Physics Syllabus: Eaving Ertificate
Physics Syllabus: Eaving Ertificate
Physics Syllabus: Eaving Ertificate
Policy Context
Science education in the senior cycle should reflect The three components should be integrated within
the changing needs of students and the growing each science syllabus, with the first component
significance of science for strategic development in having a 70% weighting. The remaining 30% should
Ireland. be allocated to the other two components in the ratio
3 to 1.
Leaving Certificate science syllabuses are designed to
incorporate the following components: The syllabuses, which are offered at two levels,
• science for the enquiring mind, or pure science, to Higher and Ordinary, will have approximately 180
include the principles, procedures and concepts of hours of class contact time over a two-year period.
the subject as well as its cultural and historical They should be practically and experimentally based
aspects in their teaching.
• science for action, or the applications of science
and its interface with technology
• science, which is concerned with issues – political,
social and economic – of concern to citizens.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Ordinary Level Syllabus . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Higher Level Syllabus . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Ordinary Level Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Ordinary Level Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •
The aims of the syllabus, common to both levels, The science, technology and society (STS)
are: component places the content within a relevant
• to give students an understanding of the context. The format in which the syllabus is presented
fundamental principles of physics and their does not imply any particular order of teaching.
application to everyday life and technology Teaching strategies should promote, in a positive
• to develop an appreciation of physics as a human manner, the aims and objectives of the syllabus.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •
STS is an integral part of the syllabus at both laboratory. Those required are indicated in the
Ordinary and Higher levels, so that students can activities column by the term “demonstration of
place physics within the everyday world. The STS effect”.
material needs to be known at the appropriate level;
Experimental error: There should be an apprecia-
that is, where the basic principle is on the Ordinary
tion of the errors inherent in an experiment and of
level, examples must be known at Ordinary level, and
the precautions that can be taken to reduce such
similarly at Higher level. Only the principles of the
errors. No quantitative treatment is required.
applications listed in STS are required. Technical
details, e.g. structural details, operational details, etc.,
Differentiation between Higher level
are not required. The list of applications is not
and Ordinary level
exhaustive and additional applications may be
There are three main differences between Higher level
included where appropriate.
and Ordinary level:
• structure and content
The mathematical requirements are stated on pages
45 and 46. The notation and symbols to be used are • depth of treatment
defined on pages 47 to 51 and the formulas section • mathematical treatment.
on pages 52 to 54 indicates the equations relevant to
the syllabus. Structure and content: Ordinary level consists of a
defined set of concepts. Higher level consists of the
Practical work Ordinary level concepts, additional concepts, and
Students must follow a course of practical work. The either Option 1 (Particle Physics) or Option 2
experiments listed at the end of each section of the (Applied Electricity). The additional concepts at
syllabus must be carried out by the students and an Higher level are printed in black text.
adequate record of such work must be retained for Depth of treatment: Ordinary level provides an
the period of the course. overview of physics and its applications to everyday
life, while at Higher level there is a deeper, more
Standard laboratory safety precautions must be quantitative treatment of physics.
observed, and due care must be taken when
carrying out all experiments. Mathematical treatment: Equations must be
known and used at Ordinary level. At Higher level
The hazards associated with electricity, EHT, lasers certain equations must be derived; the other equa-
etc. should be identified where possible, and tions must be known and used. The formulas section
appropriate precautions taken. The careful use of (pages 52 to 54) indicates the equations relevant to
sources of ionising radiation is essential. It is the syllabus. Appropriate calculations are essential
important that teachers follow guidelines issued by throughout to develop students’ skills and under-
the Department of Education and Science. standing.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •
Assessment objectives
The syllabus will be assessed under the headings
knowledge, understanding, skills, and competence.
The attitudinal objectives will be assessed where
feasible. All material within the syllabus is
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
1. Knowledge 4. Competence
Students should know Students should be able to
• basic physical principles, terminology, facts, and • present information in tabular, graphical, written
methods and diagrammatic form, as appropriate
• that physics is fundamental to many technological • report concisely on experimental procedures and
developments results
• that physics contributes to the social, historical, • use calculators
environmental, technological and economic life of • solve numerical problems
society. • read popular science writing
• relate scientific concepts to issues in everyday life
2. Understanding
• explain the science underlying familiar facts,
Students should understand
observations, and phenomena.
