DNV OS D301 Fire Protection
DNV OS D301 Fire Protection
DNV OS D301 Fire Protection
This booklet has since the main revision (October 2008) been amended, most recently in October 2009.
See the reference to “Amendments and Corrections” on the next page.
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Amended October 2009 Offshore Standard DNV-OS-D301, October 2008
see note on front cover Changes – Page 3
• General document located at: http://webshop.dnv.com/global/, under
Being class related, this document is published electronically category “Offshore Codes”.
only (as of October 2008) and a printed version is no longer
available. The update scheme for this category of documents is • Main changes
different compared to the one relevant for other offshore doc- Since the previous edition (October 2008), this document has
uments (for which printed versions are available). been amended, latest in October 2009. All changes have been
For an overview of all types of DNV offshore documents and incorporated. The changes are considered to be of editorial
their update status, see the “Amendments and Corrections” nature, thus no detailed description has been given.
D. Documentation...................................................................... 12 A. General..................................................................................29
D 100 General............................................................................ 12 A 100 Introduction..................................................................... 29
A 200 Maintenance.................................................................... 29
CH. 2 TECHNICAL PROVISIONS ............................ 13 B. Firemen’s Outfit....................................................................29
Sec. 1 Passive Fire Protection ...................................... 15 B 100 General............................................................................ 29
E 500 Fire fighting in engine and boiler rooms.........................34 Sec. 9 Supplementary Requirements for Other
E 600 Fire Fighting in Paint Storage Room ..............................34 Special Service Type Units or Installations...... 39
F. Fire Detection and Alarm Systems....................................... 34 A. General..................................................................................39
F 100 General ............................................................................34 A 100 Introduction.....................................................................39
B. Special Requirements for Fire Fighters ................................39
G. Gas Detection ....................................................................... 34 B 100 Introduction.....................................................................39
G 100 General ............................................................................34 B 200 Technical provisions .......................................................39
H. Conversions .......................................................................... 35 C. Special Requirements for Units with Diving Systems .........39
H 100 General ............................................................................35 C 100 Passive fire protection.....................................................39
C 200 Fire extinguishing. ..........................................................39
Sec. 8 Supplementary Requirements for LNG Import D. Special Requirements for Offshore Loading Buoys.............39
and Export Terminals (and LNG Production D 100 Fire control and extinguishing ........................................39
Units) .................................................................... 36 D 200 Unmanned buoys.............................................................39
D 300 Not permanently manned buoys .....................................39
A. General.................................................................................. 36 D 400 Provision for helicopter facilities....................................39
A 100 Introduction.....................................................................36
App. A Fixed Fire Fighting Systems.............................. 40
B. Passive Fire Protection ......................................................... 36 A. Pressure Water-Spraying Systems in
B 100 Structural elements..........................................................36 Machinery Spaces.................................................................40
B 200 Systems and equipment...................................................36 A 100 General ............................................................................40
B 300 Protection of spaces or areas ...........................................36
B. Fixed High-Expansion Foam Fire
C. Fire Water Systems............................................................... 36 Extinguishing System in Machinery Spaces.........................40
B 100 Application......................................................................40
C 100 Fire water pump system ..................................................36 B 200 General ............................................................................40
D. Fire Water Distribution......................................................... 36 C. Fixed Gas Fire Extinguishing System ..................................40
D 100 General ............................................................................36 C 100 Application......................................................................40
C 200 General ............................................................................40
E. Active Fire Protection of Specific Areas.............................. 37 C 300 Carbon dioxide systems ..................................................41
E 100 General ............................................................................37 C 400 Halogenated hydrocarbon systems, Application.............41
C 500 Steam systems .................................................................42
E 200 Fire fighting in machine and boiler rooms......................37 C 600 Other gas systems............................................................42
F. Special Requirements for Areas for Treatment and Storage of CH. 3 CERTIFICATION AND CLASSIFICATION 43
Liquefied Gases .................................................................... 37
F 100 General ............................................................................37 Sec. 1 Certification and Classification ........................ 45
F 200 Water spray system .........................................................37
F 300 Dry chemical powder fire extinguishing system.............37
A. General..................................................................................45
A 100 Introduction.....................................................................45
F 400 Compressor and pump rooms .........................................38 A 200 Assumption .....................................................................45
A 300 Alternative solutions .......................................................45
G. Fire Detection and Alarm Systems....................................... 38 A 400 Documentation ................................................................45
G 100 General ............................................................................38
Sec. 2 Certification of Equipment ............................... 46
H. Gas Detection ....................................................................... 38
A. General..................................................................................46
H 100 General ............................................................................38 A 100 General ............................................................................46
I. Miscellaneous ....................................................................... 38 B. Equipment Categorisation ....................................................46
I 100 Personnel protection........................................................38 B 100 General ............................................................................46
Sec. 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 9
103 May: Verbal form used to indicate a course of action per- ature at any one point, including any joint, rise more than
missible within the limits of the standard. 225 °C above the original temperature, within the time
104 Agreement or by agreement: Unless otherwise indicated, listed below:
means agreed in writing between manufacturer or yard and — class "B-15" 15 minutes
— class "B-0” 0 minutes.
C 200 Definitions
3. they shall be constructed of recognised non-combustible
201 "H” class divisions materials and all materials entering into the construction
Divisions formed by bulkheads and decks which comply with and erection of "B" class divisions shall be non-combusti-
the following: ble, with the exception that combustible veneers may be
permitted provided they meet other requirements of this
1) they shall be constructed of steel or other equivalent mate- Chapter.
rial 4. The Administration shall require a test of prototype bulk-
2) they shall be suitably stiffened head or deck in accordance with the Fire Test Procedures
Code to ensure that it meets the above requirements for
3) they shall be constructed as to be capable of preventing the integrity and temperature rise.
passage of gas, smoke and flames up to the end of the two-
hour standard fire test (SOLAS reg. II-2/3.4)
4) they shall be insulated with approved non-combustible 204 “C” class divisions
materials or equivalent passive fire protection such that the Divisions constructed of approved non-combustible materials.
average and maximum temperature of the unexposed side They need meet neither requirements relative to the passage of
will not rise to more than 140 °C and 180 °C respectively smoke and flame nor limitations relative to the temperature rise.
above the original temperature, within the time listed Combustible veneers are permitted provided they meet other
below: requirements of this Chapter.
— class H-120 120 minutes (SOLAS reg. II-2/3.5)
— class H-60 60 minutes 205 Accommodation spaces
— class H-0 0 minutes
Accommodation spaces are those used for public spaces, cor-
(Additionally, a class H-0400 is often used, where 400 ridors, lavatories, cabins, offices, hospitals, cinemas, games
means the temperature limitation on the unexposed side. and hobby rooms, pantries containing no cooking appliances
The class H-240 is also used for some equipment). and similar spaces. Public spaces are those portions of the
accommodation which are used for halls, dining rooms,
A test of a prototype division is required to ensure that it meets
lounges and similar permanently enclosed spaces.
the requirements for integrity and temperature rise.
202 “A” class divisions (MODU Code 1.3.45)
Divisions formed by bulkheads and decks which comply with The accommodation area is normally used as the safe haven or
the following: temporary refuge.
206 Control stations
1. they shall be constructed of steel or other equivalent mate-
rial; Control stations are those spaces in which the unit's radio or
2. they shall be suitably stiffened; main navigation equipment or the emergency source of power
3. they shall be so constructed as to be capable of preventing is located or where the fire recording or fire control equipment
the passage of smoke and flame to the end of the one-hour or dynamical positioning control system is centralised or where
standard fire test; the fire- extinguishing system serving various locations is situ-
4. they shall be insulated with approved non-combustible ated. In case of column stabilised units a centralised ballast
materials such that the average temperature of the unex- control station is a "control station". However, for purposes of
posed side will not rise more than 140 ×C above the origi- the application of Ch.2 Sec.1, the space where the emergency
nal temperature, nor will the temperature, at any one point, source of power is located is not considered as being a control
including any joint, rise more than 180 ×C above the origi- station.
nal temperature, within the time listed below: (MODU Code 1.3.31)
— class "A-60" 60 minutes Typical examples are central control room, radio room, proc-
— class "A-30" 30 minutes ess control room, local control rooms, local equipment rooms,
— class "A-15" 15 minutes bridge, emergency response room etc.
— class "A-0” 0 minutes. 207 Corridor
5. The Administration shall require a test of prototype bulk- Includes corridors and lobbies.
head or deck in accordance with the Fire Test Procedures
Code to ensure that it meets the above requirements for
208 Deluge system
integrity and temperature rise. A system to apply firewater through an array of open spray
(SOLAS reg. II-2/3.3) nozzles by operation of a valve on the inlet to the system. The
system will discharge through all nozzles served by the deluge
203 “B” class divisions valve.
Divisions formed by bulkheads, decks, ceilings or linings which 209 Draught stop
comply with the following:
A close fitting hindering any smoke from passing.
1. they shall be so constructed to be capable of preventing
the passage of flame to the end of the first half hour of the
210 Drilling areas
standard fire test; Includes the derrick, drill floor, BOP area and the area contain-
2. they shall have an insulation value such that the average ing shale shakers and degassers. See utility area for drilling
temperature of the unexposed side will not rise more than utilities such as mud mixing, pumping, bulk storage and
140 °C above the original temperature, nor will the temper- cementing.
