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Devil May Cry (Versus Books)

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Volume 33
Table^' Contents j
Basic Training 004
Wa lk- i i riciuc^Sm
Mission 1 012
Mission 2 016
Mission 3 018
Mission 4 021
Mission 5 025 :
Mission 6 027
Mission 7 029
Mission 8 ‘031
Mission 9 033
Mission 10 036 '
Mission 11 037 *
Mission 12 040
Mission 13 042
Mission 14 043
.Mission 15 045
Mission 16 047
Mission 17 052 "■
Mission 18 055
Mission 19 057
Mission 20 *■ 059
Mission 21 061
Mission 22 064
Mission 23 066 r

Afc- A^pp i ,ni

Bestiary Jd70
Blue Orbs *090
Secret Missions 094
Secrets 102
Basic Sword Attacks
I As you play Devil May Cry, you’ll have several opportunities .to buy pbvirerful new
moves. But what many people don’t
. "realize is that Dante begins the game w' 1
a wide variety of useful attacks. Ang sw
attack can turn into one of three different cc
s, as shown in the chart on the right,
le difference is the speed in which you hit tl
button. If you hit the button rapidly, you’ll do
3-Hit Combo,
n dealing with multi-
The 4-Hit Combo
ncier: If you hit the
more slowly, roughly at
swing of the second hit, you’ll
1 upward thrust that can
ill enemy into the air
u go to the final
The Hundred Hands Slash is slower
[ the button at the apex of the second hit, and Dante
f a forward thrust. Then start hitting the button rapidly and
ite will do the same forward thrust up to 20-times i
! This is a fairly tricky move to pull off, but it can
easy combos, does a good chunk of damage, and is
[ coolest way of flipping wall switches.

Dante’s Other Moves

I If you check.fhe “Action” section of.your menu, you can read about Dante’s other moves. All,three of these.
lft ^^fSSlbos, nothing “lights up” the battlefield like “High Time.”
i his is actually several moves in one; If you hold RL and press the stick away from your foe when you slash -
with any sword, Dante will launch the enemy into-the air. You can dient <4,^ further
• Stay on the ground and juggle the enemy wlth handgun sh0ts.gr further

1 ^Hold down the slash button to travel along with the enemy, and then
I release it at the apex and press it again to hit the enemy on the way down.
m the button to travel along with the enemy, hit lump to double 1
J „„ the enemy, and then blow it away with your handgun in mid-air.
The Roll is the only defensive move in Devil May Cry. .Don’t oyer-
9 look this move; not only vou use it to get out, of the way of impending
i enemy attacks, huf you’re actually invulnerable for# first few frames of the
" roll. So if you time it right, you can roll through any aftack without gettings
m. To do a Kick JumpTsittpiy bit the
I Jump button again when Dante brushes Up
|| against a wall, pillar, or even another enemy.
I This is the only way to jump up to many of
" ' ame’s areas. There’s one other special
■ jump- move, the “Hyper Jump,” which
I Dante will automatically do .when you stand
% against the edge of a long chasm and hit the
ip button.
more damage, is tougher on defense, and regenerates health,
constantly. Devil Form Dante has access' to a different
powerful attacks (sold separately, listed on the next page),
powered-up versions of all of your Human-Form attacks.
So what’s the catch? When you’re in Devil Form, your
Bar gradually fades. When you run out-of • ’
letters on your Devil Bar, you’re back to
human Dante. And you can’t hifcypur Devil
Trigger tig,tin (ie, hit LI to turn back inti
Demon Form) until tit: least three letters ot
your Demo'll Bar fill up again.
Outside of using a Devil Star item, there are two ways to^ffliyoui
Devil Bar. One is to hit enemies, with either swords or guns. Note that you’
don’t need to damage enemies to fill your bar; even if your shots are blocked-
or do no damage, your bar wittifll-. The other iway is to taunt. At any
in the game, Dante can hit the R2 button and make a crude hand ge
The longer you hold the button, the mtjfe Devil Bar energy you’ll re
but you’ll be momentarily vulnerable.

Dishing Out Stylish Combos

As you hit enemies, you’ll notice the game ranking your performance in the upper-
right hand comer of the screen. There are five different' comments, the first letters of I
•which mimic the game’s D-C'-B-.VS ranking structure. These combos aren't: iust fc
show; the better the combo that kills an enemy, the more Ri d (Orb- you’ll get for i:
The more Red Orbs you get, the better your overall ranking. The chart to the left
shows how many orbs you get for bjBjbag a mingnette at each combo level, and the dif¬
ferences are certainly significant. .
Every time you hit an enemy, your combo grows. It doesnfr matter if you’re hitting
one enemy repeatedly or alternating between multiple foes, the combo grows-.fjfafce ”
same. When you’ve gone about two seconds withou
getting a hit, your combo will flash white, indicatin.
that it’s over. Your hit will start a new combo at ‘Dull.”
Some weapons and skills it getting combos, but others , an
horrible. Sword attacks are the best, and hile regular handgun shots won’
add to a combo, they will sustain it when in midair. Whenene
mies are far apart, a great wayjto'jink them juggle one enemy up, shoo
it with your handguns as vou walk to the foe, and then quickly star
attacking the next one, adding ft to. your c-_.. _ yfuggling-hits
„ _ (with
’ Time) are the best way to do comfes--eve«y: juggle takes you up a rank, afti
tut keep^ the enemies occupied and unable to counter-attack.
; Other moves that arfe great for combos-include the Hundred Hani
Slash, which is a combo all by itself, and your Devil Form handguns. If yoi
hit your Devil Trigger and start firing into a crowd eKenemies, you’ll quickl-
be in Absolute territory. They can’t make it all the way to Stylish, but.if yoi
approach an enemy and hit it with a different attack, you can continue thi
combo. We’ll discuss other combo tactics throughout the walkthrough, bu
; those are a few to get you started. Just remember, this isn’t Resident Evil
where you’re supposed to find a safe spot and slowly blow enemies au u\. Thi
path to financial rewards jn Devil May Cry is constant, frantic, stylish .action
iWagma Bribe litcM3
500 Red Orbs Level 1 - 700 Orbs
Level 2 - 2100 Orbs

Jiletear Snferno
of the
•ur-se ot the Bloody
Bloody riippi
preak tfje ebtl £pell anb open tpe
cursteb boor.

Castle - i.eti el 3jf

Castle - Hebei 2Jf

Grab a Few Items Before the Mission Begins

[ This simple ai ea has no enemies, But the bridge above,the path ai
{doe's contain tw useful items. The first stand in they
[the Yellow Orb a front of the statue. ar. Blue Orbs are the Heart
►Yellow Orbs are Pieces of Devi
►basically one- May. Cry; for
[ups and, while every four fra|
: rarely found,
are always web led, your life
bar will gfcgy i
►trickier to
tfind-you’ll need

It’ll take 45 Red Orbs to open tKe.reff dpef " hidden orbs by jumping, very carefully, onto
i in this room. In a fortuitous coincidence, the statue of the horse and standing at the tip
[there are exactly 45 -Red Orbs scatteredgrounda of its lance (1). To get there, jump onto the
*this room’s three'levels. If you’re in.a^hurry, horse’s rear, jump again to the head, then turn,
you can skip the scavenger hunt and score 100 to face-the lance and,jump to the tip.
(C When Puppeteers Attack

large blue-tint-
area has noth¬
ing to do withv
this mission,
- Jjut if you jump
directly to
. Dante’s left as.
hidden Blue
brown door- Orb fragment (5)

net onto the

There are two
Red Orbs here,
and-a glowing
" 'r in the Marionette’s hand (6),
Taking the key will ani- ”
; mate the marionettes scattered ,
throughout this room.'' They’re
the. game’s easiest enemies, the
j zombies of Devil May Cry, if you
kwill. Use your sword to vanquish
"the two that immediately attack
(you can juggle them easily if
[you’re aiming for a high ranking),
f then drop down to the cabinet on
(the second floor and gun down the
| third marionette before it can turn ;

Let the Bodies Hit the Floor!