• basic physical principles
• how physical problems can be solved 5. Attitudes
• how the scientific method contributes to physics Students should appreciate
• how physics relates to everyday life. • the contribution of physics to the social and
economic development of society
3. Skills
• the relationship between physics and technology
Students should be able to
• that a knowledge of physics has many vocational
• measure physical quantities in the appropriate SI
• work safely in a laboratory
• follow instructions
• use scientific equipment appropriately
• use experimental data appropriately.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
2. Vectors and Scalars Distinction between vector and Vector nature of physical
scalar quantities. quantities: everyday examples.
1. Newton’s laws of Statement of the three laws. Demonstration of the laws using Applications
motion air track or tickertape timer or • seat belts
powder track timer, etc. • rocket travel.
Force and momentum, definitions Sports, all ball games.
and units. Vector nature of forces
to be stressed.
F = ma as a special case of Appropriate calculations.
Newton’s second law.
Friction: a force opposing motion. Importance of friction in
everyday experience, e.g.
walking, use of lubricants, etc.
2. Conservation of Principle of conservation of Demonstration by any one Collisions (ball games), accelera-
momentum momentum. suitable method. tion of spacecraft, jet aircraft.
Appropriate calculations (problems
involving change of mass need
not be considered).
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
4. Density and Definitions and units. Demonstration of atmospheric Atmospheric pressure and weather.
pressure Pressure in liquids and gases. pressure, e.g. collapsing-can The “bends” in diving, etc.
Boyle’s law. experiment. Appropriate calculations.
Archimedes’ principle. Demonstration only. Calculations Hydrometers.
Law of flotation. not required.
6. Conditions for The sum of the forces in any Appropriate calculations. Static and dynamic equilibrium.
equilibrium direction equals the sum of the
forces in the opposite direction.
The sum of the moments about
any point is zero.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
2. Energy Energy as the ability to do work. Demonstrations of different energy Sources of energy: renewable and
Different forms of energy. conversions. non-renewable.
E P = mgh Ek = 12 mv 2 Appropriate calculations.
Mass as a form of energy Mass transformed to other forms
E = mc 2 of energy in the Sun.
Conversions from one form of
energy to another.
Principle of conservation of Efficient use of energy in the
energy. home.
3. Power Power as the rate of doing work Estimation of average power Power of devices, e.g. light
or rate of energy conversion. developed by bulbs, motors, etc.
Unit. • person running upstairs
• person repeatedly lifting
weights, etc.
Percentage efficiency
Power output x 100 Appropriate calculations.
Power input
MECHANICS: Experiments
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
3. Thermometers Thermometers measure Graduate two thermometers at ice Practical thermometers, e.g.
temperature. and steam points. Compare values • clinical thermometer,
Two thermometers do not obtained for an unknown • oven thermometers,
necessarily give the same reading temperature, using a straight-line • boiler thermometers,
at the same temperature. graph between reference points. • temperature gauge in a car.
The need for standard
thermometers – use any
commercial laboratory
thermometer as school standard.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
2. Latent heat, Definitions and units. Appropriate calculations. Heat pump, e.g. refrigerator.
specific latent heat Perspiration.
HEAT: Experiments
1. Calibration curve of a thermometer using the laboratory mercury thermometer as a standard.
2. Measurement of specific heat capacity, e.g. of water or a metal by a mechanical or electrical method.
3. Measurement of the specific latent heat of fusion of ice.
4. Measurement of the specific latent heat of vaporisation of water.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
Diffraction effects
• at an obstacle
• at a slit
with reference to significance of
the wavelength.
3. Doppler effect Qualitative treatment. Sound from a moving source. Red shift of stars.
Speed traps.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
3. Resonance Natural frequency. Fundamental Demonstration using tuning forks Vocal cords (folds).
frequency. or other suitable method.
