HMF Conversion Procedure Eaton DuraForce
HMF Conversion Procedure Eaton DuraForce
HMF Conversion Procedure Eaton DuraForce
Content Page #
Tools Required 2
Introduction 3
Model Code 4
Block Case Flushing Feature
Set Up 5
Procedure to Disable the Shuttle Valve Assembly 6
Procedure to Disable the Purge Valve 8
Exchange Purge Valves
Set Up 9
Procedure to Exchange a Close Loop Purge Valve with an Open Loop Purge Valve 9
Procedure to Exchange an Open Loop Purge Valve with a Close Loop Purge Valve 9
Exchange Shuttle Valve Assemblies
Set Up 10
Disassembly Procedure 11
Assembly Procedure 12
Exchange Cross-over Relief Valve
Set Up 13
Procedure to Exchange Single-Setting Relief Valves with Dual-Setting 13
Procedure to Exchange Dual-Setting Relief Valves with Single-Setting 13
Operational Parameters 14
Part Numbers Listing 16
Tools Required
Blocking the Case Exchanging Purge Exchanging Shuttle Exchanging Cross-Over
Flushing Feature Valves Valve Assemblies Relief Valves
• 12mm Allen wrench • 13mm wrench • 12mm Allen wrench • 24mm wrench
• 13mm Wrench (for Closed • 17mm wrench • Heat gun / torch • 36mm wrench
Loop Purge Valve)
• Torque wrench capable of • Eaton shuttle assembly tool • Torque wrench capable of
• 17mm Wrench (for Open Loop setting 15 N-m (11 ft-lb) setting 100 N-m (74 ft-lb)
Purge Valve) • Green Loctite 648
• Needle-nose pliers
• Blocked Purge Valve
• Rubber Mallet (optional)
• Disabled Shuttle Spool
This manual will provide you with information and procedures Cleanliness
for general conversions of Eaton® DuraForce™ HMF Fixed
Cleanliness is extremely important when repairing a
Displacement Open and Closed Loop Hydraulic Motors.
hydrostatic pump or motor. Before disconnecting the lines,
Procedures outlined in this manual will allow you to be
clean foreign material from exterior of unit. Work in a clean
more flexible with your inventory and better service your
area. Clean all metal parts in clean solvent. Blow parts dry
customers. To ensure accuracy of conversion and prevent
with air. Don’t wipe parts with cloth or paper towel, because
part loss or damage, certain components or subassemblies
lint or other matter could cause damage. Check all mating
are disassembled, inspected, and reassembled when
surfaces. Replace any parts that have scratches or burrs that
removed from the motor.
could cause leakage. Don’t use coarse grit paper, files or
grinders on parts.
You have been provided information on the conversion of Environmental Concerns
DuraForce products. Proper application of the information Protection of the natural fundamentals of life is one of our
requires specific training and may require use of specialized predominant tasks. We are continuously improving the
tooling and equipment. All requests for training must be protection of the environment as far as applications are
coordinated through your Eaton Account Manager. He can concerned. We encourage you to contribute your share to
also provide you price and availability of any specialized comply with this demand. In connection with work to be
tooling. If you choose to proceed with the conversion of the performed, the environmental regulations of the machine
DuraForce products absent the necessary training and/or manufacturer must be respected.
these specialized tools, you do so at your risk.
In general:
Eaton will accept no claim for warranty resulting from
deficiencies in the conversion. Please refer to the •G
reases and oils which cannot be used any more have to
Eaton literature web site for warranty information at be collected. They are normally a threat to water reserves and must be kept away from the environment.
• Adhere to national and local regulations for waste disposal.
Labeling Converted Units
All units that have been converted must retain the original Seals
Eaton label and have a second Eaton label placed on the unit. A good conversion policy is to replace all old seals with new
This second label at a minimum must state seals whenever units are disassembled. This avoids potential
Converted Eaton Model Code # (Final Eaton model code of damage during seal removal. Lubricate seals with petroleum
the converted unit) jelly. Use only clean and recommended oil when assembling
unit. Information on recommended filters and fluids can be
Conversion done by (Name of your company) found in the Operational Parameters section.
HMF 105 C D M R 0 00 A 1 0 00 A A A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 Remove the M22 Plug with the 12mm Allen wrench. 3 Remove the Washer and Shuttle Spool simultaneously
with the needle-nose pliers being careful not damage
the spool or use a pencil magnet.
2 Remove the spring with the needle-nose pliers 4 Remove the Washer from the Shuttle Spool.
or pencil magnet.
6 Reinstall the Washer onto the Disabled Shuttle Spool. 8 Reinstall the spring.
7 Reinstall the Washer/Disabled Shuttle Spool 9 Reinstall the M22 Plug. Torque the M22 Plug to
subassembly back into the Shuttle Body. 122 N-m (90 ft-lb).
1 Remove the purge valve. 3 Install the blocked purge valve back into the motor and
torque it to 15 N-m (11 ft-lb)
Procedure to Exchange a Closed Loop Purge Valve Procedure to Exchange an Open Loop Purge Valve
with an Open Loop Purge Valve with a Closed Loop Purge Valve
1 Remove the Closed Loop Purge Valve
1 Remove the Open Loop Purge Valve
with the 13mm wrench. with the 17mm wrench.