Sec. 1 Passive Fire Protection ............................................................................................................ 15
Sec. 2 Active Fire Protection of Specific Areas.................................................................................. 20
Sec. 3 Fire Fighting Systems............................................................................................................... 22
Sec. 4 Fire and Gas Detection Systems............................................................................................... 25
Sec. 5 Miscellaneous Items................................................................................................................. 29
Sec. 6 Supplementary Requirements for Drilling Units ..................................................................... 31
Sec. 7 Supplementary Requirements for Oil and Gas Production
and Storage Units ..................................................................................................................... 32
Sec. 8 Supplementary Requirements for LNG Import and Export Terminals
(and LNG Production Units) .................................................................................................... 36
Sec. 9 Supplementary Requirements for Other Special Service Type Units or Installations ............. 39
App. A Fixed Fire Fighting Systems .................................................................................................... 40
2. they may only be used at the end of the ventilation device; 2. automatic fire dampers are fitted close to the boundaries
3. they should not be situated less than 600 mm, measured penetrated; and
along the duct, from where it penetrates any "A" or "B" 3. the integrity of the machinery space or galley boundaries
class division including continuous "B" class ceilings. is maintained at the penetrations;
(MODU Code 9.2.11) or
302 Where ventilation ducts with a cross-sectional area 4. the ducts where they pass through a machinery space of
exceeding 0.02 m2 pass through class "A" bulkheads or decks, category A or a galley are constructed of steel in accord-
the opening should be lined with a steel sheet sleeve unless the ance with 2.13.1 (303.1); and
ducts passing through the bulkheads or decks are of steel in the 5. are insulated to "A-60" standard within the machinery
vicinity of penetrations through the deck or bulkhead; the ducts space or galley.
and sleeves at such places should comply with the following:
(MODU Code 9.2.14)
1. The ducts or sleeves should have a thickness of at least 3 305 Ventilation ducts with a cross-sectional area exceeding
mm and a length of at least 900 mm. When passing 0.02 m2 passing through "B" class bulkheads should be lined
through bulkheads, this length should be divided prefera- with steel sheet sleeves of 900 mm in length divided preferably
bly into 450 mm on each side of the bulkhead. These into 450 mm on each side of the bulkhead unless the duct is of
ducts, or sleeves lining such ducts, should be provided steel for this length.
with fire insulation. The insulation should have at least the
same fire integrity as the bulkhead or deck through which (MODU Code 9.2.15)
the duct passes. Equivalent penetration protection may be 306 Where they pass through accommodation spaces or
provided to the satisfaction of the Administration. spaces containing combustible materials, the exhaust ducts
2. Ducts with a cross-sectional area exceeding 0.075 from galley ranges should be of equivalent fire integrity to "A"
m2,except those serving hazardous areas, should be fitted class divisions. Each such external exhaust duct should be fit-
with fire dampers in addition to meeting the requirements ted with:
of 2.1 (300). The fire damper should operate automatically
but should also be capable of being closed manually from 1. a grease trap readily removable for cleaning;
both sides of the bulkhead or deck. The damper should be 2. a fire damper located in the lower end of the duct;
provided with an indicator which shows whether the 3. arrangements, operable from within the galley, for shutting
damper is open or closed. Fire dampers are not required, off the exhaust fans; and
however, where ducts pass through spaces surrounded by 4. fixed means for extinguishing a fire within the duct.
“A” class divisions, without serving those spaces, provided
those ducts have the same fire integrity as the divisions (MODU Code 9.2.16)
which they pierce. The Administration may, given special 307 The main inlets and outlets of all ventilation systems
considerations, permit operation from one side of a divi- should be capable of being closed from outside the spaces
sion only. being ventilated.
(MODU Code 9.2.12) (MODU Code 9.2.17)
303 Ducts provided for the ventilation of machinery spaces of 308 Power ventilation of accommodation spaces, service
category A, galleys and hazardous areas should not pass spaces, control stations, machinery spaces and hazardous
through accommodation spaces, service spaces or control sta- areas should be capable of being stopped from an easily acces-
tions. However, the Administration may permit a relaxation from sible position outside the space being served. The accessibility
this requirement, except for the ducts serving hazardous areas of this position in the event of a fire in the spaces served should
passing through accommodation spaces, control stations and be specially considered. The means provided for stopping the
galleys, provided that the ducts are: power ventilation serving machinery spaces or hazardous
areas should be entirely separate from the means provided for
1. constructed of steel having a thickness of at least 3 mm for stopping ventilation of other spaces.
ducts of 300 mm in width or less and of at least 5 mm for
ducts of 760 mm in width and over; in the case of ducts the (MODU Code 9.2.18)
width or diameter of which is between 300 mm and 760 309 Windows and sidescuttles in boundaries which are
mm, the thickness should be obtained by interpolation; required to meet an "A-60" standard which face the drill floor
2. fitted with automatic fire dampers close to the boundaries area should be:
penetrated; and
3. insulated to "A-60" standard from the machinery spaces or 1. constructed to an "A-60" standard; or
galleys to a point at least 5 m beyond each fire damper; 2. protected by a water curtain; or
or 3. fitted with shutters of steel or equivalent material.
(MODU Code 9.2.19)
4. constructed in steel in accordance with 1; and
5. insulated to "A-60" standard throughout the accommoda- 310 The ventilation of the accommodation spaces and control
tion spaces, service spaces or control stations. stations should be arranged in such a way as to prevent the
ingress of flammable, toxic or noxious gases, or smoke from
(MODU Code 9.2.13) surrounding areas.
304 Ducts provided for the ventilation of accommodation (MODU Code 9.2.20)
spaces, service spaces or control stations should not pass
through machinery spaces of category A, galleys or hazardous B 400 Penetrations
areas. However, the Administration may permit a relaxation 401 Openings and penetrations in fire rated divisions shall be
from this requirement, except for the ducts passing through arranged so as to maintain the fire rating of the divisions. Pen-
hazardous areas, provided that: etrations shall be approved for the actual divisions where they
1. the ducts where they pass through a machinery space of
are to be installed.
category A or a galley are constructed of steel in accord- 402 Openings in bulkheads of "H" class are in general to be
ance with 2.13.1 (303.1); avoided.
C. Protection of Spaces or Areas the minimum fire integrity of bulkheads and decks should be as
prescribed in Table C1 and Table C2. Exterior boundaries of
C 100 General superstructures and deckhouses enclosing accommodation,
101 The general requirements for arrangement and the sepa- including any overhanging decks which support such accom-
ration of spaces or areas of different category and/or operation modation, should be constructed to “A-60” standard for the
are given in DNV-OS-A101. whole of the portion which faces and is within 30 m of the centre
C 200 Fire integrity of bulkheads and decks of the rotary table. For units that have a movable substructure
the 30 m should be measured with the substructure at its clos-
201 Fire integrity of bulkheads separating adjacent spaces
shall be as given in Table C1 and Table C2. est drilling position to the accommodation. The Administration
may accept equivalent arrangements.
202 In addition to complying with the specific provisions for
fire integrity of bulkheads and decks in this section and in 300, (MODU Code 9.1.3)
Control stations (1) A-0(d) A-0 A-60 A-0 A-15 A-60 A-15 A-60 A-60 *) A-0
Corridors (2) C B-0 B-0 B-0 A-60 A-0 A-0 A-0 *) B-0
Accommodation spaces (3) C B-0 B-0 A-60 A-0 A-0 A-0 *) C
Stairways (4) B-0 B-0 A-60 A-0 A-0 A-0 *) B-0
A-0(b) A-0(b) A-0(b)
Service spaces (low risk) (5) C A-60 A-0 A-0 A-0 *) B-0
(MODU Code Table 9-1 and Table 9-2) etc., and isolated pantries containing no cooking
203 The following requirements should govern application of appliances. Sanitary facilities which serve a space
the tables: and with access only from that space shall be con-
sidered a portion of the space in which they are
a) Table C1 and Table C2 should apply respectively to the located.
bulkheads and decks separating adjacent spaces.
(MODU Code 9.1.4)
b) For determining the appropriate fire integrity standards to
be applied to divisions between adjacent spaces, such 204 Continuous "B" class ceilings or linings in association
spaces are classified according to their fire risk, as shown with the relevant decks or bulkheads may be accepted as con-
in categories (1) to (11) below. The title of each category is tributing wholly or in part to the required insulation and integrity
intended to be typical rather than restrictive. The number in of a division.
parenthesis preceding each category refers to the applica-
ble column or row in the tables: (MODU Code 9.1.5)
(1) “Control stations" are spaces as defined in Ch.1 205 In approving structural fire protection details, the Admin-
Sec.1. istration should have regard to the risk of heat transmission at
(2) "Corridors" means corridors and lobbies. intersections and terminal points of required thermal barriers.
(3) “Accommodation spaces” are spaces as defined in (MODU Code 9.1.6)
Ch.1 Sec.1, excluding corridors, lavatories and pan-
tries containing no cooking appliances. 206 Windows and sidescuttles, with the exception of navigat-
(4) "Stairways" are interior stairways, lifts and escala- ing bridge windows, should be of the non-opening type. Navi-
tors (other than those wholly contained within the gating bridge windows may be of the opening type provided the
machinery spaces) and enclosures thereto. In this design of such windows permits rapid closure. The Administra-
connection a stairway which is enclosed only at one tion may permit windows and sidescuttles outside hazardous
level should be regarded as part of the space from areas to be of the opening type.
which it is not separated by a fire door. (MODU Code 9.1.7)
(5) "Service spaces (low risk)" are lockers, store-rooms
and working spaces in which flammable materials 207 The fire resistance of doors should, as far as practicable,
are not stored, drying rooms and laundries. be equivalent to that of the division in which they are fitted.
(6) "Machinery spaces of category A" are spaces as External doors in superstructures and deckhouses should be
defined in Ch.1 Sec.1. constructed to at least "A-0" class standard and be self-closing,
(7) “Other machinery spaces” are spaces as defined in where practicable.
