Yusuf Khan PDF
Yusuf Khan PDF
Yusuf Khan PDF
Khax iSahib's Pallivasal.
(Tomb of Yusuf Khan at Sammattipuram.)
" The bravest and ablest of all the native soldiers that ever served the
English in India." Sir John Malcolm.
]^. Q . 33
Intboduction ix
IV. Maduea 23
X. Pbepaeations 133
Yusuf Khan's account
of his services to the English .... 242
M. de Maudave's defence of his conduct in assisting Yusuf Khan, p. 246.
Note by M. Henneberg, p, 249. Extracts from M. de Maudave's
Relation 250
(a) The Surrender of Madura, p. 252. Extracts from Marchand's
Precis Historique, p. 258.
Plan des Attaques de la Ville de Madurd .....
Note Historigue attached to Marchand's
Extracts illustrative of the character of the Nawab Muhammad Ali
Khan . . 268
References to Yusuf Khan, by Stringer Lawrence, p. 270; Robert Orme,
p. 270; George Pigot, p. 272; John Caillaud, p. 273; Henry
Vansittart, p. 275 Eyre Coote, p. 275
; the Nawab, p. 275 the ; ;
Life of the Walajah, p. 282 the Madras Council and the Court of
Index 317-320
I was a man myself but yesterday !
Omar Khayyam.
enemy the Nawab, his com'age was admired and his fate
lamented by the British soldiers who fought agamst him, whilst
1 There exists indeed a Tamil poem, The War of the Khan Sahib, printed in
1911, which professes to tell the story of Yusuf Khan, but does not appear
to be based on any authoritative documents.
- The History
of British India, Vol. III. p. 388. See below. Appendix V.,
p. 305.
* See List of Authorities referred to in the Text and Notes, p. 313 below.
* See A Political and General History of the District of Tinnerelhj, 1881, by
Bishop R, Caldwell. In the spelling of names I have followed as far as possible
Beale's Oriental Biographical Dictionary, and the latest edition of the Imperial
Gazetteer of India.
fact, however, by italics. Thus I wi'ite only Yusuf Klian,
though the person so called appears variously in different
documents as Esoof, Isoof, or Usoff Cawn, Mahomet Isoof, or
Muhammad Yusuf, Cawn Saib or Khan Sahib, the Nellore
Subadar, and the Commandant. Documents quoted have
generally, apart from the names, been copied verbatim el
liberatim, but translations in the Madras Eecords from verna-
cular letters have sometimes been slightly altered to make
them more intelligible, and a few mistakes in translations fi-om
the French have been corrected where I have been certain of
my ground by the existence of Pi'ench versions of the same
papers. The Sketch-maps, inserted to illustrate military
operations, have been adapted the spelling has been modern-
ized —
from Orme's maps, some of the places being added from
indications given in his History, Indexes, or Manuscripts. In
this connection I may mention that even the best modem maps
of India wiU not serve for the eighteenth century, partly because
Indian towns, and more Indian villages, have a habit of
1st May, 1914.
Nelson in his Madura Country, III. 282-3. See Appendix V., p. 310.
* His Hindu name and many other details were communicated to me by
some great fault. From the Nawab's letters ^ and the
Tamil ballad, The War of the Khan Sahib, it appears likely that
this European was, as I have said above, the ChevaUer Jacques
Law, and the French accounts concur with the Nawab in assert-
ing that the cause of his dismissal was theft, in punishment for
which his ears were cut off, either by the order of M. Law or
that of the Court which disposed in the first instance of criminal
cases in which natives of the country were concerned. As this
shameful accusation was never mentioned until after the death
of Yusuf Khan, and then only by those who, if not actually
hostile, were certainly biassed against him, it may, I think, be
dismissedas groundless. It is,however, very probable that, during
his stay at Pondicherry, he made the acquaintance of another
servant of M. Law, named Marchand, who also became a soldier
and was destined to be the immediate cause of his downfall.
The French account ^ continues that, not wishing to live in
a town where he had suffered such a disgrace, Yusuf Khan left
Pondicherry and enlisted as a sepoy, first in the army of the
Kmg of Tanjore, and then in that of the Nawab Muhammad
AU, but the native tradition is that after his first dismissal he
entered the service of another European, a Mr. Brunton,^ who
took great pains with his education and had him instructed in
various languages. WTio this Mr. Brunton was is unknown,
but it is Laws were originally designated
a curious fact that the
the " Laws of Brunton," until the father of John Law (the
Financier and uncle of the Chevalier Jacques Law) styled
^ Nawab
to Council Madras, 30th Jan., 1770. I.O. Records, Home Misc.,
103. " His ears were cut off at Pondicherry by Mons. de Law for his
roguery." As M. Law arrived in India in ll^-k at the age of 20, and Yusuf
Khan entered the English service with the rank of Subadar of a company of
sepoys early in the year 1752, it seems unlikely that Law acted, if he did act, in
thismatter as a judge, and more likely that he was a master complaining of the
conduct of his servant. The Nawab asserted that, when Yusuf Khan was
hanged, it was seen by every one that his ears had been cut off, implying
that he had concealed the mutilation from the public by the manner in which
he wore his turban. Had this been the case, it is certam that some of the
persons present at his execution would have been sufficiently struck by the fact
to mention it, but no one did mention it until the Nawab did so in 1770.
Marchand mentions it in his Precis, published in 1771, and Bruno in his
Journal, which was ^Titten up to 1773.
* M. Bruno's Journal.
^ The Tamil Ballad confuses Mr, Brunton with Major Preston.
^ Nawab to Council, March, 1759. I.O. Records, Home Misc., 104. See
Appendix V., p. 277.
2 Orme MSS., 281.
* Nawab to Council, 12th Feb., 1763. Coicntry Correspondence. See
Appendix V., p. 278.
* Muhammad Kamal commanded a body of horse at the siege of Arcot,
when it was defended by Clive in 1751 (Orme, History, I. 317). On the defeat
of Raza Sahib by Clive, he set up for himself and seized the districts of Tirupati
and Nellore. He was captured and beheaded by the Nawab in 1753. Mil.
Cons., 3rd Oct. 1753. The fact that Yusuf Khan was known at first as the
Nellore Subadar, supports the statement that he had been in the service of
Muhammad Kamal.
* Caldwell, Tinnevelhj, p. 90.
" Nelson, The Madura Country, II. 32.
on the best of terms with people of the Vellala caste ^ and that ;
^ His Vakil or agent at Madras during the siege in 1758-9 was one Moota
Pillay (Onne MSS., 278, p. 13). His companion when he visited the Temple
of Minakshi at Madura and decided to restore its revenues was Muttarughu
Pillai (Taylor, 0. H. MSS., Pandion Chronicle, p. 41). On the birth of his son
he was presented with a golden cradle by Tandava Raya Pillai, Prime Minister
of the Ramnad [Mackenzie MSS., XVI. 6-13).
* Francis, Madura, p. 67.
' Nelson, The Madura Country, II. 27.
* Ibid., II. 15.
5 Dubois, Hindu Manners, etc., p. 274(n.). Caldwell,Tm7i€veW]/, pp. 278-9.
« Nelson, The Madura Ccmntry, II. 33 ; III. 104. Francis, Madura
p. 42.
" There is no country in which the titles of descent are less instru-
mental to the fortunes of men than they are in Indostan none but ;
all others the exclusion is so absolute that a new act from the sovereign
is necessary to ennoble even the son of the Grand Vizir of the Empire.
The field of fortune is open to every man who has courage enough to
make use of his sword, or to whom Nature has given superior talents
of mind. Hence it happens that half the grandees of Indostan have
arrived at the highest employments in the Empire from conditions
not less humble 3 than that of Anwaruddin Khan, against whose
accession to the Nawabship of the Camatic the people had taken an
aversion from causes independent of his personal character."
Nawab Muhammad Ali, was himself only the son of a petty Khan at the Court
of Aurangzeb.
* Nelson, The Madura CmirUry, III. 282. See Appendix V,, p. 311.
Maza ;
^ though even this would not be decisive, for the poorer
mixed birth,
class of Christians, whether of purely native or of
were and Maza
at this time often confused with the Pariahs,
might have been a Portuguese Christian and yet spoken of as
a Pariah woman. On the other hand, if his marriage took
place, as the native account seems to imply, at the time of the
siege of Madras— a statement which agrees well with the fact
that the only son, who mentioned as having been born to
1 History, I. 346-7.
* See p. 9 below.
* Country Correspondence, 1748, No. 19.
* Orme MSS., 287, p. 103.
^For convenience' sake I shall hereafter refer to this Prince simply as the
Nawab. His claim was not acknowledged by the French until the treaty
of Paris in 1763. Both the Nawab and Chanda Sahib claimed to have received
farmans or grants of the Nawabship of Arcot from the Great Mughal but ;
farmans were easily forged, and no importance need be attached to the assertion
of either of these Princes. See p. 32 (n.) below.
laid claim, he was limited in 1751 practically to the town of
Trichinopoly. The country to the north, including Arcot, the
capital of the Province, was dominated by Chanda Sahib and the
French. To the east, the Eong of Tanjore was, as a matter of
Southern India
^ Nawab to Council, letter received 29th July, and Mr. Saunders to Nawab,
St. David ; hence the French and Chanda Sahib did not expect any sudden
attack from Madras.
' Clive arrived in India in 1744, escaped to Fort St. David after the capture
^Cope was mortally wounded at Kistnaveram and died 3rd Feb., 1752.
*Caraccioli, in his Life of Clive, I. 188, quotes an anonymous petition
presented to Lawrence against Clive's promotion, but, if this petition was really
presented, LawTence appears to have taken no notice of it.
3 It is noticeable that Orme, in his account of the behaviour of the French
" Your Nellore sepoys are glorious fellows, and their Subadar as
good a man as ever breathed. He is my sole dependance." 2
" Eight hundred of these sepoys were the very same who had
made the resolute attempt to storm the breaches at Arcot when
Clive commanded there and had since deserted to him.* They were
a parcel of resolute fellows, and the continued series of success which
for a considerable time had attended our arms made 'em look upon
themselves as sure of victory when supported by an English bat-
talion. These people being in the van never waited for the form of
drawing up, but each company pressing for the honour of advancing
their colours first, they set up a shout and ran at the French in the
most daring manner, who had formed themselves in the front of
their camp and had begun to fire briskly upon them with their
artillery, but they seemed to give very little attention to it, still
running on in the same intrepid manner, and the Marathas charging
at the same time, they fairly drove the French from their ground."
1 In his narrative {Orme 3ISS., III. pp. 539-41), Dalton gives the 10th May
as the date of this fight. The dates in the text are taken from his letters to
» Orme MSS., III. p. 664.
3 Ibid., III. p. 547.
* The French took but little part in the assault (Orme, History, I. 195), and
this gave much disgust to the sepoys of Raza Sahib. It is probable that the
French oflScer in command was doubtful as to how far he was justified in attack-
ing a fort held by an English ofiicer, or possibly he was withheld by respect for
the gallantry of the little garrison. Neither of these motives was allowed to
influence either party in the subsequent military operations, but throughout the
fighting the Europeans on the victorious side always made it their first duty to
secure their European opponents from massacre by the native soldiery. Thus
when M. de Kerjean was married in 1753, Dupleix invited to the wedding Capt.
Charles Campbell, who had saved de Kerjean's life in this way at the battle of
Bahur. Mil. Cons., 4th Dec, 1753.
" Such was the unfortunate and ignominious end of this man.
The many examples of a similar fate which are perpetually produced
by the contests of ambition in this unsettled empire have established
a proverb that fortune is a throne, and therefore he who falls in such
contests is only reckoned unfortimate, without having the odium of
rebellion or treachery charged on his memory ; unless he opposes the
sovereign of sovereigns, the Great Mughal, all the rest is reckoned
thecommon course of politics for there is scarcely throughout
: the
Empire a Nawab who has not an open or latent competitor."
p. 36) say he was put to death in the Dalawai Mandap, in which nearly thirty
years before he had falsely sworn on the Koran not to injure or molest Minakshi
Rani, Queen of Trichinopoly, thus expiating by a violent death the guilt of
* History, I. 241.
Still they did their best to reconcile the Nawab and the
* Mil. Cons., 3rd Jan., 1753. * Country Correspondence, 1753, No. 48.
2 — —
One can hardly wonder Yusuf Khan's rapid rise when the
first soldier marked his resemblance to so great
in India thus
a man as Clive. Alike in capacity for both civil and military
affairs, alike in courage, in quick and cool decision, in passionate
resentment of insult or injustice, alike in the desire for wealth
as a means and not an end, they also resembled each other in
that both were destined to an unhappy death.
The reputation Yusuf Khan grew so rapidly that the
natives, at least, sooncame to the conclusion that if he were
removed, the destruction of the English was inevitable. It
appears that, in consequence of the favour in which he was held
by Lawrence, he had excited the jealousy of a Brahman, named
Punniyappan, who filled the post of linguist or interpreter to
that officer. Ignorance of the vernaculars placed the English
officers very much at the mercy of their interpreters, who,
as all the country {i.e. Indian) correspondence passed through
their hands, occupied the position of confidential clerks, and were
not always proof against the temptations to enrich or revenge
themselves with which their office supplied them. Some years
earlierGovernor Morse's duhash^ had been hanged for treachery,
but this example did not deter Punniyappan. He suggested to
Lawrence that, if he were allowed to visit the Mysorean general,
he might be able to bring about some arrangement. There
being no reason to doubt his good faith, permission was given,
and Punniyappan paid a visit to Nandaraj, in the course of
which he suggested that the English would be forced to accept
any terms he might offer if their supplies were cut off by getting
rid of Yusuf Khan, which might be effected either by waylaying
him when he was out on one of his expeditions connected with
the convoys or by inducing the Enghsh to suppose him guilty
of treachery. For obvious reasons the former method was
^ The Kalians were half wild retainers of the petty feudal chiefs : see p. 25
* The record of Caillaud's enquiry is to be found in the Orme MSS., 13,
pp. 115-131.
3 Council to Lawrence, 26th May, 1764.
French, and giving the sepoys to Yusuf Khan and taking the
Europeans himself, advanced quietly on either side of the road,
1 Madras
Consultations, 15th Nov., 1G94.
Similarly the execution of a Brahman for trcacher}' by Khair-ud-din
On the 21st, the Council repHed that they " would take
notice of Muhammad Yusuf, the Commander of Sepoys," as
Lawrence desired. On the 25th they resolved that :
" I can assure you that whatever presents I have made the
Nellore Subadar, his extraordinary zeal for the service has entitled
him to,"
zeal for the Honourable Company's service entitles him to this par-
ticular mark of your approbation and favour." *
Colonel Lawrence ^ acquaints us that the Nellore Subadar's
knowledge and interest in the country has frequently been of service
in this particular ; it may therefore be useful for you to consult
with him on the occasion."
^ On the 12th Sept. Council informed Lawrence that the Warren had brought
out for him a brevet Commission as Lieut. -Colonel from the King and a sword
from the Company.
* i.e. " Auspicio Regis et Seyiatus Anglice."
given by the Honourable Governor and Council of Fort Saint George
as a reward to courage, and to preserve to posterity the name of a
brave soldier, a skilfull officer and a faithful! servant."
3 Journal of Transactions during the siege of Fort St. George, Public Sundry
The treaty which had put an end to the conflict between the
French and English was really much to the advantage of the
latter, for whilst the French had no one able to replace Chanda
Sahib, the English retained in Muhammad Ah, the titular
and de facto Nawab, at once a patron and a puppet, and, under
pretext of maintaining his authority over his subjects, they were
able to prepare for the renewal of the war with France whenever
it should come. It was therefore determined to send Colonel
Heron and Yusuf Khan to restore his authority in the southern
provinces of Madura and TinneveUy. As, with the single
exception of his absence during Lally's siege of Madras, the
remainder of Yusuf Khan's life was destined to be spent in
these parts, some remarks on their character and previous
history appear to be necessary.
The ancient Kingdom of Madura had at one time included,
besides Madura itself, the provinces of Trichinopoly, Dindigul,
Tondaiman, Tanjoro, the two Maravas (Sivagangei and
Ramnad), TinneveUy and Travancore. Its political capital,
once at Madura, was in quite modern times transferred to
Trichinopoly, and in 1750 the only portions which remained
under the direct control of the Governor of Madura were
Madura, TinneveUy and the two Maravas, but the last-
mentioned had long ceased to pay any tribute and their
allegiance was of the most fitful character.
Madura and Palamcotta ^ (near TinneveUy) were the only
^ Later on Yusuf Khan advised Council to garrison these two towns with
their own troops. " I must beg leave to acquaint you thatthereare two remark-
able forts in this country. One is Madura Fort and the other Palamcotta fit
for the Company to keep. By all means the Company's garrison should be
placed in them." Yusuf Khan to Council, 18th July. Country Correapondence,
1756, No. 210.
beyond this a low wall and a deep and wide ditch, ^ the depth
of water in which, however, depended very much on the state
of the weather. There was no citadel, and the safety of the
town accordingly depended entirely upon the walls and ditch
and the courage of its defenders but the latter had one advan-
uninteresting, being over a level cotton plain, in which the heat and want of
good water are every stage
felt at it is a distance of 92 miles."
; Military
Beminiscences, I. 275. James Welsh.
* The heavy rains which fall in the Madura country during the last three
months of the year made military operations around the town exceedingly trying
to the besiegers, whilst the advance of an armj^ from Madras was rendered
extremely diflBcult during the months of July to September by the swelling of
the rivers lying between Madras and Trichinopoly owing to the regular Indian
^ Orme says (History, II. 210) that the outer wall was only five feet on the
inner side, but on the outside descended 11 feet to the bottom of the ditch.
But the ditch was probably silted up at this time and much less deep than it
was in 1763, when (see p. 158 (n.) below) it was stated to be 28 yards broad.
and Col. Welsh's Military Reminiscences, Vol. I. Their ideas regarding the
payment of taxes are thus summed up in an unpublished MS. Memoir in the
India Office Map Department, B. 27, f. 2: "The Heaven supplies the earth
with rain, cattle plough for us, and we labour to improve and cultivate the land.
Whilst such is the case we alone ought to enjoy the fruit thereof. What reason
is there to be obedient and pay a tribute to a person like ourselves ? " Their
manly and dangerous national game called " jallikat " is described by Nelson,
Madura Country, II. 21, and Francis, Madura, p. 83.
- Orme, History, I. 381.
^ Francis, Madura, p. 263.
* See Orme, History, II. r)68 and Colonel James Welsh, Military Reminis-
cences, I. 66.
^ Nelson, Madura Country, II. 49.
missionaries, and
appears quite possible that, had it not been
^ Dubois, Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies, II. ch. xi. pp. 300,
' Nizam-ul-mulk, the first Subah of the Deccan, from whom his successors
latter, being the son of a woman of low origin, was passed over —
an explanation
contrary, I believe, to Muhammadan law. It is, however, true that he never
objected to his supersession, though he was often in rebellion against his brother.
* See p. 8 above.
" our grand guard was formed, and covers were made for our field
pieces on the flanks, and we fired like devils, and by being so near
every shot did liis duty. In fact by night we brought do^Ti a great
part of the wall and I would have insured the [capture of the] fort
next day for sixpence."
This act of revenge may have been idle, but it was not
1In the Mil. Cons., 25th Aug., 1755, it is stated that the Nawab never
actually made over Madura to the Mysoreans, his offer to do so being cancelled
by the Mysorean alliance with the French. Nelson {Madura Country, III.
270-1), seems to confuse Coop Sahib with Cope, but Cope was never in the
Mysorean service, and being mortally wounded at Kistnaveram died on the
3rd Feb., 1752 (Mil. Cons., 10th Feb., 1752); whilst Coop or Coke Sahib is
mentioned by Colonel Heron in a letter to Council dated 29th Oct., 1754, as
causing trouble in Madura with some Mysore horse and sepoys. His name
is variously spelled as " Coke " and " Kukku." It is unknown whether
he was a European or a native, but the Nawab distinctly refers to him as
" Coob saib [i.e. Khub Sahib] Jemadar belonging to the Mysorian." Country
CorrespoTidence. 1754, No. 422.
* Pandion Chronicle, p. 41 (Taylor's Oriental Historical Manuscripts).
' The Madi-as Records for 1754 show that repeated applications were made
to the Nawab and the English by the Tondaiman, the Maravans and other
Poligars for the restoration of the Hindu dynasty in Madura, but no notice
was taken of such requests.
* Orme [History, I. 399) calls them Pitan (i.e. Pathan) officers.
* Col. Heron, in a letter dated 11th April, 1755, says Moodemiah was a
brother of Mayana.
® Country Correspondence, 1755, No. 32.
should assist him^ to put his dominions in order, so that he
^ The first request made by the Nawab for an expedition appears to have
been that of the 25th Nov., 1754 (Country Correspondence, No. 422).
^ i.e. Grant or Commission. See Dr. Wilson's Narrative, p. 4. There was a
peculiarity about the farmans produced by Muhammad Ali which Council was
quick to note. " It has been more than once observed during the course of
this war that whenever anji:hing material has been on the carpet, the Nawab
has always received, or pretended to receive, such letters from Court as might
either divert us from our plan if disagreeable to him, or encourage us to pursue
it if it suited his purpose," Mil. Cons., 29th April, 1754.
3 The alleged farman, dated 29th Jan., 1750, is appended to No. 28, Country
Major of the Garrison and Third in Council. Public Proceedings, 13th September,
1754, p. 578.
* His ability was certainly of no high order, and it was the defeat of his
whole army in 1746, by a single battalion of the French under Paradis, that
dissipated for ever the awe previously felt by Europeans for the immense but
undisciplined forces of the Indian Princes.
' Colonel Heron had been advised by Council to consult him : see p. 21 above.
company from the Tope known by his name ^ and sent Baron
Yasser ot ^ there. ...
have forgiven the Nellore for this time, so
that nothing need be said about it without the Service actually re-
The gate was burned down and the pagoda entered.^ Most
^When asked for an explanation (Jlft7. Cons., 27th May, 1755), Col. Heron
produced a letter from the Nawab authorizing him to forgive the Maravans on
their complete submission and payment of tribute. The letter, however, was
so worded that it left the Nawab at liberty to disavow his permission if every
condition laid down was not fulfilled to the letter. By trickery of this kind on
the part of the Nawab, English officers were induced to make promises in his
behalf, which he invariably refused to ratify after he had obtained every possible
advantage from them. See Col. Donald Campbeirs letter dated 26th May,
1767. Appendix IV., p. 269, below.
Orme, History, I. 385. I have given Orme's account, but later on Yusuf
Khan claimed the capture of Tirumbur as his own exploit. He says (Letter to
Council, 10th April, Country Correspondence, 1756), " the fortress of Tirumbur,
which I took with great trouble and pains in the time of Colonel Heron."
^ Heron's letter reporting the capture of the place is dated 9th March, 1755.
Mil. Cons., 26th March, 1755.
of the garrison were put to the sword and the place was plun-
dered. Amongst the spoil the soldiers included a large number
of the little images which the Kalians worshipped. These
Heron told the Brahmans he would restore for five thousand
rupees, and, on the offer being refused, placed them amongst
the baggage to be sold as old brass for the benefit of the soldiers
when the army should reach Trichinopoly, an action which
gave great offence. The Madras Council recorded :
The Kalians were driven to frenzy, and the people who later
on gave the title of " Kumley Swami " ^ ^q an officer who had
massacred the inhabitants of whole villages without mercy,
could find no forgiveness for the men who had stormed their
temple and carried off their gods. As long as Heron remained
in the provinces they put to death every one belonging to his
army who fell into their hands, native or European, man,
woman, or child. ^ This in turn led to equally savage reprisals.
Leaving a garrison in Madura, Heron and Mahfuz Khan w^ent
on to Tuinevelly, where they arrived on the 25th March. The
Pohgars, led by one Kattabomanaik,^ were in rebelhon, but one
of Heron's first exploits was the storm of NelUcotah,^ forty
miles to the south. The soldiers, maddened by the atrocities
committed by the Kalians and in the fury of the assault, put
to death every one in the place, regardless of age or sex,® and
this so terrified the people that the Poligars at once submitted
and either paid up their contributions or gave hostages for the
into which the country had fallen, it does not then appear that
Heron made such a very bad bargain with Mahfuz Khan it ;
" This fortress is well built of stone and clay, stands on a plain,
has no cover near it except a hill, within the range of cannon shot,^
and the bank tank about six hundred yards distance which runs
of a
parallel to a face of the fort. Behind this hill our troops were
encamped and a strong advanced post at the bank with some pieces
of cannon and cohoms to amuse the enemy withal. Colonel Heron
sent his Vakil into the place to inform the Pulidevar of his business
and the sum requested, which if he did not comply with his town
should be battered to pieces. The fellow laughed at these threats,
as he well knew we had no heavy cannon and the Colonel's servant
had taken care to inform him that our stay would not be long as his
master was positively ordered to return. In consequence of which,
after throwing away a great quantity of ammunition and getting
several of our men knocked on the head, the Colonel very prudently
sent a final message into the town to tell them he would retire from
before the place provided twenty thousand rupees was paid down
on the spot. They returned for answer the Colonel might do as
he pleased ;that such a sum could not be raised, and they were
obscured by the account given by Orme in his History, II. 105. He there says
that at this time the total rent derivable from Madura was 1 lakh 20 thousand
rupees, but the military expenditure was 3 lakhs 60 thousand, and as its posses-
sion was necessary to the security of Tinnevelly, the deficiency had to be met
from the revenues of that country, which amounted to 12 lakhs. If this is
correct then the right rent should have been about 9j lakhs, and the dissatis-
faction of the Council must have been based on their knowledge of the character
of Mahfuz Khan, and not on the amount of the rent fixed by Heron. The
Nawab, on the other hand, may have preferred to arrange for a rack-rent as
a pretext to cover his extortions.
* " The cannon were served by Dutch deserters and topasses." Heron to
Council, 14th May, 1755, Mil. Cons., 30th May, 1755.
A short stay was made here to refresh the troops and settle
the garrison, composed of one thousand men under Jamal
Sahib. 2 As the direct route to Trichinopoly lay through very
difficult country, Captain Joseph Smith was sent ahead on the
28th May with a hundred Europeans, four companies of sepoys
and two guns to take post at a fort ^ at the southern entrance
of the Nattam pass, which was six miles long and twenty miles
north of Madura. How the army got through this pass Colonel
Heron reported to the Council as follows * :
" The 29th ultimo in passing some strong defiles in the Nattam
woods, our baggage and bazaar were attacked by the Kalians who had
in great numbers lined the woods through which we must necessarily
pass. They had also attempted to stop the road by felling large
trees across, so that I was obliged to detach most of the few sepoys
I had to cover the coolies in clearing the road. This left the bazaar
and baggage more exposed. Indeed the latter were so numerous
that if we met any opposition the loss of a considerable part was
unavoidable. The prmcipal loss of the baggage was private property.
The Company lost their old tents which were almost unserviceable,
a few barrels of damaged ammimition and a few fire-locks that had
been delivered into the Quartermaster's Stores to be mended. We
had four Europeans killed and wounded. These few men would
not have suffered had they not been sick and unarmed and
straggled out of the road. We met with no other difficulty on
our route."
^ Joseph Smith's Account of the expedition. Orme MSS. India, III. p. 610.
Heron in his letter of the same date savs the 21st May. Mil. Cons., ith June,
* The governor was one Danish Mand Khan, more commonly called
Barkatullah, a servant of Mahfuz Khan. Jamal Sahib commanded only the
sepoys of the Company.
' Orme calls this fort Volsynattam (i.e. Velichinattam). History, I. 391.
* Heron to Council, 7th June, 1755. Mil. Cons., 19th June, 1755.
" The Colonel had received intelligence that every Kalian in the
country " they had already surprised and cut off almost every
man in a company under Sergeant Gould ^ whom they had caught
" was resolved upon opposing his passage through this
defile. Of course those officers who had passed it before knew the
consequences which must inevitably happen if the baggage was not
conducted with more than ordinary precaution through this wood,
which is many miles in length and only admits three men abreast in
the road and no possibility of turning either to right or left."
" The general 3 beat at five in the morning,* the army marched
at six, in order to facilitate which Captain Lin with a detachment of
military, pioneers and sepoys " [probably Yusuf Khan was with this
body] " were sent on to clear the roads and reached their ground
without the least obstruction.
" This was our order of march. Some companies of sepoys in
front, a sergeant [and] twelve men, the first division of artillery and
stores, the battalion ^ led by Captain Poller, the rear division of
artilleryand tumbrils. Then followed one sergeant, twelve men
and some companies of sepoys. In their rear followed the baggage
of the whole army, and the rear-guard of forty Coffrees, twenty
Europeans, two companies of sepoys and one six-pounder, fell to
my lot. The Colonel with his troop of horse, commanded by
Vasserot, went on in front. Some companies of sepoys were inter-
mixed with the baggage for its protection, but they proved of little
use. The front division of artillery and the battalion moved on
without any difficulty or being opposed. Some part of the rear
^ Joseph Smith's Account of the expedition, Orme MSS. India, III. pp.
(508-612. It accompanies a letter dated the 4th July, 1763. A comparison
with the account in Orme's History shows that Orme copied a good deal of it
2 Mil. Cons., 12th June, 1755.
^ The signal to get ready for the march.
* This atfair took place on the 29th May. Mil Cons., 16th Oct., 1755.
^ i.e. the European troops.
division of guns also followed close to the battalion, but unfortunately
the bullock drivers, being careless, drove one of our heavy carriages
into a slough, which the oxen could not get out again. The officers
of artillery, Lieutenant Raillardand Lieutenant Mollitore, imagining
they should be soon able to extricate the carriage out of this hole,
suffered the troops to go on and never called or sent to desire a halt,
and the officer, Captain Beaver, in the rear of the battalion, seeing
some tumbrils close up with him, did not suspect what had happened
and of course kept on. To this blunder we may entirely impute the
loss of our baggage. The carriage being stopped, nothing could pass
by it. The Kalians had watched every motion and appeared in great
numbers near my rear-guard. A few platoons and some grape shot
soon dispersed them, nor did they venture to be troublesome again,
but finding the battalion had advanced a considerable distance from
the rear division of guns, they judged it a seasonable opportunity
to attack Lieutenants Raillard and Mollitore, who had only a few
gunners, lascars and some straggling sepoys remaining with them.
The situation of the place prevented our people from being over-
powered by numbers. Our short six-pounders with grape made such
havock and terrified them so much that, after two repeated attacks
for several hours, in which were killed the most of our cattle and
some men, they retired with the satisfaction of having recovered
the gods 1 they fought for, which was in a tumbril near the place of
the attack.
