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1 Big-O Notation: Plots: 1.1 Definitions

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May 22, 2020

1 Big-O Notation: Plots

The purpose of this notebook is to visualize the order of growth of some functions used frequently
in the algorithm analysis. Note that this is an interactive notebook meaning that besides of just
running all the code below you may also fool around with it. Try to plug in you favorite functions
and/or change the ranges below and see what happens. Proceed by repeatedly clicking the Run
button. To start over, select Kernel -> Restart and Clear Output.

1.1 Definitions
We start by reminding the definitions. Consider two functions f (n) and g(n) that are defined for
all positive integers and take
√ on non-negative real values. (Some frequently used functions used
in algorithm design: log n, n, n log n, n3 , 2n ). We say that f grows slower than g and write f ≺ g,
f (n)
if g(n) goes to 0 as n grows. We say that f grows no faster than g and write f ⪯ g, if there exists a
constant c such that f (n) ≤ c · g(n) for all n.
Three important remarks. 1. f ≺ g is the same as f = o ( g) (small-o) and f ⪯ g is the same as
f = O( g) (big-O). In this notebook, we’ve decided to stick to the ⪯ notation, since many learners
find this notation more intuitive. One source of confusion is the following: many learners are
confused by the statement like “5n2 = O(n3 )”. When seeing such a statement, they claim: “But
this is wrong! In fact, 5n2 = O(n2 )!” At the same time, both these statements are true: 5n2 = O(n3 )
and also 5n2 = O(n2 ). They both just say that 5n2 grows no faster than both n2 and n3 . In fact,
5n2 grows no faster than n2 and grows slower than n3 . In ⪯ notation, this is expressed as follows:
5n2 ⪯ n2 and 5n2 ⪯ n3 . This resembles comparing integers: if x = 2, then both statements x ≤ 2
and x ≤ 3 are correct. 2. Note that if f ≺ g, then also f ⪯ g. In plain English: if f grows slower
than g, then f certainly grows no faster than g. 3. Note that we need to use a fancy ⪯ symbol
instead of the standard less-or-equal sign ≤, since the latter one is typically used as follows: f ≤ g
if f (n) ≤ g(n) for all n. Hence, for example, 5n2 ̸≤ n2 , but 5n2 ⪯ n2 .

1.2 Plotting: two simple examples

We start by loading two modules responsible for plotting.

In [1]: %matplotlib inline

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

/opt/conda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/font_manager.py:273: UserWarning: Matplotlib
warnings.warn('Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.')
/opt/conda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/font_manager.py:273: UserWarning: Matplotlib
warnings.warn('Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.')

Now, plotting a function is as easy as the following three lines of code. It shows the plot of a
function 7n2 + 6n + 5 in the range 1 ≤ n ≤ 100. Note that the scale of the y-axis adjusts nicely.

In [2]: n = np.linspace(1, 100)

plt.plot(n, 7 * n * n + 6 * n + 5)

Now, let us add a function 20n to the previous example to visualize that 20n grows slower than
7n2 + 6n + 5.

In [3]: n = np.linspace(1, 100)

plt.plot(n, 7 * n * n + 6 * n + 5, label="7n^2+6n+5")
plt.plot(n, 20 * n, label="20n")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

1.3 Common rules
Before proceeding with visualizations, let’s review the common rules of comparing the order of
growth of functions arising frequently in algorithm analysis.
1. Multiplicative constants can be omitted: c · f ⪯ f . Examples: 5n2 ⪯ n2 , n3 ⪯ n2 .
2. Out of two polynomials,
√ the one with larger√degree grows faster: n a ⪯ nb for 0 ≤ a ≤ b.
Examples: n ≺ n , n ≺ n2/3 , n2 ≺ n3 , n0 ≺ n.

3. Any polynomial grows slower than any exponential: n a ≺ bn for a ≥ 0, b > 1. Examples:
n3 ≺ 2n , n10 ≺ 1.1n .
4. Any polylogarithm
√ grows slower than any polynomial: (log n) a ≺ nb for a, b > 0. Examples:
(log n) ≺ n, n log n ≺ n2 .

5. Smaller terms can be ommited: if f ≺ g, then f + g ⪯ g. Examples: n2 + n ⪯ n2 , 2n + n9 ⪯

2n .

1.4 Rule 5: Smaller terms can be omitted

Consider 7n2 + 6n + 5 again. Both 6n and 5 grow slower than 7n2 . For this reason, they can be
omitted. To visualize this, let’s first plot the functions 7n2 + 6n + 5 and 7n2 for 1 ≤ n ≤ 5.

In [4]: n = np.linspace(1, 5)
plt.plot(n, 7 * n * n + 6 * n + 5, label="7n^2+6n+5")
plt.plot(n, 7 * n * n, label="7n^2")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

As expected, 7n2 + 6n + 5 is always larger than 7n2 (as n is positive). Next, we plot the same
two functions but for 1 ≤ n ≤ 100.