I Go back to the main hahtirid use your ' bos, you
Rusty Key to unlock the blue door tp the manage
l Armory. This odd -room has a ton of stuff three or
[ you can break,
[but the hidden
| where. If you
[ onto the air- .
[plane wing,
[you’ll find the
| fifth Blue Orb trickier as new - -^5^^
[ fragment of this Marionettes frl ‘i -
I mission (7; map enter the field ..JSsI
i on next page). from the three
[ Stand at the * doors, since the
ledge of the
! wing over the ■ will throw their
i propeller and blades from KrtwlPPsPi
press the jump across the fgdm
if you stay in one place for ton long. As
down onto the long as you keep moving perpendicular to
cockpit and col¬ them, they’ll never get a cl<^~shotU0p'e*
lect 40 hidden of the marionettes in the-last batch mSy.
: Red Orbs (8). have a shotgun, so if you serfcyone, that’s
packing, take it out quickly. Or leave fit
| Smash the two s'tatues in the southeast aloneiand just make sure.there’s dlways an
[corner and use your sword to stab* the seal enemy between
until all of the letters light up (9). That
will activate-an elevator that will .take yous-. Then Kjrg||MHB
(down to a small underground Arena. giggle wirh girl- p .
I You'll have to fight about a dozen mari- ish delight as it f
; onettes there, so give in tofthe frenzy of -
[ blood-letting and charge right into the blows away its
I group of five marionettes that awaits in the
center of the room. Using basic'sword coin-
Escape the Armory to Complete

ir first Green Orbr~

*1 also get a pile
ol' Ki ll Orbs; the e: junt depends on
how the game rated ybur combos.
#pen tfje boor of tfje catfjebral
Try Out Dante’s New Toys
id carefully
t to the

the hallway.
Marionettes will
the way, and
you can either -
dodge them or
-usejfiis oppor-
Tke Marionette increase
Alastor’s r lots..,
Devil Bar, that's no reason
Khorw &Jvoryv
■ Devil form; vol and regem
forcfe (and one t
health for
through the as long as
Brown door If , the Devil '
byou’te done playing with your nev Bar lasts.'
| Shotgun, sword, and Devil Form,
'.easily dodge the When
here, but if _ n
you’re going for
combos, take 1
the opportunity
'reveal a bushel of Red Orbs (5). Ignore the
quickly you can pPp”-..., lion statue for now, and jump up to the dou¬
score a Stylish Efc.~. - , J ble doors in the northwest, comer of-the see-
"by unleashing ond floor. • • ;

(C The Secret Passage Back to the Library.

the end of this hall-, tough, but
way, and stop at the siisgicious'golden altar, they’re each
in the middle (6). If ywknock it'asjrte , just one point-
with your sword, you’l1 reveal a trap dooif blank Shotgun
Hop down into ~ h blast away fron
a hidden room, |y ■ -IlBIKMl oblivion.
where you can £9 .
pull the Staff of Bfc
Judgment from
the relief to IjM
open a hidden MB
door back to ClB
the Library.
the Library, but don’t expect the door to reveal the hid¬
opepon the first try. A trio of Sin Scissors den door thata
\wl| appear, and the door won’t budge until. leads iff 8
Mission 3.. -
IOris for

and after you kill f

warp right back up

(££ Dante Versus Phantom, Round One

jfflt&Ston 3
^^lf you have Air Raid, you can use that inste
shoot him from theK safety of the sky when you’:
>ur Devil Form* It doesn’t do as much damage a;
-your-face - approach, but you won’t take any hits

ir, : 1. ]
: damage’hii

Killing the boss unseals the blue door, but if you

istead head through the brown door and jump int
ae water beneath the broken bridge, you can unco
re first Secret Mission. To beat this one, you’ll ne
t score a Critical Hit on a Sin Scissors enemy. To
a, use your sword to parry his scissors snip, which
dll throw him off balance for a second. Rush in ai
it R1 to raise your Shotgun and blow his ethereal
rains out before he can recover and raise his blade
gain. To get the critical hit, you have to be so clos
that your gun appe;
^ / to be sticking out tf
other side of his he;

try again

The Pride of Lions; the Treachery of Shadows
Yeesh! If you had problems with the solo
tling three at once (and with no retries!).
Arena where von fnuphr the Marionettes
Shadow in the
Mission. If you don’t
about your ranking, cl
your way through it b
dropping into a shop :

( buying a Holy Water.

S ’re intent on doinj
~J 'r

y (and improving
chance at an S rankin
; you’ll need to isolate ;
gle Shadow and take i
quickly. Use your De’
i and go wild. It doesn
(j£ More Odd Items with Creepy Names .

I Killing the Shadow in the Courtyard Enter the creepy-bedroom and jump
[unlocks the small door on the second floor. top of the bed to find 80 Red Orbs. Then,
[ This leads to a tower where you’ll find a stab the statue through the heart with the
[few scattered Marionettes, but no serious Sword of Judgement, and pick up,the Orb
| opposition. Go all the way to the top, and •of Melancholy (6). A new enemyfAngela,”
-i , I, ... will reveal him-
mm -eir inbrief
event, ami dial-
■Ktel ‘iijNffyfj lengc you to fol-
If ySu miss, yo
can hit the sea ■Ka ■*£-'Jm
him 0111 10a
larger courtvard.
at the bottom
1 elevator back-
the topf 5).

30 Lock Blades with Nelo Angelo, Round. One

’hits, but it'll charge ybur Bevil Bar all the
same. Be ready to jump or counter with a
quick attack (Stinger works well here) as
soon as hjj sword glows blue. Bygalternat¬
ing defensive attacks in your human form
and ''odor-broke offensive tactics in your
Devfi Form, you’ll kill Angelo quickly and
relatively painlessly, earning yourself- an

[ in your Devil Form, you Can easily punch

[through his defenses and negate his-special
[attacks, so his blocks and counters won’t ;
[ matter much. Two quick and dirty, combos
Fshould knock him down to, nearly half his
[ life before he

[Be ready to
dodge the
[instant you
[ land, because
[ Angelo will be
! waiting with a
[power swipe.;|
[ Stay close to
Shim, swinging
He’ll block
i to tlje Destination before tfje potoer of tfje
"Hlelancljolp Ikml"

Tend to Dante’s Melancholy Soul

iKtgjSton 5
Pi^^Promthe third floor of the
> castle, drop down thepit to get
to the balcony outside the room >
with-the mirror. 'Cross through
[there'into the tower, drop down tc
|t!ie'l'onpjii, and put the orb in thf
[door (1). If you can beat this mis-
f likely to score an obscene cash
[bonus of 2,0.00 Red Orbs.

