Jte20120104 28042 PDF
Jte20120104 28042 PDF
Jte20120104 28042 PDF
REFERENCE: Lin, Chun-Yueh and Shiue, Yih-Chearng, “An Application of AHP and Sensitivity Analysis for Measuring the Best Strategy
of Reverse Logistics: A Case Study of Photovoltaic Industry Chain,” Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 41, No. 3, 2013, pp. 1–12,
doi:10.1520/JTE20120104. ISSN 0090-3973.
ABSTRACT: This work presents an evaluation model that adopts several important criteria based on benefits, opportunities, costs, and risks
(BOCR) perspective, enabling the collecting strategy of reverse logistics (RL) of the Taiwan photovoltaic industry (TPI) supply chain is the most
appropriate. Major criteria weights are analyzed using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and sensitivity analysis. Analysis results indicate that
the proposed evaluation model enables the collecting strategy of RL in the TPI supply chain more objectively by allowing them to deploy
effectively. Importantly, the proposed model can provide the TPI accreditation strategy in RL a reference material, making it highly applicable for
academia and commercial purposes.
KEYWORDS: reverse logistics, analytical hierarchy process (AHP), sensitivity analysis, benefits, opportunities, costs and risks (BOCR),
supply chain, collecting strategy
Introduction PV electricity [2] (see Table 1); they also forecasted the quantity
of PV installation in 2020 and 2030 come to 70 000 MW and
The photovoltaic (PV) solar energy industry is one of the most 140 000 MW. PV electricity is a high-complexity business. The
booming and cleanest resource industries in the world; the main supply chain of PV industry includes some processes: (1) raw sili-
advantage of PV industry is its accessibility of clean and environ- con material, (2) wafers/ingots, (3) PV cells, (4) PV modules, and
mentally friendly electricity without consuming fossil fuel [1,2]. It (5) PV system. The upstream is step 1 and step 2, midstream is step
does not deplete natural resources, does not cause CO2 or other 3, and downstream is step 4 and step 5, as shown in Fig. 1 [1, 6–8].
gaseous emission into air or generates liquid or solid waste prod- EPIA (2011) indicate the numbers of companies in PV supply chain
ucts [2]. Concerning sustainable development, the main direct or are fewer and fewer from downstream to upstream (Table 2). Simi-
indirectly derived advantages of solar energy are the following larly, there are more and more customers from upstream to down-
[2–5]: (1) No emissions of greenhouse (mainly CO2, NOx) or stream in the PV supply chain. From Table 1, in 2020, the
toxic gasses (SO2, particulates); (2) reclamation of degraded land; installations of a PV system come to 70 000 MW and in 2030
(3) reduction of transmission lines from electricity grids; (4) come to 140 000 MW. Pavlović et al. [9] showed that, to install a
improvement of quality of water resources; (5) increase of re- fixed 1-MW PV solar plant, it is necessary to provide about
gional/national energy independence; (6) diversification and secu- 20 000 m2 of space [9]. Thus, the PV plant occupies a large
rity of energy supply; and (7) acceleration of rural electrification amount of land. Nowadays, more and more countries have been
in developing countries. Consequently, according to literatures of paying attention to global warming; greenhouse effects, and envi-
advantage in PV industry can understand that is important and ronmental issues. Environmental responsibility plays a significant
improve the environmental concern industry in world. Many role in the agendas of every corporation [10]. In this situation, the
countries are active development, enhance and installation of the government regulations have forced corporations to take environ-
mental concerns into their supply chain operations [11,12], and
Manuscript received April 7, 2012; accepted for publication November 26, some countries have passed strict environmental legislation rais-
2012; published online March 27, 2013. ing awareness regarding waste in electrical and electronic equip-
Dept. of Business Administration, National Central Univ., 300 Jhongda ment (WEEE), restriction of the use of certain hazardous
Rd., Jhongli City, Taoyuan County 32001, Taiwan, People’s Republic of substances (RoHS) and eco-design requirements for energy-using
China (Corresponding author), e-mail: ljy898@gmail.com
Dept. of Information Management, National Central Univ., 300 Jhongda
products (EUP), etc. Therefore, supply chain networks combine
Rd., Jhongli City, Taoyuan County 32001, Taiwan, People’s Republic of the green concepts as they become more and more important in
China, e-mail: ncuycs@gmail.com every company. Nativi and Lee [13] indicate that green supply
C 2013 by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
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TABLE 1—Development and installation of solar photovoltaic electricity in TABLE 2—Number of companies’ worldwide in PV value chain in 2009.
various countries.