Install the Open Loop Purge Valve and tighten it with Install the Closed Loop Purge Valve and tighten it with
2 2
the 17mm wrench. Torque it to 15 N-m (11 ft-lb). the 13mm wrench. Torque it to 15 N-m (11 ft-lb).
The following image
illustrates the different types
of shuttle valve assemblies
used on Eaton Hydraulics
H** motors:
1 Remove the plug from the shuttle valve assembly as 3 In order to break loose the Loctite used to keep the
shown here. shuttle body in place, heat the area directly above the
shuttle assembly as shown here.
1 Apply Green Loctite 648 on the threads inside the 5 Install the plug and torque it (refer to the torque chart at
rear head where the shuttle body will be installed. the bottom of this page).
Torque Chart
Item Description Torque Value ft-lb (N-m)
Procedure to Exchange Single-Setting Relief Valves Procedure to Exchange Dual-Setting Relief Valves
with Dual-Setting with Single-Setting
Note Note
If performing this procedure on a machine, make sure that If performing this procedure on a machine, make sure that
there is enough clearance to remove the Single-Setting there is enough clearance to remove the Dual-Setting Relief
Relief Valves and to install the Dual-Setting Relief Valves as Valves as illustrated above.
illustrated above.
1 Remove the Dual-Setting Relief Valves with the 36mm
1 Remove the Single-Setting Relief Valves with the wrench.
24mm wrench.
2 Make sure that the O-Ring was removed with each
2 Make sure that the O-Ring was removed with each relief valve.
relief valve.
Inspect the Single-Setting Relief Valves to insure that
Inspect the Dual-Setting Relief Valves to insure that the O-Ring is in place and is not damaged.
the O-Ring is in place and is not damaged.
Install the Single-Setting Relief Valves and tighten
Install the Dual-Setting Relief Valves and tighten them them with the 24mm wrench. Torque each relief valve
with the 36mm wrench. Torque each relief valve to 80 to 100 N-m (74 ft-lb).
N-m (59 ft-lb).
Beneficial Conditions For Long Service Life Adverse Factors Affecting Service Life
Speed Lower continuous maximum speed Speed Between continuous maximum speed and intermittent
Operating Pressure Less than 300 bar Δp on average maximum speed
Maximum Pressure Only at reduced displacement Operating Pressure More than 300 bar Δp on average
Viscosity 15 ... 30 cSt Viscosity Less than 10 cSt
Power Continuous power or lower Power Continuous operation close to maximum power
Purity of Fluid 18/16/13 in accordance with ISO 4406 or better Purity of Fluid Lower than 18/ 16/ 13 in accordance with ISO 4406
Operational parameters.
In order to guarantee cleanliness level of the Eaton Hydraulic Fluid level can extend the
long-term proper function lubricant must comply Recommendation 03-401- service life of the hydraulic
and high efficiency of with the following 2010. Maintaining the system significantly.
the hydraulic pumps the criteria according to recommended cleanliness
For reliable proper function and long service life Filling and operation of hydraulic systems
18/16/13 in accordance with ISO 4406 or better The required cleanliness level of the hydraulic oil must
be ensured during filling or topping up. When drums,
canisters, or large-capacity tanks are used the oil generally
Commissioning has to be filtered. We recommend the implementation
The minimum cleanliness level requirement for the of suitable filters to ensure that the required cleanliness
hydraulic oil is based on the most sensitive component. level of the oil is achieved and maintained during
For commissioning we recommend a filtration in order to operation.
achieve the required cleanliness level.
International standard
Code number according to ISO 4406
For Reliable Proper Function and Long Service Life 18/16/13 in accordance with ISO 4406 or better
Minimum Requirements 20/18/15 in accordance with ISO 4406
Commissioning The minimum purity requirement for the hydraulic oil is based on the most sensitive
system component. For commissioning we recommend a filtration in order to achieve
the required purity.
Filing in Operation of Hydraulic Systems The required purity of the hydraulic oil must be ensured during filling or topping up.
drums, canisters or large-capacity tanks are used the oil generally has to be filtered.
We recommend the implementation of suitable measures (e.g. filters) to ensure that
the required minimum purity of the oil is also achieved during operation
International Standard Code number according to ISO 4406 purity class according to
SAE AS 4059
18/16/13 corresponds to 8A/7B/7C
20/18/15 9A/8B/8C
Permitted Pressure Fluids • Mineral oil HLP to DIN Eaton offers an oil testing
51 524-2 service in accordance with
VDMA 24 570 and the test
• Biodegradable fluids in apparatus required for in-house
accordance with ISO 15 testing. Prices available on
380 on request request.
Purge Valves - Closed Loop, 10 bar Standard p. 9 Purge Valves - Closed Loop, 10 bar Reduced p. 9
Purge Valves - Closed Loop, 14 bar Standard p. 9 Purge Valves - Closed Loop, 14 bar Reduced p. 9
Shuttle Valves p. 10
Cross-Over Relief Valves - Single Setting p. 13 Cross-Over Relief Valves - Dual Setting p. 13