Mission 5% Guiding of the Soul (Retry)

Take the large,
doorway on die I, ' apteSRirl
second floor to I® : gjB8Ml aj
return to the H9
sunlit hallway 11 JDluA jfWBBE ®
that Dante Ik teSB
r - This time, take the door ig.,thg second ilcd in Mission {^Hlt W'.
[floor of .the tower out to the courtyard (2). 2. Drop your .
This area will be full of Sin Scythes, a Melancholy mjmjikU
[deadlier version ■ _ Soul in the star- ^ L IBil'
[of Sin Scissorsy.fls^Sfl^H
that use...get ft* _ t | l' it (3), giving $ d
this...scvthcs! 14' JJglr you another yf .f§ j
Their swing is fe* three minutes I yfiSyil gf I
wider and T, ;-v t iWti to get it back to I ikjp J
quicker than ^ | the door in the Bf"
Sin Scissors,
and they can It -la. .. V* (sigh), you can Mgtt'
[throw'tl ’ ' ^ repeat this
as well. Fortunately,-they still ert process as necessary. Oh, qfdy.one.catch:
: ble like: rice paper when you shove that When you cross back through the cour%a
[ Shotgur in down their throats. Kill tfiEmjj yard, you’ll be forced to fight another
| for-the icash or quickly run to the " Shadow. I lave ftStywith that!
w^jThe weapon of choice here is the; Shotgun) which
Jail most of them in ^single shot. But if they manage t<
cover Dante with maggots, he’ll have to switch to his swc
:o shake them off. • These guys are pretty easy, but they c;
lo some .da&age if they manage to gel viVu from behind.

Blow away'a few more Beelzebubs in the when the mask

[main tunnel, and use the Rusty Keygrows back,
[ unlock the door at? the end?"" The next tun- -1 -
I nel contains only a single enemy, Death
ISfeissors (4). To kill him, you.need to
[smash his skull mask three times. This is Grab the
i easiest to do .with simple -jumping slashes, • Guiding Light
land since this move auto-targets, you at the end of ,
| shouldn’t have much-ttouble getting the the tunnel (5),
[ hits to connect. When the mask breaks, and this, brief y
li.:. mission will
[ red, which
| means he’s
Spend a few
[ seconds dodg¬
ing his annoy-
; attacks, and

jUts&ton 7

Holding the Key of Ardor

Sketurn to tfje bebroom before tfje
l "Curbing Htgljt" absorbs: all of pour bttafttp.

f Seiners - Castle petiroom

(Castle Stililebel (Jfroin Courtparb) -
Hebei 2Jf

3 Get to the Bedroom as Fast as. You Can

slowly saps gj - i fj *■
...your strength, V^A V. ' ' B
so you won’t. * ’ S
want to dawdle
on litis mission. f ’
Phantom will ‘ bHlii
make his third ’ HVRBbi'
appearance as ■ *
you fun down 1 BeeJzebubs, hit
.the hgjl, and as before, you can either the elevator
run him or hit youf Devil T-' . switch (2), and
smash his face in. Since it’, ricle tip to the
S Rank if syou get hit even < bedroom. Use
>ion, it's probably easiest ju the Guiding
dodgeihis fireballs with well Light on the y
giant shn
The next room has a trio plaque -('.T), and
and you’ll need to kill them this mission is
the door. As always, Sin St he strategy
boils,down to point-blank’S itgu it blasts.
There’s also a Secret Music
fHtssion 7
Jfltsisiron 8

The Legendary Knight Returns'

UcttPate tfje mecliamsm anb escape from tfje

Castle - Hebei 3f Sail

Castle - Hebei 3Jf

'licgm rim Suvuon by!

across the giant hallway
jump back ____
down there. BPo;.*
No, you really MgS

some Red
ilissiton 8
Air Raid (you should have that . spouts
(RUN!),; if his
gun him down mandibles glow,
i fronrmidalf,' IK ^1 he’s going to
[then run ■ it shoot a fireball
laround and ■■ (JUMP OR
■HI SLASH!); if his
| from behind
j his back until 1' glow, he’s about
; the bar is built fcjaj to launch into -.
[up. again.
attack (RUN
nland AM) JUMP!).

IB Trident, Grenade Launcher, and Orbs, Oh Myij

I Grab the
[Trident in the
[ then jump on
[ top of the left
| You’ll get 20
Red Orbs and
can double a Grenade
[jump from Launcher (4).
[there onto a ledge with a Blue Orl Here’s a Pfotip: Pick the Grenade
[ment (3). Drop rlirough the bole Launcher! Here’s aiu,,.,,^,.
ter: Use it to kill
roof between the horse statues, an things! Grenade Launcher 'Unlimited.
[gnd up in a new room. Hit the big Ammo = Good.
[glowing orb with your sword to lot

(C Raise the Portcullis and Escape the Castle.

idoor leads to the blue room on
! floor that you visited briefly dur- neath thes gate (6), but if it’s too far downy
[ ing Mission ed to roll. If you didn’t make it in
[One. Stipkyour t can head back up and try again,
[ Trident into the ime that takesi could buyer your
[ machinery on Instead, you may want topse. you
[ the far wall (5), gger to double your speed and
[ and give it a xi make it on the first; try. '
[crank. That
> will raise the vas protecting die castle’s
[portcullis in the id with thc-.Jnmhrid.ge T*
first floor room / free-to leave. But don’t
with the four
| You’ll need to
! hurry, so jump
[ over the railing,
[dash down the
[ any enemies)
! and into the
, portcullis root • •

attacks w_
best, since they
rocks 6n them,
netting you 50 _ enemy in the
Orbs each (1). Behind the headstone-like air while you ,s .
obelisk, you’ll f a Devil Star
1l find " (2) deal with others that will try to attack from
behind. When they’re crowding around
The stairs lead to a massive courtyard and vtni need.a little air, a few nointblank ,
where you’ll have your first encounter with
"Blades", lizardmen armed with cwm-dc I
jfiliggtcin 9
the right
* o,f the door)
where yot^il^ IS*- v :| bunker. The
| entered this? ’? Jj|W door is locked
I room, yqu’ll find 1 '■& ' from this side,
■ a hidden passage 1 1 but if von jump
I that leads to a
Egravestone (3). fm find! hc^Holy
I Solve this riddle Water. This
| the way Dante nifty item will do a helix chunk of damage
to everything in the area, but it could drop
I die, by whacking your rank if you use it. You’ll also find a
I things with his . Mmch of scattered iQrjps (including a
E sword, and reveal Yellow Orb) if-you explore the other side of
I a Blue Orb frag-
E ment. Across
E from that path,

esa bullion doors in this area, .whole other form, like Alastor.. As of right
s'of ephemeral fairy flames niH now, it offers little more than a four-hit
icate the correct path. In the combo thafe-can be done quickly for stan¬
jump up to the third floor, dard dama|e, or slowly (by holdifig down
I where you’ll find the buttons ay m i
[ a Devil Star and befo ire j'/TTplit" 11
[ .another Yellow
Orb at either.Yud
[of the parapet.
SS53.. HI '.'Rji
| Activate the seal jumping attack, W
while not over- HB:
| that floor (4), l\ powerful, is
nm and a series of
L floating plat-
very useful;
The beamy ot the
[ forms will . _ j

| Carefully jump m.tlicalh I,V.nr [lie

[ across to your
[ "New Strength,"
ITfrit. This is far
I from just another
[ weapon-This is a

Back at the coliseum gatesya new boss - - plenty of time !