Ch.1 Sec.1 other than machinery spaces of cate-
gory A. (MODU Code 9.1.8)
(8) "Hazardous areas" are areas as defined in Ch.1
Sec.1. C 300 Protection of accommodation spaces, service
(9) "Service spaces (high risk)" are lockers, store- spaces and control stations
rooms and working spaces in which flammable 301 All bulkheads required to be "B" class divisions should
materials are stored, galleys, pantries containing extend from deck to deck and to the deckhouse side or other
cooking appliances, paint rooms and workshops boundaries, unless continuous "B" class ceilings or linings are
other than those forming part of the machinery fitted on both sides of the bulkhead, in which case the bulkhead
space. may terminate at the continuous ceiling or lining. In corridor
(10) "Open decks” are open deck spaces, excluding bulkheads, ventilation openings may be permitted only in and
hazardous areas. under the doors of cabins, public spaces, offices and sanitary
(11) "Sanitary and similar spaces" are communal sani- spaces. The openings should be provided only in the lower half
tary facilities such as showers, baths, lavatories, of the door. Where such an opening is in or under a door, the
total net area of any such opening or openings should not 306 The framing, including grounds and the joint pieces of
exceed 0.05 m2. When such an opening is cut in a door, it bulkheads, linings, ceilings and draught stops, should be of
should be fitted with a grille made of non-combustible material. non-combustible material.
Such openings should not be provided in a door in a division (MODU Code 9.2.6)
forming a stairway enclosure.
307 All exposed surfaces in corridors and stairway enclo-
(MODU Code 9.2.1) sures and surfaces in concealed or inaccessible spaces in
302 Stairs should be constructed of steel or equivalent mate- accommodation and service spaces and control stations should
rial. have low flame spread characteristics. Exposed surfaces of
ceilings in accommodation and service spaces and control sta-
(MODU Code 9.2.2) tions should have low flame spread characteristics 1).
303 Stairways which penetrate only a single deck should be (MODU Code 9.2.7)
protected at least at one level by "A" or "B" class divisions and 1) Reference is made to IMO resolutions A.166(ES.IV) Guidelines on the
self-closing doors so as to limit the rapid spread of fire from one evaluation of fire hazard properties of materials; A.472(XII) Improved
recommendation on test method for qualifying construction materials as
deck to another. Personnel lift trunks should be protected by "A" non-combustible; and A.564(14) Revised recommendation on fire test
class divisions. Stairways and lift trunks which penetrate more procedures for surface flammability of bulkhead and deck finish
than a single deck should be surrounded by "A" class divisions materials.
and protected by self-closing doors at all levels. Self-closing 308 Bulkheads, linings and ceilings may have combustible
doors should not be fitted with hold-back hooks. However, hold- veneers provided that the thickness of such veneers should not
back arrangements incorporating remote release fittings of the exceed 2 mm within any space other than corridors, stairway
fail-safe type may be utilised. enclosures and control stations where the thickness should not
(MODU Code 9.2.3) exceed 1.5 mm. Alternatively, veneers which have a calorific
value not exceeding 45 mJ/m2 of the area for the thickness
304 Air spaces enclosed behind ceilings, panelling or linings used may be accepted by the Administration, irrespective of the
should be divided by close fitting draught stops spaced not thickness of those veneers.
more than 14 m apart.
(MODU Code 9.2.8)
(MODU Code 9.2.4) 309 Primary deck coverings, if applied, should be of
305 Except for insulation in refrigerated compartments, insu- approved material which will not readily ignite, or give rise to
lation material, pipe and vent duct lagging, ceilings, linings and toxic or explosive hazards at elevated temperatures. 2)
bulkheads should be of non-combustible material. Insulation of (MODU Code 9.2.9)
pipe fittings for cold service systems and vapour barriers and 2) Reference is made to the improved provisional guidelines on test
adhesives used in conjunction with insulation need not be non- procedures for primary deck coverings, adopted by the Organisation by
combustible but they should be kept to a minimum and their resolution A.214(VII).
exposed surfaces should have low flame spread characteris- 310 Paints, varnishes and other finishes used on exposed
tics1). In spaces where penetration of oil products is possible, interior surfaces should not offer an undue fire hazard in the
the surfaces of the insulation should be impervious to oil or oil judgement of the Administration and should not be capable of
vapours. producing excessive quantities of smoke.
(MODU Code 9.2.5) (MODU Code 9.2.10)
101 This section gives requirements for active fire protection ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
common to all types of offshore units and installations.
B 200 Drilling areas
102 For supplementary requirements applicable to units and
installations for special types of service, see Sec.6 to Sec.8. 201 Fixed water protection systems shall be installed to
cover the following areas and equipment:
— drill floor, and
— well test area.
B. Fire Extinguishing Systems in Specific Areas
202 The minimum water application rate and type of protec-
B 100 Production or processing areas tion are shown in 103 and Table B1.
101 Fixed water protection systems shall be installed to 203 When water monitors are used as fixed protection sys-
cover the following areas and equipment as applicable: tem, at least two water monitors shall be installed to cover the
drilling and well test areas. These monitors shall each have a
— wellhead or turret areas minimum capacity of 100 m3/hr at a discharge pressure of 3.5
— processing areas bar. They shall have a fixed arrangement making it possible, by
a simple hand grip, to disperse the water jet. The location of the
— well test area water monitors shall be in easily accessible places and not on
— crude oil and gas manifolds or piping on deck the same side of the area they shall cover. The monitors shall
— glycol regeneration plant be made for easy and quick operation.
— areas containing equipment or piping through which Guidance note:
hydrocarbon fluids is flowed for the purpose of produc- Areas protected by water monitors only, shall have monitors
tion, export or offloading and storage locked in fixed position covering the protected area adequately.
— areas of storage of cylinders with compressed gas (oxy- ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
gen, acetylene, etc.).
102 The quantity of water supplied to areas requiring protec- B 300 Accommodation, service and working spaces, and
tion shall be sufficient to provide exposure protection to equip- control stations
ment within that area. See Table B1 for recommended 301 The accommodation, service and working spaces should
capacity. be provided with approved portable fire extinguishers to the sat-
isfaction of the Administration. Approved extinguishers should
103 The horizontal extent of the area requiring protection comply with regulation II-2/6 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention.
may be limited by adjacent vertical class A or H divisions and/
or the external boundaries of the installation. (MODU Code 9.6).
Fixed water protection systems may consist of automatic del- See Sec.3 C100 for SOLAS II-2/6.
uge or water monitors or a combination of both. Water moni- Guidance note:
tors are only considered suitable for protection of equipment in Portable fire extinguishers shall be located so that they can be
open areas. The layout is to ensure that all protected surfaces reached within a distance of 15 m.
are wetted in all weather conditions. The minimum capacity ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
given in Table B1 shall be applied for area coverage of auto-
matic operated deluge systems.
B 400 Machinery spaces and in spaces containing fired
Table B1 Minimum extinguishing capacities
Area Capacity 401 In spaces where main or auxiliary oil-fired boilers and
other fired processes of equivalent thermal rating are situated,
Wellhead area 10 l/minute m2
or in spaces containing oil fuel units or settling tanks, the unit
Turret area 10 l/minute m2 should be provided with the following:
Processing area 10 l/minute m2
Well test area 10 l/minute m2 — One of the following fixed fire-extinguishing systems:
Drill floor 10 l/minute m2 .1 a system complying with the provisions of regula-
tion II-2/5 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention (See
104 In areas where liquid pool fires can be predicted, manual Appendix A, C200) or equivalent type of approved
or fixed facilities shall be provided for application of foam of systems, subject to the following:
suitable type. The foam system is to have capacity for applica-
tion of foam over the protected area for not less than 15 min- - the alarms shall be safe for use in a flammable
utes. cargo vapour and air mixture
- a notice shall be posted at the control station,
105 Exposed pipework, pressure vessels and tanks contain- stating that due to the electrostatic ignition haz-
ing inflammable gas or liquids shall have dedicated protection ard, the system shall be used only for fire extin-
of minimum 10 litre per minute per m² of the exposed surface guishing, and not for inerting purposes.
unless safety measures (see guidance note) justifies lower .2 a high expansion foam system complying with the
rates. See also Table B1. provisions of reg. II-2/9 of the 1974 SOLAS Con-
vention (See Appendix A, B200), provided that the portable extinguishers so supplied should be not less than
foam concentrate supply is suitable for extinguish- two and need not exceed six.
ing fires involving the cargoes carried.
.3 a fixed pressure water-spraying system complying (MODU Code 9.5.2)
with the provisions of reg. II-2/10 of the 1974 403 The Administration should give special consideration to
SOLAS Convention (See Appendix A, A100) or the fire-extinguishing arrangements to be provided in spaces
equivalent type of approved systems. not fitted with fixed fire-extinguishing installations containing
Where the machinery space and spaces containing fired proc- steam turbines which are separated from boiler rooms by
esses are not entirely separate, or if fuel oil can drain from the watertight bulkheads.
latter spaces into the machinery space, the combined machin-
(MODU Code 9.5.3)
ery space and fired process space should be considered as one
compartment. 404 Where, in the opinion of the Administration, a fire hazard
- At least two approved portable foam extinguishers or equiv- exists in any machinery space for which no specific provisions
alent in each space containing a fired process and each for fire-extinguishing appliances are prescribed in 501 to 503
space in which a part of the oil fuel installation is situated. In there should be provided in, or adjacent to, that space a number
addition, at least one extinguisher of the same description of approved portable fire extinguishers or other means of fire
with a capacity of 9 l for for each burner, provided that the extinction to the satisfaction of the Administration.
total capacity of the additional extinguisher or extinguishers (MODU Code 9.5.4)
need not exceed 45 l for any one space.