Definition of resonance, and
4. Vibrations in Stationary waves in strings and Use string and wind instruments, String section and woodwind
strings and pipes pipes. Relationship between e.g. guitar, tin whistle. section in orchestras.
frequency and length.
5. Sound intensity Threshold of hearing and Use of sound-level meter. Examples of sound intensity
level frequency response of the ear. level.
Sound intensity level, measured in Hearing impairment.
decibels. Ear protection in industry, etc.
The dB(A) scale is used because
it is adapted to the ear’s
frequency response.
SOUND: Experiments
1. Measurement of the speed of sound in air.
2. Investigation of the variation of fundamental frequency of a stretched string with length.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
2. Mirrors Images formed by plane and Real-is-positive sign convention. Practical uses of spherical
spherical mirrors. Simple exercises on mirrors by mirrors
Knowledge that ray tracing or use of formula. Concave Convex
1 • dentists • supermarkets
= 1 + 1 and
f u v • floodlights • driving mirrors
v • projectors
1. Laws of refraction Refractive index. Demonstration using ray box or Practical examples, e.g. real and
laser or other suitable method. apparent depth of fish in water.
Appropriate calculations.
3. Lenses Images formed by single thin Simple exercises on lenses by ray Uses of lenses.
lenses. tracing or use of formula.
Knowledge that
= 1 + 1 and
f u v
Power of lens: P = 1
Two lenses in contact:
P = P1 + P 2
The eye: optical structure; Spectacles.
short sight, long sight,
and corrections.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
1. Diffraction and Use of diffraction grating formula. Suitable method of demonstrating Interference colours
interference nλ = d sinθ the wave nature of light. • petrol film, soap bubbles.
Appropriate calculations.
LIGHT: Experiments
1. Measurement of the focal length of a concave mirror.
2. Verification of Snell’s law of refraction.
3. Measurement of the refractive index of a liquid or a solid.
4. Measurement of the focal length of a converging lens.
5. Measurement of the wavelength of monochromatic light.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
3. Distribution of Total charge resides on outside of Van de Graaff generator can be Lightning.
charge on a metal object. used to demonstrate these Lightning conductors.
conductors Charges tend to accumulate at phenomena.
Point discharge.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
2. Sources of emf and Pd and voltage are the same Sources of emf: mains, simple
electric current thing; they are measured in volts. cells, lead-acid accumulator, car
A voltage when applied to a batteries, dry batteries,
circuit is called an emf. thermocouple.
The p-n junction: basic principles Demonstration of current flow Rectification of a.c.
underlying current flow across a across a p-n junction in forward
p-n junction. and reverse bias, e.g. using a bulb.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
Chemical: an electric current can Demonstration of effect. Use of the chemical effect.
cause a chemical reaction. Everyday examples.
Magnetic effect of an electric Demonstration of effect.
7. Domestic circuits Plugs, fuses, MCBs (miniature Wiring a plug. Electricity at home:
circuit breakers). Simple fuse calculations. • fuse box
Ring and radial circuits, bonding, • meter, etc.
earthing, and general safety pre- Electrical safety.
No drawing of ring circuits
RCDs (residual current devices).
The kilowatt-hour. Uses. Appropriate calculations.
1. Magnetism Magnetic poles exist in pairs. Demonstration using magnets, Electromagnets and their uses.
Magnetic effect of an electric coils, and nails.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
3. Current in a Current-carrying conductor experiences Demonstration of the force on a Applications in motors, meters,
magnetic field a force in a magnetic field. conductor and coil in a magnetic and loudspeakers.
Direction of the force. field.
Force depends on
• the current
• the length of the wire
• the strength of the magnetic
Magnetic flux density B = Appropriate calculations.
Forces between currents
(non-mathematical treatment).
5. Alternating current Variation of voltage and current Use oscilloscope to show a.c. National grid and a.c.
with time, i.e. alternating voltages
and currents.
