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Key Words: Covid-19, Credit Cycle, High-Yield Bonds, Leveraged Loans, Clos, Default Rates, Recovery Rates, Rating/Inflation, Crowding-Out, Zombies

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COVID-19 And The Credit Cycle Forthcoming in the Journal

of Credit Risk

Edward I. Altman*

Max L. Heine Professor, Emeritus

NYU Stern School of Business

(This version: May 19, 2020)


The COVID-19 health crisis has dramatically affected just about every aspect of the economy, including
the transition from the record long benign credit cycle to a stressed one, with still uncertain dimensions.
This paper seeks to assess the credit climate from just before the unexpected global health crisis catalyst
to its immediate and extended impact. We analyze the performance of several key indicators of the
nature of credit cycles - - default and recovery rates on high yield bonds and the number of large firm
bankruptcies that we expect over the next 12 months, and beyond, yield spreads and distress ratios,
and liquidity. Our focus is primarily on the non-financial corporate debt market in the U.S. which
reached a record percentage of GDP at the end of 2019 as firms increased their debt to take advantage
of record low interest rates, and investor appetite grew for higher promised yields on risky fixed income
assets. We also examine the leveraged loan and CLO markets, as well as the increasingly large and
important BBB tranche of the corporate bond market. Specifically, we discuss the latter’s vulnerability
to downgrades over the expected downturn in the real economy and this vulnerability’s potential
impact on expected default rates by “crowding-out” other firms’ low quality debt, some of them which
we believe are “zombies”. Using Z-Scores for a sample of BBB companies between 2007 and 2019, we
analyze this largest component of the corporate bond market to provide some evidence on the
controversial debate as to whether there has been ratings inflation or, perhaps, persistent over-
valuation of the non-financial corporate debt market since the last financial crisis.

Key Words: COVID-19, credit cycle, high-yield bonds, leveraged loans, CLOs, default rates, recovery rates,
rating/inflation, crowding-out, zombies.

1. Introduction

With global health concerns about the coronavirus dominating the news, this article gauges the
financial health of the credit market both pre- and post- the Covid-19 pandemic. I begin with an
examination of where we were in the credit cycle during the pre-pandemic period culminating at
the end of 2019. At the end of 2019, the credit cycle was apparently in a benign state, albeit
with some unmistakable storm clouds on the horizon. By my definition, benign credit cycles are
periods when most, if not all, of four aspects of market conditions are incentivizing major growth
in the supply and demand for credit. That means three or more of the following:

1. Low and below-average default rates

2. High and above-average recovery rates on actual defaults
3. Low and below-average yields and spreads required from issuers by investors
4. Highly liquid markets in which the riskiest credits can issue considerable debt at low
interest rates

At the end of 2019, at least three of these signals indicated we were still in a benign credit cycle,
one that, assuming 2016 was an energy industry anomaly, was well into its 11th year. That’s the
longest by far of any benign cycle in the history of modern finance. As of the end of 2019, the
benign indicators were a corporate high yield (HY) bond default rate of 2.87% (dollar-
denominated) compared to the historic average of 3.3%; yield spreads required by investors in
HY bonds and leveraged loans about 100 bps below the historic average, and extremely high
liquidity in the risky debt segment. The recovery rate on defaulted bonds was 43.5%, slightly
below the historic average of 46.0%. Indeed, during the first two months of 2020, new HY issues
were at record levels on top of new HY bond issues that totaled $250 billion in 2019, and newly
issued leveraged loans amounted to almost $500 billion (see Altman & Keuhne (2020)).

Further, the stock market had just had an extremely profitable year, rising about 30% in 2019,
with HY bond investors enjoying a return of about 14%. The U.S. economy was perking along
at a reasonably high rate, certainly at a level above most of the developed world. The outlook for
2020 was still fairly rosy, despite the coronavirus ravaging the Wuhan area in China and in some
other countries. Indeed, the FED’s forecast for GDP growth in the U.S. was in the 2.0-2.2%
range (Federal Reserve System, 2019).

However, was this upbeat scenario indicative of a benign credit cycle or a credit bubble that created
a false sense of security, even as risk built up in the system? Even before the pandemic struck,
there were signs of excess associated with a credit bubble or a “risk-on” attitude in credit markets.
For example, the amount of corporate bonds, both investment and non-investment grades, in the
U.S. had doubled from 2009 levels to more than $9 trillion at the end of 2019. The largest growth
in dollar amount was in the BBB rating class, with almost $3 trillion in marginally investment
grade bond issues. Coupled with a similar growth in leveraged loans to over $1.2 trillion, most
without any meaningful protective covenants for investors, historically low interest rates, and even
the lowest quality, CCC rated issues easily refinanced with ample new issues of at least $20 billion
each year from 2014-2019 (Altman & Keuhne (2020) from Bof A statistics), most indicators were
of a “risk-on”, low default rate scenario. In addition, non-bank lending to commercial borrowers,
mostly LBO companies, exploded to an estimated 42% of all commercial lending amounting to

around $600-$700 billion (Bank of America estimate (2018)). In short, I believe that corporate,
and also government debt, was increasing enormously to perhaps dangerous levels, almost without
pause as of the end of 2019 and into the first two months of 2020. This, despite Chapter 11 and
Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings with liabilities above $100 million spiking in 2019 to a total of 98
which was the highest amount since 2009, except for 2016. Further, the number of billion dollar
bankruptcies increased from 21 in 2018 to 26, which was almost double the median (14) over the
30 year period from 1989 to 2019. The continuing issuance of high risk debt despite these ominous
signs points to a debt bubble.

