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PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Selatan Dan Bangka Belitung

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Press Release

May 4, 2020
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Selatan dan Bangka Belitung
Analysts: Hasnalia Hanifah / Hendro Utomo
Phone/Fax/E-mail: (62-21) 7278 2380 / 7278 2370 hasnalia.hanifah@pefindo.co.id / hendro.utomo@pefindo.co.id
As of/for the year ended Dec-2019 Dec-2018 Dec-2017 Dec-2016
Corporate Rating idA/Stable (Audited) (Audited) (Audited) (Audited)
Total assets [IDR bn] 27,983.1 25,672.2 22,145.4 18,911.4
Rated Issues Total equity [IDR bn] 3,501.6 3,270.0 2,977.1 2,829.8
- Total gross loans [IDR bn] 16,571.8 14,487.2 13,560.7 12,645.4
Rating Period Total cust. deposits [IDR bn] 21,730.3 20,053.3 17,172.9 14,221.2
April 23, 2020 – April 1, 2021 Net interest revenue [IDR bn] 1,973.0 1,563.8 1,386.4 1,300.6
Net income [IDR bn] 363.0 328.1 293.1 299.7
Rating History NIR/average earning assets [%] 8.1 7.2 7.5 8.2
JUN 2013 idA-/Stable Operating expense/income [%] 81.5 78.7 79.9 80.4
OCT 2011 idA/Stable ROAA [%] 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.7
JUL 2007 idBBB+/Stable NPL (3-5)/gross loans [%] 4.4 5.5 6.4 6.2
JUN 2006 idBBB/Stable Loan loss reserve/NPL (3-5) [%] 71.3 69.5 51.6 46.3
AUG 2005 idBBB/Stable Risk weighted CAR [%] 18.9 21.6 21.4 17.8
JUL 2004 idBBB-/Stable Gross loans/total deposits [%] 76.3 72.2 79.0 88.9
USD exchange rate [USD/IDR] 13,882 14,380 13,568 13,473

The above ratios have been computed based on information from the company and published accounts. Where applicable,
some items have been reclassified according to PEFINDO’s definitions.

Bank Sumsel Babel rated “idA” with stable outlook

PEFINDO has assigned its “idA” to PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Selatan dan Bangka Belitung (Bank Sumsel Babel/the
Bank). The outlook for the corporate rating is “stable”.

An obligor rated idA has a strong capacity to meet its long-term financial commitments relative to that of other Indonesian obligors.
However, the obligor is somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than
higher-rated obligors.

The rating reflects Bank Sumsel Babel’s captive market in the region, strong capitalization profile, and above average liquidity position.
The rating is constrained by its below average asset quality profile and tightening competition in the productive loan segment.

The rating may be raised if the Bank significantly strengthens its business position and makes significant and sustainable improvements
to its asset quality profile and profitability. The rating may be lowered if its asset quality and profitability deteriorate, or its business
profile weakens substantially.

We are of the view that the COVID-19 outbreak may increase the overall banking industry risk profile, by causing a substantial business
downturn in almost all sectors resulting in lower demand for loans and other banking services. In addition, the business slowdown will
weaken the debtors’ repayment capability, and asset quality deterioration will subsequently put additional pressures to the banks’
profitability and liquidity indicators. At the moment, we are of the view that the impact of COVID-19 to Bank Sumsel Babel’s overall
credit profile to remain manageable, supported by its core product of civil servant (ASN) consumer loans dominating more than 70%
out of its loan portfolio. We view ASN loans will be least impacted by the outbreak as the payment will be directly deducted from the
salary. This segment should support the Bank’s revenue and cash flow generation amid this pandemic, and act as the cushion to
potential asset quality deterioration from around 5% of its loan portfolio in sectors affected by COVID-19 such as hotels and restaurants,
households, transportation, real estate, and trading. PEFINDO will continue to monitor closely the impact of COVID-19 outbreak to
Bank’s performance and its overall credit profile.

Bank Sumsel Babel was established in 1962 as a regional development bank (Bank Pembangunan Daerah, BPD), offering complete
banking services including corporate, commercial, consumer, micro/retail, and sharia. As of December 31, 2019, it was owned by the
Provincial Regional Government of South Sumatra with a 26.1% stake, the Provincial Regional Government of Bangka Belitung (2.9%),
cities and regencies in South Sumatra (50.8%) and Bangka Belitung (16.4%), as well as Bank Sumsel Babel’s Employees Cooperative

http://www.pefindo.com May 2020

Press Release
May 4, 2020

The rating contained in this report or publication is the opinion of PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO) given based on the rating result on the date the rating was made.
The rating is a forward-looking opinion regarding the rated party’s capability to meet its financial obligations fully and on time, based on assumptions made at the time of rating.
The rating is not a recommendation for investors to make investment decisions (whether the decision is to buy, sell, or hold any debt securities based on or related to the rating
or other investment decisions) and/or an opinion on the fairness value of debt securities and/or the value of the entity assigned a rating by PEFINDO. All the data and information
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as well as from other sources deemed reliable. PEFINDO does not conduct audits, due diligence, or independent verifications of every information and data received and used
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PEFINDO discloses its rating fees prior to the rating assignment. PEFINDO has a commitment in the form of policies and procedures to maintain objectivity, integrity, and
independence in the rating process. PEFINDO also has a “Code of Conduct” to avoid conflicts of interest in the rating process. Ratings may change in the future due to events
that were not anticipated at the time they were first assigned. PEFINDO has the right to withdraw ratings if the data and information received are determined to be inadequate
and/or the rated company does not fulfill its obligations to PEFINDO. For ratings that received approval for publication from the rated party, PEFINDO has the right to publish the
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http://www.pefindo.com May 2020

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