suite which in the 35th floor, back to
the restaurant which is in the second floor.
After the OJT, the challenge that I have experienced is the moment that we were told that
we are about to be pulled out because of the pandemic. I had a hard time acknowledging it since
I know that I still have lots to learn, and I was then at the peak of the moment where I am starting
to get along with the other trainees and the other staffs. Afterwards, I tend to understand and
keep in mind that our safety is the first priority during this kind of situations.

Suggestion for Improvement

I think the best solution for the lack of manpower in the F&B Department is to Add employees
adequately enough to provide the services offered. With sufficient number of staff the services
may be able to be done more quickly and excellently. The Employees can work within their
average and specific task, and there might be no need for out of hand Over-Times.
Regarding the challenges that I have faced, I must first learn to understand that it is all part of
the training. What I should do is certainly not relinquish, whatever the challenge or task maybe.
In the Mis en place, at first I have difficulties maintaining the number of the items in the dining
area, and I think there are two best solution for it. First is to enhance my skills to multitask as
well as gaining more speed with preciseness and efficiency towards the said job. Second, is to
ask for assistance, it will never hurt someone if we would consider calling for help since it is the
whole service team that will be affected by it.
The OJT helps me to be prepared when it comes to the real world of work. Even with a short
length of time, I have learned and gained experiences and abilities that I can definitely use in the
near future. I think the best thing to do is to improve and develop every skills and expertise that
were taught and given to us with each trainings, to cherish all the memories that we all have
shared, and to never let all these knowledge go to waste.


