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Glycemic Variability in The Use of Point-of-Care Glucose Meters

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In Brief

Point-of-care (POC) glucose meters are an essential part of diabetes care, but

F r o m R e s e a r c h t o P r a c t i c e / G ly c e m i c M a r k e r s : A R e v i e w o f t h e T o o l s W e A l l L o v e , P e r h a p s T o o D e a r ly ?
if their results are inaccurate, patients can be harmed. This review discusses
pitfalls in the use and analysis of results from POC glucose meters. It also
offers guidance on when these devices should not be used.

Glycemic Variability in the Use of Point-of-Care Glucose


Blood glucose testing by point-of-care and many of the meters were not
(POC) meters has revolutionized the equally accurate or precise during the
care of diabetes in the modern era by expected usable glucose range, espe-
Richard Hellman, MD, FACP, FACE
providing relatively accurate estimates cially within the hypoglycemic range
of the true blood glucose of patients when accuracy is most crucial.
in real time. Since the invention of the In another study, Kristensen et
first device, the Dextrostix, in 1963,1 al.5 in 2009 tested nine meters for the
followed 7 years later by the Ames accuracy of their strips within certain
Reflectance Meter, the devices and hematocrit ranges and found that,
strips used have improved in sophis- contrary to claims of five manufac-
tication, ease of use, precision, and turing companies, their strips showed
accuracy. More than 44 million tests relatively large variations within those
are performed daily worldwide, at a ranges.
global cost of > $8.8 billion per year.2 In addition, Cembroski et al., inves-
Yet, despite great improvements tigators in the Normoglycaemia in
in the nearly 50 years of use of self- Intensive Care Evaluation and Survival
monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG), Using Glucose Algorithm Regulation
significant problems remain. For (NICE-SUGAR) study, found that,
example, the difference in glucose val- in contrast to manufacturers’ claims,
ues provided by different meters may the specific lots of the glucose meter
be as much as 50–70 mg/dl.3 strips used in NICE-SUGAR varied
Manufacturers of glucose meters considerably in their susceptibility to
and strips tout the excellent preci- loss of accuracy because of variation
sion and accuracy of their products. in hematocrit. They hypothesized that
The International Organization for some of true blood glucose levels that
Standardization (ISO) 15197 clinical were in the hypoglycemic range might
standard states that ≥ 95% of the val- have been missed because of falsely
ues obtained with a meter should be elevated POC glucose meter readings.6
within ± 20% of a blood glucose refer- Clinicians are interested in whether
ence standard when the glucose level POC glucose meter readings are close
is ≥ 75 mg/dl and within ± 15 mg/dl of to the true blood glucose level. And, in
the blood glucose reference standard the absence of a unified central inter-
when glucose is < 75 mg/dl. However, national standard for whole blood
in 2010, Freckmann et al.4 reviewed glucose (there is one for plasma and
27 meters that had been approved in serum glucose), they will accept that
Europe from 18 companies. Although the whole blood glucose of a POC glu-
each manufacturer claimed that it cose meter correlates closely with a
adhered to the ISO 15197 standard, standard central laboratory method,
careful analytic testing showed that provided that it is tied to an interna-
41% of the meters did not conform to tional standard.1 Unfortunately, there
even these basic minimal standards, is no agreement about which central
Diabetes Spectrum Volume 25, Number 3, 2012 135
laboratory technique is the preferred glucose meter standards for precision for POC glucose meters to underesti-
standard for comparison. One con- and accuracy and limit outliers to rare mate the true glucose level by as much
sequence of this failure is the lack events.7,9 as 300 mg/dl or more.10 In contrast,
of correlation between supposedly The remainder of this review central laboratory glucose levels in
equally accurate POC glucose meters. focuses on the factors that lead to hospitals and large clinics are usually
Additionally, from the clinicians’ problems with glucose variability in performed on instruments using pre-
point of view, it is not just the total the use of POC glucose meters and cise and accurate methods that are tied
analytic error of the meter that is that clinicians need to be aware of to an international standard and are
important, but the total error, which is to ensure that people with diabetes unaffected by many of the factors that
the sum of its total analytic error plus receive safe and effective therapy for commonly degrade the accuracy and
user error. User error includes pre- glycemic control. There are many precision of POC glucose meters.1,3
analytic errors such as omitting hand potential sources of error involved Nearly all POC glucose meters today
washing, as well as normal biologi- in POC glucose testing with current give falsely low glucose levels in the
cal variation and post-analytic errors, instruments, and several case studies
presence of DKA, as well as in the
