IRM2900 Refractory Inspection
IRM2900 Refractory Inspection
IRM2900 Refractory Inspection
This section discusses inspection of newly installed refractory linings, including
repair work. The discussion includes: use of third party inspectors and testing
services; prequalification testing of materials, including the kinds of tests that are
usually performed on various refractory material; and prequalification of contrac-
tors' procedures and work crews. Specific guidelines are given for inspecting the
application of monolithic lining systems, refractory ceramic fiber systems, and
brick and special shapes. For help in evaluating existing linings for possible tear-
out, see Section 2800.
Contents Page
2951 Tear-out
2952 Surface Preparation
2953 Anchor Layout and Installation
2954 Vapor Barrier
2955 Installation of RCF
2960 Inspection of Brick and Shapes 2900-22
2961 Tear-out
2962 Surface Preparation
2963 Installation of Brick and Shapes
2970 Refractory Inspection Checklist 2900-23
experienced in refractory work. Two areas in which it has little experience are
1) marking areas of refractory to be torn out and 2) inspecting refractory installa-
tion. Third-party inspection companies use inspectors who specialize in refractory
installation and have experience from numerous applications.
scheduling an installation job must allow time for each stage of testing (and
retesting, if needed).
Types of Tests
Figure 2900-1 shows the types of qualification tests associated with the different
product groups. Not all tests are performed for each and every purchase of refrac-
tory. The Company's refractory purchase specification IRM-MS-4785 provides
minimum testing requirements.
Density is a weight per unit volume usually reported in pounds per cubic foot. This
property is very helpful in assessing the product and its installation. It also helps
explain problems with a product.
Strength is the most widely used index of quality for refractory products. The cold
crushing strength (CCS) is the most popular and is determined by crushing a 2-inch
cube. This property is expressed in pounds per square inch (psi). Modulus of
rupture (MOR) is also reported in psi and is a measure of bending strength of a
9 × 2 × 2-inch bar. Both of these tests are helpful in assessing the quality of the
Sample Preparation
Testing, including sample preparation, requires a prescribed procedure to eliminate
variables introduced by individual technicians. The procedure should develop an
unbiased set of data that will describe the quality of a refractory product. Sample
preparation is more important in monolithic refractories than in other types and is
especially important in plastic refractories. Cement-bonded castables are sensitive
to water content, placement method, and temperature conditions.
Splitting Bags. For monolithic refractories such as castables (this includes gunite
products) bagged material is identified and then split (using a splitter). Splitting of
the sample material compensates for any segregation or irregularities of the product.
Mixing. Method of sample preparation greatly influences results, and the method
should follow the guidelines of ASTM C-862. The dry material is usually mixed in
a Hobart (or equal) mixer. After mixing for 30 to 60 seconds, water is added over a
30-second period. The manufacturer's recommendation for amount of water should
be followed, although the amount may be varied slightly to achieve the desired
consistency. Consistency should be measured according to ASTM C-860's ball-in-
hand test.
Forming. The mix is then placed into the molds and either vibrated into place, cast
into the mold or handtamped. The method of forming in the mold should always
match the method to be used in the field. (If the field method is gunning then the
sample should be gunned. After curing, samples of the required size are then cut
from the gunned piece and tested.)
The Company's Standard Drawing GD-N1271 shows the various molds used. A
cube mold (Detail 5A) is used for preparing samples for strength tests (CCS and
MOR). Shoe box or plate molds (Details 5B and 5C) are used to prepare samples
for erosion tests. A bar mold (Detail 5D) is used to prepare samples for PLC tests.
Different materials require different methods of placement. The inspector should
ensure that nothing has been done to enhance the performance of a product. For
example, low water content can produce excellent properties, but the material may
need to be gunned at the jobsite.
Curing, Drying, and Firing. After samples are cast, they are covered with a thin
plastic film to allow proper curing. Curing at the laboratory should be at ambient
temperature. The use of curing cabinets is disallowed.
After 24 hours of ambient temperature curing, the samples are stripped from the
molds, cut into desired specimens, and placed into driers operating at 230°F for a
minimum of 12 hours. After drying, dimensions and weights of samples are
measured for density, PLC and cold crush strength tests.
