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Integrated Energy Exchange Scheduling For Multimicrogrid System With Electric Vehicles

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Integrated Energy Exchange Scheduling for

Multimicrogrid System With Electric Vehicles
Dai Wang, Student Member, IEEE, Xiaohong Guan, Fellow, IEEE, Jiang Wu, Member, IEEE,
Pan Li, Peng Zan, and Hui Xu

Abstract—Electric vehicles (EVs) can be considered as flexible Bi,s (t) Upper bound of the aggregate batteries’ remain-
mobile battery storages in microgrids. For multiple microgrids ing energy in microgrid i during t in scenario
in an area, coordinated scheduling on charging and discharging s (kWh).
are required to avoid power exchange spikes between the multi-
microgrid system and the main grid. In this paper, a two-stage C(t) Original electricity price during t (Chinese Yuan
integrated energy exchange scheduling strategy for multimicro- (CNY)/kWh).
grid system is presented, which considers EVs as storage devices. cb Capital cost of EV battery (CNY).
Then, several dual variables, which are representative of the cl Cycle life of EV battery (cycle).
marginal cost of proper constraints, are utilized to form an m
di,j,s Driving distance of EV j in microgrid i for trip
updated price, thereby being a modification on the original
electricity price. With this updated price signal, a price-based m in scenario s (km).
decentralized scheduling strategy is presented for the microgrid E Capacity of EV battery (kWh).
central controller. Simulation results show that the two-stage soc Lower bound of battery state-of-charge (SoC).
scheduling strategy reduces the electricity cost and avoids fre- k Electric drive efficiency (km/kWh).
quent transitions between battery charging/discharging states. Mi,j,s Trip number of EV j in microgrid i in scenario s.
With the proposed decentralized scheduling strategy, each micro-
grid only needs to solve its local problem and limits the total ni,s (t) Number of EVs connected to the grid in micro-
power exchange within the safe range. grid i during t in scenario s.
pev Maximal charging/discharging power of individ-
Index Terms—Decentralized scheduling strategy, dual variable,
electric vehicle (EV), energy exchange, microgrid, updated price ual EV (kW).
signal. Pi,s (t) Maximal charging power of the aggregate bat-
tery storage in microgrid i during t in scenario
s (kW).
N OMENCLATURE Pi,s (t) Minimal discharging power of the aggregate bat-
Index tery storage in microgrid i during t in scenario
i Index for microgrid, i = 1, 2, . . . , I. s (kW).
j Index for electric vehicle (EV), j = 1, 2, . . . , Ji . PLi,t Base load of microgrid i during t (kW).
m Index for EVs trip, m = 1, 2, . . . , M. i,s (t)
PW Wind power in microgrid i during t in scenario
t Index for hour, t = 1, 2, . . . , T. s (kW).
s Index for scenario, s = 1, 2, . . . , S. a
ti,j,s Arrival time of EV j in microgrid i in scenario s.
ti,j,s Departure time of EV j in microgrid i in sce-
Parameters nario s.
Bi,s (t) Lower bound of the aggregate batteries’ remain- κ Upper bound of daily cycle number.
ing energy in microgrid i during t in scenario τs Probability of scenario s.
s (kWh). ρ Scaling factor, representing the cost of increasing
the power exchange capacity.
Manuscript received February 28, 2014; revised August 12, 2014, Bi,s (t) Energy change of the aggregate battery storage
December 18, 2014, and March 24, 2015; accepted May 16, 2015. This work caused by EV departure and arrival in microgrid
was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation under Grant
61221063, Grant U1301254, and Grant 61304212; in part by the 863 High i during t in scenario s (kWh).
Tech Development Plan under Grant 2012AA011003; and in part by the  i,s (t) Arrival vector,  i,s (t) = (i,1,s (t), . . . , i,J,s (t)),
111 International Collaboration Program, China. Paper no. TSG-00168-2014. i,j,s (t) = 1 (or 0) if EV j arrives home (or not)
(Corresponding author: Jiang Wu.)
D. Wang, X. Guan, J. Wu, P. Li, and P. Zan are with the Ministry at t in scenario s.
socini Initial SoC vector, socini i,s = (soci,1,s , soci,2,s , . . . ,
ini ini
of Education Key Lab for Intelligent Networks and Network Security, i,s
i,J,s ), soci,j,s is the initial SoC when EV j
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, socini ini
Xi’an 710049, China (e-mail: jwu@sei.xjtu.edu.cn).
H. Xu is with Binhai Power Supply Bureau, State Grid, Tianjin 300250, arrives home in scenario s.
China. i,s (t) Departure vector, i,s (t) = (i,1,s (t), . . . ,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. i,J,s (t)), i,j,s (t) = 1 (or 0) if EV j leaves home
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSG.2015.2438852 (or not) at t in scenario s.
1949-3053 c 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