Task Performed/Specific Tasks Assigned
I am, Jonathan G. De Guzman was given an opportunity to conduct my On-the-Job
Training. Before all, I was very excited and nervous at the same time because of the new
environment and new people surrounding me and how am I able to get to know them. I have no
any idea what kind of people they are and it made me adjust myself with their personalities and
attitude. But eventually, I had the right set of circumstances to know them all. I am also a little
pointed up because it was my first time to travel long distances but it has built my familiarity
with different places so it’s an advantage to work on this hotel.
On our first day, we, the trainees, were accompanied by our Food and Beverage
Supervisor – Ms. Khaye Anne P. Ventura, to explore different stations inside the hotel such as
the Bar station, a counter at which drinks are served by a bartender and all kinds of beverages
can be seen at this point. We were also toured to the Egg station where breakfasts are served and
it comes along with the Buffet station, a place of heaven where all the special meal of the day are
served and prepared by the chef. Aside from these, there is also a smoking lounge, a place which
is specifically provided and furnished for smoking.
During this moment, nothing more has come to my mind, but I can really feel that I will
learn a lot of things from this training and I can finally apply the lessons I’ve learned which are
related to my chosen course.
After the tour, I am finally acquainted to our assigned departments – the Food and
Beverage Department, together with my co-trainees, Jonathan De Guzman and Paolo Mura
Leysico. This is where we will be staying for our On-the-Job Training. Our F&B Supervisor
conducted a briefing about the roles and responsibilities, the tasks and services of being assigned
in Food and Beverage Department.
The first task that our Supervisor asked us to do is to work on Mise en Place, everything
that is used in the dining area goes here. We also did housekeeping; we maintain the cleanliness
of the place like wiping the water
My first week was a really good start though I was a little worried because I can’t keep up
with my companions due to their fast action at work but at the same time, I was motivated to
perform excellently because of what I have already accomplished during my first week. And of
course, I am grateful to our F&B Supervisor who is really accommodating and kind to me and
my co-trainees as well.
On the second week of my On-the-Job Training I can feel that I am starting to get
comfortable with my surroundings. I am in process of adapting with the tasks and responsibilities
that is given to me and to my co-trainees. We always work as a team in order to accomplish our
tasks within the given time. For our daily tasks, we have our tasks rotation, if I was assigned
yesterday in Mise en Place, then I’ll be working on Station 1 today, while Station 2 for the other
Day by day, I can feel that I am loving what I’m doing. It makes my heart full when the
guest I served was happy with my service. It became my motivation to do well for the next days
of my training. Every time a guest orders from the dining area, my task is to bring the food to
their room and when I see them, I always put a smile on my face and always tell them to enjoy
their meal and whatever they need, I assure to give it to them. This is my way to give the guest a
satisfactory and right service the best that I can.
I also have a funny moment during my training, because the hotel has almost a foreign
guest. It became a little challenge to me to speak to them, but I managed to handle everything
when it comes to communicating to them. It also has an advantage to me because it trains my
speaking ability and I learned more from them on how to face them with all confidence.
On my third week of training, I know I’m already flexible with the tasks given to me. I
usually do food and room service for our guests. And on this week, I can say it was really a
heavy week for me and to my co-trainees for sure. We had a big event and our guests are from
Department of Education (DepEd). During that moment, I already knew that I will be challenge
with my skills and abilities. I felt a little nervous because of the huge numbers of guests, but I
despite all these, I became competitive because I want to make myself always prepared. I just
told myself that I will do everything I can in order to satisfy our guest’s needs and wants.
My co-trainees and I were assigned in serving the guests, we greeted them to the hotel
like it’s just a home. Rest assured that we keep them entertained and we are just one call away
whenever they need help or assistance. We really got busy on that day by serving them food and
everything. I am really happy to say that the event ended up successful. I also got numerous tips
from the guests and I felt so proud to myself. I became more motivated because it really feels
like heaven when a guest was satisfied with my service, but not only in service but also with my
salesmanship in order to generate the company’s products and introduce them to our guests.
I really learned a lot from this week, not just academically but socially as well because I
learned to adjust myself to my companions in St. Giles Makati Hotel. I also learned how to
socialize with them in a good manner though some of the people are not so kind, I am glad I was
still able to manage the situation with them properly.
During my fourth week of On-the-Job Training, this time, I am still challenged with the
given tasks but everything is under control. Our tasks for this week are still what we usually do,
the food and room service for the guests. My co-trainees and I are also assigned in the kitchen,
we wiped tons of kitchen tools after everything was washed. While we do these things, we assure
that we handle everything with care especially the glasses and other fragile things.
So far, I am so happy with my training in St. Giles Makati Hotel and this week was not as
heavy as the previous week. I can say that I accomplished new tasks for this week. I was also
beginning to meet new people of different department and I was glad to be part of their circle of
friends. I started to be comfortable with the people I work with as well as in the workplace.
On the fifth week of my On-the-Job Training, this week has been very harsh to everyone
of us. This is the time that we have to suspend our training. This is because of the Covid-19 that
really affected everyone’s lives. We are advised to go home and we’ll get back as soon as the
virus has ended or gone. But until now, it is still happening and hundreds of people in our
country are getting affected each day. So, we have no other choice but to finish our training
though we have not completed the required hours of our On-the-Job Training.
Despite all these happenings, we should focus on our own health to prevent ourselves
from the virus. There’s always a reason why things happen and all we need is to pray to make
everything back again to normal. How I wish, I could finish the remaining hours from my OJT
so I can have additional learnings that is related to the current field that I am taking. Though I
experienced my training for a short period of time, what really matters is that I still learned
something which I can use in the future to become a professional.
Observed Strengths and Weaknesses of the Training Area
As I accomplished my hospitality services in my On-the-Job Training, I just realized that
it really requires a lot of practice in ensuring the guest’s satisfaction from the moment they walk
into my doors until the moment they walk out while also keeping ourselves motivated to go the
extra mile to provide excellent experiences towards the training.
In this matter, I have built my high attention to details. I ensure that every guest that I
handle has the best experience possible. This requires me to have a complete care about every
aspect from the top to the bottom, ranging from the fresh seasonal flowers in the hotel lobby to
the complicatedly folded napkins on the dining table to the efficient check-in and check-out
process at the front desk.
Personally, I am a friendly person and so that I am easy to deal with especially with the
guests and my colleagues as well when it comes to their on-going personal concern. I put a lot of
proficiency to myself whenever I do my tasks and this enables me to work on my skills
improvement. Honesty plays a big part of myself because guests must be able to trust their staff
like me.
A teamwork is one of the important things that is needed to be done in an organization
and for me, I make sure that I communicate well with my colleagues if they need my assistance
or help to do a work.
However, I am just a normal person with weaknesses too. Sometimes, I am having
difficulties when it comes to handling my temper and patience with such things. And also,
whenever I see tons of guests, I can feel that little pressure in myself, thinking if I could serve
their satisfaction or not. But despite all these weaknesses, I certainly handle everything with the
best of my abilities in order to do well as a trainee.
During my On-the-Job Training in St. Giles Makati Hotel, I encountered a lot of different
difficulties and challenges in so many aspects. Right before we started our internship with St.
Giles, I felt that pressure and fear in myself. I was so problematic because I still haven’t found
any companies I can start my training with. My friends and I did a lot of research about hotels
near our place. But sadly, we couldn’t find one. It was easy if we can search at Tagaytay City but
by that time, a volcanic eruption happened in that place - it’s too risky and dangerous at the same
time. We had no other choice but to accept the recommendation of my friend’s godfather who
works in St. Giles Makati Hotel. We got worried because it’s too far but luckily, we found a
boarding house near that place.
Everything goes well and as soon as we started our internship with St. Giles Makati
Hotel, personally, I had my difficulty in getting up too early in the morning. But since I need to
accomplish this training without the record of tardiness, I pushed myself to get up early. I always
set my alarm clock so I could get up on time.
During the training, I haven’t encountered any serious situation aside from my speaking
ability towards the foreign guest because I can manage my communication. And I also had a
problem with my colleagues during my first days because I can’t keep up with their actions, they
move so fast with their work. But as time goes by, I can finally keep up with them because I’m
already used to my daily tasks.
Suggestion for Improvement
As I spent my time in St. Giles Makati Hotel, I encountered just a little difficulty in
myself. I have to excel on my flexibility at work, I need more training time to make everything
perfect especially in performing my tasks. But it’s just a little action to work on because I have
my ability in adapting things. I can easily learn things and it only takes time.
Every day, I work on my skill development, I am always open with new learning.
Generally speaking, I like exploring things because it adds up to what I already know and once I
put everything together, that is where good results happen. And then I apply these results to
make myself better. I know those experiences that I have learned from my internship will help
me boost my self-improvement and I can use it in my future job in order to be successful.

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