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Ysidro Vs People

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G.R. No. 192330. November 14, 2012.



Criminal Law; Technical Malversation; Elements of.—The

crime of technical malversation as penalized under Article 220 of
the Revised Penal Code has three elements: a) that the offender
is an accountable public officer; b) that he applies public funds or
property under his administration to some public use; and c) that
the public use for which such funds or property were applied is
different from the purpose for which they were originally
appropriated by law or ordinance. Ysidoro claims that he could
not be held liable for the offense under its third element because
the four sacks of rice and two boxes of sardines he gave the CSAP
beneficiaries were not appropriated by law or ordinance for a
specific purpose.
Same; Same; Criminal intent is not an element of technical
malversation. The law punishes the act of diverting public
property earmarked by law or ordinance for a particular public
purpose to another public purpose.—Criminal intent is not an
element of technical malversation. The law punishes the act of
diverting public property earmarked by law or ordinance for a
particular public purpose to another public purpose. The offense
is mala prohibita, meaning that the prohibited act is not
inherently immoral but becomes a criminal offense because
positive law forbids its commission based on considerations of
public policy, order, and convenience. It is the commission of an
act as defined by the law, and not the character or effect thereof,
that determines whether or not the provision has been violated.
Hence, malice or criminal intent is completely irrelevant.

PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the

   The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.




Ysidoro vs. People

  Jose Ventura Aspiras for petitioner.

  Jovito A. Coresis, Jr. and Warlito Galisanao co-
counsels for petitioner.
This case is about a municipal mayor charged with
illegal diversion of food intended for those suffering from
malnutrition to the beneficiaries of reconstruction projects
affecting the homes of victims of calamities.

The Facts and the Case

The Office of the Ombudsman for the Visayas accused

Arnold James M. Ysidoro before the Sandiganbayan in
Criminal Case 28228 of violation of illegal use of public
property (technical malversation) under Article 220 of the
Revised Penal Code.1
The facts show that the Municipal Social Welfare and
Development Office (MSWDO) of Leyte, Leyte, operated a
Core Shelter Assistance Program (CSAP) that provided
construction materials to indigent calamity victims with
which to rebuild their homes. The beneficiaries provided
the labor needed for construction.
On June 15, 2001 when construction for calamity
victims in Sitio Luy-a, Barangay Tinugtogan, was 70%
done, the beneficiaries stopped reporting for work for the
reason that they had to find food for their families. This
worried Lolita Garcia (Garcia), the CSAP Officer-in-
Charge, for such construction stoppage could result in the
loss of construction materials particularly the cement.
Thus, she sought the help of Cristina Polinio (Polinio), an
officer of the MSWDO in charge of the municipality’s
Supplemental Feeding Program (SFP) that rationed food
to malnourished children. Polinio told Garcia

1 Records, p. 1.


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Ysidoro vs. People

that the SFP still had sacks of rice and boxes of sardines in
its storeroom. And since she had already distributed food
to the mother volunteers, what remained could be given to
the CSAP beneficiaries.
Garcia and Polinio went to petitioner Arnold James M.
Ysidoro, the Leyte Municipal Mayor, to seek his approval.
After explaining the situation to him, Ysidoro approved the
release and signed the withdrawal slip for four sacks of
rice and two boxes of sardines worth P3,396.00 to CSAP.2
Mayor Ysidoro instructed Garcia and Polinio, however, to
consult the accounting department regarding the matter.
On being consulted, Eldelissa Elises, the supervising clerk
of the Municipal Accountant’s Office, signed the
withdrawal slip based on her view that it was an
emergency situation justifying the release of the goods.
Subsequently, CSAP delivered those goods to its
beneficiaries. Afterwards, Garcia reported the matter to
the MSWDO and to the municipal auditor as per auditing
On August 27, 2001 Alfredo Doller, former member of
the Sangguniang Bayan of Leyte, filed the present
complaint against Ysidoro. Nierna Doller, Alfredo’s wife
and former MSWDO head, testified that the subject SFP
goods were intended for its target beneficiaries, Leyte’s
malnourished children. She also pointed out that the
Supplemental Feeding Implementation Guidelines for
Local Government Units governed the distribution of SFP
goods.3 Thus, Ysidoro committed technical malversation
when he approved the distribution of SFP goods to the
CSAP beneficiaries.
In his defense, Ysidoro claims that the diversion of the
subject goods to a project also meant for the poor of the
municipality was valid since they came from the savings of
the SFP and the Calamity Fund. Ysidoro also claims good
faith, believing that the municipality’s poor CSAP
beneficiaries were also

2 Id., at p. 250.
3 Id., at pp. 260-329.



Ysidoro vs. People

in urgent need of food. Furthermore, Ysidoro pointed out

that the COA Municipal Auditor conducted a
comprehensive audit of their municipality in 2001 and
found nothing irregular in its transactions.
On February 8, 2010 the Sandiganbayan found Ysidoro
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of technical malversation.
But, since his action caused no damage or embarrassment
to public service, it only fined him P1,698.00 or 50% of the
sum misapplied. The Sandiganbayan held that Ysidoro
applied public property to a pubic purpose other than that
for which it has been appropriated by law or ordinance. On
May 12, 2010 the Sandiganbayan denied Ysidoro’s motion
for reconsideration. On June 8, 2010 Ysidoro appealed the
Sandiganbayan Decision to this Court.