" Notwithstanding the continued firing this occasioned for so
long a time, neither the Colonel or Captain Polier sent to enquire
the cause, or ordered any reinforcements to our assistance. At the
commencement of the firing I detached an officer with a company
of sepoys, though I could but ill spare them, which secured the
artillery from any further attempt. The halt had been general for
some hours and I grew very impatient at my situation. The evening
was closing apace and my detachment had not moved an inch since
the morning ^no advice from the Colonel or anybody else, nor did
a soul return that I sent to learn the reason of our being stopped.
The Kalians murdered many of the coolies, which terrified the rest
[so much] that they threw down their burdens and endeavoured to
reach the place where our battalion was halted. It was between
four and five in the afternoon when the enemy sallied out from all
^ i.e. the images taken at Kovilkudi Pagoda (see p. 37 above). " The
Committee have besides sufficient reason to be assured that this attack of the
Kalians was occasioned by Col. Heron's carrying away a large number of the
religious images from Kovilkudi Pagoda." Mil. Cons., 16th Sept., 1755.
theirbypaths into the road amongst our bazaar people and coolies,
with the most hideous howling and screaming it is possible to con-
ceive. From that moment ever5rthing was hurried into the greatest
scene of confusion imaginable. They, to a man, quitted their cattle,
burthens and everything else and fled whither their fears led them.
They looked on me as their only sanctuary. Men, women and
children pressed on me so much, that with difficulty I made my way
back out of the wood to a little field, in order to fix some method of
penetrating through the crowd and removing the baggage out of the
road for my gun and tumbril to pass along, being resolved not to
lose it.
" This was the severest task I ever met with. My sepoys were
reduced to about thirty, and a good number of lascars stayed with
me. The sepoys were divided in front and rear with drawn swords
with orders to murder any person that should dare come in between
them and the gun, whilst the lascars cleared the road. By this
means about dusk reached Lieutenants Raillard and Mollitore,
whose joy on the occasion could not be exceeded but by my own.
No time was to be lost. We collected what draught bullocks could
be found and drew off our cannon and ammunition. About two
miles on the road we found our battalion laying on their arms,
without the Colonel or any Captain belonging to the corps, the latter
having all been taken ill with the extreme heat of the day.i I put
myself at the head of them and marched on to that spot on which
Captain Linn had halted. There we remained all night and the
next morning without [the] trouble of baggage we reached the —
town of Nattam and were joined by a detachment from Trichinopoly
commanded by Captain Zeigler, who escorted us through the woods,
and on the 5th Jime,^ I think, we once more encamped at Woriur
after an expedition the most infamous I ever wish to be a witness of.
The behaviour of our commanding officer and captains on that day
deserved every punishment you can name. However they are at
rest ^ —
we will let them remain so."
Smith himself, Paul Polier de Bottens, killed at the siege of Madras, 1758 ;
William Lin, who died in Bengal in 1757 ; William Lee, died 15th July, 1756
(Letter to Court, 21st Nov., 1756) ; George Beaver, who disappears from the
Army List after the 5th Nov., 1759 and Alexander Callendcr, killed at
" I wish my political capacity was equal to the idea you are
pleased to have of it, that I might answer your paragraph more to
my satisfaction. But such as my thoughts are please to receive
them. A hint is more than enough to you.
did not receive a fair trial, for whenever the documentary evidence produced
was in his favour e.g. in regard to the Company's losses in the Nattam Pass
affair {Mil. Cons., 15th Sept.) —Council discounted this evidence by such
remarks as " Yet the Committee are well informed that," &c., &c.
® Caillaud took over the command at Trichinopoly in April, 1755. Country
Correspondence, 1755, No. 67.
' Undated letter, but evidently written in 1755. Orme MSS., 293, p. 59.
" The grand point now in view, I believe, is the discharge of the
[Nawab's] debt [to the Company] while that subsists we must
make use of the Naivab to hasten the payment of it. The methods
which are now persuing towards that end are very proper ones : but
there are others also which I think are worth your consideration.
" The last expedition to the southward was unfortunate owing
to many causes, but in particular our intermeddling in country
business of which we know very little.
And in affairs of this kind
it were more for our interest were we but second causes, setting the
first in motion to answer our purposes.
" I think an army should again be sent there and some methods
in general like these persued.
" The Nawab himself should go in person, and with him a
sufficientnumber of Europeans.
" The commanding officer to interfere in nothing but his military
business. The Naivab to let him know when it was proper to march,
where to march, who to attack and who not to attack. As to when
and how, the officer might be the judge.
" Along with the Naivab one of your Body ^ should be sent, to be
present and made acquainted with everything relating to the country
business, the sums agreed for and those collected, and when the troops
were paid so much [should be] laid apart by him for the Company's
use, the remainder to the support of the Nawab. This person of your
Body should have nothing neither to say to the means the Naivab
would persue towards making the people pay nor the sums he would
oblige them to give. I know what will be objected to this imme-
diately. That the Nawab, if he has power in his hands, will squeeze
these people unmercifully, and we should [i.e. ought to] see nothing
but justice done. My dear Mr. Orme, our rigid northern notion of
justice will make us at last the dupes and fools to the more pliant
politicks of these southern climates. If we support the Nawab let
us do and not prescribe to him in such cases as these. And after
all, what have we more to do with their modes [of] government than
let him act then as he pleases. We have the power still in our hands.
You know the fable of the cat, the monkey and the roasted chestnuts.
" Let our principal business be to see that we have a good accoimt
of what he collects, if we suspect he is dishonest enough to conceal
it from us. For which reason let the Civil gentleman have with him
some of the most creditable and intelligent of the Company's
above all things, let the Presidency have trust and confidence in the
man they send out in that capacity, not tie him down by restrictions
nor circumscribe him to time, if the expedition answers the end
proposed. Let the military man be a soldier and know how to carry
Khan . . . the bravest amongst the sons of Muhammad in India." Orme MSS.,
28, p. 41.
Mr. Orme refused to accept the offer, and, the French soon
after approaching in force, Major Killpatrick, feeling he was
not strong enough to take the place by a coup-de-main before
their arrival, withdrew his army to Madras. Thus Murtaza Ali
achieved his object, which was to get rid of the EngUsh without
actually putting himself in the power of the French.
As was to be expected, Mahfuz Khan was already in great
difficulties in Tinnevelly. The three Pathan officers who had
remained in hiding while Colonel Heron had been in the country,
reappeared on his departure, and Moodemiah, who had sold the
southern district of Kalakadu to the King of Travancore,
invited to take possession of it. He agreed, and in
him now
alliance with Moodemiah, the PuUdevar and the western
poligars attacked and defeated Mahfuz Khan in two battles.
Encouraged by this success Mayana and Nabi Khan made a
plot to seize Madura itself. The Nawab immediately asked
the Council to send a force of their own to Tinnevelly.
Meanwhile the Madras Council, dissatisfied with the farming
of the Provinces toMahfuz Khan, were in negotiation with one
Tittarappa Mudah,^ a wealthy inhabitant of Tinnevelly whose
family had for generations been connected with its revenue
administration, to take over the rentership leased for three
months Mahfuz Khan by Colonel Heron. Their difficulties
were now increased by Mahfuz Khan's proved miUtary
incapacity. If they had taken the advice given by Caillaud
to Orme they would have sent a European in military com-
mand, leaving the civil and revenue administration to the
Nawab under the general supervision of a member of the Madras
CouncU but the danger of an approaching war with France,
^ Orme says {History, II. 105) that Mudali's family had held farms of
various districts for 100 years. Nelson (Madura Country, III. 277) calls this
a rash statement, but Heron in a letter dated 4th April, 1755, calls Mudali the
chief merchant in Tinnevelly, and the Nawab in his letter of the 30th Jan., 1770,
said that his influence with the Poligars was so great as to be dangerous (see
p. 52 (n.)). Both these statements are incompatible with his being a " new
man." It is even stated that Heron wished to appoint him Renter, but that
Mahfuz Khan outbid him by a lakh of rupees, Orvie MSS., 49, p. 1.
likely that the Nawab could devote his whole attention to the
southern provinces. Caillaud's scheme was therefore for the
time impracticable, and the Council decided to recall Mahfuz
Khan, to send in his place a native miUtary ofi&cer whom they
believed to be devoted to themselves, to take over the
provinces for three years from the Nawab, to appoint their
own renter or civil governor, and to divide the balance of the
revenue, which would remain after the troops had been paid,
between the Nawab and the payment of the Nawab' s debt to
the Company. To this the Nawab agreed.^
The military officer chosen by the Council was Yusuf Khan,
and on the 14th March ^ Mr. Pigot wrote to inform him of his
appointment, told him that he was entrusted " not only with
mihtary affairs, but also with the management of the Company's
other concerns in the Madura and Tirmevell}^ countries," that
he was to remit all revenue received to Captain Caillaud at
Trichinopoly, and in general to act in accordance with
any orders which Captain Caillaud might send him. He
concluded :
^ See next page. The Council's intentions were recorded only after the
Nawab's consent had been received, hence the apparent confusion of dates in
the text.
* Mil. Cons., I6th March, 1756. See p. 272 below. In an earlier part of
the same Consultations it is stated, "
Yusuf Khan arrived this morning, and
proposes setting out for Trichinopoly the 13th. His Company and Sergeant-
Major Robinson is in readiness to march with him. He is not yet determined
which of the Suhadars he will take." Sergeant-Major Robmson, however, died
at Trichinopoly before the expedition started (Mil. Cons., 13th April, 1756),
but the names of six of his sergeants, viz. Thomas Harris, Richard Jeffrj's,
Samuel Underwood, Richard Sculthorpe, John McKain, and Joseph Johnson, are
appended to a letter given in the Mil. Cons, of the 9th Nov., 1756; and from
Yusuf Khan's letter of the 2nd Jan., 1757, to Co\inc\\ (Country Correspondence,
No. 29) it appears that Yusuf Khan had a sergeant to each company of sepoys.
requisite troops, but they neglected to specify clearly whether
he was to pay only the one thousand sepoys, whom they at
first placed under Yusuf Khan, or whatever troops should be
6th April. Yusuf Khan to Mr. Pigot, 10th April, 1756. Country Correspondence,
No. 94.
^ In this fighting with the poligars Yusuf Khan's worst hurt was the loss of
some land possibly at Trichinopoly-Nellore which belonged —
to the Nawab. Of this the Nawab proposed to deprive him.
Yusuf Khan appealed to Mr. Pigot to prevent this injustice,
and Mr. Pigot accordingly wrote to the Nawab as follows ^ :
" I am informed that Yusuf Khan lias for some time past rented
a district near to Trichinopoly, but that you are now inclined to give
it to some other person. I think that Yusuf Khan's long and faithful
services to you as well during the troubles ^ as since, entitle him to
be preferred by you to any other person, and therefore I take the
liberty to write to you in his favour, and to desire that you will give
him a mark your esteem by letting him to [sic] enjoy the said
district as formerly. In so doing you will oblige me as well as show
a kindness to a man who deserves to be considered not only for
his past services but for those he may do us in future."
(received 29th Aug.). Country Correspondence, 1756, Nos. 243 and 246.
^ On one occasion Mahfuz Khan had lost this gun in fight with the Puliderar,
but Yusuf Khan's sepoys had retaken it. Having no anticipation of the mutiny,
he allowed Mahfuz Khan to take it to Madura, where there were also some
12-pounders left by Col. Heron, " which guns he wants now to fight us with.
If he will come out in field, I'll take his head and send it to your Honour."
Yusuf Khan to Pigot, 23rd Aug. Country Carrespandence, 1756, No. 255.
^ Francis {Madura,
p. 279) says this place is so called after a fakir named
Sikandar, who lived and died on the hill so named, and that it is frequented by
both Hindus and Muhammadans. Padre Schwartz wrote, " Behind the hospital
in Sikandarmalai was a lofty rock on the peak of which the rebel Khan Sahib or
Yusuf Khan had built a mosque, in which the graves of Alexander and of his
Doctor are shown." G&schichte der Missions anstalten in Ost-Indien, IX.
Pt. I. p. 586.
^ See p. 52 above.
one of the European sergeants with Jamal Sahib to see Mudali
and try to arrange the matter. The sergeant took Jamal
Sahib and another sepoy officer named Basopanaik with him,
and, when they found MudaH persist in his refusal to comply
with Yusuf Khan's wishes, they placed him under arrest. If
Mudali is to be believed, they also made free with his property.
Instead of ascribing this rough beha\aour to excess of zeal,
Mudali, thinking only of the insult, convinced himself that the
sergeant and sepoy officers had acted under instructions from
Yusuf Khan, though the latter ordered his release as soon as
he heard of it.^ In the meantime Jamal Sahib, glad of the
opportunity of revenging upon the poligars the misdemeanours
of their followers, turned them all out of the town with threats
of the severest punishment if they dared to return. Instead
of going home, they, under the leadership of Kattabomanaik
and the PuKdevar, joined Nabi Khan and concluded an alliance
with BarkatuUah. The latter in the middle of November broke
off aU negotiations with Caillaud, and went off to join Nabi
CaiUaud, having received en route positive orders from
Council not to quit Trichinopoly, had returned to that town.
Considering that Yusuf Khan had been in the \ST.'ong in
his difference MudaH and hearing Mudah's account of his
arrest, he was at first inchned to think that Yusuf Khan was
seeking some personal advantage, and, even when he was
informed by the Council that Yusuf Khan was right in his
must be deficient in temper and
contention, 2 he thought that he
Mahfuz Khan, the pohgars, and Mudali all combined
tact, for
to throw the blame of everything that had gone wrong upon
1This affair was reported by Mudali to Mr. Pigot, who on the 14th Nov.
^v^ote to Yusuf Khan censuring Jamal Sahib, and telling him that in future he
must take from Mudali only such money as the latter could conveniently
spare and draw upon Caillaud at Trichinopoly for the remainder. Country
Correspondence, No. 325. That Yusuf Khan was somewhat too independent
in his action is shown by the fact that Mr. Pigot, on the 27th November, had to
censure him for increasing by nearly one half the batta allowed to his sepoys
without obtaining previous permission. A little later, to please Mudali, Yusuf
Khan recalled Jamal Sahib and placed Basopanaik in command at Palamcotta.
Country Correspondence, 1757, No. 16.
- See Caillaud to Council, 2nd Nov., 1756, and 8th Dec, 1756, Orme MSS.
the one man whom they all feared. ^ He reported to the Council,
therefore, that they need not expect anything to be settled so
long as Yusuf Khan remained in Madura. On the 14th
December ^ Mr. Pigot ^vrote to Yusuf Khan, and, without
referring to the unfavourable opinion formed of his behaviour
by Captain Caillaud, informed him that war ^ had broken out
with France, that his services were required at Madras, and that
he should return immediately, leaving his troops with Lieu-
tenant Rumbold, whom Caillaud had sent to Madura to
continue negotiations with Mahfuz Khan and the rebels.
Meanwhile Yusuf Khan, who had been unable for some
time to ascertain Barkatullah's designs, at last heard that he
had joined the rebels in the south and surprised Tinnevelly,
Mudah and Jamal Sahib having barely managed to throw
themselves into Palamcotta, about three miles off. He imme-
diately marched south, and coming up with the rebels on the
1st December at Gangaikondan, twenty miles north of Tinne-
velly, completely defeated them, though they mustered ten
thousand strong. The poligars fled to the woods, and
Barkatullah back to Madura, but Nabi Khan, passing by SriviUi-
puttur and unable to attempt the fort, made an attack upon
the pagoda, which he would have taken and plundered had not
one of the temple Brahmans mounted the high tower of the
gateway, and, after cursing the assailants in a loud voice, thrown
himself do\sTi, dashing his brains out on the pavement, an act
which so horrified and terrified Nabi Khan's followers that they
left the town.*
Having neighboming districts and reassured the
visited the
inhabitants, Yusuf Khan halted in Tinnevelly. Here he was
recalled to Madura by a summons from Lieutenant Eumbold.
1 Mudali asserted that Yusuf Khan fomented the troubles in order to get
the country for himself, and that he was really in league with Mahfuz Kian,
whilst the Nawab asserted that the cause of Mahfuz Khan's revolt was Yusuf
Khan's disrespectful behaviour to his women-folk. Country Correspondence,
1757, Nos. 99, 257, 374, 382.
- Country Correspondence, No. 361.
* News of the declaration of war by England against France reached
Madras on the 12th Nov. Mil. Cons., 13th Nov., 1756.
* Francis [Madura, p. 281) says that an inscription in the big temple of
" I have supposed Yusuf Khan's and Mudalis forces alone not
sufficient to keep the country against them " [i.e. the rebels]. " Per-
haps it may prove otherwise, and by the former's good management
in the military way and the other's interest in the country they may
maintain themselves, but certainly if we are obliged to recall Yusuf
Khan the country is lost. There is a good understanding at present
between your Eenter and Yiisuf Khan. Jamal Sahib is also as he
ought to be." 1
amongst his good friends the poligars, where I left him in order to
pursue my plan, which was (after making the Renter settle his
accounts, remit some money to the Company, provide money for
the payment of my army) to march and besiege Madura."
" A storm more violent than had ever been remembered in these parts,
by which the land was laid under water and the crops in many places destroyed."
Orme to Payne, 4th July, 1757. Orme MSS., 28, p. 146.
3 Caillaud to Capt. Pechell, March, 1758. Orrne MSS., 31, p. 165.
* The dates of this expedition are taken partly from Caillaud's letters to
Council {Orme MSS., XII. and XIII.) and partly from his letter to Captain
Pechell (Orme MSS., 31, pp. 163-169).
* Wrongly given as 1 2th May in the letter to Captain Pechell.
up the faussebraye, near the first tower on the left hand of the
western gateway. There was also a watercourse running
within 200 yards from the west wall, which would afford cover
to an attacking party. He made his preparations secretly in
the pagoda at Sikandarmalai, allowing no one to go in or out
whilst these were in process of completion.
On the evening of the 30th April, leaving a few men to guard
the baggage and artillery, he marched out of the pagoda with
a hundred Europeans and two hundred sepoys —the garrison of
Madura consisted of eight or nine hundred cavalry and about
two thousand native infantry ^ and by 3 a.m. on the 1st May his
force was safely concealed in the watercourse above mentioned.
Caillaud intended to lead the attack himself, and carefully
explained his plan to his men. The foremost of these carried
six short ladders for the outer wall, the next six longer ones for
the inner. As soon as twenty men had got into the faussebraye
they were to take over the longer ladders, which they were to
plant against the inner wall, but not a man was to mount until
all were fixed, and then only three at a time.
but mark a cursed cur dog that had followed the party in the dark
began to bark, alarms another brother cur in the fort, this puts the
sentry on the qui vive, who, looking over the wall, had a glimpse
though very dark that somebody was there. He immediately
challenged and fired. The guard who was nearest hoisted some
and their friends outside. This induced one of the rebel ofi&cers
to offer to betray the town, but on the 11th May Caillaud received
imperative orders to march to Trichinopoly, and started with
the best of his men 120 Europeans and 500 good sepoys
leaving Lieutenant Eumbold and Yusuf Khan with the Coffree
company, the guns, and the rest * of the sepoys to maintain
the blockade and, if possible, conclude matters with the
traitor. Yusuf Khan was very unwilMng to stay. He had
found it impossible to work with Mudali, and he saw httle
^ i.e. the watercourse mentioned above.
2 CaUlaud to Council, 16th May, 1757. Ome 3ISS., XII. p. 3404.
3 Orme, History, II. 212.
* i.e. eight companies. Letter dated 22nd May, 1757, from Lieut. Rumbold
to Council. Orme MSS., 61, p. 44.
1 Orme MSS., XII. p. 3142. Caillaud to Council, 6th June, 1757. Rum-
bold was promoted Captain 6th June, 1757.
* Letter dated 21st June, 1757. Orme MSS., 51, p. 59.
* Lawrence (letter to Council 24th June, 1754) reports a similar threat
the part of Nandaraj to one of his messengers.
signs of giving in. Accordingly, taking the opportunity of a
favourable night when a strong windwas blowing, Kumbold
and Yusuf Khan crossed the and burnt down the northern
gateway, only to find that the inner gate leading to the town
had been built up vnth. a brick wall, so that they were forced
to retreat.
Mahfuz Eian was all this time congenially engaged in
plundering the district of Tinnevelly and negotiating mth the
King of Travancore for an alHance. The only obstacle in his
way was the garrison at Palamcotta, and not being strong enough
to take that place by
force he determined to obtain it by
treachery. purpose he sent messengers to Kumbold,
For this
who, thinking there might be something in their proposals,
despatched Eamanaik,^ escorted by fifty sepoys and under
a pass from Mahfuz Khan, to discuss them vnth. him. On their
approach Mahfuz Khan suddenly surrounded the Httle force
with his cavahy and demanded from Eamanaik an order to
the ofi&cer in Palamcotta to surrender that town. Eamanaik
drew up his men and declared he would sooner die than disgrace
himself by giving such an order. Mahfuz Khan therefore bade
the cavalry attack him, but before they could do so one of his
officers, named Ah Sahib, " who had more honour than his
which had been sent with it was exhausted, without any damage
being done to the walls that could not be easily and imme-
diately repaired by the besieged, and it was evident that a
more powerful battery would be necessary. As Trichinopoly
now appeared to be safe, Caillaud was ordered by the Council
to return to Madura. He set out on the 25th June with
some ninety Europeans, most of whom were Dutch or French
1 History, II. 223.
' i.e. a rest-house for travellers.
* Rumbold to Council, 11th June, 1757. Orme MSS., 61, p. 24. Orme says
Rumbold " found Yusuf Khan defending himself with only ten men against the
whole body of the enemy, who could neither take, destroy, or put to flight this
invincible spirit." Orme to Payne, •Ith July, 1757. See Appendix V., p. 272.
" The battery was finished by that time and opened in the
morning and a breach made by twelve at noon. They had however
in the moming begun to work behind it. Not to give them time to
do more, an immediate disposition was made for the assault, and at
two the troops marched for it, but could not carry their point. The
best, who were in front as is usual upon all such occasions, were
almost all killed and wounded. The few that returned disheartened
the rest, who in spite of their officers' efforts to encourage them on to
another trial thought rather of returning, which was done hi an
instant. I thought we might make another push for it, but on
examining my numbers when returned I found I had lost between
thirty and forty of my best Europeans and CofErees, either killed or
disabled, and about one hundred sepoys. In short I find such a
motley crew as my detachment is composed of, French and Dutch
deserters, topasses and Cofirees, are not to be depended on in such
cases where the bravest men are requisite. The few that are really
so are commonly sacrificed as it has been now. I luckily lost no
officers, but four of my best sergeants killed and as many woimded." ^
8 " Of the sepoys 100 were disabled, but few of this body were killed and
I regard you as a faithful servant to the Company, and therefore you may be
assured of my friendship." Country Corresponde?ice, 1757, No. 338.
* Caillaud to Captain Pechell, March, 1758. Orme MSS., 31, p. 1C9.
* Orme, History, II. pp. 236, 239.
" I will venture to assure you Yusuf Khan is the proper man to
command in that place ^ and rent the country round it. The
neighbours he has will require a brisk, active man amongst them to
keep them to their duty and obedience. It is a large trust, but if
there is faith in man, he is as honest and true a servant to the
Honourable Company as ever eat their bread."
Madura in the years 1754, 1755, and 1756 was Rs. 156,983, Rs. 143,714,
Rs. 121,390. Orme MSS., 51, p. 183.
" I must now inform you that on the 28th of the last month ^
Woomady[? Umar Din] Singh, Jemadar of the horse, with his com-
pany went against the house of Ramanapa Naik at first with a
design to kill him, afterwards they came and attempted to kiU me
while I was sleeping at the time aforesaid, but by the blessing of
God and your Honour's good fortune I happily awaked and punished
the said Jemadar &c. disturbers and faithless people as they deserved,
in such manner that they were sent into hell. Though he was in
our service yet in a faithless and deceitful manner he acted as afore-
said, which is owing to the badness of the times."
Yusuf Khan had put such a man to death, because at that time
it was very difficult to distinguish between an agent and a spy,
and Yusuf Khan was not the kind of man to give any suspected
person the benefit of the doubt. Moreover, we know that he
Yusuf Khan to Mr. Pigot, received 22nd Dec, 1757, Orme MSS., 61, p. 105.
November, 1757.
* i.e.
3 It is still the custom in India to Eiscribe any atrocious act to the evil
did haog a messenger sent him by Mahfuz Khan, for Mr. Pigot
wrote to remonstrate and warned him
hensive that the affair of Trichinopoly, where he had so grossly violated hia
faith, still rankled like a thorn in the breast of the Nawab [i.e. Haidar Ali]."
' Taylor's Oriental Historical Manuscripts, Vol. I.
pp. 42-44.
The months March and April were spent by Yusuf Khan
in further operations in the south but no sooner had he reduced
been wounded, and it was believed by his followers that he was invulnerable
owing to the possession of a charm or amulet. See pp. 228 and 311 below.
sepoys, and lascars were seized with a sudden panic and fled,
and Captain Smith and Yusuf Khan had not a man left except
the Europeans, a lascar corporal, a fakir, and Vordapu, Captain
Smith's Indian servant but the Europeans still kept up a
Benjamin Robins in place of one of his assistants who had died {Letter from
Fort St. David to Court, 24th Oct., 1750, para. 56). The Directors approved of
this nomination in their despatch of the 13th March, and appointed Preston
as a Writer. He served as a volunteer and was wounded at Kaveripak, and
was given an ensign's commission on the 3rd Dec, 1752.
troops and it could not be prevented " (Letter from Lally to Admiral Steevens.
Mil. Cons., 18th June, 1760, p. 565). Later on Lally allowed much damage to
be done by his troops, especially in the Black Town (i.e. the native portion of
Madras), but at the beginning of his campaign he showed great moderation.
Thus the 1759 Re-port of the S.P.C.K. says that on the capture of Fort St. David,
when, in conformity with orders from France, Lally destroyed everything else
in the place, he spared the House of the Protestant Mission. In the London
Chronicle, July 23-25, 1761, it is mentioned that the Danish missionary, Mr.
Hutteman, visiting Cuddalore after the fall of Pondicherry, found the church
and houses of the English Mission " in good repair."
* Memoires de la guerre de Lally by the Vicomte de Fumel. Orme MSS.,
India, XIV. p. 3864.
" Our people, both horse and foot, Europeans and Sepoys, shall
wear a green branch in their hat or turban, let yours do the same." ^
^ On the sea four miles south of Madras, now a suburb of that town.
2 Orme MSS., 278, p. 17.
3 In a letter dated the 14th Nov., 1758, Mr. Pigot mentions to Preston that
that the two commands should move and encamp in separate bodies." Orme,
History, III. 407.
1 Thomas' Mount.
" Orme, History, II. 401.
' Recueil des Lettres par Messieurs de Leyrit et de Lally,
p. 202.
* The description of the fight would seem to apply to the village
of Urur
rather than to that of Tiruvamiyur, but the site of the latter may have been
Yusuf Khan himself barely managing to escape by the back
of his tent, in which he left his pay-chest behind him. The
French, thinking their victory complete, dispersed to collect the
plunder, and were suddenly surprised by the field-pieces of
Preston's detachment opening upon them. Preston, having
been alarmed by the firing, had advanced under cover of the
village, and being supported by as many of Yusuf Khan's men
as he had been able to rally, opened such a heavy fire of grape
and musketry on the French that they were unable to form their
ranks, and at last fled in confusion, leaving 36 Europeans dead
on the field. Yusuf Khan found his pay-chest untouched, but
of his whole force there mustered next morning only 700 men.^
Of the rest all who had escaped aUve, including the market
people and the whole train of provisions, had fled without halting
to Chingleput. Preston and Yusuf Khan, therefore, perforce
followed the fugitives as far as Vendalur, where they arrived
on the 3rd January and found a small supply of prodsions.^
Here they received fresh orders from Mr. Pigot to return
towards Madras to harass the besiegers but the fugitives at
— —
Chingleput especially the horse complaining bitterly of the
loss of the plunder they had collected and, saying that they had
not enlisted to fight against Europeans, would listen to no per-
suasions, so that Preston and Yusuf Khan had again to follow
them to Chingleput, where they arrived on the 6th. Thinking
it wise to humour his men, Preston now led them into the
they who fnght and run away, may live to fight another day.' " This was, of
course, in reference to the so-called sepoys who had received European arms
but had not been subjected to European discipline. In a letter from Preston
himself (Call's Diary, 2nd Jan., Orme MSS., 224), Preston says that the
Trichinopoly sepoys made a brave defence at first, though they gave way after-
wards, and Mr. Pigot in a letter to Preston dated 3rd Jan., 1759, says, " The
behaviour of the sepoys is also to be commended for making so vigorous an oppo-
sition against so strong a detachment of the enemy." {Orme MSS., 278, p. 20.)
2 Call to Orme, 22nd Sept., 1776. Orme MSS., 62, pp. 87, 88.
The English account s,^ however, state that Lally had only
300 Europeans and 500 sepoys, that he was unable to induce
Preston to advance from the strong position he had taken up
behind a morass, and that, after some indecisive fighting, Lally
withdrew to Vepery, and Preston, owing to lack of provisions,
to TrimHwash. Soon after Preston, seeing that he could
not force his way through the French, marched round
them and arrived at the ]\Iount on the 5th February. The
same day the Governor and the Committee ^ which managed
the defence of Madras resolved to reward Abdul Wahab and
Yusuf Khan for their recent services. To Yusuf Khan they
sent an amethyst ring set round with diamonds. The
Council's presents were despatched by Captain Vasserot, who
made his way out of the town with 10 European troopers, each
of whom carried a bag of a thousand pagodas at his saddle.*
On the 7th February Major Caillaud arrived at the Mount.
His visit to Tanjore had been practically fruitless, and all the
reinforcements he brought were about 400 horse and three com-
panies of sepoys but as senior officer he took command of all the
manner that Caillaud, whose own horse was shot under him,^
^ the force under Yusuf Khan.
2 Orme, History, III. 430.
3 See Orme, History, III. 388.
* Transactions during the siege of Fort St. George. Madras Becords, Public
Dept. Sundry Book, No. 13.
6 Orme, History, III. 443.
8 Caillaud to Orme, 28th June, 1778. Orirte MSS., 72, p. 60. In this battle
ment we having met with by the orders of Mr. Lally being most
unhappy.^ We frequently desired leave to go to some other place,
the French troopers did not charge Caillaud's native horse, but advancing at
a trot suddenly halted and fired their carbines, which quickly put Caillaud's
men to flight. When Orme objected that this was not the usual practice of
the French cavalry, Caillaud replied (ibid., p. 59) that European cavalry had no
chance against native cavalry d Varme blanche, and hence this manoeuvre.
See also pp. 187 and 189 (n.) below.
^ CaUlaud to Pigot, 8th Feb., 1759. Appended to Transactions during the
Siege of Fort Saint Oeorge. Public Deft. Sundry Book, No. 13.
2 Orme MSS., 52,
pp. 169-172. Mr. Vansittart was afterwards Governor
of Bengal.