Skeptics of the debt bubble theory assert that if the levels of corporate debt were considered relative
to equity measured in terms of market values, instead of book values, the corporate debt level was
actually lower than it was 10 years ago. While that is true, Figure 1 shows that if you simulate the
debt/equity ratio with a 20-40% decline in market equity values, the levels in 2019 would be the
highest in modern cycles, with the exception at the height of the great financial crisis (GFC) in

A related storm cloud over the pre-pandemic horizon involved the U.S. levels of non-financial
corporate debt (NFCD) as a percentage of GDP. Figure 2 shows this percentage from 1987-2019,
with three peaks in that ratio over this sample period [1990-91 (43%), 2001-02 (45%), and 2008-
2009 ((45.2%)]. Also shown in Figure 2 are the levels of high yield bond default rates over the
same sample period. Note that three times during the period from 1987-2019, peaks in the

NFCD/GDP ratio were followed within 12 months or less by peaks in the default rate. In 2019,
we observed a new peak at the highest ever level (47%) of NFCD/GDP. But, the default rate at the
end of 2019 was still below average. Would that low-risk, default rate continue into 2020 and
beyond? Figure 3 suggests that without a recession, the benign credit cycle may have continued.
That is, without the Covid-19 economic downturn, would we still be in environment of low default
rates, high recovery rates, low yields and liquid debt markets? Is the death of the benign credit
cycle another victim of the coronavirus? My analysis shows that the benign credit cycle was dying
even before the pandemic levied the death blow.

2. Credit and Economic Conditions During the Global Pandemic

We will never know what would have happened to the credit cycle if the pandemic had not
triggered economic collapse. Most economists are now (as of May 2020) predicting that the
Covid-19 crisis will likely result in an economic recession in the United States, and globally, by
the end of Q3/2020, with unemployment in the U.S. reaching perhaps 20-25% in Q2. Indeed, both
Morgan Stanley (predicting a 30% drop in GDP in Q2) and Goldman Sachs (24% drop) forecasted
in March an annualized recession for several more quarters, if not years, with an unemployment
rate, the highest since the great depression. JP Morgan’s forecast in March for a recession in 2020
was 55% (JP Morgan (2020). And, this large expected downturn was not just in the US. China,
was expected, by most foreign analysts, to have reduced growth in 2020 even before the awareness
of COVID-19, and many parts of Europe were already in a recession including those that depend
on China to buy their goods, like Germany.

However, the buoyant, but fragile credit markets that we observed at 2019 year-end continued its
“risk-on” market confidence until early March 2020, despite ominous warnings about the virus in
China and some other countries. Perhaps the catalyst for a change in the credit cycle, from benign
to distressed, could have come as a result of China’s GDP decline, even before the coronavirus
crisis became evident. But, the virus proliferation on a global scale was clearly the catalyst for a
major shift in the market environment. Yield spreads that were 100 bps below average as of year-
end 2019, spiked by +150 bps by March 6, 2020. And, in the fortnight that followed, spreads
doubled to over 1,000 bps. New issues in the leveraged finance market which were setting monthly
records in early 2020, essentially dried up in mid-March, with firms postponing new debt issues
due to much higher investor required interest rates. The distress ratio (HY bonds trading at more
than 1,000 bps over Treasuries) jumped from 8.2% as of the end of 2019 to almost double that
level by early March, approaching the historic average. Indeed, the distress ratio actually reached
40% in late March. Returns on high-yield bonds went from +1.5% in the first months of 2020 to a
negative -14% in late March. These declines were only the beginning of the negative trends which
became much more severe as of the end of March 2020. Furthermore, the stock market’s enormous
decline caused the declaration of a bear market (20% decline).

The stock market and most, but not all, risky debt markets rebounded strongly in April mainly due
to the Fed’s and the U.S. government’s enormous support and the hope for an early end to the
health crisis. However, the post-realization of Covid-19 has produced a bifurcation in the markets
for leveraged loans versus corporate bonds. Both markets had immediate large declines in prices
and consequent increases in yield spreads in March, but thanks to unprecedented Fed support for
the corporate bond market, the high yield bond market regained much of its losses by mid-May
2020. HY bond spreads settled at about 750-800 bps, about 250 bps above its historic average, and
liquidity resumed its early 2020 record levels of new issues, albeit at higher interest rates than
before Covid-19. Leveraged loans, on the other hand, have continued to languish since the declines
of March 2020, and yield spreads have remained high as the bank loan and CLO markets lagged
other asset classes. Without the enormous support of the Fed and the US Treasury that was
extended to the corporate bond market, new issues of leveraged loans were very low during April
and May 2020, falling to perhaps 1/3 of normal monthly amounts over the past five years
(LCDNews, (2020)).

One interpretation of the cause for differences in performance of leveraged loans vs. HY bonds is
that the CLO market is constrained in its ability to add new leveraged loans to existing structures
due to increased downgrades to CCC and defaults in the existing pools of collateral loans. Since
CLOs had purchased as much as 70% of new leveraged loans from banks in recent years, this
constraint caused banks to reduce their own lending, especially to high risk borrowers. Thus, the
“risk-on” bubble conditions that were prevalent before the coronavirus outbreak have contributed
to the depressed credit conditions in the leveraged loan market during 2020.

A key question is whether the corporate bond or the leveraged finance market is providing a better
early warning of economic conditions on the horizon. Prior research suggests that the loan market
provides an earlier and clearer forecast of economic recovery than does the bond market. Altman,
Gande and Saunders (2010) analyzed loan prices versus bond prices in the secondary market for a
large sample of defaulted companies that had both sources of debt outstanding. The evidence was
conclusive that loan price movements declined significantly earlier than bond prices. Further, the
LCD report noted above, reported that “leveraged loan performance has been a leading indicator
of when an economic recovery has begun, much more so than equity prices.” Finally, the dramatic
recovery of corporate bond prices can be attributed to Fed intervention, not indicators of
fundamental economic conditions. Thus, analysis of current credit market indicators suggests that
the current U.S. economy will remain in a deep recession longer than what the high yield bond and
equity markets are indicating.