which can be caused by either the user illustrate the types of issues involved.
or the instrument.7 An example of an presence of poor tissue perfusion or
instrument error would be the instru- Case Study 1 hyperosmolar states.1,3 Again, this can
ment failing to correctly display the A 24-year-old woman with a 15-year result in outliers that delay the recog-
result or giving no result at all. history of type 1 diabetes calls her care nition of potentially life-threatening
At present, the total allowable provider with complaints of abdomi- hyperglycemia.
analytic error is the U.S. Food and nal pain and two episodes of vomiting. This is but one example of the
Drug Administration (FDA) standard She is having a menstrual period with many pathological conditions that can
requiring a meter’s performance to be a heavy flow, and she has a history of influence and degrade the accuracy
within ± 20% of a blood glucose refer- migraines. She uses 30 units of insulin and precision of POC glucose meter
ence standard for 95% of the glucose daily in four divided doses with pre- results. Other examples can be found
values ≥ 100 mg/dl and an allowable meal short-acting insulin and basal in Table 1.
error ≤ 12 mg/dl for 95% of the glu- insulin at bedtime. She reports that
cose values < 100 mg/dl. Following her blood glucose by her POC glucose POC Meters in Critical Care
this standard, the total error will meter is 248 mg/dl. Her care provider Many experts recommend that POC
almost certainly be significantly larger. examines her and obtains a glucose glucose meters, with the exception
In 2001, Boyd and Bruns8 carefully sample using a POC glucose meter; the of a very few, not be used in a hos-
analyzed the effect of total analytic result is 256 mg/dl. pital critical care unit and that POC
error on clinical decision-making The patient is given an anti-nausea blood-gas analyzers be used instead.9
using a computer simulation. They medicine, but she is anxious to leave POC blood-gas glucose analyzers, in
showed that a total analytic error of the clinic to pick up her son from contrast to the vast majority of POC
5% led to an 8–23% error rate in daycare. The care provider is faced glucose meters, use a wet chemis-
choosing insulin doses from an insu- with a dilemma of whether to allow try method similar to many central
lin algorithm based on glucose level. the patient to leave after being given laboratory glucose methods, which is
A total analytic error of 10% led to supplemental insulin or to send her much less susceptible to interference
an error rate of 16–45%. However, to a hospital for a work-up of the by clinical conditions and interfering
their data indicate that error rates of abdominal pain (both of which may substances and has much greater accu-
20%, even in the absence of interfer- be reasonable if the POC glucose
racy and precision than POC glucose
ing substances or conditions, will lead determinations are accurate) or to
meters. Although Van den Berghe et
to unacceptably large errors in clinical verify the POC glucose meter result
al. in 200611 did use a POC glucose
decision-making. with a rush order for a central labora-
tory glucose determination. meter when an arterial line was not
Moreover, in many clinical situa-
The provider chose to verify the available, the POC meter they used
tions, POC glucose meters may give
values called “outliers,” which are so POC glucose result and discovered corrected well for variation in hemato-
far removed from patients’ true blood that the laboratory glucose level was crit, something only a few POC meters
glucose level that they could cause 548 mg /dl with moderate serum do well. A 2009 report by Scott et al.9
medical errors by patients, their fam- ketones. It was now clear that the reviewed the data that support this
ily members, or their care providers, patient had diabetic ketoacidosis perspective.
with potentially catastrophic con- (DKA). Her abdominal pain proved
sequences.7 Unfortunately, with the to be secondary to DKA and cleared POC Meters in the Operating Room
present standards, the ISO and FDA with appropriate treatment with intra- Two recent reviews by Rice et al.12
allow up to 5% of values obtained venous insulin, fluids, and electrolyte and Pitkin and Rice13 discuss issues in
by a POC meter to be outliers of any repletion. the operating room, where changes in
degree of magnitude. Yet, whether This case is typical and provides blood pressure, hematocrit, acid-base
outliers are falsely low or falsely high, an example in which the POC glucose balance, and regional blood flows may
they are highly likely to mislead clini- reading was an outlier (i.e., so differ- be very rapid and may render finger-
cians or patients and lead to serious ent from the true glucose level that it stick glucose measurements unreliable.
errors in care. This is one of the key could lead both the care provider and These authors do not recommend the
reasons many experts are urging these the patient to make a judgment error). use of current POC glucose meters
regulatory bodies to tighten the POC In the presence of DKA, it is common during perioperative clinical trials.
136 Diabetes Spectrum Volume 25, Number 3, 2012
Table 1. Effects of Various Physical Conditions on Glucose Other solutions used in patient
care contain maltose, including some

