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Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies & Management 11(5): 514 – 525, 2018.

ISSN:1998-0507 doi: https://ejesm.org/doi/v11i5.1

Submitted: March 22, 2018 Accepted: August 27. 2018




Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management, University for
Development Studies, P. O. Box TL 1882, Tamale, Ghana
CSIR-Water Research Institute, Aquaculture Research and Development Center,
Akosombo, Ghana
Department of Applied Biology, University for Development Studies, P. O. Box NV 24,
Navrongo, Ghana
*Corresponding author: emmanuelkombat@yahoo.com

The aim of the study was to identify and estimate the prevalence and intensity of the
infestation of common ectoparasites on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from cage
culture systems at Mpakadam in the Asuogyaman District of the Eastern Region of Ghana.
A total of 210 individual fish samples were collected. The total length of the samples was
measured and they were grouped into phases according to their sizes as Initial Phase (0.1cm
- 7.0cm), Intermediate Phase (7.1cm - 12.0cm) and Final Phase (12.1cm - 18.0cm). Each
sample was then examined for ectoparasites with the aid of a light microscope and hand
lens. Specific parts of the fish, thus the skin, gills, fins and eyes were examined.
Measurement of water quality parameters of the water in the cages were also taken
bimonthly throughout the study period. The study was conducted from December, 2016 to
April, 2017. Out of 210 fish samples examined, 94 samples representing 44.76 % were
infested with ectoparasites. 42.30% of the 78 samples within the initial phase were infested,
43.75 % of 96 samples with the intermediate phase were also infested, while 52.80 % of 36
samples of final phase were infested. Six species of ectoparasites namely, Trichodina sp.,
Diplostomum sp., Argulus sp., Dactyogyrus sp., Lernaea sp. and Ichthyophthirius miltifilis
were identified. Parasites were found on all examined parts of the fish with the skin being
the most infested part of the host. The prevalence and the mean intensity (MI) of parasites
on the host were relatively low. All physico-chemical parameters measured were within the
optimum values for tilapia culture as compared to the standard requirement for tilapia
culture under cage system. The level of intensity of ectoparasites observed in this study,
arguably will not pose a major threat to the fish on the farm in the area. However, critical
attention should be given to the farm by employing best aquaculture management
practices to prevent disease outbreaks due to intensification of ectoparasites.
Key Words: Tropo farms, Mpakadam, Cage culture system, Asuogyaman District, Nile

This work is licensed to the publisher under the Creative Commons Attributions License 4.0

Ectoparasite Infestation of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) in Cage Culture................ALHASSAN et al.

Introduction nondomestic animals (Klinger and

The fisheries sector in Ghana has over Francis-floyd, 2002).
the past twenty years suffered a slow According to Thatcher and Brites-
growth of 3% per annum (FAO, 2016) and Neto (1994) and Pavanelli et al. (2008),
Ghana is presently not self-sufficient in several diseases and parasites can affect
fish production as demand for fish and fish Oreochromis niloticus production and
products continue to increase with the some of such parasites that frequently
increasing population growth. Efforts are parasitize this fish species, include the
now made by the government and other protozoan ciliates and the monogenoids.
entities to promote and encourage Monogenoids are considered to be
aquaculture production in the quest to responsible for the most important
maximize fish production in the country as parasitic disease in Brazilian fish farming
a means of ensuring food security and because they can cause high mortality
poverty alleviation (Water Research rates. The presence of these parasites in
Institute, 2012). fish gills can cause hypersecretion of
The Cage Culture Technology of mucus, cell hyperplasia, and even fusion
producing fish has become common in of the filaments of gill lamellae, reducing
many parts of the world since it makes use the host’s respiratory capacity (Thatcher
of already-existing water resources and and Brites-Neto, 1994 and Pavanelli et al.,
requires less investment than traditional 2008).
aquaculture ponds (Ono and Kubitza, In Ghana, there is paucity of
2003). Common problems normally information on the distribution and
associated with cage-culture systems abundance of pathogens in aquatic
include nutritional deficiency, inadequate ecosystems. This makes it difficult to
handling, and poor water quality. These identify the groups of disease-causing
problems caused stressful conditions in organisms in aquaculture in order to
fish and can foster infectious and parasitic develop preventive and control measures
diseases (Cavichiolo et al., 2002; Martins (Baidoo et al., 2015). Concerns about fish
et al., 2002) which have negative diseases and parasitic infestation have
repercussions on fish growth and survival. existed for years yet little scientific
The negative impact of parasites on host evidence is available on the subject in
growth and survival has been Ghana. Parasitic infections of fish can be
demonstrated in several parasite-fish host a major setback in achieving maximum
systems both in aquaculture and in natural production per unit area of culture. As the
population (Bichi and Dawaki, 2010; development of aquaculture is advancing,
Yanong, 2002). Fish related parasites one essential issue that is yet to be
causes profound pathological changes addressed is the prevention of economic
which lowers the growth rhythm of fish losses in cages due to improper
considerably, affects the quality of the fish management practices which has a direct
and often leads to death of fish, resulting link to parasite infestation. Therefore,
in enormous economic losses to the fish knowing about ectoparasite infestation of
industry (Geets and Ollevier, 1996). Some fish in cage systems is something of
parasites relating to fish are transmissible greater concern but very little work has
to man and other fish- eating domestic and been done on parasite infestation in

Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management Vol. 11 no.5 2018

Ghana. This study is however designed to of Ghana for examination. The samples
identify and compile the various were collected from 6 m × 6 m ×6 m
ectoparasites and their rate of infestation cages. The study was conducted within
on the Nile tilapia, O. niloticus cultured in five months (December, 2016 – April,
cages at Mpakadam in the Eastern Region 2017). Sampling was carried out
of Ghana. bimonthly within the study period.
Preparation and Processing of Samples
Materials and methods The total length of all 210 specimens
Study Area were measured and they were grouped
The study was conducted at Tropo into phases according to their sizes as
farms, an aquaculture facility located at Initial Phase (0.1cm - 7.0cm),
Mpakadam which is along the Lake Volta Intermediate Phase (7.1cm - 12.0cm) and
in the Asuogyaman District of the Eastern Final Phase (12.1cm - 18.0cm). The total
Region of Ghana. It is located on latitude length was measured from the tip of the
6° 34′ N and 6° 10′ N. the longitude is on snout to the extreme end of the caudal fin
0° 1′ W and 0° 14′ E. The topography of and recorded in centimetre using a metre
the area is undulating and the climatic rule dissecting board. The weights of the
condition is within the Dry Equatorial fish were measured by placing the
Climatic zone. It has bi-modal rainfall. individual fish on weighing scales and the
Tropo farms is the largest tilapia readings were taken to the nearest 0.1
production facility in Ghana and the grams. The fish samples were again
second largest in Africa. There are three separated into groups per their weight as
(3) types of cages with different sizes and follows: 0.1 g – 30.0 g; 30.1 g – 60.0 g;
shape on the farm. These are 6 x 6 x 6 m, 60.1 g – 90.0 g; 90.1 g – 120.0 g.
12 x 12 x 12 m and the last type are a Laboratory Examination of Samples
circular cages. The farm have offshore The external parts (skin and the skin
facilities which are mostly the circular mucus, fins, gills, eyes and the scales) of
cages and inshore facilities. The cages are the O. niloticus samples were examined
arranged parallel to each other and for parasites using a prepared wet slide
grouped into nursery units and production which were viewed under light
units. There were about 240 cages on the microscope and magnified hand lens. The
farm at the time of study. These comprised fish samples were examined in accordance
of 195 cages with sizes 6 x 6x 6 m and 45 to the method describe by Paperna (1996)
cages with sizes 12 x 12 x 12 m. and parasites atlas (Barker and Cone,
Sample Collection 2000).
A total of 210 live individuals of Physico-chemical Analysis of the Cage
Oreochromis niloticus were collected Water
with scoop nets from different cages at the Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen
farms and transported immediately in (DO) of the cage water were measured on
plastic container with the cage water to the the farm using multi- purpose probe and
laboratory of the Aquaculture Research the transparency was taken by secchi disc.
and Development Center of the Council The pH was measured in-situ using a pH
for Scientific and Industrial Research - meter (HANNA probe meter, version HI
Water Research Institute (ARDEC, CSIR- 83141). Samples of the cage water were
WRI) at Akosombo in the Eastern Region taken in bottles, which were airtight to