(MODU Code 9.5.1)
402 Spaces containing internal combustion machinery used
either for main propulsion or for other purposes, when such C. Storage of Gas Cylinders
machinery has a total power output of not less than 750 kW,
should be provided with the following arrangements: C 100 General
- One of the fixed arrangements required by 501.1 to .3; and 101 Designated areas shall be provided for the storage of
- One approved foam-type extinguisher of not less than 45 l acetylene and oxygen cylinders. These areas shall be protected
capacity or equivalent in every engine space and one by a fixed water spray system, which shall be activated upon
approved portable foam extinguisher for each 750 kW of confirmed fire detection in relevant areas. The capacity of this
engine power output or part thereof. The total number of system to be at least 10 l/minute/m2 of space to be protected.
309 For use of GRE/GRP material in firewater ring main, Guidance note:
refer DNV OS-D101 Ch.2 Sec.2 B505. This requirement is applicable for all types of unit and opera-
tions where this standard is applied.
310 A cock or valve should be fitted to serve each fire hose
so that any fire hose may be removed while the fire pumps are ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
602 Fire hoses should be of material approved by the Admin-
(MODU Code 9.4.18) istration and be sufficient in length to project a jet of water to
311 The isolating valves shall be provided for easy access of any of the spaces in which they may be required to be used.
operation. Where the isolation valves are remotely operated, Their maximum length should be to the satisfaction of the
manual operation shall be possible locally. Administration. Every fire hose should be provided with a dual
purpose nozzle and the necessary couplings. Fire hoses,
B 400 Deluge systems together with any necessary fittings and tools, should be ready
401 Deluge systems shall be provided for protection of areas for use at any time and should be kept in conspicuous positions
for production, off-loading, drilling, and well test equipment. near the water service hydrants or connections
The use of foam shall be specially considered where liquid (MODU Code 9.4.20)
fires are dominant. See Sec.2 Table B1 for required capacities. Guidance note:
402 The water pressure available at the inlet to the system or Hoses with a diameter of up to 38.1 mm may have a length of
an individual section shall be sufficient for the efficient opera- up to 23 m. Hoses with a diameter above this (e.g. up to 63.5 mm)
tion of all nozzles in that system or section under design flow should be limited to a length of 15m.
conditions. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
403 Release of the deluge systems shall be possible both
locally and remotely at the control station where the operating 603 Nozzles should comply with the following requirements:
status of the systems is monitored. 1. Standard nozzle sizes should be 12 mm, 16 mm and 19
404 The piping for a deluge system, shall be designed to be mm or as near thereto as possible. Larger diameter noz-
robust and adequately secured and supported. zles may be permitted at the discretion of the Administra-
405 The nozzle type, location and orientation shall be suita-
ble for the possible fire events and the environmental condi- 2. For accommodation and service spaces, a nozzle size
tions. It should be ensured that the required quantity of water greater than 12 mm need not be used.
or foam will impinge on the surfaces to be protected. Due 3. For machinery spaces and exterior locations, the nozzle
account is to be taken to the effects of obstructions. size should be such as to obtain the maximum discharge
possible from two jets at the pressure specified in B205
406 Provisions for flushing of the distribution pipework shall from the smallest pump, provided that a nozzle size
be provided. greater than 19 mm need not be used.
407 Water main supply to deluge systems or water monitors (MODU Code 9.4.21)
shall be so arranged that damage to any single section of the
main due to fire within a protected area is not to disrupt water 604 It shall be possible to operate the fire hose in a safe man-
supply to deluge system or fire fighting equipment in an adja- ner. Considerations in this respect shall be given to hose size
cent area. and pressure.
Guidance note:
408 Two separate supplies to the deluge firewater distribu-
Maximum pressure at hose is recommended not to exceed 7 bar.
tion pipework shall be provided, the main supply being from For recommended hose size, see NFPA 14, 2-7.2.
the deluge valve. The secondary supply shall preferably be
from another section of the fire main, i.e. there shall preferably ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
be an isolation valve in the fire main between the two supply
locations. The secondary supply can be manually activated. 605 The surface unit should be provided with at least one
international shore connection complying with regulation II-2/
409 Deluge valves shall be located to provide safe access 19.3 and 19.4 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention.
from the emergency control station on the installation, and
shall be located outside the fire zone they protect. (MODU Code 9.4.22)
410 The deluge valve system shall be designed to allow iso- Standard dimensions of flanges for the international shore con-
lation and maintenance without isolation of the ring main. nection shall be in accordance with Table B1.
502 Pressure drop in the sprinkler system shall be alarmed Inside diameter 64 mm
and automatically activate start up of fire water pumps. Bolt circle diameter 132 mm
503 Sprinkler systems shall be equipped to provide draining Slots in flange 4 holes 19 mm in diameter spaced
and venting of air. equidistantly on a bolt circle of the
above diameter, slotted to the flange
B 600 Fire hydrants and hoses. periphery
601 The number and position of the hydrants should be such Flange thickness 14.5 mm minimum
that at least two jets of water, not emanating from the same Bolts and nuts 4, each of 16 mm diameter, 50 mm in
hydrant, one of which should be from a single length of fire length
hose, may reach any part of the unit normally accessible to
those on board while the unit is being navigated or is engaged (SOLAS reg. II-2/19.3)
in drilling operations. A hose should be provided for every
606 The connection shall be of steel or other suitable material
and shall be designed for 1.0 N/mm² services. The flange shall
(MODU Code 9.4.19) have a flat face on one side and on the other shall be perma-
nently attached to a coupling that will fit the ship's hydrant and designs.
hose. The connection shall be kept aboard the ship together
with a gasket of any material suitable for 1.0 N/mm² services, (SOLAS reg. II-2/6.1 as referred to by MODU Code 9.6)
together with four 16 mm bolts, 50 mm in length and eight 102 The capacity of required portable fluid extinguishers shall
washers. be not more than 13.5 l and not less than 9 l. Other extinguish-
(SOLAS reg. II-2/19.4) ers shall be at least as portable as the 13.5 l fluid extinguisher
607 Facilities should be available enabling such a connection and shall have a fire-extinguishing capability at least equivalent
to be used on any side of the unit. to that of a 9 l fluid extinguisher.
(MODU Code 9.4.23) (SOLAS reg. II-2/6.1.1 as referred to by MODU Code 9.6)
B 700 Monitors 103 The fire extinguishing medium in the extinguishers shall
701 A fire water monitor may be remotely or locally oper- be suitable for the potential fire hazards in the protected
ated and is to have sufficient movement horizontally and ver- spaces. The capacity of a dry powder extinguisher shall be 12
tically in order to permit the monitor to cover the complete area kg.
of protection. Any remotely operated monitor shall have local 104 The Administration shall determine the equivalence of
manual override control.
fire extinguishers.
702 The monitor shall be provided with a locking device for
operating in a selected position. (SOLAS reg. II-2/6.1.2 as referred to by MODU Code 9.6)
703 A monitor shall be capable of both jet and spray dis- 105 Spare charges shall be provided in accordance with
charge. requirements to be specified by the Administration.
704 The water monitors shall be easily accessible, including (SOLAS reg. II-2/6.2 as referred to by MODU Code 9.6)
access during fire situations.
106 A spare charge shall be provided for each required, port-
B 800 Water mist and gaseous systems able fire extinguisher that can be readily charged on board. If
801 Water mist and gaseous systems shall be considered for this cannot be done, duplicate extinguishers shall be provided.
protection of turbine enclosures and electrical rooms. 107 Fire extinguishers containing an extinguishing medium
802 For design of gaseous systems, see SOLAS regulation which, in the opinion of the Administration, either by itself or
II-2/5 (See Appendix A, C100) and ISO 13702. under expected conditions of use gives off toxic gases in such
quantities as to endanger persons shall not be permitted.
(SOLAS reg. II-2/6.3 as referred to by MODU Code 9.6)
C. Portable Equipment
108 One of the portable fire extinguishers intended for use in
C 100 Extinguishers any space shall be stowed near the entrance to that space.
101 All fire extinguishers shall be of approved types and (SOLAS reg. II-2/6.6 as referred to by MODU Code 9.6)
A. General nal at the control panel and indicating units. If the signals have
not received attention within two minutes an audible alarm shall
A 100 Introduction be automatically sounded throughout the crew accommodation
and service spaces, control stations and machinery spaces of
101 This section gives requirements for fire and gas detec- category A. This alarm sounder system need not be an integral
tion systems common to all types of offshore units and instal- part of the detection system.
102 For supplementary requirements applicable to units and (SOLAS reg. II-2/13.1.4 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1)
installations for special types of service, see Sec.6 to Sec.9. 105 The control panel shall be located on the navigating
103 For specific requirements for the emergency shutdown bridge or in the main fire control station.
(ESD) system, see DNV-OS-A101. (SOLAS reg. II-2/13.1.5 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1)
104 For specific requirements for alarm systems, see DNV- The SOLAS term "navigating bridge" can be interpreted as
OS-A101 and DNV-OS-D202. continuously manned space for units without a clearly defined
The fire detection central shall be located outside the main area
B. Basic Provisions of fire hazard and in a location permanently attended by
authorised personnel.
B 100 General 106 Indicating units shall, as a minimum, denote the section
101 The fire and gas detection systems shall be designed to in which a detector or manually operated call point has oper-
allow testing without interrupting other systems onboard. ated. At least one unit shall be so located that it is easily acces-
sible to responsible members of the crew at all times, when at
102 The requirements of DNV-OS-D202 apply to the fire sea or in port, except when the ship is out of service. One indi-
and gas detection systems. cating unit shall be located on the navigating bridge if the con-
103 If shutdown actions are performed by the fire and gas trol panel is located in the main fire control station.
detection systems, the requirements for the emergency shut- (SOLAS reg. II-2/13.1.6 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1)
down (ESD) system apply.
107 Clear information shall be displayed on or adjacent to
each indicating unit about the spaces covered and the location
of the sections.