soc0i,s Departure SoC vector, soc0i,s = (soc0i,1,s , . . . , Many strategies are proposed to reduce the total cost or
soc0i,J,s ), soc0i,j,s is the SoC of EV j when it leaves minimize the power losses within a microgrid [10]–[17]. Most
home in scenario s. of them focused on individual microgrid optimization without
considering the possible impact on the main grid. For mul-
Variables tiple microgrids in a same area, if each microgrid aims to
maximize its own profits and manages the energy exchange
Bi,s (t) Remaining energy of the aggregate battery stor-
with the main grid independently under the external given
age in microgrid i during t in scenario s (kWh).
∗ time-of-use (TOU) price, all microgrids will have homoge-
C (t) Updated price signal during t (CNY/kWh).
nous behaviors. They will charge their storage devices during
soci,j,s (t) SoC of EV j in microgrid i during t in scenario
the price-valley time and discharge their storage devices dur-
s (kWh).
ing the price-peak time. As a result, the total power exchange
PBi,s (t) Total battery charging (>0) or discharging
may reach a new high peak and exceed the allowable limits.
(<0) power in microgrid i during t in scenario
Clearly with its role of an aggregator that acts in the interest
s (kW).
of multiple microgrids [9], MGCC should consider the impact
Pcap Upper bound of power exchange between
of a multimicrogrid system on the main grid.
the multimicrogrid system and distribution
In this paper, we try to address two issues.
grid (kW).
1) How to make use of EVs’ storage ability for microgrid
Pexi,s (t) Power exchange between the distribution grid and
scheduling with EV charging/discharging behaviors.
microgrid i during t in scenario s (kW).
2) How to limit the power exchange peak between the
pci,j,s (t) Charging power of EV j in microgrid i during t
multimicrogrid system and main grid.
in scenario s (kW).
Following this line, we present a two-stage integrated
pdi,j,s (t) Discharging power of EV j in microgrid i during
scheduling strategy for energy exchange to and from a multi-
t in scenario s (kW).
microgrid system. Considering the stochastic characteristics of
ui,j,s (t) Binary variable, “1” if EV j in microgrid i in
EVs and volatility of wind power, we apply the scenario tree
scenario s is charging during t, “0” otherwise.
method to solve the stochastic optimization problem. At the
vi,j,s (t) Binary variable, “−1” if EV j in microgrid i in
first stage, the MGCC aims to minimize the total electricity
scenario s is discharging during t, “0” otherwise.
cost of the multimicrogrid system and limit the total power
exchange within a safe range. At the second stage, the aggre-
I. I NTRODUCTION gate charging/discharging power is allocated to each EV and
ICROGRID is a localized entity consisting of electricity charging/discharging transitions are optimized to increase bat-
M generation, energy storage, and loads and connected
to a traditional centralized grid [1]. Renewable energy such
tery life. A decentralized scheduling strategy is derived based
on the dual decision variables at the first stage. The key con-
as photovoltaic generation and wind power may be utilized tributions of this paper are summarized as follows. Due to the
in a microgrid as distributed energy sources for avoiding the dynamic behaviors of EV charging/discharging, EV driving
long distance transmission and reducing carbon emission [2]. patterns that have direct influences on the performance of the
Storage devices in a microgrid not only help make better use aggregate battery storage are introduced into the hierarchical
of renewable energies but also regulate the load peaks [3]. scheduling system and the optimization model. A price-based
EVs can be viewed as “mobile batteries.” Many countries decentralized scheduling strategy is presented based on the
are making great efforts to increase the penetration of EVs into dynamic price update. The multimicrogrid system can respond
the market [4]. The Chinese government has also laid down to the price signal and reduce the power exchange peak. The
policies such as “the 12th five-year plan on developing EV performances are evaluated and compared through a set of
technology” to promote the EV industrialization and improve numerical simulations.
the integration of EVs into power systems. Since household The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Related pub-
EVs park in work places or at home 22 h/day on average [5], lications are reviewed in Section II. The two-stage problem
the microgrid controller can take advantage of idle EVs as is formulated in Section III. Then an “updated price sig-
battery storages. The investigations reported in [6]–[8] showed nal” is developed to establish a decentralized energy exchange
that EVs have strong ability to provide spinning reserve and strategy in Section IV. Simulation and analysis are shown in
frequency regulation through vehicle-to-grid (V2G). Section V. Finally, the conclusion is drawn in Section VI.
Microgrid central controller (MGCC) is responsible for
optimizing one or multiple microgrids’ operation [9]. All
EVs connected to the power grid can be considered as an II. R ELATED W ORK
aggregate battery storage. However, due to dynamic behav- The EV charging/discharging allocation is studied in many
iors of EV charging and discharging, the capacity of this recent works. Sortomme and El-Sharkawi [7] presented algo-
aggregate storage is not constant. Driving patterns (depar- rithms to find optimal charging rates with the objective of
ture time, arrival time, number of daily trips, and distance maximizing the aggregator’s profit. The same authors devel-
of each trip) have great influences on the battery status, and oped an effective V2G algorithm to optimize energy and
should be taken into account when MGCC decides the energy ancillary services scheduling in [8]. This algorithm maxi-
scheduling. mizes profits to the aggregator while providing additional
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


system flexibility and peak load shaving to the utility and low
cost of EV charging to the customer. Sortomme et al. [18]
explored the relationship between feeder losses, load fac-
tor and load variance and proposed three optimal charging
control algorithms to minimize the impacts of plug-in elec-
tric vehicles (PEVs) charging on the distribution system.
Shaaban et al. [19] proposed an online coordination method
to optimally charge PEVs in order to maximize the PEV
owner’s satisfaction and to minimize system operating costs.
The proposed charging architecture guarantees the feasibility
of the charging decisions by means of a prediction unit that
can forecast future EVs power demand and through a two-
stage optimization unit. These works provided comprehensive
results on the EV charging/discharging and ancillary services,
but those authors did not consider the EV’s energy storage
function in microgrids. Besides, EV driving patterns which
directly determine the parameters of the aggregate battery
storage should obtain more attention.
Several studies have looked at EVs’ storage ability in
Fig. 1. Structure of the multimicrogrid system.
microgrid or distribution network. Working as “mobile batter-
ies,” EVs’ charging/discharging behaviors can be controlled
to match the volatile wind power within the microgrid whilst 2) The variability of aggregate battery caused by individual
meeting EV users’ requirement [20], [21]. Wu et al. [20] EVs driving pattern and the battery cycle life reduction
exploited three coordinated wind-PEV energy dispatching caused by V2G implementation are not considered
approaches in the V2G context. Wang et al. [21] used a new in [20]–[24]. There are also few works on a proper
unit commitment model which can simulate the interactions framework to integrate the coordinated EV charg-
among plug-in hybrid EVs, wind power, and demand response. ing/discharging allocation into the microgrid energy
The benefits of EVs which work as storage devices are also management.
discussed in different kinds of microgrids, including residen- 3) How to restrain the impact of multiple neighboring
tial microgrid [22], industrial microgrid [23], and commercial microgrids on the main grid is another focus of this
building microgrid [24]. However, the variability of the aggre- paper, which, however, is not considered by [10]–[16].
gate battery storage caused by EVs’ driving patterns is not
discussed. The battery cycle life reduction caused by V2G
implementation is not considered either. III. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION
There are also some related literatures about energy man- The multimicrogrid system is an entity, which is formed
agement strategies designed for MGCC. Among these strate- of multiple individual microgrids. These individual microgrids
gies, genetic algorithm [10] and Lagrangian relaxation [11] are geographically close and connected to the same distribu-
are proposed to solve the problem of dispatchable gener- tion bus through a common transformer. All these microgrids
ator’s output scheduling and the battery charging planning are at the control of a single MGCC. The structure of the mul-
with distributed renewable energy sources from a perspec- timicrogrid system is shown in Fig. 1. The top level is MGCC.
tive of centralized control. To avoid the problem that the It uses the market prices of electricity and grid security con-
autonomous behavior of each consumer and the interaction cerns to determine the amount of power that each microgrid
between the consumers and generators are always ignored should draw from the distribution system. According to the
in centralized control strategies, game theories [12]–[14] and definition in [9], the MGCC represents the function of an
pricing mechanisms [15], [16] are exploited to facilitate the aggregator or energy service provider that can acts in the inter-
microgrid operation. However, all these methods focus on the ests of multiple microgrids in an area. The second level is local
cost minimization or benefit maximization within a microgrid. microsource controllers and load controllers, which receives
They do not consider the possible impact of multiple micro- the control signal from the MGCC and react to that signal
grids in an area when energy storage devices are integrated correspondingly. The bottom level is EV aggregator which
into the system. communicates with each EV owner and schedules the charg-
The differences between this paper and these related works ing and discharging. It also uploads the individual information
are summarized as follows. on all EVs, namely departure time, arrival time, and driving
1) References [7], [8], [18], and [19] on EV charg- distance [20], [25], [26].
ing/discharging allocation do not consider the energy In this section, a coordinated two-stage energy exchange
storage function from an MGCC perspective. EV driv- strategy is proposed. The first stage is MGCC scheduling
ing patterns which directly determine the parameters stage. The MGCC considers all EVs connected to the grid
of the aggregate battery storage should gain more as the aggregate battery storage. It aims at achieving the min-
attention. imum cost by scheduling the power exchange between the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


