Lindlahr's Book
Lindlahr's Book
Lindlahr's Book
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I. Missing Links 9
Manifestations 37
IX. Inflammation 82
XXII. Crises 255
We invite the earnest cooperation in this great work
of all those who have awakened necessity for
to the
more rational living and for radical reform in healing
While we are freeing the world at large from the
curse of militarism and making it safe for Democracy,
let us also do our bit to liberate the individual from
the more dangerous and permanent menace of the un-
holy trinity of ignorance, selfishness and self-indulgence,
the arch enemies of health, happiness and success.
"Freely we have received, freely give." These words
embrace the highest law of the universe the law of —
Love and Service. Only as we give cheerfully and
freely the best that is in us can we prosper and progress
Surely you cannot render a greater service to your
relatives and friends than by teaching them how to
help themselves to the greatest blessings in life; how
to achieve health, strength, beauty and efficiency.
Chicago, October 2, 1918.
THERE are two principal methods of treating disease.
One the combative, the other the preventive. The
human life;
Life Is Vibratory
belongs, — on ourselves.
"We are not punished for our sins but by our sins."
The great all-wise and Father-Mother
all-loving principle
does not impose or enforce suffering on its children. AVe
create it ourselves through ignorant or willful violation
of the laws of our being. There is no accident, no ill luck
nor misfortune, there is nothing but cause and effect.
The science of natural living and healing shows clearly
that what we call disease is primarily Nature's effort to
eliminate morbid matter and to restore the normal func-
tions of the body; that the processes of disease are just
as orderly in theirway as everything else in Nature that ;
(b) Scientific relaxation, proper rest and sleep;
(c) Proper food selection, magnetic treatment, etc.;
(d) The right mental attitude, right thinking and
I. Lowered Vitality
Natural Immunity
Why Epidemics?
When giving these explanations in lectures I am fre-
quently asked the question: "If what you say is true,
if disease arises within the organism rather than through
peated over and over again until blood and tissues become
so loaded with waste matter and poisons that the healing
forces of the organism can no longer react against them
by acute diseases. Then results "the chronic condition",
which in the vocabulary of the old school of medicine is
only another name for "incurable".
The more skilled the allopathic school becomes in the
suppression and prevention of acute diseases by drugs,
organisms or parasites.
When one or more of these exciting agents of inflam-
mation are present in the tissues of the body in sufficient
strength to call forth the reaction and opposition of the
healing forces, the microscope always reveals the follow-
ing phenomena, slightly varying under different condi-
tions :
-fi. Destruction ^\
Incubation Reconstructjon
due, not to the destruction of its life, as they have supposed, but
to the preservative action of these drugs.
"The leucocytes are not the 'vigilant policemen of the vital
domain ', as we have been led by their performances to believe, but
owe their so-called 'phagocytic' powers to their viscidity, or
extreme adhesiveness. That is to say, they (the leucocytes) gather
the bacteria by sticking to and flowing around them. This is
followed by the destruction, not of the bacteria, but of the leuco-
cytes. The leucocyte is not the destroyer but the thing destroyed."
tnat either his method had been faulty, or else that alter-
ation can take place apart from air borne organisms.
What was Bechamp 's explanation ? What did he teach
at a time when there was more or less acceptance of
Virchow's view of the cell as the structural unit of life,
or, so to speak, as the primary individual ?
The Professor of Montpelier taught that the cell or the
germ was no more than a transitory object, built up by
the true entities found within it. To these he gave the
name of microzyma, or minute-ferment-bodies. These are
the same particles now known as microsomes. Of these
primary units of life Edmund B. Wilson, Ph.D., says in his
text book "The Cell in Development and Inheritance",
"Their behaviour is in some cases such as to have led to
the hypothesis long since suggested by Henle (1841) and
at a later period developed by Bechamp and Estor, and
especially by Altmann, that microsomes are actually units
or bioblasts, capable of assimilation, growth and division
and hence to be regarded as elementary units of structure,
standing between the ultimate molecules of living matter
and the cell" (page 21).
The microzyma of Bechamp are the minute granules
that mark the honeycomb structure of the cell and the cell
nucleus, and have been distinguished as chromatin gran-
ules, owing to the deep shade they take when stained for
observation under the microscope.
Before the division of the cell nucleus takes place, the
chromatin granules assume the appearance of a thread
which breaks into pieces known as chromosomes. These
subdivide lengthwise during cell cleavage, thus providing
each derivative cell with an equal number of what are
supposed to be the prime factors of new life and the trans-
mitters of heredity.
Altmann inquired, "How can a granulum (microzyma)
arise without its cell?" Bechamp answered, "Every liv-
Vol. 1 — 8.
invaders which, in any case, have not been taken from the
air, but from a diseased subject. As Bechamp observes
(Les Microzymas, p. 768), ''the inoculation of anthrax
produces splenic fever in cattle and pustules (on the
skin) in human beings, thus demonstrating the control
factors of diseased conditions to be inborn, not ex-
"Disease is born of us and in us", wrote Bechamp, ''and
Catching' a Cold
miss it.
What opinion would you form of a watch maker
Stgyn oid,
food of any kind should be taken, not even milk
or broth. Nature must be given a free hand. Any kind
of food excites the peristalsis of the inflamed intestines,
thereby preventing the healing processes. Food particles
may become enclosed in the open sores and abscesses,
thus causing decay, chronic irritation and "recurrent
After all symptoms have subsided the fasting must be
continued for several days, in many cases for a week or
more, in order to prevent relapses and chronic after effects.
By adhering to these simple rules we have cured every
ease which has come under our treatment.
Fasting and cold water treatment keep the inflammatory
processes below the danger point. They allow free heat
radiation, prevent abscess formation and at the same time
do not interfere with nature's purifying healing efforts.
his own lack of common sense had been at one time a well
known allopathic physician. Like many other people, not
understanding the basic laws of health, disease and cure,
he had swung from one extreme to another from allo- —
pathic overdoing into Christian Science "nothing doing".
THE pernicious
after effects of vaccination upon the
are similar to those of the various serum and
antitoxin treatments.
The discovery of vaccination is usually credited to Ed-
ward Jenner, an English barber and chiropodist. The
doubtful honor, however, belongs in reality to an old
Circassian woman who, according to the historian Le Due,
in the year 1672 startled Constantinople with the an-
nouncement that the Virgin Mary had revealed to her an
unfailing preventive against smallpox.
Her was inoculation with the genuine smallpox
virus. But even with her (or the Virgin Mary) the idea
was not an original one, because the principle of isopathy
(curing a disease with its own disease products) was
explicitly taught a hundred years before by Paracelsus,
the great genius of the Renaissance of learning during
the Middle Ages. But even he was only voicing the secret
teachings of ancient folklore, sympathy healing and magic
dating back to the Druids and Seers of ancient Britain
and Germany.
The Circassian seeress cut a cross in the flesh of the
applicant and inoculated the wound with smallpox virus.
Together with this she prescribed prayer, abstinence from
meat, and fasting for forty days. The fasting was un-
doubtedly the most efficient part of the treatment.
Since at that time smallpox was a terrible and wide-
spread scourge, the practice of inoculation was carried
all over Europe. At first the operation was performed
Looking Forward
— —
"Washington, D. C, May 16. (Special) The bureau of animal
industry made public today a report which fastens the blame for
the recent outbreak of the hoof and mouth disease in Michigan,
New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland on a contaminated strain
of vaccine, which originally came from a foreign country. The
disease was traced by inspectors of the bureau to calves that had
been used for the production of virus.
"The report sets forth the belief that the epidemic of hoof and
mouth disease, which it cost the federal government $300,000 to
suppress, was started by these calves at Detroit after they had
been used for the production of vaccine on the H. K. Mulford
farms. The vaccine virus with which they were inoculated was
imported from abroad (Germany) by Parke, Davis and Company,
Manufacturing Chemists, and contained an infection of hoof and
"Yes, the arm was swollen twice its size and I was
confined to bed for two weeks."