3 Captured by the English in Draper's sally of the 14th December, and
into the house with a boy with two pistols, and as I talked French
was desired by my Mama ^ to speak to him. I asked him what his
business was with us. He answered me to carry us into the fort.
I told him that, as they had not kept their word but let us be so
exposed to the fire for so long a time, that we were resolved to see
it out and would not go into the fort. He then told me he came
with the orders of Count de Maudave and that we must go upon :
that signified nothing, but that if we did not come along, their
sepoys would come in the night and plunder every one of us and
cut our throats, upon which I called to the ladies and told them
there was no time to be lost, and as we went in there was firing very
near us, I have a great deal to say when I see you, which God
grant may be soon, as we are now out of the fort and are imder
apprehensions every night of having alarms. I have desired Count
d'Estaign to use his interest for our liberty,who has assured me he
will do the utmost of his power. We have been told that we are
prisoners and must not stir without the leave of Mr. Lally, I will
write to you for palankeens when we receive the happy news, but
desire you will not think of coming to meet me for very good reasons.
We are all well and the children well recovered of the measles. We
all join in hearty wishes for your welfare and the rest of our friends,
especially our noble governor.
" I remain ever my dear Mr. Van's most sincerely obedient and
" Emelia Vaxsittaet.
" Sadras, Feb. 24th, 1758."' *
" I believe Mr. Lally will find work enough on his hands before
he gets into Madras. I must own I have no notion of 3000 men
(allowing he has so many) taking such a place as Madras with a
garrison of 1500 men at least besides sepoys, who are very good behind
walls. The affair of the 14th December will convince him he has some
of the best soldiers in India to deal with, and if the Nellore Subadar
arrives in time with the sepoys from Trichiaopoly and Caillaud gets
a body of Tanjore horse which he is sent to solicit, the French will
be so harassed that they will not be able to continue the siege six
^ " Such was, Sir, the famous siege of Madras, in which two men, by
behaviour the most opposite, immortalized themselves ; the French general by
failing to take a town owing to his unwillingness to learn anything from the
experience of others, and the English merchant by saving the same with a
courage and prudence worthy of the highest praise." Memoire-i de la guerre de
Lally, by the Vicomte de Fumel. Orme MSS., XIV. pp. 3883-4.
* Orme MSS., 292,
p. 35. Admiral Pocock held the same opinion as Forde,
for in a letter to Clive, dated Negapatam, 25th May, 1759, he wrote, " Mr.
Lally's attempt against Fort St. George I never thought would succeed, con-
sidering the fortifications were made compleat, and according to all the Rules
of War the number of men he sett down with was not sufficient." Orme MSS.,
290, p. 65.
Lally's real mistake —
which the French Government
was very largely responsible —was
in attacking Madras with
inadequate forces. ^ This mistake ruined the finest army the
French had ever landed in India, and led naturally to the fall
of Pondicherry but, as Eyre Coote declared, ^ even that cata-
strophe could not have been delayed so long as it was by any one
but Lally. Probably the opinion of two such men as Forde
and Coote will outweigh anything put forward by those of his
own countrymen who w^ere interested in bringing about his
Forde' s reference to what might be expected from the efforts
of the army judge of the value of
of observation enables us to
Yusuf Khan's services to the English dming the siege. After
all the credit due to Preston and Caillaud has been discounted,
1759, says that a fresh division of French troops is reported to have arrived at
Mauritius. " I presume it must have been in consequence of this intelligence
that M. Lally took post before Madras, as I cannot think he would have been
so imprudent as to come there with a force not double that of the garrison,
were he not in expectation of a re-inforcement." Public Record Office,
Chatham Papers, Vol. XXVI.
^ Plaidoyer du comte de LaMy-Tohndal .... contre J/. Duval d^ Epremesnil,
p. 36.
^ " He was so generally hated that (if I may be allowed the expression) the
very dogs howled at him. managing
It is a convincing proof of his abilities, the
80 long and vigorous a defence in a place where he was held in universal de-
testation." Extract from a letter from a gentleman at Fort St. George, dated
1st Feb., 1761. London Chronicle, 21st-23rd July, 1761.
* " Our black army and the few Europeans which were left in Chingleput
were of great service to us by cutting off the enemy's supplies of provisions and
obliging M. Lally to make frequent detachments to oppose them." Letter
dated 7th March, 1759, from ilr. Pigot to (?) W. Pitt. Pvhlic Record Office.
Chatham Papers, Vol. XCIX. See also pp. 161 and 295 below.
per man per mensem, and that including his native officers as
well as the European sergeants and gunners. ^ At the same
time, the Councilmade him a present of three pieces of red cloth
and two of velvet, ^ worth about 300 pagodas, whilst Mr. Pigot
made over to him a number of firelocks and pistols, no doubt
for distribution amongst his men. On his own part, Yusuf
Khan enhsted a number of sepoys now dismissed by Ck)uncil
on the ground of economy.^
Lally being for the moment discomfited, the first object of
the Council was naturally to recover the ground they had lost
around Madras before the siege, but Yusuf Khan's thoughts
would as naturally turn to his unfinished work in Madura and
Tinnevelly. On the 28th February he made an offer to rent
the provinces for four years, at five lakhs for the first year
and six for the remaining three, Yusuf Khan himself to pay
for the upkeep of the troops necessary for the pacification of
the provinces and the maintenance of peace and order, but not
any expenses incurred for their defence against external attack.
Unfortunately the three years' term upon which the provinces
were held by the Council from the Nawab was now nearly com-
pleted, and the Council had explained to the Nawab that as the
cost of administration had exceeded the revenue he was not
entitled to any arrears. The Nawab, however, pretended that
Yusuf Khan had received much more money than he had ever
accounted for, and was eager to resume the management of the
provinces. In March, 1759, he wrote * to Mr. Pigot protesting
in the strongest terms against Yusuf Khan being given the
rentership but before his letter was received, the Council had on
Haidar Ali paid his horsemen, who provided their own horses, 40 rupees per
General Stark, the conqueror of Burgoyne at Saratoga, with two ells of blue and
one of yellow cloth and six shirts of Dutch linen.
3 John Call to Dupre, 8th Aug., 1768. Orme MSS., 304, p. 5.
* Nawab to Pigot, March, 1759. /. 0. Records. Home Misc., 104. See
Appendix V., p. 275.
* Mil. Cons., 8th March, 1759. " Madura and Tinnevelly, which
have to this time been a losing estate, are now let to Yusuf Khan for one year,
they had limited to a term of one year only, dating from the
nth July, 1759 his accomits up to that date were to be made
commencing July 1759, to July 1760, for rupees 500,000, he to bear all expenses
and remit the said sum nett to the Company notwithstanding all the troubles
of the Nawab' s brother and the poligars. Could they be reduced these provinces
would be worth twice as much." Letter to Court, 28th July, 1759, para. 10.
^ " In paragraph 23rd of our Select Committee's address to the Secret
Committee dated 5th Oct. last, mention is made of the accounts of Madura
and Tinnevelly transmitted by Yusuf Khan and the former renter, Tittarappa
Mudali. These accounts have undergone a thorough examination of our Com-
mittee of Accounts, whose reports with the accounts current annexed are
transmitted in our Book packet." Ibid., para. 12.
- History, III. 465.
3 Lawrence to Council, 19th March, 1759. Mil. Cam., 22nd March, 1759.
* Mil. Cons., 9th April, 1759, p. 109.
appears that he demanded twice the usual pay. Orme 3ISS., 278, pp. 8, 9.
2 Wilson {Madras Army, I. 186 (n.)) says Airey commanded the 5th N.I.
they had to apply for help to the English at Anjengo, and that it was only
on the credit of letters sent by Yusuf Khan that they were able to obtain money
with which to purchase ammunition.
Company and those so lately, I would have sent orders to the com-
manding officer at Trichinopoly to put him in arrest. But I leave
the ailair to you, gentlemen only give me leave to say that for
your own sakes, you should require a submission from him, for I
apprehend he will soon be too great to remain a servant of the
1 " Yusuf Khan, impatient to reach his destination, yielded to, if he did not
suggest, their repugnance, and consented to go the way they chose." Orme,
History, III. 496. When Orme wrote this (1778) he was much under the
influence of General Richard Smith, who always disliked Yusuf Khan.
Company. Besides, I can expect but little respect from the country
powers if your servants are deficient in their parts." *
he was overawed by the majestic appearance of that lion of the forest of war.
He began to tremble and dropped the sword from his hand."
after the Nawab's health, and found the court empty of its
usual guards. The inference is that Yusuf Khan thought he
had found a suitable opportunity for revenging himself upon
the Nawab ;but the fact that Joseph Smith never reported
the affair to the Madras Council, as would have been his duty
had Yusuf Khan really attempted to kill the Nawab, shows
that either the whole story is false or that the quarrel was a
trifling one,^ which the Nawab afterwards exaggerated when
there was no possibility of disproving his statements.
poly after the siege of Madras the Nawab deprived him of certain allowances
he had always received from the Companj', "which vexed me verj' much."
1 Orme to Mr. John Payne, 4th July, 1757. Orme MSS., 28, pp. 170-1.
Appendix V., p. 271. When, in 1756, the Council had proposed to recall
Yusuf Khan, they wrote {3Iil. Conn., 16 Dec.) to Caillaud that the troops left
with Mudali were to be absolutely in his service: "The Svbadars, Jemadars,
etc.. Officers and Seapoys being first made acquainted that they are from that
time to look upon Mtidali as their only paymaster, and that the Company is
no wise answerable for their pay while they are in hi.s service, but whenever
he sees occasion to discharge them, as many as can produce his certificate of
good behaviour shall be received into the Company's service again."
* Mil. Letter to Court, 28th July, 1759, para. 10, Madras Records,
^ See, however, the opinion of Mr. J. Sullivan. Appendix V., p. 300*
— —
" As all of the troops with Yusuf Khan were fit for hostilities
against such an enemy, he resolved to employ them in attacking
1 e.g.in his letter of the 6th July. Country Correspondence, 1759, No. 140.
Pigot to Yusuf Khan, 6th Sept., 1759. Country CorrespondeTice.
3 Country Correspondence, 1759.
* History, III. 562.
" to beg quarter and to pay cattle, their only money, mostly collected
by theft, which with the others he procured, to the amount of 1000
beeves and 2000 sheep, were sent to Trichinopoly, from whence they
were forwarded at different times by Captain Joseph Smith to the
sea-coast for the use of the squadron, and enabled them to keep the
^ Precis Historique, p. 8.
This extract from Marchand's Precis appears to refer rather to 1757 than
to 1759, but the story of the massacre of the surrendered Kalians is probably
only a rechauffe of the storm of Nattakottai, or, as Orme calls it, Nellicotah, in
the time of Colonel Heron, see p. 37 above. On the other hand, the Tamil
Ballad gives the site of a similar massacre as the Piratta Hill (? Tiruppuran-
" The muskets of his sepoys were old, infirm, of various nations and
not sufficient in number, and were supplied [i.e. supplemented] by
fowling pieces and any fuzees lie could collect."
1 Orme, History, lU. 562. The King of Tanjore, being a Hindu, not only
could not allow cattle to be sent from his country for the consumption of the
English army, but would not even permit them to pass through his country,
Yusuf Khan to Council, 6th July, 1759. Country Correspondence, 1759, No. 140.
» Col. de Beck to Council, 5th July, 1767 {Mil. Cons., 13th JuJ.y, 1767),
mentions an agreement to this effect entered into with, the KaUans bj* him
"as it has been customary in the time of Yusuf Khan."
3 Nelson, Madura Country, II. 46. India Office Map Dept., MS. B. 27, f. 2.
Sketch of the History of the Southern Divisions of the Peninsula. See Appendix
v., pp. 302, 309.
* Under " Ravanah Naick," probably the same man as Ramanaik men-
tioned p. 66 above. Yusuf Khan to Council, 3rd July, 1759. Country
Correspondence, 1759, No. 135.
6 History, III. 563.
He was also short of flints for his muskets, and had to ask
a supply from Madras, begging at the same time for a couple
of eighteen-pounders and two field-pieces of six, with a supply
of shot.
He began by the capture of Kollamkondan,^ which had
been garrisoned by the PuUdevar and the pohgar of Vadagarai,
and then sent the detachment which had been ravaging Ettaiya-
puram to Kollarpatti, half way between Madura and Tinnevelly
and about fifty miles from each. Kollarpatti was taken in
three days, and the detachment rejoined Yusuf Khan, who
marched via Gangaikondan to Tiimevelly. Here he received a
letter from Mahfuz Khan offering to quit his allies and retire
to the Camatic, provided a sufficient maintenance were allotted
him. As Yusuf Khan knew that the Council had already
proposed this arrangement to the Nawab, he gave the required
promise without waiting for formal permission, though he sent
on the letter to Madras. Mahfuz Khan's hopes of estabhshing
himself in the provinces had long been idle, but that these had
been continually buoyed up by promises from Pondicherry is
shown by the follo^\ang extract from an intercepted letter from
M. LaUy2: —
" Srirangam
is in danger of being attacked by the garrison of
Next, to defend the rich open country to the north and west
of Tinnevelly Yusuf Khan garrisoned the fort of Uttumalai and
a post at Sorandai, which left him free to deal with the south.
This had suffered severely from the ravages of the Travan-
coreans, who had alhed themselves to Mahfuz Khan and the
pohgar leagues but it happened that the Kalians of the pohgar
* Five kos, i.e. about ten nules, from Srivilliputtur. Caldwell's Tinnevetty,
p. 102.
* Letter dated 15th March, 1758. Onne MSS., 17, p. 357.
incensed the King of that country that in August he made pro-
posals of alhance to Yusuf Khan. A meeting was arranged,
and the King, having promised his assistance against Vadagarai
and the Pulidevar, sent a force of ten thousand men, which in
September marchedto Vadagarai, whereupon the terrified poligar
abandoned his fort and fled for refuge to the Pulidevar. The
latter, who had but a short time before surprised and destroyed
at Sorandai ^ a small force under one of Yusuf Khan's of&cers,
was so impressed by his recent increase of strength, that he
wrote to the King to try, if possible, to reconcile him to the
pohgar of Vadagarai. But the King was a man of craft, like
his predecessor, Martanda Varma, of whom Sampati Rao, the
Nawab's diwan, in 1756, wrote to Caillaud ^ that " among black
men he never met vnth. so wise a one." He had not joined Yusuf
Kian merely in order to take revenge upon so small an enemy
as the pohgar of Vadagarai, but because he wished to estabHsh
his claim to the Kalakadu by its cession from the real
governor of the provinces. He took
the letter to Yusuf Khan,
pointed out to him that, owing to his assistance, Yusuf Khan
had already conquered much more territory than that of which
he asked the cession, and also that, if he himself assumed a
hostile attitude, it would be very difficult for Yusuf Khan
to keep order in the south. He asked, therefore, as the price
of his alUance the cession of the Kalakadu district. Yusuf
Khan was probably not much by this proposal. At
his first coming to the provinces he had been advised by
Caillaud to secure the friendship of Travancore,^ for which a
price would certainly be asked, and moreover he was not in a
position to resist the demand, for he had just received informa-
tion that the heavy guns requisitioned from Madras together with
a supply of five hundred muskets had been lost at sea, whilst
the two field-pieces, though safely landed, had been detained
by the Dutch Agent at Tuticorin. Under these circumstances
Yusuf Khan made over Kalakadu to the King on condition that
the latter should assist the Nawab and the Enghsh against aU
1 Letter received 28th Aug., 1759, from Yusuf Khan. Orme MSS., 221,
p. 207.
« Caillaud to Council, 12th Aug., 1756. Orme MSS., XII. p. 3340.
3 See p. 53 above.
" The resolution and contempt of death which they have acquired
is inconceivable. When the four guns played upon the breach,
they were repairing it very steadily with palmeira [trees] and heaps
of straw nor did the survivors seem in the least concerned for the
natives of the Carnatic " as the best Europeans that ever were
in the East Indies."
Yusuf Khan's only heavy gun burst the day after it was
mounted, but he determined to risk an assault. He lost two
hundred men, and the Travancoreans about the same, but
though the enemy's loss was heavier they repulsed the assault,
and want of ammunition forced Yusuf Khan to raise the siege.
News of this failure reached Madras on the 28th January, 1760.
The Travancoreans returned to their country, and Yusuf
Khan retired to Tinnevelly.
Vasudevanallur was Yusuf Khan's only failure. The
country was fairly —
tranquil in December he had remitted two
1 Donald Campbell to Council, 20th May, 1767. Orme MSS., 77, p. 102.
» Donald Campbell to Orme, lat December, 1777. Orme MSS., 72, p. 112.
lakhs of rupees to Captain Joseph Smith at Trichinopolyand —
Mahfuz Khan had, as has been mentioned, at last resolved
to throw up the game. In January he joined Yusuf Khan at
Tinnevelly, whence he was sent to the Tondaiman at Puduk-
kottai. There he stayed for some time pretending to fear
the vengeance of the Nawab, but at last came into his camp
and was forgiven. On the 22nd July he joined the army of
Colonel Eyre Coote with a body of horse. The Colonel was
by no means on good terms with the Madras Council, a
fact of which the Nawab took advantage to inform him
that that body had " from time to time compelled him to
quarrel with all his brothers."
At this time the Nawab was in great want of money, and on
the 7th February, 1760, the Council received a letter from Yusuf
Khan, saying he had, in accordance with their orders, sent two
lakhs of rupees to Trichinopoly as the first instalment of his
rent from Madura and Tinnevelly. On the 27th March, Council
received notice of a further instalment being on the way, and
decided to instruct Yusuf Khan to send his rent direct to Madras,
as the Nawab would not allow a penny to escape him if the
money once got into his hands. It looks, therefore, as if the
Nawab had detained the first instalment. ^ In June Yusuf Khan
sent a further remittance, which must have been much appre-
ciated by the Council in their desperate and expensive campaign
against LaUy, but they were still unable tomake up their minds
to accept Yusuf Khan's proposals for a three years' tenure of
the rentership.
In June the Council ordered Yusuf Khan to co-operate with
Captain Eichard Smith against the Mysoreans, for it was
reported that Haidar had made a secret treaty with the French,
by which they promised to assist him in the conquest of Madura
and Tinnevelly. On the other hand, Yusuf Khan wrote to say
that the Dutch were preparing an expedition which seemed to
be aimed at Tinnevelly. Captain Smith declared this was only
1 Eyre Coote's Journal, 9th May, 1760. Orme MSS., VIII. p. 1945.
* In his 20th Sept., 1762 (Appendix I., p. 243) to Mr. Pigot,
letter of the
Yusuf Khan says " When our army besieged Pondicherry I sent from hence
to the Nawab about two lakhs of pagodas, the rent of these countrys, as the
Nawab said he wanted them for the use of his army."
^ " Yzisuf Khan has wrote me a long story of Dutchmen coming fi'om
Batavia, 400 being landed and 1000 more expected at Tuticorin. I am not at
a loss to know what artifice gave rise to his intelligence he has requested my
orders, the first time he ever required any orders from hence. In consequence
of your general letter in February I have directed him to oppose all Europeans
that shall attempt to enter those districts of which he is Renter." Rich. Smith
to Council, 2-ith June, 1760. 3Iil. Cons., 9th July, 1760, p. 613.
2 Richard Smith to Council, 6th Sept., 1760. Mil. Cons., 16th Sept.,
1760, p. 793.
» Coote to Council, 1st July, 1760. Mil. Cons., 3rd July, 1760, p. 696.
See Appendix V., p. 275.
* History, III. 706.
^ Nelson, Madura Country, III. pp. 280, 290.
« Hid., III. 281.
" I send you a letter I have received from Yusuf Khan, which
must satisfy you he is a good man, as the contents show that he fears,
without a friend to recommend him to you, he is ruined. He is as
good a man as Mr. Smith, ^ I will answer for it and if he wants arms
they are to defend your coimtry and add to your honour. If I can
procure him any he shall have them and I will answer for his being
a good servant to you." ^
1 Letter dated Trichinopoly, 21st Nov., 1760, from Mr. Andrew Newton.
Mil. Cons., 4th December, 1760, p. 1054.
* Country Correspondence.
* In para. 4 of the Court's letter dated 9th December, 1762, the number
is given as 500. In Council's letter to Court, dated the 26th March, 1764,
para. 6, they put the total number of these at 1500. I.O. Records, Madras
Letters Received, I. A.
thirty French prisoners had in October, 1759, been allowed to
take service with Yusuf Khan as an alternative to the hardships
of prison hfe —an engagement which involved no dishonour, as it
was not hkely to bring them into conflict with their own country-
men.^ No one could have anticipated that these men and their
vagabond companions from the native states would form the
backbone of the force which caused the EngUsh and the Nawab
as much loss in blood and treasure as they had suffered in the
reduction of the French Settlements. ^ From what happened
later, one cannot help feeling a certain amount of amusement
in reading that the Council received congratulations from such
persons as the King of Tanjore and Yusuf Khan on the fall of
Pondicherry. Yusuf Khan for his part sent a present of tlurty-
three Venetians ^ to Mr. Pigot.*
In June, 1761, it appears that Mr. Pigot formally ordered
Yusuf Khan to pay his rent to the Nawab, and to hoist his flag,
instead of that of the Company,^ at Madura and Palamcotta,
his chief fortresses, an order which possibly he was privately
instructed to disobey, for, though he sent the money to Trichi-
nopoly, it was, as we shall soon see, to the Company's officer at
but its own flag at sea was a white flag with red stripes. Fryer describes
Governor Langhorne as having a " flag with 2 Balls on a Red Field," which
Mrs. Penny (Fort St. George, p. 110) calls the Company's flag, but Colonel Love
( Vestiges of Old Madras, I. 283 and
II. 272) calls the Governor's flag. In the
second of Col. Love's instances there is a charge for dyeing the Governor's
flag or flags blue, which would show that the Governor now had the Union flag
carried before him.
® Marchand, Precis Historique, p. 18.
' See Council's estimate of the real value of the Provinces, pp. 89, 90 (n.)
— — —
" With regard to the letting, out the Tianevelly and Madura
countries Yusuf Khan hath ever proved himself a faithful servant
to the Company and has on frequent occasions manifested his
attachment to their interest. Such a person the Board would wish
to hold the management of these countries at least until the Nawab
has somewhat reduced his debt to the Company. It is therefore
agreed that he be recommended in the strongest terms to the Nawab
Madura and Tinnevelly,
as the properest person to be continued in
and at the same time to remind him that much is owing to the
conduct and good management of Yusuf Khan in bringmg these
now in. We do not mean they should
countries to the state they are
be than their real value
let for less at the same time we think it
ours, the money and trouble it has cost us to bring the country to
what it now is, and he should at the same time remember that we owe
the merit entirely to the good conduct and good management of the
present Renter."
" Although Tittarappa Mudali's ofiers for the rent of the Madura
and Tinnevelly countries are more considerable than those of Yusuf
"It is certain that the Nawab has not hitherto received any
money on account AVe hope
of the Tinnevelly or Nellore countries.
however he expediency of Yusuf Khan's holding the
will see the
management of the former and will accordingly continue him for
the present year, when he will immediately receive the amounts of
the kists i due to this time."
" We
have chose to begin with the Kiladar of Vellore as he is
a bad man
^ and we shall have less remorse should things be carried
stand against the force that had taken Pondicherry. His offers were rejected,
he went back into his fort and defended it without the assistance of a single
European near three months, so that we exposed ourselves to the derision of
the natives, who had before a great opinion of the force of the English, lost a
number of men and run the Kawab more in debt to the Compan}'." Letter
dated Fort St. George, 15th April, 1762, from Colonel George Monson. Public
Record Office, CO. 77, 22.
^ Life of Robert, Lord Clive, II. 295. See Appendix V., p. 307 below.
^ " Mr. Palk is to succeed to the Governorship of Madras. Like a true priest
he worries everybody. He hates military men and has just succeeded in
suppressing all the privileges and perquisites which used to be allowed them."
Maudave to Desforges, 29th July, 1762. Archives du Ministere des Colonies,
Paris, 97 C^ f. 281.
* See Appendix V., p. 284.
' Life
of Robert, first Lord Clive, p. 215.
Madura.i The revenues of these were derived from lands
which had been seized by Chanda Sahib, the priests being com-
pelled not merely to close the temples, but in some cases to
conceal the sacred images. The Marathas gave back the
revenues when they captured Madura in 1741, but they were
taken away again by BarkatuUah, and Yusuf Khan found the
temple lands partly in the possession of Government, and partly
held in private by the priests. He resumed those held by the
latter, and seeing that the amount of the whole was more than
sufficient for the support of the ceremonial and of the temple
attendants, substituted a fixed grant from the public revenues
for all purposes. This was just, but could hardly be considered,
at least by the Hindus, as generous, and therefore cannot have
done much to make him popular amongst the priests, though it
quieted active discontent. I find no record of his making direct
gifts to the temples —
for a Muhammadan ruler this might have
been difficult but when the Woodiataver ^ and his Pradhan
Tandava Eaya Pillai presented him with a golden cradle on the
birth of his son in 1762-3, he acknowledged the gift by granting
to the latter, in jagir, the village of Sakkudi, which the Pradhan,
" not being in want of the village," presented to the temple
Mackenzie MSS. {India Office), Vol. XVI. Jsos. 5-13. Another village. Alia
Colum (?) was given for the same purpose by Moota Pilla, who was Yusuf Khan's
samprati, i.e. vakil or accountant. Ibid.
* See p. 98 above.
stating that it was made as a charitable work by Yusuf Khan in 1759. Cald-
well's Tinnevelly, pp. 63, 64.
The lower of these figures is higher than that for any year
between 1749 and 1760. In 1770 the Jamabandi fell as low
as 739,035. This was after the Council had followed Caillaud's
advice,^ and allowed the Nawab to govern and collect revenue
as he pleased under the protection of a miUtary force placed
absolutely at his disposal. The disgust with which the mihtary
^ " The Kalians had and they manage
several Malabar guns in their forts
them They have them on barbit (sic) and in several of the
surprisingly well.
forts which I have taken from them they had three four-pounders east in the
European manner by some of the natives that was learned with Yusuf Khun
at Madura." Donald Campbell to Orme, 1st Dec. 1777. Orme MSS., 72,
p. 111.
* Report by Mr. Stephen Rumbold Lushington, Collector of Tinnevelly,
dated 28th May, 1802, to the Board of Revenue, para. 18. /. 0. Records,
Board of Revenue Proceedings, 16th Aug., 1802, p. 9027. For a fuller extract
from this Report, see Appendix V,, p. 303.
3 Statements of rent or revenue from land due to the Government.
" The Nawab's Accounts with the poligars will clearly evince the
prodigious disproportion between the sums demanded and those
actually paid from the beginning of their connexions with one
another, and it is with a view of giving the gentlemen [of the Council]
a thorough idea of their nature that I have sent them. Most of . . .
same opinion." i
" Poligars confined for seventeen years by the Nawab soon after
the place was taken from Muhammad Yusuf Khan. The kiladar
can give no information of their crime, but it is said that they were
confined as a pledge for the payment of the taxes due from them."
the rule of the Nawab, who on the 29th Jan., 1765, had wTitten to the Court of
Directors as follows " The stated payments [i.e. instalments of the debt due
to the Company] fixed for the last year have been duly discharged though not
without difficulty. The reduction of the Rebel Yusuf Khan having involved
me in a most incredible expence, the remaining balance shall be paid off as soon
as possible, but in this I must request your patience, it being necessary my
tountry should be restored to its cultivation and the poor inhabitants, distressed
and harassed for near twenty years, be encouraged." Letters to and from the
East India Company^ s Servants at Bengal, Fort St. George and Boinbay, 1756-
. . ,
* /. 0. Records, Military Miscellany Bool; 11th to 30th Sept., 1782, p. 276.
' i.e. two years before the fall of Yusuf Khan. He had been the Nawab's
prisoner therefore for 18 years !
* " Soon after, the six companies of Sepoys began their march from Tinne-
velly to Madura, and the harvest began, on which the enemy's army entered the
town where Mahfuz Khan proclaimed his dominion, which his agents and de-
pendants exercised with much violence and injustice. Even the shroffs or
bankers did not escape, although the necessity and neutrality of their occupa-
tion protects their persons and property throughout Indostan from the violence
either of the despot or the conqueror." Orme, History, II. 237.
^ See Appendix V., p. 278. The Tamil Ballad says that Yusuf Khan built
himself a magnificent palace with the wealth which he obtained from the
t«mple of Minakshi. See p. 112 (n.) above.
a " fighting chance." The EngUsh were at peace \s4th all the
native Powers, and the Nawab, who was, by reason of his
heavy debt to the Company, httle better than their servant,
was entitled to all the assistance they could give him in the
support of his authority. Their mihtary prestige, it is
true, had reached its cHmax in the capture of Pondicherry,
and had been somewhat tarnished by the difficulties they had
experienced in the capture of Vellore,^ and their actual force on
the Coast was soon to be diminished by the despatch, contrary
to the opinion of all the Council's mihtary advisers, of a strong
detachment to attempt the conquest of Manilla.^ It has been
already said that Yusuf Khan could rely on the loyalty of his
people, and it seemed likely that he would receive the sympathy
of his neighbom's, if not their active assistance. The Maravans,
long practically independent of Madura, had always been his
friends, as might well be expected seeing that he was born in
the Eamnad or Great Marava country and was by birth a
caste-feUow of its Chief Minister. Travancore had assisted him
^ David Leighton,
Vicissitudes of Fort St. George, p. 113.
* See109 above.
* The expedition left Madras on the 1st August. The town of Manilla was
captured on the 6th Oct., 1762. (Wilson, Madras Army, I. 161.) Maudave
says that it was only when Yusuf Khan knew that the Manilla expedition
had started, that he determined to declare his independence, and even this
he would not do until he had been joined by Marchand and the French from
Tan i ore.
in the west, was growing strong under the rule of Haidar Ah.
Himself a successful rebel, Haidar Ah could have no prejudice
against rebellion, and the fact that he had twice been foiled
by Yusuf Khan was not hkely to weigh in his mind against
his hatred for the Nawab, who had so disgracefully broken
his promise to cede Trichinopoly to Mysore, and for the Enghsh,
who had supported the Nawab in spite of his disloyalty, more
especially as Yusuf Khan could promise the return of the
Dindigul districts which he had wrested from him in 1760,
and possibly the ever-coveted Trichinopoly itself.^ Lastly,
there was the wealthy kingdom of Tanjore constantly fretted
by the spiteful action of the Nawab, who wished to treat it
as he had treated Vellore. The King was avaricious and timid,
but Trichinopoly depended upon Tanjore very largely for
provisions, and mere inaction on the part of the King would
hamper the advance of an army despatched from Trichinopoly,
and might be fatal to such an army if compelled to retreat.