C. Fire Detection System, Common Provisions (SOLAS reg. II-2/13.1.7 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1)
C 100 General 108 Where the fire detection system does not include means
of remotely identifying each detector individually, no section
101 Any required fixed fire detection and fire alarm system covering more than one deck within accommodation, service
with manually operated call points shall be capable of immedi-
and control stations shall normally be permitted except a sec-
ate operation at all times.
tion which covers an enclosed stairway. In order to avoid delay
(SOLAS reg. II-2/13.1.1 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1) in identifying the source of fire, the number of enclosed spaces
included in each section shall be limited as determined by the
The fire detection system shall have continuous availability R0
Administration. In no case shall more than fifty enclosed spaces
as defined in DNV-OS-D202 Sec.2 B.
be permitted in any section. If the detection system is fitted with
102 Power supplies and electric circuits necessary for the remotely and individually identifiable fire detectors, the sections
operation of the system shall be monitored for loss of power or may cover several decks and serve any number of enclosed
fault conditions as appropriate. Occurrence of a fault condition spaces.
shall initiate a visual and audible fault signal at the control panel
which shall be distinct from a fire signal. (SOLAS reg. II-2/13.1.8 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1)
(SOLAS reg. II-2/13.1.2 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1) 109 A section of fire detectors which covers a control station,
a service space or an accommodation space shall not include
103 There shall be not less than two sources of power supply a machinery space of category A.
for the electrical equipment used in the operation of the fire
detection and fire alarm system, one of which shall be an emer- (SOLAS reg. II-2/13.1.10 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1)
gency source The supply shall be provided by separate feeders 110 Detectors shall be operated by heat, smoke or other
reserved solely for that purpose. Such feeders shall run to an products of combustion, flame, or any combination of these fac-
automatic change-over switch situated in or adjacent to the tors. Detectors operated by other factors indicative of incipient
control panel for the fire detection system. fires may be considered by the Administration provided that
(SOLAS reg. II-2/13.1.3 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1) they are no less sensitive than such detectors. Flame detectors
shall only be used in addition to smoke or heat detectors.
Guidance note:
The requirement in 103 is considered complied with by use of (SOLAS reg. II-2/13.1.11 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1)
automatic changeover to a stand-by uninterruptible power supply 111 The requirement for use of smoke detectors in addition
as required by DNV-OS-D202 Sec.3 B200. to flame detectors applies to accommodation and service
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- spaces only.
112 Suitable instructions and component's spares for testing
104 Detectors and manually operated call points shall be
and maintenance shall be provided.
grouped into sections. The activation of any detector or manu-
ally operated call point shall initiate a visual and audible fire sig- (SOLAS reg. II-2/13.1.12 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1)
Guidance note: - means are provided to ensure that any fault (e.g. power
The table below provides a guideline for the choice of detectors break, short circuit; earth) occurring in the loop will not
for some typical areas. render the whole loop ineffective;
- all arrangements are made to enable the initial configuration
Area Detection principle of the system to be restored in the event of failure (electrical,
Major hazard areas electronic, informatic);
Wellhead Flame or heat - the first initiated fire alarm will not prevent any other detector
to initiate further fire alarms.
Drill floor Manual
Process areas, degasser room, shale Flame (SOLAS reg. II-2/13.1.15 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1)
shaker room, active mud tank room, 118 Failure in the fire detection central or in the detector cir-
turret cuits shall activate failure alarm.
Other areas
Mechanically ventilated utility areas, Smoke C 200 Installation
control rooms, switchgear rooms, bat- 201 An automatic fire detection and alarm system should be
tery rooms, mud lab, instrument rooms, provided in all accommodation and service spaces. Sleeping
local equipment rooms, telecommuni- quarters should be fitted with smoke detectors. All systems or
cation or public address rooms, HVAC
rooms, electrically driven crane engine equipment installed to conform with this paragraph should com-
rooms ply with regulation II-2/13 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention.
Turbine or generator areas, diesel Flame or smoke (MODU Code 9.7.1)
engine or generator rooms 202 Sufficient manual fire alarm stations should be installed
Air compressor rooms Smoke or heat at suitable locations throughout the unit.
Sack or bulk storage area, crane engine Heat (MODU Code 9.7.2)
rooms, workshops
Paint store Heat or flame Guidance note:
Mud processing, fuel oil storage, tur- Flame The paragraphs that are considered applicable from regulation II-
bine hood, water injection treatment 2/13 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention are included in this off-
area, cementing unit room, diesel shore standard and are made applicable to all relevant spaces.
engine room ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
Accommodation areas
Cabins, corridors, staircases, public Smoke 203 Manually operated call points shall be installed through-
rooms, radio room, laundry out the accommodation spaces, service spaces and control
stations. One manually operated call point shall be located at
Galley, galley hood or duct, wash- Heat
rooms, WCs each exit. Manually operated call points shall be readily acces-
sible in the corridors of each deck such that no part of the cor-
ridor is more than 20 m from a manually operated call point.
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- (SOLAS reg. II-2/13.2.1 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1)
204 Smoke detectors shall be installed in all stairways, corri-
113 The function of the detection system shall be periodically dors and escape routes within accommodation spaces. Consid-
tested to the satisfaction of the Administration by means of eration shall be given to the installation of special purpose
equipment producing hot air at the appropriate temperature, or smoke detectors within ventilation ducting.
smoke or aerosol particles having the appropriate range of den-
sity or particle size, or other phenomena associated with incip- (SOLAS reg. II-2/13.2.2 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1)
ient fires to which the detector is designed to respond. All 205 Where a fixed fire detection and fire alarm system is
detectors shall be of a type such that they can be tested for cor- required for the protection of spaces other than those specified
rect operation and restored to normal surveillance without the in paragraph 2.2 (203), at least one detector complying with
renewal of any component. paragraph 1.11 (110) shall be installed in each such space.
(SOLAS reg. II-2/13.1.13 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1) (SOLAS reg. II-2/13.2.3 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1)
114 The fire detection system shall not be used for any other 206 Detectors shall be located for optimum performance.
purpose, except that closing of fire doors and similar functions Positions near beams and ventilation ducts or other positions
may be permitted at the control panel. where patterns of air flow could adversely affect performance
(SOLAS reg. II-2/13.1.14 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1) and positions where impact or physical damage is likely shall be
avoided. In general, detectors which are located on the over-
Guidance note: head shall be a minimum distance of 0.5 m away from bulk-
Shutdown of the ventilation system is considered as a ‘similar heads.
function’. See also B103.
(SOLAS reg. II-2/13.2.4 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1)
207 The maximum spacing of detectors shall be in accord-
115 When fire detectors are provided with the means to ance with the table (Table C1) below:
adjust their sensitivity, necessary arrangements shall be
ensured to fix and identify the set point. Table C1 Maximum spacing of detectors
Maximum Maximum dis- Maximum dis-
116 When it is intended that a particular section or detector Type of
floor area tance between tance away
shall be temporarily switched off, this state shall be clearly detector
per detector centres from bulkheads
indicated. Reactivation of the section or detector shall be per-
formed automatically after a pre-set time. Heat 37 m² 9m 4.5 m
117 Fire detection systems with a zone address identification Smoke 74 m² 11 m 5.5 m
capability fitted on or after 1 October 1994 shall be so arranged The Administration may require or permit other spacings based
that: upon test data which demonstrate the characteristics of the
- a loop cannot be damaged at more than one point by a fire; detectors.
(SOLAS reg. II-2/13.2.5 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1) detection system should initiate audible and visual alarms
208 Performance of heat and smoke detectors shall be in distinct in both respects from the alarms of any other sys-
accordance with a recognised standard, e.g. EN 54-5 and 54-7 tem not indicating fire, in sufficient places to ensure that
respectively. the alarms are heard and observed at the locations
required by 8.7.1. (See DNV-OS-A101 Sec.6 J).
209 Electrical wiring which forms part of the system shall be 2. After installation the system should be tested under vary-
so arranged as to avoid galleys, machinery spaces of category ing conditions of engine operation and ventilation.
A, and other enclosed spaces of high fire risk except where it is 3. The fire detection system, where electrically supplied,
necessary to provide for fire detection or fire alarm in such should be fed automatically from an emergency source of
spaces or to connect to the appropriate power supply. power by a separate feeder if the main source of power
(SOLAS reg. II-2/13.2.6 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1) fails.
210 Fire detection systems will normally not be required for (MODU Code 8.3.5)
spaces protected by an automatic sprinkler system provided 403 Means should be provided in case of fire:
that an alarm is given upon release of the sprinkler system.
1. in boiler air supply casings and exhausts (uptakes); and
211 Manual activation of fire alarm shall be possible from all 2. in scavenging air belts of propulsion machinery
passageways and from the control stations.
to detect fires and give alarms at an early stage, unless the
212 Fire detectors shall be fitted such that all potential fire Administration considers this to be unnecessary in a particular
outbreak points are effectively guarded. For recommended case.
location of detectors, see 206.
(MODU Code 8.3.6)
C 300 Design 404 Internal combustion engines of 2250 kW and above or
301 The system and equipment shall be suitably designed to having cylinders of more than 300 mm bore should be provided
withstand supply voltage variation and transients, ambient tem- with crankcase oil mist detectors or engine bearing temperature
perature changes, vibration, humidity, shock, impact and corro- monitors or equivalent devices.
sion normally encountered in ships. (MODU Code 8.3.7)
(SOLAS reg. II-2/13.3.1 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1)
302 Smoke detectors required by paragraph 2.2 (203) shall
be certified to operate before the smoke density exceeds D. Gas Detection, Common Provisions
12.5% obscuration per metre, but not until the smoke density
exceeds 2% obscuration per metre. Smoke detectors to be D 100 General
installed in other spaces shall operate within sensitivity limits to
the satisfaction of the Administration having regard to the 101 A fixed automatic gas detection and alarm system should
avoidance of detector insensitivity or over sensitivity. be provided to the satisfaction of the Administration so
arranged as to monitor continuously all enclosed areas of the
(SOLAS reg. II-2/13.3.2 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1) unit in which an accumulation of flammable gas may be
303 Heat detectors shall be certified to operate before the expected to occur and capable of indicating at the main control
temperature exceeds 78°C but not until the temperature point by aural and visual means the presence and location of
exceeds 54°C, when the temperature is raised to those limits at an accumulation.
a rate less than 1°C per minute. At higher rates of temperature (MODU Code 9.8.1)
rise, the heat detector shall operate within temperature limits to
the satisfaction of the Administration having regard to the The gas detection system shall have continuous availability R0
avoidance of detector insensitivity or over sensitivity. as defined in DNV-OS-D202 Sec.2 B.