The Questions Presented

In essence, Ysidoro questions the Sandiganbayan’s

finding that he committed technical malversation. He
particularly raises the following questions:
1. Whether or not he approved the diversion of the
subject goods to a public purpose different from their
originally intended purpose;
2. Whether or not the goods he approved for diversion
were in the nature of savings that could be used to
augment the other authorized expenditures of the
3. Whether or not his failure to present the municipal
auditor can be taken against him; and
4. Whether or not good faith is a valid defense for
technical malversation.

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Ysidoro vs. People

The Court’s Rulings

One. The crime of technical malversation as penalized
under Article 220 of the Revised Penal Code4 has three
elements: a) that the offender is an accountable public
officer; b) that he applies public funds or property under
his administration to some public use; and c) that the
public use for which such funds or property were applied is
different from the purpose for which they were originally
appropriated by law or ordinance.5 Ysidoro claims that he
could not be held liable for the offense under its third
element because the four sacks of rice and two boxes of
sardines he gave the CSAP beneficiaries were not
appropriated by law or ordinance for a specific purpose.
But the evidence shows that on November 8, 2000 the
Sangguniang Bayan of Leyte enacted Resolution 00-133
appropriating the annual general fund for 2001.6 This
appropriation was based on the executive budget7 which

4 Art. 220. Illegal use of public funds or property.—Any public officer
who shall apply any public fund or property under his administration to
any public use other than for which such fund or property were
appropriated by law or ordinance shall suffer the penalty of prision
correccional in its minimum period or a fine ranging from one-half to the
total of the sum misapplied, if by reason of such misapplication, any
damages or embarrassment shall have resulted to the public service. In
either case, the offender shall also suffer the penalty of temporary special
If no damage or embarrassment to the public service has resulted, the
penalty shall be a fine from 5 to 50 percent of the sum misapplied.
5 Parungao v. Sandiganbayan, 274 Phil. 451, 460; 197 SCRA 173, 180
6 Records, pp. 258-259.
7 SEC. 318. Preparation of the Budget by the Local Chief Executive.
—Upon receipt of the statements of income and expenditures from the
treasurer, the budget proposals of the heads of departments and offices,
and the estimates of income and budgetary ceilings from

Ysidoro vs. People

P100,000.00 for the SFP and P113,957.64 for the

Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services8
which covers the CSAP housing projects.9 The creation of
the two items shows the Sanggunian’s intention to
appropriate separate funds for SFP and the CSAP in the
annual budget.
Since the municipality bought the subject goods using
SFP funds, then those goods should be used for SFP’s
needs, observing the rules prescribed for identifying the
qualified beneficiaries of its feeding programs. The target
clientele of the SFP according to its manual10 are: 1) the
moderately and severely underweight pre-school children
aged 36 months to 72 months; and 2) the families of six
members whose total monthly income is P3,675.00 and
below.11 This rule provides assurance that the SFP would
cater only to the malnourished among its people who are
in urgent need of the government’s limited resources.

the local finance committee, the local chief executive shall
prepare the executive budget for the ensuing fiscal year in
accordance with the provisions of this Title. The local chief
executive shall submit the said executive budget to the
sanggunian concerned not later than the sixteenth (16th) of October of
the current fiscal year. Failure to submit such budget on the date
prescribed herein shall subject the local chief executive to such criminal
and administrative penalties as provided for under this Code and other
applicable laws. (Emphasis supplied)
SEC. 319. Legislative Authorization of the Budget.—On or before the
end of the current fiscal year, the sanggunian concerned shall enact,
through an ordinance, the annual budget of the local government unit for
the ensuing fiscal year on the basis of the estimates of income and
expenditures submitted by the local chief executive.
8  Records, p. 254.
9  TSN, May 23, 2006, p. 15 (Rollo, pp. 127-128) and TSN, August 2,
2007, pp. 15-16 (Rollo, p. 130).
10  Guidelines on the Management of CRS Supported Supplemental
Feeding Program Implemented by the Local Government Units;
Sandiganbayan Rollo, Vol. I, pp. 260-329.
11 Id., at p. 263.