In [5]: n = np.linspace(1, 100)

plt.plot(n, 7 * n * n + 6 * n + 5, label="7n^2+6n+5")
plt.plot(n, 7 * n * n, label="7n^2")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

We see that as n grows, the contribution of 6n + 5 becomes more and more negligible.
2 6n +5
Another way of justifying this, is to plot the function 7n +

In [6]: x = np.linspace(1, 100)

plt.plot(n, (7 * n * n + 6 * n + 5)/(7 * n * n))

As we see, as n grows, the fraction approaches 1.

1.5 Rule 1: Multiplicative constants can be ommitted

In terms of big-O notation, 7n2 + 6n + 5 = O(n2 ), i.e., 7n2 + 6n + 5 grows no faster than n2 . This
again can be visualized by plotting their fraction. As we see, their fraction is always at most 18
and approaches 7. In other words, 7n2 + 6n + 5 ≤ 18n2 for all n ≥ 1.

In [7]: n = np.linspace(1, 100)

plt.plot(n, (7 * n * n + 6 * n + 5)/(n * n))

1.6 Rule 2: Out of two polynomials, the one with larger degree grows faster
For constants a > b > 0, n a grows faster than nb . This, in particular, means that nb = O(n a ). To
visualize it, let’s plot n, n2 , and n3 .

In [8]: n = np.linspace(1, 10)

plt.plot(n, n, label="n")
plt.plot(n, n * n, label="n^2")
plt.plot(n, n * n * n, label="n^3")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

Let’s now see what happens on a bigger scale: instead of the range 1 ≤ n ≤ 10, consider the
range 1 ≤ n ≤ 100.

In [9]: n = np.linspace(1, 100)

plt.plot(n, n, label="n")
plt.plot(n, n * n, label="n^2")
plt.plot(n, n * n * n, label="n^3")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

1.7 Rule 3: Any polynomial grows slower than any exponential
Let’s plot n4 and 2n in the range 1 ≤ n ≤ 10.

In [10]: n = np.linspace(1, 10)

plt.plot(n, n ** 4, label="n^4")
plt.plot(n, 2 ** n, label="2^n")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

The plot reveals that in this range n4 is always greater than 2n . This however does not mean
that n4 grows faster than 2n ! To ensure this, let’s take a look at a larger range 1 ≤ n ≤ 20.

In [11]: n = np.linspace(1, 20)

plt.plot(n, n ** 4, label="n^4")
plt.plot(n, 2 ** n, label="2^n")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

1.8 Rule 4: Any polylogarithm grows slower than any polynomial
To visualize this rule, we start by plotting the two most standard representatives: log n and n. The
following plot shows that log n indeed grows slower than n.

In [12]: n = np.linspace(1, 20)

plt.plot(n, n, label="n")
plt.plot(n, np.log(n), label="log n")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

√ √
Now consider
√ a more exotic example: (log n)3 versus n (recall that n is a polynomial func-
tion since n = n ).

In [13]: n = np.linspace(1, 100)

plt.plot(n, n ** .5, label="n^.5")
plt.plot(n, np.log(n) ** 3, label="(log n)^3")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')


This looks strange: it seems that (log n)3 grows faster than n. Let’s do the standard trick:
increase the range from [1, 100] to, say, [1, 1 000 000].

In [14]: n = np.linspace(1, 10 ** 6)
plt.plot(n, n ** .5, label="n^.5")
plt.plot(n, np.log(n) ** 3, label="(log n)^3")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

Surprisingly, the logaritmic function is still above the polynomial one! This shows that it is in
fact dangerous to decide which function grows faster just by looking at how they behave for some
not so large values of n. The rule “any polynomial grows faster than any polylogarithm” means
that eventually the polynomial function will become larger and larger than polylogarithmic. But
√ what value of n this happens
the rule does not specify for for the first time.
To finally ensure that n outperforms (log n) eventually, let’s increase the range to 108 .

In [15]: n = np.linspace(1, 10 ** 8)
plt.plot(n, n ** .5, label="n^.5")
plt.plot(n, np.log(n) ** 3, label="(log n)^3")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

Also, let’s consider an even large interval to make sure that these two functions don’t switch

In [16]: n = np.linspace(1, 10 ** 15)

plt.plot(n, n ** .5, label="n^.5")
plt.plot(n, np.log(n) ** 3, label="(log n)^3")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

1.9 Exercise
As the final exercise, try to find the value of n where n0.1 becomes larger than (log n)5 .

In [17]: n = np.linspace(1, 100)

plt.plot(n, n ** .1, label="n^.1")
plt.plot(n, np.log(n) ** 5, label="(log n)^5")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')


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