3. Forecasting Covid-19 Default and Recovery Rates and Bankruptcies

Against this backdrop, I update my forecasts of credit conditions over the next 12 months. I
estimate default rates on dollar denominated North American HY bonds using three different
methods: (1) the mortality rate approach, (2) the required yield-spread required by market
investors, and (3) the distressed ratio method.

Mortality rate analytics (based on Altman, 1989) have been maintained and updated annually for
30 years. This actuarial technique records the frequency of default of newly issued bonds from
every major rating category, including investment and non-investment grades, for 1-10 years
after issuance. Our latest estimates cover 3,578 corporate bond defaulting issues from 1971-2019
(Figure 4). A similar analysis and compilation is done for mortality losses and can be used to
estimate loss-given-default (LGD), which includes our observations of recovery rates on
defaulting issues. These mortality statistics can be used to forecast default rates or probability of
default (PD). The technique involves the impact of bond–aging by adjusting the base population
over time for other non-default bond disappearances, such as bonds “called” by the issuer,
maturities or merger related activities. As such, if we observe the dollar amount of new issues by
rating category for the past 10 years and apply the marginal mortality rate estimates from Figure
4, we can then aggregate the amount of the defaults in a subsequent year and then divide that
amount into the forecasted population of HY bonds (as of the mid-year of the next 12 months) to
obtain our first forecast of the annual default rate over the next 12 months.

Using the above mortality methodology, our forecast for the next 12 months as of December 31,
2019 was 5.75%. Note that we aggregate estimates based on all initial ratings, even investment
grade bonds. Since the last 50 years of default and new issuance data does not include a
pandemic environment and the number of crisis years were only about six out of 50, our forecast
of 2020 defaults will probably be on the low side. We prefer, however, not to ignore this
actuarial method, especially since our other two methods do incorporate expectations based on
current market conditions.

Our second and third techniques rely on the current yield spread in the market compared to 10-
year Treasury bonds and the distress ratio. We started using the 10-year U.S. Treasury bond
benchmark before the market adopted a similar method, called the option-adjusted-spread
(results are very close between the two). The yield spread method, observes the historic annual
relationship between current (time t) yield to maturity spreads and a default rate on HY bonds in
t+1 (one year in the future). We update results annually and the latest regression estimate is
based on data from 1978-2018 yield spreads and 1979–2019 defaults, resulting in the following
default rate estimate equation:

Default Rate (t+1) = -3.15 + 1.28 (Yield Spread (t)). Adjusted R2 = 59.6%

Plugging in the yield spread as of March 26, 2020 of 9.84% results in a next 12 month forecast
default rate of 9.45%. It should be noted that due to extreme market volatility in late March and
April, 2020, the yield to maturity spread fluctuated from as low as 7.5% to about 11.0%, so our
forecasted default rate is likewise volatile, depending on when the data is accessed.

Our final technique is the so-called “distress-ratio” method, a measure we developed (Altman,
1990) to assess the segment of the high-yield market that is most likely to default should either
specific firms’ condition and/or the real economy deteriorate significantly. Under these
circumstances, default rates, in general, increase. We originally utilized the benchmark of 10%
above the 10-year T-bond rate as our distress ratio criterion, but have now adopted the market
standard of 1,000 bps above the comparable duration Treasury rate (the OAS). Since 2000, this
distress ratio’s median annual rate has been 10.35%, with an average ratio of 16.38%. This ratio
has been as high as 81.2% in December, 2008 and as low as 1.62% in December 2006.

Based on market data for 2000-2018 for the distressed ratio and 2000-2019 for default rates, our
linear regression estimated equation is:

Default Rate(t+1) = 0.923 + .240 (Distress Ratio(t) Adjusted R2 = 75%

R2 was not increased by using non-linear estimates

Plugging in the distress ratio as of March 26, 2019 of 33% (the ratio reached as high as 40.0%
earlier in March and as low as 22% in early May) our PD estimate for the next 12 months is 8.84%.
Averaging the three methods, our preliminary forecasted default rate for the 12 month period, as
of March, 2020 is 8.01%, which is about 2.4 times the comparable rate in 2019. Summarizing the
results of the three models yields:

Mortality Rate = 5.75%

Yield Spread = 9.45%

Distress Ratio = 8.84%

Average = 8.01%

Finally, we have added a new element to our 2020 post-pandemic forecast based on the huge
increase in triple-B rated debt and the likely “crowding-out” effect caused by the almost certain
increase in downgrades to “junk” status, i.e., fallen-angels. These downgrades, we posit, will have
a negative impact on marginal firms’ ability to survive in a downturn.1 This new factor, not
considered in our historic time series models, will add, perhaps an additional 1% to our forecasted
default rate, bringing the forecast for 2020 to about 9%. This implies that the forecasted total dollar
amount of the defaults would be $135 billion in the post-pandemic period. As a basis of
comparison, defaults in 2009 totaled $123 billion.

