0 - Correction Compendium-1
0 - Correction Compendium-1
0 - Correction Compendium-1
Domets (France) - Established agricultural colony for San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm -On August 21, 1870, was
delinquent boys in 1839 focus on re-education. Once established to confine Muslim rebels and intractable
discharged, the boys placed under the superv ision of a political prisoners opposed to the Spanish rule. The
patron. facility, which faced the Jolo Sea, had Spanish-inspired
dormitories and was originally set on a 1,414-hectare
JAIL AND PRISON sprawling estate.
JAIL - it is the place for locking –up of persons who are Capt. Ramon Blanco
conv icted of minor offenses or felonies who are to serve a Zamboanga Del Sur
short sentence imposed upon them by a competent court,
or for confinement of persons who are awaiting trial or Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm - Americans established in
inv estigation of their cases Nov . 04, 1904 the Iuhit penal settlement (now Iwahig Prison
and Penal Farm) on a vast reservation of 28,072 hectares. It
1. LOCK-UP JAIL - is a security facility, common to would reach a total land area of 40,000 hectares in the late
police stations, used to police stations, used for 1950s. It was located on the westernmost part of the
temporary confinement of an indiv idual held for archipelago far from the main town to confine incorrigibles
inv estigations with little hope of rehabilitation.
2. ORDINARY JAIL - is the type of jail commonly used Suggest of Gov . Luke Wright
to detain a convicted criminal offender to serve Order of Gov . Forbes
less than three (3) years. Palawan
Reorganization Act 1407
3. WORK HOUSE OR JAIL CAMP - a facility that houses
1,000 Hectares
minimum custody offenders who are serv ing short TAGUMPAY Settlement
sentence or those who are undergoing (6 Hectares) homestead lots distributed to inmates
constructive work program. It prov ides full for those who liv e there
employment of prisoners, remedial serv ices and RDC
constructive leisure time activ ities Lt. George Wolfe became its 1st Superintendent
Two Sub – Colony (PK) “ART. 98. Special t ime allowance for loyalt y. – A deduction
Panabo Sub - Colony of one fifth of the period of his sentence shall be granted to
Kapalong Sub – Colony any prisoner who, hav ing ev aded his preventiv e
imprisonment or the serv ice of his sentence under the
Sablayan Penal Colony and Farm circumstances mentioned in Article 158 of this Code, gives
Occidental Mindoro himself up to the authorities within 48 hours following the
Established Sept. 27, 1954 issuance of a proclamation announcing the passing away
Four Sub – Colony (CPPY) of the calamity or catastrophe referred to in said article. A
o Central Sub – Colony deduction of two-fifths of the period of his sentence shall be
o Pusog Sub – Colony granted in case said prisoner chose to stay in the place of
o Pasugui Sub – Colony his confinement notwithstanding the existence of a
o Yapang Sub - Colony calamity or catastrophe enumerated in Article 158 of this
Leyte Regional Prison
Abuyog Leyte “This Article shall apply to any prisoner whether undergoing
Established Jan. 16, 1973, by Ferdinand E. Marcos prev entiv e imprisonment or serv ing sentence.”