From his European neighbours Yusuf Khan could not
expect much. The French settlements were in the hands of
the EngUsh. The Dutch and the Danes were at peace with
England, but had, under the sanction of the Madras Council, ^
opened a business connection for the sale of military weapons
and stores, which Yusuf Khan knew would continue in secret
as long as he could pay the price that might be asked. ^ That
he had plenty of money is clear from the single fact that
after settHng to pay a rent of only five lakhs of rupees in 1759
he had recently offered of his own accord a rent of nine lakhs,
and it would give him infinite pleasure to spend upon fighting
the Nawab the money of which the Nawab was seeking to
^ "In short, Yusuf Khan spares neither money nor provisions ; and he has
plenty of both, which must fall into our hands if he does not use it."' Call to
Lawrence, 4th Sept. Mil. Cons., loth Sept., 1763, p. 188. See also Appendix
v., p. 287 (n.).
Court to Madras, 24th Dec, 1765, para. 7.
* I. 0. Records, Madras De-
spatches, Vol. in. See Appendix V., p. 284. Hamilton {Hindustan) in 1820
gives the distance from Madras to Madura as 307 miles. Trichinopoly was
about 80 and Tondi about 50 miles from Madura.
3 Letter from Palamcotta, 22nd Oct., 1764. See Appendix V., pp. 287, 289.
* Intercepted letter dated 26th Feb., 1764 to M. Hausse. Orme MSS., 281.
^ Maudave says his brother was at Goa, but could obtain no assistance from
towards the end of 1762 by the mediation of the English, that the immediate
danger of a rupture with the Nawab had been averted.
3 The Dutch accounts (letter of 24th Jan., 1764, from the Council of Ceylon
to the Governor-General and Council of India at Batavia, and " Short Accounts
of occurrences in Madura, Madras, Travancore, etc., by opper-koopman God-
fried Sweepe for 1763 and 1764. Col. Arch, The Hague, say the treaty was
negotiated by M. Charles Flacourt assisted by Johannes Landeman and his
secretary, Anthony Damois, but Maudave says that Flacourt went to Madura
only when M. Mallet had been despatched to Mysore with money from Yusuf
Khan to extricate Hugel. The date of the Treaty between Yusuf Khan and
Maudave is given as July, 1762, by M. Flamicourt in his letter of 2nd Sept.
to the Madras Council. Mil. Cons., 15th Sept., 1763.
* It is fairly certain that Yusuf Khan obtained a promise of French assist-
ance at this time, but that he ever acknowledged allegiance to France is very
doubtful, for Marchand says (see Appendix III. (6), p. 261), that the mere
suggestion of such a thing made Yusuf Khan frantic and was the cause of
his first quarrel with him.
in Southern India were to be collected inMadura. The French
in Tanjore were to join him immediately, and M. Mallet was
to be despatched with money to bring M. Hugel and his force
from Mysore. To the Council in Mamitius Maudave explained
his plan as follows. The English on the Coast being much
weakened by the despatch of the expedition to Manilla, it
would suffice if the Council were to send him 500 Europeans,
with whom he was to join those collected at Madura, who, as
he calculated, would amount to about the same number.
With these and Yusuf Khan's own army he proposed to
march towards Trichinopoly so as to draw the whole
remaining EngUsh force in that direction, whilst the fleet
would make a sudden attack upon Madras, which it was
expected they would find absolutely defenceless. However
feasible this plan appeared upon paper, its weakness lay
in the fact that of all the essentials to success only one,
i.e. the disposal of the Tanjore contingent, was under the
control of Maudave himself. Yusuf Khan, indeed, would have
marched on Trichinopoly with this alone, but Maudave was not
prepared to take such a risk.
25th Feb., 1756, from Bussy to De Leyrit. Bibliotheque Nationah, N.A.F. 9360.
In the Deccan, says Bruno, Marchand distinguished
himself by manydeeds of desperate valour, and whilst other
officers enriched themselves, all that he gained in the service
was a number wounds, one of which never completely
healed, causing him
at times to vomit great quantities of blood,
but such was the iron constitution of his body and the strength
of his will that he was able to undergo hardships and fatigues
which few men in sound health could have endured.
Apparently Marchand left the Deccan when Bussy was
recalled by Lally in 1758, for he tells us he was present at the
siege of Madras, and that he took part in all the rough fighting
against Preston and Yusuf Khan, and was not only wounded
again but had the misfortune to see his brother killed at his
In March, 1760, Marchand and a brother officer. Captain
St. Denis,were captured near Devikottai by Captain Eichard
Smith whilst on their way to Tranquebar.^ Being both in a
bad state of health, they were allowed, on giving their parole,
to proceed to Negapatam. Here Marchand, having recovered
his health, decided that hehad been captured in neutral teiTitory
and that he was therefore entitled to ignore his parole. This
he proceeded to do, entering the Dutch service and collecting
European recruits for that nation.
In January, 1762, some French prisoners, residing on parole
at Wandiwash, ran away, but being pursued and captured, a
letter was found on one of them written by Marchand, in which
he incited the prisoners to break their parole and offered to
provide for them in the Dutch service. The Council of Madras,
therefore, on the 31st January, addressed the Dutch Council
at Negapatam, saying that, as this was a breach of the parole
which Marchand had given, they revoked the same and requested
his surrender. The Dutch rephed that Marchand had mis-
represented his position, and had acted without their authority ;
Provinces would seldom come to the capital when summoned to give in their
accounts, as they could never trust even the most solemn promises of safety
given them by their masters. Orme 31SS., 88, p. 180.
* from Muhammad Ali, Nabob of Arcot to the Court of Directors
Letter . . .
" Yusuf Khan sticks fast to the TirmeveUy countries. This man
has played his part very keen hitherto, but his reigning star to
me seems to be on the decline."
" About fifteen days ago lie hoisted French colours m liis camp
and sent orders for the same to be done iti all his forts. Till then he
had always hung out English colours. One of our artillerymen ^
that is with him showing some discontentment at this proceeding,
Yusuf Khan ordered him to be tyed up in his presence and flogged
in the severest manner, and the poor wretch has been kept in a
miserable manner ever since."
^ Council's letter to the Dutch and Danes was dated the 15th Jan., 1763
the Danes replied on the 20th Jan. and the Dutch on the 4th Feb.
2 Mil. Cons., 1763, p. 243.
" Yusuf Khan has thrown ofi his allegiance. He has despised
your orders and declared himself independent, and considering the
enterprising genius and amhition of this man as well as the prepara-
tions he is making and the large body of forces he now entertains,
it becomes highly necessary to put a stop to his usurpations as soon
1 The force in Madras alone consisted of 182 cavalry, 162 artillery, 1674
Europeans and Topasses, and 6963 sepoys. Of these there could be spared
182 cavalry, 44 artillery, 780 infantry, and 4680 sepoys. Mil. Cons., Uth April..
1763, p. 193.
" as there is all the reason to imagiae that the French will lose no
time in endeavouring to settle their affairs in India, and should
Yusuf Khan remain unreduced till their arrival, he may probably
co-operate with them in such a manner as to make the reduction of
them very difficult." ^
^ Letters from Preston to Council, dated 5th and 23rd May. Mil. Cons,,
11th and 31st May, 1763, pp. 251 and 253.
^ The 96th, under Lieut. -Colonel George Monson.
3 Letter to Bombay, 14th June. Mil. Cons., 15th June, 1763, p. 25
* See above, p. 109.
1 " It was most unfortunate that the King's regiments and artillery should
be ordered home just at such a juncture, and consequently perform any duty
very unwillingly." Call to R. Smith, 18th Jan., 1764. Orme MSS., 27,
p. 112.
* SelectCommittee Proceedings, 11th Feb., 1771, and A General History
oftJie Kings of the Ramanad. Mackenzie MSS., IV., No. 21, pp. 195-8.
» Mil. Cons., 18th July, 1763, p. 74.
" In the petty combats which took place [in the field] and later
on during the course of the siege, prisoners have been exchanged
and the wounded sent back to their own party. This has been the
case all through." -
1 Maudave
to Council, 15th Aug. Mil. Cons., 25th Aug., 1763.
See Appendix II., p. 248.
' In 1753 one cause of quarrel with Governor Saunders was a supposed
" they informed me that Yusuf Khan had always frightened them
by telling them that he was certain uo expedition would ever take
place against him, that possibly a force might come as far as
Trichinopoly with a view of pleasing the Nawah, but no further,
and that even should they [the English] march from hence
[Trichinopoly] he could easily subdue them by his bribes. Yusuf
Khan will soon be convinced of the absurdity of his notions, for Major
Preston marches to-morrow morning." i
" We observe what you are pleased to say relative to Yusuf Khan
should he be taken alive. Our desire of having him sent to Madras
proceeds not from any willingness we have to show him the least
favour. On the contrary, it is thatwe may in our cooler hours
dispose of him in such a manner as might appear properest. We
confess to you we think he will be a dangerous man to be entrusted
in the hands of the Nawab if his intentions are to make him a State
prisoner, but if it be agreeable to you to order the commanding officer
to execute him upon the first tree in the sight of the army, it will be
quite satisfactory to us."
1 Lawrence to Council, 6th Aug. Mil. Cons., 9th Aug., 1763, p. 114.
" I don't know what state I shall find this afiair. Perhaps
there will be no question of Yusuf Khan, for if tlie English have been
able to employ their full strength against him, he must probably
have fallen, but if he still holds out how heart-breaking for us what !
shame also in the eyes of the people of the country, who will never
understand our policy in abandonmg this man how much tact !
will be required on the one hand to reassure the English and on the
other to guard the Frenchmen in the service of Yusuf Khan against
his ill-humour !If in the end this man, either by force or accommo-
dation with the English, manages to secure his position, what have
we not to fear from him ? He mil make incursions even as far as
Karical in spite of the King of Tanjore, who certainly will not trouble
to protect us."
less when one has nothing to offer. Had the war in Europe con-
tinued the English might have been intimidated by the throat
of an attack upon Trichinopoly by the combined forces of
Yusuf Klian, Haidar AH, and the French, but. now the French
were unable to act and Haidar AU would not move until he saw
a French force landed in India. Maudave, recognizing that
Yusuf Khan alone could not attack Trichinopoly with any hope
of success, succeeded in dissuading him from making so rash an
attempt, and placed his last hope in the effort to check the
English advance by persuading them that Madura was pro-
tected from attack by the lately signed treaty. On the 15th
August he wrote to this effect to Madras, claimed Madura as a
French possession, asserted that the officers of the French
corps in Madura held commissions from him, and that the corps
was therefore a regular corps belonging to the French King
and Company, and that the right of Yusuf Klian to dispose of
Madura ^ was as good as that of Muhammad Ali himself to his
dominions stating in conclusion, that he was authorized by
" I can form no idea of the plan Yusuf Khan intends to adopt
for his defence, but his cruelties are unparalleled to men, women
and children, as well as the destruction of the country."
" So it seems," wrote Major Wood, " all their families are still in
the fort, on which accoimt most people think he will make the better
defence." ^
1 Call to Lawrence, 4th Sept. Mil. Cons., 15th Sept., 1763, p. 188. Call
explains the bad behaviour of the native cavalry as follows : " Yusuf Khan
has bought all the horses of his people, so that they are not afraid of having them
kUled, whereas most of ours bestride their whole dependence."
« Donald Campbell to Council, 17th Aug., 1767. Orme MSS., 77, p. 149.
« Mil. Cons., 1763, p. 186.
This letter crossed one from the Madras Council, ^ who had
reconsidered their determination to ignore M. de Maudave. .
* Yusuf Khan is repeatedly referred to in the English Records as the " Khan
Sahib " in fact, this is the usual mode of reference to one who has been granted
the title of Khan Bahadur. Yusuf Khan's right to this title was acknowledged
by the inscription on the medal presented to him in 1755 see p. 21 above.
* Call to Council, 4th Sept. Mil. Cons., 15th Sept., 1763, p. 188.
So early as the 5th September at Call's advice Monson asked
for fourteen heavy guns and sufficient ammunition for a ten
days' bombardment, with the intention of attacking the north-
east angle of the fort and the east face adjoining, but Call
then declared that, owing to the great extent of the gla9is and
esplanade, it would be impossible to fix his camp at a less
distance than two and a half or even three miles, or to commence
breaking ground for the trenches closer than twelve or fifteen
hundred yards. On the 7th Monson called a Council of War,
comprising Majors Piers, Chapman, ^ Preston, and Call, which
decided, contrary to the opinion of General Lawrence, that
without more guns and ammunition, it was useless to prosecute
the siege. This conclusion was communicated to Lawrence,
who repHed on the 12th ^ that the reduction of Madura could
not be laid aside with due regard to the reputation of his
Majesty's troops and without sensibly affecting the security
of the Company's possessions and again on the 14th, ^ when he
1 These two officers belonged to the 96th Regiment, and left Madura with
Monson at the end of the first siege.
2 Mil. Cons., 17th Sept., 1763, p. 212.
» Mil. Cons., 20th Sept., 1763, p. 219.
* e.g. the burning of the English colours by Marchand in Yusuf ELhan's
camp on the 9th Jan., 1763.
^ Lawrence's difficulty in sending artillery to Madura lay in the impossi-
bility of finding draught cattle. He so denuded Trichinopoly of men that he
had not 30 left fit to bear arms. Lawrence to Council, 4th Sept. Mil. Cons.,
19th Sept., 1763, p. 218.
— —
" If after all, the difficulties that may occur should appear
insurmountable and the siege of Madura cannot be undertaken with
any probability of success, it may be more adviseable for the present
to desist from the enterprise, for though the consequences to be
apprehended from a fruitless retreat are very bad yet those from an
ineffectual attempt must be much worse. It is therefore agreed that
General Lawrence be fully acquainted with our sentiments on this
head as well [as] with the measures we have taken, and that in case
he should think it adviseable to order Colonel Monson to retreat
it is to be recommended to him to cause a formal declaration to be
follows :
^ Salabat Jang had been deposed before this time. See p. 132 (n.) above.
^ "Upon considering the 11th Article of the Treaty we find a distinction
is made between such places that may have been conquered from Great Britain
and all other acquisitions since the beginning of 1749. It is stipulated that the
conquests made from Great Britain shall be restored, but his Most Christian
Majesty [i.e. the King of France] only renounces all the pretension to other
acquisitions. It follows from hence that we acting in right of the Company
cannot demand of the French restitution of Madura unless it can be made
appear that it was theirs [i.e. the Company's] at the time Yusuf Khan made
a cession of it to the French." Mil. Cons., 21st Sept., 1763, p. 231. " It is
very possible that the French may on their resettling in India endeavour
to form connections with any of the Country Powers, who may be best able
to assign to them countries for the maintenance of their forces, as that will be
the only means by which they can support them, and it does not appear that
they are by the Treaty of Peace restrained from obtaining new grants."
Letter to Couit, 7th Nov., 1763, para. 5.
for loans with Yusuf KJian, whose disgust and suspicion were
quickly roused by the Httle assistance which he received from
the French. Maudave says that Marchand was a man of
violent temper, and that it was impossible for Yusuf Khan,
who was also of a fiery disposition, to get on with him for any
length of time. After a number of minor quarrels Yusuf Khan
became at last so exasperated that, without consulting Maudave,
he threw Marchand into prison ^ and gave the command to the
German, M. Eiquet.* The latter behaved very badly and
proved incompetent, and both Maudave and M. Charles Flacourt
begged Yusuf Khan to restore Marchand to his post. To this he
would not consent, but gave him charge of the mixed force
already mentioned, with which he caused much annoyance to
the EngUsh, whilst Flamicourt took command in the fort. Onthe
night of the 4-5th October, Marchand entered the town with a
large convoy, and, according to his own account, two nights later
he made a successful sortie, causing heavy loss to the besiegers.
As early as the 28th September,^ Monson had written that
he was hopeless of success. In this and subsequent letters he
1 Call to R. Smith, 18th Jan., 1764. Orme MSS., 27, p. 1 10.
* Letter to Court, 26th March, 1764, para. 5.
In an undated letter (see below, p. 171) Marchand says that during the
months of August and September he was ill in Tinnevelly and Palamcotta, but
he mentions his imprisonment in his Precis Historique, p. 22.
* " Un mauvais officier Allemand." Maudave, Relation.
5 Mil. Cons., 10th Oct., 1763, p. 260.
^ Mil. Cons., 5th Nov., 1763, p. 284. The translations of Maudave's letters
entered in the Madras Consultations are very badly made, but it seemed best
to copy them verbatim.
obliged to acquaint you also that I do not by any means meddle
in the afiairs ofMadura nor in those of your army. It will entirely
depend upon you to answer to your conduct in the present circum-
stances, and you are only to listen to reason and your duty in the
resolutions you have to take. Therefore I now request and desire
that you do not consult me in anything, for I have the honour to
repeat that I cannot anyways concern myself in these kind of things.
I hope you may be able to content all the world, but I beg you may
find the means through your own prudence without having any
manner of recourse to my advice or to my orders, which I have a
thousand solid reasons for refusing you. I hope that this declaration
will be sufl&cient, and that you will conform yourself accordingly."
the Council that he was about to retire from Madura, and that,
in his opinion, the best course would be to retain their hold on
the Nattam Pass and the forts they had taken near Madura,
to collect provisions and stores and resume the siege after the
rains before the harvest was gathered, so as. to force Yusuf
Khan open or to give up the country
either to fight in the
outside his forts. The guns were withdrawn the next day and
the army retreated to Tirumbur, whore it arrived on the 12th,
just in time to escape a heavy fall of rain, which continued
incessantly for about ten days, and, says Major Call, would have
made it impossible to save their artillery ; as it was, not a shot
or anything was left behind. ^ On the 18th Monson and Majors
Piers, Chapman, and Call departed for Madras, Major Preston
being left in command.
Maudave tell us ^ that in this siege the English fired more
than 40,000 cannon shot, and threw into the town more than
18,000 shells, and that they lost by death and desertion 700
Europeans, and spent about a milhon pounds sterHng, not to
mention that they had been prevented from using their forces
in any expedition which might have injured France, and that
all this had been achieved without costing France or the French
« Call in his letter of 18th Jan., 1764, to R. Smith (Orme MSS., 27,
p. 116),
says that with the exception of himself all the members of his Corps were
wounded and one killed. The oflBcer killed was certainly Barnard ; William
Stevenson was in Manilla, so the officers wounded must have been Edward
Cotsford and John Maclean. He also says that three pioneer officers were
wounded, but only two pioneer officers, Abraham Bonjour and Thomas
Casemore, are mentioned in the Army Lists. Capt. Grant says vaguely
{Journal, 11th Jan. 1764. Orme 3ISS. 4, p. 57) "We lost a great number of
men and some gallant officers before it [i.e. Madura]."
Dutch account indeed says that Preston's younger brother
was killed, and M. Bruno says that Captain Eudolph
Marchand (no connection of the officer of that name in the fort)
lost a leg, but I can find no corroboration of the former state-
ment, whilst Captain Eudolph Marchand certainly lost a leg
at the siege of Vellore in 1761, and remained in the service for
some years after the siege of Madura, so that it seems im-
probable that he lost a leg in this affair also.
Thus ended the first siege of Madura, undertaken in almost
absolute ignorance of the difficulties of the undertaking, and
conducted apparently without either skill or energy. The
failurewas universally ascribed to the lack of ammunition and
military stores,^ and some people went so far as to say that
these were intentionally withheld so as to prevent success, but,
seeing that Lawrence denuded all his garrisons of practically
every man capable of active service, and that he and Major Call
were given a free hand as to the stores they considered neces-
sary, one can only conclude that the abiHty and strength of
Yusuf Khan had been grievously underrated.^ So severely
did the prestige of the English suffer that the Subah, Nizam
Ah, wrote to Maudave that he was thinking of appointing
Yusuf Khan to be Nawab of the Carnatic in the place of
Muhammad Ali.^
The latter was now at Madras. At first the Council wished
him to go to Madura, but it was feared that the presence of
the rabble which always accompanied him would only hinder
the miUtary operations. On the 4th October he came to Madras,
and was treated with the usual display of respect. On the 17th
October he attended a meeting of the Council, and was solemnly
assured that in the event of his death the Enghsh would protect
and support his sons, and that, in future, care would be taken
1 Monson, in his letter of 3rd Oct. {Mil. Cons., 17th Oct., 1763, p. 268),
says " It gives me great concern this attempt has proved unsuccessful, which
that he had been offered 40,000 Pagodas by Yusuf Khan to secure for him the
Eentership of the Trichinopoly and Srirangam countries. Public ConevJtations,
25th Sept., 1758.
" Sir, You know well what faithfull services that the Commandant,
Muhammad Yusuf Khan, done it to our army at the time of siege
of Trichinopoly for to carry the provisions to our garrison and also
at the time of siege at Madras by Mons. Lally he brought forces from
Tinnevelly and prevented all the French undertakings and fought
well at St. Thomas Mount, which will appear by the history book ^
made by General Lawrence at England. All which our President
and Coimcil did not think of it and sent the army against him by the
perswation of the Nawab. I believe this is thankful kind for the faith-
full services he done to us, and now I am
informed by severall hands
that the Commandant beat well to ourkilled good many
army and
men, which makes to retreat our army to this side the river, but I
cannot recollect it particularly whether it is certain or not."
YusuF Khan was well satisfied with the retreat of the English.
Marchand writes :
1 For thda and the remaining chapters I have made use chiefly of Colonel
Campbell's Journal {Orme MSS., 74), indicating always where facts are taken
from other sources.
* Precis Historique, p. 27.
* " The east face of Madura
is entirely new repaired. Above 3000 workmen
are constantly employed upon other parts of the Fort." Preston to Council,
15th Jan., 1764. Mil. Cons., 23rd Jan., 1764, p. 45.
* Preston to Council, 25th Jan., 1764. Mil. Cons., 6th Feb., 1764, p. 87.
6 Call to Council, 15th Feb., 1764. Mil. Cons., 23rd Feb., p. 128.
* These came chiefly from Dindigul. Preston to Council, 15th Jan., 1764.
* Letter from Palamcotta, 22nd Oct., 1764. Scots Magazine, May, 1765.
» Preston to Council, 15th Jan., 1764. Mil. Cons., 23rd Jan., 1764, p. 44.
* Call to Council, 15th Feb., 1764. Mil. Cons., 23rd Feb., p. 128.
* In spite of Yusuf Khan's efforts, the weakness of his walls is shown by
the fact that, on more than one occasion, portions fell down in consequence of
the concussion produced by the firing of his great guns and from similar causes
e.g. see pp. 199, 200, below. See also Appendix V., p. 297.
* The rains actually ceased on the 22nd Dec.
» Lawrence to Council, 8th Oct., 1749. Orme MSS., India, XI. p. 2987.
* A demand for half-batta was granted by the Council on the 2nd of May,
1763, only because "the present situation of our affairs obliges us to overlook
their behaviour," and Captain Black, the senior of the officers concerned in
this demand, was dismissed as an example to the remainder.
^ At this time, though the sepoy companies were grouped in battalions,
apparently the European officers were appointed only when they took the
field e.g. when they concentrated at Trichinopoly, Preston was ordered to
appoint European officers (see above, p. 134). Preston accordingly con-
sulted Colonel Monson.and wrote to Lawrence {Mil. Cons., 7th Dec, 1763) " Our :
sepoys, Sir, at present are upon a very bad footing, I may indeed say upon no
footing at all. . The Colonel is of opinion that each Battalion ought to have
. .
a captain, two subalterns, and nine sergeants, and that these officers ought to
be fixt to them those at present seem heartily tired of their situation and can't
help at times complaining of it. They say (I believe you will allow with some
justice, Sir) that the extraordinary pains and trouble which is required for the
proper discipline of the sepoys and the little credit to be got by them in com-
parison of Europeans, makes it but fair and just that every officer in [the]
Battalion of Infantry should take his Tour. But it's not every officer in the
Infantry (as you are very sensible. Sir) that will do for the sepoys."
1 John Wood
to Council, 16th Dec. Mil. Cons., 22nd Dec, 1763.
In their letter to Court of the 24th March, 1764, the Council mention
this matter, but refer only to Tulsaji and his minister Mankoji.
* " Yar Khan, who had the command of 40 horse in the King of Tanjore's
service,having desired a Cowle from Haidar Naik went from thence to him, in
allappearance as dismissed from the former's service. Haidar Naik made him
a present of an elephant and gave him permission to go and assist Yusuf Khan,
and wrote a letter to the people in garrison at Dindigul ordering that every one
under pretence of being dismissed his service should repair to Yar Khan."
Extract of news from Dindigul received with the Nawab's letter of 5th April,
1764. Rous' Appendix, No. XIII, p. 193.
* Madras Army, I. 181.
— ^
This letter is hardly as stern as one would expect from Council's Letter to Court
" Soon after he found we were preparing to re-
of 26th March, 1764, para. 5.
commence the siege, he sent his Vakil to Madras with a letter signifying the
concern he was under on account of his late behaviour and promising to return
again to his allegiance provided he was permitted to continue to rent the
countries. We know not whether this proceeding (sic) from fear or an intention
to amuse us and induce us to enter into a negotiation with him and by that
means delay our operations. We however returned his Vakil immediately to
him with a letter informing him that nothing but his immediately surrendering
himself to us could entitle him to expect any favour." (B. M. Addl. MS.,
34688, f. 76.) Yet the letter to Court is in conformity with the actual
resolution of the CounciJ, which runs as follows :
" Tho' we have no reason
to imagine Yusuf Khan has any other view in writing the above letters than
to amuse us for the present, it is however agreed that an answer be returned
to him informing him that he cannot expect to continue in the management of
those countries and that the only means he has for securing to himself his Life
and Effects are to surrender up immediately all the places in his possession to
the Company and rely entirely upon our mercy." {Mil. Cons., 9th Jan., 1764.)
Apparently the actual letters despatched were left entirely to the Governor.
' See p. 135 above.
^ This was simply a repetition of his appeal to them before the beginning
of the struggle. General History of the Ramnad (Mackenzie MSS. Translations,
IV. 21).
* Call to Richard Smith, 1 8th Jan., 1764. Call, who was a member of
Council, had returned to Madras by the 7th Dec, 1763. Orme MSS., 27, p. 112.
^ " Campbell, I believe, will go and take the command soon, because every
Flacom-t .^
Some time in the course of this month M. Hugel had
arrived at Goa, i.e. in Portuguese territory.* It was over a year
sinceM. Mallet had been sent to fetch him, provided with the
money requisite to pay the debts incurred by himself and his
men in Mysore, as it was obvious that Haidar AU would not
do anything to facilitate their departure. M. Mallet, fearing
that a direct request to Haidar to release M. Hugel would
meet with a refusal, halted at Salem, and, whilst he com-
municated with M. Hugel, ostensibly engaged in trade. It
1 Despatched 26th Jan., 1764.
See p. 142 above.
* Letter to Court, 20th Oct., 1764, para. 34. According to this letter Hugr>l
arrived at Goa in Jan., 1764. Apparently he stayed at Goa for some months,
as Campbell heard from Anjengo only on the 2nd April {Orme 3ISS., 74, p. 30)
that he had marched through the Pass near Calicut with 200 Frenchmen. From
what port he embarked for Tranquebar is not mentioned, but he did not reach
that place until the 3rd June, 1764 {Mil. Cons., 7th June, 1764). The details
regarding M. Mallet's visit to INIysore are taken from M. de Maudave's Relation.
was reported to Yusuf Khan that M. Mallet was using his
money own private purposes. He therefore sent one of
for his
his officers to make inquiries. This man, being of a talkative
disposition, when he got to Dindigul, let slip the object of his
mission to Haidar's governor, who immediately sent word to
his master. The thereupon refused to allow M. Hugel
to leave Mysore, and when he was
told that it was important
that all the French should rendezvous in one place so as to be
ready to act when the French fleet and army should arrive,
Haidar rephed that in that case they might as well come to
him as go to Yusuf Khan, and that he would willingly let them
march as soon as they were really required. M. Mallet naturally
did not think it wise to return to Madura, and, though the
money he had brought relieved M. Hugel' s necessities, it was
some time before Haidar would let him go. In fact, he did
not do so until he had heard that peace had been concluded
between England and France, and had satisfied himself that
no help was to be expected from the latter country. Instead,
however, of sending him by the direct route through Dindigul,
he sent him down to the Portuguese settlement at Goa, so
that if M. Hugel chose to go to Yusuf Khan and thus cause
a fresh rupture between the EngUsh and French, the Madras
Council would have no tangible ground for offence against
On the 2nd February Mr. Colley Lucas was appointed
senior surgeon with the army at Madura with instructions to
inspect the work of the other surgeons.
On the 10th February Campbell arrived at Madura and
" Gentlemen, I make no doubt that you know I came into Madura
a year ago with a French detachment, empowered to join Yusuf
Khan, then carrying on war with the Raja of Travancore. I joined
his army on the 9th day of January, 1763, when I raised the standard
of the King, my master, in the place of yours, which was hoisted in
his camp.
" I cannot suppose, Gentlemen, that you are ignorant of the
treaty of alliance which Yusuf Khan entered into with M. Maudave
in the year 1762, or that he received some time ago sanads for the
Kingdom of Madura from the Subah of the Deccan. Sickness
obliged me to leave this place during the months of August and
September, 1763, during which time I remained at Tinnevelly and
Palamcotta to re-establish my health. I gave the command of
my troop at my departure to M. Flamicourt, one of my officers.^
" On my return to the Capital at the beginning of October I
found that your army had been firing at that place for some days,
" I learned at the same time that you had paid no manner of
respect to the protest which M. Maudave made you, nor to that made
by M. Flamicourt to M. Monson in regard to the march of your army
against that place. I immediately perceived that I had no choice
but to oppose your army, which was daily drawing nearer by sap to
that place, of which it was at last obliged to raise the siege.
" Yusuf Khan has just showed me. Gentlemen, the two letters
which you have written to him. I was much surprised at your
style, and at the same time I reproached him for having written to
you and for having despatched a vakil to you without my knowledge.
For I declare that, if he had consulted me upon this occasion, as he
ought to have done, I should have saved you the trouble of returning
him such answers. I am to acquaint you. Gentlemen, that in con-
sequence of my powers and the treaty of alliance existing between
Yusuf Khan and my nation, he can by no means dispose of Madura,
Tinnevelly or Palamcotta, without my concurrence, and as for me
I can do nothing without that of M. Law (Governor-General of our
Settlements in India), whose arrival with our forces on the Coast is
" By means
of presents of rings &c. Yusuf Khan has found the
means drawing over the Nad Kalians again to his interest and to
infest Tiruvadur, Tirumbur and Nattam. Yesterday while I was
entering Oury Sahom [? Uma Satrum] with 300 horse and 200
sepoys they attacked our rear and wounded 5 men. They have also
promised to surprise Tiruvadur or Tirumbur and have invested the
road to Tondi, so that we have had no letters from thence for ten
days. In short there are here so many clashing interests and the
Nawab expects such immediate returns from the conquered country
that it is impossible to reconcile all parties." 3
" we cannot get one here by means of the deficiency in their pay in
bandying (sic) their money in exchange.* Yusuf Khan, however, has
about two miles to the northward across the river, called Fort Defiance." Col.