Firing should follow the procedures specified in ASTM C-865. The samples are
heated to 1500°F at rates not to exceed 300°F per hour and held at that temperature
for 5 hours. The cool-down rate cannot exceed 500°F per hour.
Because the drying and firing procedure can rarely enhance the performance of a
product, the inspector can sometimes perform an abbreviated examination of the
Plastic refractories are sensitive to the drying rates and drying temperatures. A
gradual dryout with forced air is helpful in preparing representative samples of
plastic. Drying at ambient temperature (70 to 90°F) is desirable for at least one day.
In all phases of drying good air circulation is very important.
Testing of Monolithic Refractories. Testing is then performed in accordance with
ASTM C-133 (cold crush and MOR) and ASTM C-704 (erosion), or the appro-
priate Company specification. The inspector should be familiar with the test proce-
dures and should disallow any that would enhance physical property development.
For erosion testing, when samples are cut from shoe box samples (see Detail 5B of
GD-N1271), the test should be performed on the cut face. For samples individually
formed (Detail 5C of GD-N1271), the erosion test should be performed on the
rammed face. Avoid testing on molded surfaces because the results will be influ-
enced by the collection of fines on the surface.
Testing will require 3 to 4 days to complete. Taking less time than this could influ-
ence the performance of a product and cause false results.
Testing of Plastic Refractories. Plastic refractories are rammed into the molds.
They should be dried at 100 to 175°F to minimize damage during handling. This
may be done before or after the samples are stripped from the mold. Drying is the
critical part of testing plastics. Drying must be slow, and forced air is necessary. A
3-day dryout is preferred, which extends testing to a 5-day procedure.
3. Witness the preparation of samples from the selected sample material. The
inspector assures that sample preparation is performed in an accepted manner
so nothing is done to enhance the performance of the samples. Any irregulari-
ties are resolved prior to proceeding.
4. Witness testing. The inspector witnesses all tests to ensure that all testing
requirements are met (i.e., results of erosion tests, per the ASTM C-704 proce-
dure, can be greatly influenced by the techniques used). Any irregularities are
resolved prior to proceeding.
5. Report the results of this program in writing.
The Company reserves the right to accept or reject any material. This right is some-
times delegated to the inspection firm, but these firms should advise the Company
of the results. The Company in turn evaluates not only the product quality but such
things as how acceptance or rejection impacts on the installation schedule.
Method 3, Third-party Testing. In this method, the independent firm will begin
with steps 1 and 2 of Method 2. After selecting the sample material and ensuring
proper identification of all material, the test material is forwarded to the indepen-
dent testing lab. Upon receiving the sample, the lab proceeds as follows:
1. Sample preparation. As prescribed by the manufacturer and or user. The manu-
facturer is encouraged to witness the sample preparation.
2. Testing. Accomplished in accordance with the appropriate ASTM procedure or
generally accepted lab practice. Again, the manufacturer is encouraged to
witness this stage of the program.
3. Reporting. The same procedure applies as in the previous section.
Method 4, Combined Effort Between Manufacturer and Third Party. This
procedure is likely to develop the most unbiased set of quality control data avail-
able. The method combines Method 2, items 1, 2, and 3 and Method 3, items 2
and 3:
1. Witness manufacturing (optional).
2. Examine the material and select sample material. Identify all pallets for future
3. Witness sample preparations at the manufacturer's lab. The independent
inspector ensures that all criteria for sample preparations are met.
All samples are dried to 230°F and fired to 1500°F (optional). The samples are then
shipped to the independent lab.
4. Samples are tested in accordance with prescribed standards. The manufacturer
is encouraged to witness this part of the program.
5. Report and recommend.
All of these methods of material prequalification have been used successfully in the
industry. The most popular are Methods 2 and 3. The proper choice of method
depends on the nature of the project, its size, and scheduling requirements. Methods
2, 3, or 4 will all provide satisfactory results.