(SOLAS reg. II-2/13.3.3 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1) 102 At least two portable gas monitoring devices should be
provided, each capable of accurately measuring a concentra-
304 At the discretion of the Administration, the permissible tion of flammable gas.
temperature of operation of heat detectors may be increased to
30°C above the maximum deckhead temperature in drying (MODU Code 9.8.2)
rooms and similar spaces of a normal high ambient tempera- 103 A permanently installed automatic system shall be pro-
ture. vided for continuous detection of hydrocarbon gas in the fol-
(SOLAS reg. II-2/13.3.4 as referred to by MODU Code 9.7.1) lowing areas:
C 400 Additional requirements for periodically unat- — hazardous areas, except in zone 0 and areas mechanically
tended machinery spaces ventilated
— ventilation outlets from hazardous areas having mechani-
401 An approved fire detection system based on the self- cal ventilation
monitoring principle and including facilities for periodical testing — intakes for ventilation air.
should be installed in periodically unattended machinery
spaces. On units and installations where the sources of leakage of
inflammable and toxic gases are concentrated in a small area,
(MODU Code 8.3.4) gas detectors in the air inlets of mechanically ventilated areas
402 The fire detection system, required by 8.3.4 (401), should may be omitted provided that the ventilation systems are shut
comply with the following general requirements: down automatically in the event of gas detection anywhere,
and that gas detectors are located in all zone 1 and 2 areas.
1. This fire detection system should be so designed and the External air inlets for accommodation spaces shall always be
detectors so positioned as to detect rapidly the onset of fire fitted with gas detectors.
in any part of those spaces and under any normal condi-
tions of operation of the machinery and variations of venti- 104 The gas detection system is to indicate both by audible
lation as required by the possible range of ambient and visible alarm in the control centre the presence of an accu-
temperatures. Except in spaces of restricted height and mulation of gas corresponding to 25% and 60% of lower
where their use is specially appropriate, detection systems explosion limit.
using only thermal detectors should not be permitted. The 105 If hazardous concentration of H2S may occur, equip-
3. electrical bonding; and 3. Storage rooms should be constructed of steel, and be well
4. inspection procedures. ventilated and accessible from the open deck.
(MODU Code 9.11.6) 4. Provision should be made for the expeditious removal of
cylinders in the event of fire.
107 Storage tank fuel pumps should be provided with means 5. "NO SMOKING" signs should be displayed at the gas cyl-
which permit shutdown from a safe remote location in the event inder storage rooms.
of a fire. Where a gravity fed fuelling system is installed, equiv- 6. Where cylinders are stowed in open locations means
alent closing arrangements should be provided. should be provided to:
(MODU Code 9.11.7) - protect cylinders and associated piping from physical
108 The fuel pumping unit should be connected to one tank damage;
at a time and the piping between the tank and the pumping unit - minimise exposure to hydrocarbons; and
should be of steel or equivalent material, as short as possible - ensure suitable drainage.
and protected against damage. (MODU Code 9.12.1)
(MODU Code 9.11.8) 102 Areas or spaces where such cylinders are stored shall be
109 Fire-extinguishing arrangements for protection of the protected by a fixed water spray system. The capacity of this
designated area should be to the satisfaction of the Administra- system shall be minimum 10 l/minute/m2 of space to be pro-
tion. tected.
(MODU Code 9.11.9)
110 Electrical fuel pumping units and associated control
equipment should be of a type suitable for the location and F. Fire Control Plan
potential hazard.
F 100 General
(MODU Code 9.11.10)
101 A fire control plan complying with regulation II-2/20 of the
111 Fuel pumping units should incorporate a device which 1974 SOLAS Convention should be permanently exhibited.
will prevent over-pressurisation of the delivery or filling hose.
(MODU Code 9.13.1)
(MODU Code 9.11.11)
102 In all ships general arrangement plans shall be perma-
112 The procedures and precautions during refuelling opera- nently exhibited for the guidance of the ship's officers, showing
tions should be in accordance with good recognised practice. clearly for each deck the control stations, the various fire sec-
(MODU Code 9.11.12) tions enclosed by "A" class divisions, the sections enclosed by
113 Attention should be paid to the electrical bonding of all "B" class divisions together with particulars of the fire detection
equipment used in refuelling operations. and fire alarm systems, the sprinkler installation, the fire-extin-
guishing appliances, means of access to different compart-
(MODU Code 9.11.13) ments, decks, etc. and the ventilating system including
114 "NO SMOKING- signs should be displayed at appropri- particulars of the fan control positions, the position of dampers
ate locations. and identification numbers of the ventilating fans serving each
section. Alternatively, at the discretion of the Administration, the
(MODU Code 9.11.14) aforementioned details may be set out in a booklet a copy of
which shall be supplied to each officer, and one copy shall at all
times be available on board in an accessible position. Plans
and booklets shall be kept up to date, any alterations being
E. Storage of Gas Cylinders recorded thereon as soon as practicable. Description in such
E 100 General plans and booklets shall be in the official language of the flag
state. If the language is neither English nor French, a transla-
101 Where more than one cylinder of oxygen and more than tion into one of those languages shall be included. In addition,
one cylinder of acetylene are carried simultaneously, such cyl- instructions concerning the maintenance and operation of all
inders should be arranged in accordance with the following: the equipment and installations on board for the fighting and
containment of fire shall be kept under one cover, readily avail-
1. Permanent piping systems for oxyacetylene systems are able in an accessible position.
acceptable provided that they are designed having due
regard to standards and codes of practice to the satisfac- (SOLAS reg. II-2/20.1)
tion of the Administration. Guidance note:
2. Where two or more cylinders of each gas are intended to Refer IMO Res.A.952(23) or ISO 17631.
be carried in enclosed spaces, separate dedicated storage
rooms should be provided for each gas. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
B 200 Systems and equipment 102 The status of the fire pump systems shall at all times be
available at the central control station.
201 Reference is made to DNV-OS-A101 for general
requirements for protection of systems and equipment. 103 Firewater pumps shall start automatically upon fire
detection in any area they are serving, as well as upon low
202 Equipment and systems that are important to safety and pressure in the fire water ring main.
need to be kept intact during a fire shall be provided with pas-
sive fire protection or located such that they will not be 104 Each pump system shall have a supply capacity of 100%
exposed to excessive fire loads. Cables with such functions of the anticipated fire water demand, see 101 and Sec.3 B201.
shall be fire resistant, see IEC 60331-1. Each pump system shall preferably consist of 2 x 50% pump
Guidance note: Guidance note:
Such equipment and systems could be valves and their accumu- Other variations on combining pump units into fire pump sys-
lators, cables and their trays, piping systems and pressure vessels tems may also be considered provided that the design ensures
with their support, position mooring system etc. that there is sufficient firewater available at any given time to
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- meet the maximum design water demand.
203 Where oil absorbing insulating material is used, the
insulation shall be covered by non-combustible vapour-tight 105 Fire pumps shall only be capable of being manually
sheeting. stopped at the driver. The only automatic trip accepted is for
overspeed protection. 203 The deck foam system shall be capable of simple and
106 The protective shut down systems shall be simple, and in rapid operation. The main control station for the system shall
principle the fire pump systems may operate until destruction be suitably located outside the area, adjacent to the accommo-
in an emergency situation. Since over-speed protection is pro- dation spaces and readily accessible and operable in the event
vided, the protective device shall be automatic reset to cater for of fire in the areas protected.
situations where new start up is called for. 204 The rate of supply of foam solution shall be not less than
107 Fire detection at the fire water pump and/or its driver the greatest of the following:
area shall not stop the pump or inhibit the start of the fire pump a) 0.6 litre/minute/m2 of storage tank deck area, where crude
driver. oil tank deck area means the maximum breadth of the ship
108 The pumps shall be capable of 18 hours automatic oper- multiplied by the total longitudinal extent of the cargo tank
ation. However, this period can be considered in relation to spaces;
availability of external assistance. b) 6 litre/minute/m2 of the horizontal sectional area of the
Guidance note: single tank having the largest such area, or;
The power source for the fire water pump or the room in which c) 3 litre/minute/m2 of the area protected by the largest mon-
it is located, should be arranged for cooling as required to assure itor, such area being entirely forward of the monitor, but
continued operation in case of ventilation drop out. not less than 1250 litre/minute.
205 The foam concentrate shall be of recognised type and
delivered with product certificate.
206 Sufficient foam concentrate shall be supplied to ensure
D. Fire Water Distribution at least 20 minutes of foam generation in tankers fitted with an
inert gas installation, and 30 minutes of foam generation in
D 100 General tankers not fitted with an inert gas installation when using
solution rates given in 204 a), b), or c), whichever is the great-
101 An area shall be supplied by at least two well separated est.
branch pipes on the fire main.