Considered as the youngest Prison
PRISONERS - FRISKING - RDC (Reception and Diagnostic
Note: “National Correctional Consciousness week” Every Center) 5 days quarantine, 55 days stay (60days)
last week of October
According to Security Risk
Correction Institution for Women (CIW) Max = sentenced to 20 years
Nov . 27, 1929 (Orange/tangerine)
Establishment of the Correctional Institution for Medium = (blue)
Women in Mandaluyong City under Act No. 3579 Minimum =(brown)
Its old name was Detainee (gray)
“Women’s Prison” BJMP all are in (yellow)
Total land area is 18 hectares
In 1934, the position of Female Supt was made for According to privilege
the operation of this penal facility Colonies,
1st class,
Note: The Bureau of Prisons was renamed Bureau of 2nd class,
Corrections under the New Administrative Code of 1987 3rd class
and Proclamation No. 495 issued on November 22, 1989
(EO292) 1. 3rd class - 3 times or more sentences
2. 2nd class - 1st time offender
GOOD CONDUCT TIME ALLOWANCE 3. 1st class - skilled prisoner
(Granted by the Director of Prison) 4. Colonies = they came from the first class which
Years of good behav ior Allowance earned was giv en privilege. They can wear civ ilian cloth
1year - 2 years 5 days per month during program, receiv ed the regular GCTA plus
3 years - 5 years 8 days per month 10 days. (You can ev en request your wife from
6 years - 10 years 10 days per month CIW to transfer in the colony or ev en with the
11 years and up years 15 days per month entire family)
Special allowance for loyalty - It is a deduction of 1/5 of the Leaves from prison
60 days before election and 30 days after election
period of sentence to any prisoner who, having evaded the
no release of prison.
serv ice of his sentence under the circumstances in art. 158
RPC giv es himself up to the authority within 48 hours Death = leav e should only be allowed for medium
and minimum risk prisoner (immediate
following the issuance of a proclamation announcing the
relativ e/legitimate spouse) apply two days before
passing away of the calamity by the President of the
and allowed within 30 kilometers radius by land
3 days before – interv iew with minimum and
Under Republic Act 10592. I made table so the readers
would understand easily.
Note: Waiver and liability signed by/reported when
requesting for interv iew
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10592 (MAY 29 2013) - AN ACT
AMENDING ARTICLES 29, 94, 97, 98 AND 99 OF ACT NO. 3815,
Halfway house = Japan Nagoya halfway house
with 2 hours caring institution for those who are
about to be release. (BOARD QUESTION)
Good Conduct Time Allowance under R.A. 10592
Year of good behav ior Days to be deducted RIOTS OR DISTURBANCE
1-2 years 20 days per month F/A
2ND Group – Back up group may use teargas.
3-5 years 23 days per month
3rd Group = trained to handled gun.
6-10 years 25 days per month
11 year and more 30 days per month
Note: At any time during the period of imprisonment, he COMMAND Group
1. Chief
shall be allowed another deduction of fifteen days, in
2. Dept. Chief
addition to numbers one to four hereof, for each month of
3. Chief of Staff
study, teaching or mentoring serv ice time rendered.
“An appeal by the accused shall not depriv e him of Disciplinary Actions
entitlement to the above allowances for good conduct.” 1. BJMP - Disciplinary Board (resolv es issues within 48
Death and reclusion Perpetua 20 years
Other afflictiv e penalties 15 years
Correctional penalties 10 years
Arresto Mayor 5 years
Light penalties 1 year
London creating the International Penal and Penitentiary prisoners shall not be granted parole:
Commission (IPPC/Hague) an inter-gov ernment a. Those conv icted of an offense punished with
organization) established in 1875 and was dissolved and its Death penalty, Reclusion Perpetua or Life
function were transferred to the Social Defense Section of imprisonment;
the United Nations. b. Those conv icted of treason, conspiracy or
proposal to commit treason or espionage;
ELMIRA REFORMATORY (1876) - Forerunner of Modern c. Those conv icted of misprision of treason, rebellion,
Penology. Established a link between the community - sedition or coup d'etat;
based program and the penal institution. d. Those conv icted of piracy or mutiny on the high
seas or Philippine waters;
1877 was opened in Elmira, New York with ZEBULON R. e. Those who are habitual delinquents i.e. those who,
BROCKWAY AS SUPERINTENDENT. Using Intermediate within a period of ten (10) years from the date of
sentence compulsory develops Parole which soon spread release from prison or last conv iction of the crimes
to other states in U.S.A. of serious or less serious physical injuries, robbery,
training school type of institution program for boys theft, estafa and falsification, are found guilty of
from 16 to 30 years of age; any of said crimes a third time or oftener;
new prisoners were classified as second grade f. Those who escaped from confinement or evaded
until promoted to first grade after six (6) months of sentence;
good behavior; g. Those who were granted Conditional Pardon and
extensive used of parole which is granted after v iolated any of the terms thereof;
another six (6) months of good behavior in the first h. those whose maximum term of imprisonment does
grade; not exceed one (1) year or those with definite
after a prisoner committed misconduct he will be sentence;
demoted to 3rd grade unless he show good i. Those suffering from any mental disorder as
conduct for one month he will be reclassified to certified by a gov ernment
second grade; and psychiatrist/psychologist;
Indeterminate Sentence and Parole based j. Those whose conv iction is on appeal;
System. k. Those who have pending criminal case/s.
