Section A
Section A
Section A
I plan to collect data for my assignment purpose on the "Vulnerability Evaluation" of the "Tokyo
cement" management information system. I am therefore asking you humbly to take part in our
survey by filling out this form. I assume that this questionnaire should take less than ten minutes
to fill in. This data is only used for this reason of analysis and is kept confidential.
I hope that you can distribute this to your company employee’s and have them request to answer
it. Your responses will greatly influence the improvement of our educational system. All
information provided will be treated strictly as confidential and purely for academic purpose.
Looking forward to your favorable responds.
Yours faithfully,
This section of question is particularly use for some background information about you
Please select the suitable answer by tick correctly in the provided box.
1. Gender (Tick one only)
Male ☐ Female ☐
2. Age
18-25 years ☐ 25–30 years ☐
Company name:
Please indicate the tick (x) which you agree or disagree with the statement
Strongly agree = 5; Agree = 4; Disagree = 3; strongly disagree = 2; No idea = 1