Further, the estimated beginning of year 2020 population of HY bonds was $1.5 trillion. As of
May 2020, the HY population had already swelled a fair amount based on increases from fallen
angels, and the significant amount of new issues, especially in January/February and April/May,
even net of defaults. Admittedly, the added triple-B related element to the forecast default rate is
somewhat arbitrary, but to ignore it would, we feel, be an oversight. Forecasting an increase in
defaults due to the crowding-out effect of BBB downgrades is a tricky exercise. We are cognizant
that both the numerator and denominator in the default rate calculation will be increased by fallen
angels. Already in March to mid-May of 2020, about 18 BBB issuers have been downgraded to
junk-bond status, amounting to about $150 billion face value. So, while there will no doubt be an
increase in default amounts due to any crowding-out effects, it is not clear if the default rate will
increase. It depends on the timing of the downgrades and the consequent increase in the HY bond
population as compared to the increase in new defaults. We clearly expect that the first-half of
2020 default rate will increase since the HY population base will only be impacted by first-half
year fallen angels. For all of 2020, however, the mid-year population base, which is our annual
default rate benchmark, will be more widely impacted. In summary we are comfortable with our
fallen-angel, default rate estimated adjustment of +1% over the next 12 months (until May, 2021).

During the pandemic, financial markets have witnessed unprecedented short-term volatility in both
equity and debt markets. A related consequence is that default rate forecasts that partially depend

See further discussion in this article Section 3.

on market conditions will have a good deal of volatility, even from month to month. To indicate
this, our recent next 12 month default rate forecasts based on an average of our three methods plus
the adjustment factor have fluctuated from 4.6% as of the end of 2019 to 9.0% as of March 26,
2020 to 8.6% as of May 15, 2020. As of the end of May, the preliminary calculation of default
rates, YTD, is about 2.33%, based on about $35 billion of defaults.

3.1 Forecasting Covid-19 Recovery Rates

Another forecast of credit conditions relates to the recovery rate, which is based on the price of the
bond issue just after default. Utilizing regression estimates on the concurrent relationship between
default and recovery rates, we can estimate the recovery rate on defaults implied by our default
rate forecasts. Recovery rates are extremely important for many reasons, including estimates for
Loss-Given Default (LGD), now required for bank BIS capital requirements, for prices of
distressed investor strategies, CDS prices and lender decisions, among others. Our measure of
recovery rates (Altman et al. (2005a)) is based on the weighted, by amount outstanding, average
of the prices on defaulting issue from just after default. This price reflects approximately what
existing creditors of the debt could sell their holdings for and what distressed investors would have
to pay. As such, it provides a market clearing estimate based on supply and demand conditions at
the time of default and the present value of expected future values of the reorganized debt at the
end of the restructuring period, usually emergence from Chapter 11. Our recovery rate measure
and alternative ones, primarily those calculated by rating agencies or the 30-day, post-default
auction price utilized in the CDS market are discussed in Altman, et al. (2005b) and Altman,
Hotchkiss and Wang (2019). Our default recovery rate estimates are based on any one of the four
regression structures, shown in Figure 5. These include linear, log-linear, quadratic and
exponential associations between default and recovery rates on an annual basis for all corporate
bond defaults.

Updating the model through 2019, from Altman et al. (2005a), Figure 5 shows that our
approximate 9% forecast of the default rate in 2020 implies an average recovery rate on these
defaults of 30%, about 16 percentage points below the weighted average historic recovery rate
(46%). Note that almost all of the regression constructs forecast a 30% recovery for 2020. If this
materializes, the weighted average recovery rate in 2020 will be lower than the rate in the GFC.
Results so far in 2020, through April, are recovery rates of about what we forecast for all of 2020,

Note that through May, 2020, the actual weighted average recovery rate on $35.7 billion YTD defaults was about
30.2%, almost exactly as our regression estimates predicts.

3.2 Summary of Default Rate Forecasts at Different Points in Time in 2020

As a result of the pandemic, financial markets have witnessed enormous increases in short-term
volatility in both equity and debt markets. A related consequence is that default rate forecasts that
partially depend on market conditions will also have a good deal of volatility, even from month to
month. Here are our recent next 12 month default rate forecasts, as of several recent dates, based
on an average of our three methods plus the adjustment factor.

End of 2019 - 4.6%

March 26, 2020 - 9.0%
May 19, 2020 - 8.6%

It should be noted that the various rating agencies and investment banks had the following next
12-months, or end of 2020, default rate estimates on HY bonds:

Barclay’s 9-10% (2020), 20% (cumulative thru 2021)

BofA 9.6% (2020), 22% (cumulative thru 2021)
Deutsche Bank 9.5% (2020)

S&P Global 10.0-13% (12 months), 20% (cumulative thru 2021)
Moody’s 6.8%-16.1% (12 months, base and severe recession estimates)
Fitch 5-7% (2020), 13-17% (cumulative thru 2021)

Our estimate (8.6%) for the next 12 month (April 2021) default rate is lower than most of the other
forecasters, with the exception of Fitch. Because of the uncertainty surrounding Covid-19 we do
not forecast two year default rates, but others do (see above summary).

3.3 Bankruptcies in the Covid-19 Crisis

As noted above, our default statistics include (1) missed interest payments not cured within the
grace period, (2) out-of-court distressed exchanges in which bondholders receive less than par
value in the exchange, and (3) the most dramatic indication of insolvency, bankruptcy filings. It
is relevant now to discuss all bankruptcy filings, even those that do not involve high-yield bond
issuing companies. Indeed, one of the current questions in the Covid-19 crisis is whether the
number and size of corporate bankruptcies will overwhelm the bankruptcy court system and
challenge the ability of firms to successfully restructure in Chapter 11 reorganization; see Ellias
(2020) for a proposal to support the bankruptcy system during the crisis period.

For more than 30 years, I have been compiling and monitoring Chapter 11 filings for relatively
large firms with liabilities at the time of filing above $100 million and so-called mega-bankruptcies
above $1 billion, (see our NYU Salomon Center Annual Reports, Altman & Keuhne (2020)). By
far, most of the bankruptcy system’s creditor exposures are in these large firm categories. This is
not to mean that small and medium firm bankruptcies are not important to the impact of Covid-19,
but it is not the focus of our analysis.