• will be waiting. Griffon is prfetty much the to see its
I only boss in the game that guns are effec-' attacks' coming:
: tive against (and by "guns," I mean "fM and dodge
Grenade Latmcher"). Use iu:o change your - appropriately,:
Devil Brar from fat away, where y.ou’11 have Dodging the V-.-
lasers is just a -' f
matter of jump- 1
mg at the right ■ Still having
time. A roll I trouble with
works nicely for B
dodging his little I
bombing raids, fl ~ _ \ I .. , ., I,,
and outside of | trap today?
attacks, you have vel walking. Light the torch outside the comer
Griffon. When youi door (5).arid go right (Jh^b^thg'next area.
you can either stick This boss is totally
attacks, or get up clc

Light the Way to the South Garden

Nope-, .this mission ain’t o\ Follow-'(6) with 40 Redhljj^and a'Ffoly Water

the, ephemeral flames to the ior, ' . The next area has a Statue of Time th
which leads to ■, , -... will sell you n , , ^
the misty'south gallpS some nifty Ifrit
garden. When r" lg|pa .moves. Inferno f 4v.W 1
you head to the I M ..lid K.'IImij I
exit of that area, ■Lf'tSSj -■J*- B LI.it, arc dk- L|A I . Kd
it will fill with I, ■best, if you can I
Marionettes, I bajsss ■ afford them.
including a IfcSfeij* On the cheaper SS&i .
Fetish, a tougher, jj| side. Magma tiCIrid
deadlier varia¬
tion you should try to take ot 'attack that finally gives Ifrit the ability
is a gopd opportunity to prac juggle, and Kickl3 is basically the Ifrit i
canpon altbe.

Navigate the aLabyrmthn of Mists

ittisston 11

<2Mer tfje Clialtce anb open tfje patl).

ifftottion 11

Midnight in the Garden of Evil and Idky _

Death Scissors.
fit does have one new niove that you
| haven’t $ee|®before: Black disks that
f appear benedth Dante and hurldfag. way up
into the air. Ostensibly, this is some sort of
I "attack," !ut really.it jtist sets Dante up for
BO'iu'ib; j KyHops,: left as he
| Devil Bat entered this
| well just i
the shadowy pillar and drop down through,
; When a kill him-, a floating disk will the three levels of latticed greenhouse. 3
[ appear nt "the far door. Taking that for

% The Thoroughly Gross Sign of Chastity

cracked w-all (4), and jump up through the
other side of the well. You’ll appear in the
j is a tight area fall of Bla sealed part of the first area, where you can /
Grenade Launcher-still ■ get yourself a big of laminated brain (5):
> here. Of-Course, it’s me What that has to do with "chastity" ^anys- g
I theijniddle of ojre’sgaess; Orf
i the melee and t " your way back, .,
t kill them all rah make sure tp kill
j with Inferno or I all the-Blades in
j Ifrit combos 1 the-underground i
(which is a good [ „ passage again-.
You’ll gat a Blue
j some Stylishes). Orb fragment for *
Punch or blast H
| through the

(j£ I Am Dante’s Smirking Revenge

J - Take your throbbing brain and go If you don’t have a fall Devil Bar,
K through either door on the opposite wall of way to charge it is to jump up on
■ the mail/area (the top one will give you the balconies to either side ot the
access to one of two Green Orbs in and wait for Angelo to teleport up after
irea, if you need it). Set the Sign of you (you may have to dod«c a fewjprojec-
3in the plaque before the. Chalice
prepare for Nelo Apgelo, fCound
tiles in the meantime). When he gets
there, drop down below the balcony, and
fire Grenade Launcher blasts through the
iHts&tcin 12

#o to tlje beck anti Ijeati to ttje Captain si cabm

^ Between a Roc and a Hard Place

an exit anb escape from tlje mnp
'Deep Darkness-and
Towering Mountains
to tfje surface anb fjeab for tfje coliseum.

ion 14 tide, head

) the ship and
the way through
deck and into
lation shaft that

body and you’ll

^ The Ghost Ship Runs Aground

• Swim up to the'surface, aid then drop Goonies-esque area‘contains a handful of
right back into, the water where the sunken Marionettes and, if you search the open •
femast-kes You’ll find a leftover Blue Orb^ ' chest, a Holy Water, (continued next f
fihgnient^The tunnel qij,tvof this highly ' page) * ' ’ .
modes, this long tunnel is full of'et
Normal Mode, you can ruri right
At the end of the tunnel, youfll find
an impaled skeleton holding the
Emblem Shield. If you choose to .
activate the switch after grabbing
the shield, it will open the gate
that blocks the elevator.' It will
also make this area get all India
Jones-y, with a spiriting floor and _
retractable spikes. It’s easy
enough to jump over the spike ■ j
holes, so just keep your eyes on |
/the floor and run for the elevator.

Lost Treasures Near the Waterfall

rocks “across from the shop). You’ll finds'"
vaterfall and a Statue of Blue Orb fragment there. Next, Air Hike
Holy Water under the water or Vortex to the Red Orbs atop the eleva¬
.easy-to:get, but this area’s te gondolavand'again across'to the grassy
items ar"e a bit tricky to fin ledge just tt/the left of the waterfall. Hop.
up to the ledge_ across fro up a series of iedges to the very top of the
you don’t haye'Air Hike, waterfall, where you’ll find a Yellow Orb,
jump off of one of the and a Red Orb on the way. < *

The Long Road Back to Castle Ardor _.

• .20,0'lied Orbs to enter the dbor atthe.bot-
tomdf the cliffs, and you’ll end up on'the
other side of the coliseum garden.
'■I Several waves of Marionette will assault'
’ ere, and while you don’t have to kill
they’ll get in the way as yau/searchf;
tor hidden items. You can smash
the ground to reveal 10 Red
f you jump 0* ’
iBtsston 15 md a wall of spikes. Kill the Sin
with your Shotgun and dash down
the. spinning hall. If you go through
, the;fest passage on Dante’s left
you’ll find 30 Red Orbs and a glow¬
ing platform that will completely
recharge yourDfMBar. If you're .
low on health, use your Devil Bar
to regenerate, fill it Up again, and ;«
repeat. At the end of the rotating,
floor, double jump off the wall to
the ledge, and from there'® the
Pair of Lances on the altar.