"Did the epileptic attackscommence about that time?"
"Yes, I never had any previous to that vaccination."
Many people are suffering today from serious chronic
affections of body and mind resulting from vaccination.
These chronic after effects usually develop so slowly and
insidiously that no one thinks of tracing them to their
true cause. The diagnosis from the iris of the eye has
PersonaJ Experience
A Reply to My Critics
the latter can make appear that a patient has died be-
and adoption.
There is a popular saying, "The proof of the pudding
is in the eating". The following letter explains itself:
an air passage from the mouth to the ears, will open and
the parents and the family physician will rejoice over the
splendid results of the "trivial" operation. But, as usual,
they take into consideration the first effects only; the
secondary and lasting ones are regarded and treated as
new diseases.
In case of any morbid discharge from the body, whether
through hemorrhoids, open sores, ulcers or through ton-
sils, scrofulous glands, etc., a fontanelle has been estab-
the skin must be stimulated by air and sun baths and cold
water treatment. Massage and neurotherapy must correct
the spinal lesions, remove the pressure from nerves and
blood vessels and increase the activity of the internal
organs of elimination.
Under such general constitutional treatment, elimina-
tion will be distributed evenly, the membranes and the
glandular structures of nose and mouth will be relieved
and will resume their normal structure and function.
Herein lies the natural, rational cure for tonsilitis, adenoid
vegetations,mouth breathing and kindred diseases.
That this is not mere vagary is proved by the fact that
in hundreds of cases of tonsilitis and kindred ailments
Unhygienic Clothing'
the cancer will not recur; the operation will surely tend
to prolong the life of the patient, etc."
These claims, however, are not true, because the surest
way to turn a benign tumor into a malignant one and to
make the latter more malignant is to operate. Mr. Hen-
driek confirms this on page 264. He says
on page 256:
If all the lap dogs of Fifth Avenue and our other fash-
what it sows.
"These considerations bring us face to face with a most startling
circumstance: that nature seems to be subtly attempting to undo
much of the work of modern medical science. We save yearly by
diphtheria antitoxin the lives of thousands of babies and children,
only that they may grow up to become victims of cancer. We rescue
many thousands of young men and women from tuberculosis, so
that they may reap, as their whirlwind, an even more dreadful
malady. '
ing from the system the poisons which irritate the cells
and stimulate them into unlimited multiplication.
Extirpation by drugs, knife or freezing only removes
the local manifestations of a constitutional taint or miasm.
Malignant tumors grow in "bad blood" only; their favor-
ite breeding places are to be found in scrofulous and psoric
constitutions, especially where hereditary conditions are
aggravated by food and drug poisoning or where spinal
lesions irritate the nerves and the tissues which these
nerves supply. What, then, can be gained permanently by
destroying the local growth, when the disease soil from
which it springs, or the spinal irritation, still remains?
Our claim a constitutional disease is again
that cancer is
' The Question of Heredity in Cancer* *
**The only apparent exceptions to this rule are the successful use
of quinin in malaria and mercury in syphilis. These diseases, how-
ever, are caused, not by (vegetable) bacteria, but by animal para-
sites." (?)
affirms the fact that the really curative agency is the great
Life Force. What the old school of medicine calls disease,
we call Nature's healing effort.
Page 265
certain forces that arose in all their might and threw off the incubus.
These simple experiments for all time took human cancer out of the
class of incurable diseases. Precisely how nature accomplishes this
work is not known now, and may indeed never be known; the
method may be too complex for the human mind to grasp: but, in
principle, the disease can be mastered."
blood and nerve supply, nor are they provided with ade-
quate venous and lymphatic drainage. They are, there-
fore, cut off from the orderly life of the organism and
doomed to rapid deterioration.
The processes of decay of these tumor materials liberate
large quantities of "alkaloids of putrefaction", and these
in turn stimulate the normal, healthy cells with which
they come in contact to rapid, abnormal multiplication.
(The alkaloids of putrefaction change the microzyma of
normal cells into the morbid microzyma of cancer cells.)
The malignant growth, therefore, feeds on its own prod-
ucts of decay, aside from the systemic poisons and morbid
materials already contained in the blood and tissues of
the body.
These morbid products permeate the entire system.
They are carried by the circulation of the blood into all
parts of the body. This explains why cancer is a consti-
tutional disease, why it is, as I stated it, "rooted in every
drop of blood".
It also explains why cancer, or rather the disposition
to its development (diathesis), is hereditary.
If the original cancerous growth is removed by surgical
intervention. X-rays, the electric needle, cauterization, or
any other form of local treatment, the poisonous materials
(alkaloids of putrefaction) in the blood will set up other
foci of abnormal, "wild" proliferation. Medical science
has applied the term "metastasis" to such spreading and
reappearing of malignant tumors after extirpation.
Dr. Ross' findings throw an interesting light on the
relationship between cancer and meat eating. Is it not
self evident that in a digestive tract filled most of the
time with large masses of partially digested and decay-
ing animal food enormous quantities of "alkaloids of
putrefaction" are created? These are absorbed into the
circulation, attracted to any point where exists some form
"What will radium do? That is the question that is still puzzling
science, for the metal has strangely contradictory properties. It
has been found valuable in the treatment of cancer by Dr. Abbe,
who claims to have made many cures with it. The Paris Radium
Institute announces a large percentage of cures out of many cases
of surface cancer. All kinds of cutaneous affections have been
treated successfully, and chronic rheumatism and tuberculosis have
yielded to the treatment.
"There is a strong anti-radium party in the medical profession
which points out that Dr. John H. Edwards, president of the British
Electro-therapeutic Society, suffered from a cancerous growth due
to constant exposure to radium. His left arm had to be amputated.
Another, Clarence Dally, had to have his fingers amputated, then
his arm, and he finally died from the same cause. There have been
other deaths, too, laid to the effect of radium, notably those of
Wolfram G. Furths, of Chicago; Dr. Louis Weigel, of Rocheater, and
M, Radignet, of Paris. The debate over radium's curative power
is still on, full force.
"Of all its strange properties, perhaps the oddest, and without
precedent as far as science knows, is that a fragment of radium is
always six degrees Fahrenheit hotter than its surrounding medium.
This seems in direct defiance to one of the most important of
physical laws, the law of the conservation of energy. Radium gives
out heat incessantly and yet remains superheated. William Ramsey
declares that a given bulk of radium would melt its own weight in
ice every hour and keep on doing so for a thousand years.
Radium is the only substance with the property of self-electrifi-
Cutting off their tops does not kill weeds. The first
of health.
Every now and then incidents like the following renew
our enthusiasm and our confidence in Nature Cure: Re-
cently three eases were sent by three former patients who
had been under treatment several years ago. These three
had been among the worst cases ever treated in our insti-
tution. When they came to us, one was supposed to be
dying with cancer, the second was in the advanced stages
of tertiary syphilis and the third had survived several
operations for the removal of the appendix and the ovaries.
At the time the latter took up our treatment she had been
advised to undergo another operation for the removal of
the uterus.
These "incurables" had been exceedingly trying. More
than once the one or the other had quit, discouraged, only
to return, knowing that after all Nature Cure was their
only hope. After they left us we lost track of them and
often wondered how they were getting on. All three were
reported by the newcomers as being in good health. What
if it did take months or even years to produce the desired
results? What would have been the fate of these three
' '
patients if it had not been for slow Nature Cure ?
' '
allopathic school of medicine lays
correct diagnosis than
more stress
upon treatment. This
is the natural result of looking upon all chronic disease
as incurable. Many times have I seen the presiding pro-
fessor in a clinic spend an hour or more in analyzing
minutely the anatomical, physiological and psychological
aspects of a case.
To my question "What is the cause of the trouble?'*
he would answer "Nobody knows."
"What can we do for him?"
