Muscle Fiber Composition Test
Muscle Fiber Composition Test
Muscle Fiber Composition Test
This is a simple indirect test that is used to estimate the predominant muscle fiber type - slow
twitch or fast twitch. It is interesting for athletes to know the composition of their muscle fibers. If they
are primarily a strength or speed athlete, they want fast twitch fibers. For endurance athletes, more
slow twitch fibers is optimal. This test does not replace an actual muscle fiber composition test, which
would be more accurate but involves an invasive muscle biopsy and more sophisticated analysis.
Purpose: to estimate the predominant muscle fiber type for any given muscle group .
Coring: the maximum number of times the weight is correctly lifted is recorded. Use the values in the
table below to determine the muscle fiber type based on the number of repetitions at 80% of 1RM
(Pipes, 1994).
Disadvantages: performing a maximum weight lift is only for advanced weight trainers. It is important
to be experienced in the gym and have good technique before attempting this test. The results for
muscle fiber type is specific to the muscle group tested, and may not apply to the other muscles of
the body. As muscle groups are involved in the lifting techniques, the muscle fiber composition of
individual muscles is not able to be determined using this test.
Physical Fitness
(Posture, Body Mechanics and Body Type)
Submitted by:
Avendaño, Daniel
Balane, Jay Mark
Barcela, Fernando
Belleza, Pauline
Bermeo, John Vincent
Echano, John Virgel
Ganelo, Jethro
Landicho, Lean Joyce
Tabor, Ivy
Submitted to:
Mr. Frederick Gaurino
Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education
I - Objectives :
C. Understand the benefits of good posture and consequences and causes of poor posture.
II - Subject matter :
A. Topic : Posture
III - Procedures
A. Topic review
B. Motivation (introduction)
IV - Content
A. Posture
- Position in which the body holds while standing, sitting on lying down.
B. Benefits of good posture:
- It keeps bones and joints in correct alignment so that muscles are being used properly.
- It lessens the stress on the ligaments holding the spinal joints together.
- It helps prevent muscle strain, back and muscular pain, and overuse of muscles.
-poor posture Can lead to excessive strain, prone to injury and back pain, alteration in both soft
tissues, affect the position and function of vital organs(abdominal region)
-incorrect sitting position, incorrect standing habits, stress, pregnancy, abnormal tight muscle, high-
heeled shoes, obesity, weak muscles, fatigue, visual and hearing defects, lack of exercise and poor
E. Body Mechanics
A proper walk
F. Body Types
Somatotyping – the system of classifying body types, depends on one’s body shape.
Benefits of Somatotyping:
Big bones, round face, large trunk and thighs, as well as a degree of body fat, especially
around the midsection.
Broad shoulder, small waist, naturally large muscles and fast metabolism due to the
amount of lean muscle. For men, it looks like a natural muscle man with a heavy, hard and athletic
It often possess narrow waist, hips and shoulder and has a low body fat percentage