IB What's Behind Door Number. Two

The Pair of Lances, yet another frustrat- rotating floor The twist
ingly cool-looking weapon that Dante;can’t qyou have to hit the seals
equip, willopen.the main dbor to the coli- that block younprogress.
seum. But if you want to get the game’s the altar at the end, you’l
final weapon, , . __ -j. Nightmare-beta,
you’ll also have '
to open Up the * J; -< liar finaj weapon
But be* re you
grab that, fall
into the pit and
-double jump
under the plat¬
form where the

Griffon, Round 3: Original, or Extra Crispy?

l.sc the ■ if 1 - ip""j| When. ycSLstep
| Lances to open R^ftinli^rT^rlHi ^ufShece^f
[ the double ting of the
fdoors. that lead *• CSj gi on II. I floor o|
I to the coliseum, BEj rlie soli-etllll. (lie
and head' nj Griffon will
attack. You have
B ’ESBBBcgfeL,. ''•'3 two options here:
you can utilize
the same tactics
i stadium’s upper you used against the Gri'ffon the first time. J
[floors, Ifyou refilling your Devil Bar with frequent ^ ■
[.run through the taunts and primarily attacking with Devil
berimeter.you’ll' Bar enhanced handguns and Ifrit combos-
i find two Green 'when'he hits the ground. Or, ydu can try
[ Orbs and one $pu£ the new Nightmare-beta, and concen- . ,
[fellow Orb. trate entirely on dodging while your hc;Tl-
Run down the seeldng lasers do all me work and.rack up
path through unearned Sfelishek. Every Nightmare-beta; g
! the middle and shot costs a letter of-your Devil Bar, so „ 1
.... ... make a Blue Orb ybu’ll still need to do plenty of taunting
:. Make sure to do all this when you get a break between Griffon’s
. uuu,g you-fight t^bossji.‘cause lightning attacks.
, go back Afterwards.
Jlltsigton 16

Jlghtmare of Darkness
| torabel tlje mpsiterj) of tfje "Ji>taff of ?|erme£"


The Wheel of Destiny Turns

When the post-Griffon intermissioi entire Blue Orb located’fey the elevator:
ends, jump onto the stone pillar that Our destination is the castle where, the
in I ■ ■ f V
ihe elevator Hj •
next S.e<!ret
coliseum’s base¬ Mission, you’ll
ment. Pickup have.twhead
the Wheel of IwJfmro the.
Destiny, and coliseum righf
Mission 16 will alter you leave.
C Dante’s First Nightmare
Investigate enemy. When the Sargasso die, Phantoi
the glowing will appear. When you Mil him, you’ll b
puddle in the freed from hell
and Nightmare
Phantom’s old will take a big
chapel (5), and chunk of dam¬
the Nightmare age. Since
boss will make you’ll get your
its debut. Devil Bar
When it- j refilled if you ;
remember to
shut off your
in the corners ofth4 Devil Form, -
-freeze into a solid .shi
age until the switches
want to activate the switch again
that happens, though, or you’ll be
Phantom, S
ble to some deadly goo-form attacks.. skilled gamers
will leave this
only be underworld
, „.>o-fbr,
It’s a little blob,
of muck that
appears around
Dante and pulls
him down to a
dank under¬
world populated
by the Sargasso
#lt£!Ston 16

I Know the Pieces Fit, I Saw Them Fall Away
When Nightmare has fallen, head ot
plasty atoap at tlje tiragon anti enter tp
court tottf) tfje "(©utcMlber".
Go right back through the portal and make it across the bridge w
into the water (easy if you use Vortex or Air Raid). I like this Sec
because it’s the only one you can totally cheat at. I guess you’re :
use the Death Scythe’s special ability to hurl yourself up in the ai
the Blue Orb fragment, but that’s an awful lot of work to set-up.
kill the Death Scythe,
charging Dante’s Devil —Is* -
Bar in the process.
Then hop up onto the
bony canopy, and just
Vortex across. If you
fail, the only way you
can retry is to take the ’ . *i
warp out of here, and
cross the bridge again. ._ ' ASfc

ing With the Devil in

Flaming Ping-Pong in the Gallery of Death ...

f Switch to.Alastor here,

[since you can’t reflect the
[ dragon’s fireballs with Ifrit.
[ Stand directly in their path,
[time your swings right, and
I the skeletal dragon will
[explode after three,shots.
[Then turn the crank on thh
I mirror hy rotatip'g yourana-'
[log pad until it reflects onto
[ the ceiling and makes the
[ Quicksilver appear. If you h
[ right onto the balcony to.get
[heed to Jump across the Setli -transparent plat-
[forms: Before you leave, ma > visit the balcony 1
[the right of the second mirre you can find a hid-
I den Blue Orb fragment."

(£, Nelo Angelo: The Final Battle (Finally). ...

[ (><> back tolhe hallway and take the left combo of your
[passage to the giant wooden doot:f7:)'. Set * choice-seven if
| the Quicksilver in the-slot, and prepare for • he blocks it, it
[your final battle wifrt Angelo. His massive * .fills the oP
[sword does double damage and has roughly "DevifcBar.
[double the. range. His sword attacks«re Repeat this ■
basically the same,-biit he has a new pro- until your bar i
needle, a series of spirit blades that he'" ■ full enough to
[ throws from mid-air. Wait till these are
[about to make contact, then jump with
[Rolling Blaierto smash them all before they then switch to
I hit you. If you your Devil'
don’t have Form ‘immedi¬
Rolling Blare WL*~rrrTrnMW^^^^Bn ately after the
(and really, f.«| jump kick and
what \ on ‘do your Ifrit
thinking.’) ftV
| kind) to get out ’
[ of their way.
[ 'Angelo is too quiEk, so we’ll have to mod¬
ify-the strategy we used last tune. Stay
[ out of his sword range, and wait for the .
[ glow that signifies an impending attack.
[ Then quickly do an Ifrit jump Ktfk to
knock him out of it. Fono;w4rup.vidth a
Spirit Stone, Elixir
iDfjrotn tl)e "Philosopljer’s €gg" into tfje ftre
anb transform it into a Spirit intone.

Castle -
Submerged Srena

M A Gift from Dante’s Father

ftflhteiton 18

[ to tEe warp room at the begii
f last mission. Take the other
1 Dante will end up in an undt and shoot the 1
| (1). Swim ■ ■ j barrel for a
, through the Blue Orb frag- tjmft
two rusty gates |8H
out into the'
dead end room main hallway and turn left, then right i
with a bunch iHK' ' leave this area. You’ll end up in a sma
of Red Orbs H arena with three Death Scissors. Gun
(and more in ■ them all down arid the door will open,'
the barrel) (2). B

BOitfe: The Philosopher’s Egg in the Water Tower

[ Dante will door that lead

I find himself in- • to the courtyard
[ a small corridor in the last yer-
! that leads to
[the tower. Hit tlEElt stilfJoes,
[ the switch to although it’s a
fillthis tower ^ very different
courtyard. -As
.then swim up the switches on
toythe small the walls sug-

green and brown

lightmare, : the boss that you’ll .fight in the heUish.netherWorld is good

hat you sent him there.it: ethe first place. Fortunately,-theSs
to avoid than if was last t
attack: He can detach one.of bis")
Enter the Corrupted WorldP
©pen tin' gate to tfje llnbmuotlt). I