multimicrogrid system and main distribution grid. The sec- aggregator can collect or forecast the individual information
ond stage is EV aggregator scheduling stage. Because the about all EVs as in [20] and [26].
first stage only decides the optimal total charging/discharging It is known that the forecasted wind power generation PW
power, the second stage needs to allocate the total charg- is determined by forecasted wind speed vf and turbine param-
ing/discharging power to each individual EV. In addition, it eters, i.e., cut-in wind speed vci , cut-out wind speed vco ,
is the aggregator’s duty to minimize the transitions of battery nominal wind speed vr , and nominal power of wind power
charging/discharging states, since the cycle life of EV battery generator Pr [30], [31]. In this paper, we adopt the existing
is limited. It should be noted that we focus on the energy dis- model

patch problem, of which resolution is typically between 15 min ⎪ 0, vf < vci or vf > vco

and 1 h. We assume that the system dynamics caused by any ⎨ v3 − v3
f ci
fluctuation at a finer time scale (several seconds to 5 min) will PW = Pr , vci ≤ vf ≤ vr (4)

⎪ v3 − v3
be handled by primary and secondary frequency controls [27]. ⎪
⎩ rr ci
P, vr ≤ vf ≤ vco .
A. Stochastic Characteristics of EVs and Wind Power Due to the volatility of wind power, it cannot be accurately
The charging and discharging behaviors of EVs make them forecasted. The wind power generation can be assumed to be
considered as either power loads or power supplies when con- subject to a normal distribution N(μ, σ 2 ) with forecasted wind
nected to the power grid. The arrival time is determined from power as its expected value (μ) and a percentage of μ as
the last trip to home, and the departure time is determined by its volatility (σ ) [32]. Scenarios are generated according to
the first outgoing trip from home next day. Between the arrival these distribution models. To alleviate the computational bur-
time and departure time, EVs are considered at home and den caused by a large number of scenarios, the fast forward
charging/discharging is available. With the recognition that the algorithm [33] is applied to complete the scenario reduction.
driving patterns of the EV users are with a stochastic nature,
we derive the statistical model of EV driving patterns (the B. MGCC Scheduling Problem
arrival time, departure time, number of daily trips, and dis- At the MGCC scheduling stage, all EVs connected to the
tance of each trip) by using the real-world driving data which grid can be considered as an aggregate battery storage. MGCC
is obtained from the NHTS2009 [28]. receives the information on the aggregate battery storage,
The departure time distribution is fitted in the form of chi- including the bound of battery stored energy (Bi,s (t), Bi,s (t))
square distribution. and the bound of total charging/discharging power (Pi,s (t),
(υ−2)/2 Pi,s (t)), rather than the detailed information of every EV. In the
  tdepn,i e−tdepn,i /2
PDEP tdepn,i = (1) multimicrogrid system, wind power consumption is assumed
2υ/2 (υ/2) at zero marginal cost and is used in priority. Since the wind
where (·) is defined as (z) = 0 tz−1 e−1 dt, tdepn,i is the power cannot cover total energy demand, the remaining load is
normalized departure time at the ith departure time window supplied by the main distribution grid. Under the TOU price,
and defined as tdep,i /t, tdep,i is the departure time at the every microgrid tries to minimize its cost, thereby charging its
ith departure time window, and t is the discretized win- aggregate battery during price-valley time and discharging the
dow size. υ is determined to minimize the root-mean-square battery during the price-peak time. The MGCC pays for the
error of the response variable by applying sequential quadratic energy consumption from the distribution grid and receives
programming. revenues for the energy that is fed back to the distribution
The arrival time at a concerning departure time is expressed grid. Since the batteries are already bought by EV owners, the
as a conditional probability. The distribution of arrival time at MGCC can only consider the energy cost. The objective (5) is
the ith departure time is to minimize the average operation cost of the multimicrogrid
system, and obtain the optimal electricity exchange capacity.
(t −μ )
  1 − arr 2 i It is assumed that benefits are shared by all consumers. The
PARR,DEP tarr |tdep,i =  e 2σi
(2) problem (Pb-1) is formulated with the scenario tree method,
2π σi2
as follows:
where tarr is the arrival time, μi is the mean of the arrival

time at the ith departure time window, and σi is the standard min τs Ct · Pex
i,s (t)t + ρ · P
Pi,s (t),Pcap
deviation (SD) of the arrival time at the ith departure time s=1 i=1 t=1
window. s.t. Pi,s (t) + Pi,s (t) = PLi (t) + PBi,s (t)
W ex
The distance of each trip conforms to the truncated power- Bi,s (t) = Bi,s (t − 1) + PBi,s (t)t + Bi,s (t) (7)
law (3) with exponent β = 1.25, d0 = 1.8, and α = 20
Bi,s (t) ≤ Bi,s (t) ≤ Bi,s (t) (8)
P(d) = (d0 + d)−β exp(−d/α). (3) Pi,s (t) ≤ PBi,s, (t) ≤ Pi,s (t) (9)
ex ex
The distribution of number of daily trips can also easily be −Pi ≤ i,s (t) ≤ Pi
Pex (10)
obtained from the dataset. Details about the driving pattern
models can be seen in [29]. These statistical models will be −Pcap ≤ i,s (t) ≤
Pex Pcap . (11)
used to generate EV driving data. We assume that the EV i=1
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