F r o m R e s e a r c h t o P r a c t i c e / G ly c e m i c M a r k e r s : A R e v i e w o f t h e T o o l s W e A l l L o v e , P e r h a p s T o o D e a r ly ?
intravenous gamma globulin solutions
Condition Type of Meter such as Octagam 5%, Gammimune
5%, and drugs such as Orencia (abata-
Glucose Oxidase Glucose cept).21 In general, glucose meters that
Dehydrogenase use the enzymatic method involving
Anemia ↑ nearly all ↑ nearly all glucose dehydrogenase are more prone
to being influenced by interfering
Polycythemia ↓ nearly all ↓ nearly all substances, but meters that use the
enzyme glucose oxidase technology
Increased altitude or hypoxia ↑ none are also vulnerable to interfering sub-
stances, as seen in Table 2.
Ambient temperature ≥ 39.2° C ↓ ↓ Case Study 3
(102.2° F) A 16-year-old girl presents with an
Ambient temperature ≤ 10° C ↑ ↑ A1C of 10.4% and a carefully hand-
(50° F) written log of glucose levels checked
four times daily, with an average
Postprandial state (< 2.5 hours) ↑ ↑ glucose of 136 mg/dl. After counsel-
ing, education, and pump training,
Hypotension ↑ ↑ or ↓ she is placed on an external insulin
pump with instructions to use a glu-
Diabetic ketoacidosis ↓ ↓ cose meter that is downloadable to a
computer in the provider’s office. The
Severe acidosis (pH < 6.95) ↓ ↓ levels show an average of 184 mg/dl,
but the simultaneous A1C is 10.6%.
POC Meters in Non–Intensive Care hours later, the POC glucose reading The adolescent is referred to a clinical
Hospital Settings is 284 mg/dl, and the supplemental psychologist, who makes the diagnosis
The enormous advantage of having insulin is doubled. One hour later, the of depression.
glucose data in real time has been patient becomes comatose and begins What is the likely cause of the
evident in inpatient noncritical care having uncontrolled seizures. discrepancies between the A1C and
settings.14 Hospitals should choose What is the problem here? SMBG readings?
POC meters carefully, using those The central laboratory, which There is a relationship between
with valid hematocrit corrections and used a hexokinase glucose measure- high depression scores in children
corrections for multiple interferences ment method that is not susceptible to and adolescents and false or inad-
and having not just minimal standards interference from non-glucose sugars, equate reporting of glucose levels. 22
of accuracy and precision, but rather showed a venous glucose of 19 mg/dl The deception may be carried out, as
total analytic error ratings in the 4–5% at the same time the POC glucose in this case, by patients writing down
range,15–18 as are currently attained reading rose to 284 mg/dl. This outlier false values instead of the reported
by a few newer meters.15 Hospital result, a falsely elevated glucose, was results from their glucose meter, 23 or
clinical laboratories and nursing staff the result of an interfering substance, by fabricating results not performed
are well advised to develop a robust in this case, sugar maltose. at all, or in more subtle ways such as
quality improvement and monitoring Icodextrin, which is commonly avoiding performing SMBG at times
program to ensure proper training of infused in peritoneal dialysis, is con- when they know their glucose levels
personnel who use and interpret POC verted by the body into maltose. are either too high or too low.
glucose results and to be sure that POC glucose meters that use glucose In a study by Wilson and Endres,24
meter calibration and data analysis dehydrogenase pyrroloquinoline qui- 40% of the children ages 12–18 years
are done using a continuous quality nine (GD-PQQ) technology to detect fabricated test results, and 18% failed
improvement method. With such a glucose cannot distinguish between to record test results. In addition,
plan, POC meters can be used success- maltose and glucose and were the although it is commonly recognized
fully in most areas of a hospital and cause of this error. The FDA reported that patients with longstanding diabe-
add great value to patient care, given in 2009 on 13 patients who died as a tes, those with autonomic neuropathy,
that achieving near-normoglycemia result of this error, a falsely elevated and those in the geriatric population
has been shown to reduce morbidity glucose. All were on peritoneal dialy- frequently cannot recognize serious
and mortality in both surgical and sis and using POC meters that used hypoglycemia, children and their
nonsurgical hospital settings.19,20 GD-PQQ technology.21 parents also do poorly in recogniz-
These glucose meters, including ing hypoglycemia. In a recent study22
Case Study 2 some in common use today, should of children ages 6–11 years and their
A 74-year-old man who has a 28-year never be used with patients on peri- parents, both parents and children
