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Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - December 2008 - Volume 12 - Issue 3 132
Rastogi et al.: Health risk of tanneries workers
133 Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - December 2008 - Volume 12 - Issue 3
Rastogi et al.: Health risk of tanneries workers
Table 2: Physical characteristics and smoking prevalence Table 3: Respiratory symptoms observed among the exposed
among the leather tanners and controls and the control group
Parameters Exposed (n = 197) Controls (n = 117) Respiratory Controls (n = 117) Exposed (n = 197)
(mean, SD) (mean, SD) symptoms (N, %) (N, %)
Age (years) 35.5 + 10 38.6 + 11 Dry/productive cough 2 1.7 11 5.58
Height (cm) 164.5 + 4.82 165.8 + 5.20 Throat irritation 1 0.85 7 3.55
Weight (kg) 54.6 + 6.8 57.2 + 5.9 Chest congestion 1 0.85 6 3.04
Exposed period (years) 8.8 + 3.20 – Nasal catarrh 1 0.85 5 2.53
Smoking prevalence (%) 83 + 42.1 56 + 47.8 Dyspnoea – 4 2.03
Overall 5 4.27 33 16.7
Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - December 2008 - Volume 12 - Issue 3 134
Rastogi et al.: Health risk of tanneries workers
135 Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - December 2008 - Volume 12 - Issue 3