207 The foam expansion ratio (i.e. the ratio of the volume of
102 Fixed fire fighting systems, including deluge valve and foam produced to the volume of the mixture of water and
fire water distribution pipework is normally to be designed so foam-making concentrate supplied) is generally not to exceed
that fire water protection is effective within 20 s of the demand. 12 to 1. Where systems essentially produce low-expansion
Guidance note: foam but at an expansion ratio slightly in excess of 12 to 1, the
For production plant with high protection requirements e.g. jet quantity of foam solution available is to be calculated as for 12
fires or thin wall pressure vessels, shorter response times or pas- to 1 expansion ratio systems. When medium-expansion ratio
sive fire protection may be required to ensure the effectiveness of foam (between 50 to 1 and 150 to 1 expansion ratio) is
the system. employed the application rate of the foam and the capacity of
a monitor installation will be specially considered.
208 Foam from the fixed foam system shall be supplied by
103 The deluge valve system shall be activated by a signal means of monitors and foam applicators. At least 50% of the
from the fire and gas detection system and is to have local foam solution supply rate required in 204 a) or b) is to be deliv-
energy source for the valve actuator. The overall control sys- ered from each monitor.
tem shall be designed to minimise the possibility of unintended 209 The number and position of monitors shall be such as to
valve opening if associated utilities are damaged, while a high comply with 202. The capacity of any monitor shall be at least
degree of availability is maintained. 3 litre/minute of foam solution per m2 of deck area protected
Guidance note: by that monitor, such area being entirely forward of the moni-
As an example, for pneumatic control systems, unintended valve tor.
opening due to failure of main instrument air supply could be
prevented by installation of a local air accumulator with a check 210 Such capacity shall not be less than 1250 litre/minute.
valve in the air line. Solenoid valves for activation could be 'fail 211 The distance from the monitor to the farthest extremity
fixed' on loss of signal. The fail safe function can be provided by of the protected area forward of that monitor is not to be more
installing fusible bulbs in the protected fire zone to depressurise than 75% of the monitor throw in still air conditions.
the control system and activate the deluge valve directly.
212 A monitor and hose connection for a foam applicator
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- shall be situated both port and starboard at the front of the poop
or accommodation spaces facing the storage tank deck.
213 Applicators shall be provided to ensure flexibility of
action during fire fighting operations and to cover areas
E. Active Fire Protection of Specific Areas screened from the monitors. The capacity of any applicator
shall not be less than 400 litre/minute and the applicator throw
E 100 General in still air condition shall not be less than 15 m. No less than
101 Attention shall be given to any statutory requirements of four foam applicators shall be provided. The number and dis-
the national authority having jurisdiction in the waters where position of foam main outlets shall be such that foam from at
the vessel is located during operation. least two applicators can be directed to any part of the storage
tank deck area.
E 200 Deck fire fighting systems 214 Valves shall be provided in the foam main, and in the
201 Oil production and/or storage vessels are to have a fixed fire main when this is an integral part of the deck foam system,
deck foam fire extinguishing system in accordance with the immediately forward of any monitor position to isolate dam-
requirements in this subsection. aged sections of those mains.
202 The arrangement for providing foam shall be capable of Operation of a deck foam system at its required output shall
delivering foam to the entire tank deck area as well as into any permit the simultaneous use of the minimum required number
crude oil tank with ruptured deck. of jets of water at the required pressure from the fire main.
E 300 Fire fighting in stored product or crude oil pump reaching any part of the boiler room. In the case of domestic
rooms boilers of less than 175 kW it may be considered relaxing the
301 Each stored product pump room shall be provided with requirements of this paragraph.
one of the following fixed fire-extinguishing systems operated (SOLAS reg. II-2/7.1.3)
from a readily accessible position outside the pump room. Guidance note:
Stored product pump rooms shall be provided with a system
50 kg dry powder or 45 kg CO2 is considered as equivalent to
suitable for machinery spaces of category A. 135 l foam liquid.
a) A system complying with the provisions of regulation II- ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
2/5 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention (See Appendix A,
C100) or equivalent type of approved systems, subject to E 600 Fire Fighting in Paint Storage Room
the following:
601 Paint lockers shall be protected by :
— the alarms shall be safe for use in a flammable stored
product vapour and air mixture — a carbon dioxide system, designed to give a minimum vol-
— a notice shall be posted at the control station, stating ume of free gas equal to 40% of the gross volume of the
that due to the electrostatic ignition hazard, the system protected space
shall be used only for fire extinguishing, and not for — a dry powder system, designed for at least 0.5 kg powder /
inerting purposes. m3
— a water spraying or sprinkler system, designed for 5 l/m2
b) A high expansion foam system complying with the provi- min. Water spraying systems may be connected to the fire
sions of reg. II-2/9 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention (See main of the ship, or
Appendix A, sub-section B), provided that the foam con- — a system providing equivalent protection.
centrate supply is suitable for extinguishing fires involv-
ing the products stored. In all cases, the system shall be operable from outside the pro-
tected space.
c) A fixed pressure water-spraying system complying with
the provisions of reg. II-2/10 of the 1974 SOLAS Conven-
tion (See Appendix A, A100) or equivalent type of
approved systems. F. Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
302 Where the extinguishing medium used in the stored F 100 General
product pump room system is also used in systems serving
other spaces, the quantity of medium provided or its delivery 101 An automatic fire detection system shall be installed in
rate need not be more than the maximum required for the larg- machinery spaces, service spaces, accommodation spaces, pro-
est compartment. duction areas and in any space containing equipment in petro-
leum or any other flammable substance is stored, conveyed,
E 400 Fire fighting in offloading area and STL rooms processed or consumed.
401 The offloading area, bow and stern, shall have the fol- 102 Fire detection in areas containing production facilities is
lowing fire fighting equipment: normally to result in automatic shut-down of hydrocarbon flow
and ventilation for the area.
— water jets and foam monitors covering the bow loading
and mooring area. Number, location and type of monitors 103 Automatic shutdown of ventilation is to take place upon:
are to be optimised with regard to fire-fighting efficiency.
The foam system is to be independent from the vessel's — detection of fire in enclosed spaces, unless this is in con-
main foam system flict with overall smoke control strategy.
— deluge system covering the mooring chain, fairlead and — smoke detection in ventilation air inlets.
the exterior of the bow control station, if fitted 104 Detected fire in wellhead, turret, oil production or crude
— foam-based sprinkler system for the bow loading connec- oil tank areas shall initiate automatic shutdown of wellhead
tor room. valves and oil production facilities.
402 Fixed fire-extinguishing system in the STL room shall
be according to the requirements in stored product or crude oil
pump rooms, see 300.
G. Gas Detection
E 500 Fire fighting in engine and boiler rooms
G 100 General
501 An additional fire extinguishing plant shall be fitted in
the engine and boiler rooms when auxiliary boilers and tur- 101 Automatic shutdown of all hydrocarbon flow is to take
bines are fuelled by crude oil or gas. The system shall be place when gas is detected.
installed in such a way that it is possible for an approved fire 102 Automatic shutdown of ventilation is to take place upon
extinguishing medium to be directed on to the gas turbines, detected gas with a maximum concentration of 25% of LEL in
boiler fronts and on to the spill tray. The emission of extin- the air inlets to non-hazardous areas. Shutdown of ventilation
guishing medium is automatically to stop the exhaust fan of the shall include shutdown of fan, any heating element and closing
boiler hood. of fire damper. Shutdown of ventilation is to ensure that the
502 There shall be in each boiler room at least one set of detected gas is isolated from ignition sources in the ventilated
portable foam applicator unit complying with the provisions of space.
regulation II-2/6.4 of SOLAS (see Sec.3 C100). Guidance note:
503 There shall be at least two portable foam extinguishers or The response time of detection and shutdown shall be evaluated
equivalent in each firing space in each boiler room and in each against the transport time of gas in the ventilation duct.
space in which a part of the oil fuel installation is situated. There ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
shall be not less than one approved foam type extinguisher of
at least 135 l capacity or equivalent in each boiler room. These 103 Gas detection in cargo pump rooms and double hull
extinguishers shall be provided with hoses on reels suitable for spaces shall be arranged in accordance with principles given in
202 Equipment and systems that are important to safety and 103 The deluge valve system shall be activated by a signal
need to be kept intact during a fire shall be provided with pas- from the fire and gas detection system and is to have local
sive fire protection or located such that they will not be energy source for the valve actuator. The overall control sys-
exposed to excessive fire loads. Cables with such functions tem shall be designed to minimise the possibility of unintended
shall be fire resistant, see IEC 60332-1. valve opening if associated utilities are damaged, while a high
monitor, the length of piping is not to exceed that length which — detection of fire in enclosed spaces, unless this is in con-
is capable of maintaining the powder in a fluidised state during flict with overall smoke control strategy.
sustained or intermittent use, and which can be purged of pow- — smoke detection in ventilation air inlets.
der when the system is shut down. Hand hose lines and nozzles
shall be of weather resistant construction or stored in weather 104 Detected fire in wellhead, turret, oil production or crude
resistant housing or covers and be readily accessible. oil tank areas shall initiate automatic shutdown of wellhead
valves and oil production facilities.
307 A sufficient quantity of dry chemical powder shall be
stored in each container to provide a minimum of 45 s dis-
charge time for all monitors and hand hose lines attached to
each powder unit. Coverage from fixed monitors shall be in H. Gas Detection
accordance with Table F1.
H 100 General
Table F1 Coverage from fixed monitors 101 Automatic shutdown of all hydrocarbon flow is to take
Monitors Capacity of fixed monitors place when gas is detected.
For coverage of up to 10 m 10
102 Automatic shutdown of ventilation is to take place upon
detected gas with a maximum concentration of 25% of LEL in
For coverage of up to 30 m 25 the air inlets to non-hazardous areas. Shutdown of ventilation
For coverage of up to 40 m 45 shall include shutdown of fan, any heating element and closing
of fire damper. Shutdown of ventilation is to ensure that the
308 Hand hose lines are to be considered to have a maximum detected gas is isolated from ignition sources in the ventilated
effective distance of coverage equal to the length of hose. Spe- space.
cial consideration is to be given in cases where areas to be pro-
Guidance note:
tected are substantially higher than the monitor or hand hose
reel locations. The response time of detection and shutdown shall be evaluated
against the transport time of gas in the ventilation duct.