Jligljt fcastle
33Unmti5- Hebels

This will activate the final warp in the

the double doors bridge area (4).
on the second v'y-
’floor of the That leads to the bedroom', where yo;
courtyard, and flttd an Untouchable, and a Blue Orb ,fi
enter the short ment. Head through the. mirror, and yc
~:2F Hallway that end up in the mysterious anti-world cot
leads to nothin'.",. sisting of the bedroom and, through-its:
You’ll find a window, the courtyard area where you <
Blue Orb frag¬ fought Angelo.
ment there, and
a large Red Orb
worth 100 (1).
Take the wafp in
the courtyard
back to the blue-
fthted room (2),
and run all the
wayslo the warp
downstairs (3).
jUts&ton 20
To charge up your I Vvil Bar, just let Nightmare
rt to its goo form, and jump
’ and forth in the goo„ charging
■ Bar with Rolling Blate hits rtgEBl
y do no dan^e, but charge it jPWKyHMMB
• ii.-t .m.1,1 . ......... "I iln 9
and attack the net with Rolling

id e&ape

Mutate tlje Ijeart anti open tfje la£t sate,

®je Hnbcrtoorlt)
Srea ®tno

This mission begins in the rooi

after Nightmare, but if ycaj eut
through the gray membrane you
can return to that room and grab
ah Untouchable (1). In thferoorr
where you started, you can snag ;
Holy Water, and open t he door C
the final Secret Mission (2).
iHtSston 21

Getting to this Secret

Mission is tricky. You
need to press the
gun/search button at the
spot shown here, as if it '
were a door. You’ll enter ., V
a hidden labyrinth where ,* \
you’ll be forced to fight
three one-on-one battles
with Nobodies. In one of
them, you’ll find a Blue
Orb (yep, an entire four-fragment Blue Orb), but
that isn’t the prize for this mission. To make it
Irafeugh the labyrinth, just pick a side (like Dante’
right) and hug that wall as you run through the
labyrinth. It’s easy to get turned around during tl
Nobody battles, but don’t worry if you get lost...tl
labyrinth isn’t that big, and if you stick to one side
you’ll find the door to the next area sooner or late
There’s a giant dragon here, and if you hit the mas¬
sive orb between his legs (um....) you’ll get a ton of
Red Orbs. This guy doesn’t breathe fireballs, so
there’s nothing to reflect, but you can get in his face
and heat the crap out of him. Just step to the side
after every few hits to avoid his breath. A bunch of
Frosts will then appear on the bottom, but you can
ignore them and continue upwards to get to the
prize. Jump from ledge to ledge, and then take a
ride on the first two giant eye-things. Ignore the
third, and Jump across to the glowing item: The
Bangle of Time.

: the Bangle of Time like

Head through
that door and
You’ll end up in
a squiggly maze

just head
There are two
new enemy-like
things here:
■Hands that .
reach up from
the ground to •

d£ Hie Last Leg of Your Journey

■ of Plasma
|ke to.sta
‘Shoot them
down with
guns, jump
across the Java,
and activate the
switch (4). A single pillar wijl rise,
•you’ll need to jump onto that, and w
second before the second onB-rises.
on that for a
csecond, and the
third will -
appear. Jump
across to anoth¬
er glowing orb
(which just
firbs)*. an,).
Continue jump-

0 (.i)

screen. These tips are usually unlocked when you stumble upon a successful strategy, c
hit by an unusual enemy attack. We have collected them all and reprinted them in our
gallery for your gaming convenience.

These are low-claste evil spirits who borrow | Orj.ce they catch you, they will not! let |
the bodies of puppets in order to exist in a ejasily; instead, they will tiy to slash and ]
physical state. your neck. Wiggle the Left Analog Stick
shake them off
Sometimes they use guns to attack: before
they fire their guns, they have a habit of j The Marionettes will make a screechin
tvyirling their wrists, jmaking spinning sounds. ttar fry to immobilize those near them! 1
becoine immobilized, quickly wiggle the 1
The daggers they throw travel in a straight Analbg Stick to free yourself.
direction. If you can see the enemy move
before they attack, you should be able to avoid Since they exist as physical entities, thi
being hit. j be destroyed by physical means. Use gur
swords, and other ways to send them inti
They will also throw crescent-shaped blades oblivion!
that curve around objects to attack you. Keep :
sharp eye on their movements.

t)EVlL May Cry Perfect Guide
Like Marionettes, Bloody Maris are low-class Once they catch you, they will not let go so
evil spirits that borrow the bodies of puppets in easily; instead, they will try to slash and gash
order to exist in a physical state. Their red out¬ your neck. Wiggle the Left Analog Stick to
fit dyed with human blood somehow increases shake them off
their evil powers.
Bloody Maris will also make a screeching evil
Sometimes they use guns to attack: before they war cry to immobilize those near them. If you
fire their guns, they Rave a habit of twirling become immobilized, quickly wiggle the Left
their wrists, making spinning sounds. Analog Stick to free yourself.
The daggers they throw travel in a straight Since they exist as physical entities, they can
direction, it you can see the enemy move before be destroyed by physical means. Use guns,
they attack, you should be able to avoid being swords, and other ways to send them into obliv-

They will also throw crescent-shaped blades

that curve around objects to attack you. Keep a
harp eye on their movements.

Devil-May-Cry Perfect Guide

y the evil spirits. All physical attacks their prey to steal their souls. Wiggle the Left
ss and easily blocked. Analog Stick to free yourself from death.
;e punning attack with the scythe is an The attack executed after they circle around
i of the Sin’s hatred and anger. deadly. Watch them closely and if they start
moving in circles, do your best to avoid being
e to be quick on your feet to evade the
scythes of the boomerang scythes
If you succeed in deflecting the scythes, you’ll
be able to create an opening for attack.
brella-like shape that appears is the

cythes that flyf at you can be' deflected blast the

jr guns if you 1become a Devil Hunter.
ou fire from a close ra when their
i are very effective against these evil s are down, you’ll be ! to eliminate
is they’ve only fought with ancient with one shot.
who only used swords. Use your gu