ELECTRICITY: Experiments
1. Verification of Joule’s law (as ∆θ ∝ I 2). 5. To investigate the variation of current (I ) with pd (V ) for
2. Measurement of the resistivity of the material of a wire. (a) metallic conductor
3. To investigate the variation of the resistance of a metallic (b) filament bulb
conductor with temperature. (c) copper sulfate solution with copper electrodes
4. To investigate the variation of the resistance of a thermistor with (d) semiconductor diode.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
2. Thermionic Principle of thermionic emission Use of cathode ray tube to dem- Applications
emission and its application to the onstrate the production of a • cathode ray oscilloscope
production of a beam of beam of electrons – deflection in • television.
electrons. electric and magnetic fields. Use of CRO to display signals:
Cathode ray tube, consisting of • ECG and EEG.
heated filament, cathode, anode,
and screen. Deflection of cathode
rays in electric and magnetic
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
3. Radioactivity Experimental evidence for three Demonstration of ionisation and Uses of radioisotopes:
kinds of radiation: by deflection penetration by the radiations • medical imaging
in electric or magnetic fields or using any suitable method, e.g. • medical therapy
ionisation or penetration. electroscope, G-M tube. • food irradiation
Nature and properties of alpha, • agriculture
beta and gamma emissions. • radiocarbon dating
Change in mass number and • smoke detectors
atomic number because of • industrial applications.
radioactive decay.
4. Nuclear energy Principles of fission and fusion. Interpretation of nuclear Fusion: source of Sun’s energy.
Mass-energy conservation in reactions. Nuclear weapons.
nuclear reactions: E = mc 2
Nuclear reactor (fuel, moderator, Audiovisual resource material. Environmental impact of fission
control rods, shielding, and heat reactors.
exchanger). Development of fusion reactors.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
5. Ionising radiation General health hazards in use of Measurement of background Health hazards of ionising
and health hazards ionising radiations, e.g. X-rays, radiation. radiations.
nuclear radiation. Audiovisual resource material. Radon, significance of
Environmental radiation: the effect background radiation, granite.
of ionising radiation on humans Medical and dental X-rays.
depends on the type of radiation,
the activity of the source (in Bq), Disposal of nuclear waste.
the time of exposure, and the Radiation protection.
type of tissue irradiated.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
1. Knowledge 4. Competence
Students should be able to
Students should know
• present information in tabular, graphical, written
• basic physical principles, terminology, facts, and
and diagrammatic form, as appropriate
• report on experimental procedures and results
• how physics is fundamental to many technological
concisely, accurately, and comprehensively
• use calculators
• how physics contributes to the social, historical,
• solve numerical problems
environmental, technological and economic life of
• read scientific prose
• relate scientific concepts to issues in everyday life
• explain the science underlying familiar facts,
2. Understanding observations, and phenomena
Students should understand • suggest scientific explanations for unfamiliar facts,
• basic physical principles etc.
• how physical problems can be solved • make decisions based on the examination of
• how the scientific method contributes to physics evidence and arguments.
• how physics relates to everyday life
• the limitations and constraints on physics.
5. Attitudes
Students should appreciate
3. Skills • the contribution of physics to the social and
Students should be able to economic development of society
• measure physical quantities in the appropriate SI • the relationship between physics and technology
units • that a knowledge of physics has many vocational
• work safely in a laboratory applications.
• follow instructions
• use scientific equipment appropriately
• plan and design experiments
• use experimental data appropriately
• apply physical principles to solving problems
• analyse and evaluate experimental results.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
2. Vectors and scalars Distinction between vector and Vector nature of physical
scalar quantities. quantities: everyday examples.
1. Newton’s laws of Statement of the three laws. Demonstration of the laws using Applications:
motion air track or tickertape timer or • seat belts
powder track timer, etc. • rocket travel.
Sports, all ball games.
Force and momentum: definitions
and units. Vector nature of forces
to be stressed.
F = ma as a special case of Appropriate calculations.
Newton’s second law.
Friction: a force opposing motion. Importance of friction in
everyday experience, e.g.
walking, use of lubricants, etc.
2. Conservation of Principle of conservation of Demonstration by any one Collisions (ball games), accelera-
momentum momentum. suitable method. tion of spacecraft, jet aircraft.