In this model, t is the step size of scheduling time. Pcap is limit soc. The upper bound of stored energy is shown in (14),
a decision variable in the objective function, which is related which is determined by the number of EVs connected to the
to the construction cost of infrastructure and facilities. ρ is grid. The number of EVs at home is calculated by (15). The
a scaling factor, which converts the fixed investment to the upper and lower bounds of charging/discharging power are
daily cost during the time horizon of the formulation. The obtained by (16) and (17), respectively.
value of ρ can be chosen to adjust the weight of the electricity Remark: We provide a way to extend this model to ac
exchange capacity in the objective against the electricity cost. network. AC power flow can be calculated by the embed-
A relatively large value of ρ may result in a lower electricity ded solver in Electric Power Research Institutes open-source
exchange capacity, but a higher electricity cost, and vice versa. distribution system simulator [34]. Without loss of general-
Equation (6) denotes the demand and supply balance inside ity, a mathematical formulation (18) can be used to implicitly
each microgrid. In this paper, it is believed that the load can be represent a variety of power flow constraints [35].
accurately forecasted. Thus, Pex i,s (t) is determined by Pi,s (t) and
Gs (t) ≤ 0 ∀s, ∀t. (18)
vice versa. To clearly illustrate the energy exchange between
The bus voltage is limited by
the multimicrogrid system and main distribution grid, Pex i,s (t)
is considered as a decision variable. Because the capacity of V i ≤ Vi,s (t) ≤ V i ∀s, ∀t (19)
the aggregate battery fluctuates with the number of EVs con- where V i and V i are the lower and upper voltage limits for the
nected to the grid, the SoC cannot represent the exact amount individual microgrid i. The main focus of this paper, however,
energy stored in the battery storage. Instead, we use (7)–(9) is to exploit the potential of EVs to work as an aggregate
to impose practical constraints on the battery storage at the battery storage and alleviate the impact of energy exchange
MGCC scheduling stage. Equation (7) updates the amount of peak on the main grid. The goal of this paper is to pro-
energy in battery storage. Equations (8) and (9) ensure that vide insights and lay theoretical foundation for the energy
the battery energy and the charging/discharging power lie in scheduling of multimicrogrid system with EVs. Therefore, we
feasible ranges, respectively. It should be pointed out that all consider the problem from the energy aspect. The following
microgrids are connected to a common low-voltage bus and all work is discussed using the dc model to avoid distracting
energy is exchanged through the common bus. Equation (10) readers’ attention.
limits the exported or imported power, due to the transmission
line capacity between each individual microgrid and the com- C. EV Aggregator Scheduling Problem
mon bus. The security constraint of power exchange between Once the optimal total charging/discharging power PBi,s (t)
the multimicrogrid system and main grid is shown in (11). is obtained through the MGCC scheduling problem, the EV
It requires that the total energy exchange should be less than aggregator needs to allocate the total power to each individ-
Pcap for all scenarios, even for the worst case. ual EV. Therefore, four factors of driving patterns, namely
Since the number of EVs connected to the grid varies during departure time, arrival time, the number of daily trips, and
each period, the parameters of the aggregate battery storage the distance of each trip, should be considered. Among these
are not constant. The acquisition of aggregate battery storage factors, departure time and arrival time determine the feasible
parameters in scenario s are shown in the following: charging/discharging period, and the other two factors decide
the energy demand.
i,s − i,s (t)soci,s · E
Bi,s (t) =  i,s (t)socini 0
(12) 1) Technical Model: The technical model of EV aggregator
scheduling is as follows.
Bi,s (t) = i,s (t + 1)soc0i,s + ni,s (t)soc · E (13)
pci,j,s (t) + pdi,j,s (t) t
Bi,s (t) = ni,s (t)E (14) soci,j,s (t + 1) = soci,j,s (t) +
ni,s (t) = ni,s (t − 1) +  i,s (t) 1 − i,s (t) 1 (15)
t ∈ ti,j,s
, ti,j,s
Pi,s (t) = ni,s (t)pev (16) M
Pi,s (t) = −ni,s (t)pev . (17) m=1 di,j,s
soci,j,s ti,j,s ≥ (21)
The energy change of the aggregate battery storage caused vi,j,s (t)pev < pdi,j,s (t) < 0 (22)
by EV arrival and departure is shown in (12). Equation (13) 0 < pi,j,s (t) < ui,j,s (t)pev
defines the lower bound of remaining battery capacity, which
soc < soci,j,s (t) < 100% (24)
must meet the driving demand and the battery security con-
straint. The lower bound changes with the number of EVs

( pci,j,s (t) + pdi,j,s (t)) = PBi,s (t) (25)
connected to the grid. It must satisfy the driving demand for
the EVs which are leaving next moment. At the same time, the
lower bound must also guarantee that the SoC of all connected
EVs cannot be lower than the safe limit. Therefore, the lower (ui,j,s (t) − vzi,j,s (t)) ≤ κ (26)
bound in (13) includes two parts. The first part is the required
ui,j,s (t) − vi,j,s (t) ≤ 1. (27)
energy for the EVs which are leaving next moment. The sec-
ond part is minimum energy to guarantee that the remaining The technical part of EV aggregator scheduling prob-
energy of all connected EVs will not be lower than the safe lem consists of the dynamic state of charging equation and
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


where uzai,j,s (t) ∈ {0, 1} and vi,j,s (t) ∈ {−1, 0} are the assis-
a set of battery parameter constraints, displayed in (20)–(27). za