"Nothing. The case is incurable. Give him a placebo
Our professor on Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Nose
was doing post-graduate work in Vienna. From time to
time he reported to our class his experiences in this great
center of medical science. In one of these letters he wrote
as follows: "This is certainly the greatest place in the
world for doctors, but I doubt whether it is for patients.
All that the doctors seem to be interested in is to see their
diagnoses verified on the postmortem table. Treatment
is of secondary importance." Contrast this with the atti-
tude of the Nature Cure school toward diagnosis and
treatment of chronic diseases.
Though we make more thorough examinations and give
a more minutely accurate diagnosis and prognosis of dis-
ease in all its forms than does any other school of medical
Inthe body, but wc can affirm that Naturc'trecorilaintK* iriafuntuh a incat dcjl olvatu.i
inforiBalion u
to abnormal proccswl and cspcctAlly aa to the un3crtyinc cautea of ai
and chfooic dia^asn. These records in the iris reveal the mhwsat %itality jnd "tone"
the ryatem, tb« prrsrnce ol hereditary disease tainia and ot druf poiion*. (he nature i
Sead find Neck: location of ntorbid e'ncumhrances and ihe progreia o( all diaeaKt through the hereUil
acute, chronrc catarrhal, anil &nal dcilruclive catarrhal Itasca.
ClrcuUtory System:
drug poisoning, and promi&o]
normal, that is, below the
dd obtain if habili ot living aif
Solids in Urine. (Caryrlgki l«t» by Tk. LMUr Htun Co* taittaUi}
Acidity of Urine.
Itame- _.
foods. If allowed
S;mp. Wreath I
Chronic Signs:
Closed Lesions: 0_i —Digesti« Organ-System:
0~J Moral— Reproductive Organ-System:
0.J Mental— Respinttor; Organ-System:
^... ..Sin:fet.mia-s..MQdjjct.d;«:a.upcm .diff.Tfjl..indiviil>i»lfi.
Uiioit V . H R. Ptlp. I
M*jor> LiotitbU Ret. Hyp.
III iiiiiiiBaA ™t
history sheet
Date; Number:
Name: nativity:
Address: Telephone:
Family Hlstoiy'r
The Cell
close contact with a hot iron. The cells in the finger tips
experience a sensation of burning pain. At once this sen-
sation is telegraphed over the afferent nerves to the nerve
centers in the brain or spinal cord. In response to this
call of distress the command comes back over the efferent
nerve filaments: "Withdraw the fingers!" At the same
time the impulse to withdraw the fingers is sent over the
motor nerves to the muscles which control the movements
of the hand.
If the means of communication between the different
parts of the organism are obstructed or cut off entirely,
the individual cell is bound to deteriorate and to die, just
as a person lost in a barren wilderness and cut off from his
fellow men must perish.
In warfare it is a well known fact that if one of the con-
Healing Crises
In the catechism of Nature Cure I have defined healing
crises as follows: A healing crisis is an acute reaction
resulting from the ascendancy of Nature's healing forces
over disease conditions. Its tendency is toward recovery,
and it is, therefore, in conformity with Nature's construc-
tive principle.
The possibility of producing healing crises and thereby
curing chronic ailments depends upon the following con-
ditions :
the drug".
All laxatives and cathartics are poisons; if it were not
ease matter;
(3) the organism cannot be forced by irritants and stimu-
lants and artificial means, but eliminates morbid mat-
its own natural manner and when it is in
ter only in
proper condition to do so.
In a lesser degree this applies also to fasting. Under
certain conditions it becomes a necessity but it may easily
be abused and overdone. This subject is treated at length
in Chapter XXVII.
That the medical profession does not understand the
Vol. 1—18.
Do We Never Fail?
old is extinct.
"Whoever thinks from an enlightened rationale, may
see and perceive from this that a man cannot be regener-
ated without combat, that is, without spiritual tempta-
tions and further, that he is not regenerated by one temp-
cardinal virtue' of Hippocratic medicine the clear recognition of dis-
ease as being equally with life a process governed by what we should
now call natural laws, which could be known by observation and which
indicated the spontaneous and normal direction of recovery, by follow-
ing which alone could the physician succeed. . . .
been said that prognosis, or the art of foretelling the course and event
of the disease, was a strong point with the Hippocratic physicians.
In this perhaps they have never been excelled. Diagnosis, or recogni-
tion of the disease, must have been necessarily imperfect, when no sci-
entific nosology, or system of disease, existed, and the knowledge of
anatomy was quite inadequate to allow of a precise determination of
the seat of disease but symptoms were no doubt observed and inter-
preted skillfully. The pulse is not spoken of in any of the works now
attributed to Hippocrates himself, though it is mentioned in other
works of the collection.
' * In the
treatment of disease, the Hippocratic school attached great
importance to diet, the variations necessary in different diseases being
minutely defined. ... In chronic cases diet, exercises and natural
methods were chiefly relied upon. '
a^S»|f Xti.^
Red x^ Do Nd~j.3\^
yellow m/ sc-w
Green Fa 7i'—4S
Blue Sol V~5t
Indigo La Cr~5z
Uxolef SI Mnss
forcesand energies manifest in groups or degrees of sevens.
The following diagram gives an illustration of the prin-
ciple in its application to the groups of the atoms, to the
tones of the musical scale and to the grouping of the
primary colors.
The corresponding units in the lower and higher scales
form octaves, as, for instance, the Do tones in the musical
scales, or the red shades in the color scales. They are the
same as to vibratory quality but differ as to pitch or shade.
our patients, when thej' come under our care, are suffer-
ing from stubborn constipation in spite of (or on account
of) lifelong drugging. Neither medicines nor operations
had given them anything but temporary relief, and the
trouble had grown worse instead of better.
If the old school methods of treatment were not success-
ful in relieving simple constipation, what can they be
expected to cure, since it is evident that the overcoming
of constipation is the primary necessity for any other
improvement ?
A system of treatment which cannot accomplish this,
cannot accomplish anything. Is it strange, therefore, that
a school of medicine which, with all its vaunted knowl-
edge and wisdom, has not succeeded in curing simple
constipation, flatly denies that natural methods can cure
cancer, epilepsy, locomotor ataxia and other so called
incurable diseases?
able read the signs of the times cannot help
the powerful influence which Nature Cure
philosophy is already exerting upon the trend of modern
Medicinal Remedies
This brings us face to face with another revelation as
regards the chemistry and physiology of digestion. For-
merly it was assumed that all the ferments which digest
the foods are produced by the body. It now appears that
to a large extent the ferments which digest the foods are
produced by the microzyma in the foods themselves, pro-
vided, of course, that the foods are of the live, organized
are harmless.
Certain mineral elements, such as iron, sodium, potas-
sium, lime, magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur, etc., which
are among the important constituents of the human
may be taken in the live form in fruits and vegetables
or in herb extracts in large amounts, in fact far beyond
the actual needs of the body, but they will not show in the
iris of the eye because they are easil}^ eliminated from
the system.
If, however, the same minerals be taken in the inorganic
form in considerable quantities, the iris will exhibit cer-
tain well defined signs and discolorations in the areas
corresponding to those parts of the body in which the
mineral substances have accumulated.
Obviously, Nature does not intend that these mineral
elements should enter the organism in the inorganic form,
ing to the law of homeopathy "Like cures like" they —
assist in producing acute reactions or "healing crises",
thus aiding Nature in the work of purification and repair.
In order to make clear the minuteness of the high
potency dose I will briefly explain the process of tritura-
tion. To begin with, the more dilute and refined the dose,
the higher the potency.
The first potency is prepared by mixing one part of the
drug with nine parts of milk sugar. Milk sugar is used
because it is a constituent of the human organism and
therefore neutral. The mixture is macerated in a mortar
for about twenty minutes. The product constitutes the
first trituration or potency of the drug.
and tissues.
In stubborn chronic diseases, when the cells are too
weak to throw encumbrances of their own
off the latent
accord, a well chosen homeopathic remedy is often of
great service in arousing them to acute reaction.
For instance, if the system is heavily encumbered with
scrofulous taints and if its vitality is lowered to such an
extent that the individual cell cannot of itself throw off
the morbid encumbrances by means of a vigorous, acute
effort, sulphur, if administered in doses sufficiently tritu-
rated and refined to affect the minute cells composing the
organism and the still more minute microzyma of the
cells, will start "disease vibrations" similar to those of
acute scrofulosis and thus give the needed impetus to
acute eliminative activity on the part of the individual cell.
The acute reaction once started may develop into vigor-
ous forms of scrofulous elimination such as skin eruptions,
glandular swellings, abscesses, catarrhal discharges, etc.
smaller microzyma?
Vol. 1—21.
combining power of the various atoms or elements of
matter. The greater the surplus of negative corpuscles in
an atom, the greater will be its desire or chemical affinity
for atoms having adeficiencyof negative electrons orwhich
are, in other words, surcharged with positive electricity.
Therefore, according to the predominance of the positive
or negative qualities in force, matter or entity, we speak
of them as positive or negative. We learn from the fore-
going that the law of polarity is fundamental in Nature.
On the activities which it provokes and regulates is built
the entire structure of the universe. The cessation of these
second would cause the uni-
activities for the fraction of a
verse to disappear into nothingness in a flash.
Polarity of Substance
netic energies. We
cannot conduct electricity over ropes
made of starchy or protein matter: this requires wires
made of metals. Science now admits that nervous energy
in a form of electromagnetic energy. This explains the
great importance of the mineral elements as carriers and
conductors of the vital or nervous energies in animal and
human bodies.
Sexual Polarity
Positive Negative
Creativeness Hatred
Happiness Jealousy
Love Selfishness
Helpfulness Depression
Altruism Melancholy
Psychical Polarity
Vol. 1—23.
I n in
CArbdWydrA-tes-C OH CArbonic"
Lactic—— -QUA
Dl6.cetic— -QUA
Butyric —
Nitric- -H(NQ)
Hyd roc<^rbons-COH
(JdXt And oils)
Nitrous •H(NOJ
Uric - CnRQ
Bilivirdinic— CA^Q
Proleids COMN?S
(rie.di.tiih.fowl eggs,
Phosphoric WO)
cheese.nuls, Debris. pciiS,
lentils .mushrooms. etc. Sulpnurio- —
Sulphurous— tUSQ^
1. —
Carbohydrates starches, dextrins and sugars. These
food substances, when chemically pure, contain car-
bon, oxygen and hydrogen.
2. —
Hydro-carbons fats and oils, when chemically pure,
contain carbon, oxygen and hydrogen.
Acid Diseases
This life force which flows into us from the one great
source of all life in this universe from that which we
call God, Nature, Creative Force or Universal Intelligence
—is the primary source of all energy, from which all other
forms and kinds of energy are derived.
It is as independent of the body and of food and drink
as the electric current is independent of the glass bulb
and the carbon thread through which it manifests as heat
and light. The breaking of the glass bulb, though it
Stimulation by Paralysis
sical organism but also the higher and highest mental and
moral qualities, capacities and powers.
These higher and finer qualities are located in the front
part of the brain. In the evolution of the species from
lower to higher, the brain gradually developed and en-
larged in a forward direction. Thus we find in the lowest
order of fishes that all they possess of brain matter is a
small protuberance at the upper extremity of the spinal
cord. As the species and families rose in the scale of evo-
lution, the brain developed proportionately from behind
forward and became differentiated into three distinct divi-
sions the meduUa oblongata, the cerebellum, and the
The medulla oblongata, situated at the base of the brain
where it joins the spinal cord, contains those brain centers
which control the purely vegetative, vital functions, the
circulation of the blood, respiration, regulation of animal
heat, etc.
The cerebellum, in front of and above the medulla, is the
seat of the centers for the coordination of muscular activi-
tiesand for maintaining the equilibrium of the body.
The frontal brain, or cerebrum, contains the centers for
the sensory organs, also the motor centers which supply the
driving impulses for the muscular activities of the body
and in the occipital and frontal lobes the centers for the
higher qualities of mind and soul, which constitute the
governing and restraining faculties on which depend the
powers of self control.
Thus we see that the development of the brain has been
in a forward direction, from the upper extremity of the
spinal cord to the frontal lobes of the cerebrum, from the
low, vegetative qualities of the animal and the savage to
the complex and refined activities of the highly civilized
and trained mind.
It is an interesting and most significant fact that paral-
ysis of brain centers caused by alcohol and other stimu-
lants, or by h3rpnotics and narcotics, proceeds reversely to
the order of their development during^ the processes of
The succumb are the brain centers in the frontal
first to
lobes of the cerebrum which control the latest developed
and most refined human attributes. These are modesty,
caution, reserve, reverence, altruism. Then follow in the
order given, memory, reason, logic, intelligence, will power,
self control, the control of muscular coordination and
equilibrium and, finally, consciousness and the vital activi-
ties of heart action and respiration.
When the conscious activities of the soul have been put
to sleep paralysis extends to the subconscious activities of
Life or Vital Force. Respiration and heart action become
weak and labored and may finally cease entirely.
In order to verify this let us study the effects of alcohol,
the best known and most used of stimulants. Many people
believe that alcohol increases not only physical strength
but mental energy also. Medical science considers it a
valuable tonic in all cases of physical and mental depres-
sion. It is often administered after surgical operations
and in accidents with the idea of prolonging life. I have
frequently found the whisky or brandy bottle at the bed-
It is an established fact that the impressions (records)
made upon the subconscious mind under certain condi-
tions should leave its impress upon the growing sex centers
in the brain and nervous system of the child, causing
abnormal and precocious development?
Truly in such cases perversion is born and bred in the
flesh and bone before the child sees the light of day. The
mother cannot be blamed for this "slaughter of the inno-
cents", for she has not been instructed on the subject.
Even when intuitively abhorrent to her, being dependent,
she thinks she must submit in order to maintain her hold
upon the man, and many a life is thus cursed from its very
beginning. The fault lies primarily with those of the med-
ical profession who teach our young men that the free
indulgence of sexual passion is not only legitimate but
necessary to manly vigor.
experience in an extensive practice along these
lines hastaught me that the physical effects of the habit
can be overcome easily by natural methods of living and
treatment as soon as the patient ceases to violate the most
sacred laws of his being. Sympathetic advice and the right
kind of suggestive treatment will greatly aid him in doing
His self confidence must be aroused, his faith renewed
and his will power strengthened. I find this as a rule more
difficultthan the regeneration of the physical organism.
He must be made to realize that his consciousness is part
of the universal intelligence, that his will is an expression
of divine creative force, that these are superior to the
weakness and the animal desires and propensities of the
lower self.
The best way to awaken and to strengthen this con-
structive faithis to practice the formulas given in the last
A Word of Warning
It is the duty of all parents to warn their growing chil-
dren of the pitfalls and vices which lie in their path and
threaten their welfare. Too often this duty is shirked or
postponed until boys and girls learn from impure sources
what they should have learned quietly and without undue
There are two roads before the young man starting out
in life and leaving his boyhood days behind him. One is
the Good Koad, the other the Bad Road. To follow the
first is uplifting, inspiring, wholesome, healthful, character
study the fine arts and become familiar with the great
your dealings.
once more,
By Jean du Plessis, M. D.
This method of treatment, introduced by Dr. Albert
Abrams, consists of stimulating one or more of the spinal
nerve centers by means of concussion (light hammering),
deep pressure or electricity. The aim in view is to origi-
nate nerve reflexes that will relieve or modify the disease
process in the part of the body to be treated.
Dr. Abrams also lays stress on the fact that inflamma-
tory processes almost invariably give rise to more or less
localized tender spots in the region of the spine with
which the nerves of the inflamed parts are associated. It
can readily be demonstrated that these tender spots are
either the forerunners or the symptoms of spinal lesions.
This system of manipulative treatment was originated
in 1899 by Drs. John Arnold and Harry Walter of Phila-
delphia. Their claims may be briefly stated as follows:
Morbid matter, poisons and irritants of various kinds,
acting upon the vasomotor nerves which control the blood
vessels, produce abnormal changes in circulation which,
if perpetuated, finally lead to disease manifestations.
The nerve impulses coming from diseased parts travel
to the spinal cord and, like all other nerve impulses, are
transmitted along those branches of the spinal nerves
which supply the structures (muscles, blood vessels, etc.)
along each side of the spine. Here these impulses bring
about abnormal circulatory changes similar to those found
in the diseased organs or parts.
(g) At the end of each treatment the flabby areas of
the spine are stimulated and the overactive areas and
tender spots are carefully inhibited by neuropathic ma-
This last procedure is of the utmost importance because
your floor and merely patch up the leak, leaving your roof
in such a condition that it is liable to spring other leaks?
That is what the naprapath, chiropractor or osteopath
does when he merely adjusts the spine.
"Would you not carefully wipe up the puddle, repair
the leak and so reinforce your whole roof that it will
be able to withstand future rain storms? That is what
Natural Therapeutics does when it promotes the elimina-
tion of morbid matter from the system (the wiping up),
readjusts the spine (the repairing), and makes it lesion-
proof by means of corrective exercises (the reinforcing).
It is encouraging to note that osteopaths in general
have already detected the inadequacy of their slogan,
"Find the lesion and remove it." The fact, however,
that they aregradually adopting also the allopathic
maxim, Find the germ and kill it, proves that they are
organ, and thereby eases but does not suppress the in-
flammatory process and the attending congestion and
In case of extreme tension in any part of the system,
relaxation of the shrunken tissues can be brought about
by gentle but persistent stretching of the nerves and ad-
jacent muscles and ligaments, in a manner similar to that
of the naprapathic directos.
When the vital organs and their functions are weak and
inactive or when nerves, muscles, ligaments and other
connective tissues are in a relaxed, atonic or atrophic con-
dition, certain stimulating movements applied to the
nerves where they emerge from the spinal column will
energize the vital functions all through the system. Many
patients imagine that such manipulative treatment is su-
perficial. To them it is just ''rubbing" and seems all
alike. They do not realize that manipulative stimulation
applied to the nerves near the surface of the body travels
all along their branches and filaments like electricity
along a complicated system of copper wires, and thus
reaches the innermost cells and organs of the body, mak-
ing them more alive and active. This internal stimulation
of vital activities is attained also by good massage through
energizing the nerve endings all over the surface of the
Some of my
readers may entertain the idea that the
chiropractic, naprapathic and osteopathic schools have
practically the same conception of acute diseases and heal-
ing crises as the school of Natural Therapeutics. This, how-
ever, is not the case. On the contrary, osteopaths, napra-
paths and chiropractors on the whole adhere to the allo-
pathic idea of acute disease as being in itself harmful and
dangerous to health and life, something which therefore
ought to be cheeked as quickly as possible.
If anyone should doubt this, the following extracts from
Massage has very much the same effects upon the system
as the coldwater treatment. It accelerates the circulation,
draws the blood into the surface, relaxes and opens the
pores of the skin, promotes the elimination of morbid
matter and increases and stimulates the electromagnetic
energies in the body.
We have learned that one of the primary causes of
chronic disease is the accumulation of waste matter and
to the zinc. The effect is that the part of the wire at-
ing to the acid fluid in the cell. Acting through these cells
and batteries in living bodies, the life force is transmuted
soles of his feet or grip his feet firmly around the ankles.
Slight friction will aid reaction. While thus applying
your magnetic current, will the vital fluids to flow into
the extremities and to warm them with the glow of life.
I have cured in this manner many cases of chronic cold
feet and always advise our nurses and operators to apply
this natural treatment in place of the hot water bottle,
which brings about a cold reaction and in the long run
makes the circulation more inactive.
When giving the magnetic passes in a sitting position
the subject should remain in a comfortable, relaxed and
receptive condition. The more receptive and sensitive the
subject, the more distinctly he will feel the magnetic vibra-
tions like a mild current from an electric battery.
A simple experiment to test the existence and strength
of the magnetic emanations of a person, is the following
The subject stretches out his hands horizontally while
the operator approaches them from below, his finger tips
approaching each other and turned upwards. As he
slightly moves the finger tips in close proximity to the
palms of the subject the latter will feel the magnetic vibra-
tions, according to his degree of sensitiveness, as a slight
breath of air or as a more or less powerful electric current.
The degree of sensation will vary according to the nega-
tivity or sensitivity of the subject and the positivity of
the operator.
One of the best ways of administering magnetic treat-
ment is through magnetized water. Water may be charged
with positive or negative magnetism as required by the
character of the ailment. Positive magnetism has an
astringent effect upon the tissues of the body, while nega-
tive magnetism has a relaxing effect. Positive magnetism,
therefore, would be in order for the treatment of chronic
diarrhea, while negative magnetism is most effective for
the treatment of constipation.
Sympathy Healing
than Dr. Dopem's pills and potions, they are firmly con-
vinced that a miracle has been performed in their behalf
and straightway they become blind believers in and fanat-
ical followers of their new idols.
They simply exchange one superstition for another the :
"For whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend
in one point, he is guilty of all."
The skeptic and the superficial reader may reply :
' This
saying is utterly unreasonable. Stealing a penny is not
committing a murder; overeating does not break the law
THE response
is an extract from a
to one of myarticles in
letter sent to
The Nature Cure
Sometimes you say we must rely on our own personal
To recapitulate: Freedom of choice and of action dis-
tinguish thehuman from the animal. In the animal king-
dom, reasoning power and freedom of action move in the
narrow limits of heredity and instinct, while Man through
his own personal efforts is capable of unlimited develop-
ment physically, mentally, morally and spiritually, both
here and hereafter. We
say physically advisedly, for in
the spiritual realms in the life after death the physical
(spiritual material) body also is capable of deterioration
or of ever greater refinement and beautification.
Through the right use of his voluntary faculties, capaci-
ties and powers Man is enabled to become the master of
himself and of his destiny.
Thus we find that the human organism consists of two
distinct parts or departments, the one acting independ-
ently of the ego and derivingits motive force from an
dowed us.
It is our privilege and our duty to maintain both atti-
of Being
pend the steeple in the air and then build the church under
it. So also the building of the temple of human character
should begin by laying the foundation in physical health.
We have known people who have attained high intellec-
tual, moral and spiritual development and then suffered
utter shipwreck physically, mentally and in every other
way, because ignorantly they had violated the laws of their
physical natures.
There are others who believe that the possession of
occult knowledge and the achievement of mastership con-
fer absolute control over Nature's forces and phenomena
on the physical plane. These people believe that a man
is not a master if he does not miraculously heal all manner
Positive Afl&nnatioiis
all goodness, all love, all wisdom and all power, what
remains for me to strive for?
Herein lies the danger of metaphysical idealism. "While
it may dispel pessimism, fear and anxiety, it inevitably
weakens the will power and the capacity for selfhelp and
personal effort.
The ideal of the metaphysician is the ideal of the animal.
The animal does not worry about right or wrong, nor, with
few exceptions, does it make provision for the future. Its
care and forethought extend only to the next meal. But
this perfect, ideal, passive trust in Nature 's bounty causes
the animal to remain animal and prevents its rising above
the will to help themselves, lose their natural
and the possibilities and opportunities which these would
have conferred upon them.
The anatomy and physiology of the human brain reveal
the fact that for every voluntary faculty, capacity and
power of body, mind and soul which we wish to develop,
we have to create new centers in the brain. In this respect,
Nature gives us no more and no less than we deserve and
work for. If we try to cheat by usurping the perfection
and the power which we have not honestly earned and
developed, then some time, somewhere, we shall have to
balance the account.
emotional hyperactivity.
Usually, the victim of unbalanced nerves is of the high-
strung, sensitive type, naturally inclining to more rapid
vibrations on all planes, capable of greater achievement
than the stolid, heavy, slow-vibrating person who "doesn't
know that he has any nerves", but also is in greater dan-
ger of mental and emotional overstrain and physical deple-
will God and men return to me; the more shall I realize
true happiness, true health, true strength, and true
it, why
say :
is it
"If Nature Cure is all that
not more generally accepted by the
you claim
Constructive Aflfirmations
Desire and will are the open doors to heaven and hell.
I am spirit: I rejoice in an abundance of life, health,
strength, wisdom and divine love.
attract to ourselves whatever influences we choose.
The greatest force in the universe is the power of many
minds united in purpose, faith and will. The higher and
better the motive, the greater the power.
"As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."
The only death imaginable is stagnation.
I am today what my past thoughts and emotions have
made me.
I am a free born citizen of this boundless Universe.
Nothing can bind me, hold me or limit me but my own
opinions and my own actions.
Almighty Love, creative Love, purify, strcnghten, en-
lighten me
God of the granite and the rose,
Soul of the sparrow and the bee
The mighty tide of being flows
Through every creature, Lord, from Thee.
It leaps to life in birdand flowers,
Through every grade of being runs,
Till from creation's radiant towers
Its glories flame in stars and suns.
Kiiow that like bird and grass and flower.
The life within thee is divine
Nor time, nor space, nor human power,
The God within thee can confine.
God of the granite and the rose,
Soul of the sparrow and the bee
The mighty tide of being flows
From every creature back to Thee
Thus round and round the circle runs —
A mighty sea without a shore
While men and angels, stars and suns,
Unite to praise Thee evermore."
Abbott, A. C, M.D, — Principles of Bacteriology
' '
' 349. ',
After Effects of drug or ice treated typhoid, 118; of surgical
operations, 127; of wrongly treated appendicitis, 142; of vacci-
nation, 148-152, 173-175; of vaccines, serums, shown in eye, 155;
of vaccination, a case, 156-159; of vaccination, epilepsy, a case,
159-161; of vaccination, diphtheria, 162; anterior poliomyelitis
from vaccination, 164-165; of diphtheria antitoxin, 169, 170; of
diphtheria do not occur under natural treatment, 173 of removal ;
Alteratives mercury, iodin, arsenic, etc., 62.
Anesthetics encourage indiscriminate operations, 122; beneficial and
destructive effects of, 122; has inflicted more wounds than has
healed, 123.
Animal —unreliability of experiments on, 106; cancer in dogs, 207;
experiments on mice, 208, 209, 216; dogs cured of cancer, 217,
218; kingdom, what controlled by, 336; instinct, 338; elements
in, 344 ; difference between man and animal, 461.
Anterior Poliomyelitis caused by vaccination, 164.
Anthrax germ, effects of, 101, 107.
Antiseptics confirmation of our theories from battlefields of Europe,
15; use in leukorrhea and birth control, 189; suppress inflamma-
tion, 215.
Antitoxins natural and allopathic, 85; diphtheria, effects of, 169;
for prevention, 170, 171; effects shown in eye, 172; Hendrick
on, 214.
Appendicitis allopathic conception and treatment, 129; foreign
bodies in appendix, 131; true cause of, 135; prevention of, 137;
treatment of, acute, 137-139; abscesses, 139; case of, 140-142;
after effects, 142.
Appendix foreign bodies in, 131; uses of , 132; a case, removal, 143.
Arteriosclerosis (Hardening of the Arteries) after effect of mer-
cury, 79 ; from excess of salts, 346 from excess of pathogen, 352,
Bacteria —
not cause of disease, 10 originate from microzyma, 11, 99,
disease, 54; why epidemics? 54, 55; immunity by right living, 56;
test by Dr. Rodermund in smallpox, 56 action of serum and anti-
Bl/OOD normal and abnormal composition, 44; pathogenic obstruction,
94; proportion of white and red corpuscles, 97, 98; contamination
by vaccines, 154; root of cancer in, 218; "The Blood", quota-
tion from, 297; what chemical composition depends on, 319; pre-
cipitation of uric acid into, 354; high blood pressure produced,
355; composition of, 362; cause and cure of high blood pressure,
366; high blood pressure curable by natural treatment, 367;
charged with positive mineral elements, 427; flow controlled by
wiU power, 437.
Bowels —see Intestines.
Brain —
effect on of operations on genital organs, 196 ; effect of stimu-
lants on, 381; construction of, 382; most powerful electromagnetie
battery in body, 428.
Brandt, Dr. on water treatment of typhoid fever, 291.
Bread ^white, constipating, 136; whole grain, action of, 136.
Bright 's Disease how caused, 352.
Bromids benumb and paralyze brain and nerve centers, 70.
Buchanan, Dr. J. R. —on Periodicity, 269.
Buck, Dr. J. D. —quotation from "Music of the Spheres", 32.
Chronic Disease definition of, 24; cause of, 75; confirmation of
Nature Cure theories of origin, 204; time to cure, 227; must pull
the roots, 230; abtement of symptoms not cure, 231; should
chronic be left to fate, 232; natural treatment only hope of
chronic, 233; treatment of, 244; caused by suppression of acute
disease, 245; relation of cell life to, 246, 251; why meat has bad
effect, 251; cold water and manipulative treatment for, 252; air
and light baths, exercise, right mental attitude, 253 healing ;
crises, 258 ; do we fail, 264 law of crises dominates cure of, 266
healing crises, periodicity, 267 law of sevens in, 282 why many
; ;
not cured, 286-288 causes of uric acid diseases, 295 many caused
; ;
fats not safe even with plenty of vegetables, 364; only safe rule,
365, 367.
Digestion— action in intestines, 132 ; ferments necessary to, 298.
Digitalis effects of, 262.
Diphtheria caused by vaccination, 162; first described, 162-164;
antitoxin, after effects, 169; antitoxins for prevention, 170; sup-
pression shown in eyes, 172; no bad after effects under natural
treatment, 173; Deane on cause of, 173-175; letter from Hinton
White, 178.
Disease bacteria not cause of, 10; cause of disease bacteria, 11; see
also Microzyma; definition of acute, 23; definition of chronic, 24;
primary cause of acute, chronic, 23; is inharmonious vibration,
33; is Nature's effort to eliminate morbid matter, 35; primary
cause of, violation of Nature's laws, 37; manifestations of dis-
ease, diagrams, 38 ; unity of, 39 primary stages of, 40 negative,
Elimination methods of, 40, 72; process of, 94; through colds, 112;
of hereditary taints through smallpox, 165-168; through tonsDs,
181; leukorrhea, form of, 188; menses, form of, 198; by fevers,
etc., 215; from cells, 248; in chronic disease, 251; experiments
by Dr. Lahmann, sweating, etc., 263; of mineral poisons difficult,
303; effect of diet, 320; by fasting, 322; through natural organs
of depuration, 346.
Emotions influence of, 46; effect of, 471 effect of blind faith, 386;
Eruptions sycotic, milk scurf, measles, etc., 72 ; as healing crises, 212.
Eye Diagnosis see Iridiagnosis.
Faith —blind faith related to hypnotism, 386; without works danger-
ous, 450; rational faith justified, 459-462; increases inflow of
vital force, 472.
Fallopian Tubes obstruction of, 190.
Fasting in appendicitis, 138; fruit juice for drink in, 179; in typhoid,
292; when indicated, 323; induces abnormal psychism, 324; dan-
gers of, 325; in chronic disease, 366; procedure before, 328; fear
of unfounded, 329.
Fear and the germ theory, 52; effects of, 427.
Female — see Woman.
Germs originate from microzyma, 11, 99; see Bacteria.
Glands function of spleen and lymphatic, 92; engorgement of, 95;
effect of massage on, 97 effect of removal of thyroid and spleen,
Habits —^how to overcome bad habits and acquire good ones, 492, 493.
Hahnemann—210, 309.
—on acid poisoning,
Haig, Dr. uric 352.
Hardening op Arteries— see Arteriosclerosis.
Harmonics — with
relation 23; life, Buck, "Music of the Spheres",
32; established harmonic relations, 34; of health, 46, 418; soul
the harmony of life, mind the player, body the instrument, 420.
Headache Powders paralyze brain, results of use, 66.
Healing Crises see Crises.
Health definition of, 23, 33; positive, 41, 335, 344; resident in cell,
42 ; relation of thought to, 108.
Hellenbach on Periodicity, 272, 273.
Hemorrhoids chronic after effects of suppression of, 245.
Hendrick, Burton J. on cancer, 202-219.
Heredity new light on, 17; and acquired disease taints, 38; disease
tendencies, 49 ; taints eliminated through smallpox, lo4 ; in cancer,
209-210, 212, 222; of abnormal sexuality, 388.
High Blood Pressure — see Blood.
Hippocrates 60; on law of Periodicity in crises, 267; quotation
from Encyclopaedia Britannica, 267.
— —
History of Nature Cure, 18.
Homeopathy ^medicines, 299, 307; medicines, how prepared, how
act, 308; belladonna, 308; highpotency dose, 311; efficiency of
small dose, 313; and law of dual effect, 315; and law of crises,
316; economics of, 316; complement of Natural Therapeutics, 317.
Hoof and Mouth Disease news item, 152-154 government agent on, ;
Magic modus operandi of white and black, 314.
Magnetic treatment, how administered, 425, 440; difference between
magnetic treatment and hypnotism, 425 magnetic healer does not ;
Magnetism what it is, 334 in re life force, 351 effects in massage,
; ;
Malassimilation resulting from wrong treatment of typhoid, 118.
Malnutrition resulting from wrong treatment of typhoid, 118.
Malignant see Cancer and Tumors.
Manipulative Treatment internal, quotation Thure Brandt, 195 in ;
Marriage need of training for, 388; relations, 389.
Massage action of, 97; Thure Brandt, 195; internal stimulation
secured by, 420; effects of, 423; electromagnetic effects of, 424;
more positive the operator the more positive the effects of, 424.
Masturbation see Onanism.
Matter and vital force, 28-30 influence of mind over, 46.
Neuropathy definition of, 402.
Neurotherapy in chronic diseases, 252; definition of, 403; aims at
results other than correction of lesions, 419; treatment in acute
gastritis, 419.
Obsession —
— see
Obsonins 85.
Onanism (Masturbation) causes of, 387; effect of meat eating,
391; effects of, 392; how to regenerate, 393; parents should warn
children, 395.
Operations see Surgery.
Organic difference between organic and "live organized", 297, 337;
difference between organic disease and functional, 408; disease,
see Disease.
Organized live organized form of mineral salts, 295; difference
between organized and organic forms, 297, 337.
OsLER, Dr. —on medicine, 289-293.
Osmosis— 93.
Osteopathy— 400; school adheres
definition of, to allopathic idea of
acute diseases, 420.
— ;
relating to, 276; should not fear crisis periods, 277; law of sevens
applied to individual life, 278; law of sevens in febrile diseases,
281 in chronic diseases, 282 Nature Cure methods proved by
; ;
crises, 284.
Peritonitis natural treatment, 140.
Perspiration see Sweating.
Pessaries use of and effects, 194, 195.
Phagocytes Powell's theory of, 14; allopathio explanation, 84;
theory of inflammation, 89 see Leucocytes.
Pneumonia suppression by ice, 115 natural treatment, 116.
Polarity 41; health is satisfied polarity, 46; law of, 333; of sub-
stance, and life elements, 336; sexual, 342; mental and emotional,
342 psychical, 343.
Positive—health is, 41, 332, 344; what is, 335; food, 336; mineral
elements, carriers of life elements in lower kingdom, 341 ; quality
of sex, 342; the more positive the masseur the better effects of
massage, 424; aflGlrmations, 474.
Potency high potency doses of drugs, 307; are they effective, 311.
Powell, Dr. Thomas pathogenic theory, 14; theory of inflamma-
tion, 89; earlier statement in Nature Cure literature, 90; on leuco-
cytes, 95.
Prayer —must be backed by right 468; how living, shall we pray?
479right way
; pray, 481.
Pregnancy— of intercourse during, 388.
Priessnitz—founder of Nature Cure, 18.
"Principles of Bacteriology" —Aljbott, 349.
Protoplasm— 346-348.
ras, 335.
Quinin —symptoms and elimination of, 81; allopathic effect of, 316;
homeopathic effect of, 317.
— —
St. Vitus ' Dance caused by removal of tonsils and adenoids, 184.
Suggestion 439.
Suppression — inflammation by serums, 58;
of conventional treatment
of acute diseases is suppression, 68 ; of diarrhea, venereal diseases,
etc., 69, 70; of children's diseases, 72; the cause of chronic dis-
eases, 75, 245; cases of, 77; of inflammation, 85; results of,
during first stages of inflammation, 110; results of, during third
stage of inflammation, 114; by ice, 115; of last stages of inflam-
mation, 118; after effects of drug or ice treated typhoid, 118; of
diphtheria, 172, 173; by surgical treatment of tonsilitis and
adenoids, 181-185 ; of colds, etc., result in catarrhal condition of
genital organs, 188; not practiced by primitive races, 206; of
psora, cause of cancer, 210-212; mercury worst suppressant, 213;
of hemorrhoids causes paralysis, 245; of fever by chiropractic,
harmful effects of, 421-422.
Surgery promiscuous surgery not constructive, 25; suppressive, 68;
length of life after operation, 69; results of use of anesthetics,
122; when indicated, 122; extirpation not cure, 123; removal of
thyroid gland and spleen, 123, 124; effect of major operation,
125; obviated by natural treatment, 125; Zone Therapy in rela-
tion to, 126; after effects not immediately manifest, 127; on
genital organs, 128; warning against operations by surgeon, 132;
dangers of operation in appendicitis, 140; removal of hemor-
rhoids and appendix, a ease, 143 removal of tonsils and adenoids,
Unit human body a, 126.
Unity of Cure see Treatment.
Unity of Disease see Disease.
Uric Acid — see Acid.
Urine — acidity of, 366.
Vaccination —
discovery of, 145; has it exterminated smallpox? does
it protect? 146; after effects, 148; effect on mammary glands,
150; produces acute and chronic diseases, 151; after effects, a
case, 156-159; epUepsy caused by, a case, 159-161; signs in eye,
161; diphtheria caused by, 162-164; anterior poliomyelitis, caused
by, 164; cause of diphtheria, 173.
Vaccines 84; what they contain, 152; responsible for hoof and mouth
outbreak, 152 ; manufacture of, 153 ; calves producing vaccines
sold for meat, 155; results of shown in eye, 155; government
agent on hoof and mouth disease, 156; produce morbid matter,
Vedic Teaching 108. —
Vegetable extracts, how prepared and administered, 296; negative
vegetable diet, 325 ; kingdom, 336 ; diet may give animal magnet-
ism, 341.
Vegetarian Diet see Dietetics.
Venereal Diseases gonorrheal discharges and syphUitie ulcers sup-
pressed, 69; effects of suppression of, 77, 201; cured by natural
methods, 77; from vaccination, 148, 152; case of gonorrheal
infection, 191 ; cause of secondary and tertiary syphilis, 213.
Vibration and life, 30; in health and disease, 46; four ranges of
vibration control kingdoms of Nature, 336; mechanical electrical
vibration too coarse for human bodies and treatment of disease,
429; vibratory quality of aura constitutes attraction or repulsion,
430; spiritual love highest vibratory activity of the soul, 431; of
magnetic healer must be harmonious, 432; constructive, destruc-
tive, 463 ; emotional, 471.
Violation op Nature 's Laws see Natural Law.
Vital Force —definition
28; economy of, 40, 351; not derived from
food and drink, when vital force leaves body at death, production
of vital energy ceases, 428.
Vitality— lowered, 38, 41, 370increase, 373
; to ; reserve, 375 ; storing
of during sleep, 378.
ViTAMiNES —meaning 341. of,
ViTOCHEMiCAL— element, 336, 339; vitochemical
life energy from life
force, 426.
Water treatment, see Hydrotherapy.
White Blood Corpuscles see Leucocytes and Phagocytes.
White, Hinton letter from in re diphtheria case, 178.
Will Power benumbed by stimulants, 377; benumbed by hypnotism,
384; strengthening of, 492; can control electromagnetic energies
and blood flow, 478,
Woman's Ailments primitive woman exempt from, abnormal men-
struation result of, 187-188; leukorrhea, caused by, 188, 189; birth
control, 189; curetment of womb, 189; extirpation of organs not
cure, natural treatment can cure, 191; case of gonorrheal infec-
tion, 191-192; prolapsus and displacement of genital organs,
192-193; unhygienic clothing, 193-194; pessaries, 194; natural
treatment, 195; result of womb operation in later pregnancy,
196; climacteric, causes of disturbances accompanying, 197-198;
menses, 198 climacteric under allopathic treatment, 199, 200.
Womb see Genital Organs.
Xanthins —what are they, 90.
X-Ray— in cancer, 203, 224.
In the Sanitariums facilities are provided for the thor-
ough, conscientious treatment of those who are unable
to undertake their treatment at home. There are many
serious conditions which require supervision and treat-
ment by experienced physicians and nurses. The Sani-
tariums provide the proper facilities and ideal environ-
ment for carrying out the natural regimen and for ad-
ministering the various methods of natural treatment.
Diagnosis. To begin with, a careful analysis is made of
every patient's condition to determine the exact nature
of his ailments and the degree of his vitality and recuper-
ative powers. For this purpose advantage is taken of all
the latest and best methods of diagnosis. These include
1. Physical Diagnosis. Each patient is subjected to a
thorough physical examination.
2. Laboratory Analysis. Examinations are made of the
patients' blood, sputum and urine and, if necessary, also
of stomach contents and of feces. Records are kept and
comparisons made from time to time with previous anal-
yses in order to determine the degree of improvement.
3. Diagnosis from the Eye. The iris of the eye holds
records of many abnormal changes in structure and func-
tion as they occur in the body. Upon the patient's en-
trance to our institution the records in the iris are care-
fully noted, and signs of improvement are recorded dur-
ing the course of treatment.
4. Spinal Analysis, according to the various systems of
manipulative treatment, offers a valuable addition to diag-
nostic science. It reveals mechanical interference with the
circulation of vital fluids and of nerve currents and points
out the best methods of correction.
5. Basic Diagnosis. In this we possess a valuable
method for determining the general constitutional tend-
encies toward health or disease and for prognosing the
chances of recovery in any given case. The findings are
based on the relative strength and activity of the three
principal organ systems of the body, viz., the digestive,
respiratory and reproductive systems.
6. X-Ray Diagnosis. "Wherever necessary the X-Ray is
The essential element in curative treatment is a natural
environment in which the patient is provided with proper
food and subjected to the beneficial influences of the great
natural curative forces found in sunlight, air and inti-
mate contact with mother earth. But these regenerative
influences are not sufficient to bring about marked im-
provement or recovery in serious chronic cases.
"Chronic" means that the system can no longer help it-
self, that the cells and organs have become so encum-
This department has been established for the benefit of
tiose who are not sick enough to need institutional treat-
ment or those who for some reason are not able to take
advantage of it. These patients may receive advice and
special instructions by mail or telegraph. Dr. Lindlahr
takes entire charge of this work and daily dictates letters
and telegrams to sufferers all over the country who are
relying on his advice to make them whole again. Details
regarding this department will be mailed on request.
Transient Treatment Department. Both in Elmhurst
and in Chicago a department is maintained for transient
patients. Besides their treatments these patients receive
instructions in diet, home treatment and natural living.
Exceptional opportunities are offered to young men and
women desiring a vocational training.
The college department is maintained at the expense of
the institution for the education of physicians, nurses and
For this purpose a number of courses of instruction have
been arranged to meet the ever growing demand.
This department is maintained for the purpose of
spreading the New Gospel of Natural Living and Healing.
Yearly thousands of tracts, booklets and other forms of
literature are published and distributed to bring light to
the ignorant and hope to the sufferer. Dr. Henry Lind-
lahr is now completing six most valuable volumes whose
contents will cover the entire field of Natural Thera-
The first book written by Dr. Lindlahr was entitled
**Nature Cure Philosophy and Practice." It was a monu-
mental work which gave for the first time a correct and
scientific exposition of Nature Cure philosophy and prac-
tice in the English language. The subject matter of the
first publication has been thoroughly revised and en-
In our methods of examination, as well as in treatment, we
combine all that has proved true and efficient in all systems from
the oldest to the most advanced, whether "orthodox" or "irreg-
ular," provided it conforms to the fundamental laws of cure.
Our examination includes family and personal history, thorough
examination of all organs, spinal analysis by osteopathic, chiro-
practic, and other manipulative methods, diagnosis from the eye,
inspection and examination of the eyes, nose, mouth, and teeth,
X-Ray examinations when indicated, and psycho-analysis.
A booklet containing a complete copy of the examination reports
is furnished to the patient. This should be preserved for reference
and comparison with future examinations.
Rates reasonable and consistent with benefits received.
Courteous attention given to all correspondence.
Send for free literature.
Address all communications to
The Lindlahr Nature Cure Institutes
509 to 529 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago, 111.
Progressive College
OF Chiropractic
Chartered under the Laws of the State of Illinois
515 South Ashland Blvd., Chicago, 111.
Volume II
Volume in
The recipe for the famous Health Bread, used at The Lindlahr
Sanitarium and Health Resort is given on page 210.
Volume VI
Henry Lindlahr, M.D.
The Science of Reading Internal Conditions of Health and Disease
from Nature's Records in the Iris of the Eye
To the Physician It offers another valuable method of
To the Iiayman —ailments.
By observing the changing signs in the
eyes enables the layman to ascertain whether the internal
changes in tlie body are tending toward health or disease.
Iridiagrnosis thus furnishes an unfailing test by which to
detei'mine whetlier a person's habits of living and the treat-
ment of ins ailments are constructive or destructive.
We do not claim, that Iridiagnosis is all sufficient, that it
reveals all diseases or all abnormal conditions this cannot
be said of any one method of diagnosis but
We do assert and prove positively that Nature's records
in tlie iris reveal mahy diagnostic secrets which cannot be
discovered in any other way.
Every organ and part of the body is represented in the
iris ofthe eye in a well defined area.
By means ol: various marks, signs, abnormal colors or dis-
coloratiuns in the organ areas of the iris Nature reveals:
Hereditary and congenital diseases.
Acute and chronic inflammatory or catarrhal condi-
Xiocal lesions and destruction of tissue.
The presence and location of drug poisons.
Structural changes caused by accidental injury or
surgical operations the latter modified by anesthesia.
The nature of Healing" Crises which must be passed
on tile read to health. No conscientious physician or
intelligent layman can afford to be ignorant of this
wonderful science.
Profusely illustrated witli charts, eye drawings from
life and a color plate displaying the color signs of drug
jioisons, psora spots, nerve rings, lymphatic rosary, scurf
ring, etc. From the artistic and scientific standpoint these
illustrations aie the best and most accurate ever produced.
For the first time tliey make it possible to ac(iuire a prac-
tical knowledge of Iridology from a text book.