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Fundholder Account - Transactions Details

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Fundholder Account - Transactions Details

Account Number : 35106859-2 Jointholder's Name :

Address : 348 SIOL KANDIS PETRA JAYA Scheme : EPF
93050 KUCHING Telephone Number
SARAWAK (Home) :
(Office) :
(Mobile) : 0198761120

Transaction Desc Price Units Loaded Amount Sales / Switching Charge Amount DB/ Bal. Units Bal. Units Cost Total Cum. Cost Avg Cost Per Realised P/L Payment Statement
Date RM Invested Paid CR RM RM Unit (RM) RM Ref Number
% Amount (RM)
29/08/2008 FL 0.2835 9,588.88 Yes 2,718.45 3.00 81.55 2,800.00 CR 9,588.88 2,800.00 2,800.00 0.2920 0.00FLOAT SR0800000991904


Summary of Transactions Total Return Units Available

Total Amount (RM)
Realised Profit/(Loss) RM 0.00 Loaded Low-loaded Total
Total Amount Paid/Transfer In 2,800.00
Unrealised Profit/(Loss) RM (122.78)
Total Units 9,588.88 0.00 9,588.88
Repurchase/Transfer Out 0.00 Distribution Received RM 0.00
Less Float Units 0.00 0.00 0.00
Switch In 0.00
Total Return RM (122.78) Available Units 9,588.88 0.00 9,588.88
Switch Out 0.00
Total Cum. Cost RM 2,800.00
Distribution Received 0.00
Simple Estimated Return % (4.39)
Distribution Reinvestment* 0.00

* Distribution reinvestment includes float

Agent Mobile : 0168873080

08-09-2007 6:23:39PM 1 Printed by : NOORHISHAM BIN JUNAIDI
Transaction Desc Price Units Loaded Amount Sales / Switching Charge Amount DB/ Bal. Units Bal. Units Cost Total Cum. Cost Avg Cost Per Realised P/L Payment Statement
Date RM Invested Paid CR RM RM Unit (RM) RM Ref Number
% Amount (RM)

Unrealised Profit/(Loss) as at 05/09/2008 Legends

Price Balance Units Total Amount (RM) II: Initial Investment DR: Distribution Reinvestment
Current market valuation of AI: Additional Investment DP: Distribution Payout
balance units as at 05/09/2008 0.2792 x 9,588.88 = 2,677.22
SI: Standing Instruction RDR: Reversal of Distribution
COF: Cooling Off Period REV: Reversal of Investment
Cost of balance units (based on 0.2920 x 9,588.88 = 2,800.00 RP: Repurchase MCR: Misc Credit
weighted average cost per unit) SWS: Switch In MDB: Misc Debit
Unrealised Profit / (Loss) (122.78) SWR: Switch Out AU: Split Units
TR: Transfer MRG: Merge
FL: Float Investment

1. Distribution Reinvestment is treated as additional units and no cost is computed.
2. Repurchase (RP), Switching (SW) and Transfer (TR) are treated as realised transactions.

3. Accounts are merged (MGR) based on closing balance carried at average cost per unit. Accordingly, realised returns of the merged accounts are not reflected in the Total Returns table above.

Agent Mobile : 0168873080

08-09-2007 6:23:39PM 2 Printed by : NOORHISHAM BIN JUNAIDI

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