Silicon Wafer/ingotsCells Modules/system
Year USA (MW) Europe (MW) Japan (MW) Worldwide (MW)
Number of companies: 75 208 239 988
2000 140 150 250 1000 Production capacity: 130 000 tonnes 15 000 MW 18 000 MW 19 000 MW
2010 3000 3000 5000 14 000 Effective production: 90 000 tonnes 10 000 MW 9000 MW 7000 MW
2020 15 000 15 000 30 000 70 000
2030 25 000 30 000 72 000 140 000 Note: Source [38].
Note: Source [2]. ing method may provide TPI decision-makers or administrators
with a valuable reference for evaluating the optimal strategy of
chain management (GSCM) can provide environmental benefits RL. More importantly, the proposed model can assist TPI supply
to business [13]. In 2007, Srivastava proposed that green supply chain manufacturers in assessing the optimal RL strategy for TPI;
chain management (GSCM) have three categories: (1) importance and thus it is valuable in both academic and commercial settings.
of GSCM, (2) green design, and (3) green operations; they also
point out the key challenges of GSCM is in green operations.
Green operations include three groups: (1) green manufacturing
Research Method
and remanufacturing, (2) reverse logistics and network design,
and (3) waste management, etc. (Fig. 2) [14]. The purpose of this This study adopts the BOCR model and AHP method. BOCR
study is to focus on the group of reverse logistics. In reverse logis- introduced by Saaty and Ozdemir in Mathematical and Computer
tics, it has been established that there are three fundamental stages Modelling [21] and Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engi-
of procedures: (1) collecting, (2) sort-test/inspection, and (3) proc- neering [22], which measure strategies in four dimensions
essing, as shown in Fig. 3 [15,16]. Therefore, we can see combin- [21,22]. Saaty proposed the AHP method in 1980 that can solve
ing the forward/reverse logistics in the PV industry in Fig. 4. the complex decision problem into a hierarchy [23], and it is
Authors have also discussed the problem of collecting procedure applied in several research programs. These include Tong et al.
in RL is important and complex [17–19]. Therefore, the more [24], who developed an AHP model to solve the problem of
detailed purpose of this study focuses on evaluation of collecting water-conservation and waste-reduction in the textile-printing
strategy in TPI supply chain. industry [24]. Chiang et al. [25] used the AHP method to solve
The main processes of the RL can be divided into the collect- the problem of green manufacturers in Taiwan and Japan [25].
ing, sort-test/inspection, and processing. This study focuses on the Vinodh et al. [26] applied AHP to evaluate sustainable business
collecting process that evaluates optimal strategies for upstream, practices in India [26].
midstream and downstream in TPI supply chain as shown in
Fig. 4. The collecting strategy includes four categories that out- BOCR Model
sourcing (OUT), in-house (IH), purchasing from government organi-
zations (PGO), and joint collecting in business (JCB). Nevertheless, The BOCR model created by Saaty and Ozdemir [21] in 2003
the evaluation of optimal solutions is a multi-criteria problem, and suggests four ways to get the overall ranking of the alternatives:
the ideal model requires suitable criteria and strict screening [20]. In additive, probabilistic additive, subtractive, and multiplicative in
past researches, there were few literatures on the collecting process BOCR [21,22]. Saaty [22] presented a model to synthesize the pri-
that used a multi-criteria decision-making concept to evaluate the orities of alternatives by combining the priorities of alternatives
optimal strategy of PV industry supply chain in RL process. under B, O, C, and R using two formulas, multiplicative and addi-
We employ the AHP to evaluate and weigh the synthesis utility tive subtraction. Therefore, the main of BOCR model includes
values of criteria and the sub-criteria and to rank different strat- four perspectives to measure the various areas; for example,
egies of RL in TPI supply chain according to their respective opti- Erdogmus et al. [27] presented an ANP with BOCR model to
mal priorities. Then, a sensitivity analysis is applied to determine select renewal transaction processing systems for enhanced effi-
how changing the weight of each criterion will impact the rank- ciency and operation quality. Erdogmus et al. [28] evaluated alter-
ings of the various strategies. Thus, the AHP-based decision-mak- native fuels for residential heating in Turkey by a similar model as
in Erdogmus et al. [27], and considered the political, economical,
social, and environmental issues. Saaty and Shang [29] proposed
a framework to reshape the group decision-making process so that
several related issues were considered simultaneously by the
group. They used the benefits, costs, and risks to evaluate alterna-
tives by considering the intensity of preference of each decision-
maker for the issues encountered. Ustun and Demirtas [30]
proposed a BOCR model to select the supplier. Lee et al. [31]
combined the BOCR with AHP to help select a suitable wind
farm project. Lee [32] presented a BOCR framework for supplier
selection in TFT-LCD manufacturer. Saaty and Ozdemir [21] pre-
FIG. 1—Supply chain of PV industry. Source: [1,6–8]. sented the BOCR theory, which conceived four perspectives that
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are benefits, opportunities, costs, and risks. The BOCR has been Opportunities—The perspective of the opportunities in this
applied in various areas such as strategy and selection [30–32], study is the moment to fulfill environmental concerns in govern-
evaluation [27], and decision [33]. mental, environmental, and human perception.
