United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,997,619
United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,997,619
United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,997,619
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U.S. Patent Dec. 7, 1999 Sheet 1 of 5 5,997,619
U.S. Patent Dec. 7, 1999 Sheet 2 of 5 5,997,619
U.S. Patent Dec. 7, 1999 Sheet 3 of 5 5,997,619
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AIR PURIFICATION SYSTEM filters frequently operate by adsorbing the chemical con
taminants by collecting those contaminants in condensed
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional form on the media Surface. The adsorbed contaminants have
Application No. 60/057.919, filed Sep. 4, 1997. the potential for changing the Surface properties of the air
filter media and in particular, have the potential of changing
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION the resistance to air flow through the media. While an air
1. Field of the Invention filter Stage could be "oversized” So as to provide a minimal
acceptable air conductance at the end of its useful life, the
The present invention relates generally to a Self-contained cost of the air filter media in the Stage rises Significantly as
portable air movement and purification System, and more does the size of that filter Stage.
particularly, to Such a System which is capable of removing In addition, Special considerations must be given to par
particulate and bacterial contaminants and generally purify ticular types of air filter media. For example, activated
ing the air of a contained environment. charcoal is a popular type of air filter media in use today and
2. Description of the Prior Art is frequently utilized as a bed of charcoal particles through
A wide variety of air filter Systems are presently available 15 which an air flow is conducted.
for use. These Systems typically include a fan arrangement Presently, there exists a need for a high Volume portable
for circulating air, and a filter Stage or perhaps multiple filter room air filter unit having at least a minimum filtering
Stages disposed in the air path So as to filter or otherwise efficiency for types of contaminants frequently encountered
purify air flowing therethrough. The air filters differ widely in everyday Situations. Of particular interest is the availabil
in their Volume capacity, their efficiency of filtration, airflow ity of an effective portable air filter system for use in rooms
directions, and their ease of portability. frequented by the public, in Smoke-filled offices, and espe
Several different types of filtering Stages are available for cially in residences of people Suffering from asthma or
use in present day air filter Systems. The air filter Stage may allergies. However, in order to be practical in use, the air
have, for example, an electrostatic precipitator type of 25
filter system should be sufficiently small in size and readily
element which charges dust or other airborne contaminants portable So that it can be moved from room to room and So
and attracts the airborne contaminants to an electrically that it can also be easily moved within a room without
charged grid. In general, electroStatic air filter Stages are Significantly altering its operation or adversely affecting the
expensive to fabricate and install, and they often require comfort of occupants of the room. Several arrangements of
relatively costly maintenance. In addition, there is a Sub portable room air filters have been proposed, yet the need for
Stantial electrical power requirement over and above that further improvements still exists.
needed for maintaining an air flow through the filter Stage. Pollens, lung damaging dust, Smoke, bacteria, Viruses and
AS another general type of air filtering, one or more layers any one of a number of other irritants and micro-organisms
of porous media alone are disposed in an air flow path for are quite likely in the air that everyone breathes. These
"mechanically filtering or trapping airborne particles con 35 irritants are carried by the wind, on people's clothing, on the
tained in the air flow. In general if a greater efficiency of hair or feathers of a pet, or Sprayed about by a Sneeze or a
filtering or germ or odor removal is desired, additional cough. Contact with these irritants is almost inevitable. Also,
Stages or filtering layers are added. This, however, multiplies for perSons plagued by the miseries of emphysema, asthma,
the cost of the initial filtering Stage and frequently results in hay fever or other allergies, contact with irritants and
a significant pressure drop across the filter, thus requiring a 40
micro-organisms means unpleasant discomfort and usually
higher fan capacity with greater electrical consumption for SleepleSS nights. Although different types of air purifiers
maintaining a desired air flow. presently exist, they are not completely effective in remov
Users of air filter Systems are frequently concerned about ing these irritants and micro-organisms from the air. Further,
the amount of air treated by a filter Stage in a given time existing air purifiers do not provide the combination of
period, for example, requiring Several changes of air Volume 45 effective removal of these contaminants along with the
in a room, for each hour of operation of the air filter System. provision of a germicidal chamber for killing bacteria and
This concept of room air filtering is frequently expressed as Virus. Specific examples of the prior art relating to air
a number of “room air changes' per hour. For purposes of movement and purification Systems will now be considered.
comparison, building codes frequently require that public U.S. Pat. No. 5,069,691 to Travis et al. discloses a
restaurants and Similar public buildings have at least one or 50 portable vacuum and air filtration unit for cleaning heating,
two air changes per hour, meaning that a volume of air equal ventilation, and air conditioning ductwork in residential and
to that required to fill a room is completely removed and commercial buildings. Filtered air is exhausted into the
replaced by fresh air at least once or twice each hour that the room in which the unit is located.
