STED and Virology
STED and Virology
STED and Virology
Super resolution microscopy is a widely used methods, such as STimulated Emission Depletion
research method for studying biological (STED) microscopy or single-molecule localization
features beyond the diffraction limit, such as methods, which offer resolution capabilities of about
nuclear pores, clathrin coated vesicles, the 20 nm. Numerous studies using super resolution
periodicity of the actin skeleton in neurons, imaging techniques have already expanded the
and viruses. In this white paper we will focus scientific knowledge of the Human Immunodeficiency
on the advantages of STED microscopy and Virus (HIV-1) [1, 2], Influenza A virus [3, 4], Herpes
its contributions to the virology field. We will Simplex Virus (HSV) [5], Respiratory Syncytial Virus
provide insight into the advances in virus (RSV) [6], Vaccinia Virus [7], Adeno-Associated Virus
research made possible by STED microscopy (AAV) [8], Nipah Virus (Niv) [9], Adenovirus [10] and
and give a hint to were the journey might go. many more.
© Abberior Instruments GmbH 2020 | Rev. 1.0 20200505 | Subject to change without notice.
Virus particles vary in size across different virus STED microscopy for virus research
species. One of the smallest viruses, the parvovirus,
has a particle size of approx. 20 nm while the largest The gold standard technique for imaging virus
known virus particles of the Mimivirus family possess particles was and still is electron microscopy (EM).
a capsid size of up to 500 nm, which already compares The main advantage of EM is undoubtable the
to the size of a bacterium (Fig. 1). Therefore, due to angstrom-range resolution it provides, which exceeds
their size, virus particles and their substructures can the resolution capabilities of all other available
be studied in detail using super-resolution microscopy imaging techniques. The extremely good resolution,
however, comes at the cost of highly fixed specimens
with low contrast. Furthermore, labeling and detection
of specific proteins inside large assemblies and
• Super-resolution STED microscopy is a powerful cells is challenging with EM. On the other hand,
technique to observe the finest structural details light microscopy methods, and especially confocal
in cells and viruses fluorescence microscopy, generate high-contrast
• It covers the full resolution spectrum required to images, with specific labels for the proteins of interest.
study viruses even in a live environment and in However, the resolution of these techniques is limited
interactions with the host cells to about half the wavelength of light (~200 nm). The
• MINFLUX will open completely new paths of Nobel Prize winning methods of super-resolution
virus imaging microscopy, specifically STED microscopy and
single molecule localization microscopy techniques,
overcome this resolution barrier by exploiting the on-
STED and virology
Fig. 1: Comparison of different virus particle sizes with the resolution of different imaging techniques.
off switching of fluorescent dyes. These techniques light on, for example, virus-host interactions. In
improve confocal resolution by roughly a factor of conventional microscopy, however, our understanding
10, achieving resolution capabilities closer to those of the protein position is blurred by diffraction. Super
offered by EM (see Fig. 1). Furthermore, the nanoscale resolution microscopy techniques overcome this
resolution of STED microscopy combined with the blurring effect and thus lend a much higher confidence
less destructive sample preparation and labelling to the results of colocalization experiments. STED
methods of fluorescence make it possible to study microscopy is especially well-suited for these studies
the structural information of native (unfixed) virus since resolution can be improved not only laterally, but
particles in the 100 nm-range [2]. An example of how axially as well, giving rise to isotropic resolution of up
STED microscopy has contributed to HIV-1 research to 60 nm without any post-processing. Additionally,
is detailed in the box on page 3. if two spectrally different dyes are used which can
both be depleted by the same STED laser doughnut
Protein-specific labeling coupled with the high- (e.g. STAR ORANGE and STAR RED, or Alexa594 and
contrast imaging of light microscopy enables ATTO647N), there is no chromatic shift between the
colocalization studies of different proteins to shed two channels. Because the central zero of the STED
doughnut defines the point from which photons are
emitted, if two channels share the same depletion
doughnut, colocalization is intrinsically given. Various
studies have used STED microscopy to visualize the
HSV genome inside infected cells [11] or to study the
virus-host interaction of the Influenza A virus [3, 4].
STED and virology
STED and virology
160 nm
Fig. 3: MINFIELD STED presented on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1 labelled with SNAP-tag between matrix and
capsid in the Gag protein and stained with Siliconrhodamine). (A) Confocal (left) and MINFIELD STED (right) images with a field
size of 160 nm. (B) Scheme of the immature HIV-1 particle with labels indicated in red. (C) Imaging examples of single HIV-1
STED and virology
[3] IFITM3 Clusters on Virus Containing Endosomes and Lyso- [21] In vivo mouse and live cell STED microscopy of neuronal actin
somes Early in the Influenza A Infection of Human Airway Epitheli- plasticity using far-red emitting fluorescent proteins. Wegner, W. et
al Cells, S. Kummer et al., Viruses 2019, 11(6), 548 al., Sci Rep 7, 11781 (2017).
[4] Visualization of early influenza A virus trafficking in human
dendritic cells using STED microscopy, F. Baharom et al., PLoS [22] Nanometer resolution imaging and tracking of fluorescent
ONE 12(6): e0177920. molecules with minimal photon fluxes, Balzarotti, F. et al., SCI-
ENCE, 10 FEB 2017: 606-612
[5] Structural analysis of herpes simplex virus by optical super-res-
olution imaging, Laine, R., et al., Nat Commun 6, 5980 (2015). [23] Envelope glycoprotein mobility on HIV-1 particles depends on the virus maturation state. Chojnacki, J., et al., Nat Commun 8, 545
[6] Multicolor Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) Microscopy
to Generate High-resolution Images of Respiratory Syncytial Virus [24] HIV-1 Gag specifically restricts PI(4,5)P2 and cholesterol
Particles and Infected Cells, M. Mehedi et al., Bio Protoc. 2017 Sep mobility in living cells creating a nanodomain platform for virus
5; 7(17): e2543. assembly. Favard, C., et al., Science advances, 5(10), 2019,
[7] Gray, Robert & Albrecht, David. (2019). Super-resolution Micros-
copy of Vaccinia Virus Particles. 10.1007/978-1-4939-9593-6_16.