Ectoparasite Infestation of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) in Cage Culture................ALHASSAN et al.

prevent atmospheric oxygen dissolving standard methods. All water samples were
into it before analysis and also place in an analysed at CSIR-Water Research
ice cube (< 4 °C) to prevent warming of Institute’s laboratory according to
the water to bring about dissolving of the standard methods (APHA, 2005).
nutrients. Ammonium – Nitrogen (Direct Statistical Analysis of the Data
Nesslerization method), Nitrite – Nitrogen Data from the study were analysed for
(Diazotization method), Nitrate – the prevalence, mean intensity (MI), index
Nitrogen (Hydrazine reduction method) of infestation (II) and density of infection
and Phosphate – Phosphorus (Stannous (DI) as follows.
chloride method) was determined by the

Prevalence = × 100 (Bush et al., 1997).

Mean Intensity (MI) = (Bush et al., 1997).

Density of infection (DI) = (Bush et al., 1997).

Index of infestation (II) = (Bush et al.,


The results were presented in tables and graphs using the Microsoft Office Excel (Version

Results Intermediate Phase and 36, representing

Two hundred and ten (210) individual 17.15% were under the Final Phase (Table
fish samples were examined during the 1). From Table 1, 94 specimens,
five-month study period. Out of that, 78 of representing (44.76%) of the total fish
the fish representing 37.14% were examined were infested with at least one
grouped under Initial Phase, 96, parasite (Table 1).
representing 45.71% were under

Table 1: Frequency of ectoparasite infested and un-infested fish in the various phases
Parameters Initial Phase Intermediate Phase Final Phase Total No. of
(cm) (0.1cm - 7.0cm) (7.1cm - 12.0cm) (12.1cm - 18.0cm) fish.
Infested fish 33 (42.30%) 42 (43.75%) 19 (52.80%) 94 (44.76)
Un-infested 45 (57.70%) 54 (56.25%) 17 (47.20%) 116 (55.24)
fish samples
Total 78 (37.14%) 96 (45.71%) 36 (17.14%) 210 (100)

With regards to size of the fish samples, the Intermediate phase was infested with more
parasites than the other phases with a percentage of 45.71%. The Initial phase followed with
37.14% and the Final phase with 17.14% (Table 2).

Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management Vol. 11 no.5 2018

Table 2: Prevalence of ectoparasites of Oreochromis niloticus in relation to size

No. of % of fish No. of % of No. of % of
fish examined infested infested parasites identified
Size (Total length) examined fish fish identified parasites
0.1cm - 7.0cm 78 37.14 33 35.10 42 35.89
7.1cm - 12.0cm 96 45.71 42 44.68 52 44.44
12.1cm - 18.0cm 36 17.14 19 20.21 23 19.65
Total 210 100 94 100 117 100

With regards to the body weight of the fish, samples which were within the weight
interval of 0.1 g – 30.0 g were the most infested group with a prevalence rate of 80%,
followed by those within the weight interval of 30.1g – 60.0 g with 17% infestation rate. 2%
and 1% prevalence rate were recorded by samples within 60.1 g – 90.0 g and 90.1 g – 120.0
g respectively (Table 3).

Table 3: Prevalence of ectoparasites of Oreochromis niloticus in relation to their body weight

No. of fish % of fish No. of % of No. of % of
Fish body examined examined infested infested parasites identified
weight (g) fish fish identified parasites
0.1 – 30.0 167 79.52 66 70.02 87 74.36
30.1 – 60.0 35 16.67 22 23.40 23 19.66
60.1 – 90.0 5 2.38 4 4.26 5 4.27
90.1 – 120.0 3 1.42 2 2.13 2 1.71
Total 210 100 94 100 117 100

Six ectoparasite species were identified at the end of examining all 210 fish specimens.
The identified species were Trichodina sp. and Ichthyophthirius multifilus of Protozoans
ciliates, Dactyolgyrus sp. of Monogenean, Argulus sp. and Lernaea sp. of Crustaceans and
the Diplostomum sp. These parasites were recovered from the skin, fins, eye and the gills.
The skin was the most dominant external part with high parasites occurrence followed by
the fins. Table 4 shows the parasites and the body part from which they were retrieved.