room is open to the public. The present invention is par U.S. Pat. No. 4,900,344 to Lansing, U.S. Pat. No. 4,787,
ticularly concerned with providing an air filter System 55 922 to Kulitz, U.S. Pat. No. 4,737,173 to Kudirka et al. and
capable of filtering the air in an entire room on the order of U.S. Pat. No. 4,531,956 to Howorth all disclose portable
Several times per hour. filtration devices for workplaces and the like. Howorth is of
In a practical air filter System, much more is needed than particular interest in providing a sterile air Zone for Surgery
Simply providing Sufficient fan capacity to “turn over the air and Surgical instruments. However, in each instance the
filling a room at the desired rate. For example, the efficiency 60 devices are relatively short of Stature and do not adequately
of the filter media, over its life span must be considered. AS provide Separation of the clean exhaust air from the Soiled
air is caused to flow through a porous filter media, airborne intake air.
particles and the like are trapped in the filter media, thus U.S. Pat. No. 4,749,385 to Brunner et al. discloses appa
reducing its porosity and increasing the resistance of the air ratus for providing clean and heated air simultaneously to a
flow through the filter Stage. 65 Workplace Such as on a production line for the manufacture
Other types of air filtering media may be provided which of cathode ray tubes. Airflow is directed through a HEPA
react with dissolved chemicals Suspended in the air. Such filter and an infrared heater and onto a panel assembly for
3 4
the cathode ray tube. Ambient air is drawn into the apparatus flowing in a protracted course around and past the irradiation
through an annular intake Surrounding a circular exhaust. means for maximized exposure to Said irradiation lamps, a
U.S. Pat. No. 4909,815 to Meyer discloses mobile air purified air Stream being discharged, after a final filtration,
cleaning apparatus especially Suited for use in an automotive through the air exhaust louvers, then is returned to the
vehicle repair and/or assembly plant. Filtered air is directed environment. The annular filter includes an outermost par
downwardly over the Surface of the vehicle, then captured at ticulate pre-filter for removal of particles of about 10 micron
a location beneath the vehicle for return and additional Size and larger, an intermediate filter for removal of oxidiz
filtration. ing gaseous pollutants, and an innermost filter being a HEPA
U.S. Pat. No. 3,299,620 to Hollingworth discloses appa filter for removal of about 99.6% of all particles of 0.3
ratus for the treatment and purification of air which utilizes micron size or larger. The irradiation lamps are aligned
a liquid Spray for cleansing the air of particulate matter. generally transverse to the air Stream as it flows through the
germicidal chamber and have Sufficient intensity to destroy
U.S. Pat. No. 4210,429 to Golstein et al. discloses an air more than about 90% of airborne pathogenic particles which
purifier which incorporates a number of features improved have not been entrained by the annular filter.
over the earlier mentioned references including its relative 15 In one unit, the System of the invention is equipped with
height and the use of germicidal lamps. Nonetheless, the five-stage filtration, germicidal ultraViolet protection, and a
present invention is deemed to incorporate Significant, pat
entable improvements thereon which will be related below. powerful air flow System. At level one, a 10 micron, par
A more recent development is disclosed in commonly ticulate pre-filter captures airborne particles like dust and pet
assigned U.S. Pat. No. 5,616,172 to Tuckerman et al. which dander. At the next level, a patented, Specially blended
discloses a Self contained air movement and purification carbon media comprising three materials, absorbs and oxi
System focused on infection control. The System of that dizes odors, gases, and chemicals. Together, these barriers
invention comprises an elongated upright enclosed housing complement the primary micro-filtration media of HEPA
including a base module, Side walks, and an upper module. which traps particles including pollen, molds, dust, and
A fan intermediate the base module and the upper module bacteria down to 0.3 microns. Any bacteria that pass through
draws unclean air from a room containing the System
25 the HEPA are then killed by the germicidal UV light. Finally,
through the base module, then discharges a purified air a carbon impregnated post filter reinforces the entire puri
fication process.
Stream from the upper module. The base module includes a AS with any apparatus which must be engineered, there
downward facing air intake opening Spaced from the floor.
