Love Knows No Borders: Solo, Duet or SSA
Love Knows No Borders: Solo, Duet or SSA
Love Knows No Borders: Solo, Duet or SSA
Solo or unison
8 10 12
From lands of the sun - rise, from isles of the sea, Though o - ceans di -
(From) na - tions far sun - dered, from earth's far - thest shore, From cas - tle and
14 16 div. 18
vide us and miles lie be - tween, Come ga - ther in spi - rit with shep - herds of
cot - tage where Je - sus is Lord, Come sing with the an - gels, with voi - ces made
old 'round Beth - le - hem's cra - dle, our hea - ven - ly King to be - hold.
one, A - scend - ing to hea - ven in praise of the Fa - ther's own Son.
26 28 30
For love knows no bor - ders, and love knows no bounds, Re - joice ye to -
32 34 1. 36 2. 38
40 42 44
52 54 56
rich and no poor, nei - ther bonds - men nor free, And we who re - cieve Him must
creed, No rich and no poor, nor bonds - men nor free, And we who re -
58 60 62
68 70 72
74 76