Crew Prequalification
In this phase of inspection, the contractor's crew or individuals demonstrate their
ability to install the selected material. This will be shown by the use of mock-ups to
simulate the actual work to be performed. Typical mock-ups for the various types
of monolithic refractories are shown in Details 1, 2 and 3 of Standard Drawing
A Casting and guniting mock-up is a panel with anchors as seen in Detail 1. (In
some instances for guniting, such as small vessels or lines, the mock-up may be
designed to closely simulate the actual installation, i.e., inside a 40-foot diameter
riser.) A mock-up for vibration casting is a 3-foot cylinder with inner form for
4-inch lining (Detail 2). Mock-ups for hand packing and pneumatic ramming vary
as required. A mock-up for ramming refractory plastics is shown in Detail 3. Mock-
ups for ramming Resco's AA-22 are the same as for plastic.
Crew qualification for installation of RCF and insulating firebrick is not as impor-
tant as it is for monolithics. Any requirements for mock-up with these materials
thoroughly. A checklist can be used to assist in this phase of the inspection. See
Section 2970.
Hand Packing and Pneumatic Ramming. Assuming the use of properly mixed
material, the success of these two methods is largely dependent on the skill of the
applicator. Therefore, the applicator is the one tested.
Ramming Type C Plastic Refractory. Plastic refractories are shipped ready to
install. The lining quality is completely dependent on the skill of the applicator.
Ramming Type B Castables (Resco's AA-22). Skill of both individual installer
and crew can affect successful installation. How well the crew mixes the material is
very critical to a good installation, but the applicator has the most difficult task.
2942 Tear-out
Tear-out of any refractory, in the field or the shop, must be performed in a manner
to minimize or eliminate damage to the metal shell, existing anchor structure and
adjacent lining material. Existing linings should be “squared” or preferably
undercut slightly such that the refractory edge is perpendicular to the metal shell.
The inspector should examine the torn out area to ensure that conditions of the
appropriate specification are met. He should examine the shell and anchors for any
damage and report problems. The existing lining should be “sound” and capable of
additional service. Tear-out can damage adjacent refractory which then must also
be removed.
field, or for metal that has rust or oil present, cleaning will be required. Abrasive
blasting is appropriate where large areas are involved. Small areas may be cleaned
with wire brushes or by grinding, provided adequate cleaning is accomplished.
The refractory installation specification will outline details for surface preparation.
The inspector should examine the specification early to avoid confusion and poten-
tial delays.
5. Duration of pour
6. Work stoppage contingency
All equipment needs to be clean at the start and cleaned frequently throughout the
casting process. Dirty mixing equipment can lead to problems that the contractor's
crew may not recognize.
The inspector should observe the casting procedure and assure proper consolida-
tion, without overvibrating. Curing compounds are to be used on all exposed mono-
lithic refractory surfaces.
This technique is the most difficult process to inspect. The many variables associ-
ated with placement can cause significant problems. The material is mixed and
placed into a gun in one location and applied in another area as much as 300 feet
from the gun. Some of the more important variables are:
• Type of material
• Expertise of the nozzleman
• Expertise of the gun operator
• Air pressure
• Feed rate
• Mixing: time, prewet, cleanliness, “preset”
• Type and condition of equipment
• Ambient conditions
• Distance from gun to work area
Due to the critical nature of the gunning operation and the variability of results, an
inspector should observe all material being placed. A checklist is extremely impor-
tant because of the many variables (see Section 2970). General guidelines for an
inspector observing guniting include the following:
1. The air pressure/feed rate ratio should result in a minimum of rebound.
2. The nozzleman must gunite so as to eliminate trapped rebound, laminations,
and voids.
3. The nozzleman should gun normal to the work area.
4. Proper water content can be judged by the appearance of the gunned surface,
which should have a slight temporary “sheen” from the water. A dull appear-
ance usually indicates that the application is too dry.
5. Work stoppages generally require cutting back or squaring of the lining. All
lining areas not at full thickness should be removed (the specifications will
define when this is required).
6. Curing compound must be applied within 1 hour on most jobs and sooner
when a high ambient temperature causes quick setting of the lining.
2951 Tear-out
Inspectors should show what old material needs to be torn out and the method to be
used. Tear-out of RCF systems should be performed to minimize any damage to
adjoining ceramic fiber. Ceramic fiber blanket can be cut with a large knife. Boards
and modules can easily be trimmed or cut with knives. In all cases, tear-out should
be performed to allow proper installation of the repair material (i.e., blanket or
blanket/board construction will require staggered joints, board lining will require
proper anchoring, and modules must be installed tightly).
