Fundholder Account - Transactions Details
Fundholder Account - Transactions Details
Fundholder Account - Transactions Details
Transaction Desc Price Units Loaded Amount Sales / Switching Charge Amount DB/ Bal. Units Bal. Units Cost Total Cum. Cost Avg Cost Per Realised P/L Payment Statement
Date RM Invested Paid CR RM RM Unit (RM) RM Ref Number
% Amount (RM)
29/08/2008 FL 0.2835 9,588.88 Yes 2,718.45 3.00 81.55 2,800.00 CR 9,588.88 2,800.00 2,800.00 0.2920 0.00FLOAT SR0800000991904
1. Distribution Reinvestment is treated as additional units and no cost is computed.
2. Repurchase (RP), Switching (SW) and Transfer (TR) are treated as realised transactions.
3. Accounts are merged (MGR) based on closing balance carried at average cost per unit. Accordingly, realised returns of the merged accounts are not reflected in the Total Returns table above.