A pair of pre-filters are disposed on the base module in are design trade-offs which must be, and have been, con
Stacked relationship for trapping relatively large particulate sidered. In regard to the present invention, there were four
matter from the entering air Stream. The upper module objectives deemed to be of primary importance for the air
includes a discharge grille opening to the environment with treatment System, Specifically, infection control efficacy,
angled louvers for guiding and re-directing the purified air Safety, administrative control of the equipment, and the
stream from a HEPA-type filter into an inclined stream, 35
users Subjective requirements. These, in turn, translated
flowing proximate to and along the ceiling of the room in into key factors of: (1) airflow, (2) noise, (3) filtration/
which the System is located. A germicidal chamber inter germicidal action, and (4) safety features:
mediate the pre-filters and the fan contains a plurality of (1) the airflow needs to be maximized within the con
elongated and longitudinally extending ultraViolet germi Straints of noise, germicidal action and Safety. Because
cidal irradiation lamps. Because of the remoteneSS of the 40 the general infection control mechanism is to dilute the
upper module from the base module, undesirable mixing of contaminated air with clean, safe air (up to 100%
unclean and purified air is minimized. In another dilution) the more air that can be processed, the faster
embodiment, the discharge grille has a first opening with and more complete the dilution will be;
angled louvers as in the first embodiment and a Second (2) noise is a large user constraint: the higher the noise
opening to which an attached conduit leads to an exterior 45 level of the equipment, the more objectionable it is to
region outside of the room to thereby create a negative the people using the device. Noise originates with both
preSSure in the room in relation to the exterior region. the motor and the airflow. The higher the airflow, the
It was with knowledge of the foregoing State of the noisier the unit will be and the more resistance in the air
technology that the present invention has been conceived flow, the noisier the motor will be. The type of motor
and is now reduced to practice. The actuation and deploy 50 and fan blade design also influence the noise of the unit;
ment concept embodied by this invention is different from (3) germicidal action is also influenced by the airflow
all of the devices reviewed above. through the unit. The faster the transit time of the air
through the unit, the less the cumulative dosage
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION imparted by the ultraviolet lamps (UVGI-UltraViolet
The present invention relates to a Self contained air 55 Germicidal Irradiation), and the less effective the
purification System which comprises an upright enclosed UVGI is in killing the microbes. The use of a HEPA
housing defining a germicidal chamber. An annular filter (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter will also increase
having a normally upstanding longitudinal axis has outer resistance to airflow as the Velocity of the air increases.
and inner peripheral Surfaces, an interior plenum, and is An upper limit occurs when it begins to Self-destruct.
Supported on a base member. The housing has air inlets 60 The higher the airflow capacity of the HEPA filter, the
proximate the filter and air exhaust louvers in an upper more expensive it becomes. The invention has been
member. UltraViolet germicidal irradiation lamps are dis designed to operate well within the rated capacity of the
posed in the germicidal chamber, and a resiliently mounted filters employed; and
fan overlies the annular filter for drawing unclean air from (4) safety features from both an operation and perfor
the environment into and through the air inlets, through the 65 mance perspective include the capability of the System
annular filter, through the plenum and then into the germi being operated by a broad range of users, ease of
cidal chamber in a Vortex-shaped whirling mass air Stream mobility of the system; readily available information
S 6
concerning the condition and functioning of the active assure that items Such as drinking cups or cans, plants,
components of the System. Also, the combination of the papers and bookScannot be placed on the top over the
UVGI lamps and the HEPA filter in series protects from air discharge slots to thereby undesirably interfere with
purification failure; in this regard, it is noteworthy that the clean air discharge from the unit.
any failure in purification makes this kind of machine 5 The air purification System of the invention is portable
an infection spreading rather than infection control and extremely easy to use. All that an operator need do is to
device. wheel it into a room and plug it into an electrical receptacle.
With the foregoing considerations in mind, important The operator can benefit from clean, purified air immedi
decisions have been made which have resulted in an air ately. Further, the unit of the invention is designed to Set up
treatment System believed to be far Superior to any personal the correct air patterns, and is often most effective placed
use air purification System currently available. To this end, against a wall opposite the area needing the most cleaning.
the air filtration System of the invention comprises a metal The clean, purified air will be directed acroSS the ceiling,
housing with external holes for air flow into the unit sides and drop down around the total room area, pushing any dust,
and Slots on the top for returning cleaned air outflow to the pollen or odors toward the floor and back into the unit. While
environment. The internal parts include a pre-filter, 15 15 the unit of the invention is effective wherever it is placed
pounds of oxidizing pellets, a round HEPA filter, a backward within the room, its placement is recommended at a wall
inclined fan with electric motor, a pair (or other Suitable opposite the region in which the clean air benefits are most
number) of 9 watt ultraviolet germicidal lamps, a 5/8" carbon desired.
pad holding one pound of pulverized carbon, variable Speed Industry guidelines Suggest at least Six air changes per
control for the fan Speed, and indicator lamps to monitor hour (ACH) for adequate airborne cleaning and allergy
filter life and actual ultraviolet lamp function. Four small control. The system of the invention will change 21,000
wheels on the bottom allow for easy mobility through the cubic feet per hour (CFH) at high speed.
home or office. The upward air discharge provided by the system of the
This unit is specifically made for Smaller rooms and invention more completely mixes the air in a room by using
residential or light commercial buildings intended to join in 25 the ceiling and upper Spaces of the room to completely
the marketplace the larger unit intended for use in doctors distribute the air to all areas. When air flow patterns move
offices and hospitals and disclosed in commonly assigned acroSS the ceiling and upper Spaces there is no furniture to
U.S. Pat. No. 5,616,172. short circuit the air back to the filter unit. When there is no
Important features of the present invention include: Short circuiting of the air, the mixing of all the air is more
a housing which has been shortened and Squared off, for complete and therefore the filter unit is twice as effective
example, to 14"x15" to better fit the decor of its with less drafts, than all the side, bottom or front air
intended use, namely, living rooms, bedrooms and discharge type units, on the market today. This top discharge
offices, allows higher air flow rates to better clean the air rapidly
a revised fan mechanism changed to a backward inclined with complete mixing, resulting in cleaner and purer air to
blade instead of a forward curved So as to eliminate any 35 breathe throughout the room. Used in rooms from 150 to
motor overloading if fan is operated without filters or 1500 square feet with twice the total room cleaning power
with plugged filters, than any other filter on the market today.