Appropriate calculations (problems
involving change of mass need
not be considered).
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
5. Density and Definitions and units. Demonstration of atmospheric Atmospheric pressure and
pressure Pressure in liquids and gases. pressure, e.g. collapsing-can weather.
Boyle’s law. experiment. Appropriate The “bends” in diving, etc.
Archimedes’ principle. Law of Demonstration only. Calculations Hydrometers.
flotation. not required.
7. Conditions for Vector sum of the forces in any Appropriate calculations. Static and dynamic equilibrium.
equilibrium direction is zero. The sum of the
moments about any point is zero.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
8. Simple harmonic Hooke’s law: restoring force ∝ Demonstration of SHM, e.g. Everyday examples.
motion (SHM) and displacement. swinging pendulum or oscillating
Hooke’s law F = – ks magnet.
ma = – ks
– ks
a = m = – ω2s Appropriate calculations.
Systems that obey Hooke’s law
e.g. simple pendulum, execute
simple harmonic motion:
2. Energy Energy as the ability to do work. Demonstrations of different energy Sources of energy: renewable and
Different forms of energy. conversions. non-renewable.
E P = mgh E k = 12 mv 2 Appropriate calculations.
Mass as a form of energy Mass transformed to other forms
E = mc 2 of energy in the Sun.
Conversions from one form of
energy to another.
Principle of conservation of Efficient use of energy in the
energy. home.
3. Power Power as the rate of doing work Estimation of average power Power of devices, e.g. light
or rate of energy conversion. developed by bulbs, motors, etc.
Unit. • person running upstairs
• person repeatedly lifting
Percentage efficiency weights, etc.
Power output x 100 Appropriate calculations.
Power input
MECHANICS: Experiments
1. Measurement of velocity and acceleration. 5. Verification of Boyle’s law.
2. To show that a ∝ F. 6. Investigation of the laws of equilibrium for a set of co-planar
3. Verification of the principle of conservation of momentum. forces.
4. Measurement of g. 7. Investigation of relationship between period and length for a
simple pendulum and hence calculation of g.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
3. Thermometers Thermometers measure Graduate two thermometers at ice Practical thermometers, e.g.
temperature. and steam points. Compare values • clinical thermometer
Two thermometers do not obtained for an unknown • oven thermometers
necessarily give the same reading temperature, using a straight-line • boiler thermometers
at the same temperature. The graph between the reference • temperature gauge in a car.
need for standard thermometers points.
– use any commercial laboratory
thermometer as school standard.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
2. Latent heat, Definitions and units. Appropriate calculations. Heat pump, e.g. refrigerator.
specific latent heat Perspiration.
HEAT: Experiments
1. Calibration curve of a thermometer using the laboratory mercury thermometer as a standard.
2. Measurement of specific heat capacity, e.g. of water or a metal by a mechanical or electrical method.
3. Measurement of the specific latent heat of fusion of ice.
4. Measurement of the specific latent heat of vaporisation of water.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
Diffraction effects
• at an obstacle
• at a slit
with reference to significance of
the wavelength.
3. Doppler effect Qualitative treatment. Sound from a moving source. Red shift of stars.
Simple quantitative treatment for Appropriate calculations without Speed traps.
moving source and stationary deriving formula.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
3. Resonance Natural frequency. Fundamental Demonstration using tuning forks Vocal cords (folds).
frequency. or other suitable method.
Definition of resonance and
4. Vibrations in Stationary waves in strings and Use string and wind instruments, String section and woodwind
strings and pipes pipes. Relationship between fre- e.g. guitar, tin whistle. section in orchestras.
quency and length.
Harmonics in strings and pipes.
1 T
f= Appropriate calculations.
2l µ
for a stretched string.
5. Sound intensity Sound intensity: definition and Use of sound-level meter. Examples of sound intensity
level unit. level.
Threshold of hearing and Hearing impairment.
frequency response of ear. Ear protection in industry, etc.
Sound intensity level is measured
in decibels. Doubling the sound
intensity increases the sound
intensity level by 3 dB.
