MM-Module-2 Marketing Communication Mix & Advertising-1
MM-Module-2 Marketing Communication Mix & Advertising-1
MM-Module-2 Marketing Communication Mix & Advertising-1
The 4 Ps of marketing are product, price, place and promotion. All four of these elements
combine to make a successful marketing strategy. Promotion, one of the basic elements of the
marketing mix, is aimed to communicate the company’s message across to the consumer.
Objectives of Promotion
– Create awareness
– Stimulate demand
– Differentiate the product
– Encourage product trial
– Identify prospects
– Retain loyal customers
– Facilitate reseller support
– Combat competition
– Reduce sales fluctuation/Stabilize sales
For effective promotion of any product or service there are a number of marketing
promotional tools that can be utilized in a promotion program. These should be applied carefully
according to the given circumstances, because every promotional tool is suitable to certain
circumstances. Following are the important types of marketing promotional tools that must be in
your mind.
Personal Selling
Sales Promotion
Direct Marketing
Public Relations & Publicity
Advertising media
The masses of customers dispersed geographically can be reached with the Promotional Tools of
advertising, which can be repeated for a number of times. The popularity, size and success of the
selling organization are enhanced by the large scale advertising. It is the quickest way to promote a
product to a large portion of diversified customers. Another important feature of advertising is that
it is much more expressive in such a way that the selling organization dramatizes its products by
applying certain impressive print, sound, visuals and colors, etc.
On one hand advertising is very beneficial, but on the other hand it has some disadvantages too.
The advertising cannot stimulate the customers directly, because it is impersonal. The advertising is
based on one ways of communication, which means that the audience of the advertisement has not
the option to give the feedback or response to the advertising messages. One of biggest drawback of
advertisement is that it is much expensive.
Personal Selling:
At certain stages of the buying process, personal selling is the most effective promotion tool in
creating customer’s preferences, convictions and actions. In personal selling, personal interactions
between two or more people take place that can allow both parties to understand the characteristics
and needs of one another and take immediate adjustments. The sales persons have professional
expertise by which they focus the interests of the customers and develop a healthy relationship over
it. Moreover the customer also gives extra time and attention is listening to the offerings of sales
persons even his final decision is no.
Personal selling is also faced with extra cost and effort in training sales persons to make them
committed to the given tasks. The advertising can be altered by continuing and discontinuing it in
certain conditions, but the size of the sales force is much harder to change in case of personal
Sales Promotion:
– The tools of sales promotion are applied to boost declining sales by attracting the
customers and offerings of distinct incentives of purchase. It include short term incentives given
to customers to have an increased sale for a given period.
A quick response is generated by using this promotion tool of sales promotion. If advertising is
related to “buy our product” then sales promotion is the representation of “buy the product now”. In
the short run, sales promotion can be regarded as an effective promotion tool, but in case of long
run it is not favorable in developing long lasting customer relationships and brand preference just
like advertising and personal selling do.
Promotional tools include consumer-oriented sales promotion and trade-oriented sales promotion
which further contains a broad assortment of elements like:
Direct Marketing:
The communication establishes through a direct channel without using any intermediaries is
referred to as direct marketing. Direct marketing can be used to deliver message or service. Direct
marketing saves time, makes an experience personal and pleasant. Direct marketing reduces cost for
companies. Direct mail, catalog marketing, telemarketing, Tele shopping and kiosks are media for
direct marketing.
– “Public relations refers to the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain
goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and its public.”
– Public comprises of customers, employees, suppliers, distributors, shareholders,
government & society as a whole.
Public relation consists of news stories, events and features that are considered as more real and
therefore the readers also consider them more believable. Many prospects avoid the advertisement
and personal selling, but they can be influenced by the public relations. The real message in the
public relations is considered to be as “news” by the customers rather than as a sales centered
communication. The product of an organization is also dramatized by the public relations. Public
relations should not be used too much. It is combined with the elements of the other promotional
mix to use it in an effective and economical way.
– Publicity is one form of public relations that company use with the intention to bring
newsworthy information to the public.
– Techniques used to gain publicity include: news releases, press conferences, featured
articles etc.
Marketing Communication Mix
– Tools of Promotion is also referred to as marketing communication mix as it acts as
a medium to exchange the information about goods and services to the customers.
– Marketing communication mix refers to the different tools adopted by the firm to
inform, persuade and remind the customer – directly or indirectly - about the products and
services they sell.
Key Characteristics:
– Customers feel that all their brand experiences come from one identity
Creative consistency
– By repeating the headlines, key phrases and images in each communication, you
ensure that prospects and customers receive consistent messages in every campaign.
Cost Savings
– By using same images and adapting the same ad copy for different media, you
reduce copy-writing, design and photography costs.
Customer preference
– Integration helps you provide customers with information in the format they prefer.
It ensures that customers receive the same information in all communications –
email, text message or telephone.
– The IMC approach to marketing communications planning and strategy is being adopted by
both large and small companies and has become popular among firms marketing consumer
products and services as well as business-to-business marketers.
– There are a number of reasons why marketers are adopting the IMC approach. A
fundamental reason is that they understand the value of strategically integrating the various
communications functions rather than having them operate autonomously. By coordinating
their marketing communications efforts, companies can avoid duplication, take advantage of
synergy among promotional tools, and develop more efficient and effective marketing
communications programs.
– Advocates of IMC argue that it is one of the easiest ways for a company to maximize the
return on its investment in marketing and promotion.
– The move to integrated marketing communications also reflects an adaptation by marketers
to a changing environment particularly with respect to consumers, technology, and media.