The Center for Disease Control documents that a filter
redirected airflow into the unit, changed from bottom with air flow patterns and air Volume rates equal to the
most (underneath) to the sides So that extra dust loading 40 system of the invention will clean an average bedroom to 99
will be visible in the new application, enabling a user percent clean in 14 minutes.
to simply vacuum the sides so as to add life to both the A primary feature, then, of the present invention is the
pre-filters and the HEPA filter; provision of a Self-contained portable air movement and
a relocated germicidal chamber, moved to the discharge of purification System.
the fan Side So that the discharge air is disinfected by 45 Another feature of the present invention is the provision
means of the UVGI irradiation instead of only the of Such a System which is capable of removing particulate
pre-filters. The new fan type and location also allows and bacterial contaminants and generally purifying the air of
the fan Shelf, fan motor, fan wheel, and leaving edges a contained environment.
of the HEPA filter to be irradiated with direct and
indirect light from the UVGI lamps; Still another feature of the present invention is the pro
50 Vision of Such a unit specifically intended for Smaller rooms
a post filter of carbon mesh has been added to adsorb any and residential or light commercial buildings.
residual odors from the unit as well as any minute Yet another feature of the present invention is the provi
ozone (O) that may be produced by the fan motor of Sion of Such a System equipped with five-stage filtration,
the UVGI lamps; germicidal ultraViolet protection, and a powerful air flow
a cavity has been added immediately upstream of the 55 capability.
HEPA filter filled with a special formulation of particu Still a further feature of the present invention is the
larly effective odor adsorbing and gas oxidization pel provision of Such an improved air purifier that has an
lets. improved filtration efficiency capable of removing from the
the top discharge vent System has been designed to air particles down to about 0.3 microns in size with an
provide Sufficient air Velocity for the discharge air to 60 efficiency of 99.97%.
reach the ceiling and create the best airflow patterns. Yet a further feature of the invention is to provide such a
This type of flow has been researched by ASHRAE System which provides maximum Separation between intake
(American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air and exhaust regions to prevent short circuiting of the clean
Conditioning Engineers) to create the most desirable and unclean air Streams.
mixing of air in a room 65 Another feature of the invention is to provide Such a
top discharge cover is disposed at a 15 degree angle to aid System which provides for exhausting the clean air in an
in achieving the most effective airflow pattern and to inclined Stream, causing the purified air Stream to flow
7 8
proximate to and along the ceiling of the room in which the Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation lamps 50 are disposed
System is located. in the germicidal chamber 33. They may be, for example,
Other and further features, advantages, and benefits of the two nine watt lamps capable of producing the germicidal
invention will become apparent in the following description irradiation which is used in many hospital operating rooms
taken in conjunction with the following drawings. It is to be World wide, to kill germs, yeasts and bacteria. Total irra
understood that the foregoing general description and the diation power is strong enough to kill: viruses like: E. coli,
following detailed description are exemplary and explana Infectious Hepatitis, Influenza, and the like, and bacteria
tory but are not to be restrictive of the invention. The like: TB, Proteus Vulgaris, Salmonella Species, Typhoid
accompanying drawings which are incorporated in and Fever, Cholera, various StreptococcuS and Staphylococus,
constitute a part of this invention, illustrate one of the Legionnaire's Disease, Infectious Jaundice. Eberthella
embodiments of the invention, and together with the Typhosa, Dysentery Bacilli, Diphtheria, Bacillus Anthracis,
and the like.
description, Serve to explain the principles of the invention A fan subsystem 52 beneath the ultraviolet lamps 50
in general terms. Like numerals refer to like parts throughout overlies the primary filter 34 for drawing unclean air from
the disclosure.
15 the environment 22 (FIG. 2) into and through the air inlets
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 46, through the primary filter 34, through the plenum 42 and
then into the germicidal chamber 33 in a vortex-shaped
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an air moving and whirling mass air stream defined by arrows 54 (FIGS. 3, 4,
purification System embodying the present invention; and 5) flowing in a protracted course around and past the
FIG. 2 is a perspective view illustrating the operation of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation lamps 50 for maximized
the air moving and purification System illustrated in FIG. 1; exposure to their output. This results in the discharge
FIG. 3 is a perspective view of the air moving and through the air exhaust louvers 48 of a purified air stream 32
purification System of the invention, partially cut away and for return to the environment.
in Section for clarity; The base member 26 includes a base platform 56 integral
FIG. 4 is a front elevation view, in section, of the air 25 with the side walls 28, being attached by means of rivets or
moving and purification system illustrated in FIG. 3; other Suitable fastener devices, and a plurality of Spaced
FIG. 5 is a croSS Section view, taken generally along line apart wheels 58 mounted on the base platform for rolling
5. 5 in FIG. 4; engagement with an underlying Surface 60 (FIG. 4).