Opportunities indicators that the TPI supply chain operates col-
Benefits—The perspective of the benefits in this study is lecting in RL considered the following possible measurements:
when TPI supply chain operates collecting in RL activity can government policy (GP), environmental consciousness (EC), and
improve the environmental benefits and value that include tangible quality of life (QL).
profits and intangible advantages.
Benefits indicators that the TPI supply chain regularly reviews
include: competitive advantage (COA), corporate image (COI), Costs—The perspective of costs in this study is when TPI
reducing production cost by using recycled materials (RPRM), supply chain operates the collecting in RL activity must consider
economic/financial benefits (EFB), and energy saving (ES). about relative costs.
In devising the costs perspective, the TPI supply chain operates
collecting in RL activity considered the following possible
FIG. 3—Reverse logistics procedures. Source: [15,16]. FIG. 4—Evaluation the collecting strategy of RL in TPI supply chain.
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Saaty [23] suggested that the largest Eigenvalue k max would be accepted; otherwise, a new comparison matrix is solicited until
X n
Wj CR 0.1.
kmax ¼ aij (3)
Procedure for Evaluating the Strategy of RL in
If A is a consistency matrix, Eigenvector X can be calculated by
TPI Supply Chain
ðA kmax IÞx ¼ 0 (4)
An evaluation model is constructed based on BOCR/BSC model
Saaty proposed utilizing consistency index (CI) and consistency to assess the optimal strategy. This model for evaluating the opti-
ratio (CR) to verify the consistency of the comparison matrix. CI mal strategy comprises the following steps:
and RI are defined as follows:
CI ¼ðkmax nÞ=ðn 1Þ (5) Procedure 1. Establish a Framework of Hierarchy
CR ¼ CI=RI (6) and Define the Evaluative Criteria
where RI represents the average CI over numerous random entries Based on the BOCR/BSC model, a general consensus among
of same order reciprocal matrices. If CR 0.1, the estimate is experts can be reached to establish a model. The ultimate goal of
Benefits When TPI supply chain operates collecting COA TPI supply chain implements the RL activity that can improve the
in RL activity can improve the environmental company advantage.
benefits and value that include tangible prof- COI TPI supply chain implements the RL activity that can improve the
its and intangible advantages. positive image and goodwill.
RPRM TPI supply chain implements the RL activity that can strip down
from used products to raw materials, and then reduce production
EFB TPI supply chain implements RL activity that can improve the eco-
nomical and financial benefits.
ES TPI supply chain implements RL activity that can achieve energy-
saving effect.
Opportunities The moment to fulfill environmental con- GP There are few competitors in solving and coordinating with the gov-
cerns in governmental, environmental and ernment’s environmental policy.
human perception. EC More and more high environmental consciousness; however, there
are only few competitors in implementing green activities
QL The demand of the product quality, environmental safety, and
health are high in humans; however, there are only few competitors
in conforming to consumer’s need.
Costs When TPI supply chain operates the collect- TRC The transportation costs are collecting cost from consumers to used
ing in RL activity must consider about rela- products centers in RL activity.
tive costs. EBC In building the used products centers, equipment, and building costs
are necessary.
LAC The input of labors cost is in collecting process of RL activity.
MAC The maintenance costs of EBC are in RL activity.
OPC The opportunity costs are in implementing RL activity.
SOR The social responsibility is in implementing RL activity.