SoC dynamics are shown in (20). Equation (19) defines the tant parameters to balance (32) when the state of the battery
minimum SoC when the EV leaves home. The limit of charg- changes from charging (discharging) to idle, since this state
ing/discharging power is shown in (22) and (23). The depth transition does not generate penalty.
of discharge (DOD) must be less than (1 − soc) to avoid over- In sum, the aggregator’s scheduling problem is
discharge, as shown in (24). Equation (25) means that the sum total
of charging/discharging power of all EVs should be equal to min Ki,s (33)
pci,j,s (t),pdi,j,s (t),ui,j,s (t),vi,j,s (t)
the optimal aggregate value that is achieved from the MGCC
scheduling problem. The daily number of cycles is limited s.t. (20)–(27), (31)–(32).
by (26). Equation (27) ensures that the EV cannot charge and
discharge simultaneously. IV. P RICE -BASED D ECENTRALIZED
2) Economic Model: The aggregator’s total cost calcu- S CHEDULING S TRATEGY
e and battery
lations K total are divided into energy cost Ki,s Since multiple microgrids are coupled by (11), the schedul-
degradation cost Ki,s ing in the MGCC stage is a centralized scheme which
ensures that the total power exchange will not exceed the
Ki,s = Ki,s
+ Ki,s
. (28)
limits. Under the centralized scheme, the MGCC minimize
e is determined by the optimal total
The electricity cost Ki,s the global cost and have to directly control all devices.
charging/discharging power PBi,s (t), which is obtained through Nevertheless, such centralized scheduling strategy does not
the MGCC scheduling problem consider the autonomous behaviors of each microgrid, thus
cannot guarantee the economic fairness for each microgrid.

In this section, we are trying to develop a decentralized
Ki,s = PBi,s (t)t · C(t). (29) scheduling strategy based on a dynamic price update. This
t=1 price signal uses the optimal values of dual variables, which
Practically, the battery degradation is related to vari- are representative of the marginal cost of proper constraints.
ous factors, including ambient temperature, DOD, charg- It is calculated one time (day ahead) and will be broad-
ing/discharging rate, etc. [36], [37]. It is difficult to get an casted to each individual microgrid as an internal price. Since
accurate analytical equation to define the influence of partial this price is a modification on the original TOU price, we
charging/discharging on battery’s cycle life [38]. Their large call it updated price signal. Each microgrid can adjust its
uncertainties and nonlinear correlations would not yield better own energy management based on this updated price signal.
solutions and their consideration would increase very much It ensures that the total power exchange will stay within the
the computation time and the complexity of the problem. In safe range.
this paper, we define the combination of one charging and From MGCC scheduling formulation, we see that Pex i,s (t),
one discharging as a cycle and roughly believe the life of EV Pi,s (t) and Bi,s (t) are variables. We can standardize the linear
battery just depends on the number of charging/discharging problem as follows:
cycles. Therefore, the battery degradation cost is indicated by
charging/discharging cycles [3] min C · X (34)
s.t. A · X ≥ D (35)

1 z  cb

Ki,s = ui,j,s (t) − vzi,j,s (t) · l . (30)  
2 c where X = B; PB ; Pex ; Pcap ; with B, PB , and Pex the vec-
t=1 j=1
tors for Bi,s (t), Pi,s (t), Pi,s (t); A, C, and D are parameter
B ex

From another perspective, since the uzi,j,s (t) and vzi,j,s (t) are matrixes.
variables in (30), the objective of aggregator can be interpreted According to the duality theory [39], the corresponding dual
as minimizing state transitions between charging and discharg- problem formulation is as follows:
ing, which is obviously harmful to the EV battery. Moreover, it
is assumed that at least one charging/discharging cycle should max D · Y (36)
be required due to the daily driving demand. If the aggregator s.t. Y · A ≤ C (37)
can schedule the coordinated charging/discharging processes
within this inherent cycle, it is believed that no extra degra- where Y is the vector of dual variables.
dation is introduced by the coordinated scheduling. Assistant The dual problem of (Pb-1) can be explicitly written as the
equations (31) and (32) help to calculate the state transitions following (Db-1). The objective function (38), shown at the
between charging and discharging top of the next page
⎧ z z
⎨ ui,j,s (t) − vi,j,s (t) ≤ 1
⎪ −λi,s (t + 1) + λi,s (t) − γi,s (t) + νi,s (t) = 0
ui,j,s (t) − vza
i,j,s (t) ≤ 1 (31) ∀t ∈ {1, 2, . . . , T − 1} (39)

⎩ uza (t) − vz (t) ≤ 1
i,j,s i,j,s λi,s (t) − γi,s
(t) + νi,s
(t) = 0 when t = T (40)

ui,j,s (t) − ui,j−1,s (t) = uzi,j,s (t) + vza
i,j,s (t) −λi,s (t)t + βi,s (t) − γi,s
(t) + νi,s
(t) = 0 (41)
z (32)
vi,j,s (t) − vi,j−1,s (t) = vi,j,s (t) + ui,j,s (t)
−βi,s (t) − θs (t) + ηs (t) − εi,s (t) + σi,s (t) = τs C(t)t (42)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



T Bi,s (0) · λi,s (1) + Bi,s (t) · λi,s (t) + PW

i,s (t) − Pi,s (t) βi,s (t) − Bi,s (t) · γi,s (t)
min  (38)
p p ex ex
λi,s (t); γi,s
B (t); ν B (t);
i,s s=1 i=1 t=1 + Bi,s (t) · νi,s
B (t) − P (t) · γ (t) + P (t) · ν (t) − P · ε (t) − P · σ (t)
i,s i,s i,s i,s i i,s i i,s
p p
γi,s (t); νi,s (t); θs (t); ηs (t)

reached its upper bound Pcap (θs∗ (t) − ηs∗ (t) > 0 since θs∗ (t) >
θs (t) + ηs (t) = ρ (43)
0, ηs∗ (t) = 0) or its lower bound −Pcap (θs∗ (t)−ηs∗ (t) < 0 since

s=1 t=1 s=1 t=1
p  θs∗ (t) = 0, ηs∗ (t) > 0). Therefore, the values of θs∗ (t) − ηs∗ (t)
γi,s (t), γi,s (t), θs (t), νi,s
(t), νi,s (t), ηs (t), εi,s (t), σi,s (t) ≥0 represent the value (or marginal price) of the total electric-
(44) ity exchange during t. Then, we formulated the following
p problem (sinPb-2):
P (t) and ν (t) are dual variables to the upper and lower
bounds of aggregate battery charging/discharging power in