FIG. 6 is a detail exploded perspective view of a primary Preferably, each of the wheels is rotatable about an axis
parallel to a plane of the underlying Surface and is also free
filter utilized by the air moving and purification System of to pivot about an upright axis.
the invention; The upper member 30 is selectively removable, as by
FIG. 7 is a detail cross section view of the primary filter withdrawal of fasteners 61, from the housing 28 to enable an
illustrated in FIG. 6; and operator to gain access to the germicidal chamber 33 SO as
FIG. 8 is a diagrammatic illustration of an impeller blade 35 to, for example, replace an expired UV lamp 50. It includes
construction utilized by the fan subsystem of the invention. a discharge grille 62 defining a plurality of the air exhaust
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE louvers 48 for communication between the germicidal
PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS chamber 33 and the environment 22. Preferably, the dis
charge grille 62 is angled, for example, 15 from the
Turn now to the drawings and, initially, to FIGS. 1 and 2 40 horizontal, for guiding and re-directing the purified air
which generally illustrate a Self contained air movement stream 64 from the germicidal chamber 33 into the inclined
system 20 for air purification and/or infection control of a air Stream 32 through the air exhaust louvers after exiting a
local environment 22 Such as the room of a home or office. downstream filter 66.
As seen in greater detail in FIGS. 3 and 4, the system 20 This results in the purified air stream flow, as illustrated
comprises an elongated upright enclosed housing 24 includ 45 by arrows 68 in FIG. 2 proximate to and along the ceiling
ing a base member 26, Side walls 28, and an upper member (not illustrated) of the room in which the air movement and
30 (FIG. 5) through which an air stream 32 may be caused purification System 20 is located. Because of the remoteneSS
to flow sequentially. The base member 26 is remote from the of the upper member 30 from the base member 26, unde
upper member and the housing 24 defines a germicidal Sirable mixing of unclean and purified air is minimized. The
chamber 33 intermediate the base member and upper mem 50 angled Surface of the discharge grill 62 also prevents the
ber. undesirable placement thereon of a variety of items. Such as
A primary filter member 34 which is of annular shape drink containers, which otherwise could spill their contents
positioned around a normally upstanding longitudinal axis into the air exhaust louvers 48 and harm the cleaning ability
40 (FIG. 6) has an outer peripheral surface 36, an inner of the System 20, and plants, paperS or books which other
peripheral Surface 38, and defines an interior plenum 42 55 wise could overlie the air exhaust louvers and interfere with
(FIG. 7). The inner peripheral surface 38 is spaced from the or prevent the clean air discharge from the System.
outer peripheral surface 36 and the primary filter member is The downstream filter 66, preferably a carbon mesh filter
mounted proximate, actually on, the base member. The provided to adsorb any residual odors from the unit as well
primary filter member 34, which is replaceable, is suitably as any minute ozone (O) that may be produced by the fan
attached to the base member 26 as by fasteners 44 (FIG. 4) 60 motor 103 or the UVGI lamps 50, underlies the discharge
once properly located within the interior of the housing 28. grille 62 so as to be substantially coextensive with the air
The housing 28 is suitably perforated so as to have exhaust louvers 48. The discharge grille has an under Surface
numerous air inlets 46 proximate the primary filter 34 and air which faces the germicidal chamber 33 and a suitable
exhaust louvers 48 are provided in the upper member 30. In adhesive 70 is employed to bond the filter 66 to that under
actual fact, the air inlets 46 are So located in the Side walls 65 Surface.
28 as to be generally coextensive with the Outer peripheral The primary filter 34 is of a layered, concentric, construc
surface 36 of the primary filter 34. tion which includes:
9 10
an Outermost particulate pre-filter 74, about one-half inch FIG. 8, the impeller blades 98 are inclined opposite to the
thick, for removal from the incoming air Stream of direction of fan rotation as indicated by an arrow 100. This
particles of about 10 micron size and larger; is a preferable construction which results in higher tip
an intermediate carbon filter 76 for removal from the Speeds and provides high fan efficiency and relatively low
incoming air Stream of oxidizing gaseous pollutants, noise levels with “non-overloading” horsepower character
this may be, for example, 15 pounds of Specially istics. In a non-overloading fan, the maximum horsepower
formulated indoor air quality (IAO) carbon adsorption occurs near the optimum operating point So that any varia
granules as a Second adsorptive media with 2 pounds of tion from that point due to a change in System resistance
pulverized activated carbon post filter media; this com results in a reduction in operating horsepower. A fan motor
bination has 3,290,000 square feet of total adsorptive 103, preferably a variable speed unit, is employed for
surface area (80% more than other commonly-used rotating the hub 96 about a rotational axis generally aligned
materials) for the best gas and chemical removal com with the longitudinal axis of the primary filter 34.