James Welsh. Military Reminiscences, I. 23. 1830.
Mil. Cons., 23rd Feb., 1764, p. 128.
upon the Batta allowed them. The Nawab therefore, in lieu of Batta gave
them rice " sufficient for them to live on," and paid the excess cost out of his
own pocket. Charles Bourchier to Joseph Smith, 11th April, 1767. Ortne
MSS., 76, p. 71.
" We have not here above 400 efiective Europeans and about
1200 sepoys, and we had only 2 field-pieces last night in the Une." ^
" Unless something very favourable happens you must not expect
that we can begin any siege or even attempt it till we have double
the force we have nowEuropeans, and have entirely taken from
the rebel all fifty miles of Madura.
the forts within He has really
made great additions to the fort and has outposts to a considerable
distance on three sides,* so that we shall be obliged to take them
all before we can get near to begin our approaches, and we shall
MaUet, the former says the English had renewed the siege with 500 fewer
Europeans than the first time. Onne MSS., 281.
^ Precis Eistorique, p. 31. See also p. 188 below.
* Yusuf Khan had no outposts on the north side because of the river.
What do you expect from this Rebel ? Even if you succeed in main-
taining him against our efforts, have you forgotten his treacherous
treatment of you ? He will be all the more treacherous the more
he owes you, and will pay you only in the coin which traitors use.
Consider on the other hand what is offered you immense and certain
rewards, your honour saved by the conclusion of peace between our
two countries and your fortune assured !
escape them and to enable Yusuf Khan to triumph, even at the risk
of making him imgrateful to me. I withdrew after this reply and
reported to Yusuf Khan on my return what had been said to me,
without however mentioning the proposals which had been made
to me at the same time."
^ Precis Hislonqtie, pp. 32-34.
" should come out again with a flag of truce or should by any means
fall him
into his hands, to detain . . . and send him to Madras."
This article (see p. 175 above) or paragraph protested against the con-
tinuance of the French in Madura, and demanded that they should either
deliver up the town or leave Yusuf Khan, under penalty of being " treated with
the rigour due to so manifest a violation of the Treaty of Peace." Mil. Cons.,
18th Feb., 1764, p. 122.
* Precis Historique, pp. 23, 24.
* See p. 170 above.
" Early this morning I sent to Major Preston to send out small
parties from the high ground to endeavour to induce the enemy's
cavalry to skirmish, but none appeared for some time. At last the
enemy's hussars came off in full gallop and surrendered themselves
to our cavalry, which wheeled from the right and left on them.
They were immediately conducted to camp, in number 45, ^ including
officers, all extremely well mounted. The enemy's black horse
not coming out, partly deprived us of putting our whole scheme into
execution by cutting them off." ^
In his letter of the 26th Feb., Campbell says 3 officers and 41 hussars
{Mil. Cons., 2nd March, 1764, p. 167), but there was also the surgeon, M. Carere.
* Campbell's Journal, 26th Feb., 1764. Orme MSS., 74, p. 9.
* This gentleman was apparently a Protestant, for he received promotion
in due course, whilst none of the other French surgeons admitted to the English
service in these times ever rose above the rank of Asst. -Surgeon. His connec-
tion with Riquet, a German, probably implies that he was Swiss and not French.
favour with Yusuf Khan, and was taken into the Enghsh
According to the agreement it was proposed to send Eiquet
away with his troop, but some of the latter asked to enlist
with the Enghsh, and on being refused, said they would not
accompany their leader. They were then shown the agreement
and discovered how they had been betrayed, for it now appeared
that Riquet had not sought their consent to his act of
treachery. Enraged at this,
" sixteen of them again declared that, if they were not sufiered to
remain in our service, they would take the first opportunity of killiag
M. Riquet and enter into some other service, for they were fully
determined not to serve under him or the French again." i
" though his [Riquet's] quartermaster ^ had been a deserter from our
service, and made no secret even in our camp of his having with his
own hand killed one of our troopers after he had surrendered himself
prisoner, I took no notice of it."
1 Campbell to Council, 7th Sept., 1764. 3Iil. Cons., 13th Sept., p. 701.
2 Campbell to Council, 2nd March. Mil. Cotis., 14th March, 1764, p. 180.
3 Probably the man Hurts mentioned on p. 139 above.
* Campbell to Council, 7th Sept. Mil. Cons., I3th Sept., 1764, p. 701.
of fact, Yusuf Khan might well have spared the hussars them-
selves, but it was the consequences of their act which were
all the low ground between the Tinnevelly road and Teppa-
" Upwards of three hundred of the enemy were killed and wounded
in the fort and endeavouring to escape. This was agreeable to my
orders for an example which, I hope, will have a good effect." ^
attack Ariyur, about ten miles from him. It was the last
" that he had marched to Ariyur and had summoned the place, which
refused to surrender, and that from his knowledge of the place,
being there some time with Yusuf Khan, when in our service,^ he
knew the walls to be strong and high, and as he had neither guns
nor ladders he thought it most prudent to encamp within two miles
. .and to wait for orders."
few days later Captain Harper was sent to reinforce him
with guns, engineers, etc. On the 15th news arrived that the
enemy had abandoned Ariyur, also two forts on the road to
Tinnevelly, the garrisons of the latter retreating towards that
On the 13th Campbell wrote to the Council :
"I have
catched one of Yusuf Khan's head harkaras, a person
who has been years in his service, and who by all accoimts he had
great confidence in, and who seems thoroughly acquainted with his
afiairs. As I keep him close prisoner I have assured him his future
punishment or reward will entirely depend on the truth of his intelli-
gence. He has promised to make me acquainted with everything
he knows, and that if after the reduction of Madura I find he has
told the least untruth he will desire no mercy. I hope he will be of
some service as he is perfectly well acquainted with the spies of
certainly come ofi, was it not on account of their families which are
prisoners in the fort. No provision but what is served out of His
" Poligars and others are coming daily for Cowle, and Daud
Khan who commands Yusuf Khan in the Tinnevelly country
has only 250 black horse and 900 sepoys with him and nothing but
small mud forts between me and Palatncotta."
" there has been no arrack for the army for twenty days past, and
our sick list is a hundred more than last month, which the
surgeons impute to the want of arrack." ^
" The natives with a few exceptions are miserably poor and their
huts of the worst description. The streets are narrow and filled
with dirt and rubbish, and the old drains having been choked up
the rain stagnates everywhere in pools. Thousands of cattle are
kept within the walls, where filth of all sorts accumulates. The fort
is also too crowded with trees, which retard evaporation and infect
the air with exhalations from their decayed leaves, and the water
in the fort tanks, being seldom renewed, becomes putrid and sends
forth a deleterious effluvia {sic)."
^ Parced Sahib brought most of his men with him, but " twenty-two sepoys
deserted him upon the road, being doubtful of the bread they were coming to."
Preston to Campbell. Mil. Cons., 12th April, 1764, p. 275.
* ? Nemmeni.
3 Mil. Cons., 16th April, 1764, p. 286.
themselves very gallantly. Six of them came back severely cut [i.e.
wounded] and two them are lost entirely. One of them overtook
Mr. Daud Khan himself and made two cuts at him, but unluckily this
fine fellow was apart from his fellow pursuers and was therefore cut
dowTi himself, but there's great hopes of his getting better of his
wounds. It's very certain that Daud Khan has got a sliver over his
neck and that above twenty of his men were overset from their horses,
for the horses are brought into camp. Mr. Heyne with eight of his
troopers, one of InnisKhan's jemadars, one of Asserah Beg's jemadars
and about 20 of their black horse pushed over the river where it was
breast high, and Mr. Heyne, with his sergeant, the above jemadars
and about eight of the black horse pushed on fairly into the skirts
of the enemy's camp, which lies close under the wall of Palamcotta.
Heyne has acquired a great name amongst the black cavalry. i One
of the jemadars assured me that he saw him cut down three of the
enemy's horsemen himself. I promised him that I should make his
good behaviour knoAvn to you and I hope you'll communicate it to
the Nawab. It's very remarkable that several prisoners were
brought to me by the black horse without being cut or so much as
plundered of their clothes.2 Daud Khan's bodyguard of sepoys
(consistmg of one havildar, one naik and eight privates) were taken
with their arms, all extreme good English firelocks. I have no more
room here you see than to subscribe myself,
" Your affectionate,
" Achilles Preston."
^ " It was found that in single combat the address of a native horseman is
Preston said he had vainly tried to prevent his men from stripping the prisoners
of their clothes. Mil. Cons., 4th April, 1764, p. 216.
3 See Appendix V., p. 289.
must now return to Campbell at Madura. With
Call's assistancehe continued the building of posts to hem in
the besieged, whilst Yusuf Khan constantly harassed his
movements but avoided an actual engagement. Campbell
now had at his disposal practically all the troops that he could
expect to receive. On the 26th March ^ the Council wrote
home saying :
But the outbreak came before this letter was even written
by Mr. Palk. On the 28th March ^ Campbell reported that
Lieutenants Hunterman, Ward, and Phillips had requested
permission to resign their commissions owing to the grant of
Captains' commissions, involving their supersession, to King's
officers, and that others would probably follow their example.
He asked permission to promote some of the ensigns in their
1 Campbell to Council, 28th March, 1764. Mil. Cons., 4th April, p. 244.
Fitzgerald had only one troop of hussars and a few Tanjore horse. His success
was due to the steady fire kept up by his men, which drove back the enemy,
who numbered 5 or 6 hundred men, on three successive occasions. These were
the tactics adopted by the French at the battle of the Mount. See above,
p. 84 (n.).
» Brit. Mus. AMI. MSS., No. 34686, f. 10. Palk to Campbell, 2nd April,
3 Mil CoTW., 4th April, 1764, p. 242.
(Council to Campbell, 19th July. Mil. Cons., 1764, p. 510) ; possibly Campbell
had to fill up other vacancies besides those caused by the five resignations.
» Palk to Campbell, 2nd April, 1764. Brit. Mus. Addl. MS. 34686, f. 10.
— —
Yusuf Khan that he would treat these men well if Yusuf Khan
would do the same with his prisoners. This was on the 3rd April.
Yusuf Khan replied very ourtly, asking that they might be
sent to him along with his harkara Ramahnga, a request which
was naturally ignored. Into Yusuf Khan's letter had been
shpped a note from his Portuguese clerk, Bartholomew Rowhng
(or Rowland), which ran as follows :
approach." *
On the 17th Yusuf Khan, for the first time in the course of
the siege, moved out some big guns and cannonaded the English
camp an act which made Campbell suppose that, wilHngly
Campbell was now free to set about the second stage of the
siege, i.e. the reduction of the ring of redoubts erected outside
the walls by Yusuf Khan and Marchand. On the 25th Preston
captured a small fort, taking many prisoners, amongst them
a M. Colombe, Lieutenant of Artillery. On the 27th two
Englishmen ^ managed to escape by means of a rope from the
north-west bastion, and reported that there was only " two
foot " of water in the ditch at that point —
Campbell noted the
appearance of their clothes to test this statement and that —
the north and west faces were quite dry.
Campbell's plan was to attempt first the redoubts on the
south and east, taking those on the south himself, whilst
Preston, with his right at Teppakulam, dealt with those on
the east. By the 28th all the batteries intended to prepare
the way for and to cover the combined attack were ready.
The redoubts to be assailed were protected in the usual way
by thorn hedges, which, if they had been dry, might have been
fired, but heavy rain fell in the night, making this impossible.
Nevertheless, at 8 a.m. on the 29th the attack began. Campbell
thus describes his own share of it :
" The moment our cannon began, the enemy abandoned theirs
in the redoubts and quitted the highest part, sheltering themselves
in the reverse and ditch. Our cannon soon ruined the parapet of
that on the bank [of the tank] though it was of good turf, ten feet
thick, and by noon it was imagined that the shot had broke many
of the thorns and that our conquest would be made easy, that obstacle
removed. Therefore a party of volunteer Coffrees with fireballs and
portfires, covered by about twenty sepoys, undertook to set fire to
the thorns, and crept, under favour of the bank, very near the
redoubt. They were then discovered by the enemy who fired so
warmly on them that they could not proceed. However they kept
their ground and I, thinking it might encourage the enemy if they
retreated, resolved that instant to attack the redoubt on the bank
with the second troop ^ of horse dismounted and armed with carbines,
pistols and swords, as being better able to proceed through the thorns
with their boots. The first company of grenadiers [under Captaui
Robert Orton] supported them and near two hundred of the battalion ^
followed, with a battalion of sepoys. The whole marched off very
briskly under the bank, not discovered by the fort or redoubt, and
instructed not to push on hastily until they were pretty near the
redoubt, as the day was so excessive hot ^ and the consequence of
too great a hurry to be apprehended. The first troop of cavalry
[under Captain James Kirkpatrick], and all the black horse were
ordered out on the plain in full view of the fort, to be ready to cut
off the retreat of the troops in the redoubts and to confuse the
enemy. The instant our dismounted troopers approached close to
the thorns the enemy quitted their first redoubt. Our horse rode
full gallop towards them. They then quitted their second redoubt,
which was to support their first and their troops in that on the
heat, and was it not for a most fortunate breeze which, immediately
after the places were carried, sprimg up, I am inclined to believe we
should have lost more men by the heat and fatigue of running than
we did by the enemy's fire."
^ This is always the case in India after heavy rain in the hot season.
* See letter undated from Campbell in Mil. Cons., 24th May, 1764, p. 342.
— ^
be easUy protected.
The news of this affair, the first important success in the
war, reached Madras on the 7th May, simultaneously with
information that a body of Yusuf Khan's partisans had arrived
in the Trichinoply country and were plundering it. Several
such expeditions are mentioned during the ^iege but all of ;
them were easily dealt with, and the only interest attaching to
them hes in the fact that Yusuf Khan's old comrade Jamal
Sahib was killed whilst opposing one of his parties.^
On the 1st May Campbell agreed to exchange Lieutenant
Colombe and four French privates for Lieutenant Bawdwin
and four prisoners in Yusuf Khan's hands,
" part of which I knew to be false and indeed [I] have little depend-
ence on anything he writes, for I have intelligence out of the fort
almost every day. Two companies of the Rebel's sepoys intended
latter was now much reduced, and that there were effective
European artillery, 50 out of 65.
Topasses and Coffrees, 50 out of 55.
European military, 56 out of 85.
Topasses, 250 out of 285.
Sepoys, 2200 out of 3000.
Peons and Kalians, 500 out of 1000.
Horse, 800 out of 800.
Total, 3906 out of 5290.
Preston was of opinion that he could go to Palamcotta, take
it, and return in six weeks in which case they would have
" to burn and lay waste all the villages and to make some
examples of those they found in arms." ^
On the 26th May the besieged removed their heavy barbet
guns, and could be seen hard at work on the glacis and at
thickening the parapets, for they now reaUzed that the siege
was to begin in form, though it was not until the night of
the 30th that actual work was commenced upon the trenches.
A pretended attack was made against the south-east angle,
but the point actually chosen was the north-west. The working
party consisted of 1100 men, and they started operations about
half-past nine. Their number being so great, the first strokes
of the pickswere heard by the advanced sepoys of the garrison,
who, imagining that an assault was intended, fired and ran
off shouting the alarm. Blue hghts were hoisted on the walls,
and the lascars in the trench, thinking that the garrison was
about to sally, also ran away. But though the musketry
began again and discharges of round and grape were fired all
through the night, the enemy did not appear, and the lascars
managed by the morning to make a good trench within four
hundred yards of the counterscarp, and some sepoys were left
to guard it.
" Our officers and men are all ia great spirits, and if it pleases
God to grant us success, I think we shall make such an example
as will deter all India from rebelliag, at least those in the Company's
service." i
Mih June. Campbell again called a Council of War, but
the majority would not agree to an immediate attack. They
proposed to continue the bombardment during the 25th and
the next night, and to assault on the 26th. Campbell gave
in to the majority and wrote to the Madras Council, sending
copies of the proceedings of his various Councils of \Yar and
the opinions of his field officers.
" Mine," he said, " was always for an immediate attack, but
as I mentioned yesterday I thought it most prudent to agree with
the others rather than take the whole upon myself. As now our
final resolution is taken, I hope in God the morning fixed upon
will prove fatal to Yusuf Khan." ^
which apparently the French flag was flying,^ and three others
to the right and left, to attempt to escalade the north and
west gateways and to make an attack with sepoys on the centre
in each front. Major Preston was to command on the
right, and Major Wood on the left. The two troops of
horse were dismounted and were to act as grenadiers. The
time fixed was the break of day. It will be seen that the
assault was to be made upon a very wide front, practically on
half of the north and west faces of the fort, but it was on a
continuous front, and not, as Preston had advised, at two
different points so as to divide the attention of the besieged.
QiGth June.'^ —
At 3 a.m. the disposition was made and the
covering and assaulting parties posted, but some " blundering
artillerymen " missed and it was broad
their disposition,
daylight * before was given, and the enemy,
the signal
of course, were fully prepared for resistance. The forlorn
hopes rushed into the ditch, and, though many of the men
fell into the deep holes of which Campbell had been warned,
whilst, so heavy was the fire from the walls, no fresh ammuni-
tion could be brought forward by the covering parties. Still
they pressed on stubbornly, and some of them even managed
to reach the summit of the walls, only to be killed or thrown
down. Preston, in spite of, or perhaps I should say because
of, the fact that the assault had been made against his advice,
very modestly that he was with Preston when the latter received his mortal
wound. /. 0. Records, Misc. Letters Received, Vol. 47, No. 63.
* Narrative of Mir Sahib. English, Historical Review, April, 1913, p. 278.
The fourth member of the party was probably Tondria Jemadar, who was given
a company in 1766 for his gallantry with Preston at Madura. Mil. Cons., letter
from Cuddalore, 1st July, 1766.
^ Schwartz says, " The Nawab came and lamented much over him [when he
was brought to his tent] but he told him the plain truth and grieved that a
number of such brave soldiers had been sacrificed without the faintest chance
of achieving their object." Oeschichte der Missions, Vol. IX. Pt. I. p. 583.
In a letterdated 31st July, 1764, to Mr. James Bourchier the Nawab gave as
his reasons for not writing sooner " the concern I felt at Major Preston, my
friend's being wounded, our miscarriage in the storm, the disagreeable news of
my wife's sickness, and my own indisposition." Eous^ Appendix, I. p. 210.
* Letter to Court, 20th Oct., 1764, para. 22.
' Campbell to Council, 26th June. Letter to Court, 14th July, 1764.
* " Mr. Campbell having asked for a suspension of arms came close up to
the breach to compliment me. He could not help showing surprise when he
saw what had caused the repulse of his troops and warmly praised the defence
we had made." Marchand, Precis Historique, pp. 36, 37. In his Journal, p. 94,
Campbell says, " A flag of truce was received on both sides."
— —
" When I came into the hospital after the assault I saw such a
scene as I had never before witnessed in my life. Oh ! War is
a terrible punishment from God I went from one to the other,
talked with them and prayed with them, but at times I felt dumb,
for the misery was too great. Some prayed, some cursed their
enemies, some moaned; the instigators of the war were not forgotten."
was cut short by illness ; but so much were the labours of the
good padre appreciated that, when after the
return of the
troops to Trichinopoly, the Nawab's donation was distributed,
600 pagodas were offered to him. He had not asked for any-
thing, but he accepted the unlooked-for gift and divided it
between his Tamil congregation and the school for European
orphans. So pleased was the Nawab with his behaviour in this
matter that he sent him a further present of 300 pagodas for
the school, a present which was supplemented by a subscription
from the Governor, Mr. Palk.*
been attacked by dysentery." Geschichte des Missions, Vol. IX. Pt. I. p. 582.
* Report of the S.P.C.K. for 1765.
— —
" The Enghsh have erected batteries opposite the north and west
side of the fort and have day and night kept up a fire for twenty
days both from cannon and mortars. On the 26th Zehige, being
Tuesday, they stormed the fort and scaled the walls at the same time,
but they were beat ofi as the people in the fort fought very well.
They left their ladders behind them and retired to their batteries.
By the assistance of God ^ and your favour I gained a great victory.
Report will inform you of the number of Europeans and sepoys
killed and wounded. There are but fifteen sepoys killed and fifteen
wounded ^ belonging to the garrison should they attack us again
I will beat them well."
with an Appendix of original papers, p. 49. Letter from Isouf Cawn to Tulsajee,
Raja of Tanjore.
* Biblioth^que Naiionale Nouv. Acq. Franc, 9074, f. 218.
^ Oeschichte der Missions anstalten in Ost Indien, Vol. IX. Pt. I. p. 584.
Schwartz mentions no names, but from the Military Consultations of
1st Aug., 1764, p. 553, it appears that the senior surgeon, Colley Lyon Lucas,
was at Sikandarmalai at the time of the assault of the 26th June.
" thatif Englishmen can but once get within reach of bayonets the
1 Campbell to Council, 5th Aug. Mil. Cons., 13th Aug., 1764, p. 590.
2 Campbell to Council, 27th June. Mil. Cons., 3rd July, 1764, p. 457.
" though I must still think that if our men could come within push
of bayonets of them that {sic) they would soon conquer." ^
" By all the intelligence I can learn from the fort, the provisions
which is served out is very bad and in smaller quantities than before,
1 Campbell to Council, 22nd July. Mil. Com., 28th July, 1764, p. 549.
^ Mil. Cons., 7th and 22nd June, 1764, pp. 364, 405.
* Letter to Court, 20th Oct., 1764, para. 34.
« Campbell to Council, 5th Aug, Mil. Cons., 13th Aug., 1764, p. 590.
" that the severe rains we have lately had and bad rice and provi-
sions that are served [out] has such an effect upon the troops that
they swell and become dropsical and die with a few days sickness ;
that three more Europeans were coming off with him but were taken
and, I suppose, hanged, as Yusuf Khan does everybody he catches.
It is astonishing how he can keep his troops from delivering up
himself and the fort, for by all reports everybody is ready for such
an action the Frenchmen and sepoys say that dead horses, dead
men, women and children lie unburied amongst the ruins of houses,
which must, I think, increase sickness. In short if any credit is
to be given to any intelligence that comes from the fort they must
be in a terrible situation."
" You'll easily form an idea of Yusuf Khan's abilities from his
being able to keep togetlier a body of men of different nations,
who with chearfulness undergo the greatest miseries on his account
wretches who have stood two severe sieges, one assault and a blockade
of many months."
that his only hope of safety lay in himself, and that it would
be better to die sw^ord in hand cutting his way through
the ranks of his enemies or buried beneath the ruins of
his capital. Such suggestions, even if they were ever
made, were heroic only in appearance, for they involved
either the desertion or destruction ofYusuf Khan's family. It
would appear, moreover, that though Yusuf Khan was now
willing enough to accept an honourable capitulation he did not
really trust Marchand, but thought that, if the proposals came
from the latter, Campbell, influenced by Eowling's letter, might
possibly accept them. Accordingly, on the 14th September,^
Campbell received a letter from a sea-captain named Eawdinson,
1 Letter from Palamcotta dated 22nd Oct., 1764. Scots Magazine, 1765,
p. 266. See Appendix V., p. 289.
- Precis Historique, p. 40.
3 Campbell to Council, 15th Sept. Mil. Cons., 2l8t Dec, 1764, p. 716.
" with the most positive assurances that he [Yusuf Khan] can make
the garrison hold out to the end of the year, even though they had
nothing to eat for the last month of it."
^ Yusuf Khan's last proposals were that he should be allowed to go off with
1000 sepoys, 300 horse, 2 covered waggons and 2 field-pieces, with, of course,
his family. Letter to Court, 20th Oct., 1764, para. 21.
' Country Correspondence, 1764.
was not written until the 27th September, and was not received
by Council until the 8th October.
As Campbell fully beUeved that Yusuf Khan would attempt
to cut his way out, he had strengthened his outposts, and had
sent warning throughout the country to be prepared to arrest
him if he succeeded in forcing his way through the line of circum-
vallation, round which the Nawab's horsemen kept up a constant
Meanwhile affairs went from worse to worse within the fort.
Yusuf Khan sent out poor people and weavers by hundreds.^
The Europeans were reported to be eating horses, monkeys,
donkeys, and cats " it was necessary to resort to those horrid
1 Campbell to Council, 15t.h Sept. Mil. Cons., 22nd Sept., 1764, p. 718,
Nawab to Council, 13th Oct., 1764. Country Correspondence.
' Campbell received and settled these people in the deserted villages and gave
Call to Council, dated 16th Oct., 1764 ;(2) Campbell's Journal ; (3) Marchand'a
letter to Council, dated 17th Oct., 1764 ; and (4) Marchand's Precis Historique.
Details from other sources are indicated in the notes.
6 See Appendix III. (b), p. 264.
" The latter had private causes of complaint against Khan Sahib,
by whom he had often been ill-treated, and bmrned for revenge."
^ In their letter of the 1 6th Oct. Messrs. Campbell and Call refer to a previous
attempt on the part of Marchand to arrange for the surrender of the town.
See Appendix III (o), p. 257.
* See
pp. 215, 216 above.
3 On the 29th Sept., Mr. Palk wrote to.the Nawab of Yusuf Khan's reported
intention to escape as an attempt " in which I think it can only be the interest
of a few of his followers to assist him, especially as their families and eflfects
must remain in the Fort." Country Correspondence. The Abbe Dubois tells
us (Customs, Manners and Ceremonies, III. 9) that Muhammadan chiefs of
high rank "never cry for quarter, and even when the day is going against
them they will not retreat a step as long as they have the support of a few of
their followers. Flight or retreat under such circumstances is considered by
them even more igiaominious than it is by their European opponents."
* A Tanjore Brahman. Kirmani, Hydur Nail:, p. 162. Apparently he was
Yusuf Khan's diwan or chief adviser and not a soldier. The Tamil Ballad says
he was deprived of his eyesight by order of the Nawab. On the other hand,
Mr. Rangasami Naidu tells me that Srinavas Rao's Muhammadan confederate
was rewarded by the gift of the village of Perungudi. The Tamil Ballad says
that Yusuf Khan was warned of this conspiracy in a dream by the goddess
Minakshi, but took no notice of the warning.
The conspirators fixed the 13th October for the attempt. The
time chosen was 10 a.m. when most of the soldiers would be off
duty, but Yusuf Khan that morning did not make his appear-
ance in pubUc. This apparently frightened some of the native
leaders, who must have thought that he had stayed in his
quarters owing to suspicion of their intentions, but the bulk
of them had now gone too far to recede. At 5 o'clock in the
evening, Marchand with the leaders of the conspu'acy entered
a private room,^ where they found Yusuf Khan engaged in his
prayers, and there one of the subadars taxed him w^ith his
intention to desert thosewho had so long and so faithfully
served him. Furious at the insult, Yusuf Khan drew his sword
and cut down his traducer, but was overpowered by the rest
of the conspirators, bound, it is said,^ with his own turban, and,
though he begged them to him there and then rather than
^ Marchand says he was seized in his Darbar. The Dutch account says he
was seized in a private room. Bishop Caldwell {Tinnevelhj, p. 130) saj's the
native account was that he was seized when at his prayers by " Moossoo
Marsan and his Hindu diwan Srinavas Rao."
* Peixoto, Anecdotes relative to the Rise
of Hyder Ali, p. 82. See Appendix
v., p. 292, below.
3 Letter from Captain Matthew Home to R. Smith, 20th Oct., 1764.
Orme MSS., 27, p. 143. See Appendix V., p. 286.
with the camp, where no one yet knew what had happened
within, though they had been surprised at the sudden
cessation of the fire from the walls, which had hitherto never
been wholly interrupted.^ The native officers chose as their
envoys Yusuf Khan's physician, Badruddin Darwesh, and
two other men whose names are unknown, whilst Marchand
selected M. Perigny-Beaumarchais, formerly engineer at Fort
St. David, who had for some time been under Yusuf Euan's
displeasure, and who appears to have been a non-combatant.
M. Perigny and his fellow envoys left the town at 8 o'clock.
He took with him the following letter ^ :
^ So unexpected was thia sadden collapse of the defence that on this very
day Major Call had written to R. Smith a letter in which he says, " K this con-
founded place were taken I should, etc., etc." Orme MSS., 27, p. 129.
2 This letter still exists in the Orme Collection, 281, p. 25. I have copied
it veriaiim et literatim.
et celle de Palliancotte, en attendant que je puisse conferer avec vous
demain ou ce soir (si vous pouves envoyer avec ]\Ir Perigny deux
commissaires) des forces superieures a celles que j'ay pour estre
I'aigle sur le glagis de la grande porte de I'ouest, au premier moment
que le cas le requerrera ou les troubles et conspirations qui peuvent
survenir d'juy a demain. Le porteur vous fera plus emplement le
detail des choses.
" J'ay I'honneux d'estre,
" Parfaitement,
" Monsieur, votre ties humble et tres obeissant serviteuTj
le 13 8^'^ 1764, " INIarchand."
a 8^ du soir.
1 Marchand had asked for troops to be sent to the west gate ; but that
faced the camp, so possibly the envoys thought it safer to keep it closed. On the
other hand, the south gate, being closer to Marchand's quarters where apparently
Yusuf Khan was confined, was more convenient for the party intended to support
course were for the conveyance of Yusuf Kian and his family
to the camp, but Badruddin and his companions urged that the
sepoys should not be admitted until the terms that had been
obtained from the Nawab had been discussed by the native
officers. This caused another delay until 1 o'clock, when
Marchand drew up four articles of capitulation which he asked
Captain Meyers to take out. These were ^ :
" (1) M. Marchand shall march out with the troops both black
and white with their arms and baggage, colours flying, drums
beating and loaded muskets, to the foot of the glaQis, where they
shall lay down their arms except the of&cers and volunteers.
" (2) No person in M. Marchand's troop shall be molested under
pretence of desertion or on any other account.
" (3) M. Marchand's troops as well as the topasses of the
Malabar and Coromandel Coasts the day before they set out for
Tranquebar shall be advanced one month's pay, agreeable to what
they had in this place, to enable them to proceed there.
" (4) M. Marchand shall be permitted to go to Tranquebar
with his troops, where shall be allowed to them a subsistence
agreeable to the allowances stipulated in the Cartel made in the
lastwar between our sovereigns, until the re-estabhshment of the
French nation in India or until the arrival of the Commissaries."