constraint (9); εs (t) and σs (t) are dual variables to the upper min Cs∗ (t) · Pex
i,s (t)t (48)
Pi,s (t)
and lower bounds of power flow in constraint (10). θs (t) and i=1 t=1
ηs (t) are dual variables to the upper and lower bounds of power s.t. (6)–(10)
exchange in constraint (11).
According to the duality theory [39], the optimal variable where Cs∗ (t) = Ct + θs∗ (t) − ηs∗ (t), θs∗ (t), and ηs∗ (t) are the
is interpreted as shadow price, or the improvement in the optimal values of the dual variables to the primal problem
objective function value versus the per unit relaxation of the (sinPb-1). It is demonstrated that the solution of problem
associated constraint. We firstly consider a single scenario (sinPb-2) also solves problem (sinPb-1) by proving that opti-
problem (sinPb-1) mal conditions and the feasibility conditions are equivalent
in two problems formulations [40]. It should be pointed out

that the problem (sinPb-2) can be further decomposed into I
min C(t) · Pex
i,s (t)t + ρ · P
Pi,s (t),Pcap
ex subproblems, since the constraint (10) which couples multiple
i=1 t=1
s.t. (6)–(11). microgrids is relaxed in problem (sinPb-2) and each micro-
grid can carry out its own management. Following this line,
Let θs∗ (t) and ηs∗ (t) be the shadow price of constraint (11), we try to handle the stochastic problem (Pb-1). We can solve
then the value of θs∗ (t) (or ηs∗ (t)) is the reduction in func- (Db-1) and obtain S sets of dual variable vectors, considering
tion value if the upper bound of total power exchange Pcap uncertainties of EVs and wind power. Among these optimal
(or lower bound of total power exchange −Pcap ) is increased values of dual variables, θs∗ (t) and ηs∗ (t) are the shadow price
(or decreased) by a unit of 1. With the function U(Pex
I T i,s (t)) = of constraint (11). Then, we utilize these two variables to gen-
t=1 Ct · Pi,s (t)t, the following equations determine
ex erate the updated price signal. Since the probability of each
θs∗ (t) and ηs∗ (t) [39]: scenario (τs ) is considered in the objective function of stochas-
   ⎛ I
 ⎞ tic formulation (Pb-1), θs∗ (t) and ηs∗ (t) contain the probability
∂U P ex∗ (t) ∂ i=1 Pex∗
i,s (t) information. At each moment t, θs∗ (t) − ηs∗ (t)
= 0 means that
θs∗ (t) =
i,s ⎝ ⎠
∂(Pcap ) ∂(Pcap ) it reaches the bound with the probability τs .
  A four scenario example is shown in Fig. 2 to give a fur-
U Pex∗ i,s (t) ther explanation about the pricing scheme. Since the power
=   (46) exchange in these four scenarios cannot reach the lower
 P ex∗ (t)
i=1 i,s
  ⎞ bound, ∀t, sηs∗ (t) = 0 and we only need to consider the
   ⎛ I dual variable θs∗ (t) which is related to the upper bound.
∂U Pi,s (t)
ex∗ ∂ − P
i=1 i,s
ex∗ (t)
ηs∗ (t) = ⎝ ⎠ The power exchange in scenario 2 cannot reach the upper
∂(Pcap ) ∂(Pcap ) bound. Thus, ∀t, θ2∗ (t) = 0. Scenarios 1–3 can all be seen as
  worst cases, because at some moments the power exchange
U Pex∗ i,s (t)
=    (47) reaches the limits. For scenarios 1 and 3, they reach the same
 − Ii=1 Pex∗ i,s (t) upper bound of the power exchange at t2 . We can obtain
θ1∗ (t2 )
= 0, θ3∗ (t2 )
= 0
that . For scenario 4, the power
where Pex∗ i,s (t) comprises the optimal solution to (sinPb-1). θ1∗ (t) = θ3∗ (t) = 0∀t
= t2
Equations (46) and (47) illustrate a fact that the value of exchange reaches the limit at t1 . We can also get θ4∗ (t1 )
= 0.
θs∗ (t) − ηs∗ (t) represents the relative change of the objec- According to (43), we can conclude that
tive function due to the change in the constraint (11) given
a relaxation of Pcap . Intuitively, a relatively large value of

θs∗ (t) − ηs∗ (t) suggests a great value of increasing Pcap , which θs∗ (t) + ηs∗ (t) = θ1∗ (t2 ) + θ3∗ (t2 ) + θ4∗ (t1 ) = ρ
s=1 t=1 s=1 t=1
implies that at moment t the demand for electricity is great.
By strict complementarity [39], the value θs∗ (t) − ηs∗ (t) can C∗ (t1 ) = C(t1 ) + θ4∗ (t1 )
illustrate at which moment the total power exchange has C∗ (t2 ) = C(t2 ) + θ1∗ (t2 ) + θ3∗ (t2 ). (49)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Algorithm 1 Decentralized Scheduling Strategy

1. Obtain each microgrid’s information on load profile
PLi (t), probability τs , wind power PW i,s (t) and battery
storage Pi,s (t) Pi,s (t) Bi,s (t) Bi,s (t) //using the scenario
generation and reduction in Section III.
2. Solve the dual problem (Db-1) and obtain the optimal
dual variables θs∗ (t) ηs∗ (t).
3. Solve the problem (Db-2) and obtain the optimal value
i,s (t) and objective function W.
of Pex∗
4. Calculate the MGCC payment W for the energy
exchange with the main grid.
5. Calculate the updated price signal as:


C∗ (t) = [C (t) + θs∗ (t) − ηs∗ (t)] · (W /W)
s=1 s=1
Fig. 2. Updated price signal for different scenarios. and broadcast the control signal to all microgrids.
6. For Microgrid i←1 to I Do
optimize its own battery charging/discharging power
to minimize the electricity cost C∗ (t) · Pex
i (t)t,
subjected to the constraints (6)–(10).
7. End for

Fig. 3. Schematic view of the information flow between MGCC and micro-
grids. Given the updated price signal, microgrids update their operations
independently. The MGCC guides their updates by altering the price signal.