The dB(A) scale is used because
it is adapted for the ear’s
frequency response.
SOUND: Experiments
1. Measurement of the speed of sound in air.
2. Investigation of the variation of fundamental frequency of a stretched string with length.
3. Investigation of the variation of fundamental frequency of a stretched string with tension.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
2. Mirrors Images formed by plane and Real-is-positive sign convention. Practical uses of spherical
spherical mirrors. Simple exercises on mirrors by mirrors:
Knowledge that ray tracing or use of formula. Concave Convex
1 • dentists • supermarkets
= 1 + 1 and
f u v • floodlights • driving mirrors
v • projectors.
1. Laws of refraction Refractive index. Demonstration using ray box or Practical examples, e.g. real and
laser or other suitable method. apparent depth of fish in water.
Appropriate calculations.
3. Lenses Images formed by single thin Simple exercises on lenses by ray Use of lenses.
lenses. tracing or use of formula.
Knowledge that
= 1 + 1 and
f u v
Power of lens: P = 1
Two lenses in contact:
P = P1 + P 2
The eye: optical structure; Spectacles.
short sight, long sight,
and corrections.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
1. Diffraction and Use of diffraction grating formula: Suitable method of demonstrating Interference colours
interference n λ = d sin θ the wave nature of light. • petrol film, soap bubbles.
Appropriate calculations.
Derivation of formula.
LIGHT: Experiments
1. Measurement of the focal length of a concave mirror.
2. Verification of Snell’s law of refraction.
3. Measurement of the refractive index of a liquid or a solid.
4. Measurement of the focal length of a converging lens.
5. Measurement of the wavelength of monochromatic light.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
2. Sources of emf and Pd and voltage are the same Sources of emf: mains, simple
electric current thing; they are measured in volts. cells, lead-acid accumulator, car
A voltage when applied to a batteries, dry batteries,
circuit is called an emf. thermocouple.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
The p-n junction: basic principles Demonstration of current flow Rectification of a.c.
underlying current flow across a across a p-n junction in forward
p-n junction. and reverse bias, e.g. using a
7. Domestic circuits Plugs, fuses, MCBs (miniature Wiring a plug. Electricity at home
circuit breakers). Simple fuse calculations. • fuse box
Ring and radial circuits, bonding, • meter, etc.
earthing, and general safety pre- Electrical safety.
RCDs (residual current devices).
No drawing of ring circuits
The kilowatt-hour. Uses. Appropriate calculations.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
2. Magnetic fields Magnetic field due to Demonstrations. Earth’s magnetic field – use in
• magnets navigation.
• current in
- a long straight wire
- a loop
- a solenoid.
Description without mathematical
Vector nature of magnetic field to
be stressed.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
5. Alternating current Variation of voltage and current Use oscilloscope to show a.c. National grid and a.c.
with time, i.e. alternating voltages
and currents.
Peak and rms values of Compare peak and rms values.
alternating currents and voltages.
ELECTRICITY: Experiments
1. Verification of Joule’s law (as ∆θ ∝ I 2).
2. Measurement of the resistivity of the material of a wire.
3. To investigate the variation of the resistance of a metallic conductor with temperature.
4. To investigate the variation of the resistance of a thermistor with temperature.
5. To investigate the variation of current (I ) with pd (V ) for
(a) metallic conductor
(b) filament bulb
(c) copper sulfate solution with copper electrodes
(d) semiconductor diode.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
3. Radioactivity Experimental evidence for three Demonstration of ionisation and Uses of radioisotopes:
kinds of radiation: by deflection penetration by the radiations • medical imaging
in electric or magnetic fields or using any suitable method, e.g. • medical therapy
ionisation or penetration. electroscope, G-M tube. • food irradiation
Nature and properties of alpha, • agriculture
beta and gamma emissions. • radiocarbon dating
Change in mass number and • smoke detectors
atomic number because of • industrial applications.
radioactive decay.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
4. Nuclear energy Principles of fission and fusion. Interpretation of nuclear reactions. Fusion: source of Sun’s energy.
Mass-energy conservation in Nuclear weapons.
nuclear reactions, E = mc 2. Appropriate calculations.