Table 4: Parasite species with corresponding body parts they were retrieved
Parasite species Family nomenclature Location on the fish
Ichtyophthirius multifilus Ichthyopthiriidae Skin and fin
Trichodina sp. Trichodindae Skin, fins and gill
Argulus sp. Argulidae Skin
Lernaea sp. Lernaeidae Skin
Diplostomum sp. Diplostomatidae Eye
Dactyolgyrus sp. Dactyolgyridae Gill

Out of the six parasites identified on the farm during the study period, Ichthyophthirius
multifilus infestation was observed to be the most parasitic infestation on the farm with
15.70% prevalence, followed by Trichodina sp. with 15.20% and Argulus sp. with 2.90%

Ectoparasite Infestation of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) in Cage Culture................ALHASSAN et al.

being the least prevalent parasite. Figure 1 shows the details of the prevalence levels of the
various parasite species.
Prevalence of parasite (%)


Parasite Species

Fig. 1: The prevalence of identified parasites from O. niloticus from cages at Mpakadam

The study was conducted within five Diplostomum sp. was absent in December
months from December, 2016 – April, and its highest was recorded in February,
2017. The month of January, 2017 2017. In the month of April, 2017, all the
recorded the highest parasite infestation of six parasite species were identified.
46 parasites, with Ichthyophthirius December, 2016 recorded only two
multifilis dominating among the species species - Dactyolgyrus sp. and Trichodina
identified. January was followed by April, sp. It also recorded the least parasite
2017 with 22 recorded parasites. occurrence on the farm with 10 parasites
Trichodina sp. was observed in all the while March and February, 2017 recorded
months during the study period and 21 and 18 parasites respectively. These are
recorded its highest in January, 2017. all shown in Figure 2.

Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management Vol. 11 no.5 2018

No. of parasites

Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17

Fig. 2: Monthly number of parasites recovered during the five-month study period at

The Mean Intensity of the Parasites

The mean intensity of Ichthyophthirius multifilis was 0.37 follow by Trichodina sp. of
0.36. Both Lernaea sp. and Argulus sp. had the same mean intensity of 0.07. Diplostomum
sp. was 0.02 which was less than that of Dactyogyrus sp. of 0.17 (Figure 3).


Mean Intensity






Trichodina Diplostomum Ichthyophthirius Dactyogyrus Lernaeidae Argulus

Fig. 3: The mean intensity of identified ectoparasites from cage culture systems at Mpakadam

The highest mean intensity was observed in January with Ichthyophthirius multifilis been
the highest with a value of 0.8. Trichodina sp. was high in the month of December of 0.7.
Lernaea sp. was zero in the month of December and 0.1 for the rest of the four months (Table

Ectoparasite Infestation of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) in Cage Culture................ALHASSAN et al.

Table 5: The monthly mean intensity of the ectoparasites from cage system at Mpakadam
Trichodina Ichthyophirius Diplostomum Dactyolgyrus Argulus Larnaea
Months sp. multifilus sp. sp. sp. sp
Dec-16 0.3 0 0 0.7 0 0
Jan-17 0.4 0.8 0.1 0 0.1 0.1
Feb-17 0.5 0.1 0.4 0 0 0.1
Mar-17 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0 0.1
Apr-17 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1

The estimated density of infestation and index of infestation were 0.56 and 52.4 respectively.