Devil May Cry Perfect Guide

Death Scissors
The part that looks like a cow’s bone is The weakest points are their horns. If you find
i their main body. Their evil is much stronger a way to attack their horns, it’s the most effective
and tougher than the Sins’. way to fighting them.
They use many staffs made from bones of ani- Their capes are nothing more than illusions
als and humans to create an evil barrier. This created by the evil spirits. All physical attacks are
arrier is impenetrable. You must defeat the useless.
nemy inside of it.
They will most likely counter Dante’s attack by
Their screw attacks are accurate and very deflection.
estructive. Dodge to escape.
When they concentrate evil in their heads,
It’s unwise to try to fight these evil spirits from their heads turn red and all of your attacks
he surface. Become a Devil Hunter and take the become ineffective. When you are caught in this
ight into the air. situation, do your best to dodge their attacks.
The head of the main body is their weak
of all Sins. When extreme situations prolong, the Death
will risk their lives and start to attack fiercely
deadly body attacks from above must be with their four blades. Attack and destroy them
. If you are hit, critical damage will be as quickly as you possibly can. Don’t give them
ile. any time to get a hold of their scythes.
omados that appear are the spirits in the Their capes are nothing more than illusions
lere that were forced to comply with evil created by the evil spirits. All physical attacks
[he tornados will suck their prey into the are useless. Meaningless attacks will only make
ng away their freedom to move. How them counter attack! Jump higher than the
ize these tornados to your advantage will enemy and attack with accuracy from above.
When you attack and hit the actual scythes,
l use the power of the tornado to your the enemy will flinch. Since it is rarely off
Be. vou should be able to iumn to where Buard. attack it with all vou’ve eot!
_ its body, thus The true form is the core of its evil powers.
wing it to deflect all sword attacks. It’s Firearms will not work against this core.
il spirit that takes form from its own
.vs. But they can also take on other Its spinning attack is very accurate. Watch out
y changing the spells on its body. for it when it jumps high into the air.
shadow form, all sword attacks are The shadow transforms into a narrow spear-like
d. This is because it remembers the weapon, thrusting it toward the enemy! The
s from its fights with the ancient knights. spear is hard enough for the player to even stand
:r, firearms seem to be an exception. on top of it! If you succeed in standing on top of
it, there is a brief moment when the shadow can¬
:ases magical powers instantaneously in not move! This is when you can blast all the lead
i deflect certain attacks. At the same you have!
e magical powers are shot toward its
It is very difficult to avoid being hit with The Shadow will go into a state of shock if you
succeed in standing on top of its spear. When
this happens the spells lose their barrier effective¬
1 you damage its surface toa certain point, ness and allow the bullets to go right in. In other
me to a point when it can’t deflect the words, if you are able to blast enough bullets dur¬
anymore, showing its true form. This is ing this state of shock, you can defeat the enemy
is most vulnerable. without trying to attack its core directly.
: evil spirit inhibits the body of a fly. The green Beelzebubs eat the dead, abs
hideousness is not too difficult to imagine their evil powers, and become even strop
ts appearance and movements, since it is After absorbing, they gain more agility ar
:nt. become more dangerous.
it appear to be maggots that the blue Never turn your back to the Beelzebub,
bub vomits are not real maggots - they use its frontal limbs to reach out and try
orm of evil power that will prevent your break your back.
:>m firing if they latch on. In this case,
ould switch your weapon to a sword. Beelzebub is most vulnerable when it’s
back. Blast it with an aerial attack. And
large green Beelzebubs serve like an evil out for the poison it spurts out.
batik for the blue airborne Beelzebubs.
ieem to be stronger since they have larger

Devil May Cb

one of the servants of the Dark It can charge its evil powers and unleash the
Inside its exo-skeleton body hot molten fires of evil through its mouth. Rolling seems
lates. Not only is the shell hard, but it work well in avoiding this attack.
cts it from magical attacks.
When its anger is at its peak, it will shoot ft
ses its mouth to release its magical powers, balls from its back like a volcano eruption.
jrifice is the only vulnerable part of the Concentrate — dodge this attack.
The body’s topside is also its weak point. If
ie tail coiled o: back is a deadly weapon you want to prove yourself as a true Devil
will thrust its >er with amazing speed. Hunter, close in on the enemy and attack him
should keep y< from above!

mtom can summon the dead by sticking its

into the ground: the dead will awaken in tl
of fire pillars. The fire pillar strikes from
Although they appear similar to the Phantom, Although their a
rey are still one of the low-class evil spirits, doesn’t compare tc
lowever, since they take on earth and rocks as Use your Devil Ht
ost elements, they have substantial durability. ster along with the
'VIL May Cry Perfefct Guide
i nese are soldiers created by the Dark
tnperor to take control of the surface. They their lower body strength is present in their
ie a kind of reptile as host bodies, and thus underwater agility. Their spinning attack is a
issess many lizard-like characteristics.
The round shield on their forearm is coated Possessors of superior agility, the Blades car
ith “evil powers” and deflects most attacks, resume their bodypositions even when they’r
heir defense is good for the attacks that come struck in midair. Trying to defeat them with
om above, but it’s not as good for the attacks monotonous attacks will be a difficult task.
Even the Blades equipped with their masks
The mask they wear protects them well and claws will not stand a chance once they a
;ainst bullets. Either you can destroy the masl knocked off balance. Attack from behind and
lickly or perhaps more wisely go around the take them down face first. Then attack from
lemy to attack it from other angles. air to finish them for good.
They can pressurize their blood, concentrate i The armor they wear protects them from m
their claws, and shoot the talons out like rais¬ attacks... but underneath the armor lie their
es. When you see them take the fire stance weak points. Though there’s armor protectin;
) your best to dodge them. most of their backs, some parts aren’t covered
It is safe to say that by attacking these prone
When they notice that you, their prey, are
wakening, they will approach to finish you off.
imember always to be on guard.
Relying on their superb agility, they are capa-
2 of moving freely underwater, almost as if
ey were aquatic organisms.

Devil May Cry Perfei

his is another servant of the Dark Emperor, Similar to an air raid, he 11 drop many
a gigantic bird-like monster that uses wind balls while gliding through the air. Tty t
lightning as its weapon. pate where they will fall and avoid being
s electricity attacks can be dodged by jumping, The Griffon’s body attack is backed by
tch out for this attack when the Griffon flaps ty to control wind power and it is very d
vings and tries to keep distance. When he flies high into the air and out

The Griffon will release red energy wi

can attack you from anywhere ignoring t
objects in its way. Use the shape of the
your advantage to dodge it.
[e will shoot electricity that charges towards
like a curtain. At first, it looks as if there’s
way to dodge them. Keep your cool as a Devil the lightning to release a powerful electi
liter and you’ll find a gap between the electric- attack. When this attack is released, a x
termeasure is to concentrate on dodging
lst because the Griffon is far away doesn’t
m you’re safe from his attacks. He will chap
ards you with his quick feet and damage you
i an intense beak snap.
They hide between the edges of the sea and They will me quickly and fe
the Underworld and wait on stray wanderers to form that they ase nearby. T1
feast on them: the spirits of the victims are des- their true self c y when they at
Although they appear similar to thi Fetish will make an evil war cry to immobiliz
Marionettes, they have much greater those nearby. When a prey is immobilized b
ers. They are not the works of a mar this attack, the others will relentlessly attack
appear to have been created by an ev prey without mercy.
The strange weapons engulfed in The flames that shoot out from their me
projected like yo-yos. Even if you d are difficult to avoid. Since they’re smarte
first pass, watch out for the second the Marionettes, monotonous attacks will
make them retaliate with their flames.
Using their speed, they will grab Dante and
beat his head with their bird-like beaks. Wiggle
the Left Stick on the controller to shake them
Frosts are soldiers created by the Dark
Emperor to take control of the surface.
} Enveloped in cold air they are the elite of
* ' their kind. Their quickness is a definite
fc advantage in cornering prey.
The cold honed claws actually act as an ice
blade. The air around the blades is somehow
beyond absolute zero temperature and the vic-
«‘ tims who are slashed will die without feeling
l J any pain.
The claws will become icicles that shoot out
deadly projectiles. To dodge after they’ve
been fired is almost impossible. Anticipate
their movements to avoid being shot.
It’s unwise to think you’re safe just because
you’ve managed to sneak behind the enemy.
Remember that their claws don’t always fire