For the system studied in this paper, we assume that wind

power is not able to reach a very high penetration level that
will drastically change the power exchange profiles. So there
are only one or a few scenarios in which the exchange power
can reach the limits. We can
guarantee thatthe power exchange
within the safe range when Ss=1 θs∗ (t)− Ss=1 ηs∗ (t) is utilized
Fig. 4. Study case multimicrogrid system.
as an adjustment to the original
 TOU price. With this updated
price signal C∗ (t) = C(t) + Ss=1 θs∗ (t) − Ss=1 ηs∗ (t), we can
get the decentralized formulation (Db-2)
Fig. 3 shows the information exchange between the MGCC

T and each microgrid for the proposed algorithm. Given

min W = τs C∗ (t) · Pex
i,s (t)t (50) the updated price signal broadcasted by the MGCC, each
i,s (t)
s=1 i=1 t=1 microgrid adjusts its own charging/discharging profiles inde-
s.t. (6)–(10) pendently. Although the MGCC need to get the global infor-
where W is the average electricity cost of (Db-2). To make mation, it will not carry out specific control or scheduling for
this value equal to the MGCC payment for exchanged energy each individual microgrid operation. It should be pointed out
to the main grid, we introduce a scaling factor ε = W /W that the only constraint (11) which couples multiple micro-
grids is relaxed by adopting the updated price signal. So each

T microgrid can carry out its own strategy. It just needs to solve
W = τs C(t) · Pex∗
i,s (t)t (51) the problem as the step 6 of Algorithm 1, without considering
s=1 i=1 t=1 the interaction of other microgrids.
i,s (t) is the optimal values of Pi,s (t) in (Db-2). Then,
where Pex∗ ex

we can get the final updated price signal


Numerical test of the proposed method is performed in a five
∗ ∗ ∗
C∗ (t) = C (t) + θs (t) − ηs (t) · ε. (52) microgrids system, as shown in Fig. 4. All microgrids are
s=1 s=1 connected to a 400 V bus. The schedule period starts from
It will finally be broadcasted to each microgrid and 12:00 to 12:00 next day. The baseline load profile of each
the decentralized scheduling of multimicrogrid system is microgrid covering the power consumption of user general
described as follows. demand without EVs over 24 h is shown in Table I.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.




TOU E LECTRICITY P RICE the parameters of the aggregate battery storage, including
Bi,s (t), Bi,s (t), Pi,s (t), and Pi,s (t), cannot be considered as con-
stant values. We firstly investigate the influence of driving
patterns on the performance of the aggregate battery storage.
To better illustrate this influence, we select the scenario with
the highest probability to show the variability of the aggregate
battery storage. The bound of charging/discharging power and
the storage capacity in this scenario are shown in Table III. It
Each microgrid has a wind turbine generator, whose rated can be seen that these two parameters fluctuate during the
power is set as 500 kW. Other parameters, vci , vr , and vco schedule period. They are determined by the arrival time,
are set as 3, 10, and 20 m/s, respectively. The data on fore- departure time and driving distance. The maximum charg-
casted wind speed are collected from Tianjin eco-city [41]. ing/discharging power and the upper bound of battery energy
It is assumed that all wind power generators produce active are in proportion to the number of EVs at home. The lower
power at a unity power factor, i.e., neither requesting nor pro- bound of battery remaining energy is determined by the num-
ducing reactive power. The TOU price has three stages, as ber of EVs plugged in and their driving distance. Each EV
shown in Table II. must leave home with enough energy for its driving missions.
In the simulation, the total number of EVs in each microgrid From 20:00 to 6:00, since most of EVs are at home and can
is 100, and all EVs are with the same specification where the be plugged into the grid, there is a high storage capacity
battery capacity is 33 kWh to ensure that the vehicle can finish and wide range of charging/discharging power. Conversely,
daily driving mission. The initial energy of EVs is uniformly from 10:00 to 15:00, most of EVs are not at home. In this
distributed between 10% and 50% of the battery capacity. To case, the aggregate battery storage can rarely contribute to the
avoid excessive discharge and damage to the battery, the SoC energy scheduling, due to the relatively low storage capacity
is required to be always beyond 10%. Electric drive efficiency and charging/discharging power.
is 6.7 km/kWh [42].
To represent the stochastic nature of the wind power and
B. Performance of the Proposed Coordination Strategy
EVs, Monte Carlo method is used to generate a total num-
ber of 2000 scenarios according to the statistical distributions In the proposed strategy, coordinated charging/discharging
described in Section III. The fast forward algorithm [33] is of EVs is integrated into the hierarchical energy management
then utilized to reduce the number of scenarios to 100 in light framework. Working as energy storage devices, EVs help to
of the computational burden. lower the power exchange peak as well as save the total elec-
tricity cost. The profiles of the average power exchange in two
cases are shown in Fig. 5. Uncoordinated strategy means that
A. Parameters of the Aggregate Battery Storage each EV just gets its required energy for driving, while not
The aggregate battery storage consists of all EVs connected serving as mobile storage device. Since we take the uncer-
to the grid. Due to the individual behaviors of each EV, tainty of wind power generation into consideration, the value
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 5. Total power exchange with coordination and without coordination.

TABLE IV Fig. 6. Comparison of schedule results. (a) MCLF allocation. (b) Minimum
C OMPARISON OF THE P OWER E XCHANGE P ROFILES W ITH state transitions allocation.

cycle life. In Fig. 6(b), the situation has a great improvement.

The proposed allocation method does not generate charg-
ing/discharging cycles more frequently than necessary, even
if the battery cost is not considered in the MGCC scheduling
of Pcap is determined by the worst case. It can be seen that stage. From the manual of “Nissan Leaf” [42], the cycle life of
with coordinated charging/discharging scheduling, the power battery is 3000 and the battery price is 78 000 CNY. Under the
exchange peak is decreased by 10.18%, compared with the simple assumption that each charging and discharging cycle
uncoordinated scheduling strategy. causes the same wear on the battery, the penalty would be
Besides, although the total amounts of energy exchange in 26 CNY per cycle. For 100 EVs in a microgrid, the pro-
both cases are the same, the average power exchange with posed allocation strategy saves 67 cycles on average. If the
coordination performs less volatility than that without coordi- EV aggregator pays the penalty of battery cycle life to EV
nation. We can see that the power exchange with coordination owners, the proposed method will save 1742 CNY for the
is lower during the price-peak time (19:00–23:00) and higher aggregator. Moreover, if it is assumed that at least one cycle
during the price-valley time (23:00–7:00) than that without is required for driving demand, the proposed strategy does not
coordination. To be explicit, the coordinated strategy makes introduce any extra cycle on batteries. Intuitively, the number
the aggregate battery storage discharge during high price of EVs connected to the grid is one of the important factors
period and charge during low price period. Therefore, the total which will determine the scheduling results on battery degra-
electricity cost will be decreased with the proposed method. dation cost. When more EVs are connected to the grid, the
Some detailed results of two cases are shown in Table IV. The aggregator has a more flexibility to choose the proper EVs to
value of Pcap decreases from 7512 to 6747 kW. On average, work as battery storages without introducing extra cycle cost.
the total electricity cost is reduced by 12.97% and the SD is In this case study, the result shows that no extra cost is intro-
reduced by 16.49%. duced until the number of EVs decreases from 100 to 89 in
For the EV aggregator scheduling problem, the objec- each microgrid.
tive is to allocate the total charging/discharging power with
the minimum cost. To give an intuitional demonstration of
the allocation result, the scheduling results of EV 1–10 in the C. Performance of the Decentralized Scheduling Strategy
highest probability scenario are extracted and illustrated in From problem (Pb-1), we can obtain the Pcap = 6747 kW,
Fig. 6. We compare minimum state transitions allocation with which is the upper bound of total power exchange between
the minimum-cost-least-fluctuation (MCLF) allocation [29]. the multimicrogrid system and main distribution grid. This
MCLF allocation means that the aggregator schedules the ensures that the peak of power exchange would not have
charging/discharging of each EV, aiming to achieve the least a great impact on the distribution grid. The average results
fluctuation charging/discharging profiles under the premise of power exchange under the centralized strategy and the
the minimum cost. Minimum state transitions allocation price-based decentralized strategy are compared in Fig. 7.
refers to a strategy which is described in Section II-C. As Both of them have the same average total energy exchange
shown in Fig. 6(a), the charging and discharging states fre- during the scheduling horizon. For the centralized strategy,
quently change, which have great negative effects on batteries’ the MGCC perform the management according to (5)–(11)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Fig. 7. Total power exchange under centralized and decentralized strategies.


