Evaluation of Paddle Wheels in Generating Hydroelectric Power
Evaluation of Paddle Wheels in Generating Hydroelectric Power
Evaluation of Paddle Wheels in Generating Hydroelectric Power
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Paddle torque
Paddle torque can be calculated based on its definition T
= F × r, where the r is the arm of the paddle force F and can be
calculated based on the geometrical shape of the paddle as Figure 2. Efficiency curve for PMG 600
r = [Dcosα + (D – d)]/(2cosα) (7)
Substituting Eqns. (6) and (7) into the torque definition and on
can obtain
v 2
T C D cos C L sin LD 2 cos 2 ( D d ) 2
4 g c cos
Eqns. (6) and (8) explains how to calculate the force and
torque caused by a single paddle. Obviously, the total force
torque generated from the paddle wheel and transferred to shaft
equals to the algebraic summation of each paddle torque. Even
better, if the shape of paddle is symmetric about the vertical
plane, the lift force can be neglected so that CL = 0. Also, for an
inclined paddle, its CD can be calculated from the drag force
coefficient of a vertical paddle (CDv) as CD = CDvcosα. In this
study we assume CDv = 1.2 [7].
Figure 3. Algorithm of calculating angular velocity
Angular velocity
Angular velocity of the paddle depends not only on the Finally, the power generated from a paddle can be
speed of the water and design of the paddle, but also on calculated based on the enhanced torque and angular velocity
resistance of generator and gear ratio. In the current analytical equations as P = T × ω.
model, the influences of generator and gear box were
neglected. Here, it is assumed that the gear ratio is 1:1 (no gear Computer validation
box) and a typical efficiency curve for PMG 600 (Fig. 2) is In order to validate the developed analytical model, a
used for calculating the angular velocity. Certainly, in order to computer model for the vertical paddle is created and used for
correctly predict the paddle wheel’s performance, the efficiency computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation. Different
curve of the particular generator that is being used in the device water velocities from 4 mph to 10 mph are used for that
is needed. Fig. 3 displays the flow chart of calculating the simulation and the simulation results are compared to the
angular velocity, where the relative velocity (vr) between the analytical results calculated from the developed analytical
water and the paddle is calculated as methods (Eqns. (3) to (9)) to demonstrate the accuracy of the
vr = v – ω × r (9) presented method. In this validation, a vertical stationary
paddle is assumed therefore its angle α = 0º and ω = 0; it is also
assumed that the paddle is a 40 ft × 20 ft rectangular and is
submerged 8 ft into the water. The power generated from a
single paddle is calculated separately using different methods.
The computational results and two sets of analytical results are
Computer models
Figure 4. Comparison of computational and analytical results
3D Computer-aided design (CAD) models for the paddle
wheel and the moving water are first created, as shown in Fig.
6. In the generated computational environment, the physical
domain is considered to be only the fluid part and the
Simulation results
Figs. 8 and 9 display the distribution of the pressure and
water velocity around a stationary paddle wheel at water speed
of 4 mph, respectively. From those figures it can be seen that
the left four paddles mainly contributed in generating the
power while other paddles were indispensible in making a
continuous rotation. It is also obvious that the left four paddles
created most power because of the high pressure and high
velocity around them.
CFD analysis
As shown in Table 1, five water velocities (4, 5, 6, 8, 10
mph) are defined in this CFD model separately and used for
CFD analysis to find the hydropower electricity generation
capacity of the paddle wheel. Under each water velocity, six
equally-increased angular velocities from 0 to maximum value
are applied on the paddle wheel and used for simulation. The
maximum angular velocity is calculated with respect to that the Figure 8. Pressure distribution at water velocity of 4 mph for
net generated torque on the wheel shaft becomes zero. In stationary paddles
another word, when the wheel is rotating by maximum angular