mercially available today; the main adsorptive power The fan platform 90 also includes a circular upstanding
comes from a granule Specially designed to oxidize collar on the base plate 91 defining a central air passage 104
gaseous pollutants Such as: hydrogen Sulfide, Sulfur 15 for delivering air from the interior plenum 42 of the primary
dioxide, formaldehyde, ethylene, mercaptains, various filter 34 to the fan Subsystem 52. An elongated fan mounting
aldehydes, and alcohols. This formulation provides plate 106 extends between opposite ends mounted,
50% more active ingredients and reagents without the respectively, to the upstanding ends 92 of the fan platform
dust of other known products, therefore cleaning the air 90 as with suitable fasteners 108 (FIGS. 3 and 4). The fan
of gaseous pollutants while also not adding dust and motor 103 is mounted in a suspended fashion on the fan
Small breathable particles to the air; also, this formu platform 90. Specifically, the fan motor 103 is mounted on
lation has 20% greater density and absorptive capabil the plate 106 as with fasteners 110 (FIG. 4) and depends
ity than other known compounds or treated carbons, an therefrom intermediate the plate 106 and the base plate 91.
example of a filter of this type which is suitable for With this construction vibration and its accompanying
purposes of the invention is Model No. ZK6 available 25 noise is minimized and, as earlier mentioned, air flowing out
from Cameron Carbon, Inc. of Chicago, Ill., of the primary filter 34 flows through the central air passage
an innermost filter 78 being a HEPA (high efficiency 104 defined by the circular upstanding collar 102, then
particulate air) filter for removal from the incoming air through the impeller blades 98.
stream of approximately 99.6% of all particles of 0.3 The fan mounting plate 106 may actually be channel
micron size or larger; for purposes of explanation, a shaped and includes a pair of laterally Spaced upstanding
human hair is about 300 times too large to penetrate a finger Support members 112. Suitable mounting devices are
HEPA filter; by way of example, a 14 inch diameter provided for mounting the ultraviolet lamps 50 on each of
cylinder has 260 pleats of HEPA media and 11,520 the upstanding finger Support members So as to be aligned
Square inches of total filter Surface area. generally transverse to the air Stream flowing through the
As seen particularly well in FIGS. 6 and 7, the outermost 35 germicidal chamber 33. The ultraviolet lamps 50, which are
filter 74, intermediate filter 76, and innermost filter 78 are all preferably of a specific type (253.7 nm wavelength) known
coaxial, coterminous and intimately disposed. The Outer to kill germs contained in the tiny airborne droplets (droplet
most filter or pre-filter 74 protects the media of the inner nuclei) that transmit Some infection (measles, tuberculosis,
most HEPA filter 78 from becoming clogged with large influenza) from person to person within buildings, have
particles which will shorten its overall life. The pre-filter 74 40 sufficient intensity to destroy more than about 90% of
is preferably made of a spun poly pad which is easily airborne pathogenic particles which have not been entrained
removable washed and or replaced, for continued long life by the primary filter 34.
of the more expensive HEPA and carbon filters. This pre An operating panel 114 is desirably provided for the
filter can be washed or vacuumed to extend its Service life. System 20, preferably on the discharge grille 62 of the upper
Foam Sealing gasket 80 Surrounding the upper region of the 45 member 30. Typically, the operating panel may include a
primary filter 34 assures that the air flow is through the speed control knob 116 for controlling the speed of the fan
primary filter 34 and does not leak out around the edges. motor 103 and indicators for indicating the condition of
Such leakage or bypass of unclean air typically reduces the operation of the ultraViolet lamps and of the primary filter.
overall effectiveness of many known Systems. Specifically, the indicators include a normally unlighted red
The primary filter 34 has a lower end surface 84 mounted 50 indicator lamp 118 which, when lighted, indicates that the
on the base member 26 and an upper end surface 86 parallel primary filter 34 requires replacement and a normally
with and Spaced from the lower end Surface. The System lighted green indicator lamp 120 which, when unlighted,
further includes a resilient gasket 88 mounted on the upper indicates that one or the other of the ultraviolet lamps
end Surface 86. In turn, a fan platform 90 is supported on the requires replacement.