They will release their intense coldnesfiM

using the ground as a channeling mcdium.jj
Listen carefully for the freezing sound of th(gl
ground and dodge to the sides.
They will freeze the moisture in the ati^^H
phere with their radiating coldness and tr»H|
form it into many sharp ice spears. You Wmjj
should be able to sense this attack ~ if yo;J|j I
don’t, you’ll fall victim to their ice spearsflHH

They can disperse their body at molecuWH

levels which allow them to travel through U
However, they can only travel in straight j® T
directions. Anticipating where they will fSft
appear may help you in winning the battle^P^

If enough damage is inflicted, their frozen^

body parts will shatter. Keep on damaging and
stop them from regenerating their lost parts.M

They will try to regenerate their shattered

body parts by freezing atmosphere. Destroy
the ice formations as quickly as possible.
Although impervious even to volcanic fire,
the Frosts are weak to higher realms of incen¬
diary. Use the hellfire of Ifrit to counter them.

flEviL May Cry Perfect Guide
A bio-weapon created by the Dark Emperor. The white light that’s released from the con
C°nS!f °r lnorgamc substances. It travels along the ground then pans sideways.
a s**to the sides couldbe"d-™
msciousness is unknown.
The black gel-like things that it releases will
wreathe themselves to the prey and freeze him
Wiggle the left Analog Stick to shake them off
The homing projectiles can be shot back wit
The embossed circles on the floor are toe your guns. Once the missiles lose their target,
ed to restrain the Nightmare from overri they will return to the Nightmare’s core and
nee the Nightmare is restrained, it will ei damage it.
elf in a hard armor - but will show its cc
)m time to time almost as if it’s breathini
;e the Nightmare, it will have to be in this slash away at the stems and escape quickly”’
Critical damage is the fate that waits if you fail
When you are surrounded in its gel-like font
u will be teleported into an evil dimension, The Nightmare releases its most lethal attacl
u must defeat the evil spirits that rule the from the hatches on the ends. The intense col
ness is the gathered cries of the dead and it’ll
freeze even magma. When the hatches start tc
open, do your best to avoid being hit.
Die round attachments on its body act like a
ichine gun, firing small energy forces. The The Nightmare possesses several cores. Eacl
mage of each hit is small but when hit repeti- time a core is destroyed, its self-defense mecha¬
ely substantial damage can be done. nism activates and its attack formation will
change. Watch closely for this.
t can detach a part of its body and project it
the air like a boomerang. The spinning blade The core has the power to absorb magical
ly travels in a routine trajectory so watch
efully its movement and find, an opening to powers and it does not exclude Dante’s powers
ick! If it starts to absorb, damage the core to stop tf
absorption. When it absorbs
kvoid getting close to its sides whenever pos- . enough magical powers, it
le. Its defensive reflexes will activate and a
ar-like object will thrust out to eliminate
atever is in the way. If you time vour attack--}
h sufficient impact, you’ll be able to CKate a
nee for offense. Yjfc-jA i

.•Oil 'X&

Devil May-Cry Perfect


;tricity. Be ready to dodge when you multiplying is to eliminate all of them al

rt to charge up light. simultaneously.
the ability to copy and transform Plasma is an embodiment of evil elect
>es of their opponents. Not only do Thus the use of Nightmare-Beta against
iir shapes but they also have the abil- less. Its ability to manipulate ambient e
their behaviors and actions as well. only bend the light, not damage it at all.

d electricity that fires from their eye Alastor >rm of "Spirit of Lightr
The electricity travels horizontally only obeys tnds of the chosen one
ie danger, jump upwards to avoid the power Alastor do not work e
~T~ After the bridge
1 This fragment r
I appears after you fall breaks, jump on
1 in the water and kill top of the canopy b>~
1 the Sargasso. Jump the broken bridge.
1 across the remains of Then either Vortex, ,
1 the bridge, or teleport or Air Raid to the
chunk of bridge float-
1 get back here.

After fighting
the Shadow, jump UP
comer above the
door. Then Vortex,
Air Raid or Air Hike
to the smaller tower
for a Blue Orb frag-

11 MISSION 8: On the Ledge

ing Phantom, drop under the gate, don’t

down to the lower hurry through the
door righi. away.
jsw double jump off Turn and face the
one of the horses to door, then jump in
reach the ledge with the pool of water to
the fragment. your right for a frag-

After you
you defeat the Blades defeat the Death
outside the coliseum Scythe go back to the
L back towards the entrance. Now fol¬
jr where you low the left wall to
entered and follow this latticed area,
the left wall to this double jump to the
grave. Knock it aside top and follow the
to reveal a fragment. path to the fragment.

Ifo MISSION 12: Mast Jumping

ing the Sign of fragment, get on the

Chastity, kill all the mast closest to the
Blades on your retut bow of the ship,
trip through the stand right in the
underground area. middle, and use
The last one to fall Stinger to glide over
will drop the frag- to the front of the
Mission 07
Secret Mission 5 [One Eyed Devil]
Lure the Kyklops into their mutual death.

'■ Condition - available anytime

This Mission takes place in the room where you got the Rusty Key.
The point of this mission is to get the two Kyklops to kill each other.
So stand right in between them, wait for them to shoot their giant
boulders, and jump out of the way. Air Hike is really useful here, as
it keeps you out of danger that much longer, so use it if you got it.
The Blue Orb fragment will appear as soon as the first spider dies,
and you’re then free to slaughter the remaining spider.

Secret Mission 6 [Wandering Ghosts]

Acquire the Blue Orb that’s floating in the air.

Retries - YES Difficulty Condition - available anytime

As soon as this Mission 11 begins, step right back through the

door behind you. The point of this mission is to jump off of the
Sin Scissors to get to the Blue Orb fragment floating in the sky.
The most challenging aspect of this mission is figuring out where
exactly the stupid Orb is. If you stand at the spot shown, about
3/4 of the way from the door to the large weed on the path,
you’ll be right underneath it. Just keep jumping straight until a
Sin Scissors ends up in just the right position above you for an
Mission 16
Secret Mission 9 [Stairway of Tranquility]
Acquire the Blue Orb at the end of the stairway of death.

Retries - YES Difficulty Condition - available anytime

Re-enter the Coliseum to begin the Secret

Mission 9. To complete it, you’ll need to jump up
the stairway of skulls and pick up the Blue Orb
fragment at the top. It’ll take four quick hops,
and then jump back from the top skull, since the
Orb fragment is actually located above the second-

Mission 16
Secret Mission 10 [ Shadow of Darkness]
Hunt down all the Shadows.

Retries - YES Difficulty Condition - After nightmare battle

If you return to the airplane hangar room after defeating Nightmare, this mission will begin. The
objective is to hunt down and eradicate the four Shadows on the ground floor of the castle. Two are
in this room, crouched on the wing of the air-
plane. Once you lure them off the plane, jump
back up there and fill your Devil Bar with taunts
or cheap shots. The next is in the main hall,
where you found that second Blue Orb fragment
way back in Mission 1. The last is in the
• portcullis room, through the red door. When all
four are dead, you’ll get the Blue Orb fragment.

Mission 17
Secret Mission 11 [Blue Gem in the Sky]
Acquire the Blue Orb that’s located high in the sky.

Retries - YES Condition - available anytime

f Ga right back through the portal and make it across the bridge without falling aw (easy i£
Air Raid). I like this Secret Mission because it’s the only oni
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