^ John Smith, brother of General Richard Smith, was at this time Campbell's
aide-de-camp. Campbell does not mention his name, but it is given in Home's
letter of the 20th Oct., 1764, already referred to.
bodies, but neither of the gates had yet been secured, and,
especially as the night was coming on, anything might have
happened in the event of a counter-revolution taking place ; so
he took a piece of paper and with a pencil wrote " something
relative to a general pardon, but not clear enough to protect
them." As this paper has disappeared, it is difficult to know
exactly what Campbell pledged himself to do, but the Council
held that he had promised the deserters their lives, and as a
general pardon was interpreted by Marchand to his men, who
" Thus ended this long, bloody and tedious siege and blockade,
much to the satisfaction of the Nawab and Governor and Council."''
^ " Yesterday we marched in our troops and took possession of the Fort
with joy in the countenance of the resigners both black and white. Yusuf
Khan was sent out and delivered to the Nawab, who ordered him to camp, and
to-day he was hanged in the front of the lines so much for French faith
Letter dated Camp before Madura, 15th Oct., 1764. Gazetteer and Daily
Advertiser, 30th March, 1765.
- Letter from Bassora, I2th Feb., 1765. Scots Magazine, 1765, p. 267.
3 Major Wood to Council, 4th Nov. Mil. Cons., 12th Nov., 1764, p. 936.
Practically nothing is known of what became of Yusuf Kian's family. The
Tamil Ballad says however that his wife and son retired to Travancore. The
Dutch account of Yusuf Iran's treaty \vith the King states, it will be
remembered, that the King promised them his protection. As regards Yusuf
Khan's son, see below, p. 233 (n.).
* Campbell's Journal. Orme MSS., 74, p. 100.
— —
" To-day, being Monday, the Eebel was hung at five o'clock in
the evening, which struck a terror into the hearts of our enemies."
1 Country Correspondence, 1764, No. 205. * Precis Historique, pp. 48, 49.
" The next evening an example was made of the Rebel which
we hope will have a good effect and deter others from the many
crimes he has been guilty of to support his power."
" It may not be screened from tlie reader that the account of
the execution of this rebel which is current among the people at
large is above mutineer was imprisoned at
to the efiect that the
Madura and attempts were made to hang him three times, and at
every trial the rope invariably broke, and he could not be despatched
to his ever-resting place till at last he moved his sealed tongue to
solve this unimaginable mystery, which was kept out of sight of
the people, by revealing that there was a magic ball deposited
and that he was capable of chivahy and free from any blind
hatred for the English is shown by his kindly behaviour to
Donald Campbell when he found him lying wounded on
the field of battle.^ Private letters also show that, how-
ever those in authority were compelled by State poUcy to act
with the utmost severity, his past services were remembered
^ Or of the tiger. As regards the magical powers of the jackal honi and
the clavicle of the tiger, see Jerdon, Mammalia of India, pp. 92 and 144.
2 See pp. 21, 22 above, and 293 below.
' As to his military capacity see the opinion of Sir John Malcolm, after-
rebel the Company had no other enemy in the field, and he had
been bidden to consider himself the servant no longer of the
Company, but of his ancient enemy the Nawab. The change
of the Company's pohcy was one which he had no right to
criticize and much less to oppose, but it left him only
the choice of resigning his high ofiice or of a humihating
submission to a man whom he despised. To a soldier
of his character and past this was intolerable, and hence
Mill's assertion that he rebelled in self-defence - can
hardly be questioned. It must also be remembered in his
favour that, in his time, Indian opinion looked with a very
lenient eye on rebeUion against any one but the Great Mughal
himself, for the authority of his so-called officers was only
nominally based upon his grants. ^ A rebel, therefore, was
considered simply as a man who was prepared to play for
his life, success bringing him a throne and failure bringing
death. Such a man was Yusuf Khan. He may have
^ " He [Yusuf Khan], poor wretch ! waa endeavouring to make his escape
when his garrison seized Nawab, who after
him and delivered him over to the
leading him with a halter about his neck round the camp, hung him upon a
tree in an avenue leading to the Fort." Letter from Edward Raddon to James
Leigh, 24th Oct., 1764. Madras High Court Records, Draft Letter Books.
" There fell Yusuf Kian, the greatest black man India could ever boast of."
Letter from Lieut. George Nixon, 17th March, 1765. Universal Magazine,
Oct., 1765, p. 220. In the War of the Khan Sahib it is stated that the
Nawab consulted the English officers as to the disposal of Yusuf Khan, and
that they unanimously recommended that he should be pardoned, but the
Nawab declared that it was a question of his own life or that of Yusuf Khan,
and ordered his execution. There seems, however, to be no documentary
proof of this story, though it probably represents truly the wishes of the
^ " He resolved to give himself the chance of a struggle in his own defence."
Appendix V., p. 305. Also " Among these soldiers of fortune a man highly
distinguished becomes the rival of his master, and regard to his own safety is
a frequent cause of rebellion." G. Rous, Restoration of the King of Tanjore
considered, p. 45.See Appendix V., p. 295
^ See above.
p. 12 If (see p. 132, above) he really received parwanas for
Madura and Tinnevelly from the Subah of the Deccan, it is not clear that
Yusuf Khan could be correctly called a Rebel, for Muhammad All himself was
the subordinate of the Subah.
* " his enemies, who . with a want of mercy which at this time seems all
. ,
but inexcusable, hung him like a dog." Nelson, The Madura Country, p. 282.
See Appendix V., p. 310.
' See Encychpcedia Britannica, Art. Treason.
« Major Wood to Council, 4th Nov. Mil. Cam., 12th Nov., 1764, p. 938.
* Mil. Cans., 29th Oct., 1764.
1 " It is said that Yusuf Khan's son at the head of 10,000 men is ready at
Dindigul to enter the Madura and Tinnevelly Districts, where he expects to meet
with many friends on his father's account." Letter dated Palamcotta, 1st Aug.,
1780, from Captain James Edington to Council. Mil. Cons.
* Letter from Campbell and Call, 16th Oct. Mil Cons., 27th Oct., 17G4,
p. 110.
' Major Wood to Council, 4th Nov., 1764.
* Mil. Cons., 27th Oct., 1764, p. 877.
" I could enlist only two Dutchmen out of the French prisoners
before they were sent away, and one has desired to stay with the
Nawab, as he is said to be a fine Limner. There was one man more
would have entertained in our artillery, but they all say our pay
is too small to entertain them, as being accustomed to such large
pay among the coimtry powers. Besides 33 of these men had served
with Yusuf Khan as officers,^ and, in short, near the whole of these
prisoners had been wounded and maimed, therefore could not be
fit for our service indeed will not reconcile themselves to stay with
their own nation after being so long with the black powers."
Journal of Bussy in the Deccan, Bib. Nat. MSS. Nouv. Acq., Fr. No. 9358.
* Wilson {Madras Army, I, 114) gives the pay of the European privates
1777, p. 146), " Except as regards actual military duties, there prevails a free-
dom, a kind of equality which would not be tolerated amongst our troops."
one of the leaders, if not the chief of the conspiracy, whilst all
independent accounts ascribe the actual seizure of Yusuf Khan's
person to Marchand and one or more of the native officers.
His well-known courage forbids one to beheve that it was care
for his own safety that actuated him, and his past record in the
Deccan makes it unlikely that he was moved by any motive
so sordid as a bribe, but he had shown as early as September
that he was extreme^ anxious about the safety of his men, all
or most of whom had enlisted at his suggestion and in rehance
on his promises, though many of them, being deserters, were
^The Dutch Account says Yusuf Khan always suspected Marchand and
watched him closely, but he managed to communicate with the besiegers, who
offered him a bribe of a lakh of rupees. So also Marchand says {Precis His-
torique, p. 34) that Captain Bonjour on the 24th Feb. had offered him " des
recompenses immenses," and further, Campbell himself in his letter to Council
of the 17th Sept., says that his only object in continuing the conference with
Marchand so long was to find out on what terms he stood with Yusuf Kiian and
to "sow jealousys," which shows that he was quite ready to ofEer money if he
thought it would be accepted.
* See Appendix V., p. 292.
"to enter into disputes with them which may involve the Com-
pany's afEairs in troubles without end " * ;
and paid no respect either to the Nawab or himself. On this the Council
remarked, " As to the behaviour of the King of Tanjore's troops we are not at
all surprised at it, when we consider what pains the Nawab takes to make him
his enemy." Mil. Cons., 13th Aug., 1764, p. 594.
* Mil. Cons., 27th Oct., p. 880.
revenue under Yusuf Khan had been restored to the feeble rule
of a Prince who could do nothing with them, and this restora-
tion had been effected at a cost of no less than two crores of
rupees, and the loss of a very large number of European officers
and soldiers.^ The miUtary prestige of the Company had
also suffered, not merely by Yusuf Khan's prolonged resist-
ance, but by the fact that Madura had fallen, not to an
assault, but by the treachery of a portion of the garrison,
whilst the stores of money, provisions and ammunition found
in it showed that the defence could have been prolonged for
months, during which anything might have happened in
favour of Yusuf Khan.* The EngHsh had also exposed them-
selves to the charge of ingratitude ^ to an old and formerly
loyal servant, for public opinion at that time in India could
hardly be expected to understand Western ideas on the abso-
lute submission required from the military by the civil
power.* To the Indian mind it would have seemed more
See p. 116 (n.) above, Appendix II. 248, and Appendix III. (6), p. 267, and V.,
pp. 282, 284, 289, 290, 291, 294, 297, and 306.
* Call wrote, 10th Oct., 1764, " We have taught the country people almost
to beat us." Gazetteer and Daily Advertiser, 2nd April, 1765. General Joseph
Smith wrote to Council 13th March, 1768 {Orme MSS., 64, p. 15), " Were it not
might still have
for the treachery of his soldiers it's not impossible that he
maintained his pretensions to those countries." Appendix V., p. 291.
5 See opinion of Sunku Rama (p. 161 above) and of Mr. Beveridge, Appen-
military before the people of India could be made to understand this. Col.
Fullarton says (^4 View of the English Interests in India, p. 211): "As the
natives of India have little respect for any but the military character, the
civil servants, in order to acquire consequence, have usuallj' assumed a
superiority over the military."
1 In a letter received 29th July, 1751, the Nawab offered to mortgage any
districts the Council chose in return for a supply of money, adding, " If you
don't like this proposal, I am ready to deliver up the countries of Trichinopoly,
Madura and Tinnevelly entirely to the English, provided they allow me two
lakhs of Madras Pagodas yearly for my own expenses, defraying all the charges
of the army themselves, and I will bind myself and my heirs to keep this agree-
ment for ever if the English should chuse it." Country Correspondence, 1751,
No. 103.
* " When the fate of War and the success of the English army subdued all
opposition or contest for the Nabobship in the year 1761 and he [».e. Muhammad
Ali] was acknowledged Nawab of Arcot, it was natural for him to desire and his
alliesthe English to assist him in calling to an account the most refractory and
independent Faujdars, Kiladars, and Zaniindars who were in possession of
strong places or had been his greatest enemies during the trouble." Call to
Court of Directors, 1775. /. 0. Records, Home Misc., No. 287.
3 See p. 116, above.
Thus the rebellion of Yusuf Khan closed for many years all
opportunity of a high career to the natives of Madras who
entered into the mihtary service of the Company.*
^ " The transactions of Yusuf Khan ought to have this effect on our adminis-
tration —never to place independent power in the hands of a Mussulman, for
most assuredly, sooner or later, will he throw off his allegiance and become a
competitor for dominion even against your authority." Note by R. Smith.
Orme MSS., 88, p. 183.
2 Letter from Court, 30th Dec, 1763, para. 23. See Appendix V., p. 283.
3 Letter to Court, 22nd Jan., 1767, para. 34.
* " Among the inconveniences of that singular and generally beneficial
government established by the British nation in India is the practice of com-
mitting the higher offices of the Army and State and almost all situations of
trust and emolument to Europeans, and thereby excluding the natives of the
country from every object of honourable ambition." Wilks' Mysoor, III. 471.
^ i.e. Jadamuni Street, running from the Edward Park to South Masi
Street. It was probably in this street that his house (marked in Marchand's
plan) was situated. It is said that the quarter named Khansa Palayam near
Mina Teppakulam, north-east of Tirumala's palace, was the spot where Yusuf
Khan's army was located. The walls which Yusuf Khan defended so gallantly
were pulled down about 1841. Letter dated 14th August, 1841, from the
P^re Garnier. Lettres des Nouvelles Missions du Madure, III. p. 317.
* See Colonel Fullarton's encomium of Yusuf Khan. Appendix V., p. 298.
will find me always, in the same manner I was before, ready to give
my life in the Honble. Company's service and to obtain your
Honor's good will and commands [? commendation], for to avoid
the murmuring I shall endeavour myself to come to Madras before
your Honor's departure to Europe in hopes to settle all my affairs
with the Nawab in a regular manner, in consideration of all my
troubles that I have taken for settling these countreys and
Pondicherry, but was forced to recall him before the town was attacked by
Eyre Coote. See p. 103 above.
^ The Nawab agreed to repay the Company the expenses of the capture of
Pondicherry in 1761,
army, and also out of this country with many troubles sent to
Cuddalore cattle and sheep for the use of his Majesty's Squadron,
under the care of Mr. Bodle who paid me for the same.^ On my
arrival from Madras to Trichinopoly, after its siege by the French
the Nawab have not showed me any good willmg of his generosity.
Instead of doing this he took off the allowances which I have got,
one sepoy to each company, which was given me by the Honble.
Company, which vexed me very much.^ When the Anjengo gentle-
men were in want of cash for the Honble. Company's trade, I
lent them eighty-four thousand rupees without interest for about
six months' time, myself was bovmd and gave security to the
merchants for the said sum.^ This only I mention to your Honor to
show that I am always in obligation for to do anything for the
Honble. Company's service for their advantages. When I have
took all these troubles and render services to the Honble. Com-
pany, which will be the reason to give means for to lose your Honor's
favor that I have gained, therefore I will not give means for to alter
your Honor's intentions.^ I will keep your Honor's letter as a firm
Cowl ^ of safety and shall come down to your Honor as soon as I
can give part satisfaction of the arrears due to the troops, to whom
I am indebted four months' pay. The reason of not paying them is
a great quantity of Paddy ^ remains in the country that have no
price at present, and a great deal of money stands [unpaid by] the
inhabitants, etc., that I cannot get at present for the payment of
the troops, and also twenty thousand Pagodas lays upon the cloth
that I had ordered to be made, thinking that your Honor will take
See p. 97 above.
which, according to the Nawab, Yusuf Khan drew his sword upon him. See
p. 93 above,
3 I do not find any record of this loan, but in 1759 Mr. Pigot wrote to the
Council of Anjengo saying that Yusuf Khan had concluded an alliance with
the King of Travancore, and that if they required any trade indulgences from
that Prince they should make their application through Yusuf Khan (Mil.
Cons., 23 November, 1759), which shows the connection between Yusuf Khan
and Anjengo.
* I suppose this means " When I have taken all this trouble and rendered
such services to the Company, why should I give any cause for losing the favour
I had obtained with your Honour ? I will give no cause for your Honour to
alter your opinion of me."
^ i.e. assurance or guarantee.
* unhusked rice.
^ Madura was at this time famous for its manufacture of cloth, and Yusuf
Khan, like other dependants of the Company, used to order large quantities
in the expectation that the Company would require it later.
it. The first money I get shall be paid to the troops [on account of J
their arrears and I shall proceed my way to Madras. If I do not so,
perhaps my troops may put some stop to my departure,! which will
be very disagreeable to myself. I most humbly beg your Honor
the favor to take all these causes into your Honor's serious con-
sideration, and I conclude with a profound respect and submission,
" Honourable Sir,
" Your most obedient and most obliged humble servant to command,
" Muhammad Yusuf Khan."
^ Aa was done in 1756 by the troops of Mahfuz Khan. See p. 54 above.
M. DE Maudave's Defence of his Conduct in Assisting
YusuF Khan
" I have had the honour to inform you as regularly as I
could of the steps I have taken to revive the French party on the
Coast of India and to excite against the English Company the
jealousy and hatred of the Princes of the Peninsula, with the two-
fold object of damaging their establishments 2 and of preventing
them at the same time from making any attempt to carry outside
[of India] what forces remained to them on the Coromandel Coast.
" A part of the year 1762 and the commencement of 1763 have
been spent in binding our party together and making the necessary
preliminary arrangements, in such a fashion that in March 1763
the bomb exploded, at a time when the English troops were, for the
most part, in the island of Lupon.^
" A bold and courageous man, named Muhammad Yusuf Khan
Sahib, held, in the name of the English,* the little kingdom of Madura
and the Province Tmnevelly, that is to say the portion of the
Peninsula of India which borders the Strait of Manaar and which
extends as far as Cape Comorin. In consequence of the measures
which we had taken together, I had sent to his coimtry in January
1763 a small body of white and black troops which I had collected
in Tanjore, and as soon as this detachment had joined his army he
^ i.e. in Manilla.
* M. de Maudave woiJd have had a stronger case if he had said, as was
the fact, that Yusuf Khan held his government in the name of the Nawab and
not in that of the English at the time of his rebellion. See pp. 110 above and
283 below.
had lowered the English flag and replaced it by that of the King [of
France], making public both our alliance and his resolution to embrace
the party of the French Nation and to put himself at the head of
the side which it favoured.
" From that time my whole up with passing
attention was taken
into Madura all whom I who were dis-
could collect of the French
persed throughout the country. Muhammad Yusuf Khan, on his side
expelled from his new possessions all who adhered to the English,
and even resolved to attack the possessions of the British Company.
He was preparing to march to the Coleroon and to lay siege to Trichi-
nopoly when I received the news of the Suspension of Arms and that
of the conclusion of the Definitive Treaty, which followed each other
very rapidly to India.
" It is useless to weary you, Monseigneur, with all the reasons
of which I made use to prevent Muhammad Yusuf Khan from taking
the offensive against the English. Finally he gave way to my repre-
sentations and confined himself to preparations for a simple but
vigorous defence.
" The English ships, which arrived in India during the months
of May and Jime, had disembarked some troops at Madras, from
which a Corps-d'armee was formed. Muhammad Yusuf Khan was
threatened with extermination if he would not return to his duty,
and, at last. Colonel Monson appeared on the frontiers of Madura in
the month of August 1763 with a large force of white and black
" Under these circumstances I wrote to the Council of Madras
to represent that their preparations against Madura appeared
opposed to the spirit of the Peace happily concluded in Europe,
that I did not know whether the engagements which I had made
with Muhammad Yusuf Khan had given the French Company rights
compatible with the Treaty of Paris, that the examination [of this
question] was not my business, but that it appeared to me safer and
better to leave matters as they were until the arrival of those who
were charged with the execution of that part of the Treaty which
concerned India.
" On this subject I and the Council of Madras entered into a
most detailed discussion, but in the replies which I received I could
find nothing but a summons, supported by threats, to restore Madura
to them, or at least to cause the French force to leave it, and to
cease from favouring Muhammad Yusuf Khan either directly or in
" Both these demands were equally impossible for me to comply
" Khan
Sahib prepared to defend himself, but being himself of a
nature quick and fiery, he could not get on for any length of time
with Marchand. After twenty quarrels of no importance, he became
so angry with him that, without consulting me, he had him arrested
and imprisoned and gave the command of the force to a rascally
German officer named Riquet. . . .
" The trenches were opened on the night of the 16-1 7th September
and the breach was judged practicable on the 23rd. Khan Sahib
1 3Iinistcre des Colonies, Paris. Inde. Correspondance Generah, 1763-5,
98 C*. Summary in the Biblioiheque Natio7iale Nouv. Acq. Frangaises, No. 9365.
was shut up in his capital and, as soon as the enemy were within
reach of him, he got disgusted with Riquet and confided the command
of theFrench troops to M. Flamicourt, who was in every respect more
worthy of it. . . .
" Finally after more than sixty days of obstinate siege the
English saw themselves forced to abandon the game and to retire
three leagues from the town, in spite of a breach of one hundred and
fifty fathoms made by their artillery and of their having effected a
lodgement on the covered way. They had fired against the place
more than thirty thousand cannon shot and more than twelve
thousand shells.
" M. de Flamicourt was killed two days before their retreat,
M. Marchand, recalled some time before from his exile and placed
by Khan Sahib at the head of a body of Indian troops, had drawn
near Madura, where he gave a great deal of trouble to the English
but, though he had no share in the vigour of the defence, which Khan
Sahib owed solely to M. de Flamicourt, he has thought proper to
declare since that it was he who did everything."
^ This note still exists and is given verbatim in the text. See pp. 221, 222
^ Ensign Desvoeus.
This is apparently a mistranslation, as the context shows that for " objected
In the mean time your troops by the assistance of the Moorish Chiefs
entered the place, and I did everything that lay in my power to
pacify my troop who, seeing I had not obtained of Major Campbell
the favour I desired for all deserters (although Mr. Meyers had pro-
mised it me, referring it to the pleasure of his commander) were
much exasperated, and I dare assure you. Gentlemen, that, had they
not credited what your officer ^ and I told them, I cannot say what
would have happened. An aide-de-camp however arrived with a
paper signed by Major Campbell, which granted their pardon and
which entirely appeased them, although the articles of capitulation
were not signed or delivered to me. I hope then. Gentlemen, that all
my demands, my disinterestedness and the risques that I ran, will
incline you without hesitation to consent to and confirm the articles
of capitulation that I sent Major Campbell by Mr. Meyers, of which,
Gentlemen, I send you a copy.
" I have &c. &c. Marchand."
" About 10 o'clock, when the blacks had finished their business
with the Nawab, Captain Meyers went again to the Fort with them,
and carried a paper from Major Campbell, demanding the Fort
and YusufKhan at discretion, and that he would grant the Europeans
and Topasses their lives, apparel and other effects (deserters ex-
cepted), but reserved to a further decision the manner in which
they should be disposed of. In answer to this about 4 o'clock
Captain Meyers returned with a paper containing the demand of a
capitulation for the Europeans and Topasses in four articles, the two
principal of which were that all in general should be pardoned, and
that the Topasses with one month's pay should be permitted to go
to the Malabar Coast and the Europeans be sent with M. Marchand
to Tranquebar with one month's pay in advance and subsistence in
future according to the Cartel. ^ Major Campbell did not sign this
paper but proceeded towards the Fort and sent some sepoys with an
officer and aide-de-camp in at the south gate, where with difficulty
they were admitted. He gave orders for more to follow and some
cavalry and for several small parties to get in imder various pretences,
because advice came that the people began to murmur and that there
were great appearances of a second revolution. It was now near
sunset, and we could not get the west gate open nor secure the south
gate so as to be certain of the Fort, and repeated messages came
which made us every moment apprehensive that the Eebel would
regain his liberty. At last M. Marchand sent word by Mr. Desvoeux
(who confirmed it) that in ten minutes the whole scheme would be
overset from the apprehensions of the deserters and other Europeans
concerning their treatment, that he should be massacred and Yusuf
Khan released unless a general pardon was granted and something
certain signed in favour of the whole. Major Campbell therefore
sent a paper wrote with a pencil, promising the deserters their lives
and that no difficulty would be made as to the disposition of the rest.
This pacified them, and the troops of horse with Major Campbell
gaining admittance just after, the whole body of Europeans and
Topasses, who guarded Yusuf Khan and Marchand with two pieces
and groimded their arms, and Yusuf
of cannon, resigned their charge
was immediately sent out to camp. Thus was concluded a revolu-
tion which gave possession of the Fort and the Kebel's person and
all his effects without the least article being plimdered or the least
disorder taking place and without spilling the blood of a man except
an officer of the Rebel's sepoys, who attempted to collect a party
^ i.e. the arrangement agreed upon between France and England during
sieur Marchand might depend upon his good intentions being re-
presented to all parties, and pressed him to have the gate opened.
In the interim the rabble began to murmur and one or two of Mar-
chand's confidants told him they were thinking of setting Yusuf
Khan at liberty if a general pardon was not signed them. This
being reported to me and knowing the disposition of those reprobates,
I took my pencil and wrote Monsieur Marchand something relative
to a general pardon but not clear enough to protect them. This
Monsieur Marchand read to his people publicly, upon which they
all to a man were for laying down their arms and a guard was ordered
with my aide-de-camp to open the west gate, before which our troops
were ready to enter. In the mean time I rode round to the south
gate with the European cavalry and numbers of black horse, which
assembled on this occasion. I rode through the to^vn and was met
by Marchand, who delivered me his sword, which I returned him,
and immediately the whole threw down their arms and Yusuf Khan
was delivered to the Naivab's people, who conducted him to camp.
The prisoners were escorted to a pagoda for the night and Major
Wood was left in possession of the garrison. Thus ended this long,
bloody and tedious siege and blockade, much to the satisfaction
of the Nawab and Governor and Council.
" Afiairs being settled and Yusuf Khan executed, a detachment
was ordered to march to Palamcotta."
1 i.e. Mudali. Seep. 253 above. « Orme 3ISS., 74, p. 99.
" Khan Sahib owed this distinction to the proofs which he had
given on more than one occasion of his genius and military talent.
A simple sailor at Pondicherry, a released convict he had had an —
ear cut ofi for some crime 2 ^this active and turbulent genius was
tired of an obscure occupation, and resolved to take a part in the
wars, in which he hoped to find a more rapid path [to distinction].
He served at first in the army of Muhammad Ali as a sepoy, and
quickly signalized his courage and won distinction from his Prince
and from the English. He was promoted from one military rank to
another, and at last obtained the command of a body of two thousand ^
men in the same force in which he had first served as a private soldier.
It was under these circumstances that the orders of the Nawab sent
him to replace Mahfuz Khan in 1757.
" The new Governor justified his selection by the prompt remedies
which he applied to the evil."
Page 10. " Madras being delivered, Khan Sahib returned to
Madura. He then undertook to reduce the Pulidevar, a great
Poligar and the most powerful of those who had shaken off the yoke
of Mahfuz Khan. It took him three years to reduce him. It was
the Travancorean ^ forced the latter to beg for peace from the Khan
Sahib and to surrender to him the guns, carts and troops which he
bad captured.
" It was now that, intoxicated by his success and devoured by
the thirst of dominion, this ambitious Moor, tired of administrating,
of pacifyingand of guarding for another a country which owed its
happiness and tranquillity to the force of his arms and the resources
of his genius, resolved to declare himself its absolute master and to
restore it to its ancient footing by proclaiming himself King of
" From the moment when he cameto Madura he had formed this
project, and had worked quietly towards its accomplishment, collect-
ing together every means for rendering himself independent, con-
cealing his ambitious views under the pretence of the interest of the
province and the necessity of assuring its tranquillity by placing it
in a condition too strong to allow of its being insulted by its
neighbours. He had collected from all sides workmen of all nations,
carpenters, blacksmiths and foundry-men, who had worked without
ceasing and supplied him with all kinds of implements and
mvmitions of war.
" His coffers were and though he had been almost con-
" The occasion was favourable. His success had gained him the
respect of his neighbours and of his new subjects. His restless and
suspicious nature, the hardness of his character, his cruel severity,
had in truth alienated every heart, but he was admired and feared :
to study the secret plans which he might have in his mind, to watch
over all his actions, to obtain money from him for the fresh reinforce-
ments which we mu^t only promise, in short to make use of him
merely for the purpose of collecting in Madura our forces which
were now scattered throughout India, of increasing their number at
his expense and of employing them thereafter as our interest might
require, to the prejudice of all other interests whatsoever. I realized
appear at once and would attack Muhammad Ali and the English.
M. de Maudave particularly recommended me to profit by these
fortunate openings to solicit the completion of the fifty thousand
rupees 2 he charged me to demand at the same time that Khan
the scourge of the English in India, that man shows that he had
formed a better concerted project and a bolder and better sustained
plan than did the sepoy of Muhammad Ali, who reigned no more
than three years and succumbed at once to the efforts of his master
who came to punish his rebellion."
Page 41. " The Council [of Madras] had written to Colonel
Campbell that he must not consent to any other accommodation
than the surrender at discretion of Khan Sahib and the town. The
Commandant informed me of tliis reply and that it was useless for
me to write to him imless it were to ask him to come and take posses-
sion of the town. This dreadful news deprived Khan Sahib of the
little energy which remained to him. Broken by the weight of his
misfortunes, he fell from which he roused
into a kind of lethargy
himself only to fall paroxysms of fury. Incapable
into inconceivable
of forming any plans, he seemed to wait upon events, not that he
had sufficient firmness to realize that he must yield to necessity
and endure his lot with courage, but because he was too much over-
whelmed to stand up against it. I vainly suggested various methods,
dangerous but honourable, by which we might extricate ourselves
from our terrible embarrassment, but he had not sufficient strength
of mind to adopt any of them, whilst he blamed everybody for the
sad extremity into which he had fallen, and breathed rage against
his own subjects instead of turning it upon the enemy, and thus
concluded by making himself both hated and despised. A con-
spiracy was formed against him.
" Two Moor chiefs, Srinivasa Rao and Baba Sahib were the
leading authors of the conspiracy. The latter had private causes of
complaint against Khan Sahib, by whom he had often been ill-treated,
and burned to revenge himself. To these motives of hatred were
joined [those produced by] the reflections of every one upon the
existing state of affairs and upon the course which ought to be
followed. They felt that it would be very dangerous for them to
be captured, arms in hand, defending this rebel, whilst to deliver
Khan Sahib to the Nawab would be a mode of making their peace,
and they resolved to sacrifice him to their safety and vengeance.
" The plot was conducted with much secresy. The meetings
[of the conspirators] were held in the hovels adjoining the Darbar.^
The 13th October was fixed by the conspirators for carrying out
their enterprise. I had noticed certain movements which alarmed
me and had heard certain seditious remarks which showed only too
clearly the secret disposition of the soldiers. I tried in vain to pacify
^ " That is the place where the Council is held." Note by Marchand.
dearly for the death of the rebel, he did not think he had made a bad
" Such was the sad ending of this war and of the bold chief
who had excited it : fortunate if he had been able to join to the
military talents, with which he was endowed, more equanimity
and gentleness of character together with a soul stronger in adversity.
The ferocity of his manners and his invincible obstinacy precipitated
the fall of Madura and were the cause of the catastrophe which
terminated his days."
^ In his Precis, p. 31, Marchand says the English renewed the siege with
Muhammad Ali Khan
only to stay with yours for a show but the battle entirely depends
sepoys, and with them they raised disturbances and defeated my army
of ten or twelve thousand horse at Tiruvadi. They afterwards
attacked Nasir Jang, who had fiity thousand horse, in the plains of
Gingee, and killed him, and in reality gained the whole Deccan
country to themselves. Thus you see the horsemen are of no service
in the present war. ... I must tell you that my whole dependance
is upon your troops. I undertook the government of the Deccan
coimtry by the advice of the English, and engaged in the present
expedition by their assistance. land my family remain in the fort
of Trichinopoly and it is talked all over Indostan, Deccan and Bengal,
that I am protected and assisted by the English, who for their own
honour should exert themselves to the utmost to support my repu-
tation. Don't let the French and Chanda Sahib seize me. I
. . .