Fig. 8. Total power exchange under different strategies in the worst case.

to achieve the minimum cost. For the price-based decentral-

ized scheduling strategy, a peak price is added to the original
TOU price, as shown in Fig. 7. The electricity price dur- the constraint (11) is not considered and each microgrid makes
ing 18:00–19:00 reaches 1.0580 CNY, which is much higher decisions to minimize its own cost under TOU price regard-
than the original 0.4883 CNY. The updated price has four less of others microgrids’ behavior. With this strategy, although
price stages, as in Table V. Responding to the updated the multimicrogrid system can achieve the lowest cost, it can-
price, each microgrid adjusts its charging/discharging schedule not guarantee the power exchange within the safe range. In
independently, instead of given by a centralized mechanism. Fig. 8, the power exchange peak of the decentralized strategy
It can be seen in Fig. 7 that these two profiles are not totally under original TOU price is 8306 kW, which will be hazardous
overlapped. The average power exchange under the price- for the power facilities and distribution network. As shown in
based decentralized strategy is higher during 12:00–18:00 Table VI, the peak of total exchange power drops to 6747 kW,
and 19:00–23:00, and lower during 18:00–19:00 than that decreasing by 18.77% and staying within the Pcap . The cen-
under the centralized strategy. It is because that to ensure tralized scheduling strategy proposed in Section III obtains the
the robustness, the price-based strategy adjusts the price at same results as the proposed decentralized strategy. Since the
which moment there may be power exchange peak. It results MGCC has to limit the peak of power exchange lower than
in that microgrids in low power exchange scenarios also update Pcap to ensure the security of distribution network, the oper-
their schedule to discharging the battery at 19:00 to save ation costs of both centralized and price-based decentralized
costs. Therefore, such amount of power exchange shifts to strategies are increased by 0.98%, compared with the cost of
12:00–18:00 and 19:00–23:00, and the profile is further lev- decentralized strategy under TOU price.
eled. It should be noted that the electricity cost of the proposed To clearly show how each microgrid adjusts the aggregate
decentralized strategy is not cost-equivalent to that of the cen- battery charging/discharging power based on the updated price
tralized strategy, due to the power shift described above. From signal, we further investigate the performance of the aggregate
Table VI, we see that the average cost of the proposed decen- battery storage in the worst case. From Fig. 9, it can be seen
tralized strategy is 13 452 CNY, which is a little more than that under the updated price, the microgrid adjusts the bat-
the cost of the centralized one. tery charging/discharging schedule. From 12:00 to 18:00, the
Then, we investigate the worst case which has a great influ- charging power is increased to the upper bound to get more
ence on the upper bound of power exchange. A comparison is energy. For individual scheduling under original TOU price,
made between the proposed price-based strategy and decen- the total charging power is 146.8 kW during 18:00–19:00,
tralized strategy with the original TOU price, as shown in while for the updated price signal, the battery shifts to dis-
Fig. 8. The decentralized strategy with TOU price means that charging at its maximum power (−165 kW). The reason lies
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


electricity cost is reduced by 12.97%, compared with

the scheduling without EV coordination.
2) This paper presents a decentralized scheduling strategy
based on dual variables’ interpretation as shadow price.
Simulation results show that the price-based strategy can
effectively limit the total power exchange within the
safe range. The power exchange peak is decreased by
18.77%, compared with the decentralized strategy under
the original TOU price.
In the future work, we will incorporate the detailed ac oper-
ational constraints and system dynamics into consideration.

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


[20] T. Wu, Q. Yang, Z. Bao, and W. Yan, “Coordinated energy dispatching Xiaohong Guan (M’93–SM’95–F’07) received the
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charging in industrial microgrids,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 28, Cheung Kong Professor of Systems Engineering and the Director of Systems
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[33] H. Heitsch and W. Romisch, “Scenario reduction algorithms in stochastic Pan Li received the B.S. degree in electrical engi-
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[40] N. A. Taheri, “Linear optimization methods for vehicle energy and com- His current research interests include demand
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[41] (Nov. 9, 2003). Tianjin Eco-City. [Online]. Available:
[42] Leaf Owner’s Manual, Nissan, Franklin, TN, USA, 2011.

Dai Wang (S’12) received the B.S. degree in elec- Hui Xu received the B.S. degree in electrical engi-
trical engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University, neering and the M.S. degree in systems engineering
Xi’an, China, in 2010, where he is currently pursu- from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in
ing the Ph.D. degree with the Systems Engineering 2004 and 2008, respectively.
Institute. He is currently with Binhai Power Supply Bureau,
He is a Visiting Student with the Department of State Grid, Tianjin, China. His current research
Mechanical Engineering, University of California– interests include distributed generation, distribution
Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA. His current research system automation, and power system planning.
interests include demand response, electric vehicle,
energy storage, and electricity market.

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