Malaysian Legal Law
Malaysian Legal Law
Malaysian Legal Law
INTRODUCTION TO • Introduction
• What is ‘Law’?
• Law as Rules
• Legal Concepts
• Classification of Law
• Settling Disputes
• Sources of Malaysian Law
BT20403 COMMERCIAL LAW • Courts and the Administration of Justice
• Malaysian laws shaped by local history & culture. • Most important areas of social organizations in a
legal system:
• Malaysian legal system derives many traditions
from English legal system. Political system: the way society is governed
Economic system: ownership, production &
• A legal system is the framework of rules & distribution of society’s resources
regulations within a nation regulating Moral standards: what constitutes
individuals’ relations with each other & with acceptable & unacceptable behaviours
Social interactions: relationships between
3 4
• Law means different things to different people • According to Karl Marx, a German socialist, law is
depending on their experience of it. an instrument used by capitalists to control
the working class.
• E.g.. Throughout history, many people have given
their opinion on what law is. • Emile Durkheim, a sociologist, on the other hand,
commented that society is held together by law.
• Law has been defined as a body of enacted or
customary rules recognized by the community as • While Lord Devlin, a famous English judge, stated
binding. that law is based on morality and religion.
5 6
• Sir John Salmond defined law as a body of • From the above views, it seems that law means
principles recognized and applied by the many things to different people.
State in the administration of justice.
• Last but not least, John Austin regarded law as • However, law does have the following
a command by a superior being to an characteristics, namely:
inferior being and it is followed by a legal
sanction if the law is not obeyed. 1. Law is normative in character;
2. Law is capable of change over time;
• It has a coercive( fear) effect. It threatens you to 3. Law carries a sanction or punishment for
obey it. disobedience.
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(1) Law is normative in character
• This means that law regulates our behaviour in (3) Law carries a sanction or punishment for
society. disobedience
• The most basic way of doing this is through legal • In order for people to obey the law, sanction or
rules. Rules tell us what to do and what not to do. punishment is given if there is a breach of law.
• Punishment ensures that the law is followed or
• There are many types of punishment and these
(2) Law is capable of change over time depend on the type of wrongdoing committed.
• Law does not remain the same year in year out. • Such punishment include death penalty, fine,
• As society changes due to advances in knowledge, imprisonment etc.
like science and technology, the law too must
change so that it can regulate the new activities.
9 10
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The right to a hearing or audi alteram • In this way, we can say that the law reflects
partem, which states that when a person is morality.
accused of any wrongdoing, he must be given
an opportunity to give his side of the story. 20
• E.g. The case of a witness who lies while giving • Legal freedom, therefore, refers to the idea of
evidence at a trial. Once a person has taken an limited freedom, not absolute freedom.
oath or made a promise to tell the truth and does
not, such a person can be punished for the crime
of perjury.
21 22
• Private or civil law, on the other hand, is
concerned with the rights and liabilities of individual • In some instances, an act can give rise to both a
parties or citizens among themselves. crime and a civil wrong.
• Areas of law include the law of contract, law of • For example, in an accident, the victim will lodge a
torts or civil wrongs, family law and law of police report on the accident. The person who
property. caused the accident may be prosecuted for
dangerous driving, which is a criminal offence if he
caused the victim to suffer injuries or even the
• The law of contract deals with agreements made death of anyone involved in the accident.
between parties which are enforceable under the Furthermore, the victim can also sue the
law. The law of torts deals with legal responsibilities wrongdoer under the tort of negligence for causing
the law places on individuals in society. If they do damage to his car and claim damages in
not live up to these responsibilities, they may be compensation.
sued. 25 26
• Litigation – involves going to court, which can
• Conciliation – is similar to mediation but cost a lot of money and takes time. The judge
here, the 3rd party (conciliator) takes a more will hear both sides of the disputes and make a
active role in suggesting the terms of binding decision based on the evidence
settlement or even gives opinion on the presented in court and according to the rules of
dispute. procedure. Any party unhappy with the decision
may appeal to a higher court.
• Arbitration – a 3rd party called an
arbitrator settles the dispute by making a • Ombudsman – are independent, impartial
decision which binds the parties. It is a adjudicators of complaints about bad or
formal process and the arbitrator is a person maladministration in government departments
who has special knowledge of the dispute. and particular services in the public and private
sectors. They do fact-finding, mediation and
adjudication in various levels through which
complaints by consumers are settled.
31 32
• The doctrine of Separation of Powers reflects • 3 arms or bodies of power:
the view “absolute power corrupts absolutely” by
Lord John Acton in 1887. Legislative power _ the power to make laws
• Separation of powers allows a system of checks Executive power – the power to govern and
and balances to take place so that one arm or enforce the law to ensure that it is
body of power can check the other in such a way implemented and followed
that there is a balance or peace in society.
Judicial power – the power to interpret the
law made by the Parliament and to settle any
disputes about the law.
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• Art. 4(1) of the Malaysian Federal • Repco Holdings Bhd v Public Prosecutor
Constitution provides that: [1997] 3 MLJ 681.
“This Constitution is the supreme law of the • The court declared both s. 126(2) of the Securities
Federation and any law passed after Merdeka Industry Act and s. 39(2) of the Securities
Day which is inconsistent with this Commission Act to be unconstitutional, null
Constitution shall, to the extent of the and void as they wholly contravene Art. 145 (3)
inconsistency, be void.” of the Federal Constitution.
• It is an important source of laws because it allows • Subsidiary legislation or delegated legislation
law reform to take place; and that (sometimes is referred to as by-laws) refers to a
codification and consolidation can easily be law made or passed by a body or agency
carried out. other than the Parliament or state
legislative assembly (e.g. Ministers, statutory
bodies, district councils, etc.).
(i) Judicial precedent (ii) Statutory interpretation
When a judge makes a decision, his decision will be When judges interpret statutes, they may have
followed by other judges in similar cases later (this to give meaning to the words in a statute
is known as binding judicial precedent or because it is not clearly stated in the statute/Act
doctrine of stare decisis). itself.
However, judges may have to apply the law to a Sometimes, it may not be clear if the Act applies
new situation in a case. When they do this, they to a particular case. The judge will then interpret
may find that the law as it is does not cover this the Act in question.
particular situation. They will then have to create The meaning given to the words in the statute
new legal reasoning or principles to apply in this adds to the law. In this way, the judge is said to
case (this is known as ratio decidendi) and this be creating law.
will then become the precedent for future cases
involving the same issues although the facts may
be different.
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in Sarawak, apply the English common law and • The application of the law of England throughout
rules of equity, together with statutes of Malaysia is subject to 2 limitations:
general application, as administered in England
on the 12th December 1949 (s.3(1)(c)). It is applied only in the absence of local
statutes on a particular subject, and the
local law takes precedence over English law
(only applicable whenever there is lacunae in
the law); and
• With regards to commercial law, s.5(1) • Whereas for Penang, Malacca, Sabah and
provides that all questions or issues which arise Sarawak, s.5(2) provides that the English
or have to be decided in Peninsular Malaysia commercial law shall applicable shall be the
(except Penang and Malacca) with respect to same as administered in England, in the like
commercial matters (law of partnership, case at the corresponding period.
corporations, banking, principal and agent,
carriers by air, land and sea, marine insurance, • As a result of s.3 and s.5 of the Civil Law Act,
life and policy insurance and with respect to English principles continue to apply in Malaysia
mercantile law generally), the law to be applied until today.
shall be the same as administered in
England at the date of the coming into force
of this Act, which is 7 April 1956.
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• The Federal Constitution is divided into different
• As the Federal Constitution is really a backbone of parts and each part of the Constitution contain
our legal system, it cannot easily be changed or Articles which provides the following:
amended. The name, States and territories of the Federation;
Religion of the Federation;
• This is why in order to change or amend the Supreme law of the Federation;
Constitution, a two thirds’ (2/3) majority of the
members of the Parliament must agree to it Fundamental liberties;
(Art.159). Citizenship;
The Federation – the Yang Dipertuan Agong,
Conference of Rulers, the Executive, Federal
• Acts or statutes, on the other hand, can be Legislature (Parliament), legislative procedures;
amended by a simple majority.
The States – Rulers and Yang Dipertuan Negeri,
57 Legislative Assembly; 58
Relations between the Federation and the States; • Each state in the Federation of Malaysia has its own
Financial provisions; constitution regulating the government of that
Elections; State.
The Judiciary;
Public services; • The provisions of the State Constitution have
Special powers against subversion, emergency been clearly outlined and enumerated in the 8th
powers; Schedule to the Federal Constitution.
General and miscellaneous, e.g. national
language, federal capital, amendment of • Some of the matters, which State Constitutions deal
constitutions; with, concerns the Ruler, the Executive Council, the
Additional protection for Sabah and Sarawak; legislature, namely the Legislative Assembly,
Temporary and transitional provisions; and financial provisions and the amendment of the
Savings for Ruler’s sovereignty, etc. 59 constitution. 60
• The head of the judiciary is the Chief Justice. • The hierarchy of the courts is actually a description
of the court structure from the lowest court to the
• The judicial power of Malaysia is vested in: highest court. It is part of the judicial system.
1) The Superior courts, namely the Federal • The general rule about the doctrine of
Court, the Court of Appeal, the High Courts, precedents is that the decisions of the higher
and court bind the lower courts and some courts
are bound by their own decisions.
2) The Subordinate courts, namely the
Sessions Court, the Magistrate’s Court, and
other court(s).
63 64
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• The Federal Court has jurisdiction in matters 4. To give its opinion on any question
including: referred to it by the Yang Di Pertuan
Agong (YDPA) concerning the effect of any
1. To hear civil and criminal appeals from provision of the Constitution which has
decisions of the COA; already arisen or appears likely to arise –
2. To exercise exclusive original Government of Malaysia v Government
jurisdiction on those matters conferred to it of Kelantan [1968] 1 MLJ 129.
under Art. 128(1) and (2) of the Federal
3. To determine constitutional questions
which have arisen in the proceedings of the
High Court but referred to the Federal Court
for a decision;
67 68
• The Court of Appeal – The COA constitutes the • The High Courts - The High Court has 2 Chief
President of the Court of Appeal and up to 10 COA Justices, one in Peninsular Malaysia and one in
judges. It is heard by 3 judges or such greater Sabah and Sarawak. The High Court is the court of
uneven number of judges. The COA hears appeals original, appellate and supervisory jurisdiction.
from decisions of the High Court:
• Any appeal against a High Court decision on 1. In its original jurisdiction, it has unlimited
criminal matters; civil and criminal power. It can hear any
• Any civil appeal which involves a claim of matter which can be heard by a lower court and
at least RM250,000. where the cause of action arose in Malaysia or
where a party has a place of business here. In
Where an appeal has been heard and disposed of by criminal matters, however, no case may be
the COA, it has no power to review the case, i.e.. it brought to the High Court unless the offender
has no power to re-open, re-hear nor to re-examine has been committed for a trial after the
its decision for whatever purpose – Lye Thai Sang preliminary hearing in the Magistrate Court.
& Anor v Faber Merlin SB [1986]. 69 70
• Sessions Courts – The Sessions Court is the • Magistrate’s Courts – The Magistrate’s Court is
highest of the subordinate courts, and is headed by presided over by a magistrate (1st-class or 2nd-class
a Sessions Court judge. magistrate).
• Its criminal jurisdiction includes all offences other • A 1st-class magistrate is legally qualified and must be
than those involving death sentences. a member of the Judicial and Legal Service of the
• It is also empowered to hear civil cases where Federation while a 2nd-class magistrate is usually a
the amount or the subject matter in dispute civil servant and court official who is not legally
does not exceed RM250,000. Cases involving qualified.
sum larger than this must be tried in the High • A 1st-class magistrate can hear matters in which the
Court. maximum term of imprisonment provided by
• Generally the following matters cannot be dealt with law does not exceed 10 years imprisonment
by a Sessions Court – injunctions, specific or which are punishable with fine only and
performance or rescission of contracts, probate, offences under s.392 and s.457 of the Penal
divorce, bankruptcy etc. Code.
73 74
• In civil matters, it can hear cases where the • Penghulu’s Court – In Peninsular Malaysia, this is
amount or the value of the subject matter in the lowest subordinate court. It is headed by a
dispute does not exceed RM25,000. A 1st-class Penghulu (the head of the village), appointed by a
magistrate has jurisdiction to hear both criminal state government for a particular province (mukim).
and civil appeals from any decision of the
Penghulu’s Court.
• The power of the Penghulu is exercised informally.
His jurisdiction to hear and determine proceedings is
•A 2nd-classmagistrate can hear criminal matters for limited to cases involving amounts of up to RM50.
which the term of imprisonment is not more
than 12 months or only a fine. For civil matters,
it can try original actions or suits not exceeding • The criminal jurisdiction of the Penghulu Court is
RM3 thousand. restricted to the trial of offences of a minor nature,
which are listed in “Penghulu’s Kuasa” and are
punishable with a fine of not more than RM25.
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• The court is closed to members of the public in • Native Courts are empowered to try:
order to protect the young offender from publicity. 1. cases arising from breach of native law or
custom, e.g. those relating to religious or
matrimonial matters;
• If the offender is found guilty, he or she may be sent
to one of the approved institutions or schools where 2. cases involving land where there is no titled
he or she is given corrective education. For capital issued by the Land Office;
offences, the child will be detained in prison at the 3. civil cases (excluding land) where the value of
pleasure of the YDPA (s.91-s.97 CA) the subject matter does not exceed RM50
and all parties are subject to the same native
system of personal law.
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• Syariah Courts – There is a parallel system of • The Industrial Courts – In addition to the
state Syariah Courts which has limited jurisdiction ordinary law courts, there are also other tribunals
over matters of state Islamic (Syariah) law such as the Industrial Court which exercise
(Art.121(1A) of the Federal Constitution). judicial or quasi-judicial functions.
• The Syariah Courts have jurisdiction only over • The Industrial Court, constituted under the
matters involving Muslims. Industrial Relations Act 1967, deals primarily
with trade disputes and therefore has jurisdiction
over matters concerning employers, employees and
• The Syariah Court can generally only pass sentences trade unions. It consists of a President appointed by
of not more than 3 years imprisonment, a fine of up the YDPA and a panel of persons appointed by the
to RM5,000, and/or up to 6 strokes of the cane. Minister of Law. This panel consists of a group
representing employers and a group representing
79 workmen. 80
Syariah Syariah
• Upon independence in 1957, by an agreement
between Her Majesty The Queen and His Majesty
Court Court
The YDPA, and by virtue of Art. 131 of the
Court Sessions Native
Court Court
Federal Constitution, the Privy Council
Magistrate’s continued to function as the highest court in
Malaysia, formally advising the YDPA on the
determination of appeals from the Federal Court. 84
• Privy Council appeals on criminal and
constitutional matters were abolished on 1
January 1978. Civil appeals were abolished
on 1 January 1985, whereupon the Federal
Court was renamed the ‘Supreme Court of