(2) Letter dated Wassinellore 26th May, 1767, from Colonel Donald
Campbell <o (?) Colonel John Call A
"I have already informed you that my motive for not offering
" They [the enemy] never could get right intelligence which way
we went or sent out partys. And they often had detachments out
waiting on one road while we were marching in with a convoy another.
We were gxeatly assisted in this by a Moorman, who for his deserved
merit was made commander of our sepoys. This man, commonly
called the Nellore Subahdar (from the place whence he came), had
first a company of sepoys
in our service which were raised by himself.
He is an excellent partizan, knows the country well, is brave and
resolute but cool and sensible in action. In short he is bom a
soldier, and better of his colour I never saw in the coimtry. He
never spares himself but is out on all parties, and by his good in-
telligence brought in provisions to keep us in a moderate plenty."
Robert Orme.
History of the War in Indostan, I. 347.
of bringing the provisions out of the woods, not one of them was
intercepted for three months."
could neither take, destroy or put to flight this invincible spirit.
His attachment to the Company is, I think, inviolable. . . . For
my part I should be willing to accept of any sum that I can see assured
to the Company without incurring the advance of expenses on our
part or the furnishing of troops, neither of which, you plainly see.
Sir, we are able to do. It will only remain with me to be certified
in the character of the man that he is such as to subject us to no
risque of his revolting against us or betraying us."
Letter, dated lith March, 1756, from Mr. Pigot to Yusuf Khan.^
" As I have a great dependance on your good conduct, bravery
and fidelity to the Company, I have thought proper to entrust you
with the command of a reinforcement to be sent to Mahfuz Khan
in order to quell the disturbances which the poligars have raised in
the Tinnevelly countries. You are to carry with you one thousand
sepoys, some Cofiries and six gunners with two guns. You may
take your own company of sepoys from Arcot, and Captain Caillaud
will supply you with the rest at Trichinopoly and the proper stores.
With these you are to proceed with all expedition to join Mahfuz
Khan, consult with him concerning the proper measures to be taken
to reduce the poligars to good order and settle the country and act
accordingly. I entrust you not only with military affairs but also
with the management of the Company's other concerns in the
Madura and Tionevelly countries, which are as follows Mahfuz
business of great importance, not doubting but you will act therein
so as to gain an advantage to the Company and the Nawab and to
yourself a good name, reputation and future favour."
Letter dated \lth November, 1161, from Mr. Pigot to the Nawab.'^
" I have received your letter relating to the Madura and Tinne-
velly affairs, wherein you wrote to me that you had offered to let
Yusiif Khan tliose countries for twelve lakhs of rupees for the
present year, but his Vakil would not agree to it. You then offered
to deduct twenty thousand rupees from the above-mentioned sum,
at last you told him that you would let him have them for eleven
lakhs of rupees, but he would not agree to any of those terms, and
likewise you wrote to me that Tittarappa Mudali had offered you
thirteen lakhs and another person still more. Notwithstanding this
you have agreed to take only eleven lakhs from the said Khan.
But I acquaint you as a remembrance that we have not got any
benefit from them before we delivered the management of those
coimtrys to the said Khan, but on the contrary we have been obliged
to keep a large force there to keep those countrys in peace and quiet,
as they are very large, and we have been obliged to spend money
in the room of getting it. I beg you will remember that I have
represented to you all these [facts] when you was at Madras. Then
you thought proper and said you would let Yusuf Khan continue
in the management for the present year. I think it is proper to keep
your promise and favour him with those countrys if his Vakil will
propose reasonably. I have wrote to Yusuf Khan about it and
enclosed the copy in my letters to you, and hope it will be settled
between you."
" I have also wrote to Mudali desiring him to inform me if with the
troops which he will require to be left by Yusuf Khan he can now
pretend to manage the country himself, for I am pretty well con-
vinced that if it is left to the other's [i.e. Yusuf Khan's] discretion
to come away when the troubles are finished, they may not be finished
for these many months, the country is so happily disposed for
a person's turn who has rather the art of making disturbances than
1 Appended to Sir John Lindsay's letter 21st Jan., 1771, to Lord Weymouth.
I.O. Records, Home Misc., 104.
2 Orme MSS., XII. p. 3364.
quieting of them. Believe me, Gentlemen, I do not speak this out of
disrespect against the man whom you have thought proper to employ.
I am convrnced he is a faithful and good servant, but I am also con-
vinced that his only talentlies in the military way, and that he is
" I found Yusuf Khan here with his army in very good condition.
As to liimself the same faithful, honest servant to the Company I
everknew him. The little difierences which have happened between
him and the Mitdali I am almost sure have proceeded in the former
from a good principle ^the good, welfare and interest of his masters,
but as he had proceeded sometimes with more warmth than dis-
cretion, it hath made the latter, who is naturally a timorous man,
easily mistake the other's intentions, and in that point of view to
represent them, and not, as they mostly were, the effect of an honest,
but perhaps not well tempered zeal."
" One thing more, the Man ^ who is the Soul of all these black
people thinks badly of the scheme [i.e. to force an entry into Madras]
and that it is throwing away the people to no purpose who otherwise
will be usefully employed. He himself will follow and some of his
people, but the majority — if he can't answer for them, who can
Henry Vansittart.i
and being joined by Captain Preston and about fifty Europeans from
Chingleput, and afterwards by Major Caillaud, they occasioned a
powerful diversion. The French were obliged four times to send
out considerable detachments, but our people always kept their
post, till a scarcity of provisions forced them to move further off.
The enemy however lost many men in these different actions, beside
the hindrance it gave to their work."
three years, the Company to have the profit as well as I. It is now
more than three years, and I understood from what you said that
there was no profit from those countries, the charges being greater
than the income, through things beirig in a state of disorder and con-
fusion, and that you had returned them to me. You sent these
orders to the Commandant of Trichinopoly and Yusuf Khan, and I
appointed an AmaldarA I suppose that as soon as this was made
public Yusuf Khan informed you that the charges exceeded the
Income, and so you intend to advance him money on behalf of the
Company to meet them. I went to the Fort and said that such
statements of his were false, and that he made them so as to be kept
in the post. You wTote to me that you would be content with any
Amaldar whom I should appoint. Yusuf Klian may pay what is
due now or when he has made out his balance, as you may prefer.
I have allowed him to extend his term by nine months. It has
often been stated, and proved, that Yusuf Khan has collected more
money than he is entitled to, and has transmitted it to Trichinopoly.
The Commandant knows this, yet I have paid two lakhs of rupees
to Mr. Smith through the Bankers in case there should be any deficit,
and when I gave him your order to return the country to me,
I told him if there were ten or even twenty thousand rupees
owing I would pay it. Everybody knows this. Accordingly I have
been collectmg troops from all sides at great expense and am still
increasing their number, but which may God forbid if you have —
determined as stated in Yusuf Khan's letter to Mr. Smith, it will be
quite contrary to the English custom [of keeping good faith] and I
will not agree to it. I cannot endure such a burden. You may be
assured of the fact that the mere hearing of such a thing made me
ill. Consider how mean I shall appear under such circumstances
and what will be my loss. but for a few days
Worldly afiairs are
" Tinnevelly coimtry was worth double the sum it was let for,
notwithstanding it was let out to him in the manner it was. Your
Honour is sensible of the offers made by other people concerning
that country. Nevertheless I was necessitated to let it out to
Yusuf Khan for nine lakhs * of rupees of the Company's coin on con-
dition of his paying them at Madras. Even in this he detained a
balance of upwards of three lakhs of rupees. ^ ... It is the custom
in this world that if there is a necessity for any Renter to have an
extraordinary Sibbendy, to apply to his Master for assistance, which,
if he thinks proper to grant, he will either allot a force or sum of
money to enlist the same, according to which a discount is made out
of the Sarhar rents. ^ As for instance if the Commander of Vellore
enlists any troops unjustly without orders from the Council Board
and the Sarkar, can the Board allow him the expence thereof ? If
Yusuf Khan hath enlisted an extraordinary Sibbendy on just occasion
by my and your orders, it may be admitted ; if not, by what authority
1 The father of Muhammad Ali.
* An Indian expression meaning that the person so addressed is one's sole
^Country Correspondence, 1763.
"In the year 1762.
5 I have shown (see
pp. 110 and 167) that, up to the time of the final order
to pay his rent to the Nawab, Yusuf Khan had paid all that was due from him.
Apparently the Nawab received only 6 lakhs for the year 1761-2, and this
only because it had already been paid to Mr. Newton.
® i.e. State Revenue.
and by whose orders does lie presume to demand the expences of the
(a) that Yusuf Khan has been busy in repairing the fort of
Madura &c. for this long time without my or your orders :
{g) that he sent one Zainaluddin vakil two years ago to Nizam
^ The tenure of the Poligars or petty chiefs was feudal, they being bound to
supply troops when required. But they also paid Peshkash or presents of
money. This passage supports the statement made by Mr. Landon (29th July,
1793, to the Board of Revenue) that Yusuf Khan disarmed the poligars.
* i.e. the King of Travancore. It has been shown (see p. 131 above) that
there is good reason for supposing that the King of Travancore and not Yusuf
Khan was the aggressor.
3 The charges which follow are run together in the original.For con-
venience' sake each has been given a separate paragraph and numbered.
* i.e. enlisted Frenchmen, Dutch, and Danes.
* Possibly the Nawab means a palace. In Marchand's plan Yusuf Khan's
dwelling is marked.
(/i) that he moreover entered into a union with Haidar Naik and
sent one Ghulam Hussain ^ to him :
(k) that he sent to different parts to invite troops into his service,
(l) that he shed innocent blood of men of distinction as well as
the poor.
" As the gentlemen of the Council are very sensible and well
acquainted with these proceedings 1 need not urge much to them on
that subject. The English entered into agreement with Mansur
. . .
^ M. de Maudave asserts that Nizam Ali, Subah of the Deccan, actually gave
Yusuf Khan a sanad for Madura and Tinnevelly, and that he was thinking of
giving him one for the nawahi of Arcot in place of Muhammad Ali. See pp.
132 and 160 above.
2 Kirmani (History
of Uydur Naik, p. 285) says Yusuf Khan's agent with
Haidar was Ali Zaman Khan.
' i.e. posts for the despatch of letters.
* i.e. Siraj-ud-daula, who was defeated by Clive at Plassey and soon after
murdered by his cousin Miran.
^ The Nawab means " to Frenchmen and to deserters." See Hill's Bengal
in 1756-57, p. cxlix.
* In 1759 Council permitted 30 Frenchmen to enlist with Yusuf Khan.
Orme, History, III. 534. See p. 121 above.
without their knowledge. ... As to Yusuf Khan, he entered into
union with mine and your enemies. People of distinction,^ who
might have had the management of afiairs from the time of their
fathers and grandfathers will never do bad things and behave
deceiptfully to their Masters. Haidar Naik was weak till the manage-
ment was given him, but when that was given him he
of Dindigul
grew strong and took the whole Mysore country under his power.
This is the case with Yusuf Khan. As the Zamindar of Mysore was
weak, he could not be revenged on Haidar Naih. By the blessing
of God, Yusuf Khan's Masters, who are the English, are powerful,
good soldiers, resolute and skilfull. I am therefore confident they
will revenge themselves of his proceedings in such a manner that it
blessing of God
a proper time to detach [? despatch] the
this is
If Yusuf Khan delivers up the country and forts with all stores to
the Sarkar without fight, we may quite [i.e. remit] the Sarkar's
^ The Nawab's own claim to high descent was somewhat shaky (Orme,
History, I. 52). It was certainly not better than, if so good as, that of Haidar AIL
See p. 5 (n.) above.
* i.e. " fully acknowledged as."
* i.e. bankers.
* i.e. military governorship.
demand on him, which is above ten lakhs of rupees. Can I show him
any more civility ? Agreeable to your desire I have acquainted
you with my opinion. You'll also inform me of your sentiments.
You have nobody with Yusuf Khan to write to you the news on
that side,i but he has a vakil in Madras who writes to him all the
occurrences. your inclination to let his vakil remain in your
If it is
place, you'll sendone on your part that he may continually write
to you of Yusuf Khan's proceedings. If not, it is necessary that you
should send him away."
Letter from Messrs. Bourchier and Dupre to Council, dated 1st October,
" The day before yesterday the Nawab desired our presence in
the Darbar. We accordingly attended him there, and he acquainted
us that, in consequence of the President's recommendations of Yusuf
Khan for the preference of renting the Tinnevelly and Madura
countries for the present year, he had offered it to him for twelve
lahhs of rupees but he declined accepting it at that rent. The Nawab
then sent for the VaJcil ^ our presence made him the same offer
and in
free of all demands of Nazr,"^ Darbar charges &c., and upon the
^ The rent or revenue of the Provinces.
^ " Walajah," one of the titles of Muhammad All. Wilson's Madras Army,
vol. I., Appendix E, p. 386.
' i.e. commander of a troop of horse.
* Madras Records, Public Department Sundry Booh, No. 13, p. 131.
6 Mil. Cons., 8th Oct., 1761.
6 Yusuf Khan's agent.
'Nazr, i.e. a complimentary present to a superior. The Durbar charges
were the perquisites of the Treasury and other ofBcials.
rupees of that sum, but the Vakil persisted that his master would
had passed and that he should be under the necessity of letting the
country to some other person if Yusuf Khan did not accept his
30th of May that Muhammad Yusuf Khan, the Renter ofthe Madura
and Tinnevelly countries, has thrown off his allegiance from the
Nawab and has collected such a force together as there is too much
reason to apprehend will occasion much trouble before he is brought
to reason. We observe you are taking vigorous measures to suppress
this rebellion, and we trust they will be prosecuted with that prudence
that they may be attended with the wished for success. We shall
only make remark that, as you well knew the genius, ambition
and abilitys of this man, we could wish he had not met with so much
indulgence from you, and that a more watchful eye had been kept
upon all his actions, as this event might probably have been foreseen
and expected from such a character."
Para. 2. "
At length we are happy in being informed of the
surrender of Madura and the death of Yusuf Khan, events that we
hope will be attended with that wished for tranquillity on the
Coast which will give you leisure and opportunitys for turning your
thoughts without interruption upon mercantile concerns and the
reduction of your military expences, objects so frequently recom-
mended to your care and which you have given us the strongest
assurances shall be duly attended to. We shall therefore expect
to find your utmost endeavours are exerted in serving the Company
in these essential points.
Para. 3. " However agreeable and beneficial to the Company
the Madura will in its consequences prove, yet the loss of such
fall of
him, in which time a good deal of blood has been spilt and money
exhausted, it is doubtfull whether we shall be able to accomplish
the siege this season now the monsoons are set in."
was not conducted with that judgement that might have been
expected from Call's long experience. Poor Major Preston (whose
capacity was undoubtedly superior to any ofi&cer's in India with regard
to afiairs of that kind) very much disaproved of storming the place.
By all accounts it was ill-timed, after some days' rain that allmost
filled the ditch. If your advice had been followed when first you
suspected Yusuf Khan, this long and bloody afair in all probability
would never have happened.
" Your brother is aide-de-camp to Major Campbell. . . .
" P.S. Oct. 2Uh. Advice arrived here the 21st of Madura's
being in our possession. The accounts of its fall [are] as follows.
It was supposed by Yusuf Khan's behaviour that he was pre-
paring to make his escape privately. This alarmed some of his
principle men, and one of his Suhadars ubraided him with it, asking
him how he could think of leaving them a sacrifice who had so
faithfully stoodby him. This interrogation put Yusuf Khan in
such a passion that he drew upon and wounded the Subadar. His
people, seeing this, fell upon and seized Yusuf Khan, and the
Subadar ordered him to Monsieur Marchong's quarters who com-
manded the Europeans. He immediately sent out to Major
Campbell and delivered up the place, stipulating for the lives of his
countrymen. Yusuf Khan, when he was seized, requested them to
kill him, which they declined but never apply 'd to Major Campbell
or the Nawab to spare his life. After leading him through the
Camp, he was hanged, and there was found three months' provision,
plenty of ammunition and about four lakhs of Pagodas in the
1 " A considerable booty in gold was found in the fortress, with a large
was every way better provided than when we first came before the
place. Major Preston opened the campaign with erecting posts on
the garrison in order to prevent his getting in any supplies
all sides of
Our people descended into the ditch with great chearfulness, in the
middle of which they foimd an obstacle they were not aware of, a
deep and narrow ditch into which our men fell up to the very neck.
Nevertheless they pushed forward through a heavy fire of grape and
musketry. When they had reached the foot of the breach and were
forming to attack they found that, in crossing the ditch, they had
wet all their ammunition, not a single cartridge being dry. The
dragoons and grenadiers attempted to force the breach sword in
1 This would make the assaulting force to consist of about 600 men only.
hand, but were repulsed with loss by the enemy's horsemen, who
defended the gap with long pikes, and behind them were the sepoys.
The commanding officer, seeing they could not succeed, ordered a
retreat, in performing which we suft'ered much from the enemy's
grape, small arms, arrows and stones. Our loss on this occasion
was so considerable that it was not thought safe to hazard a second
attack at the same time we were assured that the garrison had not
provisions sufficient to serve them for more than two months. For
these reasons a blockade was resolved on and lines of circumvallation
drawn roimd the Fort.
" We lost in this siege thirty-two officers killed and wounded and
private men in proportion. Among the slain was the gallant Major
Achilles Preston at the age of thirty. He died justly lamented by
all who knew him he was the darling of the army and an ornament
^ Later on in this letter the writer sa3\sthat owing to the prejudices of the
Hindus the force besieging Palamcotta was unable to procure any beef.
by four of Yusuf Khan's trusty chiefs, for whose fidelity he has taken
a pledge, their wives and families, whom he keeps with himself in
Madura. This is an instance of his policy."
Letter dated Fort Saint George, the 17th March, 1765, from
Mr. George Nixon, an Officer in the Service of the East
India Company, to a Gentleman in the jVIiddle Temple i :
" Since my arrival in this country, which was in July last, I have
been constantly in the field. My first service was against the ancient,
and [I] make no doubt of getting money if this climate agrees with
my constitution. My pay in the field is upwards of eleven shillings
a day, out of which can be saved, as an officer is obliged to
what difficulties were they not drove to both for provisions and
stores The want of the
! latter occasioned great delays in their
operations, and were it not for the treachery of his soldiers, it's not
impossible but he might stillhave maintarued his pretensions to those
countries. The Man [i.e. Haidar Ali] you are acting agamst is by
no means inferior either in courage, abilities or treasure."
" Cana Saib,3 Lord of Madura, was by fame and in truth a Chief
and a Soldier, whom those of that Profession ought not only to
imitate but to envy. He was a great Lover of the Europeans, full
of Generosity and liberal to ali in general. He mostly followed the
European Customs, from whom he had learned to be valiant, for
1 Orme MSS., 10, p. 07. Apparently draft of a letter dated 9th Oct., 1768,
in which this paragraph, after the first sentence, is omitted. See Orme MSS., 64,
p. 33.
2 British Museum, Additional MSS. No. 19,287, f. 81 (6).
* i.e. Khan Sahib or Yusuf Khan.
having served the English from an inferior chief to the greatest
power, of which through his Merit he made himself deserving, he
increased so much in Forces and Spirit that he afterwards made a
terrible War against Muhammad Ali, whom the English assisted
with the Forces they then were able. The War lasted long and
Muhammad Ali would not have obtained such a happy End of the
same if Monsieur Marchal,i who was Cana Saib's General and was
charged wuth the Care and Defence of Madura, had not delivered
him up to Muhammad Ali for a sum of money promised him, by
which Action Marchal got so little Applause as he afterwards ex-
perienced as well from Muhammad Ali as from the English, for the
former failed him in his promise of Money, and the English, knowiog
the Valour of Cana Saib and the Qualities for which he ought to be
esteemed, could not bear to see Marchal, nor did they permit him to
assist in their Camp, as it would have been necessary to treat him as
— —
a French officer he was Captain of Cavalry and it was plain how
little Cana Saib deserved from Marchal to have his Hands tied by
him with his own Turband and delivered to Muhammad Ali, who
ordered him instantly to be hanged, leaving a perpetual Remem-
brance on the Coast of Coromandel. Marchal had nothing else to
say in Excuse of such a vile Action than that Cana Saib began to be
cruel, but it is not said in what his Cruelties consisted, for it might
have been an exemplary Punishment for Carelessness in the Defense
of Madura, which is as excusable as just. This Excuse availed him
nothing, for the French would not consent to his assisting at Pondi-
cherry, and as long as this Afiair was fresh in Memory Marchal could
get no Place to inhabit, but Time consumes all, and he came at last
to assist in Pondicherry, and from thence he went to Europe, which
the English obliged him to, agreeable to the Conditions of the said
War at Madura. By this Marchal plainly saw in what esteem
Treachery was held as well as the Authors of it, how long the Con-
nection lasted of those concerned, and how little the Money got by
other Powers on the Coromandel Coast since the year 1759 to this
date, and also a short account of the late war carried on by the
Company against Hyder Ali.^
The French being defeated they returned again to the Nawah, who
appointed his brother Muhammad Mahfuz Khan to be his Deputy
for those districts. After this, about the year 1758, the Governor
and Council pressed him to appoint Mudali, very much against his
inclination, as he did not choose to take it from his brother. How-
ever he was obliged to acquiesce. This man behaved ill, neither did
he pay the revenues, as the Nawah had always foretold, and the
Governor and Council insisted that the Nawah should appoint Yusuf
Khan to that government, and that he should have it at a small
rent. The Nawah represented against it that he was deceitfull and
a very improper man and that he never would pay the revenues.
However the Governor became bound for him and made a point
of his having it. This was in June, 1760.
" This Yusuf Khan was at first a low mean fellow, but by degrees
became a Suhadar of the Company's sepoys. The first thing that
made him be taken notice of was his wearing the Company's Arms
cut on a gold plate around his neck, on the back of which the Governor
and Council ordered an inscription in Persian characters that it was
the gift of the Honourable the Governor and Council of Madras to
Muhamynad Yusuf Khan Bahadur, Commandant of sepoys of the
said Honourable Company for his good conduct and gallant behaviour,
and that he was to wear it himself and also to go to his posterity for
the good services he had done.
" When the Naivab let out the country of Tmnevelly to the Com-
pany for three years, they sent Yusuf Khan there to command a
detachment of troops, and the bad conduct of their Mudali becoming
more evident, they then obliged the Naivab to appoint him [Yusvf
Khan] in his place. They gave him the forts of Madura and Palam-
cotta, a great number of guns and firelocks and an immense quantity
of ammunition.
1 Appendix 46 to Sir John Lindsay's letter, dated Fort St. George, the
13th October, 1770 to the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Weymouth, one of
His Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, I.O. Eecords, Home Misc., No. 103.
Sir John Lindsay's account has been followed pretty closely in Macpherson's
History and Management of the East India ComTpany from its origin in 1600 to the
'present times, p. 143.
" The Nawab was well informed that Yusuf Khan never meant
to pay anything to him, nay he told it to several himself, and, from
the time he fomid himself vested with authority he became master
of the country. The Company's people knew well upon what
conditions he rented Madura, but none of the Nawah's mutasaddis i
knew anything of the matter. He was to pay a very small annual
sum to the Nawab, yet he did not pay the whole of that. He had
once drawn his sword upon the Nawab, when he was confined by a
fit of sickness in his own house at Trichinopoly, and he supposes he
" The Naioab was at the whole expense of the Madura expedition
except the European soldiers, which were paid out of the revenues
of the Jagir."
George Rous.
The Restoration of the King ofTanjore Considered, p. 45.^
" Yusuf Khan was, without exception, the most gallant and
enterprising soldier who appeared among the Muhamniadans while
1 Clerks or accountants.
2Godfried Sweepe in his Short Account for 1763 confirms this statement.
the King of Travancore.
^ i.e.
* The Chingleput District, which the Nawab gave to the English but rented
from them.
^ This paper is appended to Vol. I. of one copy of Rous' Appendix, in the India
Office Library. N.B. Apparently the Appendix is composed only of the original
documents appended to The Re&toration of the King of Tanjore Considered,
every man who has courage enough to make use of his sword or to
whom Nature has given talents of mind.' Among these soldiers of
fortime a man highly distinguished becomes the rival of his master,
and regard to his own safety is a frequent cause of rebellion."
" Whatever motives instigated YusufKhan to revolt, the English,
in support of the Nawab' s Government, were obliged to reduce him."
which was the reply prepared for the Court of Directors in 1777 to two pamphlets
entitled (1) State of Facts relative to Tanjore, and (2) Original Papers relative
to Tanjore, published in London in the same year.
1 History, I. 53.
^ Archives du Ministire des Colonies, C^ M. Louis de Bruno
98, p. 84.
married Marie Josephe, daughter of the Chevalier Jacques Francois Law.
^ Captain Rudolph Marchand.
^ " tailleur." Dupleix, in his reply to Mr. Godeheu's letter of the 25th Oct.,
1759, says (page 93), the only inhabitants of Pondicherry fit for military service
were the Muhammadans, and these were tailors.
* " It was for theft that Khan Sahib was condemned. When I wrote this
part of my Journal I was not fully informed of the facts, but having since then
passed eight years in India I had opportunities of learning everything about
this affair. I have re-written this part and added the details which I did not
then know. The facts are as I have given them." Note by M. Bruno.
M. Bruno left France in 1764 and arrived in India in 1765. His Journal was
retouched and brought up to date in 1773.
Chaudry [Ang. Choultry], a tribunal which disposes in the first
instance of civil and criminal cases for the Moors and Malabars,
and from which there is an appeal to the Sovereign Council.
But Khan Sahib, not wishing to remain in a place which had
witnessed his disgrace, took service as a sepoy under the King
of Tanjore, was promoted to the rank of Captain and left the
service of Tanjore for that of the Naivah of Arcot, Muhammad
Ali. He soon distinguished himself and acquired the confidence
of his new master, who senthim to Madura in the capacity of
Receiver-General 2 of the Revenue His position
of that Province.
gave him great authority, for as Receiver-General he was also
Governor. This is contrary to our custom, but it is the basis
of the hierarchy of power throughout India. Having ambition,
talent for war and a courage which he pushed to rashness, he could
not resist the temptation of making himself master of the Province.
The money in his Treasury enabled him to raise troops, but, to
maintain himself in greater security, he determined to obtain the
assistance of the French officers who had escaped from the English
after the siege of Pondicherry.
" He first addressed himself to Marchand,^ to whom he sent money
to buy guns, bullets and powder and to raise sepoys. This Marchand
was a French officer, a partisan. He accepted the ofiers of the Khan
Sahib and soon joined him at Madura with some good sepoys, well
armed, and with some remnants of our forces, but the most valuable
thing he brought to the Khan Sahib was his own person. Marchand
was a man of courage. He had been Captain of M. Bussy's body-
guard in the Deccan, where he had distinguished himself by twenty
instances of extraordinary valour. He brought back from a country,
so rich that every one but himself had made a fortune in it, nothing
but a number of wounds, amongst which was a musket shot in the
chest, which had passed right through his body. This wound, of
which he has never been completely cured, still often causes him to
vomit blood sometimes to the amount of a pint.* It is clear such
^ I presume this means the " Superior Council " of Pondicherry.
* i.e. Amaldar or Renter.
^ " This is not the Marchand I mentioned a few lines above and who com-
a man must have a body of iron, to have held out, in such a state
of health, through a siege of three months of open trenches, during
which for twenty-eight days the breach was exposed to assault and
always defended by himself in person. The Nawab, or rather the
English to whom the Nawab is only a prete-nom, soon sent an army
to reduce the Kebel. Khan Sahib was not strong enough to hold
the open country, so, as he had strengthened the fortifications of
Madura, the capital of the Province, he shut himself up in it with
Marchand and the brave men who had followed him. The English
at once besieged Madura. The town was well provided with food
and mimitions of war and the garrison was numerous, but the forti-
fications, which had been repaired in a hurry, were not equally good.
Nevertheless the to^vn, even in this condition, was able to hold out
against the English army for a long time. The Governor of the
Isle of France, fi-om time to time, sent word of the arrival of a French
squadron or of fresh troops. The expectation of these succours
encouraged the garrison and made the English redouble their activity.
It was important for the latter not to have such a business on their
hands if the French should return to India.
" Never did a siege cost the lives of so many brave officers and
soldiers. Major Preston, a yoimg officer of great merit and the
brightest promise, commanded the English army. Piqued by the
resistance of Khan Sahib and chagrined at the reproaches he received
from Madras, he resolved on a general assault in which he sought
for and obtained death.i Khan Sahib was saved. Marchand, and
the French officers and soldiers, who had come with him and defended
the place so bravely, proved clearly that Pondicherry had fallen only
by the treason or the folly of those in command. In short the
English did not know how to reduce the place or to recover the honour
of their arms. Khan Sahib was the author of his own ruin. In the
course of a quarrel which he had with Marchand, he so far forgot
himself as to strike him with his whip. He was the stronger, and
Marchand, deprived of his weapons, was imable to take his revenge
for an outrage, no example of which had ever occurred up to that
time in India. He resolved to make terms with the English, to
whom he delivered Khan Sahib and Madura. The English had the
Rebel hanged on the breach, and left Marchand absolutely un-
rewarded for an act of treachery, which he should under no circum-
stances have allowed himself to commit.
" In the defence of Madura against the English he served our
nation as much as he served Khati Sahib. Who knows what might
have been the result of this afiair ? Haidar Naik was not far ofi.
Hugel 1 was with him at the head of two hundred determined horse-
" Your Lordship and the Board are not unacquainted with the
unworthy practices by which the fertile province of Tinnevelly has
sufiered since the disreputable expedition thither under Mahfuz
Khan and Colonel Heron. Their defeat by the Nad Kalians near
Madura was not more disgraceful than the principles upon which
that and subsequent armaments against the Poligars had been con-
ducted. Though clear statements and specific charges, leaving no
retrospect of exaction, together with simplicity of arrangement
and despatch in execution are the great barriers against malversation,
the opposite of such conduct constantly prevailed ; until your Lord-
ship and the Board assumed the management of those territories,
nothing was definite nothing was concluded : partial payments
were received past claims were left for future settlement
many ;
— —
xmquestioned his word unalterable his measures were happily
punishment his maxim was that the laVjourer and the manufacturer
become Zainindars,' said he, and cultivate their own lands instead
Anquetil du Perron.
Des recherches historiques et geographiques sur VInde, p. 127. Berlin,
" Prataup Sing et Toullasou avoient permis ou plutot ordonne
a un corps de Frangois, qui etoient au service de Tanjaour de joindre
Kam Malheureusement pour ce chef,' observe I'Auteur
Saheb.^ '
John Sullivan. ^
Tracts upon India, written in the years 1779, 1780 and 1788. London,
1795. Page 142.
" A divided authority can never be adequate to the arduous
and difficult task of effectuating a reform in the long established
^" are of no climate and complexion." Original letter of 7th Jan., 1785.
