Wide-Lite Ballast Tech. Data Bulletin 1987
Wide-Lite Ballast Tech. Data Bulletin 1987
Wide-Lite Ballast Tech. Data Bulletin 1987
mounted as n actual use, W de Lite can ANSI standards for mercury vapor ballasts
W|DE.LITE SILENTGUARD predict total system sound and recom- ca I for crest factors no higher than 2.0 and
BALLASTS RUN OOOLER, mend preventrve measures for no se prob- amp manufacturers general y specify a
LAST LONGER lems prior to installation. maxrmum of 1.8 for metal hal de and h gh
pressure sodium 1amps. Wide-Llte bal asts
Even with heat generatlon held 1ow by offer crest factors well below both
careful material and product selectlon, a SPECIAL ULTRAQUIET recommendations
balast can stll faii prematurey from a ocal BALLASTS FOR
"hot spot".
Through extenslve testing, Wide Lite has
deve oped an encapsulatlon compound Standard Wlde-Llte SilentGuard ballasts
with high dielectric strength, exce lent heat are excellent for most applicat ons. But lf
transier propert es and absolute mechani- acoustlcs analysis determines special solu
ca stability. The unique encapsulatlon tions are lndicated for a room with espe-
method employed in Wlde-Lite Si entGuard cral y "live' acoustlcs (usually wrth hard
ba lasts uses this combinatlon to decrease surfaces or unusual architecture),
"hot spot" temperatures and increase UltraQulet bal asts with spec a sound-
moisture resrstance. Al1 corl wrndings in proofing can be instailed at the onset of Crest Factor = Peak/RMS : 1.41
Wide-Lite bal asts are copper the job. Thus, problems are avoided ini-
lnsu atlon systems ln our ballasts meet U L tlally and no expensive changeout of bal-
standards for C ass H operation lasts rs requ red. Contact the factory for
(i B0'C/356'F) Wide-Lite ballasts actually ON MEAN LUMENS:
run much cooler with temperature rise
much ower than the rating of the lnsulation 100
system. Over the years, it's that safety mar- LOW CREST FACTOR Elfect of Current Crest Factor
On Mean Lumens Vertical Operation
gin that determlnes your maintenance-free RETARDSi LAMP HeqGl -4nn/nv
Wlth contro led wave shapes, standard E80
W de-Llte SllentGuard ballasts provide op- J
WIDE.LITE SILENTGUARD tlmum conditions for the operation of mer-
BALLASTS RUN OUIETER cury vapor, metal halide and high pressure >70
sodium lamps. Typical I
Wlde-Lite's Si entGuard ballast construc- Representative Chan
tion keeps bailast sound to wel below ac A hioh lamp current crest factor can has- Mean Lumens
ten lamp lumen deprec ation. Crest factor, Over 24,000 Hours
ceptable evels for a I but the most critical
appl cation (see UltraQuiet, below). the ratio of peak to RMS current, depends tt
on bal ast design and qual ty. 1.6 1.7 to 2.O
Utilizing NEMA methods, which involves 1.8
Current Crest Factor
acoustic measrrrements of ba lasts
Electrical Regulating Regulating Regulating HRAT
Characteristics Metal Halide (HPS only) (Mercury only) Lead-Lag (HPS only)
Operating lamp 1.8 for 40OW
current crest 1 .55-1 .65 t.55- Lb5 t.55 Lb5 TOr 1.45-1 70 1 .45- 1.55
factor range 1000w
Line voltage range + 10Y" + 10% + 10"k
Line voltages All standard All standard All standard 4B0V for All standard
available voltages voltages voltages 1500 & 1000w voitages
240, 277V
for other
Primary starting Less than Less than Less than 65% Less than
current as % of operatrng operating operating open
operating current secondary
Primary current with Less than Less than Less than Less than Less than
secondary open as % operating operating operating operating open
of operating secondary
Lamp watts change + B% for 400W Within + 67" + 10Y" Within
for line voltage + 10-127. tor ANSI ANSI
range all other watts trapezoid trapezoid
Lamp watts change + 67" Meets lamp
for lamp voltage (1000w) manufacturers' + 6"k + 12Y.
range specilications
for all wattages
Extinction voltage 50-70y. 547" 68-77%
Ballasts for Metal Halide/Mercury Vapor Lamps to 20'F (Non-Dimming Tvpe)
Operating Open Circuit
Primary Voltage Operating Starting Secondary Voltage Watts Wiring
Volts Type Range Amps Amps RMS Peak Loss Diag. No.