RCF linings fired above 1800°F will have significant devitrification, which causes
the fiber to lose resilience and become somewhat brittle. Tear-out must be
performed with caution to avoid damage to acceptable lining material. Due to the
presence of ceramic fibers and silica dust, this work is normally done wet, and
appropriate respiratory protection equipment must be worn. Inspectors should be
aware of the hazards to personnel and should see that safe handling practices
outlined in Section 500 and Specification IRM-MS-4775 are followed.
Layered RCF
The principles of installing layered RCF systems are basically the same for new
construction and repairs. The inspector should pay special attention to the tech-
niques used to mate repair linings to existing refractory material.
Blanket/Board Systems
The installation of board/blanket linings requires considerable preplanning. The
installation drawings will identify the best orientation of the boards and best stud
locations, but details of construction should be reviewed prior to starting.
The studs and stud pattern are designed for the hot face board which is the ceramic
fiber board. The stud pattern suggested by the manufacturer and by the Company's
specification should not be altered by the contractor. Improper anchoring of boards
can cause the boards to break and fail. All joints should line up between anchor
Back-up blanket should be installed in the same manner as layered RCF. The joints
should be staggered and tight.
The inspector must check that the boards fit loosely against the back-up lining. The
boards should not be used to compress the back-up. By compressing the back-up,
considerable stress is exerted onto the board, and when the binder is burned out,
and other thermal stresses are introduced, cracking will be likely.
The installation of RCF modules is covered thoroughly in Section 2600. Inspectors
should be familiar with that section.
Inspection of the layout and welding should be consistent with Section 2953.
Module systems will require anchor layout and prewelding of anchors. Systems
which require stud welding as the lining is installed are not permitted.
In all cases, the modules must be tightly installed against the adjacent modules.
Special techniques are used to join corners, or modules against different refractory
systems. A tight lining is vital.
RCF Veneering
Though not used often, veneering with RCF has been used successfully to reduce
heat loss through existing refractory linings. There are two methods used to veneer
with RCF. One uses blanket installed (layered) on metal studs secured into the
refractory lining. The second method uses modules, cemented to the existing lining.
Studs or anchors installed into existing refractory must be tight and capable of
holding the RCF. Installation of the blanket follows the same guidelines for layered
RCF covered in Section 2614.
For the cementing of modules over existing refractory, the inspector must be posi-
tive the modules are secure. The refractory surface must be free of dust, oil, etc.,
and the cementing mortar must have the proper consistency. The technique of
installing the modules should be reviewed thoroughly before work begins.
Sprayable RCF
Sprayable RCF is designed to allow pneumatic placement of an RCF system. Its
use is limited, and special equipment is required for application.
It is designed to be fast and can be effective when circumstances are right.
Anchoring is important and the guidelines suggested by the manufacturer should be
followed. It is very important that the lining be homogeneous and laminations
2961 Tear-out
Unsound brick and other prefired shapes should be torn out gently to minimize
damage to sound lining. Any damaged anchoring system should also be removed.
Sample Molds
Cube ( )
Gunite ( )
“Shoe Box” ( )
Plate for erosion testing ( )
Air Hammers Wrecking
Size ( )
Operating condition ( )
Number ( )
Pneumatic Rammers
Number ( )
Operating condition ( )
Size ( )
Miscellaneous Tools and Equipment
Trowels ( )
Screen boxes for metal fibers ( )
Lights ( )
Tape measures ( )
Rubber mallets ( )
Hammers ( )
Spare parts ( )
Thermometers ( )
Ambient meets specs ( )
Provisions to meet spec ( )
Weather protection ( )
Strength of forms ( )
Form release ( )
Positioned for proper thickness ( )
Sealed ( )
Bracing ( )
Secured ( )
Water source ( )
Storage containers ( )
Daily log ( )
Map of placement
• Dates ( )
• Materials ( )
• Applicators ( )
• Equipment ( )
• Log of samples ( )