history of diabetes is receiving perito- toneal dialysis. Even patients who frequently did not recognize hypogly-
neal dialysis. During the dialysis, the recently were on peritoneal dialysis cemia. The parents failed to note low
POC glucose reading is 256 mg/dl, and are at risk because the maltose slowly glucose levels of < 54 mg/dl in their
supplemental insulin is given. Three clears from the blood. children > 50% of the time, and the
Diabetes Spectrum Volume 25, Number 3, 2012 137
children failed to note such low glu- adult patients, although the training learn best when the teaching method
cose levels in themselves > 40% of the was most helpful to the patients, they is appropriate to their age, education
time. still, at the end of the study, could not level, and culture and includes follow-
In addition to the common prob- achieve the precision and accuracy of up supervision and re-education.
lem of deceptive recording of glucose the laboratory technicians. In another Shared responsibility often works
results, poor technique in obtaining randomized, controlled study,27 which best. 28 Innovative recent approaches
glucose readings is a common and evaluated the effect of a comprehen- have tried to include active, relevant
serious problem. A study by Perwien sive education program for SMBG, the
games with the procedure of glucose
et al.25 at a diabetes camp found that patients who received this intervention
children ages 7–14 years made cru- measurement, but these are not yet
not only improved their SMBG tech-
cial errors in their glucose monitoring nique, but also experienced a small firmly established.29
technique. measurable improvement in A1C. In contrast to teaching methods
The most serious was failure to Unfortunately, the result was not sta- that are tailored to youth, those for
wash their hands before measur- tistically significant. older patients must address very dif-
ing their glucose, leaving interfering Clearly, teaching methods must be ferent educational needs. Such patients
substances (usually traces of food) on tailored to the needs and capabilities tend to learn poorly from manuals
their fingers that often led to falsely of the patients. Children, for example, alone, faring better with a visual edu-
high results, often by > 30%. Only
19.1% of the children washed their Table 2. Effects of Interfering Substances on Glucose
hands before checking their glucose. Measurement
Only 14.6% allowed their hands to
dry, an error that can result in dilution Interfering Substance Type of Meter
of the blood specimen and a falsely Glucose Oxidase Glucose
low glucose reading. Dehydrogenase
The children also did not always
put the cap securely back on the meter Maltose none ↑ ↑ (GD-PQQ
strip container; only 70.6% did so. type only)
This error leads to excessive exposure Xylose or galactose (health foods, none ↑ ↑ (GD-PQQ
to humidity, heat, and other environ- etc.) type only)
mental factors that degrade the strips,
which are sensitive to environmental Ascorbic acid small ↑
influences. Unfortunately, these types
of operator errors are common and Acetaminophen ↓ ↑
not limited to children. Table 3 pro-
vides a list of pre-analytic errors and Dopamine none ↓
their likely effects on blood glucose
measurement. Mannitol ↑ none
Another common error is the fail-
ure to properly calibrate the glucose
meter. Many, but not all, glucose
Table 3. Effects of Pre-Analytic Errors on Glucose Measurement
meters provide calibration solutions
and require users to recalibrate the Pre-Analytic Error Type of Meter
meter against each new container Glucose Oxidase Glucose
of glucose testing strips and at least Dehydrogenase
monthly in any case. Errors result-
ing from a failure to calibrate a meter Exposure of strips to elevated ↓ ↓
that requires regular calibration can temperature*
be large. Both adult patients and Exposure of strips to decreased ↑ ↑
providers are often unaware of the temperature*
importance of proper technique to
achieving optimal results from a POC Exposure of strips to humidity, ↑ or ↓ ↑ or ↓
glucose meter and can commit signifi- vibration, or dirt*
cant operator errors that diminish the Out-of-date strips* ↑ or ↓ ↑ or ↓
accuracy of the glucose measurement.
Excellent technique and training Failure to calibrate strips ↑ or ↓ ↑ or ↓
in the use of POC glucose meters and
their strips is clearly undervalued at Failure to wash hands ↑↑ ↑↑
present and often taken for granted,
although not often attained. Excellent Failure to dry hands ↓ ↓
technique is difficult to achieve but
well worth the effort. In a study from
Inadequate drop size ↓ ↓
Norway26 that compared the results
of glucose meter use between expe-
rienced laboratory technicians and *May destroy strip