REPC Corporations have to improve the RL value in supply chain mem-
bers, the relative costs of education, and promotion in this supply
Risks When TPI supply chain operates collecting CUR Incentives of customer’s recycle are not clear and induce the effi-
in RL activity. ciency of recycle not good.
FIR The added value and profits in RL activity are not clear.
IBPR RL activity is a new process; therefore, it possibly affects traditional
service processes.
LIR Supply chain members have no respect for environmental con-
sciousness and inconsistency.
LPR The environmental standards are not integrated and the relationship
of politics is not stable.
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TABLE 5—Evaluation optimal collecting strategy of RL in TPI supply chain TABLE 8—Upstream of collecting strategy in TPI supply chain Eigenvectors
aggregate pair-wise comparison matrix and Eigenvectors for level 2. (weights) for levels 2–4.
Benefits 1.000 1.617 1.002 1.853 0.319 Criteria Weights Sub-criteria Global priority OS IH PFGO JRIB
Opportunities 0.618 1.000 0.644 0.581 0.169
Goal Benefits 0.319 COA 0.074 0.218 0.323 0.155 0.304
Costs 0.998 1.553 1.000 1.460 0.295
COI 0.045 0.245 0.364 0.129 0.262
Risks 0.540 1.721 0.685 1.000 0.218
RPRM 0.085 0.207 0.342 0.166 0.285
Note: CI ¼ 0.015. EFB 0.082 0.188 0.383 0.184 0.246
ES 0.033 0.219 0.322 0.148 0.311
Opportunities 0.169 GP 0.074 0.215 0.337 0.155 0.293
TABLE 6—Benefits aggregate pair-wise comparison matrix and Eigenvectors EC 0.053 0.178 0.379 0.143 0.300
for level 3.
QL 0.042 0.210 0.342 0.168 0.280
COA COI RPRM EFB ES Eigenvectors (weights) Costs 0.295 TRC 0.064 0.209 0.379 0.160 0.252
EBC 0.051 0.223 0.328 0.205 0.245
COA 1.000 1.643 0.885 0.535 2.300 0.233
LAC 0.057 0.222 0.374 0.172 0.231
COI 0.609 1.000 0.533 0.415 1.667 0.140
MAC 0.042 0.187 0.371 0.173 0.269
RPRM 1.130 1.875 1.000 1.111 2.506 0.266
OPC 0.038 0.217 0.345 0.201 0.237
EFB 1.087 2.411 0.900 1.000 2.007 0.257
SOR 0.020 0.199 0.388 0.165 0.247
ES 0.435 0.599 0.399 0.498 1.000 0.104
REPC 0.022 0.222 0.330 0.152 0.296
Note: CI ¼ 0.013. Risks 0.218 CUR 0.050 0.213 0.368 0.195 0.224
FIR 0.052 0.238 0.339 0.157 0.266
IBPR 0.033 0.190 0.321 0.204 0.285
LIR 0.029 0.251 0.302 0.168 0.279
LPR 0.054 0.214 0.327 0.212 0.247
TABLE 7—Benefit aggregate pair-wise comparison matrix and Eigenvectors Result Synthesis value 0.213 0.348 0.171 0.269
for level 4. Rank 3 1 4 2
Note: CI ¼ 0.026 Goal Benefits 0.275 COA 0.054 0.374 0.219 0.136 0.271
COI OS 1.000 0.742 1.750 0.923 0.245 COI 0.047 0.374 0.224 0.121 0.280
IH 1.348 1.000 3.385 1.269 0.364 RPRM 0.072 0.384 0.186 0.151 0.279
PFGO 0.571 0.295 1.000 0.539 0.129 EFB 0.063 0.402 0.198 0.188 0.212
JRIB 1.083 0.788 1.857 1.000 0.262 ES 0.039 0.276 0.249 0.227 0.249
Opportunities 0.192 GP 0.093 0.304 0.232 0.196 0.268
Note: CI ¼ 0.005
EC 0.056 0.306 0.229 0.207 0.257
RPRM OS 1.000 0.613 1.167 0.789 0.207
QL 0.042 0.426 0.159 0.104 0.311
IH 1.632 1.000 1.765 1.429 0.342
Costs 0.292 TRC 0.032 0.320 0.221 0.197 0.262
PFGO 0.857 0.567 1.000 0.472 0.166
EBC 0.050 0.349 0.223 0.182 0.246
JRIB 1.267 0.699 2.118 1.000 0.285
LAC 0.073 0.452 0.169 0.130 0.248
Note: CI ¼ 0.009 MAC 0.039 0.440 0.194 0.143 0.223
EFB OS 1.000 0.595 1.150 0.554 0.188 OPC 0.062 0.417 0.191 0.125 0.267
IH 1.682 1.000 1.850 2.112 0.383 SOR 0.021 0.400 0.200 0.120 0.280
PFGO 0.870 0.540 1.000 0.786 0.184 REPC 0.016 0.398 0.161 0.108 0.333
JRIB 1.806 0.473 1.273 1.000 0.246 Risks 0.242 CUR 0.050 0.333 0.214 0.179 0.274
FIR 0.057 0.387 0.175 0.166 0.272
Note: CI ¼ 0.022
IBPR 0.040 0.351 0.207 0.162 0.279
ES OS 1.000 0.622 1.304 0.889 0.219
LIR 0.029 0.362 0.236 0.124 0.279
IH 1.609 1.000 1.783 1.185 0.322
LPR 0.065 0.413 0.207 0.132 0.248
PFGO 0.767 0.561 1.000 0.339 0.148