Nuclear reactor (fuel, moderator, Audiovisual resource material. Environmental impact of fission
control rods, shielding, and heat reactors.
exchanger). Development of fusion reactors.
5. Ionising radiation General health hazards in use of Measurement of background radi- Health hazards of ionising
and health hazards ionising radiations, e.g. X-rays, ation. radiations.
nuclear radiation. Environmental Audiovisual resource material. Radon, significance of
radiation: the effect of ionising background radiation, granite.
radiation on humans depends on Medical and dental X-rays.
the type of radiation, the activity
of the source (in Bq), the time Disposal of nuclear waste.
of exposure, and the type of Radiation protection.
tissue irradiated.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
2. Acceleration of Cockcroft and Walton – proton Appropriate calculations. First artificial splitting of
protons energy approximately 1 MeV: nucleus.
outline of experiment. First transmutation using
artificially accelerated particles.
Irish Nobel laureate for physics,
Professor E. T. S. Walton (1951).
4. Converting other Reference to circular accelerators Audiovisual resource material. History of search for basic
forms of energy progressively increasing energy building blocks of nature:
into mass available: • Greeks: earth, fire, air, water
proton-proton collisions • 1936: p, n, e.
p + p + energy → p + p Particle accelerators, e.g. CERN.
+ additional particles.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
6. Families of Mass of particles comes from Appropriate calculations. Pioneering work to investigate
particles energy of the reactions – the structure of matter and
origin of universe.
m = E2
c International collaboration,
The larger the energy the greater e.g. CERN.
the variety of particles. These
particles are called “particle zoo”.
Leptons: indivisible point objects,
not subject to strong force, e.g.
electron, positron, and neutrino.
Baryons: subject to all forces, e.g.
protons, neutrons, and heavier
Mesons: subject to all forces,
mass between electron and
8. Quark model Quark: fundamental building block Identify the nature and charge of James Joyce: “Three quarks for
of baryons and mesons. a particle given a combination of Muster Mark”.
Six quarks – called up, down, quarks.
strange, charmed, top, and
Charges: u+2/3 , d-1/3 , s-1/3
Anti-quark has opposite charge to
quark and same mass.
Baryons composed of three
quarks: p = uud, n = udd,
other baryons any three quarks.
Mesons composed of any quark
and an anti-quark.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •
5. Applications of P-n diode used as half-wave Use of a bridge rectifier and a Conversion of a.c. to d.c.
diode rectifier. Light-emitting diode capacitor to obtain smooth d.c. Practical applications.
(LED); principle of operation. Use of LED. LED: optical display.
Fibre optic receiver.
6. The transistor Basic structure of bi-polar transis- Demonstration. Applications of the transistor as
tor. The transistor as a voltage a switch should be indicated,
amplifier – purpose of bias and e.g. to switch a relay.
load resistors.
7. Logic gates AND, OR and NOT gates. Establish truth tables for AND, OR Relate NOT to transistor.
and NOT gates. Use of IC in Boole.
demonstrating circuits.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •
Mathematical Requirements
Black text is for Higher level only. Arithmetic
Students should be able to
1. Use of calculators • understand the concept of significant figures
Students will be expected to have an electronic • recognise and use significant figures as appropriate
calculator conforming to the examination regulations • recognise and use expressions in decimal and
for the duration of the course and when answering standard form (scientific) notation
the examination paper. It is recommended that • recognise and use prefixes indicating multiplication
-12 -9 -6 -3 3 6 9
students have available the following keys: by 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 , 10
• use an electronic calculator for addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division and for
ORDINARY LEVEL finding arithmetic means, reciprocals, squares,
+, –, x, ÷, π, x 2, x , x1 , x y, EE or EXP; square roots, sines, cosines and tangents,
sine, cosine and tangent and their inverses in exponentials, logarithms, and their inverses
degrees and fractions of a degree; memory. • make approximate evaluations of numerical
expressions and use such approximations to check
HIGHER LEVEL calculator calculations.