138 Diabetes Spectrum Volume 25, Number 3, 2012

cation format that includes re-testing which may not be as easy for them to glucose measurements. This excessive
in 2 weeks.30 operate. variation should not be allowed.

F r o m R e s e a r c h t o P r a c t i c e / G ly c e m i c M a r k e r s : A R e v i e w o f t h e T o o l s W e A l l L o v e , P e r h a p s T o o D e a r ly ?
Success in teaching SMBG tech- Yet, on balance, SMBG remains
nique requires assessment of patients’ Conclusion an invaluable tool, and POC glucose
POC glucose meters and strips are meters are far better now than only
language skills, reading ability, vision,
an invaluable part of the armamen- a decade ago. With more focus on
and dexterity, as well as their cognitive tarium of diabetic patients and their ensuring that glucose values derived
abilities and emotional state. Teaching care providers. Although they have from POC meters more closely reflect
SMBG technique, for example, to a been greatly improved since their patients’ true glucose levels, the value
patient who is just recovering from inception, these devices remain in of monitoring in both inpatient and
DKA or a severe illness or emotional need of improvement in terms of their outpatient settings will continue to
crisis may lead to poorer retention accuracy and precision. In addition, increase, to the benefit of patients.
and understanding of the information patients who use these meters often
because the patient may be distracted, use them suboptimally. This problem
requires robust educational programs; References
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hospital and determination of program Sandberg S: Self-monitoring of blood glucose in North Kansas City, Mo.

140 Diabetes Spectrum Volume 25, Number 3, 2012

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