gasket 88 So as to overlie and be spaced from the upper end 55 Aparticularly beneficial feature of the invention resides in
surface 86. The fan platform 90 includes an underlying base the five stage filtration provided by the system 20. At level
plate 91 which extends laterally of a longitudinal axis of the one, a 10 micron, particulate pre-filter 74 captures airborne
housing 24 to opposite upstanding ends 92 which are spaced, particles like dust and pet dander. At the next level, Specially
respectively from the opposed side walls 28. Again, a blended carbon media utilizing three materials, absorbS and
resilient gasket 94 is interposed between each of the 60 oxidizes odors, gases, and chemicals. Together, these barri
upstanding ends 92 and an associated one of the Side walls ers complement the microfiltration HEPA media of the
28. primary filter 34 which traps particles including pollen,
In a manner now to be described, the fan subsystem 52 is molds, dust, and bacteria down to 0.3 microns. Any bacteria
mounted on the fan platform 90 intermediate the opposite that pass through the HEPA are then killed by the germicidal
upstanding ends 92. The fan subsystem includes a hub 96 65 UV lamps 50. Finally, a carbon impregnated post, or
(FIG. 4) and a plurality of impeller blades 98 fixed to and downstream, filter 66 reinforces the entire purification pro
extending radially from the hub. AS Seen especially well in CCSS.
11 12
Furthermore, the design of the System takes into account plenum, Said inner peripheral Surface being Spaced
the fact that the air flow pattern into a fan must be smooth from Said outer peripheral Surface, Said primary filter
and of equal pressure acroSS the inlet area So that the means being mounted proximate Said base member;
efficiency of the fan is at its optimum, also So that the exiting Said housing having air inlet means proximate Said pri
air is evenly spaced around the outlet from the fan. With the mary filter means and having air exhaust means in Said
radial or annular design of the primary filter 34, the airflow upper member,
through the filter passes into the inside, or interior plenum 42 ultraViolet germicidal irradiation means disposed in the
from all regions around the outer periphery of the filter. This germicidal chamber; and
air then proceeds up through the interior plenum and the
central air passage 104 directly beneath the fan inlet as fan means overlying Said primary filter means for drawing
determined by the upstanding collar 102. This air then enters unclean air from the environment into and through the
the fan and is forced out Symmetrically around the circum air inlet means, through Said primary filter means,
ference of the impeller blades 98. The air exits symmetri through the plenum and then into the germicidal cham
cally because it enterS Symmetrically. The exiting air flow ber in a Vortex-shaped whirling mass air Stream flowing
needs to be as Symmetrical as possible So that the air flow 15 in a protracted course around and past Said irradiation
pattern in the germicidal chamber 33 above the fan Sub means for maximized exposure to Said irradiation
System 52 acts on the germs in this airflow, equally, through means whereby a purified air Stream is discharged
out the chamber. through the air exhaust means in Said upper member for
Thus, the air proceeds vertically through the primary filter return to the environment.
34 into the fan subsystem 52 and, with the impeller blades 2. A Self contained air movement System as Set forth in
98 pulling the air along, their circular motion transfers the claim 1
air stream direction from vertical to horizontal. This motion wherein Said primary filter means includes an annular
also imparts a tangential and circular component to the air filter device having a normally upstanding longitudinal
Stream, Similar to that of a circular lawn water Sprinkler. The axis.
air flow then continues out of the fan Subsystem radially and 25 3. A Self contained air movement System as Set forth in
continues up along the side walls 28 of the housing 24. This claim 1
radial motion re-routes the air flow So that the distance wherein Said primary filter means is mounted on Said base
actually traveled by the air stream to the top of the unit is member; and
Substantially lengthened. The resulting helical path thereby wherein the air inlet means are located in Said Side walls
traveled by the air Stream may be four times the Straight line generally coextensive with Said outer peripheral Sur
distance from the fan Subsystem 52 to the air exhaust louvers face of Said primary filter means.
48 and this extra distance thereby increases the germ-killing 4. A Self contained air movement System as Set forth in
residence time of the air being purified in the vicinity of the claim 1
ultraviolet lamp 50. wherein Said base member includes a platform integral
Just beneath the discharge grille 62 of the upper member 35
with Said Side walls and wheel means mounted on Said
30 is a top shelf 122 which overlies the irradiation lamps 50. platform for rolling engagement with an underlying
The top shelf extends between opposing side walls 28 of the Surface, Said filter means being Supported on Said base
housing 24 and includes downturned flanges 124 which are member.
mounted to the side walls as by double-sided adhesive tape 5. An air movement system as set forth in claim 4
126, or in some other manner. The top shelf 122 serves to 40
improve the rigidity of the housing 24 and also to protect the wherein Said wheel means include a plurality of Spaced
components in the interior of the housing. Openings 128, apart wheels, each of which is rotatable about an axis
130 are provided in the top shelf to provide access to the parallel to a plane of the underlying Surface and also
interior of the housing for purposes Such as the removal and free to pivot about an upright axis.