– Major changes have occurred among consumers with respect to demographics, lifestyles,
media use, and buying and shopping patterns. For example, cable TV and more recently
digital satellite systems have vastly expanded the number of channels available to
households. Some of these channels offer 24-hour shopping networks. Every day more
consumers are surfing the Internet's World Wide Web. Marketers are responding by
developing home pages on which they can advertise their products and services interactively
as well as transact sales.
Several shifts in the advertising and media industry have caused IMC to develop into a
primary strategy for marketers:
2. From mass media to more specialized (niche) media, which are centered on specific target
• What to say…
• Where to say…
• When to say…
• How to say…
– To inform
– To persuade
– To remind
– Other communication objectives are:
– Increase awareness
– Change attitudes
– Influence purchase
– Capture Attention
– Stimulate Interest
– Create Desire
– Encourage Action
• The content
• The structure
Message Content
• Rational/Informational appeal
• Emotional appeal
• Moral appeal
Rational/Informational appeal
• Eg. Colgate
Emotional appeal
Moral appeal
• It arouses the moral sense of target audience of what is right and what is
• It is often used to support social and ethical causes such as clean & safe
environment, do not waste water etc.
Message Structure
– Structure decides the way or order in which the message will be delivered.
– Key decisions are required with respect to three message structure issues:
Message Format
– The communicator must decide on the headline, copy, illustration, and colour.
• If a Message is carried over the radio, the communicator must decide words,
sounds and voices.
• If the message is carried on the product or its package, the communicator has
to watch texture, colour, size and shape.
– They are Media that carry messages without personal contact– print
media, broadcast media, display media, online media etc.
– Affordable method
– Advertising
– Personal selling
– Sales promotion
– Direct marketing
• Type of product/market
– After sending the message, the communicator must evaluate its effect on the target
– This involves asking the target audience members whether they remember the
message, how many times they saw it, what points they recall, how they felt about
the message, and their past and present attitudes toward the product and the
8. Manage IMC
– Analyze trends
Advertising Decisions
ii. To persuade
iii. To remind
i. Increase awareness
b. New Products, typically, need large advertising budgets to build awareness and to
gain customer trial.
– Affordable method
– Messages must be better planned, more imaginative, more entertaining and more
rewarding to consumers.
– Message Content
– Message Structure
– Message Format
– Advertising Media are the vehicles through which advertising messages are
delivered to their intended audiences.
– Advertisers should also measure the sales and profit effects of advertising by
comparing past sales and profits with past advertising expenditures.
– In print media: it includes the heading, sub-heads, picture, captions, slogans, &
body copy, Company logo, mascot, borders & other illustrations & visual symbols.
– In TV: Motion, sight, sound ( words spoken by the characters in the script, music &
sound effects as well as illustrative materials, actions, & even camera cues.
Elements of Ad Copy
1. Headline,
2. Sub heads,
3. Body copy,
– The headline refers to the words in the leading position of the advertisement.
– The most important function of a headline is to attract the readers’ attention and
make them interested in the remainder of the advertising message.
2. Subheads
– The subheads usually appear in a smaller size than the main headline and are
generally larger the type size used for the body copy.
– They are used to break-up or section off large amount of body copy and highlight
key points in the ad.
3. Body copy
4. Visual elements
– Visual components often dominate print advertising and play a very important role
in determining effectiveness.
– A layout refers to the physical arrangement of the various parts of the ad including
the headline, subheads, illustrations, body copy and any identifying marks.
Functions of Ad Agency
– RESEARCH: study about the product and the company in order to distribute the
message to the public and test the consumer reaction towards products and services.
Other Services:
– Organizing exhibitions and fairs
– Direct marketing
7. Direct marketing agency - design direct marketing campaigns either through mail
or via telemarketing.
8. E-commerce agency- handle a variety of planning and execution activities related to
promotion using electronic commerce
9. Social Media Agencies - specialize in promotion of brands in the various social
media platforms like blogs, social networking sites, Q&A sites, discussion forums,
and micro blogs.
– The two key services of social media agencies are:
In-House vs. External Advertising Agency Decision are taken based on the following
• Objectivity
• Product complexity
• Creative ability
7. Select agency.
– Conflicts of interest
– Production capabilities
AIDA is an acronym that stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action.
The AIDA model is widely used in marketing and advertising to describe the steps
or stages that occur from the time when a consumer first becomes aware of a product or brand
through to when the consumer trials a product or makes a purchase decision.
As consumers become aware of brands via advertising or marketing
communications, the AIDA model helps to explain how an advertisement or marketing
communications message should help consumers in brand choice.
Interest - The consumer becomes interested by learning about brand benefits & how the
brand fits with lifestyle
Action - The consumer forms a purchase intention, shops around, engages in trial or makes
a purchase
Using the AIDA model will help you ensure that any kind of writing, whose purpose is to get the
reader to do something, is as effective as possible. First it must grab the target audience's attention,
and engage their interest. Then it must build a desire for the product offering, before setting out
how to take the action that the writer wants the audience to take.
In poster design, almost every single movie poster you've ever seen conforms to AIDA. The movie
poster's sole purpose is to get your attention, draw your interest, and feed you with a desire to watch
the movie, and then go and buy a ticket.
Direct mail is another huge proponent of AIDA, and with good reason. The direct mail package
must get you through all four steps if it is going to be successful. If it fails to grab your attention (in
the right way) it will be thrown in the trash. But even after you've noticed it, it has to invite you
inside, get you to read, get you through the product or service on offer, and of course, prompt you
to call, click, or buy.
Even the humble email has the same problem, and AIDA is the solution. The subject line will grab
your attention. The content of the email will raise your interestand create desire. And the final
action should be just a simple click.