1500w Tubular Metal Halide
2081277 Regulating, HPF 187-2291249,305 8.5t6.4 900 1 800 140 l
2401480 Regulating, HPF 216-264t432-528 7.4t3.7 900 1 800 140 2
1500w - ANSI M48 or H36
120 Reguiating, HPF 10B-1 32 13.50 440 OJ 110 4
208 Regulating, HPF 187-229 7.80 440 831 110 4
240 Regulating, HPF 216-264 6.75 440 83l 110 4
277 Regulating, HPF 249-305 585 440 831 110 4
480 Regulatino, HPF 432-528 3.40 440 83l 110 3
'1000w ANSI M47 or H36
120 Regulating, HPF 10B-1 32 9.20 425 800 804
208 Regulatinq, HPF 187-229 5.30 425 800 804
240 Regulating, HPF 216-264 460 425 800 804
277 Regulating, HPF 249-305 4.00 425 800 804
480 Regulating, HPF 432-528 230 425 800 803
400w - ANSI M59 or H33
120 Regulating, HPF 10B-1 32 4.00 305 660 EE
208 Regulating, HPF 187-229 230 305 660 55 4
240 Regulating, HPF 216-264 2.00 305 660 55 4
277 Reguiating, HPF 249-305 t/5 305 660 55 4
480 Regulating, HPF 432-528 100 305 660 EE
250w - ANSI MSB or H37
120 Regulating, HPF 10B-1 32 2.60 292 590 42 4
208 Regulating, HPF 187-229 1.50 292 590 42 4
240 Regulating, HPF 216-264 1.30 292 590 42 4
277 Regulating, HPF 249-305 1 .12 292 590 42 4
480 Regulating, HPF 432-528 .65 292 590 42 3
175w - ANSI M57 or H39
120 Regulating, HPF 10B-1 32 1.80 300 600 35 4
208 Regulating, HPF 187-229 1.64 300 600 35 4
240 Regulating, HPF 216-264 90 300 600 35 4
277 Regulating, HPF 249-305 .78 300 600 35 4
480 Regulating, HPF 432-528 45 300 600 35 3
"Less than operatlng
Note: Ba lasts for 1 000 watt and below are usually provided with quad voltage laps (12012O8124Oi277) and fie d wlred to the
proper voltage tap
Ballasts for HPS Lamps to -40'F (Non-Dimming Type)
Operating Primary Current in Amps Secondary Voltage
Primary Voltage Operating w/Open Open Circuit Starting Watts Wiring
Volts Type Range Amps Starting Secondary RMS Peak Pulse Loss Diagram No.
1000w - ANSI Ss2
120 Regulating, HPF 108-.132 9.2 435 4500 100 5
208 Regulating, HPF 187-229 5.3 435 4500 100 5
240 Regulating, HPF 216-264 4.6 435 4500 100 5
aaa Regulating, HPF 249-305 4.A 435 4500 100 5
480 Regulating, HPF 432-528 2.3 435 4500 100 6
400w - ANSI Ss1
120 Regulating, HPF 10B-1 32 4.3 lBB 3500 65 5
208 Regulating, HPF 187-225 248 188 3500 65 5
240 Regulating, HPF 216-264 2.15 188 3500 65 5
277 Regulating, HPF 249-305 1.86 188 3500 65 5
480 Hegulating, HPF 432-528 r.08 lBB 3500 65 6
250w - ANSI S50
120 Hegulating, HPF 10B-1 32 2.41 190 3500 50 5
208 Regulating, HPF 187-229 1.39 190 3500 50 5
240 Regulating, HPF 216-264 1.2 190 3500 50 5
277 Regulating, HPF 249-305 1.A4 190 3500 50 tr
Power Factor
According to ANSI, where the term "Normal Power Factor" is used,
it refers to an uncorrected power factor of approximately 50%.
Where the term "High Power Factor" rs used, it refers to a corrected
power factor of al least 0.9.
Starting Temperature
Wide-Lite ballasts will start the lamps for which they are des gnated
in ambient temperatures down to - 20'F (- 40"F for HPS lamps) un-
less otherwise noted.
Dimming Ballasts
Dimming ballasts are available for most wattages for use with Wide-
Lite dimming master controls; see Lighting Systems section of
Wiring Diagram 1 Wiring Diagram 2 Wiring Diagram 3
48ov{onnecl 21o 3
24ov{onnecl 2 to 4 and 3 lo l
Typica dual voltage w ring diagram jor 1500w tu- Typica dual voltage wir ng d agram for 1500w tu Typical single voltage w ring diagram for
buiar metal halide regulating ballasts 208/277v. bular meta haLide regulating ballasts 240/480v. 1 500w, 1 000w, 400w, 250w and 1 75w metal
Typical quad voltage wiring diagram {or Typical quad voltage wiring dragram for 1000w, Typical sing e vo tage wir ng diagram for 1000w,
1500w, 1OOOw, 400w, 250w and 175w meta 400w and 250w HPS regulating ballasts Leads 400w and 250w HPS regulating ballasts Leads
halide/mercury vapor regulating ba lasts. Leads may be color coded as shown with ead markers may be color coded as shown with ead markers
may be color coded as shown wrth lead markers or al leads may be ye low with lead markers. or a I leads may be yel ow with lead markers.
or al leads may be yellow with lead markers. Note: Seect votage beiore instalrng Voltage se
Note: Select voltage belore instal ing Voltage se- lection must be made in ballast compartment, nol
lection must be made in ballast compartment, nol wiring compartment.
wiring compartment.
vr*r".p I f
x3 r------'-'l-----JI
su*", I
Yrw common -ltt
Y w (Volts)
Typica quad voltage wiring dragram for 70w, Typical single voltage wiring diagram for 7Ow, Sing e voltage wiring diagram for 1500w and
100w and 1 50w 55v high reactance auto-trans- 1 00w and 1 50w 55v high reactance auto trans 1000w metal hallde/mercury vapor two-lamp lead
former HPS ballast. iormer HPS ba lasts. lag ballasts.
Note: Select proper voltage and insulate unused Note: Select proper voltage and insulate unused
taps. Dashed lines ind cate fleld wiring. taps. Dashed lines indicate f e d wiring
SAN N/ARCOS, TEXAS 78666 Printed ln usA
(512) 392-5821 TELEX776 479 Copyright 1987