* " Precis des deux sieges de Madur,
pp. 16, 45, 49."
^ i.e. J. Macpherson.
« *' Relation des Miss. Dan., T. IX. 100, 101 cont. pp. 480, 570, 577,
694, 696."
^ John Sullivan or Sulivan went to India as a Writer in 1765, and was a
habits and manners of the Poligars and Kalians, neither can we
expect to see any material improvement in the conduct and con-
dition of those people, while their attention is called off on one side
by the civil administration of the Naioab and on the other by the
coercive power of the English.
" The only remedy, from which a radical cure of this great
can be hoped for, would be the adoption of a systematic
political evil
arrangement, whicli should resolve all the powers of government
into one controlling authority, to which, and to which alone, all
classes and descriptions of persons should be made to direct both
their hopes and their fears.
" Such was the system which Yusuf Khan introduced when he
assumed the government of those provinces and, although he held
Edward Cotsford.
iMter dated Bruton Street, 5th Oct., 1784, to the Court of Directors.^
troops witliin, Yusuf Khan and the garrison were betrayed into our
^ For three years Stanhope was in the service of the Nawab Muhammad
2 This is a good instance of the rapid growth of tradition, but see p. 286
* If Yusuf Khan was a youth when Jacques Law arrived in India in
he can hardly have been grey headed at the time of his death in 1764.
* " Collected at Pawur, a village in the Tenkasi Tallook in Tirunelveli, from
accompanied him to the siege of Madura. On its fall he was appointed Kiladar
or Governor, but soon died, being succeeded, in turn, by his son and grandson,
their total tenure of office lasting until the English took over the provinces.
See Petition of " Rymiah Klian,'' Kiladar oj Madura, Mil. Cons., 3rd April,
1804, p. 1135.
Para. 14 (Summary). —
The accounts commence with the
administration of Anwar Cawn appointed Faujdar and Amil of
Tinnevelly by Anwaruddin Khan.^ His Jamahandi^ was 8^ lakhs
of Chakrams * for Tinnevelly. Next came Ghulam Husain Khan
and Husain Muhammad Khan jointly; their Jamahandi varying
from 7 to 12 lakhs. In 1749 Husain Muhammad Khan alone had a
Jamahandi of only 7 lakhs.
Para. 15 (Summary). " When Anwaruddin Khan was slain
in battle Chanda Sahib deputed an Amil named Alam Khan. He
managed for two years 1750 and 1751 with Jamahandis of 8 and 7
lakhs respectively. To him succeeded Tittarappa Mudali and Mundi
Meyali, the agent of Chanda Sahib, who was killed in battle by
[Mahfuz Khan]." Tittarappa' s Jamahandi was 6i lakhs, that of
Mxmdi Meyali about 6 lakhs.
Para. 16 (Summary).
— " Upon Mundi Meyah's death the autho-
rity of Mahfuz Khan was established in the country. He formed
the design of becoming independent in the possession of it, and his
Jatnahandi for the two years of his administration was — 1754,
609,669-9-2, and 1755, 725,080. But Yusuf Khan by the vigour of
his mind Mahfuz Khan, and re-
frustrated this ambitious design of
establishing the power of Muhammed Ali Khan delivered the manage-
ment for a year to Alagapah Mudali. The Mudali' s Jamahandi for
1756 " was Chakrams 635,000.
Para. 17. " The distracted state of the country, owing to the
depredations of the Poligars, required a greater energy for their re-
duction than Alagapah Mudali brought to this arduous undertaking,
and Yusuf Khan was appointed to the sole charge from the year
1757 to 1763. He accordingly continued to rule in the country, and
during this period the annual Jamahandi was " 1757, 583,000 1758, ;
James Mill.
History of British India, 1817-1818, Vol. III. pages 388-389.3
"It was not tiU the summer of 1763 that the Naicab and Presi-
dency were enabled to turn their attention to Madura and Tinnevelly.
Though Muhammad Yusuf had been previously employed from the
raising of the siege of Madras till the fall of Pondicherry in reducing
the refractory Poligars and other local commanders, obedience and
1840 (Vol. II. p. 376) follows Mill in his account of Yusuf Khan almost verbatim.
He concludes, " He," i.e. Yusuf KJian, "•was the bravest and ablest of all the
native warriors who had ever fought during the Indian wars in the ranks of the
English," a passage which closely resembles the concluding passage in the
extract given below from Sir John Malcolm's Life of Clive (see p. 307 below).
' Review of Captain Williams' Historical Account of the Rise and Progress
Establisliment in 1748 they were at that period, and for some
respects, the victim of those disputes for power which ran so high
at this period between the English and the Naioah. jVL:. Pigot,
according to Muhammad Ali, forced Muhammad Yusuf upon him
of the Bengal Native Infantry from its formation in 1757 to 1796. This article
is not signed by Sir John JIalcolm, but there ia no doubt that it was written
by him. See his letter dated Bombay, 27th Nov. 1830, Mil. Records, Spec.
Collections, 171. Malcolm was Governor of Bombay from the 1st Nov., 1827,
to the 1st Dec, 1830.
1Mr. Rangasami Naidu informs me that the tradition at ]\Iadura is that
when the Nawab threatened Yusuf Khan for not remitting the revenue, Yusuf
Khan replied that if he were really a Nawab he might come and seize him,
but as he was not a real Nawab he would find it impossible to subdue him. It
is quite possible that some such angry communications passed between the two
in the years 1762 and 1763, though I have not traced them in the Records, and
from what is said (p. 294 above) bj' Sir John Lindsaj%who derived his informa-
tion direct from the Nawab, there is little doubt that Yusuf Khan treated the
Nawab with the very scantiest respect.
* See the Nawab's charges against Yusuf Khan, pp. 278, 279 above.
authority. But the departure for England of his friend Mr. Pigot
and the succession of Mr. Palk, whose policy conceded to the Nawab
the real dommion of his country, left Muhamtnad Yusuf without
hope, and in the desperate struggle he made for his life, the former
faithful soldier of the English not only corresponded with their
enemies, the French, against whom he had so often and so gallantly
fought, but declared himself the subject, and displayed in his fort
and country the banners, of that nation. This last act of his life
has not deprived his memory of the honours that belong to it as the
bravest and ablest of all the native soldiers that ever served the
English in India."
Rev. G. R. Gleig.
India and its Army. Reprinted from the Edinburgh Review, No. 197,
for January, 1853. India Office Library, Tract No. 532.
Page 23.
—" The names of Muhammad Yusuf, Jamal Sahib and
others a page in history scarcely less memorable than that which
sets forth the exploits of our own Forde, Caillaud and Coote."
Page 36.
— " Why should we hesitate to place more Muhammad
Yusufs or Bhavany Singlis at the head of our battalions if we can find
them —subject, "of course, to the control of European officers, care-
fully selected ?
Henry Beveridge.
A Compreheiisive History of India, Civil, Military and Social, 1862.
and of a formidable description painful, because directed against
a man who had formerly deserved well of the Company, and was
therefore entitled to some degree of indulgence and formidable —
because there was good ground to apprehend that on finding himself
treated as an enemy he would make a vigorous and protracted,
perhaps even a successful defence against any force that could be
mustered to attack him. MvJiammad Yusuf was a soldier of
Olive's training, and a worthy disciple,' says Colonel Wilks,i
of '
Yusuf, would at once have rejected the offer, but the Presidency
approved of it and it was accepted. It is not improbable that Mu-
hammad Yusnf'in making the offer was not sincere. His success in
life had been great, and having from a very subordinate station
J. H. Nelson, M.A.
^ I have shown in the text that this is incorrect. See pp. 1 10 and 167 above.
* This paragraph seems to have been suggested by the " General Sketch
from which I have quoted on pp. 301, 302 above.
Part III., page 281. "Muhammad Ywsm/" continued to govern
the Madura country some time longer, and appears to have made
himself exceedingly powerful. The memoirs furnished to me by
Ponnusami Tevan and another furnished by a Muhammadan gentle-
man 1 agree in stating that he conquered all the Poligars without
exception, and exacted tribute from the King and he
of Travancore,
overran the Sivagangei and Eamnad countries. But these successes
brought no profit to the Honourable Company's government. Either
the expenses of Muhammad Yusuf's administration were too great
to admit of him acting up to his pecuniary engagements, or he thought
he might render himself sufficiently strong to maintain himself in
independence, and acting in accordance with the long established
and almost im varying custom of India, delayed remittrng tribute
to his Lord until his Lord came with an overpowering army to
enforce obedience and collect arrears.
" This event happened towards the end of 1762.2 A considerable
force was sent against him and he was regularly besieged in his capital
by an army of Englishmen, Muhammadans and Maravans. The
Sethupati, the Totidaiman and the Raja of Sivagangei combined
against him together with many of the Poligars and the unfor-
months the besiegers found that they had made but little progress.
But treachery efiected what force could not efEect and the gallant
and served under a European for three years and a half, at the
end of which period he committed some great fault which led
to his immediate dismissal. After this he served under a Mr.
Brunton, who took great pains with his education, and had him
instructed in several languages. Next he entered the service of
the Nawab, and being a man of great ability rapidly rose from being
a Tandalgar, and then a toll-collector, and next a Sepoy, to the posts
of Naik, Havildar and Suhadar. In the course of time he greatly
distinguished himself agamst Bada Saheb ^ at Saint Thomas' Mount,
and was promised the government of the southern countries. At
Arcot he married a Parangi woman. 2 Subsequently he came to
Madura, chastised the Kalians and poligars and subdued the
whole of the south to submission with the exception of the
Marava Rajas. He began to plot the conquest of these countries
also, and it was in consequence of the representations made to
the Nawab and the English at Trichinopoly by the ministers
of Ramnad and Sivagangei 3 that the Naivab resolved to bring a
large army against his vassal, and finally himg him. It is also stated
that Muhammad Fmsm/ carried a magical ball of gold in the flesh
of his right arm and was thus rendered safe from all bodily harm :
consequently when he was dropped from the gallows the rope broke,
and when he was dropped a second time the rope broke a second time.
Finally he removed the golden ball, and then the rope did its duty.
" Muhammad Yusuf's high character and eminent administra-
tive ability are forcibly contrasted with the incapacity and tyrannical
conduct of his successors in the following passage, which occurs at
page 21 of the report of Colonel Fullarton, dated Pondicherry, 7th
March,* 1785, which has lately been printed by order of Govern-
ment .
" 5. .
1 Bada Sahib was the brother of Chanda Sahib and had been killed in
battle in the year 1740 [vide Part III., p. 262), long before Yusuf Khan's time-
The tradition probably refers to Chanda Sahib's son, Raza Sahib, who was the
prote'ge' of the French. The fighting at St. Thomas' Mount refers to LaUy'a
siege of Madras in 1758-9.
- If the order of events is correctly stated, then Yusuf Khan's marriage in
give up the cause of Yusuf Khan. The complaint of the Maravans to General
Lawrence is mentioned on p. 143 above.
* In the /. 0. Records, Home Misc., No. 331, the letter is headed
" Pondicherry, 7th Jan., 1785," but at the end the address is given as Fort St.
* For this passage see extracts above
(pp. 298, 299) from Colonel William
Fullarton's View oj the English Interests in India, p. 139.
Part III.,
page 289. " In 1757 Haidar Ali made a descent
. . .
from Dindigul upon the Madura country, and took Solavandan but ;
Major H. M. Vibart.
The Military History of the Madras Engineers and Pioneers, 1881,
Vol. I.
Page 74.
— " In 1759 the NawaVs Government, finding that the
districts of Madura and Tinnevelly were in great disorder, and that
they were unable to get any revenue from them, sent Muhammad
Yusuf viit]i a strong force to take charge of the districts. He agreed
to rent the districts for an annual sum of seven lakhs of rupees.
He had some considerable trouble in restoring order, but being a
good soldier, he eventually succeeded and introduced a good govern-
ment. He was however unable or unwilling to pay the rent required
of him. He probably contemplated independence whether he was
imfaithful or not does not seem to be quite clear. At any rate the
Naivab and the English government resolved to coerce him and, in
1763, an army was sent against him. He tried by negotiations and
by his influence with some of the English to clear himself, but finding
this of no avail, determined to fight.
" His lengthy and gallant defence show that he had much money
at his disposal hence it would seem that he really did intend to
Rouen. 1780.
Lauriston, Jean Law de. Etat politique de I'lnde en 1777. Paris.
Law, Jacques. Plainte du Chevalier Law contre le Sieur Dupleix.
Leighton, David. Vicissitudes of Fort St. George. (1902.)
Abdul Kadir, 145 (n.) Bullock, Josiah, 205
Abdul Rahim, 26-30 Bussy. See Patissier
Abdul Wahab, 27, 83, 84
Abestio, Monsieur, 165-158 Cahxaud, John, lf>-18, 44-46, 50,
Abiral Khan, 302 51, 53, 56-65, 67-70, 72, 76, 78,
Adair, Thomas, 166 (n.), 193 (n.), 204 84-87, 90, 91, 116, 271-275, 307
Airey, George, 91 Caldwell, Bishop R., xi, 37 (n.)
Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of, 153 (n.) Call, Sir John, 148, 150 (n.)-152, 155,
Alagappa Mudali, 65 156, 159, 160, 168, 169, 172, 176,
Alam Khan, 8, 26-30 181, 188, 191, 196, 201, 205, 216,
Ali Sahib, ti6 221 (n.), 235, 239 (n.), 240 (n.), 255-
All Zaman Khan, 11!) (n.), 279 (n.) 257, 286
Ambition, Indian ideas of, 12, 230, 284, Callender, Alexander, 43 (n.)
295 Campbell, Charles, 11 (n.), 131, 168-
Anquetil du Perron, 299 170, 176-198, 201-203, 205, 206,
Anwaruddin Khan, 5, 26, 61 (n.), 277 210-227, 233-235, 252-257, 263,
Arcot, 8, 9, 116,240 265, 266
Arrack, 184 Campbell, Donald, 101, 115 116 150,
Aryanatha, 4, 159, 201, 214, 229, 269
Asserah (? Asir) Beg, 186, 187 Caraccioli, Charles, 10 (n.)
Auteuil, Combault d', 10-12 Carere, Surgeon Jean, 179
Casemore, Thomas, 159 (n.)
Baba Sahib, 219, 263 Cavalry, Indian, 81, 84, 85, 187, 189
Badruddin Darwesh, 221, 223, 265 Champion, An Indian, 29
William Annesley, 182
Baillie, Chanda Sahib, 7, 8, 10, 12, 23, 26, 228
Barchou do Penhoen, Baron, 304 (n.) Chapman, Major, 152, 159
BarkatuUah, 40 (n.), 53, 55-60, 72, Chingleput, 77, 83, 87
75, 112 Choultry in the Vaigai River, 67
Barnard, Nicholas, 159 Chronogram of Yusvf Khan's death, xii
Basopanaik, 58, 62, 65, 66 Clive, Robert, ix, 7, 9-11, 14, 15, 25,
Bawdwin, Thomas, 193, 196 55, 86, 88 (n.), 270, 306, 308
Beaver, George, 42, 43 (n.) Colombe, Lieut., 194, 196, 201
Beck, John Francis de, 139 Company's Flag, The, 106 (n.)
Betel, 192, 214, 269 Conjeeveram, Storm of, 91
Beveridge, Henry, 239 (n.), 308-9 Constantino Vas ConceUa(?) 227, (n.)
Bhadra Kali (Durga), 75 Coop Sahib (? Khub Sahib), 31
Black, Richard, 164 (n.) Coote, Eyre, 88, 102, 103, 105, 275, 307
Blake, David, 195, 201 Cope, James, 9, 10, 26-30, 31 (n).
Blue Lights, 64 Cotsford,Edward,159(n.), 193,300,301
Boistel, Adjutant, 201 Council, The Madras, passim
Bonjour, Abraham, 159 (n.), 176-178, Croley (or Crowley), John, 201
237 (n.)
Bourchier, Charles F., 22, 106, 107, Dalawai JLandap, The, 12 (n.)
144, 281 (n.) Dalton, John, 10-12, 38
Brahmans, The, 16, 17, 33, 34, 59, 75 Damois, Anthony, 123 (n.)
Brereton, Cholmondely, 90-93 Danes, The, 96, 119, 126, 127, 134, 157
Bridger, John, 190 Danish Mand Khan. See BarkatuUah
Brower, Christian, 176, 213 Daud Khan, 184-187
Brown, Sergeant, 29 Davis, Henry, 181
Bruce, Thomas, 205 Dawson, Samuel, 182, 183
Bruno, Louis, 2 (n.), 124, 126, 160, Desvoeux, Charles, 223, 224, 256
237, 238, 295-298 Din Muhammad, 77
Brunton, Mr., 2, 3,311 Dubois, I'Abbe, J. A., 54, 192, 219 (n.)
Buchanan, Surgeon Duncan, 201 Dumont, Jean, 123
Buck, George, 190 Dupetitval, Monsieur, 175
Dupleix, Joseph Francois, 10 (n.), Jamal Sahib, 40, 53, 56, 58-60,
11 (n.), 13, 14, 18, 19, 47, 125, 237 196, 307
Dupre, Josias, 106, 107, 281 JeSrys, Richard, 51 (n.)
Dutch, The, 96, 119, 126, 127, 134, 287 Johnson, Captain, 163
Johnson, Joseph, 51 (n.)
Eley, John, 201 Johnston, Samuel, 25
Ettaiyapuram Poligar, The, 62, 66, 98
Exagon Redoubt, The, 175 Kallans, The, 25, 26, 37, 41-43, 57,
Expedition Frigate, The, 161, 169, 176 60, 113, 163, 174, 198, 269, 302
Kaynanddn bdghi, xii
Fatjlkstee, Aemouree, 53 Kattabomanaik, 37, 52, 58, 66, 98
FidMe, The, 122 Kaveripak, Battle of, 7, 9, 270
Fitzgerald, James, 197 Kelly, Robert, 212
Fitzgerald, Robert Villiers, 168, 176 Kerjean,JacquesDesnos,ll(n.),125(n.)
Fitzgerald, Thomas, 188, 189, 195 (n.), Khan Sahib's pallivdsal, 4, 228
205 Killpatrick, James, 16, 47-50
Flacourt, Charles, 123, 156, 161, 169 Kirkpatrick, James, 195, 205
Flamicourt, Claude Th6rese Eleonor, Knox, WiUiam, 205
124, 127, 149-151, 153, 156-159, Kovilkudi, Storm of, 35-37, 42 (n.)
161,171,251 Krishna Rao, 78, 79, 92
Forde, Francis, 87, 88, 307
Fort Defiance, 172, 179 Lackenaig (? Lakshmi Naik), 34, 36
Fowkes, Lieutenant, 179 Lally, Michael, 84
Frischman, Daniel, 192 Lally, Thomas Arthur, Comte de,
Fullarton, WiUiam, 113, 239 (n.), 298, 76-88, 99
299,311 Lambert, Monsieur, 125
Fumel, Vicomte Jean Georges, 79 (n.), Landeman, Johannes, 123 (n.)
87 (n.) Lannoy, Eustace Benedict de, 131 (n.)
Law, Jacques Francois, 1, 2, 8, 10,
Gangaikondan, 59 124, 125, 237, 281
Gingins, John Rodolph, 9, 10, 268 Law de Lauriston, Jean, 146, 155 (n.),
Gleig, Rev. R., 111,307, 308 171, 175, 178, 179, 236, 237
Godeheu, Charles Robert, 18, 19, 31 Lawrence, Stringer, ix, 10, 14-16,
Grant, Alexander, 159 (n.) 19-22, 25, 34, 44, 85 (n.), 90, 130,
134, 138, 140-144, 148 (n.), 149 (n.),
HAiDABALi,x,xii, 3,9, 62, 72, 74, 75,
151, 152, 158, 160, 161, 164, 166,
89 (n.), 119, 122 (n.), 123, 128, 145-
168, 200 (n.), 210, 248, 270, 306, 308
147, 165, 169, 170, 176, 183, 213,
Lee, WiUiam, 43 (n.)
232, 233, 238, 240, 243, 262, 263,
Leyrit, George Duval de, 19, 126
280, 291, 298, 312
Lin, William, 41, 43 (n.)
Hamilton, James, 175, 201
Lindsay, Sir John, 19, 134,239, 292-294
Hamilton, Walter, 185
Lisle, Hospital Assistant, 53
Harper, Humphrey, 183
Lucas, CoUey Lyon, 170, 209 (n.)
Harris, Thomas, 51 (n.)
Lushington, Stephen Rumbold, 114,
Hart, Simon, 136, 182, 186, 188, 214
303, 304
Haumartin, Monsieur d', 233, 236
Lysaght, Arthur, 163
Hausse, Monsieur, 123 (n.), 161, 176
Henneberg, Monsieur, 249, 250 Macdonai>d, William, 205
Heron, Alexander, 21, 23, 33-44, 272, Mackain, John, 51 (n.)
284, 298 Maclean, John. 159 (n.)
Heyne, Mr., 186, 187 Macpherson, J., 19, 131 (n,), 293 (n.)
Hurts, Quartermaster, 139, 180 (n.) 116, 243, 258, 272, 293, 298, 304
Maissin, Monsieur, 125
Ile de France, Council of, 122, 124 Maitland, Richard, 201
Innis, John, 27 Malcolm, Sir John, ix., 110, 306-7
Innis, Khan, 186, 187 MaUet, Monsieur, 123, 124, 169, 170,
lehwant Rao, 166, 167 176, 261
Manilla Expedition, The, 118, 124 Nabi Khan Kattak, 31, 35, 50,
Mankoji, 12, Ui5 (n.) 57-00
Marathas, The, 11, 12, 20, 112, 140, Nadiyunni Anicut, The, 113 (n.)
200 (n.) Nad Kalians, The, 90-98, 104, 172,
Maravan Poligars, The, 31, 35, 36 (n.), 302, 309
98, 104, 1 18, 136, 139, 141, 143, 145, Nandaraj, 13, 15, 66 (n.)
231, 248, 311 Narayan Dubash, 57
Marchand, Monsieur, 2, 97, 104, 117, Nattam Pass, The, 4 ;-43, 72, 145,
123 (n.), 124-127, 131, 135, 149 (n.), 159, 284
150, 156, 159, 161, 162, 171, 174, 176- Nawab, The (Muhammad Ali), passim
178,180,181,204,205,208,210,212, 307
Neill, J. G. S.,
215-227, 232-238, 250-267, 283, Nelkattamsevval, 39, 104 (n.)
286, 292, 296, 297, 299, 305, 306 Storm of, 37
Marchand, Rodolph, 160, 295 NoUore Subadar, The, 3 (n.), 11, 20,
Martanda Varma (Travancorc), 50, 34, 87, 270, 307
52, 53, 57, 74, 100, 304 Nelson, J. H., 309-312
Maruthanayagam Pillai, 1 Newton, Andrew, 110, 277 (n.)
Maudave, Comte Louis Laurent de Ninety-sixth Regiment, The, 140 141
Federbc, 80, 122-124, 127, 128, (n.)
132, 136, 137, 139, 140, 142, 145- Nixon, Eccles, 218 (n.)
147, 150, 151, 153-161, 169, 171, Nixon, George, 200 (n.), 230 (n.), 290
232, 246-251, 260, 261 Nizam Ali, 132, 160, 171, 278, 279
Maunsell, Thomas, 38, 44 Nizam-ul-mulk, 26
Mayana, 31, 35, 36, 50, 56, 69
Maza (Yusuf Khan's wife), 3, 5, 6, Oeme, Robert, ix, x, 3, 6, 7, 10 (n.),
221, 254, 255 12, 18, 44,48-50,70, 91, 92(n.),96,
Medeler, D. E., 103 98, 601(n.), 270-272
Merriman, Lawrence, 27 Orton, Robert, 195
Meyers, John Henry, 222-224, 254- Owen, Thomas Colby, 205
Mill, James, x, 230, 304-5 Patntee, Gilbert, 205
Minakshi Rani, 12 (n), 26 Palamcotta, 23, 116, 120, 197, 198,
Minakshi Goddess and Temple, 4 (n.), 211, 212, 238, 289
75, 112, 117 (n.), 208 (n.), 219 (n.) Palk, Robert, 20, 110, 111, 129, 161,
Mir Jafar, 54, 56 189, 190, 207, 219 (n.), 226, 240, 307
Mir Mansur, 22 Pandion Chronicle, The, 75
Mir Sahib, 185 (n.), 204 Paniyur, 1, 104 (n.), 310
Mollitore, John Wolfgang, 42, 43 Parced Sahib, 186, 187, 193
Monson, George, 109, 131 (n.), 140, Paris, Treaty of, 7 (n.), 140, 146, 151,
144, 148-153, 155, 156, 159, 164 (n), 153, 154
190, 247, 286, 287 Patissier, Comte de Bussy Castelnau,
Montrose, Heart of the Great, 25 Charles Joseph, 39, 83, 125, 126, 296
Moodemiah, 31, 35, 50, 52 Peixoto, Eloy Joze Correa, 229, 237,
Morse, Mrs. Jane, 86 (n.) 291, 292
Morse, Nicholas, 15, 86 (n.) Pelling, Thomas, 130, 285
Mount, Battles of The, 81, 84, 85 Perigny-Beaumarchais, Monsieur, 162,
Mudali (Sepoy officer), 220, 221, 232, 221, 222, 233, 236, 253, 254, 265
253, 256 Perumal, Temple of, 117
Mudali ,Tittarappa (Renter), 50-52, 54, Phillips, Robert, 189
56-62, 64-66, 70, 107, 273, 274, 293 Picot de la Motte, Bernard, 208
Mughal, The Great, 12, 230 Piers, William, 152, 159
Muhammad Ali, See The Nawab Pigot, George, 19, 22, 51, 55, 59, 71,
Muhammad Kamal, 3, 7, 278 75, 79, 80, 82, 83, 87, 104, 106-108,
Muhammad Yakub, 186, 187 110, 128, 129, 144, 161, 272,273,
Muhammad Yusuf. See Yusuf Khan 306, 307
Muhiuddin Sahib, 185, 186, 193 Pillai, The, 3
Murtaza Ali, 47-50, 109, 129 Pitt, The, 168, 176
Mutiny in Indian Armies, 54 Pocock, Sir George, 78, 87 (n.), 122 (n.)
Muzaffar Beg, 91, 231 Polier de Bottens, Paul,41, 42, 43 (n.)
Mysoreans, The, 12-14, 31 Pratab Singh (Tanjore), 2, 8, 35,
76, 78, 92, 98 (n.), 106, 119, 123, Srinavas Rao, 219, 227 (n.), 263
124, 129, 137, 141, 165, 250 SriviUiputtur Pagoda, 59
Preston, AchiUes, 78-84, 127, 128, Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 301
134-137, 139, 141, 143, 145, 147, Stevenson, Samuel, 150, 159
148, 152, 157, 159, 163, 164-166, Stevenson, WiUiam, 159 (n.)
168-170, 175, 179, 181, 182, 185- Subrahmanya, Temple of, 59 (n.)
189, 193-198, 201-207, 211, 267, SuUivan, John, 299, 300
275, 284, 286, 288, 289, 295, 297 Sunku Rama, 161, 239 (n.), 285
Prize Money, 200 (n.) Sweepe, Godfried, 133, 149 (n.), 227
PuHdevar, The, 35, 39, 50, 58, 60, 98- (n.)
101, 104, 258 Tamakam, The, 172
Punniyappan, 15,16, 18,20, 33(n.), 231 Tandava Raya PiUai, 4 (n.), 112
Tan ore Cavalry, 189, 238 (n.)
Raillaud, John Frakcis, 42, 43 Tanjore, Bang of. See Pratab Singh
Ramalinga, 183, 184, 191-193 a7id Tulsaji
Ramanaik, 65, 66, 74, 76, 77, 98 (n.) Tiruvamiyur, Fight at, 81, 82
Rama Varma (Travancore), 99-101,
Tondaiman, The, 14, 35, 78, 92, 98,
128, 130-132, 138, 171, 188, 238,
133, 136, 248
259, 304 Tondria Jemadar, 204 (n.)
Rawlinson, Captain, 215, 216 Travancore, King of. See Martanda
Raza Sahib, Ali, 9, 262 Varma and Rama Varma
Rebellion, Indian ideas of. See Ambition
Treason, Penalty of, 231
Reddi of Turaiyur, The, 76, 77 Trusler, James, 28, 29
Rennell, James, 69
Tulsaji (Tanjore), 165, 189, 208, 238
Riquet, Monsieur, 139, 156, 170, 176,
178-180, 250, 251 Undeewood, Samuel, 51 (n.)
Robinson, Sergeant-Major, 51 (n.)
Vadagakai, 99, 100, 212
Roman Catholic Missionaries, The, Van Eek, Heer, 122 (n.)
25, 26
Vansittart, Mrs. Emelia, 85, 86
Rous, George, 294, 295 Vansittart, Henry, 86, 275
Rowling, Bartholomew, 191, 196,
Van Teylingen, Heer, 122, 127, 132
215, 217, 227 (n.)
6^67 Vashon, Thomas, 205
Rumbold, WiUiam, 59, 60,
Vasserot, Baron David, 34, 41, 84, 282
Rumley, Charles, 37 Vasudevanallur, 101, 104 (n.)
85-87 Vattilagundu, 103, 312
Sadkas, English ladies at, 80,
VeUalans, The, 3-5
Saint-Denis, Captain, 126
154 VeUore, 47, 109, 118
Salabat Jang, 132 (n.), 153 (n.).
VencatcheUum, 21
Sammattipuram, 117, 228
Verdapu, 77
Sampati Rao, 100, 223, 254
Vibart, M. H., 312
Saunders, Thomas, 9, 10, 18, 19, 30,
VoUionda, 11, 12
31, 142 (n.)
Schwartz, Rev. C. F., 56 (n.), 112, 137, Wakd, Feancis Swain, 189
204, 206, 20T, 209 Ware (Wear or Weir), Daniel, 205
Sculthorpe, Richard, 51 (n.) West, Mr., 145
Sepoys, European officers of, 134, Whithear, Robert, 201
164 (n.) Wood, John, 148, 201-203, 205, 212,
Shir Khan, 103, 312 216, 233-235
Sikandarmalai, 56 (n.), 181 Woodiataver,The, 112
Smith, Alexander WiUiam, 201 Woomady Singh, 74
Smith, John, 224, 257, 286 Yellow Flag, The, 200
Smith, Joseph, 35, 40-43, 76, 77, 93, Yusuf Khan, passim
94, 97, 102, 104, 239 (n.), 275, 276, Yusuf Khan's son, 6, 225 (n,), 233.
281, 290, 291, 294 311 (n.)
Smith, Richard, 92 (n.), 102, 103, Yusuf Khan's wife. See Maza
105, 126, 129 (n.), 178
Soupire, Monsieur de, 69, 72, 81 Zeigler, Conead, 43
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