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Ysidoro vs. People

Ysidoro disregarded the guidelines when he approved

the distribution of the goods to those providing free labor
for the rebuilding of their own homes. This is technical
malversation. If Ysidoro could not legally distribute the
construction materials appropriated for the CSAP housing
beneficiaries to the SFP malnourished clients neither
could he distribute the food intended for the latter to CSAP
Two. Ysidoro claims that the subject goods already
constituted savings of the SFP and that, therefore, the
same could already be diverted to the CSAP beneficiaries.
He relies on Abdulla v. People12 which states that funds
classified as savings are not considered appropriated by
law or ordinance and can be used for other public
purposes. The Court cannot accept Ysidoro’s argument.
The subject goods could not be regarded as savings. The
SFP is a continuing program that ran throughout the year.
Consequently, no one could say in mid-June 2001 that SFP
had already finished its project, leaving funds or goods
that it no longer needed. The fact that Polinio had already
distributed the food items needed by the SFP beneficiaries
for the second quarter of 2001 does not mean that the
remaining food items in its storeroom constituted
unneeded savings. Since the requirements of hungry
mouths are hard to predict to the last sack of rice or can of
sardines, the view that the subject goods were no longer
needed for the remainder of the year was quite premature.
In any case, the Local Government Code provides that
an ordinance has to be enacted to validly apply funds,
already appropriated for a determined public purpose, to
some other purpose. Thus:

SEC. 336. Use of Appropriated Funds and Savings.—Funds

shall be available exclusively for the specific purpose for which
they have been appropriated. No ordinance shall be passed

12 495 Phil. 70; 455 SCRA 78 (2005).



Ysidoro vs. People

any transfer of appropriations from one item to another.

However, the local chief executive or the presiding officer of the
sanggunian concerned may, by ordinance, be authorized to
augment any item in the approved annual budget for their
respective offices from savings in other items within the same
expense class of their respective appropriations.

The power of the purse is vested in the local legislative

body. By requiring an ordinance, the law gives the
Sanggunian the power to determine whether savings have
accrued and to authorize the augmentation of other items
on the budget with those savings.
Three. Ysidoro claims that, since the municipal
auditor found nothing irregular in the diversion of the
subject goods, such finding should be respected. The SB
ruled, however, that since Ysidoro failed to present the
municipal auditor at the trial, the presumption is that his
testimony would have been adverse if produced. Ysidoro
argues that this goes against the rule on the presumption
of innocence and the presumption of regularity in the
performance of official functions.
Ysidoro may be right in that there is no basis for
assuming that had the municipal auditor testified, his
testimony would have been adverse to the mayor. The
municipal auditor’s view regarding the transaction is not
conclusive to the case and will not necessarily negate the
mayor’s liability if it happened to be favorable to him. The
Court will not, therefore, be drawn into speculations
regarding what the municipal auditor would have said had
he appeared and testified.
Four. Ysidoro insists that he acted in good faith since,
first, the idea of using the SFP goods for the CSAP
beneficiaries came, not from him, but from Garcia and
Polinio; and, second, he consulted the accounting
department if the goods could be distributed to those
beneficiaries. Having no criminal intent, he argues that he
cannot be convicted of the crime.
But criminal intent is not an element of technical
malversation. The law punishes the act of diverting public


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Ysidoro vs. People

earmarked by law or ordinance for a particular public

purpose to another public purpose. The offense is mala
prohibita, meaning that the prohibited act is not
inherently immoral but becomes a criminal offense
because positive law forbids its commission based on
considerations of public policy, order, and convenience.13 It
is the commission of an act as defined by the law, and not
the character or effect thereof, that determines whether or
not the provision has been violated. Hence, malice or
criminal intent is completely irrelevant.14
Dura lex sed lex. Ysidoro’s act, no matter how noble or
miniscule the amount diverted, constitutes the crime of
technical malversation. The law and this Court, however,
recognize that his offense is not grave, warranting a mere
WHEREFORE, this Court AFFIRMS in its entirety the
assailed Decision of the Sandiganbayan in Criminal Case
28228 dated February 8, 2010.
Velasco, Jr. (Chairperson), Peralta, Perez** and
Mendoza, JJ., concur.

Judgment affirmed.

Note.—In the absence of a law or ordinance

appropriating the public fund allegedly technically
malversed for another public purpose, an accused did not
commit technical malversation as set out in Article 220 of
the Revised Penal Code. (Office of the Ombudsman vs.
Apolonio, 667 SCRA 583 [2012])

People v. Pavlic, 227 Mich., 563, N.W. 371, 35 ALR.
14  Luciano v. Estrella, 145 Phil. 454, 464-465; 34 SCRA 769, 780
**  Designated Acting Member, per Special Order 1299 dated August
28, 2012.

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