Even more than bond and loan defaults, so far in 2020, corporate bankruptcies have increased
dramatically. As of May 19, 2020, there were 66 Chapter 11 filings with liabilities greater than
$100 million and 23 of those had liabilities over $1 billion mega-bankruptcies (data sourced from
Bankruptcy.com (2020)). Since we do not know of any statistical forecasting models specifically
developed for Chapter 11 filings, we simply extrapolate current totals. As the statistics below
show, if we extrapolate these numbers for the rest of 2020, the number of over $100 million
Chapter 11 liability firms will be second only to 2009 and the mega-bankruptcies will easily break
the all-time annual record, again recorded in 2009. The extrapolated 2020 total exceeds the record,
even when adjusting the 2019 liabilities for inflation. Further, there is reason to believe that the
numbers for 2020 will be even greater than the extrapolated amounts since the YTD totals as of
May 19, 2020 include over two months when the credit cycle was still benign.

Large Firm Bankruptcies in the U.S. as of May 19, 2020 and Extrapolations for 2020

Number of Chapter 11 filings > $100 million = 66 (as of May 19)

Extrapolated Number for 2020 = 173
Extrapolated All time Ranking (2nd)
All time Highest Year (2009) = 232
Historic Annual Average (1989-2019) = 78
Historic Annual Median (1989-2019) = 66

Number of Chapter 11 filings > $1 billion = 23 (as of May 19)

Extrapolated Number for 2020 = 61
Extrapolated All Time Ranking (1st)
Next Highest Year (2009) = 49
Historic Annual Average Year (1989-2019) = 17
Historic Annual Median Year (1989-2019) = 20
In summary, we firmly expect that the U.S. bankruptcy reorganization system will be severely
challenged in 2020 and could perhaps benefit from additional Congressional support.

4.0 The BBB Debt Market and Future Credit Conditions

Even before the Covid-19 crisis realization in the U.S., much discussion in the financial press
was focused on the huge increase in the amount of bonds and loans outstanding that received a
BBB rating from the Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs). See, for example, the OECD study, Celik,
Demirtas, and Isaksson (2020). Indeed, Figure 6 shows that the amount of BBB bonds issued
exploded to more than $2.5 trillion as of December 2019, amounting to about 52% of all
investment-grade debt. As a basis of comparison, in the 2007 credit bubble year, there was only
about $700 billion BBB rated debt outstanding (36% of investment grade debt in 2007)
representing about 28% of the BBB debt outstanding in 2019. The enormous growth in corporate
debt, in general, and BBB rated debt in particular, has been carefully documented and
commented upon in the recent OECD study, cited above. This study emphasized the huge
importance of BBB debt in the current market and the role of credit rating agencies in allowing
companies to increase their leverage ratios and still maintain their investment grade BBB rating.
Of course, this growth begs the question of inflation of ratings, a question we will return to

As we are now in a new crisis period, we address the important question as to what percentage and
amount of the enormous total of BBB rated bonds are likely to be downgraded to non-investment
grade, high-yield, thereby becoming the so-called “fallen angels”? Not only is this amount
important for default rate estimates, as we have discussed, but it turned out that the FED included
all fallen-angels after March 23 as eligible for their subsequent purchases and liquidity support for
the debt markets. When asked, even before the Covid-19 pandemic threat was realized by the
markets, what amounts of downgrades to below BBB could be expected when the credit markets
would change to a distressed condition, all of the major rating agencies (CRAs) and most analysts
opined that the impact of these fallen angels would be minimal on the high-yield market, and that
the amount would probably not top 10%. This estimate implies about $250 billion, added to the
$1.5 trillion HY bond market over a 2-3 year downturn period. Hence, the inference that the
“crowding-out” of marginal, low-quality high yield bond issuers by the new “fallen-angel” BBB
firms would not be material. This also implies that these marginal firms, including “zombie”
companies kept alive somewhat artificially due to forbearance by banks and record low interest-
rates on new loans with little or no protective covenants and a buoyant new issue market, would
default in relatively small amounts. The main basis for these CRA assertions was to observe what
happened to BBBs in the last great financial crisis of 2008/2009 and also in other past downturns.

Our assessment of the issue is different. We are concerned about a much larger deterioration of
ratings by the rating agencies and/or in the market’s perception of BBB‘s. It is likely, in our
opinion, that a type of credit rationing will take place in a post-2019 downturn when liquidity dries
up and any equilibrium interest rates for the lowest-quality credits, mostly CCCs, will not be

observed. Hence, we posit that the crowding-out effect will take place in the event of a massive
downgrade market. To be fair, we have not observed both a huge BBB downgrade and credit
rationing in past financial crises since the BBB market then was much smaller. For example, in
2007 the BBB market was only $700 billion, about one-quarter of the current BBB market’s size
(Figure 6).

We have, therefore, applied our Z-Score models to manufacturing and non-manufacturing

industrial firms as of the end of 2019, before the realization of Covid-19. Based on a sample of
298 BBB+, BBB and BBB- firms for which stock price data as well as balance-sheet and profit &
loss statements were available, and 372 firms with either market or book equity data was available,
we examined the bond rating equivalents (BREs) of their scores.3 Our sample includes essentially
100% of the approximate 384 non-financial issuers of the almost $3 trillion BBB market in 2019.
The results of our analysis, presented in Figure 7, show that 34% of our sample of BBB firms with
BREs based on Z-scores and 36% by Z”-Scores, are classified as non-investment grade, BB or B
rated companies as of December 2019. Our analysis also shows that about 15% of the sample had
BREs above BBB, so the percent of BREs below investment grade were more than double those
above. For the balance, about half of the sample, we agreed with the rating agency’s BBB rating.
So, the BREs are not symmetrical, below and above the BBB rating.