F 400 Compressor and pump rooms ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
401 The compressor and pump rooms shall be provided with 103 Gas detection in product pump rooms and double hull
a carbon-dioxide system or equivalent spaces on floating installations shall be arranged in accordance
with principles given in Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5
Ch.3 Sec.9 F and G.
G. Fire Detection and Alarm Systems 104 Upon detection of hydrocarbon gas with maximum con-
centration of 60% of LEL in the area of wellhead, turret, pro-
G 100 General duction facilities and storage tanks, the wellhead valves and
production facilities are to be automatically shutdown. See
101 An automatic fire detection system shall be installed in also DNV-OS-A101 Sec.5 D.
machinery spaces, service spaces, accommodation spaces, pro-
duction areas and in any space containing equipment in which
hydrocarbons or any other flammable substance is stored, con-
veyed, processed or consumed. I. Miscellaneous
102 Fire detection in areas containing gas and LNG process- I 100 Personnel protection
ing facilities is normally to result in automatic shut-down of
hydrocarbon flow and ventilation for the area. 101 Protective and safety equipment shall be provided in
accordance with Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.5
103 Automatic shutdown of ventilation is to take place upon: Sec.19 A .
A. General Open deck areas where diving systems are located, shall be
provided with fire extinguishing equipment, which shall be
A 100 Introduction considered in each case.
101 This section gives additional fire protection require-
ments for special service units or installations that shall be
applied supplementary to the requirements given by Sec.1 to
Sec.5. D. Special Requirements for Offshore Loading
D 100 Fire control and extinguishing
B. Special Requirements for Fire Fighters 101 The arrangement of fire control and extinguishing shall
be adequate for the buoy during its intended operation. Com-
B 100 Introduction pensating procedures and measures, e.g. standby vessel with
101 Fire fighters are units intended for fighting fires on off- fire fighting equipment during manned periods shall be cred-
shore and onshore structures as well as rescue operations in ited.
this relation. 102 All fire-extinguishing appliances shall be kept in good
102 Fire fighters are categorised in 3 categories depending order and shall be available for immediate use.
on their intended service:
D 200 Unmanned buoys
— Category I implies units for early stage fire fighting and 201 An unmanned buoy does not require permanent arrange-
rescue operations close to structures on fire. ment for fire control and extinction.
— Category II and III implies units for continuous fighting of Guidance note:
large fires and for cooling of structures on fire.
Examples are simple buoys without helicopter deck, boat-land-
— Category III implies units with larger pumping capacities ing or working platforms.
than II.
B 200 Technical provisions
201 Technical requirements applicable for fire fighters are D 300 Not permanently manned buoys
given in Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.5. 301 A buoy that may be manned for maintenance or testing
purposes shall be equipped with fire control and fire extinction
systems, including:
C. Special Requirements for Units with Diving — approved portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in
Systems service and working spaces;
— emergency shelter and other enclosed areas for e.g.
C 100 Passive fire protection machinery, electrical power generation and distribution
101 Enclosed spaces for diving systems shall be separated shall be arranged with a fixed fire extinguishing system as
from adjacent rooms or spaces by bulkheads and deck with fire outlined in this section; and
resistance defined as "A-60" division. Such spaces shall not be — provision for helicopter facilities.
adjacent to any hazardous areas. D 400 Provision for helicopter facilities
C 200 Fire extinguishing. 401 Helicopter facilities shall in principle comply with the
201 Enclosed spaces for diving systems shall be equipped requirements in Sec.5.
with manually actuated extinguishing system with such a lay- For installations where adequate arrangement of fire control
out as to cover the whole system. For rooms intended for pres- and fire extinction for the buoy is achieved without the provi-
surised gas storage containers, the extinguishing system shall sion of a fire pump, fixed dry powder system of capacity 250
be a fixed pressure water-spraying system. kg is at least to be installed.
medium into protected spaces shall be provided with control uated in a safe and readily accessible position and shall be
valves so marked as to indicate clearly the spaces to which the effectively ventilated to the satisfaction of the Administration.
pipes are led. Suitable provision shall be made to prevent inad- Any entrance to such a storage room shall preferably be from
vertent admission of the medium to any space. Where a cargo the open deck and in any case shall be independent of the pro-
space fitted with a gas fire-extinguishing system is used as a tected space. Access doors shall open outwards, and bulk-
passenger space the gas connection shall be blanked during heads and decks including doors and other means of closing
such use. any opening therein, which form the boundaries between such
rooms and adjoining enclosed spaces shall be gastight. For the
(SOLAS reg. II-2/5.1.2)
purpose of the application of the integrity tables in regulations
203 The piping for the distribution of fire-extinguishing 26 (SOLAS reg. II-2), such storage rooms shall be treated as
medium shall be arranged and discharge nozzles so positioned control stations.
that a uniform distribution of medium is obtained.
(SOLAS reg. II-2/5.1.13)
(SOLAS reg. II-2/5.1.3)
214 Spare parts for the system shall be stored on board and
204 Means shall be provided to close all openings which may be to the satisfaction of the Administration.
admit air to or allow gas to escape from a protected space.
(SOLAS reg. II-2/5.1.14)
(SOLAS reg. II-2/5.1.4)
205 Where the volume of free air contained in air receivers in C 300 Carbon dioxide systems
any space is such that, if released in such space in the event of 301 General requirements for CO2 fire extinguishing systems
fire, such release of air within that space would seriously affect
the efficiency of the fixed fire-extinguishing system, the Admin- For cargo spaces the quantity of carbon dioxide available shall,
istration shall require the provision of an additional quantity of unless otherwise provided, be sufficient to give a minimum vol-
fire-extinguishing medium. ume of free gas equal to 30% of the gross volume of the largest
cargo space so protected in the ship.
(SOLAS reg. II-2/5.1.5)
(SOLAS reg. II-2/5.2.1)
206 Means shall be provided for automatically giving audible
warning of the release of fire-extinguishing medium into any 302 For machinery spaces the quantity of carbon dioxide car-
space in which personnel normally work or to which they have ried shall be sufficient to give a minimum volume of free gas
access. The alarm shall operate for a suitable period before the equal to the larger of the following volumes, either:
medium is released. - 40% of the gross volume of the largest machinery space so
(SOLAS reg. II-2/5.1.6) protected, the volume to exclude that part of the casing
above the level at which the horizontal area of the casing is
207 The means of control of any fixed gas fire-extinguishing 40% or less of the horizontal area of the space concerned
system shall be readily accessible and simple to operate and taken midway between the tank top and the lowest part of
shall be grouped together in as few locations as possible at the casing; or
positions not likely to be cut off by a fire in a protected space. - 35% of the gross volume of the largest machinery space pro-
At each location there shall be clear instructions relating to the tected, including the casing; provided that the above-men-
tioned percentages may be reduced to 35% and 30%
operation of the system having regard to the safety of person- respectively for cargo ships of less than 2000 gross tonnage;
nel. provided also that if two or more machinery spaces are not
(SOLAS reg. II-2/5.1.7) entirely separate they shall be considered as forming one
208 Automatic release of fire-extinguishing medium shall not
be permitted, except as permitted by paragraph 3.3.5 (SOLAS (SOLAS reg. II-2/5.2.2)
reg. II-2) and in respect of local automatically operated units 303 For the purpose of this paragraph the volume of free car-
referred to in paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 (SOLAS reg. II-2) bon dioxide shall be calculated at 0.56 m³/kg.
(SOLAS reg. II-2/5.1.8) (SOLAS reg. II-2/5.2.3)
209 Where the quantity of extinguishing medium is required 304 For machinery spaces the fixed piping system shall be
to protect more than one space, the quantity of medium availa- such that 85% of the gas can be discharged into the space
ble need not be more than the largest quantity required for any within 2 minutes.
one space so protected.
(SOLAS reg. II-2/5.2.4)
(SOLAS reg. II-2/5.1.9)
305 Carbon dioxide systems installed on or after 1 October
210 Except as otherwise permitted by paragraphs 3.3, 3.4 or 1994 shall comply with the following requirements:
3.5 (SOLAS reg. II-2) pressure containers required for the
storage of fire-extinguishing medium, other than steam, shall - Two separate controls shall be provided for releasing carbon
be located outside protected spaces in accordance with para- dioxide into a protected space and to ensure the activities of
graph 1.13. the alarm. One control shall be used to discharge the gas
from its storage containers. A second control shall be used
(SOLAS reg. II-2/5.1.10) for opening the valve of the piping which conveys the gas
211 Means shall be provided for the crew to safely check the into the protected space.
quantity of medium in the containers. - The two controls shall be located inside a release box clearly
identified for the particular space. If the box containing the
(SOLAS reg. II-2/5.1.11) controls is to be locked, a key to the box shall be in a break-
212 Containers for the storage of fire-extinguishing medium glass type enclosure conspicuously located adjacent to the
and associated pressure components shall be designed to box.
pressure codes of practice to the satisfaction of the Administra- (SOLAS reg. II-2/5.2.5)
tion having regard to their locations and maximum ambient
temperatures expected in service. C 400 Halogenated hydrocarbon systems, Application
(SOLAS reg. II-2/5.1.12) 401 New installation of halogenated hydrocarbon systems
shall be prohibited on all ships.
213 When the fire-extinguishing medium is stored outside a
protected space, it shall be stored in a room which shall be sit- (SOLAS reg. II-2/5.3.1)
Sec. 1 Certification and Classification ................................................................................................ 45
Sec. 2 Certification of Equipment....................................................................................................... 46