replacement of spent lamps 50. Suitably mounted to the top 45 6. A Self contained air movement System as Set forth in
Shelf and extending upwardly and angularly disposed rela claim
tive to the top shelf is a baffle plate 132, preferably with a wherein Said upper member includes:
reflective interior Surface which Serves to return radiation a discharge grille defining louver means for communi
from the lamps 50 to the germicidal chamber 33 and prevent cation between Said germicidal chamber and the
its escape. 50 environment; and
While preferred embodiments of the invention have been downstream filter means underlying Said discharge
disclosed in detail, it should be understood by those skilled grille,
in the art that various other modifications may be made to Said discharge grille being angled for guiding and
the illustrated embodiments without departing from the re-directing the purified air Stream from Said germi
Scope of the invention as described in the Specification and 55 cidal chamber into an inclined air Stream through
defined in the appended claims. Said louver means, after exiting Said downstream
What is claimed is: filtration means, causing the purified air Stream to
1. A Self contained air movement System for at least one flow proximate to and along the ceiling of the room
of air purification and infection control comprising: in which Said air movement and purification System
an elongated upright enclosed housing including a base 60 is located and, because of the remoteness of Said
member, Side walls, and an upper member through upper member from Said base member, minimizing
which an air Stream may be caused to flow Sequentially, undesirable mixing of unclean and purified air.
Said base member being remote from Said upper 7. A Self contained air movement System as Set forth in
member, Said housing defining a germicidal chamber claim 6
therein; 65 wherein Said discharge grille has an under Surface facing
primary filter means having an outer peripheral Surface, the germicidal chamber; and
an inner peripheral Surface, and defining an interior wherein Said downstream filter means includes:
13 14
a carbon mesh discharge filter Substantially coextensive including:
with Said louver means, and resilient gasket means mounted on Said upper end
adhesive means bonding Said discharge filter to Said Surface; and
under Surface. a fan platform mounted on Said gasket means So as to
8. An air movement system as set forth in claim 1 overlie and be spaced from Said upper end Surface,
wherein Said ultraViolet germicidal irradiation means Said fan platform extending laterally of a longitudi
includes a plurality of ultraViolet lamps aligned gener nal axis of Said housing to opposite upstanding ends
ally transverse to the air Stream flowing through the thereof Spaced, respectively from an opposed pair of
germicidal chamber and having Sufficient intensity to Said Side walls, and
destroy more than about 90% of airborne pathogenic resilient gasket means between each of Said upStanding
particles which have not been entrained by Said primary ends and an associated one of Said Side walls,
filter means. Said fan means being mounted on Said fan platform
9. An air movement system as set forth in claim 1 intermediate Said opposite upstanding ends.
including: 14. An air movement system as set forth in claim 13
indicator means outside of Said housing for indicating the 15 wherein Said fan means includes,
condition of operation of Said ultraViolet germicidal a hub;
irradiation means and Said primary filter means. a plurality of impeller blades fixed to and extending
10. An air movement system as set forth in claim 9 radially from Said hub, Said impeller blades being
including: inclined opposite to the direction of fan rotation; and
wherein Said indicator means includes:
a fan motor for rotating Said hub about a rotational axis
generally aligned with the longitudinal axis of Said
a normally unlighted indicator lamp which, when primary filter means.
lighted, indicates that Said primary filter means 15. An air movement system as set forth in claim 13
requires replacement, and wherein Said fan platform includes:
a normally lighted indicator lamp which, when 25 a circular upstanding collar defining a central air pas
unlighted, indicates that Said irradiation means Sage, and
requires replacement. an elongated fan mounting plate extending between
11. An air movement System as Set forth in claim 1 opposite ends mounted, respectively, to Said
including: upstanding ends of Said fan platform, said fan motor
wherein Said fan means includes: being mounted on Said fan platform So as to be
a variable Speed fan; and Suspended therefrom;
a speed control knob on the outside of Said housing for whereby air flowing out of Said primary filter means
controlling the speed of Said fan. flows through the central air passage defined by Said
12. An air movement System as Set forth in claim 2 circular upstanding collar, then through Said impeller
wherein Said primary filter means includes: 35 blades.
an Outermost particulate pre-filter for removal from the 16. An air movement system as set forth in claim 15
incoming air Stream of particles of about 10 micron wherein Said fan mounting plate includes:
Size and larger, a pair of laterally Spaced upstanding finger Support
an intermediate filter for removal from the incoming air members,
Stream of oxidizing gaseous pollutants, and 40 wherein Said ultraViolet germicidal irradiation means
an innermost filter being a HEPA filter for removal includes a plurality of ultraViolet lamps aligned
from the incoming air Stream of approximately generally transverse to the air Stream flowing
99.6% of all particles of 0.3 micron size or larger; through the germicidal chamber and having Suffi
Said outermost filter, Said intermediate filter, and Said cient intensity to destroy more than about 90% of
innermost filters all being coaxial, coterminous and 45 airborne pathogenic particles which have not been
intimately disposed. entrained by Said primary filter means, and
13. An air movement system as set forth in claim 1 including:
wherein Said primary filter means has a lower end Surface means for mounting an ultraViolet lamp on each of Said
mounted on Said base member and an upper end Surface upstanding fingers.
parallel with and Spaced from Said lower end Surface; 50
and k k k k k