For a discussion of Z and Z” models and our experience with these models over the last 50
years, see Altman (2018) and Altman, Hotchkiss, and Wang (2019). Bond rating equivalents
(BREs) are determined by calibrating Z and Z” scores to median values of each of the S&P
rating categories for various years over the last 50+ years. For example, a Z-score in 1968 below
1.81 was classified as a likely bankrupt (Altman 1968), whereas the cutoff level drops to zero
(0.0) in recent years.

If, as our analysis implies, the percent that will be downgraded in 2020 and 2021 to junk levels is
20-25% (35% is not likely, over a 2-year downtown, that would result in about $500-$625 billion
of new fallen angels or about a 33%-42% increase in the $1.5 trillion HY “junk” market – not a
trivial amount. Indeed, there was one estimate that as much as $1 trillion of BBB bonds would be
downgraded to non-investment grade (Light, 2020). We had some doubts that CRAs will actually
downgrade this large amount (20-25%) since their estimate of a maximum of 10% downgrades
could be somewhat of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Still, based on our analysis of data at the end of
2019, we projected a sizeable amount greater than 10% would be downgraded to noninvestment
grade in the next downturn, whatever the catalyst. To be fair to the CRAs, in the early stage of the
Covid-19 crisis, at least one rating agency recognized the already large amount of fallen-angel
downgrades and the even larger numbers of additional vulnerable BBBs (see S&P Global Ratings
Direct (2020). Although just about all corporate bonds suffered significant price declines in
March, the subsequent support shown by the FED for corporate bonds, including, notably, fallen-
angels, contributed to price rebounds for most bonds and the vast amounts of new issue liquidity

In the first two months after the Covid-19 crisis realization, estimates of reported U.S. downgrades
of BBB bonds to “junk” ranged from $135 billion (BofA, 2020)) to $158 billion, (Economist
(2020) from Credit Sights (2020)) and others estimate that another $280 billion (BofA, 2020) will
be downgraded by May 2021, bringing the 15 month total to $430 billion. Recall, that we believe
that a two year downgrade total in the current downturn credit cycle could reach $500-$625 billion.
We also observed that every one of the downgraded fallen-angel bonds from March to mid-May
2020 had a bond rating equivalent of below investment grade, based on Z-scores, and all but three
of the 18 companies by the Z”-score model (Figure 8); the latter three recorded a Z”-score BRE of
BBB, the same as their actual CRA rating in 2019. Therefore, our analysis implies that the expected
default amounts, and possibly the default rate, in a major and sustained well above average default
period will be exacerbated by the recent explosion of BBB rated debt.

4.1 Ratings Inflation or Persistent Rating Over-Valuation (PROV)?

Since the GFC, credit rating agencies have been criticized by regulators, lawmakers and market
practitioners for being too lenient in their assessment of credit instruments. In particular, mortgage
backed securities received sudden and massive downgrades from high investment grades to CCC
and sometimes to default during 2008 and 2009. We have heard some of the same criticisms, of
late, with respect to corporate debt ratings, (e.g., from The Economist (2020)). In order to assess
this critique, we extended our analysis of the aforementioned BBB-IG segment of the corporate
bond market to various times over the last dozen years. This category is particularly relevant due
to its enormous growth and its position on the borderline between investment and below
investment grade. Thus, this rating category represents a particularly good opportunity to assess
possible rating inflation in the bond market in recent periods.

Herpfer and Maturama (2020), in an unpublished working paper, investigate the rating inflation
issue by analyzing $900 billion of “Performance-sensitive-loans”, whereby the interest paid is a
dynamic function of the CRA rating. They conclude that despite the lawsuit settlements with the
government over conflicts of interest during the GFC in the securitized mortgage backed security
market, rating inflation of those interest rate sensitive loans has been prevalent and remained
unchanged after the law suit settlements. They also concluded that CRAs are reluctant to
downgrade the issuers when the costs of the downgrade are high. In other words, there is continued
“stickiness” in downgrading clients and that CRAs are slow to downgrade, or avoid downgrades
entirely. Our own results, from prior periods, Altman & Rijken (2004), demonstrated that CRA

downgrades lag point-in-time models, like Z-Score-type models, by more than one year, indicating
this same stickiness. Further, Posch (2011) investigated the timeliness of rating changes in the
wake of the GFC and found that several factors result in ‘stickiness’ of rating actions. They found
that default probability estimates have to change by at least two notches before a change, up or
down, takes place.

Our past experience and observations before Covid-19 were that the aforementioned stickiness
would continue, especially with respect to fallen-angel downgrades. The current cycle’s early
results, however, may prove us wrong as fallen-angels have been numerous and, as shown above,
at least one rating agency (S&P Global) recognized that lots more are vulnerable. Curiously,
Herpfer & Maturama conclude there was no evidence from their sample that this stickiness at the
border between IG and HY took place. Another study (Bruno, Cornaggia & Cornaggia, (2016))
assessed results comparing the symmetry between upgrades and downgrades crossing the IG
threshold between a traditional issuer-paid CRA model firm versus an investor-paid CRA model
firm. They showed that the certification of the investor-paid CRA firm impacts the issuer-paid
CRA’s to become more symmetrical in their subsequent up and downgraded rating changes.

The Z-Score models’ results, presented in Figure 7, suggest over-evaluation of about one-third of
BBB rated companies. However, these results are not necessarily indicative of rating inflation
since this represents a single reference-date data point. To provide some evidence of a time-series
inflationary trend, we compared the BBB class of 2019 with those of 2007, 2013 and 2016. We
ran Z and Z” score calculations on 108 BBB firms in 2007, 332 in 2013 and 416 in 2016 and
compared them to our 2019 sample, discussed earlier, to observe if this over-valuation was a very
recent occurrence or one that has persisted for some time. The results of these earlier test years
were essentially the same, or even greater than in 2019; i.e., between 35% to 45% of the firms
received a lower-than-BBB bond rating equivalent during these periods, depending upon the Z-
score test and the period analyzed, and less than 15% received higher than BBB BREs. Our BREs
are calibrated based on median Z-Scores for each CRA bond rating class over the last 30 years,
thereby recognizing changes in median scores over time. We conclude, therefore, that credit rating
agencies have been overvaluing a significant number of BBB corporates over the last dozen years,
as well as in 2019. Of course, rating agency ratings can differ from point-in-time Z-Score BREs
since different criteria are used in the two methods. But, these different methods should not
manifest continuous bias of higher vs lower ratings.

On the other hand, there is no evidence of overall rating inflation. What there appears to be is
persistent rating overvaluation (PROV) of investment grade (IG) BBB rated debt. Clearly, the
deterioration in creditworthiness that will cause an IG rating to be downgraded to “junk” is a more
dramatic one than just about any other rating migration rating change. The arbitrary and, in some
cases, regulatory distinction between IG versus HY for fixed income securities is steeped in
tradition. For example, the insurance industry has required specific reserve requirements for non-
IG debt in IG portfolios for at least 25 years and the SEC regulates how much speculative grade
debt an IG corporate bond mutual fund can own. For some investors (such as ETFs and some
mutual funds), sale of the security upon observing a fallen-angel migration is required, potentially
causing a free-fall in their bond and loan prices. During the stress conditions of the Covid-19
environment, investors who have the flexibility to hold these newly downgraded HY securities
may choose to do so if they feel the firm will likely return to BBB in more normal times, (e.g.,

airlines and energy firms). Of course, the downgrade may be a mere first move toward eventual
insolvency and default. Altman and Kao (1992) suggest that a downgrade is more likely to be
followed by another downgrade, (i.e., positive autocorrelation) rather than returning to the higher
rating. This propensity to observe a downgrade in subsequent rating changes, rather than an
upgrade, varied from 2 to 5 times greater, depending upon the industrial sector of the firm. Perhaps
it is time to update these propensities?

4.2 Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLOs)

Rating downgrades that always accompany stressed credit cycles could be particularly critical in
the Covid-19 economic and credit market crisis period. As noted earlier, CLOs have grown
enormously in the U.S. and now amount to over $650 billion (see Figure 9) compared to just $300
billion in 2007 and about $400 billion in 2014. Increasingly, the leveraged loans which make up
the bulk of CLOs are without protective covenants for investors, and are known as “Cov-Lite”
loans (see Griffin, et al. (2019) and Berlin et al. (2020) for analyses on this increasing trend).
Griffin et al. (2019) shows that loan covenant violations have dropped by 70% due mostly to less
restrictive covenants in loan contracts. This should reduce the incidence of loan defaults in the
short run, but also reduce recovery rates on future defaults of these same companies. Exceptions
to these cov-lite loans are when the same firm draws down on existing revolving credit agreements,
which almost always retain traditional financial constraints. These derivative CLO instruments are
held widely by institutional and mutual fund investment companies, ETFs, and others. CLOs are
very sensitive to downgrades, especially to CCC and to defaults of the portfolio-collateral
companies. Indeed, it is common for over-collateralization (OC) triggers to be invoked if the
percent of CCC leveraged loans in CLOs increase to certain levels, i.e., 7.5%. Perhaps equally as
important, CLOs are constrained to purchase new issues once the 7.5% threshold has been violated.
In addition, the CLO manager is required to take a “haircut” on the CCC debt above the 7.5%
threshold, which itself causes problems in the compliance of the over-collateralization test.
Indeed, any cash and new interest coming into the CLO must be used first to pay-off the most
senior tranche of the CLO until the over-collateralization ratio comes back into compliance. The
triggering of these constraints therefore restricts the CLO’s ability to invest in new loans. The
increased risk profile of the CLO will be more severe than originally proposed to the market,
resulting in likely price declines and potential redemptions of the senior tranches and losses to the
junior and equity tranches, if not all tranches.

As of May 7, 2020, roughly 15% of U.S. CLOs (182 in all) were failing the overcollateralization
test, but only 1% were failing the senior tranche test (Preston, Bilskie & Eddins, Wells Fargo
(2020)). This compares favorably to the peak of the GFC when 56% failed the OC test and 11%
the senior test. Almost all of these “failures” occurred after the realization of the Covid-19 crisis.
Over half of the new OC test failures were already past their reinvestment period of new loans in
their pools and about 20% had reinvestment periods ending after 2022. The latter, therefore, are
the most constrained, going forward.

4.3 “Zombie” Firms

The concept of “zombie” firms is well established (see Acharya et al., (2019a and 2019b), Cohen
et al., (2017) and Banerjee and Hofmann (2018)). Although the definition of these “walking dead”
firms is itself a controversial issue, all attempts connote firms that are kept alive somewhat
artificially or dependent on a specific credit environment. For example, firms may be granted loans
by banks, which themselves may be having capital problems, for the sole purpose of not wanting
to write off marginal customers. Or, firms in a normal credit environment who would have serious
liquidity and interest rate constraints to raise capital, may be able do so in a low interest rate,
covenant-lite, “risk-on” environment, like we found ourselves in at year-end 2019.

The BIS studies (Cohen et al., (2017) and Banerjee and Hofmann (2018)) define “zombies” as
firms whose interest coverage ratios are less than 1.0. To evaluate this definition, one could observe
that the median CCC rated firm in the U.S. and Europe has an interest coverage ratio less than 1.0
(see S&PGlobal’s website, for example). As of 2020, this would include almost $100 billion of
CCC bonds outstanding today and perhaps a similar amount of leveraged loan companies,
especially as CLO portfolio firms are downgraded in the Covid-19 crisis environment. Banerjee
and Hofmann (2018) estimated that as much as 16% of all U.S. listed corporations had this
financial profile in 2017 compared to only 2% in the 1990s. This percentage will certainly increase
in 2020. Acharya et al., (2019a) follow Caballero, Hoshi, and Kashyap (2008) and Gianetti and

Simonov (2013) included firms receiving loans at below-market interest rates, i.e.., if the firm’s
interest rate expense is below that paid by the most credit worthy firms in the economy. Acharya
et al. (2019) analyze zombie European firms in non-GIIPS countries. Many of these companies
had received loans from banks that had a stake in the company from prior loans. They estimated
that roughly 8% of loans in their sample were zombie loans.

We propose a different method for identifying zombies in the U.S by selecting those firms with
existing low credit ratings which we estimate have very high probabilities of default within two
years. Starting out with a relatively large sample of firms whose senior unsecured bond rating
from S&PGlobal was B- or below at year-end 2019, we ran Z and Z”-score tests to assess which
ones had a BRE of D=default classification, i.e., scores below zero (0.0).4 We found data on 99
firms rated B- or below as of year-end 2019, 67 were B- and 42 CCCs, that we could apply the Z-
score model to and 108 firms that had sufficient data to apply the Z”-score model. Of these, 26.8%
had an implied BRE of D using the Z-score model and 15.8% had an implied BRE of D using the
Z”-score approach, see Figures 10a and 10b. All of the Z-score Ds also had Ds with the Z” test.
Incidentally, 21 of the 26 B- and CCC, CC firms that we have predicted to default had interest
coverage ratios below 1.0 (the BIS test) and 11 had EBITDA ( a cash flow proxy) coverage ratios
below 1.0, a more stringent test. Our sample of about 100 firms is about 40% of the entire
population of high-yield low-quality firms in the B of A ICE High-Yield index since many of the
remaining firms are owned by private equity firms and do not provide financial data publicly.

Another interpretation of our tests is that we are measuring default risk, not necessarily zombie
firms. Since the market was not expecting default in most of these companies, ie., their bond prices
were not below 70 in December, 2019, we feel it is legitimate to consider them as zombies. Many
of these firms, especially those who will not be able to meet their interest or maturity payments
during the Covid-19 pandemic, we posit will now default partially due to the crowding-out effect
from new entry fallen angels, discussed above, as well as rising interest rates on new financing.
Of course, the exact number of these firms is difficult to estimate with precision, but we feel their
numbers will be non-trivial. As estimated earlier, about $15 billion, or 1% of the high yield bond
market, and perhaps a similar amount of leveraged loans, will fall into this crowded-out default

5. Conclusion

No doubt the situation we find ourselves in today is unprecedented in terms of the speed of recent
asset price declines, subsequent rapid rebound after government credit and job market supports,
and the expected impact and forecast of corporate defaults. These rapid fire dynamics make the
future extremely difficult to predict. As such, we may not have reliable models to capture these
dynamics based on historic, modern credit market experience. Despite these uncertainties, our best
estimate, at this point in time is a default rate on the high yield bond and leveraged loan markets
for the next 12 months of between 8.6 to 9.0%, or about a $130-$135 billion in each of these
leveraged finance markets. With respect to Chapter 11 corporate bankruptcy reorganization
filings, we expect in 2020 a record annual number of mega-bankruptcies over $1 billion in
liabilities, which could, along with smaller firm filings, challenge the bankruptcy court system.
Our forecast for filings with more than $100 million in liabilities is second only to 2009. These
larger firm bankruptcies do not capture the impact of Covid-19 on small and medium sized
enterprises, a topic which is beyond the scope of this paper.

A related issue is the enormous growth and downgrade potential of the BBB rated investment
grade corporate bond category. This group could produce as much as between $500 to $625 billion
of new high-yield bonds, ie., “fallen angels,” over the next two years. Thus, the likelihood that
many of these low quality credits will be able to fund themselves during the credit downturn is
low, thereby increasing defaults. We call this the “crowding-out effect.” Additional evidence is
provided to assess the criticism that we are observing ratings inflation, especially in the massive
BBB rating sector. Our analysis suggests no evidence of ratings inflation, but we do find evidence
of persistent rating overvaluation in the BBB rating sector over the last dozen years. Finally, we
present some evidence of the existence of “zombie companies,” and we posit that many of these
firms will be among those that will default during the Covid-19 crisis period. We hope that our
analysis has provided some guidance on these important issues.


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* The author would like to thank Ryan Fitzgerald and Siddhartha Kaparthy of the NYU Salomon
Center for the data assistance, Viral Acharya, NYU Stern faculty for his insightful comments, the
high-yield research staff at Bank of America, especially Oleg Melentyev and Eric Yu, Eric
Rosenthal (Fitch), Martin Fridson (Lehmann Livian Fridson Advisors), Robert Benhenni (Classis
Capital, SpA),(Edith Hotchkiss (Boston College), David Smith (Virgina), Katherine Waldock
(Georgetown) and Wei Wang (Queens University) for their comments and data assistance and
the considerable thought provoking and motivating comments by the Executive Editors of the
JCR, Linda Allen and Michael Gordy.


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