as above and
log10 x, 10 , ln x. Algebra
Students should be able to
• change the subject of an equation
In carrying out calculations, students should be • solve simple algebraic equations
advised to show clearly all expressions to be evaluated • substitute for physical quantities in physical
using a calculator. The number of significant figures equations using consistent units
given in the answer to a numerical problem should • formulate simple algebraic equations as
match the number of significant figures given in the mathematical models of physical situations
question. • comprehend and use the symbols >, <, ∝, =, x, ∆x.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •
Vectors Graphs
Students should be able to Students should be able to
• find the resultant of two perpendicular vectors, • translate information between numerical,
recognising situations where vector addition is algebraic, verbal and graphical forms
appropriate • select appropriate variables and scales for graph
• obtain expressions for components of a vector in plotting
perpendicular directions, recognising situations • determine the slope of a linear graph and allocate
where vector resolution is appropriate. appropriate physical units to it
• choose by inspection a straight line that will serve
as the best straight line through a set of data
presented graphically.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •
The following abbreviations should be used:
potential difference pd electromotive force emf
light-emitting diode LED light-dependent resistor LDR
proton p neutron n
electron e- positron e+
neutrino ν
up u down d
strange s charmed c
top t bottom b
up u down d
strange s charmed c
top t bottom b
Basic units
The international system of units (SI) should be used. The required base units are given in the table below.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •
relay coil
relay contact
} electro
A ammeter
fixed resistor
battery of cells
variable resistor
power supply
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •
capacitor diode/rectifier
transformer with
light-dependent resistor LDR
ferromagnetic core
Reference: Association for Science Education.
Signs, Symbols and Systematics.
The ASE Companion to 5-16 Science.
microphone Hatfield: ASE, 1995.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •
Students should know and be able to use the following formulas. At Ordinary level no derivations are required.
Equations in black text apply to Higher level only.
Those marked with † should be derived at Higher level.
Linear motion with constant acceleration: †v = u + at
†s = ut + 12 at 2
†v 2 = u 2 +2as
Momentum of a particle = mu †F = ma
Conservation of momentum m 1u 1+ m 2u 2 = m 1v 1 + m 2v 2
Angle in radians θ = rs
Angular velocity ω = θt
†Relationship between linear velocity and angular velocity v = rω
a = r ω 2 = vr
Centripetal acceleration
F = mr ω 2 = mv
Centripetal force r
Gm 1 m 2
Newton’s law of gravitation F=
Weight W = mg
4π 2 R 3
†g = GM †T 2 =
Density ρ= m
Pressure: p = F Pressure at a point in a fluid: p = ρgh
Boyle’s law pV = constant
Moment = force x perpendicular distance Couple T = Fd
Hooke’s law: F = –ks Simple harmonic motion: a = –ω 2 s
Periodic time T = 1 = 2π
f ω
Simple pendulum T = 2π g
Work W = Fs
Potential energy: E p = mgh Kinetic energy: E k = 1/2 mv 2
Mass-energy equivalence E = mc 2
Power P= t
Percentage efficiency = Power output x 100
Power input
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •
Velocity of a wave c=fλ
Doppler effect ‚ fc
f =
Magnification m = uv
Power of a lens P =1
Refractive index:
1 c
n= n = c1
sin C 2
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •
1 Q1 Q 2 Q
Coulomb’s law F = 4π ε Capacitance C =
d2 V
F Aε0
Electric field strength E= Parallel-plate capacitor C =
Q d
Potential difference V= Energy stored in capacitor W= 1/2 CV 2
V = IR Resistivity ρ = RA
R1 R
Wheatstone bridge = 3
R2 R4
–d Φ Vi Np
Induced emf E= Transformer =
dt Vo Ns
Modern Physics
Energy of a photon E = hf
ln 2
Half-life T 1/2 =
Mass-energy equivalence E = mc 2
Procedures for drawing up
National Syllabuses
The NCCA’s Course Committees for the Leaving Certificate
(Established) have the following membership: