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Physics Syllabus: Eaving Ertificate

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Aims and Principles The Leaving Certificate (Established)

1. The general aim of education is to contribute The Leaving Certificate (Established) programme
towards the development of all aspects of the offers students a broad and balanced education
individual, including aesthetic, creative, critical, while allowing for some specialisation.
cultural, emotional, expressive, intellectual, for Syllabuses are provided in a wide range of sub-
personal and home life, for working life, for liv- jects. All subjects are offered at Ordinary and
ing in the community and for leisure. Higher levels. In addition, Mathematics and Irish
are also offered at Foundation level.
2. Leaving Certificate programmes are presented
within this general aim, with a particular empha- The certificate is used for purposes of selection
sis on the preparation of students for the into further education, employment, training and
requirements of further education or training, for higher education.
employment and for their role as participative,
enterprising citizens. The Leaving Certificate Vocational
Programme (LCVP)
3. All Leaving Certificate programmes aim to pro-
vide continuity with and progression from the The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme is
Junior Certificate programme. The relative an intervention within the Leaving Certificate
weighting given to the various components — (Established). LCVP students study a minimum
e.g. personal and social (including moral and of five subjects (at Higher, Ordinary or
spiritual) development, vocational studies and Foundation levels), including Irish and two sub-
preparation for further education and for adult jects from specified vocational subject groupings.
and working life — within the programmes may They are also required to take a recognised
vary. course in a Modern European language, other
than Irish or English. In addition LCVP students
4. Programmes leading to the award of the Leaving take three Link Modules on Enterprise Education,
Certificate are of two years duration and are Preparation for Work and Work Experience.
offered in three forms:
In particular, the LCVP aims to foster in students
i. The Leaving Certificate (Established) a spirit of enterprise and initiative and to devel-
op their interpersonal, vocational and technolog-
ii. The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme ical skills.

iii. The Leaving Certificate Applied The Leaving Certificate Applied

The Leaving Certificate Applied is a distinct, self-
5. All Leaving Certificate programmes, in contribut- contained Leaving Certificate programme. It is
ing to a high quality education, emphasise the designed for those students who do not wish to
importance of : proceed directly to third level education or for
those whose needs, aspirations and aptitudes
• self-directed learning and independent are not adequately catered for by the other two
thought Leaving Certificate programmes. The Leaving
Certificate Applied is structured around three
• a spirit of inquiry, critical thinking, problem main elements – Vocational Preparation,
solving, self-reliance, initiative and enterprise Vocational Education and General Education -
which are interrelated and interdependent. This
• preparation for further education, for adult programme is characterised by educational expe-
and working life riences of an active, practical and student-cen-
tred nature.
• lifelong learning.



• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •


Policy Context
Science education in the senior cycle should reflect The three components should be integrated within
the changing needs of students and the growing each science syllabus, with the first component
significance of science for strategic development in having a 70% weighting. The remaining 30% should
Ireland. be allocated to the other two components in the ratio
3 to 1.
Leaving Certificate science syllabuses are designed to
incorporate the following components: The syllabuses, which are offered at two levels,
• science for the enquiring mind, or pure science, to Higher and Ordinary, will have approximately 180
include the principles, procedures and concepts of hours of class contact time over a two-year period.
the subject as well as its cultural and historical They should be practically and experimentally based
aspects in their teaching.
• science for action, or the applications of science
and its interface with technology
• science, which is concerned with issues – political,
social and economic – of concern to citizens.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Ordinary Level Syllabus . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Higher Level Syllabus . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Ordinary Level Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Ordinary Level Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

Vibrations and Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Vibrations and Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Electricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Electricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

Modern Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Modern Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

Option 1: Particle Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42

Option 2: Applied Electricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

Mathematical Requirements at Ordinary and Higher Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

Notations and Symbols at Ordinary and Higher Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Formulas at Ordinary and Higher Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •


The aims of the syllabus, common to both levels, The science, technology and society (STS)
are: component places the content within a relevant
• to give students an understanding of the context. The format in which the syllabus is presented
fundamental principles of physics and their does not imply any particular order of teaching.
application to everyday life and technology Teaching strategies should promote, in a positive
• to develop an appreciation of physics as a human manner, the aims and objectives of the syllabus.

endeavour, thereby enriching the students’

Activities describe how the syllabus objectives are to
experience of life
be achieved as the content is studied. The activities
• to provide a reasonably broad perspective of
column provides a pedagogical approach to the
physics, thus developing an understanding of the
syllabus by outlining the relevant demonstrations and
physical environment and of how human beings by indicating where problem-solving is required.
interact with it Where resources permit, the use of spreadsheets, data-
• to provide a general education in physics for all logging, computer-aided learning, modelling and
students, whether or not they proceed to further simulation is recommended. Slides, posters and
studies in physics videos are excellent resource materials, and their use
• to develop the ability to observe, to think in implementing the syllabus is recommended.
logically, and to communicate effectively Additional activities may be included where
• to develop an understanding of the scientific appropriate.
• to develop an appreciation of physics as a The science, technology and society (STS)
component places the concepts, principles and
creative activity, using informed intuition and
theories of physics within relevant contexts by
imagination to create an understanding of the
(a) referring to the applications of physics and
beauty, simplicity and symmetry in nature.
(b) solving problems set in the everyday world.
It is important to include personal, medical,
Structure of the Syllabus
biological and social examples of physics as well as
The entire Ordinary level syllabus is presented first
mechanical or technical examples, so that the place of
followed by the entire Higher level syllabus. The
physics in the everyday world can be appreciated.
syllabus is presented in four columns:
Establishing links with local industry would be of
• content
great importance in implementing this aspect of the
• depth of treatment syllabus. The links between history, culture,
• activities philosophy and physics should also be included.
• science, technology, and society (STS). Students, through their study of physics, should
The content and the depth of treatment required are develop a critical awareness of the limitations of, and
stated. The activities given in the syllabus provide constraints on, physics. Therefore, as citizens, they
opportunities to achieve the objectives of the syllabus. can contribute constructively to the development of
their society on social, economic and environmental
issues, some of which may be controversial.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •

STS is an integral part of the syllabus at both laboratory. Those required are indicated in the
Ordinary and Higher levels, so that students can activities column by the term “demonstration of
place physics within the everyday world. The STS effect”.
material needs to be known at the appropriate level;
Experimental error: There should be an apprecia-
that is, where the basic principle is on the Ordinary
tion of the errors inherent in an experiment and of
level, examples must be known at Ordinary level, and
the precautions that can be taken to reduce such
similarly at Higher level. Only the principles of the
errors. No quantitative treatment is required.
applications listed in STS are required. Technical
details, e.g. structural details, operational details, etc.,
Differentiation between Higher level
are not required. The list of applications is not
and Ordinary level
exhaustive and additional applications may be
There are three main differences between Higher level
included where appropriate.
and Ordinary level:
• structure and content
The mathematical requirements are stated on pages
45 and 46. The notation and symbols to be used are • depth of treatment
defined on pages 47 to 51 and the formulas section • mathematical treatment.
on pages 52 to 54 indicates the equations relevant to
the syllabus. Structure and content: Ordinary level consists of a
defined set of concepts. Higher level consists of the
Practical work Ordinary level concepts, additional concepts, and
Students must follow a course of practical work. The either Option 1 (Particle Physics) or Option 2
experiments listed at the end of each section of the (Applied Electricity). The additional concepts at
syllabus must be carried out by the students and an Higher level are printed in black text.
adequate record of such work must be retained for Depth of treatment: Ordinary level provides an
the period of the course. overview of physics and its applications to everyday
life, while at Higher level there is a deeper, more
Standard laboratory safety precautions must be quantitative treatment of physics.
observed, and due care must be taken when
carrying out all experiments. Mathematical treatment: Equations must be
known and used at Ordinary level. At Higher level
The hazards associated with electricity, EHT, lasers certain equations must be derived; the other equa-
etc. should be identified where possible, and tions must be known and used. The formulas section
appropriate precautions taken. The careful use of (pages 52 to 54) indicates the equations relevant to
sources of ionising radiation is essential. It is the syllabus. Appropriate calculations are essential
important that teachers follow guidelines issued by throughout to develop students’ skills and under-
the Department of Education and Science. standing.

It is recommended that the practical work listed in

the syllabus be supplemented by teacher
demonstrations, further student practical work, and
student investigations, as appropriate. Where possible,
physical phenomena should be demonstrated in the

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •

Assessment objectives
The syllabus will be assessed under the headings
knowledge, understanding, skills, and competence.
The attitudinal objectives will be assessed where
feasible. All material within the syllabus is

It should be noted that STS is examinable. Students

will be expected to have a knowledge of general
applications but will not be required to have a
detailed knowledge of specific applications.

Practical work is an integral part of the study of

physics; it will initially be assessed through the
medium of the written examination paper. An
element of practical assessment may be included as
part of the overall assessment at a later stage.



• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Ordinary Level Syllabus Objectives

Ordinary level physics provides an introduction to, and an overview of, physics.
Students are expected to develop an appreciation of the fundamental laws
and principles and their application to everyday life.

The objectives of the syllabus are:

1. Knowledge 4. Competence
Students should know Students should be able to
• basic physical principles, terminology, facts, and • present information in tabular, graphical, written
methods and diagrammatic form, as appropriate
• that physics is fundamental to many technological • report concisely on experimental procedures and
developments results
• that physics contributes to the social, historical, • use calculators
environmental, technological and economic life of • solve numerical problems
society. • read popular science writing
• relate scientific concepts to issues in everyday life
2. Understanding
• explain the science underlying familiar facts,
Students should understand
observations, and phenomena.
• basic physical principles
• how physical problems can be solved 5. Attitudes
• how the scientific method contributes to physics Students should appreciate
• how physics relates to everyday life. • the contribution of physics to the social and
economic development of society
3. Skills
• the relationship between physics and technology
Students should be able to
• that a knowledge of physics has many vocational
• measure physical quantities in the appropriate SI
• work safely in a laboratory
• follow instructions
• use scientific equipment appropriately
• use experimental data appropriately.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Linear motion Units of mass, length and time –

definition of units not required.

Displacement, velocity, accelera- Measurement of velocity and Sports, e.g. athletics.

tion: definitions and units. acceleration, using any suitable
apparatus. Use of distance-time,
velocity-time graphs.

Equations of motion. Measurement of g.

Appropriate calculations.

2. Vectors and Scalars Distinction between vector and Vector nature of physical
scalar quantities. quantities: everyday examples.


1. Newton’s laws of Statement of the three laws. Demonstration of the laws using Applications
motion air track or tickertape timer or • seat belts
powder track timer, etc. • rocket travel.
Force and momentum, definitions Sports, all ball games.
and units. Vector nature of forces
to be stressed.
F = ma as a special case of Appropriate calculations.
Newton’s second law.
Friction: a force opposing motion. Importance of friction in
everyday experience, e.g.
walking, use of lubricants, etc.

2. Conservation of Principle of conservation of Demonstration by any one Collisions (ball games), accelera-
momentum momentum. suitable method. tion of spacecraft, jet aircraft.
Appropriate calculations (problems
involving change of mass need
not be considered).

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

3. Gravity Newton’s law of universal Compare gravitational forces Solar system.

gravitation. between Earth and Sun and
Gm 1 m 2 between Earth and Moon.
Weight = mg

Value of acceleration due to Calculation of weight on different Presence of atmosphere.

gravity on other bodies in space, planets.
e.g. Moon.

4. Density and Definitions and units. Demonstration of atmospheric Atmospheric pressure and weather.
pressure Pressure in liquids and gases. pressure, e.g. collapsing-can The “bends” in diving, etc.
Boyle’s law. experiment. Appropriate calculations.
Archimedes’ principle. Demonstration only. Calculations Hydrometers.
Law of flotation. not required.

5. Moments Definition. Simple experiments with a Torque, e.g. taps, doors.

Levers. number of weights. Appropriate Handlebars on bicycles.
Couple. calculations. (Only problems Reference to moving-coil meters
involving co-planar parallel forces and simple motor.
need be considered.)

6. Conditions for The sum of the forces in any Appropriate calculations. Static and dynamic equilibrium.
equilibrium direction equals the sum of the
forces in the opposite direction.
The sum of the moments about
any point is zero.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Work Definition and unit. Simple experiments. Appropriate Lifts, escalators.

calculations involving force and
displacement in the same
direction only.

2. Energy Energy as the ability to do work. Demonstrations of different energy Sources of energy: renewable and
Different forms of energy. conversions. non-renewable.
E P = mgh Ek = 12 mv 2 Appropriate calculations.
Mass as a form of energy Mass transformed to other forms
E = mc 2 of energy in the Sun.
Conversions from one form of
energy to another.
Principle of conservation of Efficient use of energy in the
energy. home.

3. Power Power as the rate of doing work Estimation of average power Power of devices, e.g. light
or rate of energy conversion. developed by bulbs, motors, etc.
Unit. • person running upstairs
• person repeatedly lifting
weights, etc.

Percentage efficiency
Power output x 100 Appropriate calculations.
Power input

MECHANICS: Experiments

1. Measurement of velocity and acceleration.

2. To show that a ∝ F.
3. Verification of the principle of conservation of momentum.
4. Measurement of g.
5. Verification of Boyle’s law.
6. Investigation of the laws of equilibrium for a set of co-planar forces.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

1. Concept of Measure of hotness or coldness of

temperature a body.
The SI unit of temperature is the
kelvin (definition of unit in terms
of the triple point of water not
Celsius scale is the practical
temperature scale
t /ºC = T /K – 273.15

2. Thermometric A physical property that changes Demonstration of some

properties measurably with temperature. thermometric properties:
• length of liquid column,
e.g. length of mercury
• emf of thermocouple
• resistance
• pressure of a gas at
constant volume
• volume of a gas at
constant pressure
• colour.

3. Thermometers Thermometers measure Graduate two thermometers at ice Practical thermometers, e.g.
temperature. and steam points. Compare values • clinical thermometer,
Two thermometers do not obtained for an unknown • oven thermometers,
necessarily give the same reading temperature, using a straight-line • boiler thermometers,
at the same temperature. graph between reference points. • temperature gauge in a car.
The need for standard
thermometers – use any
commercial laboratory
thermometer as school standard.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

1. Concept of heat Heat as a form of energy that

causes a rise in temperature
when added or a fall in
temperature when withdrawn.


1. Heat capacity, Definitions and units. Appropriate calculations. Storage heaters.

specific heat

2. Latent heat, Definitions and units. Appropriate calculations. Heat pump, e.g. refrigerator.
specific latent heat Perspiration.


1. Conduction Qualitative comparison of rates of Simple experiments. U-values: use in domestic

conduction through solids. situations.

2. Convection Simple experiments. Domestic hot-water and heating


3. Radiation Radiation from the Sun. Simple experiments. Everyday examples.

Solar constant (also called solar Solar heating.

HEAT: Experiments
1. Calibration curve of a thermometer using the laboratory mercury thermometer as a standard.
2. Measurement of specific heat capacity, e.g. of water or a metal by a mechanical or electrical method.
3. Measurement of the specific latent heat of fusion of ice.
4. Measurement of the specific latent heat of vaporisation of water.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

1. Properties of waves Longitudinal and transverse waves:

frequency, amplitude, wavelength,
Relationship c = f λ Appropriate calculations.

2. Wave phenomena Reflection. Simple demonstrations using Everyday examples, e.g.

Refraction. slinky, ripple tank, microwaves, or • radio waves
Diffraction. other suitable method. • waves at sea
Interference. • seismic waves.

Stationary waves; relationship

between inter-node distance and

Diffraction effects
• at an obstacle
• at a slit
with reference to significance of
the wavelength.

3. Doppler effect Qualitative treatment. Sound from a moving source. Red shift of stars.
Speed traps.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •


Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

1. Wave nature of Reflection, refraction, diffraction, Demonstration of interference, e.g. Acoustics.

sound interference. two loudspeakers and a signal Reduction of noise using
generator. destructive interference. Noise
Speed of sound in various media. Demonstration that sound requires
a medium.

2. Characteristics of Amplitude and loudness, frequency

notes and pitch, quality and overtones.
Frequency limits of audibility. Dog whistle.

3. Resonance Natural frequency. Fundamental Demonstration using tuning forks Vocal cords (folds).
frequency. or other suitable method.
Definition of resonance, and

4. Vibrations in Stationary waves in strings and Use string and wind instruments, String section and woodwind
strings and pipes pipes. Relationship between e.g. guitar, tin whistle. section in orchestras.
frequency and length.

5. Sound intensity Threshold of hearing and Use of sound-level meter. Examples of sound intensity
level frequency response of the ear. level.
Sound intensity level, measured in Hearing impairment.
decibels. Ear protection in industry, etc.
The dB(A) scale is used because
it is adapted to the ear’s
frequency response.

SOUND: Experiments
1. Measurement of the speed of sound in air.
2. Investigation of the variation of fundamental frequency of a stretched string with length.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Laws of reflection Demonstration using ray box or

laser or other suitable method.

2. Mirrors Images formed by plane and Real-is-positive sign convention. Practical uses of spherical
spherical mirrors. Simple exercises on mirrors by mirrors
Knowledge that ray tracing or use of formula. Concave Convex
1 • dentists • supermarkets
= 1 + 1 and
f u v • floodlights • driving mirrors
v • projectors

1. Laws of refraction Refractive index. Demonstration using ray box or Practical examples, e.g. real and
laser or other suitable method. apparent depth of fish in water.
Appropriate calculations.

2. Total internal Critical angle. Demonstration. Reflective road signs.

reflection Relationship between critical angle Appropriate calculations. Mirages.
and refractive index. Prism reflectors.
Transmission of light through Uses of optical fibres:
optical fibres. • telecommunications
• medicine (endoscopes).

3. Lenses Images formed by single thin Simple exercises on lenses by ray Uses of lenses.
lenses. tracing or use of formula.
Knowledge that
= 1 + 1 and
f u v

Power of lens: P = 1
Two lenses in contact:
P = P1 + P 2
The eye: optical structure; Spectacles.
short sight, long sight,
and corrections.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Diffraction and Use of diffraction grating formula. Suitable method of demonstrating Interference colours
interference nλ = d sinθ the wave nature of light. • petrol film, soap bubbles.
Appropriate calculations.

2. Light as a trans- Polarisation. Demonstration of polarisation Stress polarisation.

verse wave motion using polaroids or other suitable Polaroid sunglasses.

3. Dispersion Dispersion by a prism and a Demonstration. Rainbows, polished gemstones.

diffraction grating. Colours seen on surfaces of
Recombination by a prism. compact discs.

4. Colours Primary, secondary and

complementary colours.
Addition of colours. Pigment Demonstration. Stage lighting, television.
colours need not be considered.

5. Electromagnetic Relative positions of radiations in Ultraviolet and ozone layer.

spectrum terms of wavelength and Infrared cameras:
frequency. • medical applications
Detection of UV and IR radiation. Demonstration. • night vision.
Greenhouse effect.

6. The spectrometer The spectrometer and the Demonstration.

function of its parts.

LIGHT: Experiments
1. Measurement of the focal length of a concave mirror.
2. Verification of Snell’s law of refraction.
3. Measurement of the refractive index of a liquid or a solid.
4. Measurement of the focal length of a converging lens.
5. Measurement of the wavelength of monochromatic light.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Electrification by Charging by rubbing together Demonstration of forces between Domestic applications:

contact dissimilar materials. charges. • dust on television screen
Types of charge: positive, • static on clothes.
negative. Industrial hazards
Conductors and insulators. • in flour mills
Unit of charge: coulomb. • fuelling aircraft.

2. Electrification by Demonstration using an insulated

induction conductor and a nearby charged

3. Distribution of Total charge resides on outside of Van de Graaff generator can be Lightning.
charge on a metal object. used to demonstrate these Lightning conductors.
conductors Charges tend to accumulate at phenomena.
Point discharge.

4. Electroscope Structure. Uses.


1. Force between Coulomb’s law

charges 1 Q1 Q 2
F =
4π ε d2
an example of an inverse square

2. Electric fields Idea of lines of force. Demonstration of field patterns Precipitators.

Vector nature of electric field to using oil and semolina or other Xerography.
be stressed. method. Hazards: effect of electric fields
on integrated circuits.

3. Potential difference Definition of potential difference: Appropriate calculations.

work done per unit charge to
transfer a charge from one point
to another.
Definition of volt.
Concept of zero potential.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Capacitors and Definition: C = Q/V Appropriate calculations.

capacitance Unit of capacitance.

Parallel plate capacitor. Common uses of capacitors:

• tuning radios
• flash guns
• smoothing
• filtering.
Energy stored in a capacitor. Charge capacitor – discharge
through lamp or low-voltage d.c.

Capacitors – conduct a.c. but not Demonstration.


1. Electric current Description of electric current as

flow of charge 1 A = 1 C s 1

2. Sources of emf and Pd and voltage are the same Sources of emf: mains, simple
electric current thing; they are measured in volts. cells, lead-acid accumulator, car
A voltage when applied to a batteries, dry batteries,
circuit is called an emf. thermocouple.

3. Conduction in Conduction in Interpretation of I–V graphs.

materials • metals
• ionic solutions
(active and inactive electrodes)
• gases
• vacuum Neon lamps, street lights.
• semiconductors.
References in each case to charge

Conduction in semiconductors: the Electronic devices.

distinction between intrinsic and LED, computers, integrated
extrinsic conduction; p-type and circuits.
n-type semiconductors.

The p-n junction: basic principles Demonstration of current flow Rectification of a.c.
underlying current flow across a across a p-n junction in forward
p-n junction. and reverse bias, e.g. using a bulb.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

4. Resistance Definition of resistance, unit. Appropriate calculations.

Ohm's law.
Resistance varies with length,
cross-sectional area, and
Resistivity. Use of ohmmeter.
Resistors in series and parallel. Appropriate calculations.

LDR – light-dependent resistor. Demonstration of LDR and

Thermistor. thermistor.

5. Potential Potential divider. Demonstration. Potentiometer as a variable

potential divider.

6. Effects of electric Heating: W = I 2Rt Demonstration of effect. Everyday examples.

current Appropriate calculations. Advantage of use of EHT in
transmission of electrical energy.

Chemical: an electric current can Demonstration of effect. Use of the chemical effect.
cause a chemical reaction. Everyday examples.
Magnetic effect of an electric Demonstration of effect.

7. Domestic circuits Plugs, fuses, MCBs (miniature Wiring a plug. Electricity at home:
circuit breakers). Simple fuse calculations. • fuse box
Ring and radial circuits, bonding, • meter, etc.
earthing, and general safety pre- Electrical safety.
No drawing of ring circuits
RCDs (residual current devices).
The kilowatt-hour. Uses. Appropriate calculations.


1. Magnetism Magnetic poles exist in pairs. Demonstration using magnets, Electromagnets and their uses.
Magnetic effect of an electric coils, and nails.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

2. Magnetic fields Magnetic field due to Demonstrations. Earth’s magnetic field.

• magnets
• current in
- a long straight wire
- a loop
- a solenoid.
Description without mathematical
Vector nature of magnetic field to Using Earth’s magnetic field in
be stressed. navigation, i.e. compasses.

3. Current in a Current-carrying conductor experiences Demonstration of the force on a Applications in motors, meters,
magnetic field a force in a magnetic field. conductor and coil in a magnetic and loudspeakers.
Direction of the force. field.
Force depends on
• the current
• the length of the wire
• the strength of the magnetic
Magnetic flux density B = Appropriate calculations.
Forces between currents
(non-mathematical treatment).

4. Electromagnetic Magnetic flux: Φ = BA

induction Faraday’s law. Demonstration of the principle Application in generators.
Lenz’s law. and laws of electromagnetic
Change of mechanical energy to induction.
electrical energy.

5. Alternating current Variation of voltage and current Use oscilloscope to show a.c. National grid and a.c.
with time, i.e. alternating voltages
and currents.

6. Concepts of mutual Structure and principle of Demonstration. Uses of transformers.

induction and operation of a transformer. Appropriate calculations (voltage).
Effects of inductors on a.c. (no Demonstration. Dimmer switches in stage
mathematics or phase relations). lighting – uses of inductors.

ELECTRICITY: Experiments
1. Verification of Joule’s law (as ∆θ ∝ I 2). 5. To investigate the variation of current (I ) with pd (V ) for
2. Measurement of the resistivity of the material of a wire. (a) metallic conductor
3. To investigate the variation of the resistance of a metallic (b) filament bulb
conductor with temperature. (c) copper sulfate solution with copper electrodes
4. To investigate the variation of the resistance of a thermistor with (d) semiconductor diode.
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. The electron The electron as the indivisible Electron named by G. J. Stoney.

quantity of charge. Quantity of charge measured by
Reference to mass and location in Millikan.
the atom.
Units of energy: eV, keV, MeV,

2. Thermionic Principle of thermionic emission Use of cathode ray tube to dem- Applications
emission and its application to the onstrate the production of a • cathode ray oscilloscope
production of a beam of beam of electrons – deflection in • television.
electrons. electric and magnetic fields. Use of CRO to display signals:
Cathode ray tube, consisting of • ECG and EEG.
heated filament, cathode, anode,
and screen. Deflection of cathode
rays in electric and magnetic

3. Photoelectric Photoelectric effect. Demonstration, e.g. using zinc

emission The photon as a packet of plate, electroscope, and different
energy: E = hf light sources.
Effect of intensity and frequency
of incident light.
Photocell (vacuum tube): structure Demonstration of a photocell. Applications of photoelectric
and operation. sensing devices:
• burglar alarms
• automatic doors
• control of burners in central
• sound track in films.

4. X-rays X-rays produced when high-energy Uses of X-rays in medicine and

electrons collide with target. industry.
Principles of the hot-cathode Hazards.
X-ray tube. X-ray production as
inverse of photoelectric effect.
Mention of properties of X-rays:
• electromagnetic waves
• ionisation
• penetration.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •


Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Structure of the Principle of Rutherford’s experi- Experiment may be simulated

atom ment. using a large-scale model or a
Bohr model, descriptive treatment computer or demonstrated on a
only. video.
Energy levels.

Emission line spectra: Demonstration of line spectra and Lasers.

hf = E2 – E1 continuous spectra. Spectroscopy as a tool in
2. Structure of the Atomic nucleus as protons plus
nucleus neutrons.
Mass number A, atomic number Z,
Z X, isotopes.

3. Radioactivity Experimental evidence for three Demonstration of ionisation and Uses of radioisotopes:
kinds of radiation: by deflection penetration by the radiations • medical imaging
in electric or magnetic fields or using any suitable method, e.g. • medical therapy
ionisation or penetration. electroscope, G-M tube. • food irradiation
Nature and properties of alpha, • agriculture
beta and gamma emissions. • radiocarbon dating
Change in mass number and • smoke detectors
atomic number because of • industrial applications.
radioactive decay.

Principle of operation of a Demonstration of G-M tube or

detector of ionising radiation. solid-state detector.
Definition of becquerel (Bq) Interpretation of nuclear
as one disintegration per second. reactions.

Concept of half-life: T 1/2

4. Nuclear energy Principles of fission and fusion. Interpretation of nuclear Fusion: source of Sun’s energy.
Mass-energy conservation in reactions. Nuclear weapons.
nuclear reactions: E = mc 2

Nuclear reactor (fuel, moderator, Audiovisual resource material. Environmental impact of fission
control rods, shielding, and heat reactors.
exchanger). Development of fusion reactors.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S O R D I N A R Y L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •


Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

5. Ionising radiation General health hazards in use of Measurement of background Health hazards of ionising
and health hazards ionising radiations, e.g. X-rays, radiation. radiations.
nuclear radiation. Audiovisual resource material. Radon, significance of
Environmental radiation: the effect background radiation, granite.
of ionising radiation on humans Medical and dental X-rays.
depends on the type of radiation,
the activity of the source (in Bq), Disposal of nuclear waste.
the time of exposure, and the Radiation protection.
type of tissue irradiated.



• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Higher Level Syllabus Objectives

Higher level physics provides a deeper, more quantitative treatment of physics.
Students are expected to develop an understanding of the fundamental laws
and principles and their application to everyday life.

The objectives of the syllabus are:

1. Knowledge 4. Competence
Students should be able to
Students should know
• present information in tabular, graphical, written
• basic physical principles, terminology, facts, and
and diagrammatic form, as appropriate
• report on experimental procedures and results
• how physics is fundamental to many technological
concisely, accurately, and comprehensively
• use calculators
• how physics contributes to the social, historical,
• solve numerical problems
environmental, technological and economic life of
• read scientific prose
• relate scientific concepts to issues in everyday life
• explain the science underlying familiar facts,
2. Understanding observations, and phenomena
Students should understand • suggest scientific explanations for unfamiliar facts,
• basic physical principles etc.
• how physical problems can be solved • make decisions based on the examination of
• how the scientific method contributes to physics evidence and arguments.
• how physics relates to everyday life
• the limitations and constraints on physics.
5. Attitudes
Students should appreciate
3. Skills • the contribution of physics to the social and
Students should be able to economic development of society
• measure physical quantities in the appropriate SI • the relationship between physics and technology
units • that a knowledge of physics has many vocational
• work safely in a laboratory applications.
• follow instructions
• use scientific equipment appropriately
• plan and design experiments
• use experimental data appropriately
• apply physical principles to solving problems
• analyse and evaluate experimental results.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

(Black text is for Higher level only.)

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Linear motion Units of mass, length and time –

definition of units not required.

Displacement, velocity, accelera- Measurement of velocity and Sports, e.g. athletics.

tion: definitions and units. acceleration, using any suitable
apparatus. Use of distance-time,
velocity-time graphs.

Equations of motion. Measurement of g.

Derivation. Appropriate calculations.

2. Vectors and scalars Distinction between vector and Vector nature of physical
scalar quantities. quantities: everyday examples.

Composition of perpendicular Find resultants using newton

vectors. balances or pulleys.

Resolution of co-planar vectors. Appropriate calculations.


1. Newton’s laws of Statement of the three laws. Demonstration of the laws using Applications:
motion air track or tickertape timer or • seat belts
powder track timer, etc. • rocket travel.
Sports, all ball games.
Force and momentum: definitions
and units. Vector nature of forces
to be stressed.
F = ma as a special case of Appropriate calculations.
Newton’s second law.
Friction: a force opposing motion. Importance of friction in
everyday experience, e.g.
walking, use of lubricants, etc.

2. Conservation of Principle of conservation of Demonstration by any one Collisions (ball games), accelera-
momentum momentum. suitable method. tion of spacecraft, jet aircraft.
Appropriate calculations (problems
involving change of mass need
not be considered).

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

3. Circular motion Centripetal force required to Demonstration of circular motion.

maintain uniform motion in a
Definition of angular velocity ω.
Derivation of v = r ω
Use of a = r ω 2 , F = m r ω 2 Appropriate calculations.

4. Gravity Newton’s law of universal Compare gravitational forces Solar system.

gravitation. between Earth and Sun and
Gm 1 m 2 between Earth and Moon.
Weight = mg
Variation of g, and hence W, Appropriate calculations. “Weightlessness” and artificial
with distance from centre of gravity.
Earth (effect of centripetal
acceleration not required).
Value of acceleration due to Calculation of weight on different Presence of atmosphere.
gravity on other bodies in space, planets.
e.g. Moon.
Circular satellite orbits – Appropriate calculations. Satellites and communications.
derivation of the relationship
between the period, the mass of
the central body and the radius
of the orbit.

5. Density and Definitions and units. Demonstration of atmospheric Atmospheric pressure and
pressure Pressure in liquids and gases. pressure, e.g. collapsing-can weather.
Boyle’s law. experiment. Appropriate The “bends” in diving, etc.
Archimedes’ principle. Law of Demonstration only. Calculations Hydrometers.
flotation. not required.

6. Moments Definition. Simple experiments with a Torque, e.g. taps, doors.

Levers. number of weights. Handlebars on bicycles.
Couple. Appropriate calculations. (Only Reference to moving-coil meters
problems involving co-planar, and simple motor.
parallel forces need be

7. Conditions for Vector sum of the forces in any Appropriate calculations. Static and dynamic equilibrium.
equilibrium direction is zero. The sum of the
moments about any point is zero.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

8. Simple harmonic Hooke’s law: restoring force ∝ Demonstration of SHM, e.g. Everyday examples.
motion (SHM) and displacement. swinging pendulum or oscillating
Hooke’s law F = – ks magnet.
ma = – ks
– ks
a = m = – ω2s Appropriate calculations.
Systems that obey Hooke’s law
e.g. simple pendulum, execute
simple harmonic motion:


1. Work Definition and unit. Simple experiments. Appropriate Lifts, escalators.

calculations involving force and
displacement in the same
direction only.

2. Energy Energy as the ability to do work. Demonstrations of different energy Sources of energy: renewable and
Different forms of energy. conversions. non-renewable.
E P = mgh E k = 12 mv 2 Appropriate calculations.
Mass as a form of energy Mass transformed to other forms
E = mc 2 of energy in the Sun.
Conversions from one form of
energy to another.
Principle of conservation of Efficient use of energy in the
energy. home.

3. Power Power as the rate of doing work Estimation of average power Power of devices, e.g. light
or rate of energy conversion. developed by bulbs, motors, etc.
Unit. • person running upstairs
• person repeatedly lifting
Percentage efficiency weights, etc.
Power output x 100 Appropriate calculations.
Power input

MECHANICS: Experiments
1. Measurement of velocity and acceleration. 5. Verification of Boyle’s law.
2. To show that a ∝ F. 6. Investigation of the laws of equilibrium for a set of co-planar
3. Verification of the principle of conservation of momentum. forces.
4. Measurement of g. 7. Investigation of relationship between period and length for a
simple pendulum and hence calculation of g.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

1. Concept of Measure of hotness or coldness of

temperature a body.
The SI unit of temperature is the
kelvin (definition of unit in terms
of the triple point of water not
Celsius scale is the practical scale
of temperature.
t /ºC = T /K – 273.15

2. Thermometric A physical property that changes Demonstration of some

properties measurably with temperature. thermometric properties:
• length of liquid column,
e.g. length of mercury column
• emf of thermocouple
• pressure of a gas at constant
• volume of a gas at constant
• resistance
• colour.

3. Thermometers Thermometers measure Graduate two thermometers at ice Practical thermometers, e.g.
temperature. and steam points. Compare values • clinical thermometer
Two thermometers do not obtained for an unknown • oven thermometers
necessarily give the same reading temperature, using a straight-line • boiler thermometers
at the same temperature. The graph between the reference • temperature gauge in a car.
need for standard thermometers points.
– use any commercial laboratory
thermometer as school standard.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

1. Concept of heat Heat as a form of energy that

causes a rise in temperature
when added or a fall in
temperature when withdrawn.


1. Heat capacity, Definitions and units. Appropriate calculations. Storage heaters.

specific heat

2. Latent heat, Definitions and units. Appropriate calculations. Heat pump, e.g. refrigerator.
specific latent heat Perspiration.


1. Conduction Qualitative comparison of rates of Simple experiments. U-values: use in domestic

conduction through solids. situations.

2. Convection Simple experiments. Domestic hot-water and heating


3. Radiation Radiation from the Sun. Simple experiments. Everyday examples.

Solar constant (also called solar Solar heating.

HEAT: Experiments
1. Calibration curve of a thermometer using the laboratory mercury thermometer as a standard.
2. Measurement of specific heat capacity, e.g. of water or a metal by a mechanical or electrical method.
3. Measurement of the specific latent heat of fusion of ice.
4. Measurement of the specific latent heat of vaporisation of water.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

1. Properties of waves Longitudinal and transverse waves: Everyday examples, e.g.

frequency, amplitude, wavelength, • radio waves
velocity. • waves at sea
Relationship c = f λ Appropriate calculations. • seismic waves.

2. Wave phenomena Reflection. Simple demonstrations using

Refraction. slinky, ripple tank, microwaves, or
Diffraction. other suitable method.

Stationary waves; relationship

between inter-node distance and

Diffraction effects
• at an obstacle
• at a slit
with reference to significance of
the wavelength.

3. Doppler effect Qualitative treatment. Sound from a moving source. Red shift of stars.
Simple quantitative treatment for Appropriate calculations without Speed traps.
moving source and stationary deriving formula.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •


Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

1. Wave nature of Reflection, refraction, diffraction, Demonstration of interference, e.g. Acoustics.

sound interference. two loudspeakers and a signal Reduction of noise using
generator. destructive interference. Noise
Speed of sound in various media. Demonstration that sound requires
a medium.

2. Characteristics of Amplitude and loudness, frequency

notes and pitch, quality and overtones.
Frequency limits of audibility. Dog whistle.

3. Resonance Natural frequency. Fundamental Demonstration using tuning forks Vocal cords (folds).
frequency. or other suitable method.
Definition of resonance and

4. Vibrations in Stationary waves in strings and Use string and wind instruments, String section and woodwind
strings and pipes pipes. Relationship between fre- e.g. guitar, tin whistle. section in orchestras.
quency and length.
Harmonics in strings and pipes.

1 T
f= Appropriate calculations.
2l µ
for a stretched string.

5. Sound intensity Sound intensity: definition and Use of sound-level meter. Examples of sound intensity
level unit. level.
Threshold of hearing and Hearing impairment.
frequency response of ear. Ear protection in industry, etc.
Sound intensity level is measured
in decibels. Doubling the sound
intensity increases the sound
intensity level by 3 dB.
The dB(A) scale is used because
it is adapted for the ear’s
frequency response.

SOUND: Experiments
1. Measurement of the speed of sound in air.
2. Investigation of the variation of fundamental frequency of a stretched string with length.
3. Investigation of the variation of fundamental frequency of a stretched string with tension.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Laws of reflection Demonstration using ray box or

laser or other suitable method.

2. Mirrors Images formed by plane and Real-is-positive sign convention. Practical uses of spherical
spherical mirrors. Simple exercises on mirrors by mirrors:
Knowledge that ray tracing or use of formula. Concave Convex
1 • dentists • supermarkets
= 1 + 1 and
f u v • floodlights • driving mirrors
v • projectors.

1. Laws of refraction Refractive index. Demonstration using ray box or Practical examples, e.g. real and
laser or other suitable method. apparent depth of fish in water.
Appropriate calculations.

Refractive index in terms of Appropriate calculations.

relative speeds.

2. Total internal Critical angle. Demonstration. Reflective road signs.

reflection Relationship between critical angle Appropriate calculations. Mirages.
and refractive index. Prism reflectors.
Transmission of light through Uses of optical fibres:
optical fibres. • telecommunications
• medicine (endoscopes).

3. Lenses Images formed by single thin Simple exercises on lenses by ray Use of lenses.
lenses. tracing or use of formula.
Knowledge that
= 1 + 1 and
f u v

Power of lens: P = 1
Two lenses in contact:
P = P1 + P 2
The eye: optical structure; Spectacles.
short sight, long sight,
and corrections.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Diffraction and Use of diffraction grating formula: Suitable method of demonstrating Interference colours
interference n λ = d sin θ the wave nature of light. • petrol film, soap bubbles.
Appropriate calculations.
Derivation of formula.

2. Light as a trans- Polarisation. Demonstration of polarisation Stress polarisation.

verse wave motion using polaroids or other suitable Polaroid sunglasses.

3. Dispersion Dispersion by a prism and a Demonstration. Rainbows, polished gemstones.

diffraction grating. Colours seen on surfaces of
Recombination by a prism. compact discs.

4. Colours Primary, secondary, complementary

Addition of colours. Pigment Demonstration. Stage lighting, television.
colours need not be considered.

5. Electromagnetic Relative positions of radiations in Ultraviolet and ozone layer.

spectrum terms of wavelength and Infrared camera:
frequency. • medical applications
Detection of UV and IR Demonstration. • night vision.
radiation. Greenhouse effect.

6. The spectrometer The spectrometer and the Demonstration.

function of its parts.

LIGHT: Experiments
1. Measurement of the focal length of a concave mirror.
2. Verification of Snell’s law of refraction.
3. Measurement of the refractive index of a liquid or a solid.
4. Measurement of the focal length of a converging lens.
5. Measurement of the wavelength of monochromatic light.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Electrification by Charging by rubbing together Demonstration of forces between Domestic applications:

contact dissimilar materials. charges. • dust on television screen
Types of charge: positive, • static on clothes.
negative. Industrial hazards:
Conductors and insulators. • in flour mills
Unit of charge: coulomb. • fuelling aircraft.

2. Electrification by Demonstration using an insulated

induction conductor and a nearby charged

3. Distribution of Total charge resides on outside of

charge on a metal object.
conductors Charges tend to accumulate at Van de Graaff generator can be Lightning.
points. used to demonstrate these Lightning conductors.
Point discharge. phenomena.

4. Electroscope Structure. Uses.


1. Force between Coulomb’s law

charges 1 Q1 Q 2
F =
4π ε d2
– an example of an inverse
square law.
Forces between collinear charges. Appropriate calculations.

2. Electric fields Idea of lines of force. Demonstration of field patterns Precipitators.

Vector nature of electric field to using oil and semolina or other Xerography.
be stressed. method. Hazards: effect of electric fields
on integrated circuits.
Definition of electric field Appropriate calculations –
strength. collinear charges only.

3. Potential difference Definition of potential difference: Appropriate calculations.

work done per unit charge to
transfer a charge from one point
to another.
Definition of volt.
Concept of zero potential.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Capacitors and Definition: C = Q/V Appropriate calculations.

capacitance Unit of capacitance.

Parallel plate capacitor. Common uses of capacitors:

• tuning radios
Aε ο
Use of C = Demonstration that capacitance • flash guns
depends on the common area, • smoothing
the distance between the plates, • filtering.
and the nature of the dielectric.
Appropriate calculations.

Energy stored in a capacitor. Charge capacitor–discharge

through lamp or low-voltage d.c.
Use of W = 12 C V 2 Appropriate calculations.
Capacitors – conduct a.c. but not Demonstration.


1. Electric current Description of electric current as

flow of charge; 1 A = 1 C s –1

2. Sources of emf and Pd and voltage are the same Sources of emf: mains, simple
electric current thing; they are measured in volts. cells, lead-acid accumulator, car
A voltage when applied to a batteries, dry batteries,
circuit is called an emf. thermocouple.

3. Conduction in Conduction in Interpretation of I–V graphs.

materials • metals
• ionic solutions
(active and inactive electrodes)
• gases
• vacuum Neon lamps, street lights.
• semiconductors.
References in each case to charge

Conduction in semiconductors: the Electronic devices.

distinction between intrinsic and LED, computers, integrated
extrinsic conduction; p-type and circuits.
n-type semiconductors.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

The p-n junction: basic principles Demonstration of current flow Rectification of a.c.
underlying current flow across a across a p-n junction in forward
p-n junction. and reverse bias, e.g. using a

4. Resistance Definition of resistance, unit. Appropriate calculations.

Ohm's law.
Resistance varies with length, Use of ohmmeter, metre bridge.
cross-sectional area, and Appropriate calculations.
Resistors in series and parallel.
Derivation of formulas.
Wheatstone bridge. Appropriate calculations. Practical uses of Wheatstone
bridge for temperature control
and fail-safe device.
LDR – light-dependent resistor. Demonstration of LDR and
Thermistor. thermistor.

5. Potential Potential divider. Demonstration. Potentiometer as a variable

potential divider.

6. Effects of electric Heating: W = I 2Rt Demonstration of effect. Everyday examples.

current Appropriate calculations. Advantage of use of EHT in
transmission of electrical energy.
Chemical effect – an electric Demonstration of effect. Uses of the chemical effect.
current can cause a chemical Everyday examples.
Magnetic effect of an electric Demonstration of effect.

7. Domestic circuits Plugs, fuses, MCBs (miniature Wiring a plug. Electricity at home
circuit breakers). Simple fuse calculations. • fuse box
Ring and radial circuits, bonding, • meter, etc.
earthing, and general safety pre- Electrical safety.
RCDs (residual current devices).
No drawing of ring circuits
The kilowatt-hour. Uses. Appropriate calculations.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Magnetism Magnetic poles exist in pairs.

Magnetic effect of an electric Demonstration using magnets, Electromagnets and their uses.
current. coils, and nails.

2. Magnetic fields Magnetic field due to Demonstrations. Earth’s magnetic field – use in
• magnets navigation.
• current in
- a long straight wire
- a loop
- a solenoid.
Description without mathematical
Vector nature of magnetic field to
be stressed.

3. Current in a Current-carrying conductor Demonstration of the force on a Applications in motors, meters,

magnetic field experiences a force in a magnetic conductor and coil in a magnetic and loudspeakers.
field. field.
Direction of the force.
Force depends on
• the current
• the length of the wire
• the strength of the magnetic
Magnetic flux density B = Appropriate calculations.
Derivation of F = qvB Appropriate calculations.
Forces between currents
(non-mathematical treatment).
Definition of the ampere.

4. Electromagnetic Magnetic flux Φ = BA Demonstration of the principle Application in generators.

induction Faraday’s law. and laws of electromagnetic
Lenz’s law. Appropriate calculations.
Change of mechanical energy to
electrical energy.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

5. Alternating current Variation of voltage and current Use oscilloscope to show a.c. National grid and a.c.
with time, i.e. alternating voltages
and currents.
Peak and rms values of Compare peak and rms values.
alternating currents and voltages.

6. Concepts of mutual Mutual induction (two adjacent Demonstration.

induction and coils): when the magnetic field in
self-induction one coil changes an emf is
induced in the other,
e.g. transformers.
Self-induction: a changing magnetic Demonstration.
field in a coil induces an emf in
the coil itself, e.g. inductor.

Structure and principle of Demonstration. Uses of transformers.

operation of a transformer. Appropriate calculations (voltage).

Effects of inductors on a.c. (no Dimmer switches in stage

mathematics or phase relations). lighting – uses of inductors.

ELECTRICITY: Experiments
1. Verification of Joule’s law (as ∆θ ∝ I 2).
2. Measurement of the resistivity of the material of a wire.
3. To investigate the variation of the resistance of a metallic conductor with temperature.
4. To investigate the variation of the resistance of a thermistor with temperature.
5. To investigate the variation of current (I ) with pd (V ) for
(a) metallic conductor
(b) filament bulb
(c) copper sulfate solution with copper electrodes
(d) semiconductor diode.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •

Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. The electron The electron as the indivisible Electron named by G. J. Stoney.

quantity of charge. Quantity of charge measured by
Reference to mass and location in Millikan.
the atom.
Units of energy: eV, keV, MeV,

2. Thermionic Principle of thermionic emission Use of cathode ray tube to Applications

emission and its application to the demonstrate the production of a • cathode ray oscilloscope
production of a beam of beam of electrons – deflection in • television.
electrons. electric and magnetic fields. Use of CRO to display signals:
Cathode ray tube consisting of • ECG and EEG.
heated filament, cathode, anode,
and screen. Deflection of
cathode rays in electric and
magnetic fields.

3. Photoelectric Photoelectric effect. Demonstration, e.g. using zinc

emission The photon as a packet of plate, electroscope, and different
energy; E = hf light sources.
Effect of intensity and frequency
of incident light.
Photocell (vacuum tube): structure Demonstration of a photocell. Applications of photoelectric
and operation. sensing devices:
Threshold frequency. • burglar alarms
Einstein's photoelectric law. • automatic doors
• control of burners in central
• sound track in films.

4. X-rays X-rays produced when high-energy Uses of X-rays in medicine and

electrons collide with target. industry.
Principles of the hot-cathode Hazards.
X-ray tube.
X-ray production as inverse of
photoelectric effect.
Mention of properties of X-rays:
• electromagnetic waves
• ionisation
• penetration.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •


Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Structure of the Principle of Rutherford’s experi- Experiment may be simulated Lasers.

atom ment. using a large-scale model or a Spectroscopy as a tool in
Bohr model, descriptive treatment computer or demonstrated on a science.
only. video.
Energy levels.

Emission line spectra. Demonstration of line spectra and

hf = E2 – E1 continuous spectra.

2. Structure of the Atomic nucleus as protons plus

nucleus neutrons.
Mass number A, atomic number Z,
Z X, isotopes.

3. Radioactivity Experimental evidence for three Demonstration of ionisation and Uses of radioisotopes:
kinds of radiation: by deflection penetration by the radiations • medical imaging
in electric or magnetic fields or using any suitable method, e.g. • medical therapy
ionisation or penetration. electroscope, G-M tube. • food irradiation
Nature and properties of alpha, • agriculture
beta and gamma emissions. • radiocarbon dating
Change in mass number and • smoke detectors
atomic number because of • industrial applications.
radioactive decay.

Principle of operation of a Demonstration of G-M tube or

detector of ionising radiation. solid-state detector.
Definition of becquerel (Bq) as Interpretation of nuclear
one disintegration per second. reactions.

Law of radioactive decay.

Concept of half-life: T 1/2
Concept of decay constant
rate of decay = λ N Appropriate calculations
(not requiring calculus).
ln2 Appropriate calculations
T 1/2 =
λ (not requiring calculus).

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •


Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

4. Nuclear energy Principles of fission and fusion. Interpretation of nuclear reactions. Fusion: source of Sun’s energy.
Mass-energy conservation in Nuclear weapons.
nuclear reactions, E = mc 2. Appropriate calculations.

Nuclear reactor (fuel, moderator, Audiovisual resource material. Environmental impact of fission
control rods, shielding, and heat reactors.
exchanger). Development of fusion reactors.

5. Ionising radiation General health hazards in use of Measurement of background radi- Health hazards of ionising
and health hazards ionising radiations, e.g. X-rays, ation. radiations.
nuclear radiation. Environmental Audiovisual resource material. Radon, significance of
radiation: the effect of ionising background radiation, granite.
radiation on humans depends on Medical and dental X-rays.
the type of radiation, the activity
of the source (in Bq), the time Disposal of nuclear waste.
of exposure, and the type of Radiation protection.
tissue irradiated.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •


Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Conservation of Radioactive decay resulting in two Appropriate calculations to convey

energy and particles. sizes and magnitudes and
momentum in If momentum is not conserved, a relations between units.
nuclear reactions third particle (neutrino) must be

2. Acceleration of Cockcroft and Walton – proton Appropriate calculations. First artificial splitting of
protons energy approximately 1 MeV: nucleus.
outline of experiment. First transmutation using
artificially accelerated particles.
Irish Nobel laureate for physics,
Professor E. T. S. Walton (1951).

3. Converting mass “Splitting the nucleus” Appropriate calculations.

into other forms of
energy 1
1H + 73Li → 42 He + 42 He + Q
1 MeV 17.3 MeV

Note energy gain.

Consistent with E = mc 2

4. Converting other Reference to circular accelerators Audiovisual resource material. History of search for basic
forms of energy progressively increasing energy building blocks of nature:
into mass available: • Greeks: earth, fire, air, water
proton-proton collisions • 1936: p, n, e.
p + p + energy → p + p Particle accelerators, e.g. CERN.
+ additional particles.

5. Fundamental forces Strong nuclear force:

of nature force binding nucleus, short
Weak nuclear force:
force between particles that are
not subject to the strong force,
short range.
Electromagnetic force:
force between charged particles,
inverse square law.
Gravitational force: inverse square

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •


Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS

6. Families of Mass of particles comes from Appropriate calculations. Pioneering work to investigate
particles energy of the reactions – the structure of matter and
origin of universe.
m = E2
c International collaboration,
The larger the energy the greater e.g. CERN.
the variety of particles. These
particles are called “particle zoo”.
Leptons: indivisible point objects,
not subject to strong force, e.g.
electron, positron, and neutrino.
Baryons: subject to all forces, e.g.
protons, neutrons, and heavier
Mesons: subject to all forces,
mass between electron and

7. Anti-matter e+ positron, e– electron. Paul Dirac predicted anti-matter

Each particle has its own

Pair production: two particles

produced from energy.
γ rays → e+ + e–
conserve charge, momentum.
Annihilation: Two γ rays from
annihilation of particles.
e+ + e– → 2hf (γ rays)
conserve charge, momentum.

8. Quark model Quark: fundamental building block Identify the nature and charge of James Joyce: “Three quarks for
of baryons and mesons. a particle given a combination of Muster Mark”.
Six quarks – called up, down, quarks.
strange, charmed, top, and
Charges: u+2/3 , d-1/3 , s-1/3
Anti-quark has opposite charge to
quark and same mass.
Baryons composed of three
quarks: p = uud, n = udd,
other baryons any three quarks.
Mesons composed of any quark
and an anti-quark.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S H I G H E R L E V E L S Y L L A B U S •


Content Depth of Treatment Activities STS


1. Current in a Electromagnetic relay. Demonstration. Uses.


2. Current in a Simple d.c. motor. Demonstration. Uses of motors and meters.

magnetic field Principle of operation of
moving-coil loudspeaker.
Principle of moving-coil
Conversion of a galvanometer to Appropriate calculations for
• an ammeter ammeter and voltmeter (not
• a voltmeter ohmmeter).
• an ohmmeter.

3. Electromagnetic Induction coil. Demonstration. Callan. Electric fences.


4. Alternating current Structure and principle of Demonstration. Uses of generator and

operation of simple a.c. transformer.
Factors affecting efficiency of

Principle of induction motor. Demonstration.

Rectification – use of bridge

5. Applications of P-n diode used as half-wave Use of a bridge rectifier and a Conversion of a.c. to d.c.
diode rectifier. Light-emitting diode capacitor to obtain smooth d.c. Practical applications.
(LED); principle of operation. Use of LED. LED: optical display.
Fibre optic receiver.

6. The transistor Basic structure of bi-polar transis- Demonstration. Applications of the transistor as
tor. The transistor as a voltage a switch should be indicated,
amplifier – purpose of bias and e.g. to switch a relay.
load resistors.

The transistor as a voltage Demonstration.


7. Logic gates AND, OR and NOT gates. Establish truth tables for AND, OR Relate NOT to transistor.
and NOT gates. Use of IC in Boole.
demonstrating circuits.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •

Mathematical Requirements
Black text is for Higher level only. Arithmetic
Students should be able to
1. Use of calculators • understand the concept of significant figures
Students will be expected to have an electronic • recognise and use significant figures as appropriate
calculator conforming to the examination regulations • recognise and use expressions in decimal and
for the duration of the course and when answering standard form (scientific) notation
the examination paper. It is recommended that • recognise and use prefixes indicating multiplication
-12 -9 -6 -3 3 6 9
students have available the following keys: by 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 , 10
• use an electronic calculator for addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division and for
ORDINARY LEVEL finding arithmetic means, reciprocals, squares,
+, –, x, ÷, π, x 2, x , x1 , x y, EE or EXP; square roots, sines, cosines and tangents,
sine, cosine and tangent and their inverses in exponentials, logarithms, and their inverses
degrees and fractions of a degree; memory. • make approximate evaluations of numerical
expressions and use such approximations to check
HIGHER LEVEL calculator calculations.
as above and
log10 x, 10 , ln x. Algebra
Students should be able to
• change the subject of an equation
In carrying out calculations, students should be • solve simple algebraic equations
advised to show clearly all expressions to be evaluated • substitute for physical quantities in physical
using a calculator. The number of significant figures equations using consistent units
given in the answer to a numerical problem should • formulate simple algebraic equations as
match the number of significant figures given in the mathematical models of physical situations
question. • comprehend and use the symbols >, <, ∝, =, x, ∆x.

Geometry and Trigonometry

Students should be able to
2. Mathematical requirements
• calculate the area of right-angled triangles,
The physics syllabus does not require Higher level
circumference and area of circles, surface area and
mathematics. Higher level physics may include some
volume of rectangular blocks, cylinders and spheres
of the optional work of Ordinary level mathematics.
• use Pythagoras’ theorem, similarity of triangles, the
There is no requirement for the use of calculus
angle sum of a triangle
• use sines, cosines and tangents in physical problems
• recall that sin θ ≈ tan θ ≈ θ/radians, and cos θ ≈ 1
for small θ
• translate between degrees and radians and ensure
that the appropriate system is used.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •

Vectors Graphs
Students should be able to Students should be able to
• find the resultant of two perpendicular vectors, • translate information between numerical,
recognising situations where vector addition is algebraic, verbal and graphical forms
appropriate • select appropriate variables and scales for graph
• obtain expressions for components of a vector in plotting
perpendicular directions, recognising situations • determine the slope of a linear graph and allocate
where vector resolution is appropriate. appropriate physical units to it
• choose by inspection a straight line that will serve
as the best straight line through a set of data
presented graphically.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •

Notations and Symbols

Standard units, signs and symbols should be used throughout the syllabus. In this section, selected abbreviations
are given. The physical quantities, their symbols and units are given. The common electrical circuit symbols are

The following abbreviations should be used:
potential difference pd electromotive force emf
light-emitting diode LED light-dependent resistor LDR
proton p neutron n
electron e- positron e+
neutrino ν
up u down d
strange s charmed c
top t bottom b
up u down d
strange s charmed c
top t bottom b

Basic units
The international system of units (SI) should be used. The required base units are given in the table below.

Physical quantity Name of SI base unit Symbol for unit

length metre m
mass kilogram kg
time second s
electric current ampere A
thermodynamic temperature kelvin K

Physical quantities, symbols, and units

The physical quantities, their units and the appropriate symbols required by the syllabus are shown below. Some
non-SI units are required. These are indicated by an asterisk*.

Physical quantity Symbol Name of SI unit Symbol for unit

mass m kilogram kg
length l metre m
distance d
radius r, R
diameter d

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •

Physical quantity Symbol Name of SI unit Symbol for unit

time t second s
periodic time T
displacement s metre m
speed, velocity v, u metre per second m s -1
acceleration a metre per second squared m s -2
acceleration of free fall g
(due to gravity)
gravitational field strength g newton per kilogram N kg -1
momentum p kilogram metre per second kg m s -1
force F newton N
angle θ *degree º
radian rad
angular velocity ω radian per second rad s -1
weight W newton N
gravitational constant G newton metre squared N m 2 kg -2
per kilogram squared
area A square metre m2
volume V cubic metre m3
density ρ kilogram per cubic metre kg m -3
pressure P, p pascal Pa
newton per square metre N m -2
moment of a force M newton metre Nm
torque, moment of a couple T newton metre Nm
work W joule J
energy E joule J
*kilowatt-hour kW h
*electronvolt eV
potential energy Ep joule J
kinetic energy Ek joule J
power P watt W
temperature T kelvin K
t degree Celsius ºC
θ degree Celsius ºC
temperature change ∆θ degree Celsius ºC
heat energy Q joule J
heat capacity C joule per kelvin J K -1
specific heat capacity c joule per kilogram kelvin J kg -1 K -1
kilojoule per kilogram kelvin kJ kg -1 K -1
latent heat L joule J
specific latent heat l joule per kilogram J kg -1
kilojoule per kilogram kJ kg -1
frequency f hertz Hz

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •

Physical quantity Symbol Name of SI unit Symbol for unit

amplitude A metre m
wavelength λ metre m
velocity of a wave c metre per second m s -1
tension in a wire T newton N
mass per unit length µ kilogram per metre kg m -1
sound intensity I watt per square metre W m -2
sound intensity level I.L. *decibel dB
focal length f metre m
object distance u metre m
image distance v metre m
magnification m no unit
angle of incidence i degree º
angle of reflection r degree º
angle of refraction r degree º
refractive index n no unit
critical angle C degree º
power of lens P per metre m -1
grating spacing d metre m
slit separation d metre m
speed of electromagnetic waves c metre per second m s -1
charge Q, q coulomb C
permittivity ε farad per metre F m -1
permittivity of free space ε0 farad per metre F m -1
relative permittivity εr no unit
electric field strength E newton per coulomb N C -1
volt per metre V m -1
potential difference V volt V
capacitance C farad F
electric current I ampere A
emf E volt V
resistance R ohm Ω
resistivity ρ ohm metre Ωm
electrical energy W joule J
magnetic flux density B tesla T
magnetic flux Φ weber Wb
rms value of alternating emf E rms volt V
peak value of alternating emf E0 volt V
rms value of alternating current Irms ampere A
peak value of alternating current I0 ampere A
number of turns N no unit
electronic charge e coulomb C
Planck constant h joule second Js

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •

Physical quantity Symbol Name of SI unit Symbol for unit

mass number A no unit
atomic number Z no unit
activity of radioactive source A becquerel Bq
radioactive decay constant λ per second s -1
half-life T 1/2 second s

Electrical circuit symbols

The use of standard symbols (BS 3939) is recommended.
The common symbols required by the syllabus are given below.

conductors crossing with neon lamp

no connection

junction of conductors signal lamp

W earth filament lamp

normally open switch voltmeter

normally closed switch galvanometer

relay coil

relay contact
} electro
A ammeter


primary or secondary cell

fixed resistor
battery of cells

variable resistor
power supply
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •

thermistor electric bell

potential divider motor

capacitor diode/rectifier

electrolytic capacitor p n p junction transistor

inductor n p n junction transistor

inductor with ferromagnetic light-sensitive diode

core photodiode

transformer with
light-dependent resistor LDR
ferromagnetic core

light-emitting diode LED invert or NOT gate

photo-voltaic cell OR gate

earphone AND gate

Reference: Association for Science Education.
Signs, Symbols and Systematics.
The ASE Companion to 5-16 Science.
microphone Hatfield: ASE, 1995.

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •

Students should know and be able to use the following formulas. At Ordinary level no derivations are required.
Equations in black text apply to Higher level only.
Those marked with † should be derived at Higher level.

Linear motion with constant acceleration: †v = u + at
†s = ut + 12 at 2
†v 2 = u 2 +2as
Momentum of a particle = mu †F = ma
Conservation of momentum m 1u 1+ m 2u 2 = m 1v 1 + m 2v 2
Angle in radians θ = rs
Angular velocity ω = θt
†Relationship between linear velocity and angular velocity v = rω
a = r ω 2 = vr
Centripetal acceleration
F = mr ω 2 = mv
Centripetal force r
Gm 1 m 2
Newton’s law of gravitation F=
Weight W = mg
4π 2 R 3
†g = GM †T 2 =
Density ρ= m
Pressure: p = F Pressure at a point in a fluid: p = ρgh
Boyle’s law pV = constant
Moment = force x perpendicular distance Couple T = Fd
Hooke’s law: F = –ks Simple harmonic motion: a = –ω 2 s
Periodic time T = 1 = 2π
f ω

Simple pendulum T = 2π g
Work W = Fs
Potential energy: E p = mgh Kinetic energy: E k = 1/2 mv 2
Mass-energy equivalence E = mc 2
Power P= t
Percentage efficiency = Power output x 100
Power input
• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •

Heat and Temperature

Celsius temperature t / ˚C = T /K – 273.15
Heat energy needed to change temperature Q = mc∆ θ Q = C∆ θ
Heat energy needed to change state Q = ml Q=L

Velocity of a wave c=fλ
Doppler effect ‚ fc
f =

Fundamental frequency of a stretched string 1 T

f =
2l µ
Mirror and lens formula 1 = 1 +1
f u v

Magnification m = uv

Power of a lens P =1

Two lenses in contact P = P1 + P2

Refractive index:

sin i real depth

n= n=
sin r apparent depth

1 c
n= n = c1
sin C 2

†Diffraction grating nλ = d sin θ

• L E A V I N G C E R T I F I C AT E P H Y S I C S S Y L L A B U S •

1 Q1 Q 2 Q
Coulomb’s law F = 4π ε Capacitance C =
d2 V

F Aε0
Electric field strength E= Parallel-plate capacitor C =
Q d

Potential difference V= Energy stored in capacitor W= 1/2 CV 2

V = IR Resistivity ρ = RA

†Resistors in series R = R 1+ R 2 †Resistors in parallel 1= 1 +1

R R1 R2

R1 R
Wheatstone bridge = 3
R2 R4

Joule’s law W = I 2 Rt Power P = VI

Force on a current carrying conductor F = I l B Magnetic flux Φ = BA

†Force on a charged particle F = qvB

–d Φ Vi Np
Induced emf E= Transformer =
dt Vo Ns

Alternating voltage and current Vrms = V 0 Irms = I 0

2 2

Modern Physics
Energy of a photon E = hf

Einstein’s photoelectric equation hf = Φ + 1/2mv2max

Law of radioactive decay rate of decay = λN

ln 2
Half-life T 1/2 =

Mass-energy equivalence E = mc 2

Procedures for drawing up
National Syllabuses
The NCCA’s Course Committees for the Leaving Certificate
(Established) have the following membership:

• Association of Secondary Teachers, Ireland

• Teachers’ Union of Ireland
• Joint Managerial Body
• Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools
• Subject Association
• Irish Vocational Education Association
• National Council for Educational Awards
• Conference of Heads of Irish Universities
• Department of Education and Science (Inspectorate).

On the basis of a brief provided by Council, the NCCA’s

Course Committees prepare the syllabuses.

Recommendations of Course Committees are submitted

to the Council of the NCCA for approval. The NCCA, hav-
ing considered such recommendations, advises the
Minister for Education and Science accordingly.

Further information may be obtained by contacting the

NCCA at 24 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.
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