Past To Present Simple Charades Activity
Past To Present Simple Charades Activity
Past To Present Simple Charades Activity
Topic: Using past and/or present simple verbally
● Create a list/ cards with actions in the past simple that students can act out
○ Or simply verbally say them into the ear of the student whose turn it is
to act it out
○ Prepare a list of things students can act out beforehand
■ Ex: brush your teeth, watch tv, walk to school, make a sandwich,
Lesson Plan Breakdown:
1. Introduce/ refresh student memory on how to transform the present simple
to the past simple & on in which scenarios each are used
a. Present simple = “Everyday I …” (used for routines)
b. Past simple = “Yesterday I …” (used for something that happened in the
2. Ask for a show of hands of who has played charades before / knows how to
play so you can get an idea of who already understands the way the game
3. Then explain how charades is played
a. Tell them that in charades, someone acts something out using
motions, gestures, but no words - and the others must guess what it is
that they are acting out
b. Then explain this specific version of charades: tell them that one
student will come and be given something to act out to the class - the
student will then act it out and the class must try to guess what they
are acting out & say a sentence of what they were acting out in [teacher
choose whether in past or present simple or both]
Ideas for Things to Have Students Act Out:
● Brush your hair
● Brush your teeth
● Walk to school
● Make a sandwich
● Kick a football
● Paint a picture
● Walk my dog
● Play basketball
● Look outside the window
● Laugh at a joke
● Wash the dishes
● Mail a letter
● Lift a heavy
● Talk to friends
● Cook food
● Call on the phone
● Wash my hands
● Jump on the floor
watch TV for
ten hours
with friends
kick a football
walk to school
into the goal
paint a
brush my hair picture of a
smile at my walk on the
teacher beach
play video want to go to
games all day the store
finish all my dance with
homework my brother
invite my
look outside
friends to my
the window
fix my broken work on a
bike project
score a goal
watch the
football game
I laugh at a travel to
funny joke another city
help my mom
talk with my
wash the
miss the mail a letter
metro to my friend
learn new
twist my leg things in
visit my
lift a heavy
promise to do
start a new
the dishes
TV show
kiss my dad cough all day
on the cheek long
change my walk my dog
clothes at the park
listen to plant a flower
music in the garden
cook dinner act in a play
with my dad
empty the clean piles of
trash mud