Physico-Chemical Parameters of the was from 5.88 to 6.59 with a mean of 6.22
Cage Water ± 0.3. Ammonium-nitrogen ranged from
All the physico-chemical parameters 0.227 mgl-1 to 0.410 mgl-1 with a mean of
measured on the farm were ideal for Nile 0.3364 mgl-1 ± 0.06399 mgl-1. Nitrite-
tilapia culture in fresh water ecosystem. nitrogen was observed to be the same
Temperature was at its apex in the month through the five-month study. The nitrate-
of April, 2017 with a reading of 29.7 °C nitrogen ranged from 0.003 mgl-1 to 0.044
and least in February with 28.0 °C and mgl-1 with a mean of 0.0134 mgl-1 ±
mean of 28.9 °C ± 0.55 °C. Dissolved 0.01539 mgl-1. Phosphate-phosphorus
Oxygen (DO) ranged from 3.6 mgl-1 in ranged from 0.017 mgl-1 to 0.182 mgl-1
January to 4.65 mgl-1 in March with a with a mean of 0.1064 mgl-1 ± 0.052 mgl-
mean of 4.15 mgl-1 ± 0.35 mgl-1. The pH 1

Table 6: Monthly records of physico-chemical parameters of the cage water in relation to

parasite infestation
TR DO Nitrite Nitrate P-P
MONTHS (cm) T (°C) (mg/l) pH NH4 (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) NP
Dec-16 180 28.9 4 6.59 0.333 0.001 0.003 0.107 10
Jan-17 250 29.2 3.6 6.01 0.39 0.001 0.008 0.121 46
Feb-17 260 28 4.2 5.88 0.41 0.001 0.044 0.182 18
Mar-17 170 28.9 4.65 6.58 0.322 0.001 0.005 0.105 21
Apr-17 265 29.7 4.3 6.06 0.227 0.001 0.007 0.017 22
MEAN 225 28.94 4.15 6.22 0.336 0.001 0.013 0.106 23.4
S.D.± 41.231 0.554 0.346 0.3 0.064 0 0.015 0.053 12.06
TR=Transparency, T=Temperature, DO=Dissolved Oxygen, NH4=Ammonium –Nitrogen, P-
P=Phosphate-phosphorus and NP= Number of Parasites.

Discussion Dactyolgyrus sp. of Monogenean, Argulus

Out of 210 fish samples examined, 94 sp. and Lernaea sp. of Crustaceans and the
(44.76%) were infested with ectoparasites. Diplostomum sp. Unlike this study,
Six ectoparasites were identified at the end Baidoo et al. (2015) and Amoako (2006)
of the study. These identified species were identified three ectoparasites. Baidoo et
Trichodina sp. and Ichthyophthirius al. (2015) who worked on ectoparasite
multifilus of Protozoans ciliates, infestation on O. niloticus in concrete

Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management Vol. 11 no.5 2018

ponds in Tamale, Ghana identified two lot of stress which makes them vulnerable
protozoans, Trichodina sp. and to parasite infestation. According to
Ichthyophthirius multifilis and Chappell et al. (1994) parasite vectors can
monogeneans. Amoako (2006) on the also be spread by fish eating birds which
other hand work on ectoparasite carry the parasite in their mouth and
infestation on O. niloticus in aquaculture release them during feeding or through
production in the Ashanti Region of their faeces into the water body. These
Ghana found two protozoans, namely, were observed on the farm as fish eating
Trichodina sp. and Tetrahymena sp., and birds were always present.
monogeneans. These parasites were found to be in
The prevalence and the mean intensity mixed infestation on the host as reported
(MI) of parasites on the host were by Otachi (2009). Specific parasites infest
relatively low. Amoako (2006) and particular parts of the host and dominates
Baidoo et al. (2015) also recorded low rate in a particular growth phase. For example,
of prevalence and intensity of parasites on Diplostomum sp. is a trematode
O. niloticus from fish ponds. Baidoo et al. ectoparasite of fish that infest only the
(2015) attributed their result to the eyes (Stewart and Bernier, 1999) and you
moderately good pond water and proper should not expect to find it in any part of
management practices which was the case the fish’s body. This fact was confirmed
of our study. This has further been by the result of this study. The study also
confirmed by Suliman and Al-Harbi indicated that apart from Diplostomum sp.
(2016) that there is a clear relationship which was recovered from only the eye
between ectoparasites and water quality balls, Dactyolgyrus sp. was found only on
and with nutritional quality. Moraes and the gills, Argulus sp. and Lernaea sp. were
Martins (2004) have also indicated that the found on the skin while Trichodina sp. and
presence of ectoparasites is directly Ichtyophthirius multifilus were found on
related to water quality and pond more than one part of the fish (i.e. skin,
management. fins, fin and gill). Similar assertion was
There was generally good farm made by Bychowsky (1957) and
management practice with respect to Malmberg (1990) that primitive
water quality during the study, which monogenean infests primitive fish. The
might have reduced the occurrence of skin therefore was the most infested part
these parasites. Those present were likely of the fish during the study. This may be
to be caused by accidental internal attributed to injuries on the skin as a result
husbandry practices (transporting, grading of stress or the exposed nature of the skin
of the fish and the use of the same to the environment.
equipment in both infected and un- The month of January, 2017 recorded
infected cages), and presence of fish the highest prevalence of 76% followed by
eating birds on the farm. With respect to April, 2017 with 45%. The month with the
transport, it was observed, a week or two least recorded prevalence was December,
after a cage under study had been 2016 with 24%. These values did not
transported, and it records the highest follow any particular pattern and cannot
infestation that particular month. This was be related to any factor. Prevalence with
of the view that during bagging and respect to total length saw the intermediate
transporting of the fish, they go through a phase to the highest infestation with a

