Common Denominator Elements of DEFAMATION (LIBEL) : Any Act, Omission, Status or Circumstance
Common Denominator Elements of DEFAMATION (LIBEL) : Any Act, Omission, Status or Circumstance
Common Denominator Elements of DEFAMATION (LIBEL) : Any Act, Omission, Status or Circumstance
a Committed by oral means
a That the offender is a reporter, editor or ma-
nager of a newspaper daily or magazine
a That he publishes facts concerned with the
private life of another
a Tat such facts are offensive to the honor, vir-
tue and reputation of said person
Modes of committing
l Simulation of births
An unpregnant woman takes another's child
as her own.
a That the offender has been legally married
a That the marriage has not been legally dissolved
or, in case his or her spouse is absent, the
absent spouse could not be presumed dead
according to Civil Code
a That he contracts a second or subsequent mar-
a That the second or subseuent marriag has all
the essential requsites for validity
a The offender contracted marriage
a That he knew at that time that --
a. the requirements of the law were not com-
plied with; or
b. the marriage was in disregard of a legal
Qualified Offense
a If consent of another was obtained by means
of violance, intimidation or fraud
Modes of committing
a A widow who married within 301 days from
the date of the death of her husband, or having
delivered if she is pregnant at the time of his
a A woman who, her marriage having been an-
nulled or dissolved, married before her delivery
or before the expiration of the period of 301 days
after the date of the legal separation
a That the woman is married
a That she has sexual intercourse with a man not
her husband
a That as regards the man with whom she has
sexual intercourse, he must know her to be
a That the man must be married
a That he committed any of the following acts:
Modes of Commission
a. Keeping a mistress in the conjugal dwelling
b. Having sexual intercourse under scandalous
circustances with a woman who is not his wife
c. Cohabiting with her in any other place
a That as regards the woman, she must know
him to be married
a That the offender commits any act of lasci- If there is no lewd design
viousness of lewdness = coercion (grave or light)
a That the act of lasciviousness is committed
against a person of either sex Common Denominator
a That it is done under any of the following cir- Absence of carnal knowledge
cumstances; Acts of Lasciviousness
a. By using force or intimidation; or The acts are committed under
b. When the offended party is deprived of circumstances the same as
reason or otherwise unconcious rape
c. By means of fraudulent machination or Art. 339 AL with consent
grave abuse of authority The acts are committed under
d. When the offended party is under 12 years circumstances the same as
of age or is demented seduction
l Seduction of a virgin over 12 years and under If under 12 years old, statutory
18 years of age by certain persons, such as, a rape.
person in authority, priest, teacher, etc
a That the offended party is a virgin, which is
presumed if she is unmarried and of good
a That she must be over 12 and under 18 y/o
a That the offender has sexual intercourse with
a That there is abuse of autority, confidence or
relationship on the part of the offender
a That the offended party is over 12 and under
18 years of age
a That she must be of good reputation, single or
a That the offender has sexual intercourse with
a That it is committed by means of deceit
Art. 339 Acts of lasciviousness with the consent of the The requisites prescribed by
offended party either qualified or simple
seduction are present, except
Elements carnal knowledge.
a That the offender commits acts of lasciviosness
or lewdness
a That the acts are committed upon a woman
who is virgin or single or widow of good re-
putation, under 18 years of age but over 12 years,
or a sister or descendant regardless of her reputa-
tion or age
a That the offender accomplishes the acts by
abuse of authority, confidence, relationship,
or deceit
Qualified Offense
a If committed by a public officer or employee
Modes of committing
l Engaging in the business of prostitution
l Profiting by prostitution
l Enlisting the services of women for the pur-
pose of prostitution