JRIB 1.125 0.844 2.947 1.000 0.311 Result Synthesis value 0.367 0.208 0.162 0.263
Note: CI ¼ 0.021 Rank 1 3 4 2
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Alternatives (weights)
Criteria Weights Sub-criteria priority OS IH PFGO JRIB
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“in-house,” the best of collecting strategy in midstream and down- reuse, recovery, and resell the raw materials and gain more and
stream is “outsourcing”. more profits, such as glasses, metals, and silicon, etc. In mid-
stream and downstream, because operations in these manufac-
Procedure 5. Sensitivity Analysis turers are focused on assembly or combine the component into
PV product from PV cells to PV modules and PV systems, the
Sensitivity analysis is necessary because changing the importance added value of used products are not enough to cover the collect-
of criteria requires various levels of benefits, opportunities, costs ing costs in the recycling process. Generally, the used products in
and risks with respect to evaluating the synthesis value of optimal midstream and downstream usually define the used products as
strategy of RL in TPI supply chain. The synthesis value of the waste, then sell the waste to professional production companies
optimal strategy weights are varied by using Expert Choice 2000, and finally gained profits from professional production
second Edition Software. The weight graphs indicate how the companies.
optimal strategy is performed when in scenario for all parameters
in upstream, midstream and downstream (Fig. 6). Sensitivity of
the results of upstream, midstream and downstream is performed
when B, O, C, and R is increased by 30% as shown in Figs. 7–9.
Focusing on the upstream of results, we noticed the four crite- This study proposes the use of a multi-criteria technique, namely,
ria are not change the rank of optimal strategy when B, O, C, and AHP and sensitivity analysis. AHP can combine quantitative and
R are increased by 30%. Thus, the optimal strategy of RL in TPI qualitative factors to handle different groups of actors, and to
upstream is “in-house” (Fig. 7). combine the opinions of many experts. Sensitivity analysis is
Focusing on the midstream of results, we noticed the four crite- incorporated to show how changes in criteria weightings of each
ria are not change the rank of optimal strategy when B, O, C, and criterion may affect the ranking of optimal strategy of RL in the
R are increased by 30%. Therefore, the optimal strategy of RL in TPI supply chain. In this study, we applied the MCDM to con-
TPI midstream is “outsourcing” (Fig. 8). struct a framework, and gained the weights based on AHP for
Focusing on the downstream of results, we noticed the four cri- optimal strategy of RL. We show how a combination of the AHP
teria are not change the rank of optimal strategy when B, O, C, and sensitivity analysis will affect rankings of optimal strategy.
and R are increased by 30%. Nevertheless, the optimal strategy of Evidently, the optimal strategy in upstream is “IH,” the optimal
RL in TPI downstream is “outsourcing” (Fig. 9). strategy in midstream is “OS,” and the optimal strategy in down-
Hence, the results of sensitivity analysis are stable in upstream, stream is “OS.”
midstream, and downstream. Obviously, the critical criteria are ei- In this research paper, exploring a workable model for
ther benefits or costs. Because of the raw materials of TPI decision-makers to evaluate the optimal strategy of RL in TPI
upstream are valuable. When manufacturers are implementing RL supply chains is an extremely complex issue, and often relies on
activity, they can strip of the collecting of used products and then subjective assessment of decision-makers. In particular, decision-
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