English Prison, after v isiting Elmira Reformatory, opened a 1. Granted by Board of Pardon and Parole (BPP)
Borstal Institution near Roached, In Kent which was 2. Upon serv e the full minimum sentence
considered as the best reform Institutions for young 3. Referral “Request to Investigate”
Offenders. 4. Parole and probation Officer
5. Pre-Parole Investigation (PPI) 30 days
First separate institution for women was established in 6. Pre-Parole Investigation Report (PPIR)
Indiana and Massachusetts. 7. BPP (Grant or Deny)
Granted – Parole Supervision
The Elmira Reformatory was considered failure in practice Denied – Serv e the remaining sentence
by the year 1910 until it was rev ived in 1930 as a result of 8. Condition (Mandatory and Other)
rev amp of the educational program of the Elmira Mandatory – within 45 days report
Reformatory. Later it was succeeded by the Industrial Prison Other – 1/mos. outside Manila, 2/mos.
Mov ement. Industrial Prison Movement was ended by a law Within Manila
passed In the year 1934 prohibiting the sale of prison-made 9. Condition (Comply or Non-Comply)
articles to the public and limit used of gov ernment owned Complied – Submission of Summary
institution agencies. Report
Non-Complied – Infraction (new
The classical Movement: The reorganization of the Federal Violation) or Violation report (v iolate
prison system in 1930 started the mov ement for modern condition)
correctional reforms. The Federal law created the Federal 10. Final Release and Discharge (FRD) (complied)
Bureau of Prisons and placed a director as head of the 11. Order of Arrest and Recommitment (OAR)
system. As a result of the organization, penal institutions,
which were formerly administered independently by their EXECUTIVE CLEMENCIES: (PARC)
respectiv e wardens, were placed under the centralized 1. PARDON (Absolute/conditional) - It is a form of
jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Executive Clemency which is exercised by Chief
Executive. It is an act of Grace and the recipient
Parole in the Philippines is not entitled to it as a matter of right. It is
discretionary and not subject to rev iew by the
ACT 4103 - Otherwise known as the “Indeterminate judiciary. It dates back to the pre-Christian Era. It
Sentence Law”, took effect on December 5, 1933. was applied to members of the Royal Family who
committed crimes and occasionally to those
AMENDED BY E.O. 83, SERIES OF 1937 -Gave the “Board” the conv icted of offenses against the royal power. In
authority to advice the Chief Executiv e on the course/s of England it was usually an exclusiv e power of the
action to take on petitions for executive clemencies. king but there were times that were extended to
the Queens upon advised of the Minister of the
BOARD OF PARDON. In United States, pardon was exercised by the
Royal gov ernor delegated to him by the King.
OCTOBER 4, 1947 -EXECUTIVE ORDER 94 TOOK EFFECT. ALSO After her independence, the federal and the
KNOWN AS THE “REORGANIZATION LAW OF 1947” which state constitutions vested it to the President of the
abolished the Board of Pardons and created the Board of United States and the Gov ernor in federal and
Pardons and Parole. state cases, respectiv ely.
disqualified under Section l5 of these Rules, a case for