Ectoparasite Infestation of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) in Cage Culture................ALHASSAN et al.

prevalence of 45% followed by the initial and the mean intensity of parasites on the
phase with 35% and lastly, the final phase host were relatively low. The presence of
with 23%. With the weight range, 70% these parasites might result from
prevalence was observed among the fish accidental daily management practices.
with body weight ranging from 0.1g – Environmental conditions of the water had
30g, followed by 24% for 30.1g – 60g, 4% no serious relationship with the
for 60.1g – 90g and 2% for 90.1g – 120g. prevalence and the intensity of the
These may have been because most of the ectoparasites. Physico-chemical
samples examined were within the size parameters measured were within the
range of the intermediate phase and optimum values for tilapia culture as
weight range of 0.1g – 30g. compared to the standard requirement for
Ichthyophthirius multifilis had the high tilapia culture under cage system.
mean intensity on the farm during the The level of intensity of ectoparasites
study period. This may be because it is the observed in this study, arguably will not
largest protozoan parasite of fish and one pose a major threat to the fish on the farm
of the most commonly encountered as in the area. However, critical attention
reported by Koyuncu and Toksen (2010). should be given to the farm by employing
The values for physico-chemical best aquaculture management practices to
parameters measured on the farm were prevent disease outbreaks due to
generally good for the cultivation of Nile intensification of ectoparasites. There
tilapia in freshwater cage systems. should be improvement of internal
Temperature for instance, was within the husbandry practices on the farm since it
desired range as suggested by Svobodova could reduce the rate of handling the fish
et al. (1999) and was very good for Nile during transportation and grading as these
tilapia culture. All the nutrients measured practices make the fish weak and
were also within preferable values for vulnerable to parasites infestation. Also
culture of O. niloticus. Example, equipment used on infected cage should
Ammonium-Nitrogen was from 0.22mgl-1 be treated before using in un-infested
to 0.41mgl-1 which was within the cage. Also, a measure must be put in place
standard reported by APHA, AWWA, and to prevent fish eating birds from entering
WPCF, (1992). Nitrate-Nitrogen, Nitrite- into the cage since these birds serves as
Nitrogen values were below the 0.5mgl-1 agents that carry parasites to the fish.
optimum value as reported by Svobodo et
al. (1999). These may have contributed to Reference
the low prevalence rate and intensity of Amoako, M. (2006). Infestation of
parasites on the fish from the Tropo farms. ectoparasites on Nile tilapia
(Oreochromis niloticus) in
Conclusion aquaculture production in the
Six species of ectoparasites namely, Ashanti Region, Ghana. MSc thesis
Trichodina sp., Diplostomum sp., Argulus submitted to the Department of
sp., Dactyogyrus sp., Lernaea sp. and Marine and Freshwater Biology,
Ichthyophthirius miltifilis were identified. Norwegian College of Fishery
Parasites were found on all examined parts Science, University of Tromsø,
of the fish with the skin being the most Norway. 35
infested part of the host. The prevalence

Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management Vol. 11 no.5 2018

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