SEAMO-X Entry Ticket
SEAMO-X Entry Ticket
SEAMO-X Entry Ticket
Go, Ethan Liam Saint Jude Catholic School Philippines Free Duplex
Departure Flight no Departure Flight date and time Triple room request
Companion Details
Departure Flight no Departure Flight date and time Triple room request
Emergency Contact
1. All guests must show their Entry Ticket before entering the Hotel, Tour and Awards Ceremony.
2. You may be asked to prove your identity using a passport, National ID card or Student ID card before gaining entry.
3. Guests will be given a SEAMO X 2019 wrist-band in order to gain entry into any event.
4. Guests without tickets will not be allowed to enter any event.
5. Guests are expected to follow the Rules and Regulations that govern all events. Disorderly conduct will be severely dealth with.